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Sådhanå (2023)48:116  Indian Academy of Sciences

Experimental and numerical evaluation of local scouring around

different bridge piers at a 90 convergent meander
Department of Civil Engineering, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Eqlid Branch, Islamic Azad University, Eqlid, Iran

MS received 21 July 2020; revised 4 February 2023; accepted 21 February 2023

Abstract. The presence of several convergent meanders is a basic characteristic of natural flowing rivers. It is
important to construct bridge piers in different geometric shapes at convergent meanders. The formation of
secondary flows at meanders and their enhancement by the convergence effect can bring complexities and
irregularity in the erosion pattern around bridge piers. The present study experimentally and numerically
investigates the effects of the geometric shapes of bridge piers on local scour around piers at a 90 convergent
meander. Tests were carried out within a channel with a 90 convergent meander and a centerline radius of 170
cm. Cylindrical piers with the diameters of 40 and 60 mm and cubic piers with the sizes of 40*40 and 60*60 mm
were placed at the center of the meander, investigating scour in clear-water conditions. Also, a three-dimen-
sional SSIIM-2 model was employed to simulate the problem and compare the results to the experimental ones.
The results indicated that the shapes and sizes of the piers affected the scour depth, and the maximum scour
depth was estimated to be smaller around the cylindrical piers than around the cubic piers in all the tests.
Moreover, convergence-induced contraction along with the placement of the piers at the meander enhanced
scour around the piers. The numerical SSIIM-2 results were found to be in a good agreement with the exper-
imental results.

Keywords. Local scouring; different bridge piers; a 90 convergent meander; the SSIIM-2 numerical model;
maximum scour depth.

1. Introduction Tison [2] experimentally studied local scour around

rectangular, triangular, aerodynamic, and lenticular bridge
The presence of several meanders in flow paths is a basic piers. Georgiadou and Smith [3] conducted one of the
characteristic of natural rivers. As they have a specific flow earliest studies on flow hydraulics and sedimentation in
pattern known as the helical flow, meanders have been channels with convergent meanders. They incorporated a
considered by hydraulic engineers. The helical flow at a 90 convergent meander with a centreline radius of 150 cm.
meander induces erosion at the outer curve of the meander The channel began with a width of 90 cm upstream and
and sediment at the inner curve. Sedimentation and erosion reached a width of 45 cm downstream. The results indi-
do not typically occur uniformly at a meander and some- cated the maximum velocity path to be near the inner curve
times reduce the meander width along the path, making it of the convergent meander. Melville and Chiew [4] inves-
convergent, as shown in figure 1. On the other hand, the tigated the time development of the scour depth around
placement of the bridge piers with different geometric cylindrical bridge piers in clear-water conditions. They
shapes at the convergent meander is one of the important demonstrated that the scour depth occurred to be 50–80%
issues. The formation of secondary flows and their of the equilibrium scour depth, depending on the flow
enhancement by the convergence effect can bring com- velocity, after a time as long as 10% of the equilibrium
plexities and irregularity in the erosion pattern around time. Olsen [5] modelled and analyzed the secondary flows
bridge piers. and sediment transfer of a narrow channel with a 90
Flow hydraulics and scour around bridge piers have been meander. Dey and Raikar [6] evaluated horseshoe vortex
experimentally and numerically studied by different development in scour holes around cylindrical and cubic
researchers, some of which are mentioned in the following: bridge piers. Larger scour parameters were obtained for the
cubic piers than for the cylindrical piers in all the flow
conditions. Sanoussi and Habib [7] studied the effects of
*For correspondence sloped and rounded bridge pier noses on local scour. They
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flows were maximized at an angle of 30 degrees and then

