Quantitative Research Assignment

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Quantitative Research Assignment

 Locate a full-text research paper that used a quantitative research design. Preferably, this should
be a paper related to your topic(s) of interest.
 Download and read the paper, paying close attention to the purpose, hypotheses (if applicable),
and the Methods section. After you have read the paper, answer the questions below.
 Upload a copy of your written responses to Blackboard as a .doc or .pdf file by 11:59 pm on

1. Copy and paste the APA citation for the paper.
Caruso, B. A., Portela, G., McManus, S., & Clasen, T. (2020). Assessing Women's Menstruation
Concerns and Experiences in Rural India: Development and Validation of a Menstrual Insecurity
Measure. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(10), 3468.

2. What was the purpose of the study?

Creation and validation of measure of menstruation insecurity to assess women’s menstruation
related concerns and negative experiences.
3. Whether it was stated or implied, what was the quantitative research design for the study?
Design of quantitative research involves census to create sampling frames, creation of sampling
frames and final sampling lists and survey administration.
60 villages out of 100 villages, 20 women from each village totaling 1200 participants for survey.

4. Having read the Methods for the study, describe any threats to the internal and/or external
validity of the study?

Threat to internal validity is in terms of a section of country considered for study. A village from
Orrisa in India has been considered for study which may not be a true reflection of menstruation
insecurity being faced by women in other part of country or world. Economic and social
situation in other parts may be different than the village considered for study which can cause
different type of concerns among women.

Threat to external validity may be posed by studies conducted in past on this subject.
Researcher should study past studies to ensure that variety of behaviour among women being
checked during menstruation are covered maximum.

5. If you were to replicate their study, what could you do to improve the validity and/or
generalizability of their findings? (Hint: They may have mentioned a few options in the
Limitations portion of the Discussion.)

I would like to add emotional interviews of women to have additional feedback. Would also add
villages of other part of country which have different economic and social background. Would
also collect data at varied time points.

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