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A Narrative Report Submitted to the

College of Agriculture and Home Science
Ifugao State University
Lamut, Ifugao

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Degree


(Major in Crop Technology)

June 2021


Levie Kurt Apoy was born in the year 2000 in Julongan, Kiangan, Ifugao. He is

the first son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Apoy and Madeline Apoy.

He finished his elementary level at Kiangan Central School. Studied at Ifugao

Academy for 4 years and continued his Senior High School at Riverview Polytechnic and

Academic School Incorporated and also graduated there. He then took Agriculture as a

degree in college and studied well at Ifsu Nayon Lamut.

He likes playing basketball, badminton, volleyball and soccer.



Without cooperation, support, patient of an individual and guidance of our

beloved instructors, this practicum would not have been successful. It is to them that we

owe our deepest gratitude.

To Sir Jomel Fanwa who guide us in our practicum.

To all our instructors in Agriculture who patiently did their job to provide

knowledge to us students.

To our beloved parents who are always there to provide our needs. And also, to

the customers, without them my project would not be successful.

To all my friends, who are always there to give motivation and encouragement

and helped me during the conducting of my practicum.

Also, to our almighty father in heaven, the source of everything, our protector,

guidance, who gives strength, knowledge and understanding and also the provider of all

things that we need for the success of our practicum.



Every challenging work needs self-efforts as well as guidance of elders especially

those were very close to our heart. My humble effort, I dedicate to my sweet and loving

Father and Mother, whose affection, love, encouragement and prays of day and night

make me able to get such success and honor. And also, along with all the hard working

and respected teachers.



Contents Pages
Title Page …………………………………………………………………………… i
Biographical Sketch ……………………………………………………………….. ii
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………. iii
Dedication…………………………………………………………………………… iv
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………... v

Chapter 1. Introduction
Rationale ……………………………………………………………………... 7
Objectives of the Project ……………………………………………………... 9

Chapter 2. Methodologies

Technical Aspects
Production Site Description ………………………………………………….. 10
Production Schedule …………………………………………………………. 10
Time and Place of the Project ………………………………………………... 11
Program of Work …………………………………………………………….. 11

Production Process
Land Preparation ……………………………………………………………... 11
Procurement of seed ……..…………………………………………………… 11
Planting/Sowing…… ………………………………………………………… 11
Water Management………… ………………………………………………… 12
Care management……...……………………………………………………… 12
Harvesting……………………. ……………………………………………… 12
Marketing. ……………………………………………………………………. 12
Recording …………………………………………………………………….. 12

Management Aspect
Role of Proponent ……………………………………………………………. 13
Role of Adviser ………………………………………………………………. 13

Chapter 3. Result and Discussion

Marketing Aspect
Product Description ………………………………………………………….. 14
Pricing Scheme……………………………………………………………….. 14
Marketing Outlet……………………………………………………………… 15

Financial Aspect
Source of Fund ……………………………………………………………….. 15
Actual Projected Cost ………………………………………………………... 15
Income Statement ……………………………………………………………. 16
Cash Flow Statement ………………………………………………………… 17
Cost and Return Analysis ……………………………………………………. 17
Balance Sheet ………………………………………………………………… 18
Comparative Analysis of the Plan and Actual Plan ………………………….. 19

Narration of Experiences and Learning Insight ………………………………... 20

Chapter 4. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Summary …………………………………………………………………….. 23
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………... 23
Recommendation ……………………………………………………………. 23

Literature Cited…………………………………………………………………. … 24

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………….... 25

Chapter 1



Siling Labuyo (Capsicum Frutescens) is a variety of cayenne pepper commonly

found in Southeast Asian Region. It is small size compared to its cousins from the west

but this little chili pepper packs a lot of more pungent odor and taste. Siling labuyo is

widely used in traditional herbal medicine to alleviate pain and inflammation due to

arthritis, gout and fibromyalgia. Siling labuyo is an annual or short perennial erect plant

growing to a height of .5 to 1.2 meters in warm climates. Siling labuyo plant has woody

branches with leaves that are oblong with pointed tip about 3 to 8 cm in length. Flowers

bloom in a central axil, white, pale green or yellow-green in color. The fruit of siling

labuyo is small, conical and tapering in shape about 1.5 to 3 cm long. Siling labuyo may

be pale green or yellow turning red as it ripens and contains many small seeds. Siling

labuyo may be small but it is considered as among the hottest variety of chili pepper.


Siling labuyo are small, slender chill peppers having the scientific name

Capsicum frutescens. Despite the name, siling labuyo is commonly grown in Filipino

backyard gardens. It is also called “Philippine Bird’s Eye Pepper” because of its shape.

Other English names given to this species include Thai pepper and boonie pepper. It

comes in bright colors such as green, yellow, orange and red. (

Siling labuyo has a lot of vitamins and minerals, even just a few grams red chili

peppers contains vitamin A, B6, C and K. additionally, it also has copper and potassium.

