End19th 2022 Text

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The text

Feeling nervous, Green can still clearly recall her first day at school.
She had very short hair and looked like a skinny boy. Other girls would
scream when she went to the school toilet. A teacher intervened and
scolded her. She froze, not able to utter a single word. On that first day,
she did not dare visit the toilet at all. But still, at the end of the day, she
peed her pants. All she remembers is that many students were laughing
hilariously. Later, she tried to seek help from her class teacher who told
her to “look like a girl” and keep her hair longer.

In a similar story, Ming also looked different from his male peers, with
delicate facial features. He spoke softly, too. When he talks about those
“dark days”, he doesn’t display a grievance, a calmness he credits to the
support he received from his psychology teacher.

Ming's "dark days" were when he came to a new high school. Older
boys flaunted their muscles and skipped classes to play ball. Not having a
passion for sports, Ming did not seem to fit in. Boys made fun of him by
mimicking his voice and sometimes took his things without asking. His

teacher Jing helped Ming to recognize a basic truth: “I am fine. I am just

not accepted by others.” Jing taught students about school bullying and
how to avoid conflicts through effective communication. The students
started reflecting on their behaviour. When Ming met them he sensed a
favoured attitude.

By Anqi Pu, Baoshan Luo and Yaopeng Li

 13 Nov 2020, adapted
Name:_________________________________Class: 9th Form______

Jaafar Majed Pioneer End-of-term test 1

Teacher :
Prep School Habib Zramdini
December 10th
I.Reading Comprehension (6 marks)
1/ Read and tick the most appropriate alternative: (1 mark)
The text is mainly about :
a- two pupils and one outstanding teacher.
b- two pupils and unconcerned teachers.
c- two pupils and a curious teacher.

2/ Answer the following W/H question with reference to the text. (1 mark)
Why does Ming look calmer than Green when each recalls her/his first
day at school?

3/ Answer the following YES/NO question. Justify your answer

with details from the text.
Was Green able to explain her case in the toilet?
4/ Find in paragraph 3 an expression meaning nearly the same
thing as: (1 mark)

disapproving of (paragraph 3) =__________________________

5/What does the underlined word in the text refer to? (1 mark)

‘I’ (paragraph 3 line 5) refers to_______________________

6/ Give a personal justified answer to the following question.

If you were Green’s friend what would you do? (1 mark)

If I were Green’s friend,

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