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Equations (Intro)

A very warm welcome. In this part of the module, we will be working on the concepts of equations,
ratios and proportion. It’s a very basic topic but we need to master this topic to see the application
because this topic as such equations in general would be used in all the major topics. So the way we
will be working on this topic is first we’ll cover up the very basics of it, then we’ll work on different
types of questions asked on this topic and then we will do a practice set of questions to master this.
So, let’s get started.

One variable
One of the very important but the critical element is to form an equation and solve an equation. Now,
it’s a very basic idea but we need to master this to make sure that the remaining questions on the
other topics become easier and we are going to move in a very structured fashion. So first we’ll deal
with the equations with one unknown. Now, frankly so far in the maths what we have studied, we all
have been forming equations and solving them but we’ll out here like to put in a structured fashion.
So we will make a structured three step approach. The first step is we fundamentally need to read the
question carefully and assign a variable to the unknown. That’s the first basic step. Second step is to
form a mathematical equation and the third step is to simplify an equation, how do we do that? We
typically take the variable on one side and all the other terms on other side and we simplify it. So just
to put it in a structured fashion, The first step is to read the question and assign a variable to the
unknown. The second is to form a mathematical equation and the third step is to simplify that
equation. One of the very elementary way to simplify an equation is to take all the variable or the
variable we are dealing with on one side and all the terms on the other side and simplify it. Now, it
seems very simple. It is a very simple step but let’s see these steps in action. Let’s try a simple
question and how it works.

One variable (Eg 1)

Let’s attempt this question. What I would suggest you to do is, it's a very elementary question. I would
like you to go through this question once. I would pause for a couple of seconds. I'll give you time to
be done through this. You may also choose to pause the video, attempt this question and then
proceed ahead. As you note, it’s a very simple elementary question. So let’s shortly run through the
three points we talked about. Now, the first point we talked about was simply we need to read the
question and assign a variable. Let’s go step by step. Now in this case, he is talking about Harry and
we do not know his present age. So let’s take Harry’s present age as H, the first name, alphabet or the
variable or the alphabet of the name itself, it’ll be easier for us to evaluate. Then it further says, after
15 years if you analyse, Harry’s age would become this much. Right? Current age we have taken as H.
The second step involves forming an equation, right? So what will be the equation? If the current
Harry’s age is H, so after 15 years it’s age would become H + 15. Now, what would be Harry’s age 5
years ago, that will be H - 5 and it’s very distinctintly stated that after 15 years, the age would be
thrice of the Harry’s age which was 5 years ago that is this value would be thrice of this. Now this is
what I mean by forming a linear equation or forming a mathematical equation as a matter of fact.
Now the third step involves simplifying this, how do we simplify this? We take all the variables on one
side, in this case there is only one variable because we are dealing with a question which involves one
unknown so we take H on one side and all the terms on the other side. Let’s see how it works. Simply,
it will be 3H - 15 = H + 15, if we take H on one side, that will be twice of H that is 2 x H = 30. So H
would be 15. It’s a very simple elementary question. So the way we are dealing with is this forming of
a linear equation and simplifying of a linear equation is a very basic fundamental thing we need to
master before we move on. So what are the 3 step approaches we are saying, if you are very
comfortable with any approach you are comfortable with, stick with that but one of the structured
approaches you can form is what we are talking about right now is first of all read the question, assign
a variable to the unknown, In this case the unknown is the I would say the age of Harry, so we have
taken that as H. Second step is forming the equation, mathematical equation and the next step is
simplifying it. How do we literally simplify it? We take the variable or the unknown in this case that is
H on one side, all the other terms on the other side and we simplify it. Let’s try another question to
see how it further works.
One variable (eg 2)
One of the key skills we need to develop to maximize our score in the maths section is going to be to
covert a verbal sentence or a statement into a mathematical expression and then solve it. So I would
suggest you to I’ll pause for a couple of seconds. I’ll suggest you to again form an equation and
simplify this. You may also choose as in the previous question you may also choose to pause the
video, solve it and then proceed ahead.
Now if you read this question, he’s talking about one unknown capacity of the tank. So let's take the
capacity of a tank as C itself. Choose to take the first alphabet of the name we are talking about itself
so you could take x y that's really up to you, but I would take we are talking about capacity so prefer
to take it as C itself, that to me it becomes easier. Now, he currently says that the tank is 3/8th filled
so the current capacity of a tank or the amount of water in the tank is this much. Then he says that
the three liters of the water is added so the amount of the water would become this much and he
also says it will become half filled that will be this much. So the first sentence was first point was to
read the question and assign a variable to the unknown in this case the unknown is the capacity so we
have assigned the C variable the capacity, then we are forming an equation so how do we form an
equation? The current capacity or the current quantity of the water is this much, when we are adding
3 liters it will become this much which is equal to he says half of the capacity. Next step involves
simplifying this equation, take all the variables on one side typically you take them on the left hand
side or right hand side it will not really matter the whole intention is to to take them on one side, so
let's in this situation take them on the right inside right hand side and when we simplify this it will
simply come out to be 24. Now that a a simple way to simplify a forming equation and simplifying it.
So one of the key things we need to do is we need to develop is we need to develop the mastery of
reading a sentence or a verbal sentence or a statement and converting it into a mathematical
expression and simplifying it. So far we are dealing with solving an equation in one unknown. Now
let's move on when there are more than 1 unknowns.

Two variables
Let's now discuss the equations when there are 2 unknowns. There are multiple approaches for that
but one thing I would really suggest is to keep into consideration is really keep it simple for yourself
and how do you keep your keep it simple for yourself? One of the things I would suggest is is use as
fewer variables as possible so that's One Key thing I would like you to keep in consideration and let's
see how it works through a question. So I would suggest you to attempt the next question question
and then we will discuss what I mean by use fewer variables.

