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Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

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Optical Materials
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Crystal structure, spectroscopic, crystalline perfection and optical studies of

a potential optical material: Bis-glycine hydrobromide
N. Sivakumar a, *, J. Venkatamuthukumar b, Magesh Murugesan c, Ali Alsalme d
Department of Physics, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600 044, India
Department of Physics, School of Engineering, Saveetha University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 602 105, India
Institute of Materials Research, Washinton State University, Pullman, 99163, USA
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Optically transparent single crystal of Bis-glycine hydrobromide (GHBr) is developed by cost effective slow
Crystal growth solvent evaporation method. The GHBr crystal is tested with X-ray diffraction study to understand the molecular
Optical materials structure. Present material crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with the space group of P212121. Spectro­
Crystal structure
scopic studies like FTIR and FT-Raman are carried out on the crystal to confirm the functional groups and to
Powder diffraction
FTIR and FT-Raman spectra
understand the presence of metal vibrations. Chemical construction of the material is further confirmed by 1H
Optical properties NMR and 13C NMR studies. The optical transmittance and optical band gap energy of the crystal are observed to
be 75% and 5.53 eV respectively. The third order optical nonlinearity analysis are carried out on the crystal using
Z-scan setup and the nonlinear optical susceptibility (χ3) and refractive index (n2) values are estimated to be
1.28 × 10− 6 esu and − 0.96 × 10− 8 cm2/W respectively. The grown crystal is subjected to single shot laser
damage threshold (LDT) study and its value is calculated to be 2.54 GW/cm2.

1. Introduction transparency and thermal stability [7,8]. The combined advantages of

both organic and inorganic materials have been identified in the
The advanced optical technology requires the single crystals of well semi-organic and metal-organic crystals which are attracted towards the
developed morphology and less defect density for the development of development of potential nonlinear optical effect [9].
potential optical devices. There is a sustained requirement of single The molecular arrangement of amino acids and their interaction with
crystals grown to a state of high purity with structural precision are the metal ions leads to the enhanced optical properties [10]. Amino acid
urgently needed for various optoelectronic and photonic applications based single crystals such as L-histidine bromide, L-arginine chloride
[1–3]. In particular, the development of nonlinear optical (NLO) single monohydrate, L-arginine phosphate, bis-glycine sodium nitrate and
crystal finds their efficient optical applications in optical parametric γ-glycine satisfies the basic requirements of NLO engineering such as
oscillators and laser frequency conversion [4]. NLO efficiency of the wide optical transparency high NLO efficiency and enhanced surface
crystals depends on laser conditions, optical transmittance, phase laser damage threshold [11–15]. Among the amino acids, glycine has
matching, damage threshold and thermal stability [5,6]. interesting features such as optical, thermal, electrical properties and its
Materials researchers are working on various organic materials unique hydrogen bond structure which forms many crystal complexes
owing to their considerable optical engineering applications like light with various metals and inorganic salts. Because of its easy crystalliza­
modulation, frequency conversion, signal processing and optical tion, moderate optimization condition and polymorphic nature, it at­
switching. Even though the organic single crystals possess high advan­ tracts the researchers to develop glycine based single crystals and
tages like molecular flexibility and large polarizability, still they have characterize them to understand their various enhanced physical prop­
weak intrinsic physical properties such as poor mechanical strength, erties [16–19].
small size and low optical transparency. Thus, in the recent years, the In the recent reports, it is found that the glycine doped semi-organic
developments of semi-organic and metal-organic single crystals have crystal shows improved second harmonic generation efficiency, optical
been concentrated to get improved mechanical stability, optical transparency and mechanical stability [20,21]. The crystal structure,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: nsivakumar1986@gmail.com (N. Sivakumar).

