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LESSON ___ School-lyceum №46

Unit : People and

Date: 09.12.2022
Teacher’s name: Nurieva E. R.
Grade: 5th grades Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: The United States dollar

5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts
5.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of
written genres

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

read the conversation, and undersant common words and main idea of the text
Most learners will be able to:
understand the main points of conversation,questions, sentences, phrases
according to the topic
Some students will be able to:
understand the main points of conversation, use a limited range of basic words, phrases
and short sentences according to the topic
Criteria Learners read the range of short texts, understand their general idea, they can
answer simple questions, they can answer simple questions according to the text.
Previous lesson Grammar track: to be in Past Simple

Planned Planned teacher’s activities Pupils’ activity Assessment Resources
Begining Organization moment : At the
5 min GREETING LEARNERS organization
Good morning, boys and girls! I`m moment T
glad to see you! Sit down and let`s tries to
start our lesson. award active
Teacher asks “Who is on duty “I wish you….” Ss.
today?” method helps to start
«The praise»
the lesson with telling
One of the students stand up, the
supporting words to Method is
teacher asks him/her basic
each other. used to
evaluate Ss Word search
What date is it today? Students work in pairs
with phrases worksheet
What day of the week is it today? or individually. They
like: “Good
What’s the weather like today? need to find given
job! Well
words and repeat
Who is absent today? done!”
Teacher shows students pictures of
banknotes Students look at the
pictures they may
name currency,
rubbles tinge, dollars. While ss
guessing T
praise active
Ss with
When students guess that it’s money of phrases such
dfferent countries, the bigest one is dollar. as: “Good
then teacher generalizes all and tell the aim Students may simple job! Well
of lesson. say that this is money. done!” “One
So the aim of this lesson is to read very Students try to guess more time,
interesting text about the USA dollar, get more about topic. please”
some more useful information about
American States, learn more new words.

Revision of the vocabulary. Descriptor:

To revise vocabulary to the topic of -student do

7 minutes
pre- professions teacher gives students exercise
learning worksheets with word search task. quickly
vocabulary There are 18 words. Students may do
revision. it in pairs. - students
find all

- students
know the
meaning of
the words

Total: 3

Middle Revision of the grammar While doing

28 Students read the text in a exercise T Photos, SB
min raw. praise active
When students finished doing Ss with
phrases such
revision worksheet. Teacher ask them to
as: “Good
look at their SB on page 40 ex.19 job! Well
Students look at the
done!” “One
ex.22 and try to more time,
guess meaning of the please” https://
words by pictures. www.youtu
Repeat words after
the teacher. watch?
Magazine v=elbf_np7
Comic Descriptor: H3g
Packet of mints -read word
Students read text they may underline Purse with correct
words that are new for them, while pronunciati
reading. Then they write on – read
down new words. aloud –
Some words, that may be new: read in a
Currency good tempo
Sign Ss possible answers: Total 3
Banknotes 1. Dollar is official points
Bill currency of the USA
Cotton 2.$ is a sign of dollar Reading
Watermark 3. There are 100 descriptor:
Then teacher ask questions to make sure cents in one dollar. -pronounce
students understand the text: 4. There are word
portraits of correctly,
What is a dollar? politician and -read word
What is dollar sign? presidents on aloud
How many cents in one dollar? banknotes -read in a
Whose portrait is on them? 5.they are made of good temp
What they are made of? cotton and paper
What colour were they? 6.They were all
What can you see on them also? green
7. You can see
Short reflection. Teacher asks to show watermark.
thumbs up if they understand all. And
thumb down if they have difficulties Ss do culture quiz.
When everything is clear teacher asks
students to remember everything they Answers:
know about the USA and answer 1.Washington DC
questions in ex 20 p.40 SB 2.more than 300
hundred million
4. stars and stripes 1776

End Reflection Write a tick on a Self-

5 min smile assessment cards
Ss put a tick on a
special picture to
show their
according to the
Green- I understood
Yellow-I have some
Red-I need a help.

Homework: AB ex.16 p.39 learn new

Saying goodbye

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