Two variables (Eg 1)

Now if you analyse this is one of the lengthier questions on your test. If you can read the question
once and simplify it that's wonderful, normally we end up reading the question twice. Now when you
read this question once, you would surely get the point that he is is talking about some age problem,
some equations have to be formed and we need to simplify that. If you can read the question form an
equation in one reading that's awesome, but normally as I said we will end up reading it twice. Now
when you are read it twice, I would suggest you to go step by step, don't plan to read the complete
question because if you read the complete question you will be more or less in the same situation like
you were after reading it once dealing with couple of variables so let's analyse what I mean by step by
step. Now when you read the first part it says Tina is thrice as old as Rita so so basically we are dealing
with three things, we're dealing with Tina, we're dealing with Rita and we are dealing with Agatha, so
first statement first part of the sentence says Tina is thrice as old as Rita, so Tina’s age is given in
terms of Rita’s age. The variable or the unknown in this case is going to be Rita’s age, so you can
choose any unknown but right now if you read the first part it says Tina’s age is given in terms of Rita's
age. So Rita is unknown to me so I take it as R. So we will assign the variable R to Rita’s age. Now, If
you analyse Tina will be thrice as old as Rita. So Tina’s age would become 3R. The idea is to use as few
variables as possible. if you read it forward it says Rita is is four years younger than Agatha. So rather
than using another variable we could say Agatha is four years elder or older than Rita. so in that case
her age would become R + 4 so the whole intention is to use as few variables as possible so every like
every out here age of every percent I would say is given in terms of one variable then it further says if
they are alive after 5 years so if you analyse what would be Tina’s age after five years that would
become 3R + 5 and this would become R + 5 and this would become R + 9, now he is asking which of
the following must be true after 5 years correct? So let's analyse all the parts. The first part says Tina
is thrice of Rita’s age. If you acknowledge what would be the thrice of this that would be 3r + 15, this
is not 3R + 15 so this is definitely ruled out, in other words you could say this first part is definitely
wrong. Let's analyse the second part, 2nd part says Rita is is four years younger than Agatha that is
pretty much true you can say that this 4 years less than this. So basically the difference between you
and your friends would remain the same so in this case after 5 years after 10 years the difference
between the ages would be same. Now the second statement is definitely true. The key element was
that the third part out here. When you analyse the 3rd part, it says Agatha is older than Tina. Let's
evaluate. For Agatha to be older than Tina this term that is R + 9 should be more than 3R + 5, if you
simplify 2R would be less than 4 that is R should be less than 2. Now the key term out here is for
Agatha to be older than Tina R should be less than 2. Now R could be Less than 2 but can we say R
must be Less than 2? Not really. But the question is asking which of the following must be true hence
the third part is also eliminated. So what is left is the second part only. So the key element I want to
the key take away I want to take you to get from this is use as few variables as possible so we are
trying to deal with it may happen in a particular question you may need to use more variables but the
intention should be to use as fewer variables as possible so we're trying to use all the ages all the ages
of each percent in terms of R and reach step-by-step and assign n variable. You could have also taken
Agatha’s age as A and put every percent's age in terms of A, that's really a separate issue but use as
few variables as possible. The key thing in this case is to be noticed out here is the word must, if you
notice the word must so hence, this is eliminated, this is eliminated you can say this is definitely
wrong this is definitely true, this could be true but not definitely true hence eliminated. On the other
front, had it been can if you analyse, if the word had been can then this is definitely wrong this is
definitely true and this would also have been true. So what is important for us to notice is the words
used in a question. One is to use as few variables as possible, the second is to use to look forward for
the words. Out here had the question as which of the following can be true on that day then the third
part would have been true but currently He is asking which of the following must be true hence that’s
eliminated. So, noticing the words whether it is can or must would at times alter the answer look forward for these words or in other words, noticing each and every word is very
critical to improve on your accuracy or to get an answer correct.

Again I want to emphasize use as few variables as possible now solving this question is pretty basic we
all can solve it but the idea is to use few variables. So let's see how it works. let's say the price of each
Candy box is P so if there are $180 so if you analyse how many Candy boxes will be able to by if the
price of each is P that will be total cost upon the cost of each box. Now if the price is increased by $1
so obviously we will be able to by fewer Boxes right? In that situation the number of boxes we will be
able to by is these many right now he very clearly says when the price of each box is increased by one
dollar we are able to by 6 fewer boxes so the difference between them is 6 so I repeat the idea is to
use fewer variables or as few variables as possible so we are taking the price of each box as p so if you
taking the price of each box as p so will be able to by these many boxes initially when the price is
increased we will be able to by these many and he very clearly says the difference is 6. Now once we
have formed an equation, the next step is to simplify it. Now if you start simplifying it now it depends
how do you want to simplify it if he starts simplifying this equation it will become a quadratic
equation which may not be that easy for some of us. So what I would suggest you in that case is we
need to be comfortable to form a quadratic equation but or solve a quadratic equation even but
when the options are given we don't need to get into that lengthy process so what we can do in this
cases we can directly substitute the value of P and have an answer. So normally one of the convenient
way is to substitute is to start with a central value. Now if you consider each price or the price of each
box as 6 as given so if you consider this would become an integer that is 30 but this would become a
decimal because 180 is not divisible by 7 so integer - decimal cannot be an integer so that is ruled out
then we'll go a step back or a step later so we can either take the previous value or the next option if
we consider price as 5 if we consider the previous option this would turn out to be 36 and and this
would turn out to be 30 and the difference is 6 so that works and that's an answer. So one Idea was
use few variables as few as you can the second idea is you can solve the quadratic equation which is
absolutely fine and we need to be comfortable with that and we'll discuss the quadratic at length in
few minutes but when the options are given you do, the whole objective at the end of the day is to
get the answer as quickly as we possibly can, so rather than forming in quadratic equation and
simplifying put the values have an answer and move on.