Received 30 September 2021; Accepted 22 October 2021
Available online 6 November 2021
0925-3467/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

spectral, optical and thermal properties of bis-glycine hydrobromide are 215M − 50) is used with a laser light of wavelength, 532 nm. In the
already reported [22–25]. However, there are no systematic studies such present research work, a single shot laser pulse is used to the study laser
as crystalline perfection, laser light withstanding capacity and light effects on GHBr crystal. The testing setup containing Q-switched Nd:
matter interaction observed on bis-glycine hydrobromide single crystals. YAG laser (λ = 1064 nm) with 10 ns pulse width, power meter and
Therefore the present research work deals with the crystalline quality, converging lens are used to estimate the laser damage threshold (LDT)
improved optical transparency, refractive index measurement and laser value.
damage threshold effect of the grown GHBr single crystal along with
FT-IR, FT-Raman, NMR and third order nonlinear optical studies. 3. Results and discussion

2. Experimental 3.1. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis

2.1. Synthesis and crystal growth A GHBr crystal of suitable dimension (0.10 x 0.15 × 0.20 mm3) is
subjected to single crystal X-ray diffraction study to acquire the details
The calculated amounts of glycine (2 mol) and hydrogen bromide (1 of lattice parameters and its crystal system. The obtained unit cell pa­
mol) are taken in separate beakers. The combination of water and rameters values are, a = 8.1934(6) Å, b = 18.3528(13) Å, c = 5.3826(4)
acetone is identified as suitable solvent. Initially glycine is dissolved in a Å and V = 809.39(10) Å3. The grown crystal belongs to orthorhombic
mixed solvent and then hydrogen bromide is added gently. The entire crystal system and shows non-centrosymmetric space group, P212121.
solution is allowed for stirring for about 8 h to get a clear, homogenous These results are in close agreement with the reported values [25]. The
mixture. A Whatmann filter paper with a fine pore size (8 μm, Grade 2) is ortep and packing diagram of GHBr crystal is shown in Fig. 2. The
used to filter the resulting solution and transferred into a beaker. The chemical formula of the crystal is C4H11N2O4Br. The crystal structure
beaker is then covered with a plastic sheet containing microsized holes (Fig. 2a) explains that there are two glycine molecules in which one of
for the slow evaporation of the solvent. After the 20 days of solvent them receives additional H+ ion from HBr and thus forms the crystal
evaporation, the transparent single crystals of dimension 25x3x1 mm3 is structure. The entire molecular system is stabilized through hydrogen
harvested and is used for further characterizations. Fig. 1 shows the bonds and their connections with the neighboring molecules that are
photograph of as-grown GHBr single crystal. shown in the packing diagram (Fig. 2b).

2.2. Characterization 3.2. Powder X-ray diffraction study

The equipment ENRAF NONIUS CAD4 single crystal X-ray diffrac­ The powder sample of GHBr is tested with powder X-ray diffraction
tometer (Mo-Kα, wavelength, λ = 0. 71,073 Å) is used for X-ray analysis and the data is recorded in the 2θ range from 10 to 60⁰. The
diffraction study and the XRD data are collected. The crystallinity and resulting powder XRD pattern of GHBr is presented in Fig. 3. All the
crystal system of the sample material is tested by Rich Seifert X-ray intensity peaks are indexed with their (hkl) values. The sharp diffraction
powder diffractometer (Cu-Kα, wavelength λ = 1.5406 Å). Powdered peaks at the various Bargg’s position confirms crystalline quality of the
form of the sample is mixed well with KBr to make a pellet. It is then sample. The XRDA 3.1 software program is employed to estimate the
subjected to vibrational studies to record the IR spectrum by utilizing unit cell parameters and are found to be, a = 8.2391 (4) Å, b = 18.2527
PerkinElmer Spectrum one FT-IR spectrometer in the range from 4000 to (7) Å, c = 5.2927(3) Å, V = 806.24(3) Å3 and these values are well
450 cm− 1. The FT-Raman spectrum is also recorded for the sample in the matched with the single crystal X-ray diffraction results. Also, this study
range between 4000 and 0 cm− 1 using Bruker IFS-88 spectrometer confirms that the sample material tends to orthorhombic crystal system
equipped with Nd3+:YAG diode laser for the excitation. The present with the space group of P212121.
investigation of GHBr grown crystal includes the 1H and 13C NMR study
to understand the chemical structure of the material using Bruker 3.3. FT-IR and FT-Raman spectral analysis
Advance III 500 MHz spectrometer maintained at 22 ◦ C. DMSO is used as
a solvent in the NMR study. The HRXRD rocking curve of the grown The FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of GHBr crystal are shown in Figs. 4
crystal is recorded in symmetrical Bragg geometry using an x-scan with and 5 respectively. The observed bands in the recorded region of the
triple-axis geometry. A hybrid two-bounce Ge(220) monochromator is spectra arise from various internal vibrations of glycine, HBr, hydrogen
employed to collect the incident X-ray beam on the sample. A triple-axis bonds and lattice vibration which confirms the formation of GHBr
three bounce Ge(220) analyzer with a scintillation detector setup is used complex.
to detect the diffracted beam. The UV–Visible spectral study is per­ The broad IR vibrations observed from 3100 to 2400 cm− 1 are
formed on the GHBr crystal of thickness 1.4 mm, using Varian Cary 5E attributed to overlapping of O–H and NH3+ stretching. The IR bands at
UV–Visible Spectrophotometer in the wavelength range of 190–1100 3107 and 2886 cm− 1 may be due to N–H stretching and C–H stretching
nm. Z-scan technique is employed on the cut polished GHBr single band vibrations respectively. The peaks in the FT-Raman spectrum at
crystal to understand the third order optical nonlinearity. In this 2995 and 2965 cm− 1 are belongs to CH2 asymmetric and CH2 symmetric
experiment, diode-pumped Nd;YAG (CW) laser (Coherent Compass™ modes. IR bands at 2609, 2166 cm− 1 are due to NH stretching and

