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Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273

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Techno-economic feasibility analysis of a solar-biomass off grid system

for the electrification of remote rural areas in Pakistan using HOMER
M. Kashif Shahzad*, Adeem Zahid, Tanzeel ur Rashid, Mirza Abdullah Rehan, Muzaffar Ali,
Mueen Ahmad
Energy Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Off-grid electricity generation using renewable energy technologies has become a more reliable source to
Received 7 September 2016 fulfill the needs of rural areas at limited level without considering conventional resources. The main
Received in revised form purpose of this study was to propose an economical and optimized design for electricity generation using
1 January 2017
hybrid energy source PV/Biomass for an agricultural farm and a residential community centered in a
Accepted 17 January 2017
Available online 21 January 2017
small village of district Layyah in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The electric load data was collected for
the irrigation and residential needs. Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) was
used to design and perform techno-economic analysis to meet the load requirements using PV/biomass
Hybrid PV-Biomass system
hybrid configuration. The solar irradiance data and the available biomass potential on the farm was used
Techno-economic analysis in the HOMER software to perform the analysis. Total net present cost (NPC) and cost of electricity (COE)
Sensitivity analysis were obtained as a solution by the HOMER analysis and then these results were refined further by
HOMER performing sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity parameter such as biomass potential, biomass price, solar
Pakistan irradiance and variations in loads were used in the sensitivity analysis. This analysis compares the
performance of the system and shows that system is techno-economically viable based on the net
present cost and cost of energy.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction economic growth of any country. Moreover, due to increased cost of

fuel and the problems caused by the energy crisis in the country,
Pakistan is facing worst electricity crisis since 2008, which has the use of renewable energy resource have become vital. These
led the agriculture, industry and commerce to the decline. As a energy resources and technologies like solar, biomass and wind are
result, GDP of Pakistan has declined from 8.0% to 2.0% in the last environment friendly, clean and can be used at micro levels.
decade and country's 20% of GDP relies on the agricultural sector Renewable energy based micro-grid systems are the best means to
[1]. As, the country is considered to be the world's fourth largest make agricultural farms independent of the conventional grid
user of ground water for the agricultural irrigation and the area systems and can provide electricity on the continuous basis
covered by the agricultural purpose. Agricultural sector is the 3rd without causing any disruption [2]. Moreover, efforts have been
largest consumer of electricity in the country and most of the focused in using single source based renewable energy technolo-
electricity is consumed for the irrigation purposes. Due to the gies like solar powered residential systems and micro hydro power
regular spans of intense electricity shortfall, agricultural irrigation systems, but these systems often are not available to the consumers
system is affected badly. It is impossible to supply water properly to and these system rely only on these limited resources. Such systems
the crops due to long term shortfalls in electricity supply to the leads to oversizing issues that may increase initial installation costs.
electric powered irrigation system, sometimes of about 18 h. Instead of utilizing these systems, hybrid systems can help us to
Renewable energy technologies can play an essential role in the overcome the oversizing issues and can enhance the reliability of
electricity supply. So, using such micro-off grid system utilizing
hybrid energy resource like solar and biomass can be a best cost
* Corresponding author. effective solution for reliable electricity supply to the rural areas to
E-mail address: (M.K. Shahzad).
0960-1481/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273 265