Splitting in fractions : Remaining work

Now in this question if you analyse it very clearly says that a room has to be painted A does one third
of the work and then goes away then B percent comes in and does one fourth of the remaining work
and then goes away the emphasis is on the remaining part then C percent comes in in that one fifth of
the remaining work and then goes away and what we are focusing on is on what part of the work is
left.Now in such questions we have to to take the work as something now when a question normally
we actually take the work as 1 or X nothing wrong with that that's absolutely fine but when a question
involves fractions what I would suggest you to do is rather than getting into 1 or X take it as the
product of the denominators if you notice there are two aspects to be taken into consideration while
taking a number when a question involves percentages prefer to take it as 100, when a question
involves fraction like this, now we're dealing with three factions take the whole thing the whole work
as product of denominators that is 60. Now initially I am sure this 60 may seem to you that it's kind of
a different number you may be more comfortable with 1 or X but I would like you to take a step back
and evaluate how it works because if you start taking it as a product of the denominators initially it
may not be that convenient but over a period of time it will surely become convenient why because in
that case we will end up if we take it as product it almost guarantees that will end up dealing only
with integers and you will be much more comfortable dealing with integers than with fractions that's
the whole idea so let's see how it works. So will take the work as the product of denominators that is
60 now if you analyse A does one third of the work so A would do 20 units or let say the total amount
of work is 60 units to be done so A has done one third of the work so 20 units of the work has been
done so how much of the work is left that will be 16 -20 that will be 40 then B comes in does one
fourth of the remaining work so remaining work was 40 units B has done one fourth of this so if you
analyse one fourth of this would be 10 so how much of the work is left after B has gone, 40 was to be
done B has done 10 work so after B has left 30 units of the work still needs to be covered then C
percent comes in does one fifth of the this work So, 1/5 th now remaining work was 30 one fifth of that
is going to be 6, so what part of the work is further left? That would be 24. You started with 60 in this
case so what what part of the work would be left? 2/5 th. So you can surely take 1 or X and have an
answer but the idea is to make it simple keep it simple for ourselves and we are much more
comfortable dealing in general as such with much more comfortable with integers than with fractions
so that's a basic idea so again wanna repeat this idea whenever a question involves percentages and
you have to choose a number prefer to take it as 100 but when a question involves fractions I would
like you to start considering taking the whole thing as product of the denominators and then
proceeding this integers dealing with integers would be much more convenient and the second idea
which is important is when you're dealing with integers if you want to cross check you can easily cross
check also when you are dealing with fractions sometimes you get too much involved in the fractions
that we also at times lose a track of what it was really being asked. Bottom line, keep it simple for
yourself so when you're dealing with percentages and you have to choose a number prefer to take it
as 100 but when a question involves fractions like these and you have to choose a number prefer to
take it as product of the denominators. Let's try to take a question further to see how this further

Splitting in fractions
Now if you analyse this question it says there is a stick of one yard in length, the magician makes the
marking at every one thirds and every one fifths so let's first of all evaluate how we normally
approach this question or one of the ways to approach this question now the first marking magician
would be making would be at 1/3, next marking would be at 2/3, the last will typically not be the
marking because it will be the tip of the out here stick right? Then it makes the markings at 1/5 th, the
first marking would be at 1/5, next marking would be at 2/5, next would be at 3/5, next would be at
4/5, again the last will not be the marking because it will be the tip of the stick out here again. Now
once the markings have been made then it says the magician breaks this stick at these markings so if
you analyse we have smaller sticks which we will get when we break this because we will break 1 yard
length into smaller parts so if we analyse, this stick would be of 1/ 5, This stick would be of a length of
1/3 - 1/5 and then you can go on calculating and then check how many other, what is the maximum
number of sticks with the same length, that's one approach and you will typically have a correct
answer but the emphasis I want to make out here is when a question involves fractions like in this
case we are involving fractions rather than taking the stick as one yard I know it says one yard but it
will be convenient for us if we start considering the total stick as the product of the denominators or
the length of the stick as a product of the denominators. Let's see how it becomes convenient so
rather than taking it as 1, take it as a product out here would be 15, so let's see how it works so we
have taken it as 15. So If You make the markings or the magician makes the markings so one third
would be at 5 then would be at 10 the third would be the marking at 15 itself that's the end of the
stick then when you make the marking or when the magician next the marking at every 1/5 th then the
next marking would be at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Now when the magician breaks this stick at this point, So
this stick would be having a length of 3 units, this stick would be having a length of 2 units the key
emphasis I want to make here is it's much easier for us to do 5 - 3 than 1/ 3 - 1/5 because we are in
general much more comfortable in dealing with integers than with fractions. So similarly if you
analyse this text would be of this part of the stick would be length of 1 unit this would be of 3 units
this would be of 1 unit, this would be of 2 units this would be of 3 units, so if you evaluate there will
be two sticks, two smaller sticks formed of 1 unit, and there will be smaller sticks of 2 units and three
sticks formed of 3 units. So what is he asking he is asking what is the maximum number of pieces we
have gotten smaller pieces we have actually gotten seven pieces, out of these seven pieces what's the
maximum number of pieces which are equal in length? If you notice out here there are these three
pieces that are equal in length so the answer in this case would be the option B that is 3. So, the key
part out here is you could have surely done like this is not a Bg deal absolutely fine this is one
approach, very fine approach but in general you would analyse a rather than taking it as 1 prefer to
take it as a product of the denominators out here we are dealing with the fraction that is 1/3 and 1/5
take it as product in general dealing with integers would be much convenient and comfort, you will be
much more comfortable with dealing with integers than with fractions. So that’s one suggestion I
would highly recommend you to start considering, if you are very comfortable with fractions and you
really want to stick with it it is absolutely fine no Bg deal in this case in general over a period of time I
have realized that if you start dealing with what you call integers it will be much more convenient at
least on the test date.

Ratios : Approximation - Addition of constant

Now if you analyse this question he is talking about weight of two wrestlers. Let's say 1 wrestler has a
weight of X units and another has a weight of Y. He says the ratio is 7:8. Now lets first of all analyse
what does the ratio 7:8 mean. Now remember when we say the ratio is 7:8 that does not mean X is 7
why is 8, that is just one of the possiBlities. The values of X could be 7 and Y could be 8. It could also
be 14 and 16, it could also be 21/24 and so forth. All of these values will give you the same ratio. So
when we say X/Y is 7:8 that means x, whatever is the final original value of X and original value of Y
when it is reduced to its lowest terms, it will come out to be 7:8. So that does not mean X is 7 and Y is
8, that's number 1. Second idea is you need to keep in consideration is, now in this particular question
if you notice he is pointing out that the ratio of the weights is 7:8 and when 2 kilograms or two
pounds in this case he is talking about of accessories are added, what's the final ratio of the weights?
Now if we take the weights original as 7:8 and then when we add 2 to the numerator 2 to
denominator it will turn out to be 9/10. If these were the original weights then we add 2 to the
numerator 2 to the denominator, in this case it will be 16/18 and so forth. So you do not know the
original value of x and y, this is one possiBlity, this is another possiBlity and so forth. As you do not
know the original value of x and original value of Y so you would not know when two pounds is being
added in which value as the numerator and the denominator goes on changing when we add two to
both numerator and denominator, the final ratio will also go on changing. So in this case first of all we
will not have one definite final ratio of the the weights of two athletes after the accessories are
added. What I need to emphasize out here is when the ratios are given and you have to take values in
this case for example the ratio is given as 7:8 when we have to take the values we would typically take
them as 7k/8k, the whole idea is this k gets canceled and the ratio will turn out to be 7: 8 right? So
fundamentally when we are adding two to both the numerator and the denominator, this would be
the final answer Or final ratio. Now as you do not know the value of k you will not be able to calculate
one final answer, so in this case it cannot be determined so ratio of the final weights of the the two
weights he is asking so we cannot calculate because we do not know the value of k so in this case the
answer is option E that is the final ratio cannot be determined. The key thing I want to mention out
here is when the ratio is given it does not mean the numerator is 7 the denominator is 8 in this case it
means no matter what is is the numerator no matter what is the denominator when they are reduced
to the lowest terms it will come out to be 7:8. One more thing I want to emphasize out here is when
we say the ratio of two terms just forget this question for a moment if I say the ratio of two terms is
7/8 in this case as we talk about and we deal with inequality that the values could be positive as well
as negative. First of all the values could be 7 or 8 it could also be -7 or -8 so even we cannot compare
a with b but in this case as we're talking about weights so both of them would be positive. So in
general the values were asked X/Y is 7:8, if we add 2 to the numerator 2 to the denominator would be
our final answer absolutely cannot because the both values could be positive could be negative so if
you analyse the broader concept of ratio, when we say the ratio 7:8 we do not know what's the
numerator what is the denominator in normal sense they could be positive as well as negative so in
this particular question I do agree we are dealing with only the positive values because we are dealing
with the weights and the weights cannot be negative but we analyse ratios as broader concept then
we also need to be mindful that they could be negatives also. So if you focus on this particular
question, ratio was given 7:8, if it take the values there will be 7k/8k because k will get canceled, ratio
would be 7/8. So when we add two pounds of accessories this would be the the weights of both of
them and as we don't know the value of k we will not be able to calculate, the answer is the option E.

