Mark Scheme

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BellerbysCollege PREPARATION FOR UNIVERSITY EDUCATION FOUNDATION EXAMINATION August 2008 Business Maths MARK SCHEME Family Name Other name: Candidate number: Zep Studycroup Beuzrars CouLeee FOUNDATION EXAMINATION This mark scheme assumes that the student has followed the same approach as myself. Obviously, any correct method is acceptable and so where a student has used an alternative approach it may be necessary to modify the mark scheme as appropriate. In such circumstances, where discretion in the allocation of marks is required, please award marks in line with the equivalent levels of achievement that marks are awarded for in my method. For short questions I have used the A-level notation (M1A1) to allocate marks but for more complicated questions I have given a more detailed breakdown of how incorrect answers should be awarded marks. The breakdown of the mark allocation for each questio ving the correct answer. \cludes a mark for achil Questions continue on the next page rat -c-98-08 rege 1 of 9 Beuusnmrs Coumece FOUNDATION EXAMINATION | SECTION A - ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS Question 1 (6 marks) fa) 2 marks are awarded for @ correct answer. Otherwise, 1 mark should be awarded for repiaced 8 with 2°. (b) 2 marks are awarded for a correct answer. Otherwise, 1 mark should be awarded for replacing 4 with 2° «) 32") = 4°° ge a 2lte 3+p=l0p 3=9p pe 2marks are awarded for a correct answer. Otherwise, 1 mark should be awarded for recognising that the exponent of thelr answer to part (a) is equal to the exponent of their answer to part (b). (Questions continue on the next page eat an-c-08-08 age 2 af 9 FOUNDATION EXAMINATION Question 2 (4 marks) (2) 6% of 120 = 6 x 120/100 = 7.2 (M1 A) {b) 6 as a percentage of 120 = (6/120) x 100 = 5% (M1 At) Question 3 (3 marks) 8-3x<16+x 8-16 -2 3 marks are awarded for a correct answer. Otherwise, 1 mark should be awarded for attempting to group both terms involving x on to one side of the inequality symbol and 1 mark for correctly achieving the inequality -B < 4x/ Question 4 (20 marks) (a) Mean = 210/10 = 21 (2 marks ~ 1 mark can be awarded for an incorrect answer if the correct formula has been used); {b) Mode = 18 (1 mark}; {c) Median = 19.5 (2 marks - 1 mark can be awarded for an incorrect answer if the student has sorted the numbers into ascending or descending order or has clearly attempted to find the ‘middle’ number in any appropriate way); (a) Range = 8 (1 mark); (e) The mean recurrence times are the same, hence on average the pain relieving effects of the two drugs are the same (1 mark). The standard deviation of the first drug is tess than the standard deviation of the second drug hence the first drug is more consistent/the effect, of the second drug is more varied/patients respond more unpredictably to the second drug (1 mark). Marks can be awarded to any reasonable comments made. It must be clear that they are referring to the effects of the drug/response of the patient to the drug. Be strict in marking their answer. (f) The first drug should be the one recommended to patients because the effect of the drug is more consistent/predictable (1 mark for answer, 1 mark for a valid reason). Marks can be awarded to any reasonable answer as long as the student gives a reasonable explanation. NB ~ mark for answer can only be awarded if @ valid reason is given. Again, be strict in marking this question. ‘Questions continue on the next page mame n8-08 rage 3069 FOUNDATION EXAMINATION | Beuznevs Couce Question 5 (4 marks) The total cost each month is £(12Q + 600) (1 mark) and the total income each month is. £(20Q) (1 mark). In order to make a profit of £400 we need 209 = 120 + 600 + 400 (1 mark) hence Q = 125 (1 mark). An answer of Q > 125 should be awarded full marks but an answer of @ > 125 should only be awarded 3 marks. Question 6 (6 marks) Q-3yy +9" 4-12y+9y" +y? =116 1Oy? -12y-112=0 Hence y=4=> x=-10 or y=-2.8 10.4 6 marks are awarded for a completely correct answer, Otherwise 1 mark is awarded for attempting to eliminate one variable, 1 mark Is awarded for multiplying out and rearranging Into @ quadratic equation, 1 mark for correctly finding both solutions to their quadratic and 4 mark for substituting both of these values into one of the original equations (or equivalent) to find the values of the second variable, Specifically, a student who only gets both values of x correct or only gets both values of y correct or only gets one pair of (x, y) values correct should be awarded 5 marks. ‘Question 7 (6 marks) (a) (4000 