overcome the problem in irrigation system at micro levels [3]. overdesigned using PV array of 60 kW and two 50 kW generators,
Moreover, most of these renewable source based systems have while the load requirement was 80 kW.
inconsistent supply issues contrary to those of conventional sour- Examples of the studies performed for the rural communities
ces, due to intermittent characteristics under varying climatic includes Olatomiwa et al. [15] who studied different feasible elec-
conditions, which influence the energy production. To overcome tricity generation schemes consisting of solar, wind and diesel
this issue and provide energy supply in reliable ways, these generator for different locations of Nigeria using HOMER. Study
renewable source based systems can be combined with energy concluded that hybrid renewable configuration comprising of solar,
storage technologies or other non-renewable systems. A vast wind, diesel and batteries is most feasible with lowest carbon
research on such standalone and hybrid systems has been in the emissions. This study focused only the basic rural community
past, integrating two or more types of renewable sources and needs but not included the productive energy usage.
storage appliances. Researchers and energy modelers have been Ankit Bhat et al. [16] performed optimal planning and feasibility
using different tools or programs for the modelling, to assess the analysis for rural community by considering photovoltaic, biomass,
performance and reliability of these systems. HOMER is one of such hydro and diesel as resources to generate electricity for the peak
energy modelling tools, which is being used by the researcher for load of 55.49 kW. They performed simulations using HOMER and
the optimization and modelling purposes. Hybrid optimization concluded that system comprising 6 kW biogas generator, 16 kW
model for electric renewables (HOMER) is cost and system opti- biomass, 60 kW PV and 10 kW diesel generator with storage bat-
mizing tool used for the prefeasibility of any project, developed by teries is more suitable option for the studied area. Bhattacharyya S.
NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA). This tool can et al. [17,18] analyzed optimal planning and system designing of
handle all type of the emerging technologies such as PV, wind, fuel small grid system for Bangladeshi rural community having based
cell, hydro etc. and is able to do hourly simulations. This tool has load of 24 kW. This study considered hybrid system comprising of
been used for the prefeasibility analysis and studies of the off-grid solar, hydro, diesel and wind resources for power generation. These
power systems in the world. A number of studies have been done studies considered the electricity needs at domestic level but didn't
previously using single and hybrid energy based systems until now considered agricultural need such as irrigation and other usages.
such as the investigation made by Khan M. and Iqbal M. for the It is evident from the literature review that hybrid renewable
hybrid system using hydrogen as energy source in Newfoundland energy systems are more cost effective and reliable source of en-
[4]; Karakoulidis et al. [5]; Barsoum and Vacent [6] and Giatrakos ergy than conventional grid system. The main focus in aforemen-
et al. [7]. Givler and Lilienthel [8] performed a study on the tioned studies was the electrification of rural areas at domestic
photovoltaic-diesel engine based hybrid electric power system level ignoring the electricity requirement for the agricultural and
identifying that hybrid system is cost effective than that of a small irrigation purposes. To the best of author's knowledge, there is no
solar based system of 50 W with storage. This study considered a comprehensive study on the HOMER based techno-economic
small household with peak load of 40 W and 5 W based load. analysis of such hybrid renewable energy systems in Pakistan. Be-
Moreover, this does not define productive energy usage as it focus ing an under-developed country, Pakistan is economically depen-
only basic needs. dent on the agricultural sector which is badly effected due to
Munuswamy S. et al. [9] performed a cost comparison analysis electricity shortfall since a decade. Moreover, about 61.74% popu-
of the grid based supply to the health center in a rural area with the lation of the country is in rural areas, out of which only 46% has
fuel cell based generation system using HOMER software. This access to grid electricity [19,20]. As a result, the main idea of this
study concluded that the grid electric supply is cheaper form an off- study is to provide an optimized and most feasible solution for the
grid system than a grid based supply if it is beyond 44 km distance. electrification of residential entities and agricultural farms located
This study was performed for a small entity but not for a rural in the remote areas of Pakistan where grid electricty is not avail-
community. Similarly, Anand Singh et al. [10] performed the cost able. To achieve these objectives, electricity load, biomass and solar
optimization using HOMER software for a solar, biomass and fuel radiation data was used to apply techno-economic analysis using
cell based on hybrid energy source for the Bhopal Energy Center. HOMER simulations based on sensitivities.
This study was performed for the primary load of 101 kWh/day
using solar, biomass and fuel cell but cost comparison analysis was 2. Methodology
performed only by taking biomass quantity variation neglecting
demand changes and hydrogen fuel used in fuel cell. HOMER software developed by NREL (National Renewable En-
Hafez O et al. [11] considered the micro grid hybrid system ergy Laboratory, USA) has been utilized for optimal designing and
based on the wind, hydro, solar and diesel resources for the to assess the techno-economic feasibility of the hybrid solar/
1183 kW peak load and 600 base load of the rural community. This biomass system. This software is a powerful tool for the optimal
study was done by assuming unrealistic overdesigned assumptions designing, sizing and planning of hybrid renewable energy systems
for the system. Smruti et al. [12] presented a cost analysis study by carrying out techno-economic analysis for off-grid and grid
based on the PV-biomass hybrid system for a small house of 3.6 kW connected power systems. It takes inputs such as electric or heating
peak load in a remote area using animal manure as biomass. This loads to perform simulations based on different system's configu-
system was cost effective with respect of conventional grid system rations or the hybrid combinations of components and generates
and system's payback period was about 12 year. But this study was the optimized system configurations sorted in term of COE and
also performed for a house not even at community level. NPC. Optimization of system design configurations is performed by
Luiz et al. [13] presented a prefeasibility report of a hybrid PV- minimizing the objective function to the constraints. The objective
diesel system for a small village of 100 families. This hybrid sys- function in this analysis is NPC, which is the present cost of system
tem was supposed to be cost effective than that of diesel based excluding the sum of revenues. The constraints are charging and
system which reduces the cost of fuel consumption. Similarly, Lau discharging of batteries, power balance and other technical con-
et al. [14] performed a cost analysis for the hybrid (PV-diesel) straints. HOMER simulates the system configurations by making
system considering the load requirements of residential sector energy balance for each hour and takes the electric or thermal loads
using HOMER software. The system was designed and analyzed for per hour that a system can supply [21].
the peak demand of 2 kW for 40 homes. This study does not This analysis demonstrates the impact of renewable penetration
considered any productive use of electricity as the system was and storage on the COE and NPC. As HOMER performs the
266 M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273

