Assignment 4

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Assignment 18/04/2021, 19:28

Dentists: Writing Course

Task 4 Case Notes: Paul Return to: Writing

Task 4 !



Read the case notes and complete the writing task that follows.


You are a dentist in a private practice. Your patient, Mr Paul Beattie

requires specialist treatment from an oral surgeon.

Patient Details: Name: Mr Paul Beattie

DOB: 29/11/1997


Married – one child

Reason for Presenting: 20/10/19: Painful wisdom teet

Dental History: Reg fluoridation, scale & clean

Good oral hygiene

Braces for 2 years (age 13-15)

Medical History: Aortic valve stenosis

Balloon valvuloplasty at 6 months

Cardiologist Report:

(Dr. Pete Rogers, Brisbane Cardiology

Association) Page 1 of 5
Assignment 18/04/2021, 19:28

Patient symptoms: progressive shortness of

breath on exertion, chest pain

Diagnosis: slow and sustained upstroke of the arterial

pulse. A noticeable delay between the first
heart sound and the corresponding pulse in
the carotid

Plan: Heart valve replacement surgery in one month

Prosthetic heart valve placed (March 2017)

Medication: Anticoagulation therapy

Treatment Notes:

Suggested antibiotics prophylaxis regimens for patients with artificial

heart valve

Patients not allergic to penicillin: Cephalexin, cephradine or


2 grams orally 1 hour prior to the dental procedure

Patients not allergic to penicillin but unable to take oral medications:

Cefazolin 1 g or ampicillin 2 g intramuscularly or intravenously 1

hour prior to the dental procedure

Patients allergic to penicillin: Clindamycin

600 mg orally 1 hour prior to the dental procedure

Patients allergic to penicillin and Clindamycin unable to take oral


600 mg IV 1 hour prior to the dental procedure

Initial Examination:

All teeth present. Undergoing orthodontic


OPG: wisdom teeth formation not completed,

lower wisdom teeth in proximity to inferior
alveolar nerve, symmetrical TMJ, no bone lesions Page 2 of 5
Assignment 18/04/2021, 19:28

F- 2 BW x-rays (occlusal carious lesion 16?)

Treatment Record:

05/11/15 Examination: carious lesion on 16 confirmed

16 LA (Lidocain2%) → patient reacted strongly

with sweating/ ringing in ears uncomfortable

feeling in heart/ confusion. Momentary loss of


Cause: Vasovagal syncope. GP called for allergy


Treatment discontinued

20/12/15 Allergy testing neg. for all components of LA

Administration of LA

Placement of resin based MO restoration 16

05/12/17 OPG: wisdom teeth formation of roots not

complete, position of lower third molars
horizontal, semi impacted or impacted?

Referral to oral surgeon, appointment scheduled

for 12/12/17 (Dr. Simon Perl, retiring in one year)

Oral Surgeon Report:

13/12/17 due to close proximity to inferior alveolar nerve

the surgical removal of lower wisdom teeth
should be postponed for 1-2 years.


Reason for presenting: Spontaneous pain, localized swelling around right

third molar, purulence/drainage, foul taste,
difficulty swallowing

Examination: Pericorontitis 48 OPG x-ray. Lower wisdom teeth

impacted, upper wisdom teeth semi impacted.

Formation of the roots completed Page 3 of 5
Assignment 18/04/2021, 19:28

Plan Refer to oral surgeon. Include information on

anticoagulation therapy, and antibiotic



Using the information in the case notes, write a letter of referral to

oral surgeon John Howard, 1 Wickham Tce, Spring Hill, 4010 requesting

extraction of impacted and semi impacted wisdom teeth. Include all

relevant history.

In your answer

Expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences.

Do not use note form.
Use letter format.

The body of your letter should be approximately 180~200 words.

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Last modified Tuesday, 22 September 2020, 6:03 PM

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◀ Task 3 Model Task 4 Model

Letter: Mark Letter: Paul
Thompson Beattie ▶︎

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