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A regisztráció során ellenõrizni fogják a jogosultságot. Ehhez angolul az

alábbi dokumentumokat és információkat kérik be:
1. Name of your school or organization
Az iskola pontos neve (ehhez kérnek egy képernyõképet az
oldalról is az iskola adataival)

2. Type of education provided

Oktatási szint (általános iskola, középiskola)

3. Official website of the institution

Iskola hivatalos weboldala

4. Institution's official accreditation document stating educational status

(scanned copy)
Az intézmény alapító okiratának másolata

5. Official document stating non profit status (scanned copy)

Az intézmény mûködési engedélyének másolata

6. Email address of school’s management (e.g. principal)

Intézményvezetõ iskolai e-mail címe

Mintalevél angol szövegezéssel:

Dear …….,

As for the criteria, based on our best knowledge, our institution meets all of them: we
provide primary/secondary education from ages 6/14 to 14/18.
We are non-profit and accredited by a generally accepted accreditation body (the
Hungarian Educational Authority). You may see our official form here [KIR adatlap
linkje]. All our documents can be viewed and downloaded from this website, too.
We confirm that we intend to use Google Workspace for Education as an institution
including all our teachers and students. The necessary documents are attached in
Hungarian since they are not available in English.
1. Name of your school or organization: Minta Iskola (screenshot from
attached). Though not stated in the documents, we also use MI for short name and have
English, German and French equivalents, too if needed.
2. Type of education provided; primary/secondary education
3. Official website of the institution:
4. Institution's official accreditation document stating educational status (scanned
copy); attached
5. Official document stating non-profit status (scanned copy); attached
6. Email Address of school’s management (e.g. principal): (official
school address) and (principal's e-mail)

On behalf of Mr/Ms. IGAZGATÓ,

System Administrator

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