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social inequality

This term of social inequality measures disparities and disproportionate rates like

income, inmate sentencing, wealth, etc. Social Inequality can be disparities in actual and

potential future outcomes.

2. manifest function

A manifest function is the planned or conscious function of processes, actions, or places

that are consciously and deliberately designed to be beneficial in their effect on society.

3. latent function

The unintended consequences of an action, social structure, or place.

4. Dysfunction

Disruptions in society and its parts threaten social stability. Divorce and abuse can bring

dysfunction to families.

5. After viewing the Forbes and WHO sites, what is one manifest function of inequality?

One manifest function of inequality is a primary driving factor that shows inequality

which is wealth. Income inequality is a significant issue in America that is a direct outright

function of inequality. Another example can be education inequality for the same reasons as

previously stated.

6. After viewing the Forbes and WHO sites, what is one latent function of inequality?

One latent function of inequality is the effects of income inequality. This significant

income inequality in all aspects, being billionaires vs. middle class, men vs. women, has resulted

in lower life expectancy and higher infant mortality rate, lower social mobility, and increased

levels of violence caused by socioeconomic status.

7. After viewing the Forbes and WHO sites, what is one dysfunction of inequality?
Dysfunction of inequality includes many different social problems, including mental

illness, violence, imprisonment, obesity, drug abuse, and poor performance of schoolchildren.

These are examples of the dysfunction of inequality in societies.

8. What is one fact from "Wealth Shown to Scale" that you found surprising?

One fact that I found intriguing was that a literal small fraction of Jeff Bezo’s wealth

could pay the annual cost of chemotherapy for all cancer patients, which is about 9 billion

dollars. However, what completely astonishes me is that Jeff Bezo made more than that in a

single day, 13 billion dollars in 2020.

9. How much money will you earn between the day you’re born, and you die, on average?

I will earn between my birth and death is about 1.7 million dollars.

10. How much wealth do the 400 richest Americans own in 2021?

The top 400 wealthiest Americans own an amount equal to about $3.2 trillion. $3.2

trillion is more than the bottom 60% of Americans.

11. What percent of the US population is that equal to (“The 400 richest Americans are worth

____, which

is more than the bottom ____% of Americans.”).

The 400 wealthiest Americans are worth $3.2 trillion, more than the bottom 60% of Americans.

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