began to decline. Sabita and Maiti [12] studied local scour
around a circular pier within an open channel. Their results
indicated that the scour depth increased as the time and
flow rate increased; however, the scour depth changed
nonlinearly. Ehteram and Mahdavi Meymand [13]
demonstrated that the SSIIM model could predict stream-
bed and scour depth variations. They found that the
numerical scour depth was approximately 15% smaller than
the experimental scour depth. Aksoy and Eski [14] inves-
tigated the scour depth and scour hole geometry around
cylindrical bridge piers under clear-water conditions and
different flow velocities. Proposing an experimental equa-
tion for scour depth prediction, they concluded that the
scour depth, downstream sedimentation length, and scour
hole rose as the pier diameter and flow velocity increased.
Hamidi and Siadatmousavi [15] employed an SSIIM model
Figure 1. Image of a river with a 90 convergent meander [1]. for the numerical simulation of the flow pattern around
bridge piers. Kardan et al [16] conducted the experimental
and numerical estimation of local scour around sloped
concluded that the sloped pier noses led to smaller scour piers. They explored the effects of different parameters,
depths. Emami et al [8] examined the scour hole around a including the slope degree, flow velocity, flow depth, and
single cylindrical pier in a channel with a uniform 180 pier size, on local scour. It was revealed that a rise in the
meander. By placing the pier in the straight section of the pier slope reduced the maximum scour depth. Vijayasree
channel at the meanders of 30 and 60 degrees, they found et al [17] experimentally studied and compared flow pat-
that the minimum scour occurred in the straight section of terns and local scour around a cylindrical pier and a rect-
the channel, and scour increased as the meander angle angular pier with a rounded nose. The results suggested that
increased. Sanei et al [9] suggested that a 90% rise in the the effect of turbulence was considerably larger on the
pier diameter raised the scour depth by 180%. Masjedi et al rectangular pier with a rounded nose than on the cylindrical
[10] carried out tests in a Plexiglas laboratory flume with a pier. Yang et al [18] conducted a comprehensive study of
180 meander, a centreline radius of 2.8 m, a radius of 0.6 local scour around pier groups with different arrangements
m, and an R/B ratio of 4.67 in order to explore the effects of in steady-state flow conditions. The time development of
the geometric shape of piers on the control of scour around scour was analyzed by considering the effects of the pier
the piers at river meanders. They investigated scour around distance and Froude number. It was demonstrated that the
piers in clear-water conditions by placing a cylindrical pier time development of the scour depth differed between the
with a diameter of 6 cm and a cubic pier with a semi- front pier and the back pier at small Froude numbers. This
circular nose, a width of 6 cm, and a length of 18 m within difference reduced as the Froude number increased. It was
the flume at the angles of 0, 30, 60, and 90 degrees, the flow also indicated that the scour depth around the downstream
rates of 24, 28, 30, 32 L/s, and a fixed scour depth of 12 cm pier was smaller than that around the upstream pier. One of
around the piers in clear-water conditions. Natural sand the most recent laboratory studies in the field of local
with a grading degree of D50 = 2 mm and a uniformity scouring around bridge piers in the convergence conditions
coefficient of 1.3 was applied to the bottom of the flume. of river meanders was conducted by Rasaei et al [1]. They
The results indicated that the maximum scour depth alter- employed a laboratory flume with a 90 convergent
nated for the cylindrical pier and the cubic one with a semi- meander to analyze scour at the angles of 0, 30, 45, 60, and
circular nose, occurring in the first half of the meander at an 75 degrees. In general, the results revealed that with
angle of 60 degrees. Also, the scour of the cylindrical pier increasing convergence and subsequently increasing the
was smaller than that of the cubic pier with a semi-circular angle of placement of the pier at the 90 convergent
nose. A rise in the flow rate raised the scour depth in all the meander, the maximum depth and volume of scour
conditions. Najiabhar et al [11] conducted experimental increases. On the other hand, the results and output of the
and numerical studies on flows at a 90 meander. They study showed that the maximum depth and volume of
found that the distribution of the shear stress around the scouring occurs at an angle of 75 degrees. Again, Rasaei
meander considerably changed; the maximum shear stress et al [19] in another study, investigated the effect of the pier
occurred near the inner curve at the beginning of the position in the meander on the scour rate. In this research,
meander and moved toward the outer curve at the end of the they used the SSIIM-2 model to simulate the scour pattern
meander as the angle increased. Moreover, the secondary around the piers in convergence conditions and compared
the results with the results of the experimental model. In
Sådhanå (2023)48:116 Page 3 of 14 116