In current case demand for rural residential electricity is not high as

compared to the urban areas, electricity consumption in the resi-
dential community is due to the lighting, fans and small water
pumps. The main electricity consumption in the current case is due
to the agricultural needs of the farm such as irrigation system and
electric grass cutting machine.
Electric load assessment was performed carefully by considering
the load requirements of the households and the agricultural farm
holders for the summer peak season for the residential needs. Load
calculations for agricultural and residential sector are listed in
Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.
Agricultural primary and peak load requirement is calculated to
be approximately 137.48 kWh and 12.16 kWh, respectively. While
for the residential sector, primary and peak load requirement for
the six households was estimated to be 30.882 kWh and 4.92 kWh,
respectively. So, total peak load for the overall system was
17.08 kWh.
The daily electric load profiles of the residential community and
agricultural farm with combined load for the summer season is
shown in Fig. 2. Load profiles are clearly showing the load variance
throughout 24 h of a day, the maximum load requirement in the
morning and the night for the residential community. During the
day, most of the family members may not be at home that's why
load profile is lower. During the night all the family members will
be at home, which leads to increase in the load. Similarly the
agricultural load profile is showing that the peak load is during the
Fig. 1. A schematic diagram indicating methodology utilized for analysis. day times due to irrigation needs. Irrigation pumps is used mostly
during the day time from 6:00e18:00, which maximizes the peak
load, during the daytimes. Combined load profile is showing the
prefeasibility analysis and optimization of the micro-grid systems
total electricity load for agricultural and residential sectors with
before the installation. Usually, three tasks can be performed by
peak hours during the day time from 6:00e18:00 due to the
using HOMER are: running simulations, performing sensitivity
maximum electricity consumption for irrigation purpose.
analysis and optimizing the simulated system [22]. Before per-
Load profile for the monthly average electricity consumption of
forming HOMER based analysis for the hybrid solar/biomass sys-
the agricultural farm including the residential community is shown
tem, a Pre-HOMER analysis was performed by making an
in Fig. 3, with maximum electricity consumption in the months of
assessment of the load requirements for the agricultural irrigation
April to August. This consumption is due to the agricultural irri-
system, the community around the farm and for the available en-
gation during the rice crops season.
ergy resources in the farm. After that load data was fed into the
software interface and analysis was performed for the hybrid micro
2.2. Available resources assessment
off-grid system by using available equipment in the software.
Loads, components and grid are three main types of hybrid
For the current case, hybrid solar/biomass electric system was
renewable system's equipment. For this study, loads include the
considered. So, the complete assessment of the available biomass
electric load and the components include PV, generators, batteries
and resources is given below:
and converter. The characteristics of these components, which are
modeled in HOMER are described in Ref. [23]. For this study, these
2.2.1. Available solar radiation
HOMER modeled equipment's capacity was customized according
Solar radiation data obtained by using HOMER software for the
to the current system's requirement. Suitable constraints were used
location “Karor Lal Eason” of 3113.60 N latitude and 70 57.10 E
for the sensitivity analysis according to the system requirements for
longitude from “NASA surface meteorology and Solar Energy
life cycle cost analysis. After this HOMER based analysis, post
Database”. The annual scaled average solar radiations were found
analysis was performed to make final decision based on the market
to be 5.18 kwh/m2/day and the maximum solar radiations were
energy costs. These energy market costs includes the supply tariffs
found to be 6.95 kwh/m2/day. Data shows that the location has
(cost of electricity) set by the NTDC1 Pakistan and MEPCO2 public
good solar potential and can produce power in efficient way using
sector distribution companies of Pakistan. Methodology utilized for
photovoltaic (PV) panels. A profile indicating solar radiation and
the complete prefeasibility analysis is indicated in Fig. 1.
clearance index created by the HOMER for the location is shown in
Fig. 4.
2.1. User load assessment
2.2.2. Biomass resource
This hybrid off-grid system was designed to fulfill the electricity Biomass is a plentiful and oldest source of energy in the world,
need of an agricultural farm and the small community consisting of composed of the organic matter of including agricultural residues,
six households. Agricultural farm is centered in a small village of wood, animal and human wastes. It is a mixture of the gases such as
Karor Lal Eason, district Layyah in the Punjab province of Pakistan. carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), which is produced by
micro-organisms in the absence of oxygen [24].
Utilization of biomass for the power generation purpose is
National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) Pakistan. becoming very popular by the time and is the easily available
The Multan Electric Power Company, Pakistan. source of energy in the rural areas of Pakistan. Moreover, it is a
M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273 267

