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Practical Ultrasonic Testing

Weld Inspection using ASME V

Presented by
Eng. Mohamed Amro Torab
ASNT NDT Level III #125760
Torab Engineering Consultancy Executive Manager

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

1 4/2/2020 Level III

This presentation will help
students perform testing
using the ASME V Section
code article 4

It is important to remember
that this is a general training
program and the procedure
should be referenced for
specific information.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

2 Level III

What you will learn

 Completing Form V
 Determine the proper transducer(s) needed for
testing a weld.
 Calibration using an IIW, rumpus, and DAC block.
 Scanning for discontinuities Types
 Sizing and location of a discontinuity.
 Accept/Reject evaluation of a discontinuity.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

3 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 1
Form V
Some basic information should be completed on form V prior to
the inspection. This information includes the following:

 Weld Identification
 Material Thickness
 Type of Weld Joint
 Welding Process
 Quality Requirements
 Section Number
 Year of ASME Code used.
 Testing Date
 Inspected By
Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT
4 Level III

Step 1 – Specimen Measurement

Measure the part thickness. From this thickness you will need to
calculate the skip distance. The skip distance is the area where you
will scan the part with the proper angle transducer. Mark the end of
the skip distance from the edge of the heat affected zone (HAZ).
The area in red will be used to identify the heat affected zone.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

5 Level III

Step 2 – Inspection Layout

The skip distance will equal the surface distance of the
two legs. You will need to know the distance of this area
in order to perform a lamination scan followed by an
angle beam examination

Half skip = a = mat.thikness*tan transducer angle

Full Skip =2a=2 mat.thikness*tan transducer angle
Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT
6 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 2
Inspection Layout
Identifying the skip distance from the edge of the
HAZ will ensure complete coverage of the weld
when performing an angle beam examination.
Full Skip =2a=2 mat.thikness*tan transducer angle

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

7 Level III

Step 3 – Lamination Scan

A lamination scan will be performed in the area
where the angle beam inspection will take place.
This scan is performed with a straight beam

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

8 Level III

Lamination Scan
Perform a lamination scan from face “A”. You will need
to see at least two plate thicknesses on the display. The
first backwall reflection shall be 50 to 75% full screen

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

9 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 3
Lamination Scan
If any area of the base metal shows a total loss of
backwall reflection, or if an indication is equal or greater
to the backwall reflection, the size and location and
depth will be reported.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

10 Level III

Lamination Scan
Move the transducer in all directions until the
amplitude of the signal is reduced by 50%. Mark the
center of the transducer.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

11 Level III

Lamination Scan
The area can be measured and included in the report. This
area should be avoided when performing an angle beam

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

12 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 4
Lamination Scan
Note the location and size of the lamination on report
form V or write an additional report with a drawing
showing its location.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

13 Level III

Lamination Scan, lamellar tearing ,LOF

and LOP

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

14 Level III

Step 4 – Transducer Angle

AME V needs all the transducer angles to test the weld. For
material 0.50” the transducer angle used will be 70 degrees and
may be enough for such thickness - On Form V record the
transducer angle and faces which you will be testing from.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

15 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 5
Step 5 – Screen Range
Calculate the full V-path. This is determined by the
material thickness and transducer angle. Choose the
appropriate screen range in order to see a minimum
sound path of two legs.
2S = 2 mat thick /cos transducer angle

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

16 Level III

Step 6-Calibration - IIW Block

All measurements are taken from where the signal
breaks the baseline of the ultrasonic screen.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

17 Level III

Screen Range – IIW Block

Adjust the ultrasonic machine to obtain the proper
screen range. With an IIW type II block shown, the
backwall reflections will be located at 2” and 4”.

Position of the signals

with a Mohamed
10” screen range.
Amro Torab ASNT NDT
18 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 6
Screen Range – IIW Block
The position of the 2” and 4” reflections when using a
5” screen range.

Position of the signals

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT
19 with a 5” screen range. Level III

Screen Range – DSC Block

The distance and sensitivity calibration block (DSC) can be
used for calibration. With the transducer placed in the position
shown, the reflections will take place at 1”, 5”, 9”, etc.

Position of the signals

with aMohamed Amro
10” screen Torab ASNT NDT
20 Level III

Screen Range – DSC Block

With the transducer placed in the position shown, the
reflections will take place at 1”, 5”, 9”, etc.

Position of the signals

with Mohamed
a 5.0” screen
Amro range.
21 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 7
Screen Range – DSC Block
With the transducer placed in the position shown, the
reflections will take place at 3”, 7”, 11”, etc.

Position of the signals

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT
22 with a 10” screen range. Level III

Screen Range – DSC Block

With the transducer placed in the position shown, the
reflections will take place at 3”, 7”, 11”, etc.

