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‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevel, American fist lady 1: Where are you going? 1 GRAMMAR going to, present continuous @ Complete the sentences with going to + a verb from the box, put shave not jump stay, 1 They tegoing to play tennis. 2 It today. a ae whl i Pe 4 aa the whole cake! b Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses | Welcome to A the best active vacations in the word, Let ime tell you whet we have planned for you in the nest fe ture House, home of ays. On Monday morning you !_"te going (go) sailing. Then in the afternoon, 12 (ake) you (na bicycle tour of the surounding area You need to rest nell on Monday evening, | because the folowing moming we 3 (im) tothe top of Oak Ridge! After that, there is a change of plens: You & (oot windsurf) {as it says on your schedule. Instead we 5____ (have) a voleyball tournament. That wil be fun, fm sure, Then on ¥ wesday momning we © __ (go) to 2 mountain village called Palmo, Thursday is your last day with us, and 17_____ (plan) @ surprise activity for you © Circle the correct verb form. If both forms are possible, circle them both, 1 Pm ure im going to pam passing all my exams this year, 2A Do you have any plans for this Saturday? Yes, 1'm gong to spend /'m spending the day with 3 Do you think ts going tobe is being sunny 4 Its Wen’ birthday on Friday. He’ going o have / ‘He's having dinner with a few friends. 5. We don need to run, Weve not going o mis / Were not missing the tain 6A Where are you going go / ae you going tonight? B To the movies. 7 A Whats the weather forcast for Saturday? Bilt’ going to be / It’ being warm and sunny. 8 She drives too fast. 'm sure she's going to have / she’s having an accident one day. Student Book p.130 Grammar Bank 3A 2 VOCABULARY look Complete the sentences with these expressions, Tm looking for... 'm looking through Tm looking forward to 1 Lim looking for __ my glasses. 2 __ seeing you next weekend, 5 ae e ___ my notes because there's a test this afternoon. ene anew place to live. os ___ my birthday. 6 the catalog, but there's nothing in it that I want to buy. a birthday present for my going on vacation next week, the ads to see if there's anything interesting. 3 PRONUNCIATION /w,, fou, /w @ Circle the word with the same sound as the picture. own short house move improve look pours s| doctor photo | b Practice saying the words, More Words to Learn ‘Write translations and try to remember the words. Word Pronunciation | Translation au pair noun jou ‘per [Pnorvos! a nervous adjective ‘am'pruv/ everything pronoun | /'evri0in/ until conjunction | Jon'til’ ioe wal 2a far ax fort taum/ for a short time {Ey What are you doing ths evening? Ey What are you going todo this weekend? [Ey Where are you going on vacation this year? (Go What are you looking forward to right now? Ey Are you meeting any friend this evening? Mulino ELTLD www [Apessimistis someone who is pleased with bad experiences, because they show he was right Heine Ruhmann, German actor and movie director 1 GRAMMAR will / won't (predictions) 2 VOCABULARY opposite verbs Complete the dialogues with will / won't Write the opposite verb in each space. Be careful ~ use the and these verbs. Use contractions. correct verb form. snow notpass rain can 1 think they the game be (x2) notfinish need ie alll [7 TIBGR] 1 A Do you think 2 Timsureshet the exam > it ULsnow __? ae B No, it isn't cold ee ‘enough. But I think it ___ 4 Well ‘home at 6:00 in the morning. 2 Come on. You ‘i ie late for 5. They're going to English in Canada. oe cool 6 Canyou the radio, please? t 71 over 50-e-mails yesterday! Awe the painting today. 5 Couldyou_—lend__-me some money? B You're right. It Could _— some money, please? = dark Oh nol lost in half an hour. ‘Oh good! I eee sh See 10 ‘The door is hard to open, s0 youhaveto iho. harder or you — your (EXENIID Student Book p.149 Vocabulary Bank final exams 3 PRONUNCIATION (a), ‘ou! Cross out the wrong word in each group. 5 You — play (a again in six weeks, a OO) | b | Sy | ut you —___ L ' aes (not | come | problem ain | positive | optimistic | hope obiy | het close ant stop father program ETIELD Student Book p.150 Grammar Bank 38 b Practice saying the words. 