Table 1
Electric load calculations for agricultural farm.

Sr. No. Agricultural load Power (kW) Number in use Utilization time Total load (kWh/day)

01 Water irrigation pump 11.19 01 6:00e1800 134.28

02 Electric grass cutting machine 1.4 01 15:00e17:00 2.8
03 Lights (CFL) 0.024 05 18:00e6:00 0.288
04 Pedestal fan 0.04 01 13:00e16:00 0.12
Total electricity Load for agricultural purposes 137.488

Table 2
Electric load calculations for the residential need of community.

Sr. No. Domestic load Power (watts) Number in use Utilization hours Total load (watts-hour)

01 Ceiling fans 50 02 14 1400

02 Pedestal fans 55 01 08 440
03 Low energy CFLs 24 02 09 432
04 Fluorescent tubes 40 02 05 400
05 Television 175 01 03 525
06 Water pump 750 01 01 750
07 Electric iron 1200 01 01 1200
Total load for 01 household 5.147 kWh
Total load for 06 household 30.882 kWh

Fig. 2. Load profiles for the residential, agricultural and total electricity consumption.

Fig. 3. Monthly average load profile.

clean source of energy than that of fossils in the world. That's why generation in the country by using animal manure through diges-
biomass can be used as potential source of energy for the electricity tion process or residues through combustion process.
268 M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273

Fig. 4. Solar radiations profile.