Position of the signals

a 15” screen
Amro range.
23 Level III

Screen Range – Rumpus Block

The miniature calibration block or rumpus block can also be
used for calibration. With the transducer placed in the position
shown, the reflections will take place at 1”, 4”, 7”, 10” etc.

Position of the signals

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT
24 with a 5” screen range. Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 8
Screen Range – Rumpus Block
With the transducer placed in the position shown, the
reflections will take place at 1”, 4”, 7”, 10” etc.

Position of the signals

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT
25 with a 10” screen range. Level III

Screen Range – Rumpus Block

With the transducer placed in the position shown, the
reflections will take place at 2”, 5”, 8”, etc.

Mohamedof Amro
the signals
26 with a 5” screen range. Level III

Screen Range – Rumpus Block

With the transducer placed in the position shown, the
reflections will take place at 2”, 5”, 8”, etc.

Position of the signals

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT
27 with a 10” screen range. Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 9
Step 7 – Transducer Exit Point
Determine the exit point of the transducer. Peak the signal on
the ultrasonic machine and verify that the index point on the
plastic wedge matches the calibration block. You may use tape
and a pen to mark the exit point. This will allow for easier
measurements when measuring the surface distance.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

28 Level III

Exit Point – IIW Block

The exit point and screen range can be performed at the same
time. Slide the transducer back and forth until the signal is
maximized. The pictures below shows the location of the
transducer when verifying the exit point using an IIW type II

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

29 Level III

Exit Point – DSC Block

The exit point and screen range can be performed at the same
time. Slide the transducer back and forth until the signal is
maximized. The pictures below shows the location of the
transducer when verifying the exit point.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

30 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 10
Exit Point – Rumpus Block
The exit point and screen range can be performed at the same
time. Slide the transducer back and forth until the signal is
maximized. The picture below shows the location of the
transducer when verifying the exit point.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

31 Level III

Step 8 – Transducer Angle

The angle of the transducer will need to be verified. It
shall be within plus or minus 2 degrees of the required

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

32 Level III

Angle – IIW Block

Slide the transducer back and forth until the signal is
maximized. The picture below shows the location of
the transducer when verifying the transducer angle.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

33 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 11
Angle – DSC Block
Slide the transducer back and forth until the signal is
maximized. The picture below shows the location of
the transducer when verifying the transducer angle.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

34 Level III

Angle – Rumpus Block

Slide the transducer back and forth until the signal is
maximized. The picture below shows the location of
the transducer when verifying the transducer angle.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

35 Level III

Step 9 – Transducer Resolution

The resolution shall be checked with the instrument controls set at normal
test settings and the indications from the holes brought to midscreen height.
Resolution shall be sufficient to identify the peaks of the three holes.

Position of the signals

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT
36 with a 5” screen range. Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 12
DAC Curve block

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

37 Level III

Step 10- DAC Curve Drawing

Reference block with side drilled
holes and resulting echoes
DAC db is at 80%of screen
height from determined reflector

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

38 Level III

Step11- Scanning Level

a scanning level shall 10 dB above the reference level.
As per ASME V : **DAC level +2db transfer+ 2
attenuation difference + 6 db Magnification
**Evaluation level shall be = DAC level +2db transfer
+2 Attenuation

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

39 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 13
Step 12 – Initial Information Scan
Perform an initial information scan marking the
location of any suspected discontinuities.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

40 Level III

Step13- Weld Configuration

You can draw a diagram of the weld on the ultrasonic screen
with a water based marker or grease pencil. The line is drawn
at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd leg. This may help you
visualize the location of the discontinuity in the weld.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

41 Level III

Step13- Weld Configuration

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

42 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 14
Step 14 – Surface Distance
Calculate the surface distance in order to determine if
the signal is located in the weld.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

43 Level III

Step 15 – Discontinuity Depth

Calculate the depth in order to determine if the signal
is located in the weld.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

44 Level III

Step 16 – Sound Path

Move the transducer in all directions in order to peak
the signal from the discontinuity. Record the “Sound
Path” on Form V.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

45 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 15
Step 17 – Sound Path
Record the “Leg” on Form V.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

46 Level III

Step 18- Location and type of defect

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

47 Level III

Step 18- Location and type of defect

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

48 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 16
Step 19- Location and type of defect

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

49 Level III

Step 20 – Discontinuity Length

Maximize the signal amplitude from the discontinuity.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

50 Level III

Step 21 – Discontinuity Length

Slide the transducer parallel with the weld until the
signal amplitude has reduced by 50%. Mark the
location next to the weld aligned with the center of the
transducer. Perform this procedure in both directions.

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

51 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 17
Step 22- Discontinuity Length
Record the length on Form V and apply
acceptance criteria

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

52 Level III

Any Question

Thank You
Mohamed Amro Torab
ASNT NDT Level III #125760
Torab Engineering Consultancy Executive Manager
Cell/phone : +201000071969

Mohamed Amro Torab ASNT NDT

53 Level III

UltrasonicsAWS 18

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