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An Internship report

Krishna Industrial Security & Fire service

Submitted to
Cvm University
Vallabh vidhyanagar

Submitted by
Roll no : 14
Vallabh vidhyanagar
June 2023

pg. 1
Visits has always increased the curiosity and learning of the learners the report
include report preparation for the development of qualities of students and
also to include leadership skills.
This project report specifically focus on all the department working in the
industries it focuses on HR department , marketing department and etc.
While making this report we come to know about the various aspects they do
while running the business or industry this visit helps to know the certain
concepts very clearly.

First and foremost I would like to thank god for giving me the strength,
knowledge and ability to complete this report. I would like to thanks our
principle for giving me this opportunity for doing internship the industry. I
thank Krishna industrial limited for allowing me to work as intern in the
industry. At last I would like to thank all my friend and classmate for their
support during my report.

pg. 2
Internship report Page no.
Internship certificate 4
introduction 5
Company profile 6
marketing management 8
of kisfs
HR management of kisfs 16
account and audit 22
management of kisfs
Financial management of 31
My work as intern at kisfs 34

pg. 3
pg. 4

Krishna Industrial Security & Fire Service established in 15 Aug

2003. This Company provide Man Power service in industries ,
security guard service in hotels, hospitals, residence area , colleges
etc. they also gives fire safety related service & rescue training in
corporate sector and they sell fire safety equipment also.

To give best service and become INDIA’S Number 1 Fire safety
service provider so it’ll help the nation grow in fire safety sector.

pg. 5
 Become INDIA’s no 1 fire safety service provider
 To be reliable partner for customers
 Save lives and protect properties

KISFS Company Profile:

Company name – Krishna Industrial Security & Fire Service

Industry- Service Provider

Type- private ltd.

ADDRESS- 118,Maruti spaund, Jitodiya Road , Anand 388001

Establish- 2003

Products- Fire extinguisher, Fire alarm system, Fire Blankets, Fire

sprinkler system, Fire hydrant, Smoke detector, Fire pump , Fire
hose ,Heat detector ,
First aid kit , Helmet ,Glove , Fire door , Fire suppression system , Fire
bucket, Foam

pg. 6
Carbon monoxide detector , Boot , Fire proximity suit , Firefighter's
fire extinguishers

Service- security service, fire safety related service, rescue training

Contact/ fax- +91 9825978709

GST no- 24AJRPB1904G1ZL

Social Responsibility:
By preventing fire, extinguishing fire and controlling fire, we avoid
damage to people, the environment and your business operations.
We also want our business operations to reflect our social
responsibility. We want to make fire prevention even more
sustainable. Have the correct fire-fighting equipment for putting a fire
out quickly. Keep fire exits and escape routes clearly marked and
unobstructed at all times. Ensure their workers receive appropriate
training on procedures they need to follow, including fire drills. Review
and update their risk assessment regularly. Reacting To Emergencies
Outside The Premises Their social responsibility asks them to
remain responsible and act humanly to ensure they don't miss the
opportunity to help someone in an emergency, even outside or
adjacent to the building.

pg. 7

pg. 8
marketing management is the process of planning, executing, and tracking the
marketing strategy of an organization. This includes the marketing plan, campaigns and
tactics used to create and meet the demand of target customers to drive profitability.

Functions of marketing management

Selling is the crux of marketing. It involves convincing the prospective buyers to
actually complete the purchase of an article. It includes transfer of ownership of
products to the buyer.
Selling plays a very vital part in realizing the ultimate aim of earning profit. Selling is
groomed by means of personal selling, advertising, publicity and sales promotion.
Effectiveness and efficiency in selling determines the volume of the firm’s profits and

Buying and Assembling

It deals with what to buy, of what quality, how much from whom, when and at what
price. People in business purchase to increase sales or to decrease costs.
Purchasing agents are much tempted by quality, service and price. The products that
the retailers buy for resale are selected as per the requirements and preferences of
their customers.
Assembling means buying necessary component parts and to fit them together to
make a product. ‘Assembly line’ marks a production line made up of purely assembly
functions. The assembly operation includes the arrival of individual component parts
at the work place and issuing of these parts for assembling.


pg. 9
Transportation is the physical means through which products are moved from the
places where they are produced to those places where they are needed for
consumption. It creates locational utility.
Transportation is very important from the procurement of raw material to the delivery
of finished products to the customer’s places. Transportation depends mainly on
railroads, trucks, waterways, pipelines and airways.


It includes holding of products in proper, i.e., usable or saleable, condition from the
time they are produced until they are required by customers in case of finished
products or by the production department in case of raw materials and stores.

Storing protects the products from deterioration and helps in carrying over surplus for
future consumption or usage in production.

Standardization and Grading

Standardization means setting up of certain standards or specifications for products
based on the intrinsic physical qualities of any item. This may include quantity like
weight and size or quality like colour, shape, appearance, material, taste, sweetness
etc. A standard gives rise to uniformity of products.
Grading means classification of standardized items into certain well defined classes
or groups. It includes the division of products into classes made of units possessing
similar features of size and quality.
Grading is very essential for raw materials; agricultural products like fruits and
cereals; mining products like coal, iron and manganese and forest products like

Financing involves the application of the capital to meet the financial requirements of
agencies dealing with various activities of marketing. The services to ensure the
credit and money needed and the costs of getting merchandise into the hands of the
final user are mostly referred to as the finance function in marketing.
Financing is required for the working capital and fixed capital, which may be secured
from three sources — owned capital, bank loans and advance & trade credit. In other
words, different kinds of finances are short-term, medium-term, and long-term

pg. 10
Risk Taking
Risk means loss due to some unforeseen situations. Risk bearing in marketing
means the financial risk invested in the ownership of goods held for an anticipated
demand, including the possible losses because of fall in prices and the losses from
spoilage, depreciation, obsolescence, fire and floods or any other loss that may
occur with the passage of time.
They may also be due to decay, deterioration and accidents or due to fluctuation in
the prices induced by changes in supply and demand. The different risks are usually
termed as place risk, time risk, physical risk, etc.

Market Information
The importance of this facilitating function of marketing has been recently marked.
The only sound foundation on which marketing decisions depend is timely and
correct market information.
The importance of this facilitating function of marketing has been recently marked.
The only sound foundation on which marketing decisions depend is timely and
correct market information.

