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Making changes and decisions: verb-noun collocations eslflow.


1. She often _______________ 2. They want to ______________ in 3. We need to ________ if

__________________________ their community by picking up trash. we want to be successful.

5. They climbed to the top. They 6. We can _____a lot of ____

4. He always ___________
had wanted to _________ this if we practice everyday.
his mother’s ____________
_________for a long time.

7. We can ______________ 8. She decided she needed 9. Her counselor often _____ her
if we work together. to ___________ to her _______she doesn’t like to hear.

achieve a goal make progress change her mind make a difference set goals
give advice make changes follow advice change the world

Complete the sentences above using the phrases below. Then answer the questions.

1. When do you sometimes change your mind? ………………………………………………………………………………

2. What goal are you setting for yourself this year? …………………………………………………………………………….

3. What change would you like to make in your life? Explain ……………………………………………………………………

4. How can you you make a difference to your community? ……………………………………………………………………..

5. When do you feel like you’re making progress? Explain.………………………………………………………………………


Number 1
Monica, do you find it difficult to make decisions?
Yes! No! maybe? I'm often not sure what I should do. Actually, I do have trouble making decisions. I often change
my mind.
Number 2
Ashley! It's wonderful, but what's the motivation behind your group's efforts, to pick up trash in your community?
Oh Ethan. We want to make a difference in our community by picking up trash. We want the world to be a cleaner,
greener place.
Number 3
Brandon, what have you decided, about our goals for this year?
Success! This is our target, for this year. And we need to set goals if we want to be successful.
Number 4
Oliver, how does your mother's advice influence your life?
My mother said, if I get good grades, my life will be easier in the future. I think she's right. I always follow my
mother’s advice.
Number 5
Amber, how does it feel, to finally achieve our goal of climbing to the top of this peak?
I'm so exhausted, but we made it. Look at the view! We finally climbed to the top. We've wanted to achieve this
goal for a long time.
Number 6
Noah, how can we improve our English language skills?
Practice makes perfect! We can make a lot of progress, if we practice every day.
Number 7
Prabhat, what can we all do to make the world a better place?
People from every country should help each other. We can change the world if we work together.
Number 8
Janine, what prompted your decision to have a make-over, and how has it affected your confidence?
I decided I needed to make changes to my appearance. So I had a make-over. I feel so much more confident.
Number 9
Hey Natasha, how do you feel about the advice your counselor gives you, even when it's difficult to hear?
Not good. He said I need to change. He said I was lazy and needed to have more self-discipline. My
counselor often gives me advice I don't like to hear.

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