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Lancaster University International Study Centre

Core Mathematics Classwork

Straight Line Graphs

a) Find the equations of the following straight lines:
i) A line of gradient 5 passing through the point A (-3,2)
ii) A line of gradient -0.5 passing through the point B (2,-1)
iii) A line passing through the points C (0,7) and D (2,4)
iv) A line through the points E (4,4) and F (-2,6)
b) Find the length of the following :
i) CD
ii) EF
c) Find the co-ordinates of:
i) The mid-point M of CD
ii) The mid-point N of EF
iii) A point P that divides CD in the ratio 2:1
iv) A point Q that divides EF in the ratio 2:3

2) A straight line passes through the point (1,3) and has gradient -2.
a) Find the equation, in the form y = mx +c, of the straight line.
b) Use your equation to find the coordinates of the points P and Q where
the line crosses the x and y axes.
c) Hence find the area of the triangle OPQ

3) A straight line that passes through the points P (4,8) and Q (-2,-10).
a) What is the gradient m1 of this line?
b) Find the mid-point R of the line PQ
c) Find the gradient m2 of lines that are perpendicular to PQ
d) Find the equation of the normal to PQ at R
e) Find the points S and T where this normal crosses the x and y axes.
f) Sketch a graph showing these two lines and label points P,Q,R, S and

4) Consider the triangle formed by the points A (1,2), B (4,6), and C (-1,18).
a) Find the lengths of AB and BC.
b) Find equation of the line BC.
c) Hence find the gradient of lines perpendicular to BC.
d) Hence find the equation of a line drawn from A perpendicular to BC.
e) Find the point P where this perpendicular crosses BC.
f) Find the length of the line AP and hence the area of the triangle ABC.

5) Find the points at which the line 2x + 3y = 10 cuts the circle x2 + y2 = 8.

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Ian Barker Core Maths Classwork Straight lines V1.2 October 2019
Lancaster University International Study Centre

Core Mathematics Classwork

Straight Line Graphs


1. a) i) y = 5x +17 ii) y = -0.5x iii) y = -3/2x +7 iv) y = -1/3x +16/3

b) i) √13 ii) √40 c) i) (1,11/2) ii) (1,5) iii) (4/3,5) iv) (8/5, 24/5)
2. a) y = -2x +5 b) ( /2, 0) and (0,5) c) 25/4

3. a) 3 b) (1,-1) c) -1/3 d) y = -1/3x -2/3 e) (-2,0) and (0,-2/3)

4. a) 5 and 13 12
b) y = - /5x + /578 5
c) /12 d) y = 5/12x +19/12
e) (841/169, 618/169) f) 56/13 and 28
5. (2,2) and (14/13, 34/13)

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Ian Barker Core Maths Classwork Straight lines V1.2 October 2019

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