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Your Personalised Gratuity Report

Employment Duration Breakdown

You began your employment on: 29/12/2013

You ended your employment on: 29/12/2022
You had no unpaid leave during this period so were considered employed for all 3288 days or
9.008 years.

Employment Circumstances and Legal Implications

You were employed on a unlimited term contract from which you resigned by giving at least
60 days written notice (if paid monthly, or 30 days if paid more frequently) in accordance
with Article 75 of the Saudi Labour Law.

Gratuity Calculations

Your gratuity due is:

38,078.31 SAR. As you worked on an unlimited term contract basis for between 5 to 10 years,
indicating you resigned for reasons beyond your control, you are entitled to the full half-
month gratuity for the first 5 years and the full month gratuity for each year thereafter,
prorated, under Article 84, as determined by Article 87 of the Labor Law.

Summary of Provided Information

Days Years Basic p/m Annual

Start Date End Date
Emp. Emp. SAR SAR

29/12/2013 29/12/2022 3288 9.008 5,851.00 70,212.00

If employment ends during a probabtion period (max 90 days or extended to 180 days by
written agreement between employee and employer) no end of service award is due, see
Articles 53 & 54.

If you have questions about how this report is compiled or believe you have spotted an error
please see
This report was generated on 12/07/2022 using the free gratuity calculator found at

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