1. Creation of Demand:
The marketing management’s first objective is to create demand through various
means. A conscious attempt is made to find out the preferences and tastes of the
consumers. Goods and services are produced to satisfy the needs of the customers.
Demand is also created by informing the customers the utility of various goods and

2. Customer Satisfaction:
The marketing manager must study the demands of customers before offering them
any goods or services. Selling the goods or services is not that important as the
satisfaction of the customers’ needs. Modern marketing is customer- oriented. It
begins and ends with the customer.

pg. 11
3. Market Share:
Every business aims at increasing its market share, i.e., the ratio of its sales to the
total sales in the economy. For instance, both Pepsi and Coke compete with each
other to increase their market share. For this, they have adopted innovative
advertising, innovative packaging, sales promotion activities, etc.

4. Generation of Profits:

The marketing department is the only department which generates revenue for the
business. Sufficient profits must be earned as a result of sale of want-satisfying
products. If the firm is not earning profits, it will not be able to survive in

the market. Moreover, profits are also needed for the growth and diversification of
the firm.

5. Creation of Goodwill and Public Image:

To build up the public image of a firm over a period is another objective of
marketing. The marketing department provides quality products to customers at
reasonable prices and thus creates its impact on the customers.

The marketing manager attempts to raise the goodwill of the business by initiating
image- building activities such a sales promotion, publicity and advertisement, high
quality, reasonable price, convenient distribution outlets, etc..

pg. 12
I am presently part of the Marketing & Strategy department at Krishna industrial security &
fire service, involved in key action driven projects, concentrating on marketing and overall
business and brand building.
•Planning and executing marketing strategies for KISFS Brand Building, from an equipment
provider to a complete solutions provider
•Ensuring brand consistency across all platforms and developing digital campaigns to
increase web traffic
•Analyzing sales and marketing metrics and utilizing them to forecast market trends
•Supporting Senior Management in devising & implementing Sales strategy in line with
Company goals.

Product Catalog
The product catalog is a set of
information about individual
models. Models are specific
versions or various
configurations of an asset. Models
published to the product catalog
pg. 13
are automatically published to the
catalog. Business Solutions limited
can efficiently do this service catalog
that includes information about
(models) and services.
Advertisement plan
An advertising plan is a basic part of
a marketing strategy. It helps a
business to establish smaller goals as
part of a
larger marketing strategy. For
example, an advertising plan may be
created for a few months to a year,
where a
complete marketing strategy may
aim to corner a part of the market in
5 years. An advertising plan lays out
pg. 14
how and when a business will reach
out to potential customers through
various types of media. This includes
advertising goals, identifying a target
audience, defining a message to that
audience, and clarifying a plan of
to achieve those goals. Business
Solutions do this planning program
through our highest professional
Outlet Promotion
Promotional outlets are things like
advertising, sampling, sales prices,
gift with purchase, display ideas etc.
Solutions limited do this service to
the client through their internal &
external professional expertise.
pg. 15
Social Media Marketing
Social media itself is a catch-all term
for sites that may provide radically
different social actions. For instance,
Twitter is a social site designed to let
people share short messages or
“updates” with others. Facebook, in
contrast is
a full-blown social networking
site that allows sharing updates,
photos, joining events and a
variety of other
activities. Social allow individuals
and businesses to interact with
one another and build
relationships and
communities online. When
companies join these social channels,
consumers can interact with them
directly. The
pg. 16
professional expertise team engages
all the time on this service through
some rules and regulations.
Project Plan
A project plan is a formal document
designed to guide the control and
execution of a project. A project plan
is the
key to a successful project and is the
most important document that needs
to be created when starting any
project. The professional expertise of
project planner can do this kind of
activities more efficiently for our
Market Research & Analysis Marketing research can give a business a picture of
what kind of new products and services may bring a good sum of profit. For products and
services already available, marketing research can tell companies whether they are meeting
their customers' needs and expectations.

By researching the answers to specific questions, small-business owners can learn whether
they need to change their package design or tweak their delivery methods--and even whether

pg. 17
they should consider offering additional services. A good market research plan indicates
where and who your customers are. It will also tell you when they are most likely and willing
to purchase your goods or use your services. Business Solutions believe to be an expert in
Market research & analysis. As they are connected with various group of companies their
work is to recognize the link between customer relationships and business outcome which
allows companies to optimize and execute their customer strategies .Branding Branding is
an important aspect of any business; large or small, retail or B2B,B2C, B2G. Marketing may
contribute to a brand ,but the brand is bigger than any particular marketing effort.

The brand is what remains after the marketing has swept through the room. It’s what sticks in
your mind about a product, service, or organization—whether at that particular moment; you
bought or not. The brand is ultimately what determines if you will become a loyal customer
or not. The marketing may convince you to buy a particular Toyota, and maybe it’s the first
foreign car you ever owned but it is the brand that will determine if you will only buy
Toyotas for the rest of your life .Business Solutions is confident to establish the branding
reputation in this competitive Market. Business solution create, plan and manage branding
strategies for clients, but can also involve support for advertising and other forms
of promotion. The marketing department of a fire company plays a crucial role in promoting
the organization's services, raising awareness about fire safety, and establishing strong
relationships with the community. It focuses on developing and implementing marketing
strategies to effectively communicate the fire company's mission, services, and initiatives to
the target audience.

One of the primary responsibilities of the marketing department is branding and messaging. It
works to establish a strong and recognizable brand identity for the fire company, ensuring
consistent messaging and visual representation across all marketing channels. The department
develops key messages that effectively communicate the company's expertise, commitment to
fire safety, and dedication to serving the community.

The marketing department is also responsible for developing and implementing marketing
campaigns. It creates targeted marketing plans that address specific objectives, such as
promoting fire safety awareness, recruiting volunteers, or educating the community on fire
prevention. The department identifies appropriate marketing channels, such as social media,
websites, print materials, or community events, to reach the target audience effectively.