In the current case being studied for the agricultural farm, the available manure is calculated by eq. (4).
hybrid solar/biomass system was selected as biomass is available
easily in the form of manure. This hybrid system using biomass X

with solar for electricity generation is more sustainable, because it EB ¼ Ni :mi :kDMi :KOMi :vBi :eBi (3)
can generate electricity during the cloudy days also.
Manure production from the livestock of the agricultural farm
can be used for the electricity production by using anaerobic di- EB
P¼ (4)
gesters. Estimation of the total manure output [25] from the farm's Ke $Tc
livestock throughout the year was calculated by using eq. (1).
 eBi is the specific heat energy obtained from the manure as kWh/
M¼ Ni :mi (1)
 EB is the potential of obtainable energy from manure in kWh.
 P is the electric power generation from the biomass in kW.
where:  Ke is the coefficient of electric efficiency of the plant, take as 0.4
(40%) normally.
 M is the total animal manure produced in one year, calculated in  Tc is the total operation hours of the plant throughout the year.
 n is number of specified groups of animal. Using above equations (1)e(4) capacity of power generation was
 Ni is the total number of animals. estimated to be the 8.84 kW from the manure produced by the
 mi is the manure produced per head. livestock as given in Table 3. Total numbers of livestock on the farm
and the surrounding community were estimated to be 45, which
Production of biogas from the animal manure is estimated by includes 19 buffalos and 26 dairy cows. Manure per head produc-
summing the biogas produced from the manure by all the animals tion values were taken from an international survey published by a
throughout the year, which is given by eq. (2). French agency [26]. So, estimated manure production from all the
animals was about 0.462 tons/day.
VB ¼ Ni :mi :kDMi :KOMi :vBi (2) 2.3. System design & analysis

In this hybrid PV-Biomass off-grid electricity generation system,

four main components includes the photovoltaic (PV) panels,
biogas fueled generator, convertor and storage batteries. In order to
 VB is the volume of the obtained biogas from manure in one
present prefeasibility report of the hybrid system, system was
year, m3.
designed consisting of 10 kW PV modules, 8.0 kW biogas generator,
 kDMi is the dry matter content in the manure of certain animal.
convertor and batteries is shown in Fig. 5.
 KOMi is the organic matter content in dry matter.
Design specification of each component used in the hybrid
 vBi is the specific biogas output from the organic matter, in m3/
system to fulfill the load requirements are explained below:

Biogas energy that can be obtained from the animal manure is 2.3.1. Solar modules
calculated by using eq. (3) and the electric power generation from In this case, solar modules of 10 kW capacity have been used in
combination with the biomass generator to meet the load
requirement during the day times of maximum agricultural load for
The Prices and technical parameters for these equipment are obtained from the irrigation purposes. PV modules is polycrystalline silicon type with
local Pakistani manufacturers and distributors. maximum rated power of 250 W, nominal voltage of 31.02 V and
M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273 269

Table 3
Estimation of power generation by using manure and considering biogas characteristics [27] [28], [29].

Number of Manure production per head Total manure Dry matter Organic matter Biogas output Heat energy of biogas Estimated power production
animals (ton/year) (ton/year) content content (m3/ton) (kWh/m3) (kW/day)


Buffalo (19) 4.38 83.22 0.18 0.86 236 5.8 5.03

Cows (26) 3.285 85.41 0.18 0.86 204 3.8 2.92
Total estimated electricity production by the manure of 45 animals 8.84

Table 5
Biogas generator cost and other technical parameters.

Sr. No Parameters Units Values

01 Capital cost PKW/kW 90,000

02 Replacement cost PKR/kW 60,000
03 Lifetime Years 08
04 Load factor % 25
05 Rated current A 18
06 Rated voltage V 110/220, 220/380

2.3.3. Storage batteries

The main purpose of the batteries is to store the PV output
during the day time to be used in the absence of solar radiations. 32
Li-ion, 6.0 V batteries of 167Ah were used in this hybrid system.
Data sheet available in the HOMER software indicates that the
battery has round trip efficiency of 74% and the life time of 5 years.
Capital cost of the battery was considered to be 20,000 PKR.4

Fig. 5. Configuration of hybrid PV/biomass system. 2.3.4. Converter

A converter is used to convert the dc power obtained from solar
panel to ac power. Usually, a converter is rated according to the
operating current of 8.06 A. Installation cost3 of the solar modules power of solar modules selected and the typical convertor effi-
in Pakistan is 110,000 PKR/kW with life time of 25 years. Complete ciency of 85%, as:
details of solar modules used for the current system is listed in
Table 4. CConverter ¼ Parray  100=85