Fig. 1. As-grown single crystal of GHBr.

N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

Fig. 2. (a) Crystal structure (ORTEP) and (b) Molecular packing of GHBr single crystal.

Fig. 3. Powder X-ray diffraction pattern of GHBr crystal.

N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

Fig. 4. FT-IR spectrum of GHBr single crystal.

Fig. 5. FT-Raman spectrum of GHBr single crystal.

NH⋯O stretching vibrations respectively. The IR bands observed at observed at 1046 cm− 1. The symmetric and asymmetric stretching vi­
1596, 1502, 1391 and 1336 cm− 1 represents COO− asymmetric, NH3+ brations of COO− show the existence of glycine in the zwitterionic na­
symmetric bending, CH2 wagging and CH2 twisting vibrations respec­ ture. Observation of IR bands at 922, 883, 689, 617, 562, 506 cm− 1 are
tively. However, the FT-Raman vibrations appeared at 1668, 1581, due to CH2 bending, CC stretching, COO− bending, COO− wagging,
1502, 1440, 1409, 1329 and 1139cm− 1 are corresponding to NH3+ NH3+ torsion and COO− twisting vibrations confirms, glycine in the
asymmetric bending, COO− asymmetric stretching, NH3+ symmetric complex. The FT-Raman peaks at 893, 690, 506 cm− 1 are assigned to CC
bending, CH2 wagging, COO− symmetric stretching, CH2 twisting and stretching, COO− bending and COO− twisting respectively. The Raman
NH3+ rocking vibrations respectively. The IR band of 1049 cm− 1 is due bands noticed at 155 and 94 cm− 1 are attributed to lattice vibrations in
to CCN asymmetric stretching and the respective FT-Raman band is the GHBr crystal. The assigned wavenumber and the mode of vibrations

