Assignment 3

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Humanitarian Assistance

Assignment 3

Answer all questions

1. a. In your own words differentiate between a refugee and asylum seeker

b. Who is a migrant
2. Discuss the principle of non-refoulement
3. Why is it important to develop a state asylum system?
4. What does it mean when a state accedes to a Convention/ Protocol?
5. What does the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol have in common?
6. Numerous regional instruments are relevant to refugee protection. Identify three such
instruments in Africa
7. What does the right to seek and enjoy asylum include?
8. As a humanitarian worker what are some of the things you can do to protect refugees?
9. What role does the UNHCR play in protection of refugees?
10. The UNHCR works in partnership with other UN agencies and International to protect refugees.
Identify some of these organizations and what they do

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