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Journal Title VOices of the African diaspora , the
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-.. Volume: 8 Issue 2

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Month/Year: Fall 1992
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Pages: III
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Article Author: Sylvia Wynter
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Article Title: No Humans Involved: An Open letter to
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- IUD Humans Involved: An Open Letter to My Colleagues

Sylvia Wynter

Dear Colleagues: optimally white terms, but also in optimally middle-class

variants of these terms? What have we, as educators, had
You may have heard a radio news report that aired to do, and still have to do, with the creation and
briefly during the days after the jury's acquittal of the maintenance of the classifying logic, of that shared mode of
policemen in the Rodney King beating case. The report 'subjective understanding' (James Carbonell, 1987) in
stated that public officials of the judicial system of Los whose inner eyes young black males can be perceived as
Angeles routinely used the acronym N.H.I. to refer to any being justly shut out from what Helen Fein calls 'the
case involving a breach of the rights of young, jobless, universe of moral obligation' that bonds the interests of the
black males living in the inner city ghetto. N.H.I. means "no Simi Valley jurors to those of the white policemen?
humans involved."
You may remember too that in the earlier case of the
Why should the classifying acronym N.H.I., with its
numerous deaths of young black males caused by a
specific chokehold used by Los Angeles police officers, reflex anti-black prescriptions, have been so
police chief Darryl Gates explained away these murders by actively held and deployed by the judicial officers
arguing that black males had something abnormal with their of Los Angeles, graduates of both the professional
windpipes. These young men had to be first classified and
and non-professional schools of the university
thereby treated differently from all other North Americans,
except, to a secondary degree, darker-skinned Latinos. For system of the United States, whom we ourselves
in this classificatory schema all "minorities" are equal except educated?
one category--that of the peoples of African and of Afro-
mixed descent who, as Andrew Hacker points out in his In her book on the 1915 genocide of the Armenians by
recent book, Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, the Turkish pan-nationalists, and on the Jews by the Pan-
Hostile, Unequal (1992), are 'the least equal of all.' Aryan racialists in the 1930s and 1940s, Helen Fein points
Where did this system of classification come from? out that in both cases there was a common causal factor.
Why should the classifying acronym N.H.I. , with its reflex This factor was that over the millennium which preceded
anti-black prescriptions, have been so actively held and their group annihilation, ' both Jews and Armenians had
deployed by the judicial officers of Los Angeles , graduates been decreed by the dominant group which was to
of both the professional and non-professional schools of the perpetrate the crime, to be outside the sanctified universe of
university system of the United States, whom we ourselves obligation--that circle of people with reciprocal obligations
educated? How did they come to conceive of what it to protect each other whose bonds arose from their relation
means to be both human and North American in terms of to a deity or a sacred source of authority' (Helen Fein,
being white, of Euroamerican culture and descent, middle- 1979). In both cases, although the genocides were inflicted
class, college-educated, and suburban--in whose logic the in the secular name of a now sacred 'national' identity,
jobless and usually school drop-out category of young based, in the case of the Turks , on the discourse of an
black males can be perceived , and therefore behaved historical Pan Turianism and , in the case of the German-
towards , only as the lack of the human , the conceptual other Aryans , on that of the sanctity of a 'pure' racial stock, it was
of North America. Similarly, all Germans of Jewish descent this discursive classification that enabled them to be
were perceived and behaved towards as the conceptual misrecognized as ' aliens: as 'strangers' who were treated
other to German identity in its then Pan-Aryan and Nazi form as if they were of a different "species"; strangers, 'not
(Bauman, 1989). because they were aliens but because the dominant group
If, as Ralph Ellison alerted us to in his The Invisible was alienated from them by a traditional antipathy' (Fein,
Man, we see each other only through the 'inner eyes' with 1979).
which we look with our physical eyes upon reality, the This is the same case , of course, with the N.H.I.
question we must confront in the wake of the Rodney King acronym . For the social effects of this acronym, while not
event becomes: What is our responsibility for the making of overtly genocidal, are clearly seNing to achieve parallel
those inner eyes in which humanness and North results : the incarceration and elimination of young black
Americanness are always already defined, not only in
males by ostensibly normal and everday means. Statistics also points out that it costs $25,000.00 a year "to keep a kid
with respect to this phenomenon have been cited over and in prison; which is more than the Job Corps or college."
over again. Andrew Hacker's recent book documents the However, for society at large to choose the latter options
systemic white/black differential with respect to life- would mean that the "kids" in question could no longer be
opportunity on which our present social order is based. perceived in N.H.I. terms, nor could they continue to be
Nevertheless, this differential is replicated, and transracially induced to so perceive themselves.
so, between, on the one hand, the "classes" (upper middle, Where does this "inner eye" which leads the society to
middle, lower middle, and working, whether capital owners choose mass incarceration in dealing with the "post-
or jobholders), who are classified within the universe of industrial new poor" (Bauman, 1987), a category to which at