employed. The channel is at the hydraulic laboratory of the

Islamic Azad University of Eqlid Branch, Iran [1–19].
Straight channel sections with the lengths of 4.5 and 2 m
were used upstream and downstream of the meander,
respectively, to make the flow laminar. The width of the
channel was 60 cm at the beginning of the meander and 30
cm at the end of the meander (i.e., a convergence ratio of
‘). A sliding gate was embedded at the end of the channel
to adjust the water level. Also, water was pumped by a 5
inch centrifugal pump into the tank at the beginning of the
main channel and passed through the upstream straight
channel section and meander into two successive tanks. A
Figure 2. Experimental flume with a 90 convergent meander.
standard trapezoidal weir with a width of 20 cm was used at
the end of the second tank to measure the flow rate, as
summary, the results indicated that the SSIIM-2 model was shown in figure 2.
sufficiently able to simulate the scour pattern around piers
in convergence conditions. 2.1b Sediments bed: In this research the sand with uniform
Although a large number of studies have been conducted grading and a mean grain diameter of 1 mm, a standard
on sedimentation and scour within straight and meandering deviation of 1.23, and a specific gravity of 2.65 with
channels, only a few studies have been conducted on scour thickness of 15 cm was employed and covered total length
around piers at convergent meanders. This can be a unique of flume [1–19].
feature of the present study. Thus, the present study aimed
to investigate the effects of the pier shape and size on local 2.1c Pier models: Since the aim was to investigate the
scour around piers. An experimental model with a 90 effects of pier shapes and sizes on local scour, cylindrical
convergent meander was employed. Cylindrical and cubic piers with the diameters of 40 and 60 mm and cubic piers
piers were fabricated and placed at the critical situation of with the sizes of 40*40 and 60*60 mm were employed,
the 90 convergent meander, evaluating local scour in according to the criteria proposed by previous studies
clear-water conditions. Also, the tests were simulated using [20–22]. Figure 3 shows examples of the piers used in this
a numerical SSIIM model. Then, the experimental and research.
numerical results were compared to validate the numerical
model. 2.1d Experimental procedure: In this research, the same
laboratory model used in Rasaei et al [1–19]. A channel
with a 90 degree convergent bend with a convergence ratio
2. Materials and methods of 0.5, located in between two straight channels with
lengths of 4.5 m upstream and 2 m in downstream. In the
2.1 Experimental facilities and procedure first phase, to calibrate the model and provide clear-water
conditions, a test was carried out without piers by using the
2.1a Experimental flume: A Plexiglas channel with a 90
sand with uniform grading, a mean grain size of D50 = 1
convergent meander and a centerline radius of 170 cm was
mm, and a thickness of 15 cm. It was observed that the

Figure 3. Piers with different shape and dimensions. (a) Cylindrical pier with diameter of 40 mm, (b) Cylindrical pier with diameter of
60 mm, (c) Cubic pier with dimensions of 40 9 40 mm and (d) Cubic pier with dimensions of 60 9 60 mm.
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flow rate, clear-water conditions, and 10 cm flow depth

were achieved by accurately and simultaneously adjusting
Dimensionless scour depth

1 the valve and downstream gate. The pump was turned off
after 150 min (i.e., equilibrium time) to slowly drain the
0.8 water from the channel. When the entire water was drained,

the maximum scour depth around the pier and bed topog-
0.6 raphy were measured using a laser meter with an accuracy
Q=11.20 (L/S) & Fr=0.19
Equilibrium time=150 min of a few millimetres. The same procedure was performed
Equilibrium ds/hw =1.01 on all the piers of different sizes. A total of twelve tests
were performed on piers with different geometric and
hydraulic conditions, as shown in table 1.
0 In addition, in order to investigate the condition of the
0 150 300 450 600 750 scour hole, the bed topography was taken at intervals of 1
Time (min) cm in the longitudinal, transverse and height (x, y, z)
directions using a laser meter. Finally, the geometry of the
Figure 4. Equilibrium time. bed and the volume of the scour hole were plotted and
calculated using Surfer software. The same conditions
apply for other piers with different shape and dimensions.
maximum flow rate required to prevent erosion and
upstream sediment transfer and to provide clear-water
conditions was 11.2 L/s for a fixed water depth of 10 cm 2.2 Numerical simulation procedure
along the channel – Olivito and Hager [23] suggested that 2.1e Numerical model: The SSIIM software pack is a fluid
the water depth should be higher than 20 mm to prevent dynamics program developed for hydraulic engineering
roughness effects. Then, to calculate the equilibrium times problems. It was introduced by Olsen [5]. The unique
of the tests, a longer test was performed on each of the two characteristics of the SSIIM software pack include the use
piers for 12 hours at a flow rate of 11.20 L/s and an angle of of advanced turbulence models and various solving algo-
75 degrees [1–19]. It was observed that approximately 95% rithms in complex geometries. The discontinuing algorithm
of scour occurred around the piers after 150 min. Thus, the of SSIIM is the finite volume method, and the SIMPLE
equilibrium time was selected to be 150 min for the entire algorithm is employed to couple velocity-pressure equa-
tests, as shown in figure 4. tions. The standard method is used for pressure separation,
To perform the tests, the piers were placed at a critical while the control volume method and power-law (PL)
angle of 75 degrees. Then, the bottom sediments were algorithm or second-order upwind (SOU) algorithm are
distributed uniformly along the channel. Before turning the employed for the discretization of the momentum, pressure
pump on, the end gate was closed, and water was slowly drop, turbulent kinetic energy, and Reynolds stress equa-
directed into the channel to prevent ripples on the bed. tions. SSIIM solves the Navier-Stokes equations on a three-
Once the water level rose and sediments were ensured to dimensional non-orthogonal grid by using the k-e turbu-
have become wet, the pump was turned on at a small flow lence model to obtain the water flow velocity. The Navier-
rate, and the flow rate was raised to the intended level by Stokes equations for viscous and turbulent non-compress-
using the main valve on the inlet pipe. Then, the intended ible flows include the continuity equation (Eq. (1)) and

Table 1. The effective geometric and hydraulic parameters on local scour.