CConverter ¼ 10kW  1:18

2.3.2. Biogas fueled generator CConverter ¼ 11:8x12:0kW

To fulfill the 17.08 kWh requirement of the farm and the resi-
As, electricity consumption for the agricultural purpose
dential sector a biogas fueled generator of 8 kW capacity was
covering the maximum of the load curve is during the peak hours
selected combined with 10 kW of PV modules. Because solar
(6:00e18:00) and is being fulfilled by hybrid off grid system. The
modules will fulfill the load requirements during the day times and
main objective of the hybrid system is to share the load during the
there will be zero output in night. In this condition, hybrid system
peak hours, taking maximum from PV during the day and the rest is
using biogas will fulfill the energy requirements. Fuel Cost have
from biogas generator and batteries. By considering the load
been neglected because animal dung is being used as biomass.
sharing during the peak hours, a converter of 12 kW capacity was
While the electricity generation of 1.0 kW using biogas power
selected for the PV array of 10 kW output. Convertor efficiency was
plants costs 90,000 PKR including installation cost [31]. Generator
considered to be 90% and the initial capital cost of the convertor
related cost and other technical parameters are listed in Table 5.
was assumed to 15,000 PKR/kW.

Table 4 2.4. Analysis

Solar Modules Cost and technical parameters [30].

Sr. No Parameters Units Values As HOMER software is used to provide the system designers
01 Capital cost PKR/kW 110,000 with feasibility and economic report of the system being designed,
02 Replacement cost PKR/kW 75,000 in order to check systems viability and the main purpose of the
03 Operation & maintenance cost PKR/year 1000 HOMER is to minimize the net present and operating costs of the
04 De-rating factor % 80
system based on the sensitivity inputs. For the economic analysis,
05 Lifetime Years 25
06 Slope Degree 23.5 the annual discount rate of 10% and 25 years project lifetime was
07 Rated power W 250 considered. After that's system configuration was simulated using
08 Open circuit voltage, Voc V 37.5
09 Short circuit current Isc A 8.76
10 Maximum power voltage, Vpm V 30.3 4
The Prices and technical parameters for these equipment are obtained from the
11 Maximum power current, Ipm A 8.24
local Pakistani manufacturers and distributors.
270 M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273

HOMER software according to the load requirement of the farm. radiations were considered for the sensitivity analysis. Price of
Capacity of the generator and PV arrays was varied to assess the biomass was neglected in this system design as biomass is available
system operating costs during the different loads throughout the in the form of animal manure free of cost. It helps the designers and
day from 8 to 20 kW and 10e20 kW, respectively. planners to select the most optimal and economical system for the
given design conditions.
3. Results and discussions The amount of biomass supplied and solar radiations were
varied to determine the variation effects in the system economy. As
In this study, hybrid PV/Biomass power generation system the amount of biomass supplied was 0.462 tons/day, for the
designed to fulfill the needs of agricultural farm for its irrigation sensitivity analysis purpose it was varied from 0.462 to 0.5 tons/day
purposes and the small residential entity. System was simulated by and the solar radiations were varied from 5.18 to 6.6 kWh/m2/day.
using HOMER software to optimize the designed system configu- Results obtained from the sensitivity analysis of the hybrid system
ration according to the load profile and the results obtained are by are shown in Fig. 6, which illustrate the variation in the net
presented in this section. System was analyzed and optimized by present cost, cost of electricity (COE), operation costs due to the
considering different sensitivity parameters. variation in biomass supply and solar radiations. From the results it
can be observed that by increasing the amount of biomass and by
3.1. Sensitivity analysis results considering the variations in solar radiation, net present and
operating costs also increases.
For techno-economic analysis purpose, system should be The cost of electricity (COE) generated from the hybrid system is
defined with some system control variables or constraints, which plotted on the surface plot superimposed with net present cost
are effective on the system outputs and the operating costs of the (NPC), as shown in Fig. 7. Biomass daily average supply is taken
system. As the designed system is renewable and the uncertainties along y-axis and solar radiations along x-axis. It can be seen from
such as amount of the biomass supply and the changes in solar the plot that by increase in solar radiations, net power production

Fig. 6. Sensitivity results for the hybrid PV/Biomass system.