x 0.1) + (35 000 ~ 4000) x 0.25 (M1) = 400 + 8750 = 9150 (A1) = 2 marks (by N Tax = 400 + [G ~ 400 + 0.25x(g- 35 000)] = 21 6000 (M1) G- tax (M1 AL) G = 28 000 (Al) = 4 marks Questions continue on the next page athoc-28-08 Page 4 ot 9 FOUNDATION EXAMINATION | Question 8 (6 marks) (2) Fo 3x? = 24x +2 ~6x-24 3x de (M1 for any correct term. Ai completely correct expression) dy : (b) At the turning points i 0 (1 mark), hence 3x? —6x-24 = 0(1 mark), hence x = 4 de or x = -2 (1 mark if both are correct) and therefore y= -78 or y = 30(1 mark if both are correct ~ follow through their values of x). A student who gets one completely correct turning point should be ewarded 3 marks. Question 9 (14 marks) (2) The gradient of Lis + (4 mark) () y txvea mark}; 1 Lirene +3 (1 mark) © -2x+8=2sx43 2 Leaay 2 2.5y x=2 ped 3 marks are awarded for a completely correct answer, Otherwise, 1 mark is awarded for attempting to eliminate one variable and 1 mark is awarded for correctly solving their equation for one variable. (@) Winen L, crosses the x-axis y= 0 (1 mark) hence x= 4 (1 mark). (e) 2 marks are awarded for drawing one line correctly, 1 mark is awarded for drawing the second line correctly and 1 mark Is awarded for correctly indicating all three points, A, B & P. Questions continue on the next page vote. ace S at 9 "FOUNDATION EXAMINATION | Eaceeeebeee 1 (A Area of triangle = x base x/hejght. The height ofthe tangle is 4 and the base of the triangle fs 10, hence the area of the triangle is 20. (Mi A1) Question 10 (5 marks) ‘The balance of the account is 1000 x (1.06)” after 1 years (1 mark). Hence we need to solve 1000 x (1.06)" > 5000 => (1.06)" > $ (1 mark). Therefore 1.06)" > 5 In(1.06)" > In(5) nin(l.06) > In(3) In(s) > ao) In(l.06) n> 27.62087 n=28 ‘The remaining 3 marks are awarded as follows: 1 mark for attempting to use logarithms; 1 nS In(1.06) mark for establishing that > and 1 mark for determining that #1 = 28. Questions continue on the next page eth-c-08.08 Page Bot 8 Bexucsnrs Couece SECTION B ~- ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS Question 11 (10 marks) (2) 6x+2 3ai7 3 marks are awarded for a completely correct answer. Otherwise 1 mark is awarded for attempting to use an appropriate method (such as using the quadratic formula or completing the square) and 1 mark each for the two answers. 1 mark should be deducted if answers are not given in exact form. (b) 3 marks are awarded for a completely correct answer. Otherwise, 1 mark should be )° +6 for any constant cand 1 mark should be awarded for awarded for f(x) =(x— recognising that x” ~ 6x = (x~3)* —9 or equivalent. (©) The minimum point of the curve is the point (3, -7) (1. mark). The curve crosses the x- axis at the points (3 +/7.0) (1 mark) and crosses the y-axis at the point (0,2) (1 mark). ‘The final mark is awarded for drawing a curve with a characteristic ‘U-shape which passes through the above points. Be strict with the shape and position when awarding this mark. Questions continue on the next page #8 (Tien conse FOUNDATION EXaMNATION | Question 12 (12 marks) @) () u, =21 (ma At) (ii) d =3 & a =12 (1 mark - this can be awarded if these values are seen in part {i) of the 2a+(n=1)d] (1 mark) nence S,, = 255 (4 mark), question); attempting to use S, = (b) 8 = 5 (1 mark for both equations); r Gu, =6&u, Soar (A mark); hence 224 mark =£2 (4 man 5 mark) 6 or equivalent expression for a (1 mark); hence w= +9 (1 mark). aa @ 9.1 mark) hence S, 27.1 mark) Questions continue on the next page sarat--6-08.08 Pane 8 of ee FowNDATIO EXAMNATION Question 13 (14 marks) (a) ange oi Toe iat 16-30 Frequency, f 4 8 6 6 Midpoint, x 5 | A2 15 18 mw | 2 96 80 108 re 100 1152 | 1350 1944 Class width 7 4 7 fi Frequency OF 2 3 | 15 density Correct midpoints (81) (ellow one error) Attempting to find fe (61) (allow one error) Dw=3l4 (61) Xf = 4546 (ey Mean = 314.24 = 13.08 (allow 13) (A2) 4546 31 Standard dev Sd = 18.24 (m1) (aa) (b) 2 marks are awarded for correctly determining all 4 frequency densities, otherwise 1 mark should be awarded fro attempting to calculate frequency/class width for at least one class. 3 marks are awarded for a correctly drawn histogram (which includes labelling the aces, drawing the bars accurately and with each bar starting and ending at the correct value). Otherwise 1 mark should be awarded if at least one bar is drawn to the correct height and 1 mark should be awarded if all of the bars have the correct width. (c) The estimate of number of boxes weighing less than 12kg in 8 boxes (M1A1). END OF EXAM sia -CO8-08 Page 9 of 9

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