Effective parameters Range of differences

Pier type and dimensions Cylindrical piers:(diameters of 40 and 60 mm)
Cubic piers: (dimensions of 40*40 and 60*60 mm)
Pier Position 75 degree
Channel slope 0.001
Discharge rate 6.10, 8.23 and 11.20 L/S
Froude number 0.1, 0.14 and 0.19
Average depth of flow 100 mm
Median grain size of bed 1 mm
Average thickness of bed particles 150 mm
geometric standard deviation 1.23
Density (mass per unit volume of fluid) 1000 mkg3
geometric standard deviation 1.23
Sådhanå (2023)48:116 Page 5 of 14 116

momentum conservation equation (Eq. (2)), written as using a given velocity. Then, the turbulent kinetic energy k
follows [24]: at the entrance bed is determined by the following equation:
oUi s
¼ 0ði = 1, 2, 3Þ ð1Þ K ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9Þ
oXi q Cl
oUi oUi 1 o  
With the eddy viscosity tt and turbulent kinetic energy k
þ Uj ¼ Pdij  qUi Uj ðI; j ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ
ot oXj q oXj at the bed, Eq. (4) gives the value of e at the bed. If k is
ð2Þ assumed to vary linearly from the bed to the surface, then
Eq. (4), together with the profile of the eddy viscosity, can
Where Ui is the average velocity component in the xi be used to calculate the vertical distribution of e. A zero
direction; q is the density of water; P is the pressure; dij is gradient condition was used for the outflow boundary.
the Kroncker delta, which is 1 for i = j, and 0 otherwise; The free surface is computed using a fixed-lid approach,
and xi and xj are the general space dimensions. The last with zero gradients for all variables. The location of the
term qUi Uj in Eq. (2) is the Reynolds stress, which fixed lid and its movement as a function of time and the
represents the transport of momentum that can be attributed flow field are computed with the Bernoulli algorithm. The
to turbulence. The Reynolds stress is often modeled with algorithm is based on the pressure field. It uses the Ber-
the Bossiness approximation: noulli equation along the water surface to compute the
  water surface location based on a fixed point downstream of
oui ouj 2 the bend in this study.
ui uj ¼ #t þ  kdij ð3Þ
ouj oxi 3 The wall law for rough boundaries is used as a boundary
Where tt is the eddy viscosity. The k-e model calculates condition for the bed/wall:
the eddy viscosity as  
U 1 30y
¼ ln ð10Þ
0 K2 U k ks
#t ¼ C u ð4Þ
e where U* is the shear velocity, U is the velocity at the
k is the turbulent kinetic energy, defined as center of the grid cell closest to the bed, K is a constant
equal to 0.4, y is the distance from the wall to the center of
1 the grid cell, and ks is the wall roughness.
K¼  ui ui ð5Þ
2 SSIIM has files with different structures. These files are
k is modeled as mostly used for specific purposes. Some of these files are
inputs, while the others are outputs. However, SSIIM has
ok ok o #t ok two essential files, including CONTROL and KOORDINA,
+ Uj ¼ þ Pk  e ð6Þ which are required for the execution of SSIIM. KOOR-
ot oXj oXj rk oxj
DINA is used to describe the geometry of points in the
Where Pk is given by model, while CONTROL contains the required parameters
  of the model for calculations.
ouj ouj oui
P K ¼ #t þ ð7Þ
oxi oxi oxj 2.1f Meshing and three-dimensional model verification:
The experimental channel was duplicated in the SSIIM
The dissipation of k is denoted by e, and modeled as
model - i.e., a channel with a convergent meander angle of
oe oe o #t oe e e2 90 degrees, a centerline radius of 170 cm. Since the channel
þ Uj ¼ þ C e1 PK  Ce2 ð8Þ had a convergent meander, it could not be modeled using
ot oxj oxj re oxj K K
structured grids in SSIIM. Thus, to draw the meander of the
In Eqs. (4) Through (8), C0 l, rk , re , C e1 , and Ce2 are channel, its coordinates were extracted from AutoCAD and
empirical constants, which were determined experimentally stored in the file KOORDINA according to the SSIIM
to be 0.09, 1.0, 1.3, 1.44, and 1.92, respectively [24]. instructions. For the straight downstream and upstream
Boundary conditions for Navier-Stokes equations (e.g., channel sections, structured grids (i.e., regular blocks) in
boundary conditions for inflow, outflow, the water surface, the software were employed. Finally, the three blocks were
and the bed/wall) are similar to those of the diffusion- assembled into an integrated model.
convection equation. Dirichlet boundary conditions have to The next step was to estimate the best solution field grid
be given as the inflow boundary, which is relatively based on the geometric model. Meshes of different sizes
straightforward for velocity. Usually it is more difficult to were examined by sensitivity analysis results. Figure 5
specify the turbulence. To specify the eddy viscosity, it is shows the meshing analysis results of the meander,
possible to estimate the shear stress (s) at the entrance bed upstream, and downstream channels. The field geometry
116 Page 6 of 14 Sådhanå (2023)48:116