Mixture Problem
Now see you analyse this question it's based on solutions. He is saying one solution is mixed with
second solution to give a fine solution. Now some of us find this challenging because of the language
used but if you analyse the systematically it will become very convenient. So what is fundamentally
happening in this case is one solution is mixed with second solution to give you a fine solution so
systematically writing this or forming an equation is gonna be very critical. So if you analyse what he
says 50 ml of solution 1 which is 30% salt is mixed with second solution which we don't know how
much is that solution, so let's say the amount of the second solution is A which is 70% salt to give you
a final solution. Obviously 50 ml is added with some A amount, final quantity would be 50 + A which is
40% salt. So fundamentally in this case what we will do is one solution is mixed with second solution
to give a final solution, so we will add or equate the constant things among them. So, If you analyse
what is a salt or sodium chloride in this particular case that will be 30% of 50 how much sodium
chloride is in this that is 70% of A and how much is that out here that will be 40% of 50 + A. So if you
analyse sodium chloride in this + sodium chloride in this would be equal to the final sodium chloride
we will get. So the key Idea out here is to write a Systematic, Express this information in a systematic
form and then form a mathematical equation. One of the key things we have been focusing on in the
concept of equation is or mastery we need to have is converting the sentence or a statement into a
mathematical expression or an equation. Now once you have any question we can simplify it exercise
simple linear equation in one variable. So 100 will get canceled, 0 can easily get canceled and we can
easily simplify this expression, it will be 150 + 7A = 200 + 4A and when you simplify this it will become
out to be A is 50/3. So In short, the Crux of this solution is write systematically that's number 1. One
solution is mixed with second solution to give you a fine solution so 50 ml of solution which is 30 % of
sodium chloride by volume is mixed with second solution which we don't know so let's say the
quantity is A which is 70 % sodium chloride by volume to give you a fine solution which will turn out
to be 50 + A and which is 40% of sodium chloride by volume. So sodium chloride of first part is mixed
with second part to give you a final part. So simple linear equation question one variable. One more
thing I want to emphasize out here is when you form and equation, don't simplify in the step 1 for
example I have seen sometimes we calculate 15 out here don't do that, form an equation because
most of the things will get canceled so let's say we solve 15 out here and then we will have to cross
multiply not worth it. So initially form an equation and then you will realize the way GMAT questions
are designed, most of the calculations will get simplified. So in this case 100 will easily get canceled, 0
will get canceled and you'll have a single linear equation in one variable and which we all can easily
simplify. So typically the idea is use it Systematic, read the question and form and Express that
systematically and form and equations and simplify it. Let's try another question to see how it really
works further.
More than 2 values : Mixture Example 2
Again if you notice in this question, it's important for us to read the question, understand the
information, systematically express it, form an equation and simplify it. So let's see how it works. So if
you analyse in a particular season, team A won 50% of first 100 matches. So it played 100 matches,
the first part of the season I would say, it made 100 message matches and went 50% of them. Then it
played some certain games, I don't know how many games it played. Let's say it played G games. It
won 80% of those games. So the final situation would be, it totally played, or the total number of
games it played would be 100 + G, and it won 70% of the games. So the games won at the first part of
the season + the games won in the second part of the season would be equal to the final games in the
whole situation or whole season. So, once we have expressed this information now we need to
convert that into an equation formation. So, 50% of 100 in the first part it won 50% of these 100
games, then out here, the games would be 80% of these remaining games, which we have taken as G.
The total games won by this team would be 70% of 100+G. So you could say the games won in the
first part of the season plus the games won in the remaining games won would be equal to the games
won in the entire season. So we have a simple again one equation with one variable which we can
easily simplify. If you analyse 100 will get canceled, 0 will get canceled. So simple linear equation.
When you simplify this G will come out to be 200. It means the first part of the season the team
played 100 games then it played 200 games, so how many will be the total games played by that team
that will turn out to be 300. Again the key emphasis I want to make is when you read the question,
express that in a systematic fashion then convert it into an equation, use few variables as few as you
can, so that it becomes a linear equation with one variable which can be easily simplify it.

