Svanidhi Se Samriddhi & Mai Bhi Digital Camps 4 To 9 Sept 2023

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t a
-ffi[ zor'] I\ lll \
erQouod adegddd daleo, qo geon aeddoeuoolr erepoJrod
#dem5QdrQ, vud5d>9eod dcQ eceddoeuoo$ euoa3
do. eood 71/1 oaaeee 2a22-23 auood: JO .o4.2023

aded esoi::{d: (dero6eo),
eeaeoo& deoQ daieo.

age416 daodd aoofos ooJ.>,
uoa6d oe+ ee$ridc.

fudrs de,
.!doic dqud drog aeea uo6oo0rld erdd &dto6 eO oSoeadoj:&
ri:&ede;6 aea era5aoorid uadroeed dcQ erord dtuedona 'B-
eQo$od ddcrQ dced'ddt" aarko 'N{ai Bhi Digital' camps d.>.
6 aod: o4.o9.2o23 Ood o9.o9.2o2Gd ddr3 egoloeea dedd too
dde uoQdod doOd:.

eru$ea:: odesdddr, (.bdo

d&O-rr). deoQ dd.c dJq drid J5drodrld
d:ogooJ:. aorlo rooj:rd8rrido. deo@ deoo-odo d:ogoo3o.
qrodd d6osd dddder O1O_lE;6oood: 2a.o4.2o23

d;ee2od .idon{ doa;oQ&dod, erugJea:dQoi $ood drog eeeb doddaorjd erdd

edso6 eO ofuoeadoj:a rbcbede;H aea ao6uoorid uodroasd d;Q er@rd d.sredona 'B-
eooo)od ddgQ doed'dd:* rorlo 'Mai Bhi Digital' camps dra 6 ood: o4.oe.2o23 ood
og.oe.2o2od ddrl egoSDeesdrdod €sde-rond:gd ( d€ orlq.ud)
'Mai Bhi Digital' camps:
aeesoo& aorio uoal5d oep drid {eeon do$rld arodqonH Aitrood: o4.oe.2o23 Ood
o9.o9.2o23d ddri Digital Payment Aggregators dddnoarl dooJ.oeard dvo&d"ood: 'Mai
Bhi Digital' camps d:" uoj-oeasdex !d:dadc{do. ddo d;eddg "too $-aO ol.oeadoj:&
uoo dood6 ddadJd oso eods aeea oa ua6ero0rldc Digital d6da-oddd,:. dddcdod eood
6-orlja ddajeg uoonrldcridd.t* eroioead:$dc. Digital inactive eJndJd esea oA
ao5aoorid dc" Di gital d6duod dddor idrdad:$dc.

ddo d:eddg doaoddH oep $dra; erado66rjd droe-:d asea a:6 ao6uoorieri Digital
d5dood ddder QR Code a,dfider $d:dad:$d:.
Digital d6daod dJQ eodd eld;doejrJd dJOdJ ?3eA oB uo6raoriuri d'o&3' Agr

d:Q doddd (lEC) eSti:dted d:.ood erO$ $JoAdoddr.

drod:dddJ, clo)o e-eo oi.oeadoj:& uoer dooaj5 ddd oe* erdr derod:ajarjd
d:Q eodd dJt:.)oa: dddddJdd JJ-o&€oi&d uodJaesd drQ uord dare{oid;. ddrla4d
d:ood doa;oddg eeroa3rid doedo6 eeo6aorJCJooari doofroeald droadrood: eldr
deDdcqjariuri o-od:oagd ajQuo olneardoj:d;. dgde;: eorid6 $d:da"d.:dd: a-orlo d6r1ood
gdrd $odJ dd6o$dJd 6iraod:11.o9.2o23 dradrron & 6:oolmre;oi{ dgder: doaoddH
ero-oo/&?oariuri dod &deedd &edoJod & droerd d.oeod-

g, e

ag e d dto e aso oJ.: eo q9 oiro d,
. t -ajorid"odc.
1) aror,s uob{d:, aeesoo& oe4 doo3:ridc' aSorid.od;-doq EdB6.
2) ol.raeeldo adesdd&, ae51 driooa:drQ doed, ooa5d "re4 aglriCc-dnl Eil"en
3) erobqdJ. ooa6d oe4 dcaadrjd ooedrldc-dn! Eilen
4) ese4 dadem6eed6Q eoOao0r'jdc. uoa6d oep a$r'idc-do! Edragn.
s) daoooir{d:, drarodofdorJdc dridd?,i. dDddal dJdJ dgeo doasoos.rerjdr- draq

6) d?3e0 d.e.

dra&orran d
1 drddd daordd erdd doa:5 rooigdtssrjdc. dadero5a:d6Q' uud5d:Eeod d;Q
aeddoeuooJc eerda3 ddd es{roa3.
2. aded esoir:{d: (der-ddeo), eeesoo& deoQ da3eo. aioriC.od:.
s. drosdd u-ooj:sd6rrld:, driooeldrQ Eeroa3' aaod dad' aiorldodr.
+. &derddd:, doqodsd &degd oe:oi. aiorldod:.
5. dareO d.e.