120% noted that a reduction in the mesh size was observed to

222600, 100% increase the execution time of the program but yielded
100% more accurate results. Also, instability and divergence were
observed when executing the program with small meshes.
Error percentage

60% 3. Results and discussion

40% 78900, 9%
In all the tests, after placing the pier at an angle of 75
degrees -the critical situation was obtained in Rasaei et al
20% 88800, 4% 159000, 20%
[1–19] - and adjusting the flow rate and depth, scour began
to occur at a large rate in the pier front. Then, as vortex
0% flows developed, scour extended to every side and even
60000 90000 120000 150000 180000 210000 240000 behind the pier, as shown in figure 7. Table 2 provides the
Number of computational grid cells maximum experimental and numerical scour depth results
around the piers.
Figure 5. Sensitivity analysis chart and number of optimal
3.1 Flow field around the pier located
was defined in all the models such that the mesh size was in convergent meander
smaller near the bridge piers and channel walls and inside
The investigation of longitudinal and transverse flow pat-
the meander, particularly at higher angles. Larger meshes
terns on the rigid bed of the convergent meandering
were applied to the other parts, such as the downstream and
channel and around the bridge piers can considerably help
upstream straight sections. Moreover, smaller meshes were
obtain a qualitative insight into the erosion and sedimen-
used in the flow direction and near the meander to reduce
tation patterns of such meanders and the size and procedure
the computation time.
of scouring around the piers. Figure 8 depicts the longitu-
According to figure 5 and the sensitivity analysis results,
dinal flow pattern within the convergent meander and
among different meshing systems, meshes in the sizes of
around the cylindrical piers with the diameters of 40 and 60
45*20*10 and 10*25*10 mm were employed for the
mm and the cubic piers with the sizes of 40*40 and 60*60
downstream and upstream straight channel sections,
mm. It should be noted that X1 and X2 represent the
respectively, in the longitudinal, transverse, and upward
coordinates of the channel in the longitudinal and trans-
directions. Also, a mesh with a total of 28800 cells was
verse directions, respectively. As can be seen, in the
used per angle for the meander and near the piers. A total of
meander and pier upstream, parallel streamlines uniformly
88800 cells were employed as the optimal number of cells
flow downstream.
in the numerical analysis.
However, near the pier, the streamlines changed their
Figure 6 illustrates the final meshing grid used in the
direction to the transverse direction and became dispersed
simulation with cylindrical and cubic piers. It should be

Figure 6. Schematic view of grids used in the numerical model, (a) Mesh grid with cylindrical pier and (b) Mesh grid with cubic pier.
Sådhanå (2023)48:116 Page 7 of 14 116

Figure 7. Scour hole around pier, (a) cylindrical pier and (b) Cubic pier.

Table 2. The results of maximum scour depth around piers in experimental and numerical models.

Q = 6.10 L/S & Fr = 0.1 Q = 8.23 L/S & Fr = 0.14 Q = 11.20 L/S & Fr = 0.19

Experimental Numerical Experimental Numerical Experimental Numerical

Discharge rate Pier (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
Cylindrical pier with diameter of 2.2 2.1 4.3 4.15 6.25 6.2
40 mm
Cylindrical pier with diameter of 2.7 2.56 5.1 4.94 7.85 7.57
60 mm
Cubic pier with dimensions of 2.5 2.3 4.8 4.7 7.25 6.4
40*40 mm
Cubic pier with dimensions of 3.3 3.24 6.3 6.24 9.15 9.00
60*60 mm