More than 2 quantities

Now in this question if you notice, he's talking about 3 variables, that is X Y and Z. And it's also given
that they are in the ratio of 3:24:100. Now in this particular question if you notice, the ratios are given
and some changes are being made within the ratios itself. So the first we will have to calculate the
final ratio before we really get into solving the question. So what he says in the first part of the
question is, it says, the changes have been made because of which the ratio of X:Z is doubled. So if
you notice, regional ratio in 3:100, it has been doubled means, it will simply get multiplied by 2. Now
just to be cautious, we can't multiply by 2 as well as divide by 2 because in that case the ratio would
remain the same so when we say doubled original ratio was 3:100, doubled means just multiply it by
2. So in this case, the ratio would become 6:100 that is X to Z would be 6:100. Now further if you read
in the question it very clearly says the ratio of Y to Z is halved. We know the ratio of Y to the Z is given
as 24:100. It has become half, means multiply by 1/2. So in that case it'll become 12:100. Now what
does that mean? That means is if Z is 100 then Y would be 12. So, if Z is 100 Y would be 12. So once
we've calculated the final ratio, we'll proceed ahead to calculate the exactly what is he's asking that's
the value of Y. Now we know the ratio of X to Y is 6:12, so we're giving the value of X as 24, if we put
the value X as 24, we'll have the value of Y, which will be 48 in this case. So he's asking, what's the
value of Y: that'll be 48, that's an option B. Or you could've also thought on the idea when this has
become 24, so in other words, X has become 4times so this would also become 4times; so it'll be the
answer the same, that is 48. So the crux in this case what we are talking about is if you actually take a
step back in the previous question we were dealing with the solution problem one solution was mixed
with second solution to give a fine solution. So we added whatever was constant among them. So we
added the sodium chloride in the first solution with the sodium chloride in the second part of the
solution to give you the sodium chloride in the final situation. Then we talked about the games won in
the first part of the series with the games won in the second part of the series would be equal to the
total games won. So we were equating the percentages as such or quantities in the first part with the
second part to give you a final part. Now in this case, whatever is happening is the changes are
happening in the ratios, so the original ratio is given some changes are being made, so we have to first
of all calculate the final ratio which in this case comes out to be 6:12:100, then we'll proceed ahead to
calculate what is he's asking.
Let's discuss the concept of proportionality. Now if we say A is directly proportional to B. Now how do
we express that? The way we express that is simply like that, and also remember we can convert this
proportionality into an equality by an introduction of a constant. Which can be expressed as A=K×B,
where K is a constant. Which will come down to that is ratio of the two terms is a constant. So
remember, when we say, A is directly proportional to B, that means ratio of A and B is our constant,
right? So, similarly if we say, A is inversely proportional to B, the way we express that is, something
like this, and we can again convert this proportionality into an equality by an introduction of a
constant. Which will mean that product of the two terms is our constant. So remember in this case,
when we say A is directly proportional to B,that fundamentally means if A is increasing B will also
increase, so in other words, the ratio of the two terms is a constant. And when we say A is inversely
proportional to B, it means if one term in increasing, the other term has to correspondingly decrease.
In other words, the product of these terms would be a constant. That's a fundamental relationship
between them.

Quadratic Equations
Let's discuss the concept of a quadratic equations. In general the quadratic equations can be
expressed in the form of ax2 + bx + c = 0, this is a General form of a quadratic equation. Let's take a
simple example of how to how do we solve a quadratic equation. Let say an example is X 2 + 5x + 6 = 0
how do we simplify this quadratic equation? We simply break the central value that is 5 in in two
terms so that the sum is 5 and the product is 6 and simply we know which other two terms whose
sum is 5 and the product is 6 that's gonna be 2 and 3 so the way we Express this is, now further if you
analyse what is common between the first two terms that is x and what's common in the last two
terms that is 3 so if you analyse what is for the common that will be X + 2. When we say the product
of the two terms would be equal to 0 it means either the first part is 0 or the next part is 0 if you
simplify and equate the first part equal to 0 or equated with 0 then X would turn out to be -2 and if
you equate the next part it will turn out to be -3. Now these are what you refer to as the roots of a
quadratic equation now what are the roots of a quadratic equation those are the values of x which
when substituted in the equation will make the left hand side equal to right hand side. So one of the
ways to solve a quadratic equation is the way we did right now factorization basically we are Breaking
the central value into two terms so that the sum is 5 and the product is 6 and we we go step by step
approach and we get two roots. Now sometimes the question would be simple and the values would
be easy for you to factorize and get an answer but at times the values will not be that easy or
convenient for us to get an exact answer by factorization so then also remember the formula to
calculate roots of a quadratic equation which is -B +- b 2 - 4ac/2a. Remember out here A is the
coefficient of x2, B is the coefficient with X and C is the constant so if we take a positive value of sign
out here we will have one root if we take it in a negative sign we will have another root so one way is
the factorization, another way is using this formula remember to use this remember this formula
because it will be typically required on your test for two reasons, number 1 the values are not so
convenient at times which can easily factorize and at times they are not always integer solutions. So in
short we will need to know this. Fine? Also remember sum of the roots is given by -B/A and the
product of the roots is given by C/A. So I repeat when we simplify this quadratic equation this is the
way to simplify, this is one way to simplify through the concept of factorization another is using the
formula. If you take a positive value positive sign out here we will have one root if it take the negative
sign out here will have another root and some of the roots can be calculated using this expression
that is -B/A and the product of the roots says C/A. So that's a basic concept of a quadratic equations.
Let's see the application in a given question.

Quadratic Equations (Eg 2)

Now if you analyse in this question a quadratic equation is given to us that is 2x2 - bx + 36 = 7x. Now
he has also given one of the roots as 3. He is asking what's the value of the other root? Now one of
the approaches is first of all, one of the fundamental ideas is to convert it into a normal quadratic
equation that is in the form of ax2 + bx + c, so in that case we will take the element of x on the left
hand side and we will get this. Now if you can further take the constants with X together or terms of X
together to be very Frank, now it's in the form of of ax 2 + bx + c = 0. Now one of the approaches is we
can plug in the value of x as 3 because one root is given as 3. Root 3 means when we plug in the value
of x as 3, the left hand side would be equal to right hand side so we can plug in the value of x as 3, We
can simply this, we can calculate the value of be and then we can further simplify this equation
quadratic equation to get the other root. But if you remember we talked about sum of the roots is -
B/A an the product of the roots is C/A. If you remember these formulas or these expressions this
would become really it could really become handy and make the calculations easier. So if you analyse
in this particular question what will be the product of the roots that will be C/A, C is 36 and A is 2, that
will be simply 36/2 that will be 18. So you could say that product of the root is 18, one of them is 3
and the other one is is something which we need to calculate which can easily be calculated that will
come out to be as 6. So the point I wanted to make out here was you do not need to literally calculate
values of B to calculate the other root. If you remember please that the sum of the roots is -B/A and
the product of the root is C/ A then it can be really become handy for us in a given question and we
can simply get an answer by simply applying these formulas. So in this case products of the roots was
C/A which is 18 one of the roots is 3, so by logic other root would turn out to be 6. So in this case we
don't need to calculate the value for B. So keep it simple for yourself. Remember these two basic
ideas. So, the product of the roots is C/A and the sum of the roots -B/A.