2 | a Read the horoscopes for this month. Answer the HOROSCOPES ws 1 Who will do a lot of traveling this month? Cancer ‘AQUARIUS. Jan 21-Feb 19 2 Will Gemini people lose their jobs? = Tad ek Oe oan 3 What won't Aries people be able to do? You'll meet somebody new at work, 4 Whose lucky color will be red? and youll stat a new relationship. 5 Who will go out a lot this month? Red will be your lucky color. 6 Who will spend more time at home? NCE b Underline five words you don’t know. Use your Your family will be very important dictionary to look up their meaning and : this month. Ty to spend more time pronunciation, with them, and they be very glad BF ON) to see you. Green will be your lucky More Words to Learn color. Write translations and try to remember the words. | He Word Pronunciatic Translation Youll have to be very careful with definitely adverb | 'defonoti money this month. You won't be ‘maybe(possibly adverb | /meibi’ able to buy any new clothes. ('pasabli/ However, you will get a nice surprise T at the end of the month. Blue will prabebly advert) peatoby be your lucky color cheer up aie apy congratulations kangrietfalerfnz! TAURUS Apr 21-May 21 = —Ranretfe ie ' don't worry ddoont ‘war " Youll have a very busy social Ife this month! Your friends will throw a ieedus ‘gud Iak/ e surprise party fr you and youl Thope so/Thope not | at houp soo BE Ne rake new fiends, to, Orange wil at houp nt be your lucy color. I (don't) think so | ar Qank sou Cs Oe ees) that’s great Sets grett — Yeu won't havea very good month at work Your bos wil gve you Teil Lm some bad news, but dont ony = you wor le your jb, Work hard an you answer these questions? a and next month will be bette. Purple Do you think the weather will be good tomorrow? Cho cles Do you think you'l study English next year? NSE ses Eo eg ea aaa Do you think you'l go toa party this weekend? ‘Tit wit be'a great month for travel Do you think your country will win the next World Cup? Youll win a vacation, so have your eo passport ready. Youll also travel a lot EXD Multizom SF | inthis county, and you'l visit some old friends. Yellow will be your lucky color, ‘ EE Vote for the man who promises least - he'll be the least disappointing. Bernard Baruch, American poltcal adviser I'll always love you 1 PRONUNCIATION word stress: two-syllable words a Which words are stressed on the second syllable? Underline the stress. 1 promise receive never 2 window money forget 3 arrive doctor worry 4 repair morning finish S empty secret exist 6 builder hotel borrow b Practice saying the words. 2. GRAMMAR will / won't (promises, offers, and decisions) a. Write sentences using the pictures and prompts. Use P'il/ T won't 1 think / go to bed T think 1 goto bed. 2 tum off the air-conditioning 3 not drive / too fast, 4 buy / another one 5 call the police 6 have / the chicken b Are these sentences promises (P), decisions (D), or offers (0)? 1 Pl give itback to you tomorrow. _P 2 A Which one do you want? B Pil take the red one. 4 3 Tillend you the money if you want. — 4 Tilhelp you with that. - 5 [wont tell your father — 6 ll have the soup and a salad. = Student Book p.130 Grammar Bank 3C 3 VOCABULARY verb + back Complete the sentences with these verbs. ‘be call drive give pay take ; Gone tothe bank. be — back in fen minutes. 2. Mary called while you were in the shower. She asked you to her back when you can. 3. Can you lend me $10? I'll you back tomorrow. 4 We were driving to the beach, but it started to rain, so we decided to back home. 5 A Do you want to borrow my pen? B ‘Thanks, 'U__ it back to you in a minute. 