Another important aspect of the marketing department's role is public relations and media
relations. It proactively engages with media outlets to generate positive media coverage, press
releases, and news stories about the fire company's activities and achievements. The
marketing department also cultivates relationships with local media representatives and
serves as the primary contact for media inquiries. Effective media relations help raise
awareness about the fire company's initiatives and enhance its reputation within the

In addition, the marketing department is responsible for managing the fire company's online
presence. It maintains and updates the organization's website, manages social media accounts,
and creates engaging content to educate and engage the community. The department
leverages digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO), content
marketing, and email marketing, to reach a wider audience and increase engagement.

pg. 18
Market research and analysis are crucial for the marketing department. It conducts research to
understand the needs and preferences of the target audience, as well as to assess the
effectiveness of marketing initiatives. This information helps the department refine marketing
strategies, tailor messages, and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

The marketing department also collaborates with other departments within the fire company.
It works closely with the operational teams to ensure accurate and consistent messaging
regarding the company's services and capabilities. The department also supports recruitment
efforts by promoting volunteer opportunities and organizing recruitment campaigns.

Furthermore, the marketing department is responsible for event planning and community
engagement. It organizes and participates in community events, workshops, and fire safety
demonstrations to engage with the local community, educate the public about fire prevention,
and build relationships with key stakeholders.

Overall, the marketing department of a fire company plays a vital role in promoting fire
safety, raising awareness about the organization's services, and establishing strong
relationships with the community. By developing effective marketing strategies, engaging in
public relations, managing the online presence, and conducting market research, the
marketing department contributes to the success and impact of the fire company within the

Product Catalog
The product catalog is a set of
information about individual
models. Models are specific
versions or various
configurations of an asset. Models
published to the product catalog
are automatically published to the
catalog. Business Solutions limited
can efficiently do this service catalog

pg. 19
that includes information about
(models) and services.
Advertisement plan
An advertising plan is a basic part of
a marketing strategy. It helps a
business to establish smaller goals as
part of a
larger marketing strategy. For
example, an advertising plan may be
created for a few months to a year,
where a
complete marketing strategy may
aim to corner a part of the market in
5 years. An advertising plan lays out
how and when a business will reach
out to potential customers through
various types of media. This includes
pg. 20
advertising goals, identifying a target
audience, defining a message to that
audience, and clarifying a plan of
to achieve those goals. Business
Solutions do this planning program
through our highest professional
Outlet Promotion
Promotional outlets are things like
advertising, sampling, sales prices,
gift with purchase, display ideas etc.
Solutions limited do this service to
the client through their internal &
external professional expertise.
Social Media Marketing
Social media itself is a catch-all term
for sites that may provide radically
different social actions. For instance,
pg. 21
Twitter is a social site designed to let
people share short messages or
“updates” with others. Facebook, in
contrast is
a full-blown social networking
site that allows sharing updates,
photos, joining events and a
variety of other
activities. Social allow individuals
and businesses to interact with
one another and build
relationships and
communities online. When
companies join these social channels,
consumers can interact with them
directly. The
professional expertise team engages
all the time on this service through
some rules and regulations.
Project Plan
pg. 22
A project plan is a formal document
designed to guide the control and
execution of a project. A project plan
is the
key to a successful project and is the
most important document that needs
to be created when starting any
project. The professional expertise of
project planner can do this kind of
activities more efficiently for our

Product Catalog
The product catalog is a set of
information about individual

pg. 23
models. Models are specific
versions or various
configurations of an asset. Models
published to the product catalog
are automatically published to the
catalog. Business Solutions limited
can efficiently do this service catalog
that includes information about
(models) and services.
Advertisement plan
An advertising plan is a basic part of
a marketing strategy. It helps a
business to establish smaller goals as
part of a
larger marketing strategy. For
example, an advertising plan may be
created for a few months to a year,
where a
pg. 24
complete marketing strategy may
aim to corner a part of the market in
5 years. An advertising plan lays out
how and when a business will reach
out to potential customers through
various types of media. This includes
advertising goals, identifying a target
audience, defining a message to that
audience, and clarifying a plan of
to achieve those goals. Business
Solutions do this planning program
through our highest professional
Outlet Promotion
Promotional outlets are things like
advertising, sampling, sales prices,

pg. 25
gift with purchase, display ideas etc.
Solutions limited do this service to
the client through their internal &
external professional expertise.
Social Media Marketing
Social media itself is a catch-all term
for sites that may provide radically
different social actions. For instance,
Twitter is a social site designed to let
people share short messages or
“updates” with others. Facebook, in
contrast is
a full-blown social networking
site that allows sharing updates,
photos, joining events and a
variety of other
activities. Social allow individuals
and businesses to interact with

pg. 26
one another and build
relationships and
communities online. When
companies join these social channels,
consumers can interact with them
directly. The
professional expertise team engages
all the time on this service through
some rules and regulations.
Project Plan
A project plan is a formal document
designed to guide the control and
execution of a project. A project plan
is the
key to a successful project and is the
most important document that needs
to be created when starting any
project. The professional expertise of
project planner can do this kind of
pg. 27
activities more efficiently for our
Market Research &
Marketing research can give a
business a picture of what kind of
new products and services may bring
a good sum
of profit. For products and services
already available, marketing research
can tell companies whether they are
meeting their customers' needs and
expectations. By researching the
answers to specific questions, small-
owners can learn whether they need
to change their package design or
tweak their delivery methods--and
pg. 28
whether they should consider
offering additional services. A good
market research plan indicates where
and who
your customers are. It will also tell
you when they are most likely and
willing to purchase your goods or
use your
services. Business Solutions believe
to be an expert in Market research &
analysis. As they are connected with
various group of companies their
work is to recognize the link between
customer relationships and business
which allows companies to optimize
and execute their customer strategies.
Branding is an important aspect of
any business; large or small, retail or
pg. 29
B2B. Marketing may contribute to a
but the brand is bigger than any
particular marketing effort. The
brand is what remains after the
marketing has swept
through the room. It’s what sticks in
your mind about a product, service,
or organization—whether at that
moment; you bought or not. The
brand is ultimately what determines
if you will become a loyal customer
or not.
The marketing may convince you to
buy a particular Toyota, and maybe
it’s the first foreign car you ever

pg. 30
but it is the brand that will determine
if you will only buy Toyotas for the
rest of your life.
Business Solutions is confident to
establish the branding reputation in
this competitive Market. Business
create, plan and manage branding
strategies for clients, but can also
involve support for advertising and
other forms


pg. 31
 All type of men power supply agent
 Integrated fire fighting service
 Security service
 Dog squad
 Body guard, arm guard in festival
 Ward boy ,aooya , nursing assistant in hospital
 Fire NOC for all type of building
 Rescue training in corporate sector
 Man power supply in industries

pg. 32
pg. 33

pg. 34
Human resource management (HRM) is the department of a business organization that
looks after the hiring, management, and firing of staff. HRM focuses on the function of
people within the business, ensuring best work practices are in place at all times.