around the pier. Given that the flow velocity is higher at pier since the pier and its sides were not aerodynamic. It
free surfaces, flow separation was larger downstream of the was observed that larger flow separation occurred after the
pier. At the same time as flow separation, a flow moving flow met the cubic pier, compared to the cylindrical pier.
downward formed, which triggered erosion and scour This could play a significant role in the extension of the
upstream of the pier. As the flow rate and thus convergence scour hole around the pier. Overall, it can be said that a rise
increased, the streamlines became continuous and larger in the diameter and size of the pier increases the dispersion
around the pier, surrounding the pier. A comparison of the of the streamlines after they meet piers, leading to larger
longitudinal streamlines around the cylindrical and cubic scour holes around the piers.
piers suggests that the streamlines moved through more The analysis of the transverse flow velocity distribution
regular paths after meeting the cylindrical pier, compared to within convergent meanders and around piers is another
those meeting the cubic pier. Due to the aerodynamic effect method for distinguishing and evaluating the flow pattern
of the cylindrical pier, these streamlines formed around the and scour around piers at convergent meanders, as shown in
cylindrical pier regularly with a radius proportional to the figure 9. The evaluation of transverse velocity variations
pier radius and then separated from downstream of the pier indicates that the transverse flow moved through the first
in the same regular paths, leaving the channel, as shown in half of the meander toward the inner curve at a regular rate.
figures 8(a) and 8(b). Figures 8(c) and 8(d) represent lon- In the second half of the meander, the transverse flow
gitudinal streamlines around the cubic piers with the sizes enlarged. The convergence and contraction enhancement of
of 40*40 and 60*60 mm. It was observed that the longi- the channel affected the magnitude of the transverse flow,
tudinal streamlines around the cubic piers were more and the transverse flow magnitude was maximized at the
complex than those around the cylindrical piers. Once the end of the meander. According to figure 9, the transverse
flow met the cubic pier, various vortexes formed around the flow magnitude around the pier significantly increased
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Figure 8. Longitudinal streamlines around different pier, (a) Cylindrical pier with diameter of 40 mm, (b) Cylindrical pier with
diameter of 60 mm, (c) Cubic pier with dimensions of 40 9 40 mm and (d) Cubic pier with dimensions of 60 9 60 mm.

when it arrived in the pier area in the meander and met the created in front of the pier were activated with more
pier. The secondary helical flow induced by the transverse intensity, so that they penetrated more strongly into the
flow is the main cause of erosion and scour around piers lower layers of the bed and led to increasing scour depth.
within a meander. Then, as it passed the pier, the transverse On the other hand, the collision of the longitudinal flows
flow left the channel from its end in an extended form. As with the transverse flows that led to the horseshoe vortices
can be seen in figure 9, the transverse flow was larger and were also observed around the piers. The results showed
more extended around the cubic pier than around the that by reaching the second half of the bend and increasing
cylindrical pier with the same diameter. This can signifi- the degree of convergence, the horseshoe vortices became
cantly contribute to the development of scour around cubic more continuous and their radius of expansion increased.
piers, compared to scour around cylindrical piers. On the other hand, increasing the pier dimensions has
As explained above, by increasing the pier position in the had a significant effect on the expansion of horseshoe
bend, the intensity of longitudinal and transverse flows, vortices and consequently increasing the maximum depth
especially at the location of the pier, is significantly and volume of scouring. It should be noted that, the outputs
increased. Analysis of output graphs from numerical of the numerical model showed that the expansion of
models shows that with increasing intensity of transverse horseshoe vortices was also affected by the pier geometric
flows and collision with longitudinal flows, the role of wake shape. As can be seen from figures 8 and 9, the transverse
vortices and horseshoes around the pier has become more flows and consequently the horseshoe vortices around the
prominent. Observations showed that with increasing cur- pier with cubic shapes are wider than the cylindrical piers
rent intensity and collision with the pier, the wake vortices due to the non-aerodynamic shape of the pier. In fact, the
Sådhanå (2023)48:116 Page 9 of 14 116

Figure 9. Transvers streamlines around different pier, (a) Cylindrical pier with diameter of 40 mm, (b) Cylindrical pier with diameter
of 60 mm, (c) Cubic pier with dimensions of 40 9 40 mm and (d) Cubic pier with dimensions of 60 9 60 mm.

irregularity in the cube shape leads to the distance and as a horseshoe vortexes followed regular paths around the pier
result, the vortices spread around the pier, and this is when meeting the cylindrical pier since it was aerodynamic.
another important factor in increasing the depth and volume The scour hole around the cylindrical pier had a more
of the scour. Also, the shape of the scouring hole around the regular geometry than the one around the cubic pier. Also,
cylindrical pier, due to being aerodynamic, has proportional the size and depth of the scour hole around the cylindrical
order and dimensions in all directions around the pier. pier were estimated to be smaller than those of the scour
hole around the cubic pier, as shown in figures 10 and 11.
Furthermore, due to their non-aerodynamic geometry, cubic
3.2 Local scouring around piers in different piers obstruct flows. When a flow meets a cubic pier, strong
geometric shapes shear stresses and horseshoe vortexes form at a larger dis-
tance from the pier, and an asymmetric scour hole often
The experimental and numerical results revealed that the appears, which sometimes extends to the channel walls, as
geometry and size of a pier has a large effect on scour. shown in figure 11. Overall, it can be said that when the
Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the geometry contours of the pier size rises, the effect of the boundary layer on flow
scour holes around the cylindrical piers with the diameters separation, on the one hand, and the enlarged vortex flows,
of 40 and 60 mm and cubic piers with the sizes of 40*40 on the other hand, enlarge the scour hole around the pier in
and 60*60 mm at a Froude number of 0.19. Overall, a rise the longitudinal and transverse directions; however, the
in the pier size reduced the cross-section of the pier and scour hole size differs between piers in different shapes.
increased the flow velocity. As a result, a flow with higher Furthermore, as demonstrated by Rasaei et al [1–19], a
turbulence formed around the pier, which produced a comparison of scour in different conditions indicated that
stronger downward flow in front of the pier that impacted meander convergence affects local scour around piers and
the streambed as a water jet, separating sediments and
enhancing the scour hole over time. It was observed that
116 Page 10 of 14 Sådhanå (2023)48:116