As for the macros, it contains about 1.3 grams of carbohydrates, 0.3 grams of protein, and

0.1 grams of fat. Siling labuyo is also 88% water and it has a total of 6 calories.

(Stepahanie Nicole G. Nera, RPh, PharmD)

The fruit of the chili contains capsaicin that gives the spicy flavor. The chili plant

contains ester, terpenoids, noncarotenoids, lipoxygenase derivates, carbonyls, alcohols,

hydrocarbons, capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, capsiconinoid, at capsinoid. It is also rich in

calcium, phosphorus, and iron as well as vitamins A and B. siling labuyo has been

considered a medical herbal plant used to treat sore throat, arthritis and rheumatism,

flatulence, toothache, cuts and wounds, and ringworm. The plant is easy to cultivate and

grows throughout the Philippines. (


Siling labuyo Chile peppers are an excellent source of vitamins A and C and

contain iron, folate, magnesium, fiber, and riboflavin. The peppers also provide

capsaicin, which is a chemical compound that triggers the brain to feel spice or heat and

has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. In Filipino folk medicine, the

capsaicin in siling labuyo Chile pepper has been used as a natural pain reliever for

toothaches. The leaves are also consumed and are known to provide a source of calcium,

fiber, and iron. (


Objectives of the Project

The general objective of the project on Siling labuyo production in Poblacion,

Kiangan, Ifugao is to apply the knowledge and skills learned in terms of appropriate

technology and entrepreneurial management.

Specifically, the project aimed to:

1. Test the productivity of siling labuyo variety,

2. Determine the profitability of siling labuyo production and,

3. Apply the cultural management practices in siling labuyo production.

4. Gain expected market acceptance, positive feedback from the target market.

Chapter 2


Technical Aspect

Project description

The project to be implemented is located at Poblacion Kiangan Ifugao. With land of

150sq. meter. The type of soil is sandy loam and water is not a problem because irrigation
is near the garden. Intern of transportation isn’t a problem because it is not far on the
highways. The schedule of the activities is shown in Table 1

Production Schedule

The production started at February 2021 and will be harvested on the month of Aril 2021.

Table 1. Production Schedule

February March April May

Activities Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Procurement of seeds x

A. Land preparation

Cleaning x

Digging x

Pulverizing x

B. Planting x

C. Care and Management

Watering x x x x x x x x

Fertilizing x x

Trellising x

Weeding x x

D. Harvesting x x x

E. Marketing x x x

F. Recording x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time and Place of the Project

The implementation of the project covered the period from February to May

2021. It was done at Poblacion, Kiangan, Ifugao.

Program of Work

The table 2 below presents the series of activities that was undertaken in the project.

Table 2. Program of Activities

Activities Date of performance
Procurement of seed February 14, 2021
Site preparation February 16-19, 2021
Sowing February 25, 2021
Watering March 3-April 20, 2021
Fertilizing March 12, 2021
Weeding March 20 & April 2, 2021
Visitation of the site May 5, 2021
Harvesting May 6,9,12& 15, 2021
Marketing May 6, 9, 12, & 15, 2021
Production Process

Land preparation

The area of the production was cleaned through the use of bolo and grass cutter

such also burning the unwanted weeds.

Procurement of seed

The seeds were purchased at Lagawe public market.


Planting will be done by planting 2 seed per hill with a distance of 25cm between
hill and 30cm between rows.

Water Management

Watering was applied after sowing the seeds. Watering with the used of sprinkler

and irrigating in between plots were done 3x a week after transplanting to avoid from


Fertilizer application

Chicken dung of organic fertilizer will be done using a grab hoe to cover the
fertilizer applied as well to control the weeds.

Care management

Care and management the plants by applying water and spray insecticide.

Insect pest and disease control

In order to prevent the attack of insect pest and plant disease it is important to
prevent them. Application of fungicide 3lbs manager torogi and application of
insectide bida selecron and prevaton will be done when sign and symptoms of pest
accurance is observe.


The beans should be harvested on the second week of May and after 5 days must

harvest for the second harvest same as the next harvest.


The siling labuyo was sold at Nueva Viscaya Agricultural Trading (NVAT).


Recording all what had happened to the project specifically even what have the

researcher gain after market to know if it reaches the capital or the expenses or if there is

something wrong on the project.

Management Aspect

Role of the Proponent

As a student intern I will be responsible in the preparation of the

feasibility study, which is the first requirement before the project starts its
implementation, management and recording of all the project activities.

Role of the Adviser

The adviser will act as superior to the student. And guide the student, set time for site
visitation in order to check whether the student is doing his/her practicum.

