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IES “San Fernando Rey”

Profesorados para la Educación Superior y Secundaria en Inglés Prof. M.N. Ocantos

Phonetics & Phonology of the Foreign Language I

Pronunciation Rules 2

Complete the following exercises without using the dictionary, having in mind spelling-sound relationships and all
English pronunciation rules.

A. Listen to the following entry in a diary. Based on the recording (dictation), transcribe the text in phonemic symbols.
Then check, and repeat the text aloud. What type of activity is the speaker describing? R 2.1

B. Listen to these conversations and complete the names of the groups give the words in the box. Read every question
and answer accordingly. After completing the texts, transcribe them phonetically, paying attention to final sounds
and the use of weak/strong forms whenever necessary. Then, based on pronunciation rules mark in yellow weak
forms, in green strong forms, and in light blue particular final sounds. R 2.2

1 The …………………….………………… group

A: Do you like listening to music?

B: ........................................................................................ 1

A: Do you like doing exercise?

B: ........................................................................................ 2

A: How about talking to people?

B: ........................................................................................ 3

2 The …………………….………………… group

A: Do you like taking photos?

B: ........................................................................................ 4

A: Do you like visiting places?

B: ........................................................................................ 5

A: Do you like looking at maps?

B: ........................................................................................ 6
IES “San Fernando Rey”
Profesorados para la Educación Superior y Secundaria en Inglés Prof. M.N. Ocantos
Phonetics & Phonology of the Foreign Language I

Answer key


A walking holiday.

B. 1 Relaxed 2 Travel

A: Do you like listening to music?

B: Yes, I do.
A: Do you like doing exercise?
B: No, not at all.
A: How about talking to people?
B: It depends. Sometimes.

A: Do you like taking photos?

B: Yes, I do.
A: Do you like visiting places?
B: Yes, I love it.
A: Do you like looking at maps?
B: Yes, I love them.
IES “San Fernando Rey”
Profesorados para la Educación Superior y Secundaria en Inglés Prof. M.N. Ocantos
Phonetics & Phonology of the Foreign Language I

/ eɪ / də jə laɪk ˈlɪsnɪŋ tə ˈmjuːzɪk // ʤə laɪk

/bi: / jes / aɪ duː//
/ eɪ / də jə laɪk ˈduːɪŋ ˈeksəsaɪz? // ʤə laɪk
/ bi: / nəʊ / nɒt ət ɔːl //
/ eɪ / haʊ əˈbaʊt ˈtɔːkɪŋ tə ˈpiːpl //
/ biː / ɪt dɪˈpendz // ˈsʌmtaɪmz //

/ eɪ / də jə laɪk ˈteɪkɪŋ ˈfəʊtəʊz // ʤə laɪk

/ biː / jes / aɪ duː//
/ eɪ / də jə laɪk ˈvɪzɪtɪŋ ˈpleɪsɪz // ʤə laɪk
/ biː / jes / aɪ lʌv ɪt //
/ eɪ / də jə laɪk ˈlʊkɪŋ ət mæps // ʤə laɪk
/ biː / jes / aɪ lʌv ðəm // ðm

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