Figure 10. Scour hole around different piers under discharge rate of 11.20 L/S in experimental work. (a) Cylindrical pier whit diameter
of 40 mm, (b) cylindrical pier with diameter of 60 mm, (c) Cubic pier with dimensions of 40*40 mm and (d) Cubic pier with dimensions
of 60*60 mm.

increases the continuity of streamlines and thus scour cylindrical pier with a diameter of 60 mm by up to 29%. A
around bridge piers. comparison of the experimental and numerical results
According to figures 10 and 11, the scour hole was larger suggests that the numerical SSIIM model can simulate the
around the cubic piers than around the cylindrical piers. scour pattern around piers at 90 convergent meanders.
The calculations revealed that the scour hole around the Figure 12 compares the numerical and experimental
cubic pier with a size of 40*40 mm was approximately 15% maximum scour depths around the cylindrical and cubic
larger than that around the cylindrical pier with a diameter piers with different diameters and sizes. According to
of 40 mm. Also, the scour hole around the cubic pier with a table 2 and figure 12, a rise in the diameter or size of the
size of 60*60 mm was observed to be larger than the pier increased the scour depth. The experimental results
Sådhanå (2023)48:116 Page 11 of 14 116

Figure 11. Scour hole around different piers under discharge rate of 11.20 L/S in numerical model. (a) Cylindrical pier whit diameter of
40 mm, (b) cylindrical pier with diameter of 60 mm, (c) Cubic pier with dimensions of 40*40 mm and (d) Cubic pier with dimensions of
60*60 mm.

Experimental Numerical
Experimental Numerical (a) Experimental Numerical
(b) (c)
0.350 0.700 1.000
0.300 0.600 0.800
0.250 0.500



0.200 0.400
0.150 0.300 0.400
0.100 0.200
0.050 0.100
0.000 0.000 0.000
Pier Pier Pier

Figure 12. Changes of the maximum scour depth relative to different piers in both laboratory and numerical models. (a) Fr = 0.1,
(b) Fr = 0.14 and (c) Fr = 0.19.
116 Page 12 of 14 Sådhanå (2023)48:116

(a) 0 (b) 0
-0.1 Exprimental -0.1 Exprimental

Numerical -0.2 Numerical

dsmax/hw -0.3

-0.3 -0.4
-0.4 -0.5
-0.6 -0.8
-0.7 -0.9
0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Fr Fr
(c) 0 (d) 0
-0.1 Exprimental Exprimental
Numerical -0.2
-0.2 Numerical


-0.4 dsmax/hw
-0.5 -0.6
-0.8 -1
0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Fr Fr

Figure 13. Comparison of maximum scour depth under different Froude numbers in experimental and numerical models.
(a) Cylindrical pier whit diameter of 40 mm, (b) cylindrical pier with diameter of 60 mm, (c) Cubic pier with dimensions of 40 9 40 mm
and (d) Cubic pier with dimensions of 60 9 60 mm.