obligation and, on the other hand, the category of the non- the global level Frantz Fanon has given the name /es
owning, jobless young of the inner cities; primarily black, damnes, (the condemned), (Fanon, 1963) come from? Why
Latino, and increasingly also white, assimilated to its is this eye so intricately bound up with that code, so
underclass category. determinant of our collective behaviors, to which we have
In the wake of the Civil Rights Movement, and of the given the name race? I have come to believe not only that
Affirmative Action programs which incorporated a new black race cannot be reduced as an issue to anything else, but
middle class into the American dream, the jobless category that it is we in academia who alone hold the key to the
has been made to bear the weight of the deviant status that, definition of race, and therefore to the classificatory logic of
before the 1960s, had been imposed on all Americans of the acronym N.H.I.
African and Afro-mixed descent. Indeed, it may be said that So what are we, as the grammarians of our present
it is this category of the jobless young black males who epistemological order, to do now that we are confronted
have been made to pay the "sacrificial costs" (in the with the South Central Los Angeles uprising--the price paid
terminology of Rene Girard's The Scapegoat, 1986) for the for putting in place this order of reality? The call for a new
relatively improved conditions since the 1960s that have intellectual order of knowledge was made in the wake of the
impelled many black Americans out of the ghettos and into Civil Rights Movement, and was reinforced and made
the suburbs; that made possible therefore the universal powerful then by the burning cities of Watts and other
acclamation for the Cosby-Huxtable TV family who proved ghettoes after the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. Are we
that some black Americans could aspire to and even be to recycle the same old pieties? Shall we continue to settle
drawn inside the sanctified category of Americanness in its for the Bantustans in which, as David Bradley wrote in 1982,
present form. we have been trapped?
Bradley noted the systemic nature of the curriculum
[T]he jobless category has been made to bear the exclusion of black Americans as a function of the United
States continuing to conceive of itself as a white and
weight 01 the deviant status that, before the
1980s, had been imposed on all Americans 0' Euroamerican "nation of immigrants." He argued that in the
wake of the 1960s and 1970s social movements black
African and Afro-mixed descent. American intellectuals had been trapped by their refusal to
confront a central question. This question was that of the
The price paid by jobless black males for this social systemic nature of the rules which governed their exclusion
transformation is inescapably clear. With respect to the from the mainstream conception of the United States and
judicial apparatus itself, statistics show that while black men erased their centrality to the existential reality of North
constitute six percent of the population in the United States, America. Bradley wrote,
they have come to make up forty-seven percent of the
prison population. In the wake of the mandatory sentences As a result of rallies, we got courses in 'black
for drug offenses imposed by drug war officials, both black literature' and 'black history' and a special black
and Latino young males are found in American prisons out adviser for black students and a black cultural center
of all proportion to their numbers in society. The May 7, ... a rotting white-washed house on neither edge of
1992 New York Times editorial that gives these statistics campus ... reachable ... by way of a scramble up a
muddy bank .... And all those new courses did was
exempt the departments from the unsettling neces- students to believe thattheir ancestors had done nothing
sity of altering existing ones, so they could go right on worth doing. One of the clues" to this extra-cognitive ~.~-~
advertising acourse in 'American Fiction'thatexplicitly function was that all non-whites were not equally"
includes Hawthorne, Clemens, James, Wharton, stigmatized; black Americans were most fully negated at the
Hemingway, and Fitzgerald, and implicitly excludes level of representation. Black Americans are ihe only
Chesnutt, Hurston, Wright, and Ellison. population group who had been enslaved over several
centuries. Their enslaved,status had been systematically
The issue here, therefore, was that of deconstructing the perceived within the inn~r eyes and theCiassificatory logic
curriculum mechanisms which expelled the black of the earlier episteme to be legitimate and just. The ' ,
conceptual other outside the universe of obligation, of displacement of this logiC only took place when the "hidden
redefining white America as simply America. How was and costs" of agricultural production by forced slave labor (i.e.
is this to be done? human costs) came to be seen as costs:~J:
Zygmunt Bauman points out thatthe emergence of the
[l]t is we in academia who alone hold the key to the category of the new poor is due to a systemic .factor.
Capital, with the rise of the global processes of
definition of race, and therefore to the technological automation, has increasingly freed itself from
classificatory logic of the acronym N.H.I. the dependence on labor. The organized working class,
consequently, which had been seen as the potential agent
This question had been raised by the black American of social transformation, no longer has enough clout to put a
educator Carter G. Woodson as early as 1933 in his book stop to the process of expanding job erosion now that
The Miseducation of the Negro, and has been reasked in consumption has displaced production as t~eprimary
somewhat different but related terms by Elie Wiesel, a medium of capital accumulation. The poor and oppressed,
survivor of the Nazi holocaust, as well as by David Orr, an Bauman notes, have therefore come to lose all attraction for
environmentalist educator. Woodson asked then, what was the intellectuals. This category of people, unlike working-
wrong with a system of education whose scholarly class jobholders, cannot be seen as contributors to the
cUrriculum not only served to strongly demotivate black process of production who have been unjustly deprived of
students, and to lead to their dropping out, but which also the "full value of their labor power." This new poor, seduced
