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Lab Activity Week 3

Score 6 - Shoes of your choice

A member of the audience is invited to come forward to a microphone if one is available and
describe a pair of shoes, the ones he is wearing or another pair. He is encouraged to tell where
he got them, the size, color, why he likes them, etc.

Premiered April 6th, 1963 at the Old Gymnasium of Douglass College, New Brunswick, New

The initial performance focused on a user describing their shoes, we modified it by asking the
users what are the colors of the clothing they were wearing. This was mainly thought of because
we were testing whether they were cautious of the color clothing they wear or not.

Reflection :

Embodiment - We relate to our bodies in a cautious manner, not knowing what we might be
asked to perform and also cautious of the fact that we are around others. We interact using our
bodies through means of action performed that are asked of us.

Audience/Performer - Being a part of the audience allows you to make decisions as well as
wonder what might happen next compared to when having an audience, where you think what
the audience might be interpreting, both are different yet fantastic experiences.

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