6 ‘This shirt isthe wrong size. I think I it back to the store, 4 READING A hard lesson My name is Jon, and this happened to me when | ‘was on vacation in Seville, in the south of Spain. | was having coffee in a cafe when @ man came up to me. He was well-dressed, and he looked very respectable. “Do you speak English?” he asked. He definitely wesn't Spanish, but I'm not sure where he was from. "Ym very sory to bother you, but have a serious problem,” he continued. “im here on a business tp, | and ve lost my briefcase — it had my passpor, my wallet, my money, my credit cards, my cell phone, my address book, everthing. Could you help re? | need to borrow 60 euros to get the train to Madtid — my company has an office there. ll pay you back, of course. ‘When I get home, I send you the money. You can give me your address in the US" I wasnt sure, but he did't seem suspicious, so | agreed. | wrote down my home address on a business card he had, and | gave him {60 euros. | even bought him a coffee. We talked for a few minutes, and then he looked at his watch and said, “Wel, | should get to the station, ‘Thank you very much for your help. Youll have your money back in a couple of weeks, | promise” And he | walked out ofthe cafe So ... do you think he paid me back? No, you're right, he didnt... and | won't lend money to strangers again! (erm treet ERR EERE SESE Read the text, Number the sentences in the right order. 1 Jon wrote his address on the man’s business card. 2. The man explained his problem, 3 Jon bought the man a coffee. 4 Jon went into a cae to get a cup of coffee. 5 Jon agreed to help the man, 6 Aman came up to him. 7 The man left the cafe 8 They talked about other things for a few minutes, b Underline five words you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words Word Pronunciation | Translation builder nown Mildor! a electrician noun | ilek'trf a injgstion noun | /n'dsekt fn 7 piece of paper noun | ipis av ‘pespar!) plumber noun |/'plamary | promise nown /'pramas/ a seeret_nown ‘sikrov a hurt verb Pees ieee eternal adjective | f'tarnl! | Study idea 1 Some words are easier to remember because they are similar to a word in your language or to another in English, e.g., builder, building. Other words are more difficult to remember. 2 Look at the words in More Words to Learn. Which ones are easy to remember? Which ones are difficult? Highlight the difficult words and test yourself more often on these, Can you make an offer in these situations? BD “Ican't do this homework. I's too hard,” ED “Oh no, | don't have any money with me." "These bags are very heavy” 1) “We don't have any food for dinner tonight.” © “Ws very hot in here.” ELD Muttinom ‘Only in our dreams are we free. The rest ofthe time we need wages. Terry Pratchett, British writer 1 GRAMMAR review of tenses b Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use contractions where necessary. a Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. A nation of “square eyes What | are you going to do (do) this evening? » you (watch) television? The answer is probably “yes”. And 1A What did __ you dream (ream) what » you (do) last night? about last night? And the night before? Television again? BI (run) along a dark road and I Every year the average American # (be) very frightened. Then, the next (spend) the equivelent of 70 days watching television — that's four hours 95 minutes s day, This > thing 1 knew, 1 (ay)! make) the United States one of the biggest nations of 2A you often — (dream)? » ‘aquare eyes" in the world. In fact, the typical B Yes.1 (have) dreams all the time ~ ee ee ee es every night! than people - 2.79 TV sets for 2.55 people, on 3A you (do) anything average. tomorrow? But whet ?__1V {do} to family B No, why? lf? Many families § _ {not eat] their meals aa (Gere) par pce together anymore. And of the families that do eat: together, 63 percent» (keep) the TV on during dinner. Think about it — when 1 you last {have} dinner with your family? if they B Sorry, sir, We _— (practice) for the soccer ‘i (want) to come? 4A Boys! What you ____ (do? |____ (turn on) the TV tonight, suggest 2 game tomorrow. ‘conversation instead, It 12 probably A Not in the classroom! [be] more interesting! © Complete the sentences with I'l or I'm going to. Lm going to At midnight on December 31st, quit smoking, No! Don’t worry about money. pay this time. 3 I'm pregnant and have a baby next summer, 4 I-can't go out tonight because vwash my hair, 5 A Are there any letters for me? B Justasecond. ___takea look 6A I'm hungry, B OK, _____ make a snack. Student Book p.130 Grammar Bank 3D 2 PRONUNCIATION word stress @ Underline the stressed syllable in these words. 