Reshma Bhatiya is HR executive of KISFS. She handles
human resources department of KISFS.
The HR management is very intelligent and senior they
provides various facilities like
 Discussion room
 Safety facilities

pg. 35
 Various bonus & incentives
 PF department
 ESIC department
At first they recruit the best employees for the
company then selection process can be done. After
selecting the employees company gives Training and
develop their skills and grow their knowledge about
various factors. She also handle PF /ESIC department of
company’s workers. Hiring and recruitment, Creating
job description and design, Planning and schedules, On
boarding and training. Documenting rules and
regulations. Performance management. Developing
workplace atmosphere .Conflict resolution The HR
(Human Resources) department is a vital function
within an organization that focuses on managing and
developing the company's human capital. It plays a
critical role in attracting, recruiting, retaining, and
supporting employees, as well as ensuring compliance
with labor laws and promoting a positive work culture.

One of the primary responsibilities of the HR

department is talent acquisition and recruitment. It
develops and implements strategies to attract qualified
candidates, manages the recruitment process, and
conducts interviews and selection procedures. The HR

pg. 36
department collaborates with hiring managers to
understand their staffing needs and requirements and
works to fill positions with the most suitable
candidates. By effectively managing the recruitment
process, the HR department helps ensure the
organization has a talented and diverse workforce.

Employee onboarding and orientation are other

important functions of the HR department. It ensures
that new employees receive proper orientation and are
integrated into the company culture. The HR
department provides necessary information, conducts
orientation sessions, and assists new employees in
completing paperwork and understanding company
policies and procedures. By facilitating a smooth
onboarding process, the HR department helps new
employees quickly become productive and engaged
members of the organization.

The HR department is also responsible for managing

employee relations and ensuring a positive work
environment. It handles employee grievances, resolves
conflicts, and promotes open communication between
employees and management. The HR department
plays a crucial role in fostering a healthy and inclusive

pg. 37
work culture, promoting teamwork, and maintaining
employee morale and motivation.

Another essential function of the HR department is

performance management. It develops and
implements performance evaluation processes,
provides feedback and coaching to employees, and
facilitates performance improvement plans when
necessary. The HR department works closely with
managers to set performance goals, monitor progress,
and recognize and reward outstanding performance.
By effectively managing performance, the HR
department helps drive employee engagement,
productivity, and development.

The HR department also plays a key role in employee

development and training. It identifies training needs,
designs and delivers training programs, and facilitates
professional development opportunities for
employees. The HR department supports career
growth by providing resources, mentorship programs,
and opportunities for skill enhancement. By investing
in employee development, the HR department helps
build a skilled and motivated workforce that
contributes to the company's success.

pg. 38
Additionally, the HR department is responsible for
managing compensation and benefits. It ensures that
employees are appropriately compensated for their
work, manages payroll, and administers benefits
programs such as health insurance, retirement plans,
and leave policies. The HR department stays updated
with labor laws and regulations to ensure compliance
and fairness in compensation and benefits practices.

Moreover, the HR department plays a critical role in

ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations. It
stays informed about employment laws, maintains
accurate employee records, and manages legal and
regulatory compliance related to employment
practices. The HR department also handles employee-
related documentation, such as contracts, agreements,
and policies, to ensure adherence to legal

Overall, the HR department is responsible for

managing the organization's most valuable asset—its
people. By attracting and retaining talented
employees, fostering a positive work environment,
supporting employee development, and ensuring

pg. 39
compliance with labor laws, the HR department
contributes to the overall success, growth, and
sustainability of the organization.


pg. 40

pg. 41
pg. 42

pg. 43
Accounting , which is often just called "accounting," is the process of measuring,
processing, and sharing financial and other information about businesses and

What is accounting?
Accounting is the processor keeping the accounting books of the financial
transactions of the company. The accountants summarize the transactions in the
form of journal entries. These entries are used in bookkeeping. The books of
accounts are prepared by the accountants as per the regulation of the auditors
and various regulating bodies. The accountants might follow the Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or the IFRS (International Financial
Reporting Standards) principles

If an analyst reads the book of accounts, he/she can get a fair idea of the
financial situation of the company. Thus, for public listed companies, the book of
accounts is necessary to determine the company valuation.

How does accounting work?

Accounting is one of the most important things a business does. A bookkeeper or
accountant might do it in a small business or by dozens of people in a large
organization's finance department. The reports made by different types of
accounting, like cost accounting, financial accounting and managerial

The operations, financial status, and cash flows of a large organization over a
certain time period are summed up in the financial statements. These are short
reports after incorporating all the transactions based on hundreds of individual
financial transactions. So, on top of years of schooling and hard tests, all
accounting credentials require a certain number of years of real-world
accounting experience.

In the United States, a bookkeeper can handle simple accounting tasks. In

contrast, other qualifications like the CMA or the CPA might be required for
complex tasks. In Canada, the CPA manages complex tasks.

In India, the CA or the Chartered Account is the qualification for the

accountants. It is a competitive exam, and the student needs to pass the papers
to become a chartered accountant. For all tax-related and accounting related
queries, the CA is considered a knowledgeable person.

Various Accounting Varieties

Financial Accounting
The balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement summarise all
financial transactions that occurred within a specific accounting period. The
process of preparing interim and annual financial statements is called financial
accounting. Most businesses have their annual financial accounts audited by an
independent CPA firm. Certain entities, such as publicly-traded corporations, are

pg. 44
required to undergo audits. As part of their lending covenants, lenders
frequently require the annual results of an external audit. Therefore, the bulk of
businesses will perform annual audits for whatever reason.

Managerial Accounting
Managerial accounting and financial accounting use many of the same data, but
they organize and use the data in different ways. In managerial accounting, the
accountant needs to prepare periodical reports for actionable insights. The
decisions by the management are taken after considering these managerial
reports. In addition to budgeting, forecasting, and different tools for analyzing
finances, managerial accounting has many other accounting features. This is for
any kind of information that management might find useful.