Linear Equations

Let's discuss the concept of linear equations and we will be focusing when they are asking on the
context of data sufficiency. So so if I ask you let's say if I ask what's the value of X? The first statement
States that is X + Y equals to 10, the second information or statement States 2x +2y=20. Now if I ask
you what's the value of x? Now this is what you refer to as a concept of of identical equation. What I
mean by that is, the information given by the statement 1 is exactly same as the information given by
the statement 2. Now in this equation if you acknowledge, you can substitute any value of X, you'll
have a corresponding value for Y, which will satisfy this expression/equation. So in short, you can have
infinite values of X and you'll have corresponding infinite number of pairs of X and Y, which would
satisfy this expression and all those number of pairs would also satisfy this expression. So, in other
words, that we know unique value of X which would satisfy this expression. So if in a context of data
sufficiency it is asked, the answer is going to be the option E. That is, in other words we do not have a
definite answer for the question asked when the equations are identical, right? Let's take another
example, if I asked you what's the value of X? The first statement I'm keeping the same: X+Y=10 but
the second information I'm changing: 2x+y=20. Now in this context if you notice, these are different
equations; two linear equations. Now in this context if you analyse, you will have a unique value of X,
which will satisfy both the equations. So, in this context, the answer is going to be option C. So
fundamentally, there are two things what we are focusing on. Number 1: if the equations are identical
then the answer is going to be option E, in the context of data sufficiency. But with the different
equation, the answer is going to option C. Now at times, the question is not going to be as straight
forward as this, it would be in the form of a statements. Now I would pause for a moment, and I
would like you to look at the question and analyse that what would your answer be? Now if you
notice, when you will solve this question, you will acknowledge that what expression you will get is
identical equation. So sometimes, when we are really running again time, we end up thinking that
there are 2 equations, 2 variables, will we be able to solve it? But in G-mat you have to pause for a
moment and analyse/check whether they are identical equations or not. If the equations are identical
then the answer is going to be typically E because you don't have a unique value of X, but if they are
different equations, then the answer is going to be option C. There's one more idea which I'd like you
to focus on. If I ask you what's the value of X? First statement states X+Y=6 and the second statement
states X+2y=10. Now, if I ask you what's the value of X. Now at times, when I end up thinking, that
there are 2 equations, 2 variables will be able to get an answer. But what I would like you to analyse
is, if you substitute one variable in terms of the another variable in a different equation for example in
this case, what you can conclude is, y=6/x if you substitute this out in the second statement/equation
you'll have a quadratic equation. A quadratic equation is typically would have two answers. So in that
context, first of all you need to evaluate whether what are we getting? So, in this case, we will not
have a definite answer, as the equations will be quadratic equation will be formed so we will have two
answers. So, in this case, we have to look forward for what is the end result that we're getting? So
there are four fundamental things: So one thing is, they are identical equations the answer is going to
be E. If they are different equations, the answer is going to be the option C. But when a question
appears like this, there two things further in this,at actually what you need to notice. If the equation
appears like this, you will have to substitute one variable in terms of another variable in the other
equation and check the quadratic equation which you've formed whether that one will also be a
perfect quadratic equation or not. By just saying it's a quadratic or just by looking at it as quadratic, it
does not mean that you will have two answers. It could be a perfect quadratic equation also. Perfect
quadratic equation would be something like this. Though it's a quadratic equation but if
analyse/simplify it, it'll have only one answer out here, that's X would be -2. What is to look forward is
whether it's a perfect quadratic equation or not. If it's a perfect quadratic equation the answer is
going to be the option C because you'll have only one answer but if it not a perfect quadratic equation
you would have typically two answers. Fundamentally let me do a recap in this case. How do you
check, whether actually if it's a perfect quadratic or not? If you look at the formula on the board. How
do you find the roots of a quadratic equation, this is the formula we use, right? Now this is what you
refer to as a discriminant. If the discriminant is zero, then it's what you refer as a perfect quadratic
equation. If it's positive then you have two roots, if it is negative then you'll not have a single real
root. So when you get an equation like this, when the equation becomes quadratic then you'll have to
substitute in this formula and see/check the value of this discriminant. Whether of its positive then
you'll have two values of X, in other words, the answer of going to be option E, because you won't
have a definite answer of X. However, if it is zero, then it'll be a perfect quadratic then the answer is
going to be option C. If it is negative, then you will not have a real root. So for fundamental things; let
me do a quick recap. When a question is asked in the context of linear equation, first of all look at the
context whether they are identical, if they are identical then the answer is typically the option E, look
forward for that. Look forward for the identical, that's the key point. And there different equations,
different variables, typically the answer is going to be option C, look forward for that. And if a
question is asked like this you have to check whether it's a perfect quadratic or not. Perfect quadratic,
how do you check? The value of the discriminant, if it turns out to be zero it's a perfect quadratic then
the answer is going to be C. If the discriminant comes out to be positive then you you won't have a
definite value, there will be two values of X/ two real values of X, if it negative then you will not have
a real value. So these are the four fundamental aspects we need to look forward for, when we
approach the linear equation questions, asked in the context of data sufficiency.
Percents : Intro

A very warm welcome. In this part of the module, we will be working on the topic of percentages. Let
me run through the structure of the session. First we’ll cover up the very basics of percentages, then
we'll go to different concepts in this particular topic and then we will do a practice set of questions to
see the application of those concepts and hence master those concepts. Let's get started