indicate that a 50% rise in the diameter of the cylindrical 29%, 41%, and 2% at the Froude numbers of 0.1, 0.14, and
pier raised the maximum scour depth by 23%, 19%, and 0.19, respectively, indicating an average reduction of 24%.
26% at the Froude numbers of 0.1, 0.14, and 0.19, Furthermore, the maximum local scour depth around the
respectively. Also, the same rise in the diameter of the cylindrical pier with a diameter of 60 mm was smaller than
numerical cylindrical pier raised the maximum scour depth that around the cubic pier with a size of 60*60 mm by 46%,
by 22%, 19%, and 22% at the Froude numbers of 0.1, 0.14, 42%, and 46% at the Froude numbers of 0.1, 0.14, and 0.19,
and 0.19, respectively. On the other hand, a 50% rise in the respectively, showing an average decrease of 44%. It
size of the cubic pier raised the maximum scour depth by should be noted that the maximum scour depth around the
32%, 31%, and 26% in the experimental model and by piers occurred in the front and upstream of the cylindrical
41%, 33%, and 41% in the numerical model at the Froude pier and the upstream and corners of the cubic piers.
numbers of 0.1, 0.14, and 0.19, respectively. A comparison The flow rate, or the Froude number, is a factor that has a
of the experimental and numerical maximum scour depth strong effect on the maximum scour depth in convergent
results indicates that the two models yielded close results, channels. The experimental and numerical results sup-
and the numerical SSIIM model is capable of simulating ported this claim and indicated that a rise in the flow rate
the scour pattern around a bridge pier. raised the flow velocity, and consequently, horseshoe vor-
It was observed that the maximum scour depth was texes and uplift around the piers. Moreover, a reduction in
smaller around the cylindrical piers than around the cubic the meander width along the channel (i.e., convergence
piers. The maximum local scour depth around the cylin- enhancement) reduced the flow cross-section and signifi-
drical pier with a diameter of 40 mm was smaller than that cantly raised the velocity at which the flow met the piers,
around the cubic pier with a size of 40*40 mm by up to enhancing the scour depth around the piers. Overall, it can
Sådhanå (2023)48:116 Page 13 of 14 116

be said that a rise in the Froude number, and consequently, comparison is the effect of convergence on the maximum
in the flow velocity increased the stress concentration at the scour depth. It is observed that the maximum scour depth in
cross-section contraction (i.e., pier location). As a result, convergence conditions has been estimated more than
local scour-induced topographic changes in the streambed studies in straight and even bent channels with uniform
and around the pier enlarged. width. Comparison of the results of this study with other
Figure 13 plots the experimental and numerical maxi- studies shows that the maximum scour depth obtained from
mum scour depths around the cylindrical piers with the the numerical model compared to the experimental model,
diameters of 40 and 60 mm and cubic piers with the sizes of Breusers et al [25], SCU (1989), and Masjedi et al [10]
40*40 and 60*60 mm versus the Froude number. As can be shows an increase of 8, 14, 23, and 58%, respectively.
seen, a rise in the Froude number significantly raised the These results show a significant effect of the degree of
experimental and numerical scour depths around the piers, convergence on the maximum scour depth.
with acceptable differences between the two models. It was
observed that a 90% rise in the Froude number increased
the maximum scour depth around the cylindrical pier with a 4. Conclusion
diameter of 40 mm by 184% and 195% in the experimental
and numerical models, respectively. Also, a 90% rise in the The placement of bridge piers at 90 convergent meanders
Froude number increased the maximum scour depth around has been among the most important topics in hydraulics.
the cylindrical pier with a diameter of 60 mm by 191% and The present study experimentally and numerically investi-
196% in the experimental and numerical models, respec- gated the effects of the geometries and sizes of piers on
tively. The same rise in Froude number was estimated to local scour at a 90 convergent meander. The results can be
increase the experimental and numerical maximum scour summarized as follows.
depths by 190% and 178% around the cubic pier with a size
of 40*40 mm and by 191% and 196% around the cubic pier • A rise in the pier size increased the maximum scour
with a size of 60*60 mm, respectively. Overall, the depth.
experimental and numerical maximum scour depth results • Local scour was smaller around the cylindrical piers
were found to be close. than around the cubic piers.
Figure 14 shows a comparison of the maximum scour • The diameter or size of a pier has a significant effect on
depth around the cylindrical pier in a converging bend with the formation of secondary and vortex flows around the
the results of other researchers [10, 25, 26]. As can be seen, pier; a rise in the pier size significantly raises the
in all studies, the maximum scour depth increases with magnitude and extension of vortex flows.
increasing pier dimensions. The important point in this • The formation of longitudinal and transverse stream-
lines, and consequently, horseshoe vortexes around a
pier is affected by the shape of the pier; streamlines
around a cylindrical pier are more regular and smaller
Position 75 (Numerical results of this research)
Position 75 (Experimental results of this research) than those around a cubic pier since cylindrical piers
SCU (1989) are aerodynamic.
Breusers et al (1977) • The convergence and contraction of a channel reduce
Masjedi et al (2010) the cross-section and increase the velocity at which the
0.90 flow meets the pier, increasing the maximum scour
0.80 • A rise in the Froude number raises the maximum scour
• The numerical SSIIM model was able to simulate local
ds max/y

0.60 scour around bridge piers.

• Maximum scour depth in bend convergence conditions
is estimated more than straight and bend channels with
0.40 uniform width.


List of symbols
0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
ds Maximum scour depth
L Length of pier
Figure 14. Comparison of the dimensionless results of maximum B Width or diameter of pier
scour depth with the results of other researchers. B Width of channel
V Velocity of flow
116 Page 14 of 14 Sådhanå (2023)48:116

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