Behvaiorcontract Caseyh 1

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Student - Teacher Behavior Contract

Teacher, parents, and student responsible for behavior contract.
Behaviors: Talking in class, struggle showing respect.

Negotiate with Student:

Behaviors: Talking in class, showing disrespect
Define the Positive/Expected Behaviors: Pays attention to lesson, raises hand when
wanting to speak. Finds something to enjoy about the class and respects teacher and

Reinforcers: Free/talking time last 5 minutes of class on Fridays, choosing his own group
instead of assigned ones, first pick on game days (days we use board games and card
games to practice English)

Expectations: Student paying attention for 30 minutes at a time or less than three times,
leading up to the whole class hour each day. Student uses appropriate hand gestures and
communication with all peers and teachers each day. Positive behavior will be rewarded
with reinforcers listed above, negative behavior will be received with consequences such
as moving seats, assigned groups, time after class, or a call to parents.

Delivery Schedule: As student actively pays attention quietly for 30 minutes each day
AND uses appropriate gestures and communication, after one week student and the
whole class will receive 5 minutes free time at the end of the day on Friday. After two
weeks, in addition to free time on Friday, student can choose his own work group. After
three weeks, in addition to previous reinforcers, student gets first pick on game days.

Follow-up and Progress Monitoring:

After the first offense, Jason’s name will be written on the board, each offense after will
receive a tally. Jason’s name will remain on the board for the week, at the end of the
week, if his name has less than 5 tallies, reinforcers will be rewarded. Data will be
written down on a journal log kept by the teacher at the end of each week alongside any
daily notes of what went well or what might have been triggers. Teacher will share
journal log with student and parents as needed or as requested by parents.

Teacher Signature:________________________________________ Date:________________

Student Signature:________________________________________ Date:________________

Parent Signature:_________________________________________ Date:________________

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