1 meeting 2 patient 6 tomorrow 7 optimistic 3 champagne 8 psychoanalyst 4 successful 9 understanding 5 violin b Practice saying the words, 3 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions Circle the correct preposition. 1 Don't forget to write) / at me. 2 The psychoanalyst was talking of / about dreams 3. Are you listening to / for me? 4 They always argue with | for each othe. 5. Think about / of his offer~ it’s a good one. 6 I was sitting inthe office waiting for / to a phone cll 7 Vm sorry, but I don’t agree to / with you. 8 Tike to speak to at the manager, please. More Words to Learn Write translations and try to remember the words, Word champagne now |iSem'pew | patient now [pein hroo'meas’ | violin noun | fvara‘in/ busy adecie [Pon | fring adjecine _|Pitingy | frightened adjective | /frantnd/ fl adjective | sok’ sesft appear verb a'pir! especially adverb A’spefali Rae Me Can you answer these questions? [El What do you usually do on Monday morning? ED What are you doing next weekend? ED What did you dream about last night? (1) What were you doing at this time yesterday? ED What are you going to do after you answer this question? EQN muttinom RO Ta La ‘Complete each sentence with one word. 1D went shopping, but buy anything ED When! ___the photo, everybody was smiling. a country won the last World Cup? (Oy That's a machine __ makes pasta, Bi Doyou its: to rain tonight? Dre _— pass the exam tomorrow. He's very lazy. ED tts very hot. ‘open the window. DD A What time she coming? B Atoso EXTLDD wrw.oupcom/etvamericanengishile/2 EEA 1 PROBLEMS WITH A MEAL ‘Complete the problems and requests. 1 Its very smoky in here Do youhaveat by the window? 2 This forks Cant h another one, please? 3 The soup isc Could you warm it up £_____ me, please? 4 Tasked for my steak r This is very welld - 5. Excuse me, I think there's a m in the check. I didn’t have a coffee, 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Reorder the dialogue, 1 to 6. A. We could go to alittle cafe that I know. Oo A Listen, its still early Let's go for a walk. Oo A. Thank you. That was a great dinner. 1 B That sounds great. We could have another cup of coffee. B Good idea, Where should we go? B You're very welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. 1 fast. and Fran Eating out in San Francisco Whatever food youre looking for~an allyou-caneat breakfast, 3 quick lunch, 2 romanti nner ~ youl nd | it in Son Francisco. Te ays home to over 4.500 restaurants and eating places And theye not only for tourists. On average, San Franciscans feat out 267 times 2 year and and ‘You can eat food from ' anywhere in the world, from Afghan to Argentinian, and from Vietnamese to vegetarian. With Mexican Caaty ENGLISH food restaurants, Italian bakeries, hundreds of Thai Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean restaurants, in-and-out Japanese noodle shops, is possible to eat your way around the world during a single San cisco weekend, you don't find good food only in ‘expensive restaurants. You can try _great cooking in any number of small eating places, where prices are low reservations aren't needed. Portions are | often larg, but you ask the restaurant to pack up anything you dont ‘eat so you can take it home. But wherever you eat if you have table senice, don't forget to tip the waiter. The exact amount you leave is up J. to you, but 15-20 percent ofthe check is normal. An easy way to ‘aleuate your tip isto double the sales tax (curently 85 percent). Read the article and mark the sentences T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn’t say) 1 San Francisco has the best restaurants in the US. Ds 2 You can probably find food from your country in San Francisco, __ 3 There are alot of Asian restaurants 4 Japanese noodle shops are quick places, 5 It’s normal to tip whenever you eat out. to eat 6 You always need to make a reservation to eat in an expensive restaurant, 7 Expensive restaurants have small portioi ns of food. _ 8 If your meal costs $100, you should leave a tip of $8.50. — b Underline five words or phrases you don't know. Use your dict to look up their meaning and pronunciation.

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