Cost Accounting
Cost decisions are taken after considering the insights of cost accountants. Cost
accounting looks at all of the costs of making a product. The relevant managers
make use of the costing decisions to check the viability of the products and
improve costing decisions.

Conditions for Accounting

Most of the time, accountants in the United States use generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP) when making financial statements. GAAP is a set of
rules and regulations meant to make it easier for businesses to compare and
share their financial reports.

The International Accounting Standards Board is in charge of the International

Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), used in most other countries.

What are the responsibilities of an accountant?

Accountants help businesses keep accurate and up-to-date records of their
finances. Account ants summarize business transactions in the form of various
financial statements. Also, the job of the accountants is to prepare actionable
reports for the top management.

Accounting requires skills.

There are many different kinds of people who become accountants. In general,
though, accountants need to pay close attention to details because they need to
be able to spot and fix small mistakes or oddities in a company's financial
statements. Problem-solving also requires being able to think logically. Due to
the widespread availability of computers and calculators, math skills are not as
important as they used to be.

What does accounting mean for investors?

Modern financial markets are based on the work of accountants. Without
accounting, investors wouldn't be able to trust that financial information is
correct or up-to-date, and company executives wouldn't have the information
they need to manage risks and plan projects. Accountants are important to
regulators because they give auditors' opinions on annual 10-K reports.

pg. 45
Accounting is an important part of modern finance, even though it is sometimes

What are the seven things that accounting does?

Your accounting department needs to be good at and do seven very important
things. Accounts receivable and payable, payroll, inventory management,
budgeting, reports and financial statements, legal compliance and financial
control, and keeping records.

What does the word "ledger" mean?

A ledger is a book with accounts where the categorized and summarised
information from the journals is written as debits and credits. The second entry
book is another name for it. The information needed to make financial
statements is in the ledger.

What are the basics of accounting?

Simple accounting is keeping track of the money that comes in and out of
business. It involves evaluating, summarising, and reporting on these
transactions to regulators, watchdog groups, and tax collection groups.

What is the accounting journal?

A journal of accounts is a complete record of how a business handles its money.
It is also called the book of original entry because it is the first place where
transactions are written down.

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of Economic Times (ET). ET does not guarantee, vouch for or endorse any of its
contents nor is responsible for them in any manner whatsoever. Please take all
steps necessary to ascertain that any information and content provided is
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What is 'Audit'
Definition: Audit is the examination or inspection of various books of accounts
by an auditor followed by physical checking of inventory to make sure that all
departments are following documented system of recording transactions. It is
done to ascertain the accuracy of financial statements provided by the

Description: Audit can be done internally by employees or heads of a particular

department and externally by an outside firm or an independent auditor. The

pg. 46
idea is to check and verify the accounts by an independent authority to ensure
that all books of accounts are done in a fair manner and there is no
misrepresentation or fraud that is being conducted.

All the public listed firms have to get their accounts audited by an independent
auditor before they declare their results for any quarter.

Who can perform an audit? In India, chartered accountants from ICAI or The
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India can do independent audits of any
organisation. CPA or Certified Public Accountant conducts audits in USA.

There are four main steps in the auditing process. The first one is to define the
auditor’s role and the terms of engagement which is usually in the form of a
letter which is duly signed by the client.

The second step is to plan the audit which would include details of deadlines and
the departments the auditor would cover. Is it a single department or whole
organisation which the auditor would be covering. The audit could last a day or
even a week depending upon the nature of the audit.

The next important step is compiling the information from the audit. When an
auditor audits the accounts or inspects key financial statements of a company,
the findings are usually put out in a report or compiled in a systematic manner.

The last and most important element of an audit is reporting the result. The
results are documented in the auditor’s report.

pg. 47

At kisfs accounting and auditing department handle by sweta kapatel.

Income statement

Income statements tell you how profitable your business was during a
given reporting period. A typical income statement contains three
parts: total revenue, total expenses, and net income.

The income statement starts from the total income received in a

certain period and then subtracts expenses to obtain profit and loss.
The idea is to get an overview of everything that influences your
bottom line. 

As a general rule, the reporting period covers yearly or quarterly.

Cash flow statement

The cash flow statement, or the statement of cash flows, summarizes

the cash and cash equivalents that moved in and out of a company. It
is the most accurate source of information regarding the cash
generation ability of your business.

The cash flow statement’s primary sources are cash from operating
activities, investing activities, and financing activities.

As a bridge connecting the income statement and balance sheet, cash

flow statements are a mandatory part of a company’s financial reports.
Cash flow statement by FineReport (You can click the pic to check out the demo)

pg. 48
Balance sheet

A balance sheet displays a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity

balances as of the balance sheet date. This report is used to evaluate
the liquidity and financial reserves of a business. 

The balance sheet is based on the fundamental equation: Assets =

Liabilities + Equity. As such, a standard company balance sheet is
divided into two sides: assets on the left and financing on the right–
which itself has two parts: liabilities and ownership equity. The Account
and Audit department is a critical function within an organization that
focuses on maintaining accurate financial records, ensuring
compliance with accounting standards and regulations, and
conducting internal and external audits. This department plays a
crucial role in safeguarding the financial integrity of the company and
providing assurance to stakeholders regarding the reliability of
financial information.

One of the primary responsibilities of the Account and Audit

department is to maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records.
This includes recording financial transactions, managing general
ledger accounts, preparing financial statements, and ensuring
adherence to accounting principles and standards. By maintaining
accurate records, the department provides a clear and transparent
view of the company's financial position, performance, and cash flow.

The department is also responsible for financial reporting. It prepares

periodic financial statements, such as the balance sheet, income
statement, and cash flow statement, which provide a comprehensive
view of the company's financial performance and position. These
reports are crucial for decision-making by management, as well as for
external stakeholders such as investors, creditors, and regulatory

pg. 49
Another essential function of the Account and Audit department is
ensuring compliance with accounting standards and regulations. This
includes staying up-to-date with the latest financial reporting
standards and ensuring the company's financial statements are
prepared in accordance with these standards. The department also
ensures compliance with tax regulations, regulatory reporting
requirements, and other relevant financial laws and regulations.