Fig. 7. Surface plot for the net cost of electricity (COE).

M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273 271

Fig. 8. Optimal system analysis results.

from PV-arrays increases and cost of energy is reduced. So, it can production of the different components of the system also in-
said that by increasing the sensitivity variable, capacity and power creases. Therefore, a hybrid PV-Biomass system can be more cost

Fig. 9. Monthly average electricity production from the hybrid system.

272 M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273

Table 6 Monthly average power generation from hybrid PV-Biomass

Annual electricity generation and consumption by the hybrid system. system is shown in Fig. 9, where the red bars represents the po-
Production kWh/year % Consumption kWh/year % wer generated by the solar modules and blue bars represents the
PV modules 16,872 24.6 AC primary load 65,372 100.0
power produced by the biogas fueled generator. Comparison of
Biogas generator 51,721 75.4 DC primary load 0 0.0 Figs. 9 and 3 shows that the monthly average electricity generation
Total 68,593 100.0 Total 65,372 100.0 closely matched the monthly electricity consumption.
It is evident from Fig. 9 and Table 6 that power generated by the
biogas generator dominates the PV modules throughout the year.
effective than other conventional systems due to its variation with As our peak load hours are during the day for the agricultural
natural energy resources. irrigation purpose that's why being an off grid configuration, sys-
tem utilizes both solar and biomass as resources to fulfill the load
3.2. System optimization results requirements. Biogas generator operates throughout the year ac-
cording to the load requirements and produces about 51,721 kWh/
The designed hybrid PV/Biomass system with sensitivity inputs year with capacity factor of 75.4% and PV modules produces
were simulated in HOMER software by varying the capacity of PV 16,872 kWh/year with capacity factor of 24.6%. PV modules power
and biogas generator to determine the best optimized and generation is lower due to unavailability of solar radiations during
economical system for the agricultural farm. Capacity range of PV most of the peak hours (6:00e18:00). Moreover, system is meeting
was varied between 10 and 20 kW and of biomass generator was the power consumption of 65,372 kWh/year with excess of power
varied between 8 and 20 kW in the HOMER search space to opti- generation, which can be used for some useful purpose or can be
mize system fulfilling the electricity load. stored.
Optimal design of the hybrid system for the current study A cost summary of the optimized hybrid system for selected
consisting of the different renewable components comprising components is shown in Fig. 10. About 50% of the initial capital cost
10 kW PV array, 8.0 kW biogas generator, 32 storage batteries and a was due to photovoltaic panels, which is cheaper once it is installed
convertor of 12 kW resulted as best optimized and economic than that of biogas generator. Moreover, biomass supply is available
configuration simulated, as shown in Fig. 8. As HOMER provides free of cost that's why it has been neglected in the fuel category.
these optimized results sorted on the base of NPC, COE and initial As cost of electricity (COE) from the conventional grid for the
capital investment. Total Net present cost (NPC), total capital cost agricultural purpose is 10.35 PKR/kWh, while the cost of electricity
and cost of electricity (COE) of the best optimized hybrid PV/ generation from this hybrid system is 5.51 PKR/kWh. So, electricity
Biomass configuration are PKR 4.48M, PKR 2.64M and 5.51 PKR/ generated from this hybrid system is cheaper than grid and saves
kWh. Other configurations having capability to fulfill the same about 4.84 PKR/kWh to the farm owners. Therefore, by the imple-
electricity load with different equipment sizing have higher initial menting such hybrid system PKR 0.071M/year can be saved, as
capital cost, COE and net present cost. consumption of electricity around the year is about 14530 kWh/

Fig. 10. Cost summary of the hybrid PV/Biomass system.

M.K. Shahzad et al. / Renewable Energy 106 (2017) 264e273 273

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