Chapter 3


Marketing Aspect

Product Description

Siling Labuyo is a type of crop that has long life duration of 6-8 months. Also, this

crop is needed in human consumption especially in sauce and even in medicinal


Pricing Scheme

The harvested siling labuyo will be sold based on the market current price that is

P35.00 per kilo. However, a projected increased and decreased of price is expected. The

market price of the harvested fresh pods was shown in the table 3. The fresh siling labuyo

that harvested from first to fifth harvest was 440 kgs, and sold at same prices Php 35.00

per kilo due to the supply at Nueva Viscaya Agricultural Trading (NVAT) was low and

come up with a gross sale of Php.15,400.

Table 3. Pricing Scheme

No. Harvested Quantity (kilo) Unit Price Amount

1st Harvest 160 kilos P 35.00/kilo P 5, 600

2nd Harvest 100 kilos P 2, 700

P 27.00/kilo

3rd Harvest 60 kilos P 1,200

P 20.00/kilo
4th Harvest 60 kilos P 1,380
P 23.00/kilo
5th Harvest 60 kilos P 1,500
P 25.00/kilo
Grand Total 440 kilos P130.00/kilo P 12,380

Marketing Outlet

The siling labuyo was sold at APTC building at Nueva Viscaya Agricultural

Trading (NVAT). They retailed it directly to the consumers. The siling labuyo were sold

to the Middle men at APTC buildingProducer

at Nueva Viscaya Agricultural Trading (NVAT).

They retailed it directly to the consumers.

Fig. 1. Marketing Outlet




Financial Aspect

Source of Fund

The source of fund was borrowed from the intern’s parents in the amount of thirty

thousand two hundred pesos(P30,200.00).

Actual project cost

Table 4 shows the total expenses in the siling labuyo production project of which

the unit cost of the labor was php 300.00 per day, it was the minimum wage of the

municipality. So, the labor cost from seed bed preparation until marketing was Php.

1,800.00., php. 1,270.00 for the supplies, and php 300.00 for miscellaneous and php.

250.00 for marketing cost with a total projected cost of php 3,370.00.

Table 4. Actual Project Cost

Activity Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

I. Labor Cost
Procurement of seeds 4 hours 300/day 300.00
Land preparation 8 hours (1 day) 300/day 300.00
Planting 2 hours (1 day) 300/day 300.00
Fertilizer application 4hours (1 day) 300/day 300.00
Weeding 16 hours (2 days) 300/day 600.00
Total Php. 1,800.00
II. Supplies Cost
Seed 1 kilo 150/kilo 150.00
Fertilizer 1 sack 800.00
Spray 1 litter 320/litter 320.00
Total Php. 1, 270.00
III. Miscellaneous

Transportation Php. 300.00
Total Php. 300.00
GRAND TOTAL Php. 3,370.00

Income Statement

Table 5 shows the income derived from the project of which the gross sales was

Php. 12,380. The total cost of expenses was Php.3,370.00, then the net income was Php.

9,010.00 due to the harvested crop was until the fifth harvest and the effect of extreme

weather condition that prolonged heat and affects the growth and yield of the crop.

Table 5. Income Statement


Gross Sales

 Yield=440 kilos Php. 12,380

Less: Cost Production

 Materials input Php. 1, 270.00

 Labor Cost Php. 1,800.00

Php. 300.00
 Miscellaneous

Total expenses Php. 3,370.00

Net Income Php. 9,010.00

Cash Flow Statement


The table 6 presents the cash flow of the project. The cash flow consisting of the

capital money and cash sales to augment the initial capital amounting to twelve thousand

three hundred eighty (Php.12,380.00), the outflow of cash went to the labor,

miscellaneous, and repayment of the capital that amounted to two thousand two hundred

fifty pesos (Php.2, 250.00). Deduction of the outflow from the inflow brought a net cash

ending balance of ten thousand two hundred eighty (Php.10, 280.00).

Table 6. Cash Flow Statement

Cash sales 12,380
Initial Capital 150.00
Total Inflow Php. 12,530.00
Labor Cost 1,800.00
Miscellaneous 300.00
Repayment of Capital 150.00
Total Outflow Php. 2,250.00
Net Cash Ending Balance Php. 10,280.00

Cost and Return Analysis

Table 7 shows the cost and return analysis of the project. The total production was

440 kilos with a gross sale of Php 12,380. Subtracting the production cost of

Php 3,370.00 from the total sales obtained a net income of Php 9,010.00 with a

corresponding return on investment (ROI) of 4.67 %. The return on investment (ROI) of

this project was high the average that been expected in the planned for a 150 square meter

area. The ROI is high due to the harvested crop is until the fifth harvest and it is a high

cost of production.