socialized white students to be lynchers (and policemen- like all of us by the clamor of advertisements urging us to
beaters) of black Americans when they became adults? consume, are so frustrated in their consumption goals that
Woodson used his analysis of the 1933 school curriculum to they turn on one another, damage them~elves w,ith drugs
and alcohol and, convinced of their own worthlessness, in
argue that the reasons for the inferior performance of black
brief episodes of eruption,"firethe ghettos, riot, looting
students could be found in the same source from which the
deep-seated anti-black phobia shared by white students whatever they can lay their hands on;'
Today's intellectuals, while they feel and express their
and other non-white students was generated. These
pity, refrain from proposing to marry their thought with this
phenomena, he proposed, were neither caused by a
particular variety of human suffering. 'They theorize,"
de~iciency in the 10 of blacks, as was claimed by some
Bauman writes, "the reason for their reluctance." Habermas
wh~te supremacists, nor by an "innately racist" psyche of the
would say that the new poor are not exploited. Olle would
white lynchers. Instead, both were psycho-social
add that they are politically ineffective; having no labor to
responses induced by the systemic nature of the cognitive
dlstort'Ions with
. respect to the North American as well as to withdraw, they are deprived of any bargaining power.
th ' If as the Eritrean anthropologist Asmarom Legesse
e human past and present, that were everywhere in the
SUgg~sts, because of ourr,ole as the grammarians 01 our
1933 curriculum/textbooks.
order, we must remain imprisoned in the "structural models"
These distortions, he went on, served an extra-cognitive
that we ourselves put in place, another,central point he
function. This function was that of inducing white students
makes can provide us withthe answer tot.w().~entral
to believe that their ancestors had done everything worth
questions: Firstly, how are we to be able to break ou\ofone
dOing in the past, and at the same time, inducing black
cultural specific model of reality, one variant of our inner dimensions of our human autonomy with respect to the
eyes, and make the transition from one Foucauldian systemic and always narratively instituted purposes that
episteme, from one founding and behavior-regulating have hitherto governed us--hitherto outside of our conscious
narrative, to another? Secondly, how can we marry our awareness and consensual intentionality. Heinz Pagels, in
thought to the posing and resolving of both the plight of the his 1988 book entitled The Dream of Reason, wrote
jobless archipelagoes and N.H.1. categories, as well as that
of the environment? I believe that the most dramatic impact of the new
In a 1984 essay, I proposed that the task of black sciences will be to narrow the gap between the
studies, together with those of all the other new studies that natural and human world. For as we come to grasp
entered academia in the wake of the 1960s uprisings, the management of complexity, the rich structures of
should be that of rewriting knowledge. I had proposed then symbols, and perhaps consciousness itself, it is clear
that we should attempt to do so in the terms of the Chilean that the traditional barriers--barriers erected on both
biologists Maturana and Varela's new insights into the rules sides--between natural science and the humanities,
which govern the ways in which humans can and do know cannot forever be maintained. The narrative order of
the social reality of which they are always already socialized culturally constructed worlds, the order of human
subjects (Fanon, 1963). I cited Sir Stafford Beer's argument feelings and beliefs, will become subject to scientific
(who wrote the introduction to their book) to this effect. description in a new way. Just as it did during the
Beer had argued that 'contemporary scholarship is Italian Renaissance, a new image of humanity will
trapped in its present organization of knowledge' in which emerge in the future as science and art interact in the
anyone 'who can lay claim to knowledge about some complementary spheres. . .. I continue to believe
categorized bit of the world, however tiny, which is greater that the distant day will come when the order of
that anyone else's knowledge of that bit, is safe for life." As human affairs is not entirely established by domination.
a result, 'while papers increase exponentially, and
knowledge grows by infinitesimals, our understanding of the The point of this letter is to propose that the coming of
world actually recedes.' Consequently, "because our world that distant day, and the end, therefore, of the need for the
is an interacting system in dynamic change, our system of violent speech of the inner city streets, is up to us.
scholarship rooted in its own sanctified categories is, in The starving "fellah," (or the jobless inner city N.H.I., the
large part, unavailing to the needs of mankind.' If, Beer global new poor, or les damnes) Fanon pOinted out, does
concluded, 'we are to understand a newer and still evolving not have to inquire into the truth. They are the truth. It is we
world; if we are to educate people to live in that world, if we who institute this "truth." We must now undo their narratively
are to abandon categories and institutions that belong to a condemned status.
vanished world as it is well nigh desperate that we should ..
. then knowledge must be rewritten.'
My proposal did not get very far then. After Los lam
Angeles, however, both the times and the situation have
changed. Hence my open letter to you. The eruption of Sincerely yours,
South Central Los Angeles has again opened a horizon from
which to spearhead the speech of a new frontier of
knowledge, making it possible for us to understand the rules
governing our human modes of perception and the
cl-tk"'- w1 fv t1
Sylvia Wynter
behaviors to which they lead; rules that lead us to perceive Professor, Afroamerican Studies
the N.H. I. acronym, the systemic condemnation of all the
Rodney Kings and of the global poor and jobless, and the
futility and misery of the lives they live, as the price paid for
our well-being. It is only by the elaboration and evolution of
this kind of thinking that we shall be able to secure the full

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