N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

of both FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra are listed in Table 1. X-ray at slightly higher angles [32] shows that these defects are more or
less statistically distributed. Instead, the strain generated in the crystal
leads to cracks or structural grains that can be observed in the HRXRD
3.4. NMR spectral analysis
curve [32]. Parameters like growth process and thermodynamic condi­
tions are also result in the generation of point defects which cannot be
The recorded 1H and 13C NMR spectra of GHBr are depicted in Figs. 6
avoidable up to some extent [33]. However, the HRXRD curve of GHBr
and 7 respectively. This further supports the chemical structure of the
does not show any additional peak which suggests that the absence of
crystal. In 1H NMR of GHBr crystal, the proton of NH2 in glycine has its
clustering of point defects at bulk level and this can not affect the device
chemical shift (δ) at 3.540 ppm and it is shifted to 3.407 ppm in the
complex. The chemical shift at 3.327 and 2.945 ppm are attributed to
amine (NH2) and methylene (CH2) protons of GHBr crystal. The multi­
plets in the range 2.527–2.501 ppm are due to the residual protons of 3.6. Optical studies
DMSO (Deutrated) [26].
The 13C NMR of methylene (CH2) carbon of α-glycine and γ-glycine is The recorded optical transmittance spectrum of plated GHBr crystal
observed at 42.6 and 41.38 ppm respectively [27,28]. But in the case of without any antireflection coating/polishing is shown in Fig. 9a. It is
GHBr crystal, the multiple peaks are observed in the range noted that the crystal posses large optical transparency (65%) in the
40.610–40.011 ppm and corresponding to the methylene carbon of total visible region along with a lower cut-off wavelength of 238 nm.
synthesized material and the δ values in the multiplet 39.844–39.510
ppm is due to DMSO solvent. Thus the change in chemical shift clearly 3.6.1. Band gap energy calculation
affirms the formation of GHBr crystal. Estimation of optical band gap energy and the linear refractive index,
characterizes the optical and electrical properties of the single crystals.
3.5. High Resolution XRD analysis Similarly, the calculation of optical absorption co-efficient provides the
information about band structure and the type of electronic transitions
The crystalline perfection is directly associated with the physical in the optical materials.
properties of the materials like optical transparency, relative second The optical absorption coefficient is estimated according to the
harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency, dielectric and fluorescence ef­ equation,
fect. Such kind of physical properties can be upgraded as the crystal 1
[ ]
quality improves [29]. Fig. 8 represents a sharp rocking curve (RC) with α = log 10 (1)
t T
FWHM (full width at half maximum) of 243 arc sec. This value is
approximately close to the expected value for a perfect crystal [29]. where T - Optical transmittance in % and t – thickness of crystal in mm.
The single peak of RC reveals that the absence of structural grain The standard Tauc’s formula which relates the absorption coefficient
boundaries in the grown crystal [30]. Also, the well defined rise and fall (α) and optical photon energy (hυ) is given by,
of intensity on either side of the Bragg’s position shows the presence of ( )1/2
less defect density and agglomerations in the grown crystal [31]. On αhυ = β hυ − Eg (2)
close observation of RC accordance with the zero peak position, it is
interesting to note that the scattered intensity is little more in the +ve Where α - absorption coefficient, hυ - the incident photon energy in eV,
side than that of –ve side. This is endorsed that the crystal contains Eg -optical band gap energy in eV and β - the materials constant.
chiefly interstitial type of defects compared with vacancy defects. This Fig. 9b shows a plot of (αhυ)2 vs. photon energy (eV) of the as-grown
kind of defect leads to compressive stress in the grown crystal and de­ GHBr single crystal. The optical band gap energy is obtained by
creases the interplanar spacing (d). The more scattering intensity of extrapolating a straight line to the energy axis ((αhυ)2 = 0). From the
figure (Fig. 9b), the optical band gap energy is estimated to be Eg = 5.53
Table 1 eV. Therefore, the single crystal of GHBr with large optical transparency
FT-IR and FT-Raman band assignments of GHBr crystal. and wide band gap energy confirms its aptness for various opto-
electronic device performances [33,34].
Wavenumber (cm− 1)

FT-IR Raman Assignments 3.6.2. Refractive index estimation

3107 NH stretching The measurement of refractive index is an essential requirement for
2886 CH stretching any optical waveguide applications and optical device fabrication. The
2995 CH2 asymmetric stretching
light matter interaction play a major role in the calculation of refractive
2965 CH2 symmetric stretching
2609 NH stretching index of the optical material. Thus, the optical transmittance spectrum
2166 NH⋯O stretching of GHBr (Fig. 9a) is used for the calculation of optical refractive index.
1596 COO− asymmetric stretching The standard equation for the measurement of optical reflectance (R)
1668 NH3+ asymmetric bending and the refractive index (n) are given by,
1581 COO− asymmetric stretching
1502 1502 NH3+ symmetric bending
exp( − αt) ± exp( − αt)T − exp( − 3αt)T + exp( − 2αt)T 2
1391 1440 CH2 wagging R= (3)
1336 CH2 twisting exp( − αt) + exp( − 2αt)T
1409 COO− symmetric stretching √̅̅̅
1329 CH2 twisting − (R + 1) ± 2 R
1132 1139 NH3+ rocking n= (4)
(R − 1)
1049 1046 CCN asymmetric stretching
922 CH2 bending It is understood that the optical constants (R, n) are turn on ab­
883 893 CC stretching
sorption coefficient and transparency of the optical materials. The un­
689 690 COO− bending
617 COO− wagging derstanding of reflectance, transmittance, absorption and refractive
562 NH3+ torsion index are highly essential to enhance the internal quality of the mate­
506 506 COO− twisting rials. By regulating the optical band gap energy and the absorption co­
155 Lattice vibrations efficient, we can able to find a suitable material for efficient device
94 Lattice vibrations

N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

Fig. 6. 1H NMR spectrum of GHBr single crystal.