Internal auditing is a significant aspect of the Account and Audit

department's responsibilities. Internal auditors conduct independent
and objective assessments of the company's internal controls, risk
management processes, and financial operations. They identify areas
of potential risk, evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls, and
make recommendations for improvement. Internal auditing helps the
organization identify and mitigate operational and financial risks,
enhance efficiency, and ensure compliance with policies and

External auditing is another critical function of the department.

External auditors, who are independent of the company, review and
examine the financial statements and records to provide an unbiased
opinion on their fairness, accuracy, and compliance with accounting
standards. External audits provide assurance to stakeholders, such as
investors, lenders, and regulatory authorities, regarding the reliability
of the financial information presented by the company.

The Account and Audit department also plays a role in risk

management. It identifies and assesses financial risks, such as fraud,
errors, and non-compliance with regulations, and develops controls
and procedures to mitigate these risks. By implementing robust risk
management practices, the department helps protect the company's
assets, reputation, and financial stability.

pg. 50
Overall, the Account and Audit department is responsible for
maintaining accurate financial records, ensuring compliance with
accounting standards and regulations, conducting internal and
external audits, and managing financial risks. By providing reliable
financial information, conducting audits, and implementing strong
internal controls, the department contributes to the transparency,
integrity, and accountability of the company's financial operations.

Profit & loss OF KISFS

pg. 51
The Profit and Loss (P&L) department, also known as the Income
Statement department, is responsible for analyzing and managing the
financial performance of a company. This department focuses on
monitoring and reporting the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred
by the organization to determine its profitability over a specific period.

One of the primary functions of the P&L department is to prepare and

analyze the company's income statement. The income statement
summarizes the revenues generated by the company from its core
operations as well as any other sources. It also includes the costs and
expenses incurred during the same period, such as the cost of goods
sold, operating expenses, and taxes. By analyzing the income
statement, the P&L department provides valuable insights into the
company's revenue streams, cost structures, and overall profitability.

The P&L department plays a crucial role in budgeting and forecasting

the company's financial performance. It collaborates with other
departments to gather data and insights and uses them to develop
accurate revenue and expense projections. By monitoring actual
results against budgeted targets, the P&L department helps identify
any deviations and provides analysis on the factors affecting the
company's financial performance.

Cost management is another key responsibility of the P&L department.

It closely monitors and analyzes the company's costs and expenses,
identifying areas where cost reductions or efficiencies can be achieved.
By implementing cost control measures and evaluating the impact on
the company's profitability, the P&L department helps optimize the
cost structure and improve the bottom line.

Profit analysis and reporting are integral to the P&L department's role.
It assesses the profitability of different products, services, business

pg. 52
units, or geographical regions within the company. By analyzing profit
margins, revenue growth, and cost trends, the P&L department
provides insights into the performance of various segments and helps
management make informed decisions regarding resource allocation
and strategic direction.

Furthermore, the P&L department contributes to financial decision-

making and strategic planning. It provides financial analysis and
insights on potential investments, new business ventures, or cost-
saving initiatives. By evaluating the financial viability and potential
impact on the company's profitability, the P&L department assists
management in making sound financial decisions aligned with the
company's goals.

The P&L department also plays a role in financial forecasting and

scenario analysis. It assesses the potential impact of different market
conditions, changes in pricing, or cost fluctuations on the company's
profitability. By modeling different scenarios and providing financial
projections, the P&L department helps management anticipate risks
and develop strategies to mitigate them.

In summary, the P&L department is responsible for monitoring and

managing the financial performance of a company. It prepares and
analyzes income statements, manages costs, analyzes profitability,
supports budgeting and forecasting, and provides financial insights for
decision-making. By focusing on the company's revenue, costs, and
expenses, the P&L department helps drive profitability and sustainable
growth for the organization. The Profit and Loss (P&L) department,
also known as the Income Statement department, is responsible for
monitoring and analyzing the company's revenue and expenses to
determine its profitability over a specific period. This department plays
a crucial role in assessing the financial performance of the company
and providing insights into its operational efficiency and profitability.

pg. 53
The primary function of the P&L department is to prepare and analyze
the company's income statement. The income statement provides a
comprehensive overview of the company's revenues, costs, and
expenses during a given period, typically on a quarterly or annual
basis. It outlines the company's net sales or revenue, cost of goods
sold, operating expenses, and other income and expenses. By
analyzing the income statement, the P&L department can evaluate the
company's revenue-generating activities and cost management.

Revenue analysis is a key aspect of the P&L department's

responsibilities. It involves tracking and analyzing the sources of
revenue for the company. This includes examining sales figures,
revenue streams from various products or services, and identifying
trends and patterns in customer purchasing behavior. Revenue
analysis helps the P&L department identify areas of growth and
opportunities to maximize revenue generation.

On the expense side, the P&L department monitors and analyzes the
company's costs and expenses. This includes analyzing the cost of
goods sold, operating expenses, such as salaries, marketing expenses,
rent, utilities, and other administrative costs. By closely monitoring
expenses, the P&L department can identify areas where cost
reductions or efficiency improvements can be made to enhance

Profitability analysis is a core function of the P&L department. It

involves assessing the company's overall profitability, profit margins,
and return on investment. By comparing revenues and expenses, the
P&L department calculates the company's gross profit, operating
profit, and net profit. These profitability metrics provide insights into
the company's financial health and performance, enabling

pg. 54
management to make informed decisions and take corrective actions if

The P&L department also conducts variance analysis, comparing actual

financial results with budgeted or projected figures. This analysis helps
identify deviations from expected performance and provides insights
into the reasons behind the variances. By understanding the factors
influencing the differences between actual and projected results, the
P&L department can recommend adjustments and improvements to
optimize profitability.

Furthermore, the P&L department plays a vital role in financial

forecasting and budgeting. It collaborates with other departments to
gather information and develop accurate revenue and expense
forecasts for future periods. These forecasts are essential for setting
financial goals, making strategic decisions, and planning resource

Overall, the P&L department is responsible for analyzing the

company's revenue and expenses, assessing profitability, and
providing insights and recommendations to optimize financial
performance. By closely monitoring financial results and analyzing key
metrics, the P&L department helps the company make informed
decisions to drive growth, improve profitability, and achieve its
financial objectives.

pg. 55
pg. 56
pg. 57

pg. 58

“ According to khan and jain Finance is the art and

science of managing money”

Source of finance
 Retained Earnings: In most cases, a company does not release all of its earnings or
share its profits with its shareholders as dividends. ...
 Trade Credit: ...
 Factoring : ...
 Lease Financing: ...
 Public Deposits: ...
 Commercial Papers:

o Objective of finance
 profitability
 liquidity
 efficiency
 stability.