do.I, 3dc *dc, *cJ$?ld8uld, datcEiBElltgnd)CD, spo66oe, dgd, d.x d4' r'iorlg'o&-s60002.
No.,l,3'd Floor. Mysugar Building, Opp. RarindraKalakshetra. nerr Torvn Hall, JC Road, Bengaluru-560002'
Phr 080-25599991 e-mail: d av nu lrrkar(
\I ()s1'I\tu[]t]t,1t t,l
K-l 2{}l2i0tJl2020-Pl\I sVANidhi
(Jovernment of I ndia
l\linistry of llousing and 1:rban Affaini
{ l'l\l S!'.{\idhi l}ir,ision)

Nirman Bhawan. New l)elhi

Darcd: lSri Augusr. ?02-3

Principal Secrclary,'Secrctar!.
Departnlenl of Urban Developmenrlltunicipal .A.drainistrationll.sG
ofthe StaresrtjTs {as per attached !isr)

suhject: weel-L$ne cilr Level Monrhly canrps dth ro 9th Seprembcr.2023 under ..svANirlhi se
Slmriddhi" Progranr.
Dear Sirr \11<j:rrtr.

I a,rr rlireerrd k) rrf-:r ro thi-< \1ini:rr_r-. lrlcr !:j-L'\s ;rirmber tlatcd :6,i lul1. l0?l on thc alnre
tttellitxrcd sul.ljc'-i anJ to slztr litat "\\.\\:iilrr \{ \:ll1ri(ldhi', pn,sran is bcing irnpiemented in srlccr
citir:s lirr linking l'i\'l SV.'\Nidhi ltrtclicirries :rnd rlreir lamiiies *ith 8 Cerrril Cnvernment Wcll:lrt
Schcnles. 5o ilr approrintatch 48.71 lakh schemc slllction\ havc already been lra<Je under rarious
rvell'are sche mes. I he Sratr-'i t.l l- *ise pro3rr,-ss ,;l'thu progrant is allached.

l. . -l he rcxt batch ol monlhh,. camps undtr thc progrant is scherjtrled f'rom 4tr to 9s Sepiember. 2023
t0 l'acilitatc sarlctions {)l'scherne henelits kr eligitrle r^Lnclicraries.

-l'"Mai llhi l)igital" campAign *'oultl *lrrr br orgauiscd akrng rrith lhe ,'SvANidhi Se Samriddhi"
camps in (ollahorrtion with B,lnks l.nd l)igital rllyrrrni .4,ggregntors (DpAs) for maximum digilal
on-boarding antl lraining of Slrrc{ !'eldors (Sys.). l!"cessar] planning snd coordination }riih
)igital pa,rnrent Aggregalors / Barkr mn1. be easarerl for suttcssful on boarding of inactivr
beneliciarits of pll.lSVANkrhi. tlpdnted llpls antl nrrbilc numbms of bcnclicilries m-a-,_ be updarcd
on PMSVAi\idhi portd f.|r ensnring cashbnck benclitr to thcrt.

.1. lt is periircnt lr) nt!'t1ti{r}n (hat lnter D*1tlrtl!:dtlal (- r:or,Jinltion at Slatel Districl l_evel is cnrcial lirr
cxlending hcrrs,i$ ol'rarious uclfurt schsncs untlar thc prtrqralt. llcnec nccessarl courdilation rvilh
rari(tus Drpirrt lcttl; intplutir;Il irtr rriuelcil :.nerres lna\ nr ctr)rrcd l* Sli}le,rDistrict aulhorities
thr::,e r,::rntps.

5. ln ric\\ oi al'rore. it is requestr'.1 1{) is\u! r{!:d\sar\ iilrtrucriuns to all c0nccrnetJ in all 2017 I,l,t}s
(Phxt-l to l'hase-it ) for'.,rranrzing nc\r irirrilr ,,i rrr,,rirhh cunrps l'rom {,h ao 9,t S"pt"*t }OZ: fi,
lacilitating xll(! cIiuring ttlar.irtrum \iirr!rr,]D,, .'i rcirrrrrr. bcneiirs to tligible hcneiiciaries
"", and their
l'arrrilics. and la"ilirating di-:rital pc) rnctll ;rdopti{)rr br thi:li.
f,acl: as airor e

Yours f'aith l"ulI

llirtctor (P\ISVANidhi-t II
l'el. 0l I -2-106 | 3?')
Entail id: r'ipin.singhlT it
(iopr to:

I Stale N'li:,\i!)I l)irccklr{.

2 \ltrrieip;rl ( r!!nm isii,)n!'rs iil lii i* ;r.le. t citii..r

3 I)i-trirr r- rrllcttors (ri 2t) I : >rlc\l iitr..

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