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Intensifiers en inglés: ejemplos

1. Adverbios enfáticos en inglés (emphasizers)

 Apparently: The Korean ship was apparently undamaged.

 Awfully ¡Be careful! Awful means very bad, but awfully usually describes something

great, like The cake was awfully delicious!

 Basically: Basically the system ought to have worked.

 Categorically:   Indeed, he had categorically  denied that there was any danger.

 Certainly: There certainly wasn’t any malice in her comments.

 Definitely: I definitely remember sending the letter.

 Deeply: The opinion is deeply divided on this issue.

 Enthusiastically:  We all clapped his performance enthusiastically.

 Essentially: A society is essentially an organism.

 Generally: It is now generally accepted that …

 Honestly: I honestly don’t know.

 Incredibly: I felt incredibly ashamed of myself for getting so angry.

 Literally: She was literally blue with cold. 

 Phenomenally: This product has been phenomenally successful.

 Possibly: How can I possibly do it?

 Positively: She was positively beaming with pleasure.

 Probably: Most scientists would probably lean toward this viewpoint.

 Not likely: Also, eating is not likely to be viewed as a cardinal sin.

 Readily:  The plants readily  respond to these stimuli.

 Seriously: Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.

 Strongly: He remained strongly optimistic that an agreement could be reached.

 Sincerely: We are sincerely grateful for your help.

 Super: Sorry, I’m super tired, I have to turn in.

 Undecidedly: Tom was staggering around undecidedly  among the bushes, when he

noticed a man on a horse behind himself.

 Unlikely: They are unlikely to have changed their thinking so soon.

 Terribly: My son’s terribly untidy; my daughter’s no different.

 Too: Too much experience is a dangerous thing.

 Truly: Only a truly free person has human dignity.

 Virtually (prácticamente): This new material is virtually unbreakable.

 2. Adverbios amplificadores en inglés (amplifiers) :

 Absolutely: Affection is desirable. Money is absolutely indispensable!

 Amazingly: People are just amazingly ignorant about the Middle East.

 At all: No one is wise at all times.

 Completely: It is impossible to be completely objective.

 Entirely: The police are not always entirely blameless in these matters.

 Exactly: It’s exactly the way I thought it would be.

 Exceptionally: She defended her position exceptionally well

 Extraordinarily: He wore an extraordinarily solemn expression.

 Extremely: Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.

 Fully: It is difficult tofullyassess the damage.

 Indisputably: This novel is indisputably his finest work.

 Outrageously: He behaved outrageously when he was young.

 Particularly: I am not myself a particularly punctual person.

 Unusually: She got an unusually low score for creativity.

 Utterly: Her logic is utterly incontrovertible.

 Really: You look really stunning in that dress!

 Remarkably: The life of Marx is remarkably well documented.

 Totally: I am reluctant to trust anyone totally, Your Excellency.

 Tremendously:  University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists.

3. Adverbios de exageración en inglés (Exaggeration adverbs).

 indescribably: Guatemala is indescribably beautiful.

 incredibly: My sister’s son is incredibly talented.

 incomparably: This kind of wine is incomparably superior.

 inexpressibly: Some artists are inexpressibly sad.

 unspeakably: Not all, but some clients are unspeakably rude.

 unutterably: The yard is unutterably filthy.


  4. Downtoners o adverbios que minimizan la intensidad de un verbo, adverbio o adjetivo:

 A bit: My mother’s a bit of an eccentric.

 A little: A little neglect may breed great mischief.

 Barely: He could barely read and write.

 Bitterly: (goes with specific words, only, including cold, unhappy, disappointed, sad,  )

 Dangerously: Appearances can be deceptive? Dangerously deceptive.

 Hardly: I can hardly imagine such a scene.

 Perhaps: Perhaps the letter will come today.

 Probably: Their plan will probably meet with little success.

 Pretty: The weasel is a very pretty little creature.

 Kind of: I’m not the kind of person who would do that.

 Somewhat: You may find it somewhat overwhelming at first.

 Sort of: That’s not the sort of behaviour I expect of you!

 Slightly: The medicine had a slightly bitter taste.

 Merely: We humans are merely the instruments of fate.

 Nearly: The investigation continued for nearly three years.

5. Premodifiers 

 Very: Very few students learn Latin now.

 Relatively: She was still a relatively inexperienced pilot.

 To some extent: Most students suffer from exam nerves to some extent.

 Rather: His political ideas are rather extreme.

*Keep in mind que muchos adverbios intensificadores y de grado en inglés básicamente

significan lo mismos, estos son: remarkably, incredibly, amazingly, unusually, extremely, very ,
so, really. 

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