Let's start with the basics. Let's analyse the term percentages itself. If we split into two parts you will
get, it's made up of two small elements that is per cent, that is in short the percent means out of 100
also remember whenever we have to convert a fraction into percentage we will simply multiply it by
100. For example when we talk about 1/2 as a fraction, if you want into convert into percentages, we
will multiply it by 100 so that will turn out to be 50%. So in short you could say half of something is
equivalent to 50% of something, So a fraction can be converted into percentages by multiplication of
with 100, similarly when we have to convert percentages into fraction we divide it by 100. So similarly
when we say something is 25%, 25% can be converted into fractions by dividing by 100 so that will
turn out to be 1/4th. So you could say 25% of something or you could say one fourth of something that
would mean the same, right? Let’s try a question to see of how the application works. Now if you
analyse it's a very simple expression. He is asking what is one 125% of 200? Simply as we talked 125%
means divided by 100 of 200 would be this much that is 250. So I repeat it's a simple expression so
what is important for us is or what would be important is to convert a sentence into a mathematical
expression and proceed ahead. This was a direct application he was talking about 125% percent
means divided by 100, of means multiplication of 200, it would turn out to be 250. Let's try another
expression which is a Bit more I would say challenging than this one. Now if you read through this
expression he is asking what percent of 50 is 40? Now I do acknowledge sometimes we are very
comfortable and when we read the statement we understand what is he asking we can convert that
into a mathematical expression and proceed ahead but sometimes the language is not very clearly
stated. So there are some phrases or words and there are some corresponding mathematical
operations for that. For example if you notice what when we talk about what we can denote it by a ?
or by Z or you can choose any variable out here. When we talk about percent, percent means divided
100, of typically means multiplication and when he says is or equal to or is equal to that simply can be
expressed by mathematical expression that is or operation that is equal. Let's see how is these words
applicable and how they can really become easier how they can help us solve a question. Now if you
analyse the sentence or a statement he is asking what percent of 50 is 40 so how do you write this?
He is talking about what percent means divided by 100 of means multiplication 50 is 40 so the key
thing what I want to bring a cross out here is, the conversion of of a sentence into a mathematical
expression is very important. So what percent of 50 is 40 which we can easily simplify that ? would
turn out to be 80, so if I ask you what percent of 50 is 40? 80% of 50 is 40. Right? Let's sort of a build
up through another example. Now if I say what percent of 40 is 50? If we go by the same logic he is
talking about what will make it a ? percent means divided by 100, of means multiplications, 40 is 50
solving is not a Big deal but conversion of a sentence into a mathematical expression is important. So
what you could choose use a variable out here for a ? whatever works for you, what percent means
divided by 100 , of means multiplication 40 is 50. When we cross multiply will have an answer 125. So
what percent of 40 is 50, 125% of 40 is 50. So what is important for us is conversion of a sentence or a
statement into a mathematical expression. Remember these terms they can really become handy so
when we say what prefer to make it a ? or a variable percent simply means divided by 100 of means
multiplication, is means equals to. Let's try questions to see further the applications when the
language becomes a Bit complicated.

Basics (Example : 1)
Now in this question the key aspect is to convert a sentence into a mathematical expression. So let's
analyse this question step by step, if you read the first part of the question it says 10% of A is equal to
120% of B. So how do you write that in a mathematical format? 10 % we know means divided by 100,
of means multiplication A, is means equal to 120% and again means divided by 100 of B. So what we
have, the expression we have is 10% of A is equal to 120% of B so that is the mathematical expression
we formed from the first part of the question but what is he asking in this question is what percent of
B is A? So how do you write that in a format of a question what will put it a question mark, percent
means divided by 100, of means multiplication B is A. So we need to know this ? What is this value? So
whenever we have to calculate this value we keep everything on the other side so it will turn out to
be question mark is equals to 100 A/B so to know this ? We need to know the ratio of A/B which you
can easily calculate from this expression. So if you simplify this we can calculate that A/B is equals to
12, so if you substitute the value out here this question mark would turn out to be 100 x 12 that is
1200, so he is asking what percentage of B is A, that is 1200% of B is A. So the key element out here is
to convert a sentence or a statement into a mathematical expression. So the key element is again just
to repeat 10% is divided by 100, of means multiplication A is 120% of B. So just start writing if you are
very comfortable with sometimes you can mentally calculate that's absolutely fine but it will be
important if you could go step by step, step by step in the sense 10% of A it becomes mechanical
chances of silly mistakes at times get reduced, so I would suggest you to go step by step.

Basics : Contd.
Let's analyse these two statements and understand the difference between them. when you read the
first statement it says A is 1.5 times B, it's a direct simple analysis we will have in this case. In short if B
is B A would turn out to be 1.5 B. So I will repeat when we say a is 1.5 times B so if the value of B is B
itself a would become 1.5 B it's a very simple analysis but if you read the second sentence or the next
part it says a is 1.5 times more than the now this B now this presence of the word more changes the
meaning of the sentence or statement now when we say a is 1.5 times more than B, Now this
statement means if the value of B is B itself the value of A would turn out to be 1.5 B + B that is it
would be 2.5 be so please I would like you to pause for a moment and acknowledge the difference
between both the statements. Now when we say A is 1.5 times B. If the value of B is B, A would
become 1.5 be that’s a simple state for direct application or simple analysis I would say but the
second statement was important. When we say is 1.5 times more than B that means is B is B, A is
would be 1.5 B + B that would be 2.5B. Let me take another example let's say I have hundred bucks or
$100 you have 200 dollars now the way you can say is you have two times my amount or you would
say you have one time more than what I have I will repeat let's say I'm $100 let's say you have $200
the way you say is you have two times my amount or you would say you have one time more than
what I have you would not say you have two times more than what I have in that case you should
have had $300 similarly in the context of percentages if we talk about if I have 100 dollars and you
have 200 dollars the way we Express that is you have to 200% of what I have or you would say you
have hundred percent more than what I have you would not say you have 200% more than what I
have in that case you should have had $300. So these statements are going to be very important.
Further let's move on. Now when we say A is increased by 300% of A and analyse actually the both
the sentences when we say A is increased by 300% of A is different than saying A is increased to 300%
of A. In the first case when we say it is increased by 300% of A it means that the final value would be
original value that is A + the increase that would be 300% of A which is 3A right? or you can say 300%
of A how do we calculate three hundred percent means divided by 100 of A that will turn out to be 3A
so when we say A is increased by 300% means the final value would be original plus the increased that
would turn out to be 4A, whereas when we say it is increased to 300% it means that the final value
itself would be 3A. So we need to look forward for these words whether it is by or whether it is to, so
look forward to these words it’s is going to be, they are very important to get a correct answer
because these words normally all the options are given to us which we will have to use of a different
words so we need to notice the words used and get to the correct answer. So whether it is increased
by or increased to, whether this much times more or this much times, these words are very important
like it's important for us to acknowledge them while reading the question.