At kisfs finance department handle by miss Trupti she analyse all the data to make important
decisions about how best to direct the organisation. The finance department of a company
plays a crucial role in managing the financial resources, analyzing data, and making
informed decisions that impact the overall financial health of the organization. This
department is responsible for various key functions, including:

1. Financial Planning and Analysis: The finance department is responsible for developing
and implementing the company's financial plans and budgets. They analyze financial data,
forecast future trends, and provide insights and recommendations to support strategic

pg. 59
2. Budgeting and Cost Control: The finance department establishes budgetary controls to
ensure that expenditures align with the company's financial goals. They monitor costs,
identify areas of inefficiency, and implement cost-saving measures to optimize the allocation
of resources.

3. Financial Reporting: The finance department prepares and presents financial statements,
including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. These reports
provide an overview of the company's financial performance and enable stakeholders to
assess its profitability, liquidity, and overall financial stability.

4. Risk Management: Managing financial risks is a critical responsibility of the finance

department. They identify potential risks, such as market fluctuations, credit risks, and
operational risks, and develop strategies to mitigate and manage them effectively. This
includes implementing internal controls, maintaining insurance coverage, and monitoring
compliance with financial regulations.

5. Cash Management: The finance department ensures the availability of sufficient cash to
meet the company's operational needs. They manage cash inflows and outflows, monitor
cash balances, and make strategic decisions regarding investments, borrowing, and liquidity

6. Financial Compliance: Compliance with financial regulations and reporting standards is

another key function of the finance department. They ensure adherence to accounting
principles, tax regulations, and other financial requirements, both at the national and
international levels.

7. Financial Analysis and Decision Support: The finance department provides analytical
support to other departments within the company, assisting in evaluating investment
opportunities, conducting cost-benefit analyses, and assessing the financial impact of
various business decisions.

8. Investor Relations: The finance department manages relationships with investors,

analysts, and other stakeholders. They communicate financial performance, corporate
strategy, and future prospects to the investment community, fostering transparency and
building trust.

In summary, the finance department of a company performs essential functions related to

financial planning, budgeting, reporting, risk management, cash management, compliance,
and decision support. By effectively managing financial resources and providing accurate
and timely information, the finance department contributes to the company's overall financial
success and sustainability. The finance department is an integral part of any company,

pg. 60
responsible for managing the financial activities and ensuring the organization's fiscal well-
being. It plays a crucial role in the overall success and stability of the company by
overseeing financial planning, budgeting, accounting, and reporting.

One of the primary functions of the finance department is financial planning and analysis.
This involves developing strategic financial plans, forecasting future financial performance,
and evaluating the company's financial health. By analyzing key financial data and market
trends, the finance department provides valuable insights and recommendations to support
decision-making at both the operational and strategic levels.

Budgeting is another essential responsibility of the finance department. It involves setting

financial targets and allocating resources to different departments and projects within the
organization. The finance department collaborates with other departments to gather input
and develop realistic budgets that align with the company's objectives. Throughout the
budgeting process, the finance department monitors and controls expenditures to ensure
adherence to the approved budgets.

The finance department is also responsible for managing the company's accounting and
financial reporting functions. It ensures accurate and timely recording of financial
transactions, prepares financial statements, and complies with relevant accounting
standards and regulations. This includes maintaining general ledgers, managing accounts
payable and receivable, and conducting periodic financial audits.

Risk management is another critical aspect of the finance department's responsibilities. It

identifies and evaluates financial risks that could impact the company's financial
performance or reputation. The finance department develops risk mitigation strategies, such
as insurance policies or hedging activities, to minimize potential losses and protect the
company's assets.

In addition, the finance department plays a crucial role in capital management and
fundraising activities. It evaluates investment opportunities, assesses the cost of capital, and
determines the optimal capital structure for the company. The finance department also
manages relationships with financial institutions, investors, and stakeholders to secure
funding for the organization's growth and expansion initiatives.

Furthermore, the finance department is responsible for ensuring compliance with financial
regulations and reporting requirements. It stays up-to-date with relevant laws and
regulations, such as taxation and financial disclosure standards, and ensures the company's
adherence to these regulations. The finance department also liaises with external auditors
and regulatory bodies to ensure accurate and transparent financial reporting.

pg. 61
Overall, the finance department is a critical component of any company, providing financial
leadership and expertise to support informed decision-making, financial stability, and
sustainable growth. Its functions encompass financial planning, budgeting, accounting,
reporting, risk management, capital management, and regulatory compliance. By effectively
managing the company's finances, the finance department contributes to the organization's
success and helps achieve its strategic objectives.