Fig. 7. C NMR spectrum of GHBr single crystal.

Fig. 10 shows the refractive index profile of GHBr single crystal. The 3.7. Z-scan studies
plot shows the dispersive nature of the refractive indices in the lower
wavelength region and is almost uniform in the higher wavelength re­ Z-scan method is a simple experimental setup designed by Shiek
gion that designates the nonappearance of local absorption bands. Of Bahae et al. to estimate the optical nonlinearity with greater accuracy
course, optical material with constant refractive index is a significant [36]. In the present setup all the optical factors such as nonlinear
condition in choosing the materials for the rudiments of high- refractive index (n2), nonlinear absorption co-efficient (β) and nonlinear
performance lenses, acousto-optic devices and coherent optics. Thus, optical susceptibility χ(3) are measured with a laser pulse of power, 50
GHBr crystals with large optical transparency, potential refractive index mW. A stepper motor attached with a Z-scan setup is used to change the
and low absorbance are suitable for antireflection coating in photovol­ position of the sample along the axial direction (+Z to –Z). Therefore the
taic and other optoelectronic devices [35]. sample is allowed to experience various laser light intensities at different
positions. A digital power meter is connected to the photo detector
measures the transmitted laser light intensity. Fig. 11 represents the

N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

Fig. 8. HRXRD Curve of GHBr single crystal.

Fig. 9. (a) UV–Vis.-NIR transmittance spectrum and (b) Tauc’s plot for the estimation of optical band gap energy of GHBr single crystal.

experimental plots of closed aperture, open aperture and Z-scan ratio laser beam that passes through the crystal. The negative nonlinear
modes of GHBr single crystal. The open and closed Z-scan modes are refractive index of crystal is an essential requirement for optical sensors
used to estimate the nonlinear optical absorption co-efficient (β) and as well as night vision devices [38].
nonlinear optical refractive index (n2) of the optical materials. The open Z-scan experiment is performed without using aperture to
Z-scan closed aperture plot of GHBr is shown in Fig. 11a. The trend of collect the transmitted laser beam. The obtained data is not much sen­
closed Z-scan curve (peak followed by valley) shows the negative optical sitive to nonlinear optical refraction and hence the plot is anticipated to
nonlinearity of the crystal that leads to the self defocusing effect. This is be symmetrical about the focus. A plot of open aperture Z-scan with
attributed to the internal refractive index changes with respect to tem­ minimum (valley) and maximum (peak) transmittance value indicates
perature [37]. The localized absorption of laser beam develops spatial the multi-photon absorption and saturable absorption respectively [39].
distribution of temperature. This causes the spatial variation of refrac­ In the present study, open Z-scan plot of GHBr crystal shows saturation
tive index of the material which in turn results in phase distortion of of absorption with most transmittance and is shown in Fig. 11b. The

N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

Fig. 10. Refractive index profile of GHBr single crystal.

value of effective nonlinear refractive index (n2) can be estimated using ( )

ε0 C2 n0 2 λβ (cm)
Z-scan ratio curve as shown in Fig. 11c. Imχ (3) (esu) = 10− 2
4π 2 W
The obtained Z-scan data is used to find out the measurable quantity
(ΔTp-v) as a function of on axis phase shift and is given by, where ε0 – vacuum permittivity (8.854 x 10–12C2 N-1 m-2), n0 - linear
ΔTp− v = 0.406(1 − S) 0.25
|Δφ| (5) refractive index (2.33) and c - velocity of light (3x108 ms-1). The third-
order nonlinear optical susceptibility of the crystal is calculated by
( ) √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
− 2ra 2
S = 1 − exp (6) χ (3) (esu) = (Re(χ (3) ))2 + (Im(χ (3) ))2 (12)