Table 7. Cost and Return Analysis

Particular Amount
1. Cost production
Labor cost 1,800.00
Supplies cost 1, 270.00

Miscellaneous cost 300.00

Total cost of production Php. 3,370.00
2. Return analysis
Gross sales 12,380
Less cost of production 3,370.00
NET INCOME Php. 15,750.00
Return of Investment 4.67%

Balance Sheet

Table 8 present the assets and liabilities of the project. The assets of the project

consisted of the net cash balance of Php.15,750.00, while the liability was made up of the

money from the proponent of Php. 15,750.00 used to augment the capital for the next


Table 8. Balance Sheet

 Cash on hand 15,750.00
Total 15,750.00
 Liability 0
 Owner’s Equity 15,750.00
Total 15,750.00

Comparative Analysis of the Plan and Actual Production

The business plan was prepared based on the standard of siling labuyo production

guide. The actual implementation of the project turned out that the outputs of the project

did not meet the projection. The total production obtained is lower than the planned due

to the effect of extreme weather condition that causes excessive heat for a longer period

and affects plant growth and yield. The minimal yield incurred further affects the

reduction of return on investment (ROI) of 4.67%.

Table 9. Comparative Analysis of the Plan and Actual Production

Particular Planned Actual

Total yield 500 kilos 440 kilos

Gross sales Php 20, 000.00 Php 12, 380.00

Area 250sq. m 100 sq. m

Price/kg. 80/kilo Php 35 to 25/kilo

Operating expenses Php 10, 000.00 Php 3, 370.00

Net income Php 22, 000.00 Php 15,750.00

ROI 110% 4.67%


Narration of Experiences and Learning Insights

Procurement of seeds
February 12, 2021 it’s very hard to find siling labuyo seeds
until the researcher learned that it has only
in the market.
February 15-18, 2021 Land preparation
I started cleaning the land for my garden
from the month of February. I applied
power in order for the grass and weeds to
easily die. After that, I used grass cutter in
removing the grasses.
February 27, 2021 Plotting
I started to plow the soil to ready it to be
Planting or sowing seeds
March 7-13, 2021 During planting, it needs patients and
endure the back pain while planting.
Fertilizer Application
March 14, 2021 I applied chicken dung fertilizer on the
plot then buried it and waited again for a
week then put again the fertilizer 14-14
Phil pose and urea.
March 21-27 Watering
Watering the plant is a must for every
gardener especially when the weather is
very hot. To be able to keep the plant

healthy the gardener should be patient

enough to always water them every day.
March 28- April 3 Spraying insecticides
I sprayed insecticide in order to prevent
the plant to be eaten by any plant eating

April 4-10 Continuation of spraying

Every four days after I planted the
seedling, I sprayed fungicide for its
vitamin and good crop quality.
April 11-17, 2021 Weeding
For the plant’s safety, I maintain the
cleanliness and all the plants needs until
its first cut. After the first cut, I applied
again fertilizer to regain the nutrients.
April 18-24, 2021 Visitation of the site
After a month of being busy I decided to
visit site production to see the situation of
my planting, and while roaming around I
observed that without taking care some of
my plants died.
May 10,16,22, 26 and 29, 2021 Harvesting
After so many days of waiting, finally I
started to harvest my garden for the first
The first harvest was transport to APTC
building at Nueva Viscaya Agricultural
Trading (NVAT).

Chapter 4



Crop Production is successful though challenging but it was successfully done.

The project on siling labuyo production is conducted at Upper Poblacion, Kiangan,

Ifugao. The place fits in the conduct of the project and gains a profit of Php 12,380 in

total for the 5 cuts. The project lasted for 3 months from land preparation until disposal.

The intern was able to apply the knowledge he learned about business strategies

and also enhanced his communication skills in persuading customers. The intern also

easily managed his attitude towards different behavior of his environment.


To achieve a higher profit, it is more important to produce commodities with good

characteristics and qualities. Good qualities of siling labuyo such as size, color, shape,

and texture easily sold out when commodities have these. Marketing includes production,

distribution and pricing.


1. Proper site selection, selecting resistant and tolerant varieties should be considered

during dry season;

2. Siling Labuyo production can be a farm enterprise as it requires a high cost of

production. Prices maybe fluctuating but it can derive income due to the longer

productive life span of Siling labuyo.

3. Proper care and management of the Siling labuyo should be observed specially on

the fertilizer application to supply the needed nutrient of the crop, and water to avoid



 Siling Labuyo Herbal Medicine, Health Benefits, Side Effects

 SILI... Siling Labuyo… Philippine Bird’s Eye Pepper – Tagalog Lang

 The health benefits of siling labuyo written by Lorraine Bunag, R.N. updated

August 30, 2020. Medically reviewed by Stephanie Nicole G. Nera, RPh, PharmD

 Siling Labuyo: Health Facts and Medical Uses - THOUGHTSKOTO

 Siling Labuyo Chile Peppers Information and Facts


Plate 1. Land Preparation

Plate 2. 14-14 philpose and urea mixing (fertilizer)

Fungicide processing




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