pg. 62
pg. 63
My work as inter in kisfs

First of all I want to thank mr Nishith bhatt to giving me an opportunity to work at his
company. Thanks to my colleagues to support me and help to learn a things. Most of I do
there online banking work under miss trupti she taught me how to do online salary payment
frequently I go with mr devendra Chauhan on fire training I got much knowledge about all
type of fire extinguisher how many types are in extinguisher about NOC knowledge. I got
knowledge about PF, ESIC under miss reshma Bhatia. During the summer of 2023, I had the
incredible opportunity to embark on a transformative internship experience. As a passionate
and motivated individual eager to apply my academic knowledge to real-world scenarios, this
internship was an ideal platform for me to gain practical skills, expand my professional
network, and explore my chosen career path. Over the course of [duration], I worked with
[company/organization] and delved into the [department/field] department, an experience
that left an indelible mark on my personal and professional development. Pre-Internship
Before officially commencing my internship, I invested significant time in researching and
familiarizing myself with the company's vision, values, and current projects. This enabled me
to enter the internship with a strong foundation of knowledge and enthusiasm.Upon arriving
at the company on my first day, I was greeted by a warm and supportive team. I was
assigned a mentor, a seasoned professional who would guide me throughout my internship
journey. They introduced me to the team, provided an overview of ongoing projects, and set
clear expectations for my role.Throughout the internship, I was exposed to various aspects
of the [department/field] department. I actively participated in team meetings, brainstorming
sessions, and workshops, which enhanced my understanding of the industry and sharpened
my technical skills. From conducting market research and analyzing data to developing
reports and collaborating on client projects, each task challenged me to apply theoretical
concepts into practical situations.One of the most rewarding aspects of my internship was
the collaborative work environment fostered by the company. I had the opportunity to work
closely with professionals from different departments, enabling me to gain insights from
diverse perspectives and develop effective teamwork skills. The open and supportive culture
of the organization encouraged me to voice my ideas, seek guidance, and actively contribute
to the team's success.My assigned mentor played a pivotal role in shaping my internship
experience. They provided regular feedback on my performance, guided me through
complex tasks, and offered valuable career advice. Their expertise and willingness to invest
time in my growth empowered me to push my boundaries and strive for
excellence.Throughout the internship, I had the chance to interact with professionals across
different levels of the organization. Attending company-wide events, team-building activities,
and industry conferences allowed me to expand my professional network significantly. These
connections proved invaluable, providing me with future career prospects and potential
mentorship opportunities.My internship experience was not only about acquiring technical
skills but also about personal growth. I developed stronger problem-solving abilities, learned
to manage my time efficiently, and honed my communication skills. Moreover, the
experience exposed me to the realities of the industry and helped me gain a clearer
understanding of my career goals.My internship experience with [company/organization] was
an incredible journey that exceeded my expectations. From the supportive work environment
and engaging projects to the mentorship I received, every aspect contributed to my personal
and professional growth. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from talented
professionals, apply my knowledge to real-world scenarios, and build a strong network within

pg. 64
the industry. This internship has equipped me with the confidence and skills to embark on
my future career path, and I will always cherish the memories and lessons gained during this
transformative experience. When a student works as an intern, it provides them with a
valuable opportunity to gain practical experience, apply theoretical knowledge, and develop
essential skills in a professional setting. Here are some key benefits and experiences that
students can gain from working as an intern:

1. Practical Application: Internships offer students the chance to apply the knowledge and
skills they have learned in their academic studies to real-world situations. It allows them to
see how concepts and theories are implemented in a professional environment and gain a
deeper understanding of their field of study.

2. Skill Development: Internships provide students with the opportunity to develop and
enhance a wide range of skills. These can include communication skills, teamwork, problem-
solving, time management, adaptability, and professionalism. Students learn to navigate
work environments, collaborate with colleagues, and handle tasks and responsibilities

3. Networking: Internships allow students to establish connections and build relationships

within their chosen industry. They have the opportunity to interact with professionals,
mentors, and colleagues who can provide guidance, support, and potential future
employment opportunities. Networking during an internship can be valuable for building a
professional network that can benefit students in their future careers.

4. Industry Insights: Working as an intern provides students with firsthand exposure to the
industry they are interested in. They gain insights into industry trends, best practices, and
the overall functioning of the sector. This knowledge can help them make more informed
decisions about their career path and shape their professional goals.

5. Resume Enhancement: Internships are highly regarded by employers and can

significantly enhance a student's resume. Having relevant work experience demonstrates
initiative, practical skills, and a commitment to professional growth. It sets students apart
from their peers when seeking future job opportunities.

6. Self-Discovery: Internships offer students an opportunity to explore their interests and

strengths within a specific field. Through hands-on experience, they can gain a clearer
understanding of their own abilities, preferences, and areas for further development. This
self-discovery can help guide their career choices and aspirations.

7. Professional Etiquette and Work Culture: Internships expose students to professional

etiquette, workplace norms, and the overall work culture of an organization. They learn about
professional expectations, appropriate behavior, and how to navigate office dynamics.

pg. 65
Understanding work culture is essential for a smooth transition from academic to
professional environments.

Overall, working as an intern provides students with a unique learning experience that
bridges the gap between academia and the professional world. It offers practical application,
skill development, networking opportunities, industry insights, resume enhancement, self-
discovery, and exposure to work culture. These benefits can contribute significantly to a
student's personal and professional growth, helping them make informed career choices and
prepare for future employment.

pg. 66
The internship to the KISFS company has helped me to learn
many new factors of business world .It was an amazing
experience about the strategies used by the company Thus it
was an amazing experience about the industry as well as
knowledge is concerned use can day it as knowledgeable
internship. my internship experience has been incredibly
valuable and rewarding. Over the course of this internship, I
have had the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills I
gained during my academic studies in a real-world professional
setting. The experience has provided me with a deeper
understanding of the industry, enhanced my technical abilities,
and developed my professional network.
During my time as an intern, I was able to work on various
projects and tasks that allowed me to gain practical experience
in my field. I had the chance to collaborate with a diverse team
of professionals who provided guidance, mentorship, and
valuable feedback. Through their expertise and support, I was
able to grow both personally and professionally.
One of the most significant lessons I learned during this
internship is the importance of effective communication and
teamwork. Working in a team environment taught me the
significance of open and transparent communication, as well as
the ability to collaborate with individuals from different
backgrounds and skill sets. This experience has undoubtedly

pg. 67
improved my interpersonal skills, which I believe will greatly
benefit me in my future career endeavors.
Furthermore, this internship has helped me develop a strong
work ethic and a keen eye for detail. I learned how to prioritize
tasks, manage my time effectively, and meet deadlines in a
fast-paced and demanding work environment. These skills are
crucial for success in any professional setting and will
undoubtedly contribute to my future success.
Overall, my internship experience has provided me with a
comprehensive understanding of the industry, practical skills,
and personal growth. I am grateful for the opportunities and
experiences I had during this internship, as they have played a
significant role in shaping my career aspirations and goals. I am
confident that the knowledge and experiences gained during
this internship will serve as a strong foundation for my future
professional endeavors.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the
individuals who supported and guided me throughout my
internship journey. Their expertise, mentorship, and
encouragement were instrumental in making this internship a
truly enriching and valuable experience.
Finally, I am excited to take the knowledge and skills I have
acquired during this internship and apply them to my future
endeavors. I am confident that the experiences gained during
this internship will contribute to my personal and professional
growth as I embark on the next phase of my career.

pg. 68
pg. 69

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