where ΔΦ – on axis phase shift, S - aperture linear transmittance, ra - The third-order nonlinear susceptibility χ(3) of the GHBr crystal is found
radius of the aperture in mm and ωa - beam radius at the aperture in mm. to be 1.28 × 10− 6 esu and is attributed to the large number of delo­
The nonlinear refractive index (n2) and the effective thickness of the calized π-electron derived from the protonation of amino group in the
crystal (Leff) are estimated using the following equations [36,39], crystal structure [42]. Such kind of delocalization improves the molec­
ular polarizability which leads to greater third order NLO optical ac­
n2 = (7) tivity [43]. The obtained results of Z-scan measurements are listed in
kI0 Leff Table 2 and some of the important results are compared with the re­
( ) ported values (Table 3) [44,45].
1 − exp( − αL)
Leff = (8)
3.8. Surface laser damage threshold (LDT) study
where k = 2λπ, I0 - intensity of the laser (at Z = 0), L - the thickness of the
sample in mm and α -the linear absorption coefficient. The study of laser withstanding capacity on the crystal surface plays
Open aperture Z-scan data is used for the calculation of nonlinear a vital role in fabrication of electro-optic modulators, NLO devices and
absorption coefficient according to the formula [40], optical waveguides [33,46]. The measurement of laser damage
√̅̅̅ threshold (LDT) study depends on various optical parameters such as
2 2ΔT laser irradiance, repetition rate, pulse duration, beam size and experi­
β= (9)
I0 Leff mental arrangements. The optical efficiency of the single crystals under
this study is limited for its use in many NLO activities [47]. Therefore, in
The + ve and –ve values of β represents the two photon absorption
the present research work, a single shot laser pulse is used to the study
and saturable absorption processes. In the present investigation, the
laser effects on GHBr single crystal. A size of laser beam on the crystal
estimated value of β is − 1.36 10− 4 cm/W which reveals the saturable
surface is measured to be 1mm and a repetition rate of 10 Hz is used for
absorption process of the crystal. This phenomenon further supports the
this analysis. The input laser energy density is recorded by a power
results of open Z-scan plot of GHBr crystal. The real and imaginary third-
meter and a controlled output laser light intensity is made to fall on the
order nonlinear optical susceptibility χ(3) can be calculated using the
crystal surface placed close to the converging lens. Thus, the laser power
experimentally determined values of β, n2 and no according to the
density is calculated according to the formula,
equations [41],
( )( ) E
ε0 C2 n0 2 n2 cm2 Pd = (13)
Reχ (3) (esu) = 10− 4 (10) τA
π W

N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

Fig. 11. (a) Z-scan closed aperture, (b) Z-scan open aperture and (c) Z-scan ratio plots of GHBr single crystal.

Table 2 Table 3
Results of Z-scan measurement on GHBr single crystal. Comparison of Z-scan results of GHBr with reported materials.
Parameters GHBr Z-scan GHBr [present] α-Glycine [44] γ-Glycine [45]
− 1 parameters
Linear absorption coefficient (α) ×m 244.666
Nonlinear optical refractive index (n2)×10− 8 cm2/W − 0.96 n2 − 0.96 × 10− 8 2.1445 × 10− 8 − 4.44 × 10− 6
Nonlinear optical absorption coefficient (β) ×10− 4 cm/W − 1.36 cm2/W cm2/W cm2/W
Linear refractive index (no) 2.33 β − 1.36 × 10− 4 cm/ 2.4763 × 10− 5 0.00527 cm2/W
Real part of the third-order susceptibility [Re(χ(3))]×10− 6 esu 0.97 W cm2/W
Imaginary part of the third-order susceptibility [Im(χ(3))]×10− 6
esu 0.84 χ(3) 1.28 × 10− 6 esu 8.018 × 10− 8 esu 2.863 × 10− 4
Third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility (χ(3))×10− 6 esu 1.28

find useful applications in the field of high-power lasers and other po­
Where, E − laser energy in mJ, τ - pulse width in ns and A - area of the tential optical devices.
circular spot size in mm2. A single shot pulse, surface laser damage
image of GHBr single crystal is presented in Fig. 12. The LDT value of 4. Conclusion
GHBr single crystal is estimated to be 2.54 GW/cm2. This is quite large
when compared to the standard NLO materials like KDP (0.2 GW/cm2) Single crystal of Bis-glycine hydrobromide (GHB) is grown by solu­
and urea (1.5 GW/cm2) [48]. Therefore, the single crystals of GHBr can tion growth technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction study confirms

N. Sivakumar et al. Optical Materials 122 (2021) 111730

Fig. 12. Image of surface laser damage of GHBr single crystal (single shot pulse).

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