DCarson Module17

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OES 302

Module 17 Question – Climate Change

NASA’s Earth Observatory website is an interesting site that uses satellite imagery to examine
natural disasters, air pollution, and climate change. Please go to
http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/WorldOfChange/decadaltemp.php to observe changes
in global temperature from the 1880’s to 2019. Make sure that you click the play button on the
right to view the changes over time. 1) Where has the majority of warming occurred since the
1880’s? 2) What are the potential causes of warming to these particular areas, and what
consequences of warming may be experienced?

Background reading: Textbook, Chapter 10, Case Study 10-Taking the Earth’s Temperature and
heading: Major Controls on Global Climate; The Greenhouse Effect.

1) Global warming has occurred mainly in the south and the north in the early years.
Unfortunately, as time moves on it started to cover more of the whole world, with the
northern and southern region hitting the red.
2) This can be due to multiple reason: Humans, invention, and time.
As we start to create things in the world that can cause damage to the air or other parts of
the world, we start to realize that it has a major affect that we really don’t care about. For
example, cars have made are air worst for multiple years, only quarantine has made it
better due to nobody driving. Next is us exploring the world and going to war. Nuclear
warfare can negativity impact the earth, with atomic bomb and chemicals that will
permeantly damage the earth.

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