Basics (Contd.)
Let's discuss the next aspect of percentages. Something changes by P%. Now what that fundamentally
means is the change would be p% of initial value, right? We are taking I as initial value so that change
itself would be P percent of initial value. So in other words we could say that the final value would be
initial value plus the change right? So if you analyse it would turn out to be an expression like this. So
when we say that something changes by P percent, p% it's important for us to convert it into a
mathematical expression. So P percent of I would be the change, so the final value would be the initial
value plus the change. So it will turn out to be this much. Now this is what we refer to as a
multiplication factor. Now it will be important, a sentence should be given to us we would be required
to convert it into a mathematical expression. Let's take an example now if we say, he is asking X is
increased by 10% and we want to express this expression into a mathematical format in terms of x.
One of the direct approaches is we can substitute the value of or substitute instead of p we can
substitute 10 instead of I ,we're talking about X so will have a direct answer that would be 1.1x or you
could also analyse when we say something is increased by 10% it means we are talking about initial
value would be or the final value would be the hundred percent of x + 10% of x which would turn out
to be 110% of x which would turn out to be 1.1. So it's important either you can directly substitute
because the final value of x would be 1 + P/100 x I, out here is X we can directly substitute the value
of P as 10 and you will have a direct answer that is final expression of value after increasing by 10%
would turn out to be 1.1x or you could say the final value would be 100% of X because we are
increasing by 10% so final value would be 100% of X + 10% of X which would turn out to be 110% of X
which will be 1.1 x .Similarly let's deal with one more expression if we say X is increased by 7% so
again we could directly substitute the value of P with 7 and have an answer that will be 1.07x or we
could say we are dealing with 100% of X + 7% of X which would turn out to be 107% of X which would
be 1.07 x so either of the ways you can proceed whichever is comfortable with you. So the idea is to
convert that sentence into a mathematical expression is important and what I would suggest is if you
could keep these to step out you can directly move on to this expression. So when we say something
is increased by 10% its it will become original value that is initial value that is 100% of X + 10% of x so
this is for understanding but in the paper, directly write this sentence into this mathematical
expression that is 1.1x. Let's deal with another part now if we say X is decreased by 20% now what we
need to know test the final value would be this much if the increase is happening we will substitute P
with the positive value if decrease is happening we will substitute with the negative so when we say a
x is decreased by 20% so instead of P we will substitute -20 which will turn out to be .8x or you could
treat it this way it will be 100% of x - 20% of X that would be 80% of X which would be 0.8X right ?
Similarly when we say it is decreased by 35% it would turn out to be, based on the same logic 100% of
X from that we will subtract 35% of X which would turn out to be 65% of X that will be point 65% of x
so if you could reduce the first two steps and directly move on 0.65x, that’s our whole intention. So
when you read a sentence you need to be comfortable in moving on to direct expression, try a couple
of questions you will become comfortable with this. Now let's proceed on with some of the important
terms used now before we go on to the practice set of questions let's do some important terms which
are used and let see the relevance of those terms and how they are applicable in the given questions.

Basics : Example 2
In this question, the key is to understand the statement of the question and convert that into a
mathematical expression. So let's go step by step. So If you read the sentence, word by word it says
60% of x and we will write it step by step in that accordance itself 60% of X, this is being increased by
200%. Now when we say something is increased by 200% it means that it becomes 300% so in other
words this is becoming, it is increasing by 200% it means the value finally becomes 300% of this or you
could say it becomes three times of this because 300 % of this, this results in 450. So I repeat the crux
or the key in this particular question was to convert the statement into a mathematical expression so
what it says is 60% of X is being increased by 200%, it means 60% of X is finally becoming 300%, that is
300% of 60% of X results in 450 and then when we simplify this expression, then it is a simple deal
when we simplify this expression X will come out to be 250 so he's asking what's the value of x? x will
turn out to be 250. So the 60% of X is increasing by 200% means the result is becoming 300% of this.
That's the one catch in this particular question or the one key to get the answer in this particular
Percent Change (Basics)

Let's discuss the concept of percentage change. The basic formula for the percentage change is:
Final - initial/initial×100.
We could say it's P = F - I/I×100.
That's a very basic elementary formula. Let's see the application of the formula through a question.

Percent Change (Example 1 )

Now there's a direct application of the percentage change formula. Let's analyse the question. Now it
says in 2014, out of the total 200 downloads 60% were on android platform. So what will be that
value? 60% means 60÷100 of 200 downloads on android. So that would turn out to be 120. And if you
analyse further in a question it states, the next year that 2015, 40% of the 600 downloads were on the
same platform. So what would be that value? 40% of 600 downloads were on that platform so that
turns out to be 240. So what is he asking? He's asking the percentage change in these downloads. So
the percentage change, we know the basic formula is: F - I/I×100.
So it's a direct application if you notice. So what's the final value? That'll be 240 minus initial, is
120/120×100 that would turn out to be 100%. You could've directly used the formula and got the final
answer or you could've also analyzed the values and gotten an answer. So if we acknowledge 240 is
200% of 120. So it's 200% of 120, so how much is percentage more, in other words 240 is how much
percent more than this? It's 200% of this. So this is 100% more than this. So if we acknowledge the
same language you used, you could've directly gotten the answer or you could've used the formula to
get an answer. So you need to be comfortable with ideally with both of them. So formula is very basic
idea that would always work. But if you can analyse the language or work out numbers are out here
that could have become more handy and you could've gotten a direct answer. So the basic formula is
F - I/I×100. This was the direct application of the formula.

Percent Change (Example 2 )

If you analyse, there's a good pull off language in this question. So it's critical for us to understand the
statement of the question and then convert it into a mathematical expression. Holistic if you analyse,
it's a simple application of a percentage change. Now, what is he asking? He's asking 90 is what
percent more than a number? Now the key pattern is to analyse what is that number. So if you read
forward in the sentence, it says the number is 5 times greater than 30% of 40. So let's simplify that.
First of all, what 30% of 40?
If you simplify, it will come out to be 12. So what is the statement is stating? The number is 5times
greater than this number. So in other words, it's 6times this number. The whole question revolves
around this play off language, we've got this number, and he says that this number is 5times greater
than this number, means it's 6times of this number. 6times of that number,comes out to be 72. Once
you identify that, then it's a normal percentage change concept. He's asking 90 is what percent
greater than 72? So that'll be, I would say, F - the original value/the original value or the initial value
as you call it, ×100, which will come out to be simply 25%. So the crux of the question is going to be is
when you say, or as you go on marking right ticks in a adaptive paper or the question goes on getting
complicated the questions don't get complicated with regards to calculation. The questions, one of
the reasons that it becomes complicated is the language becomes confusing or language becomes
challenging for the students to understand. This example/this question is a very good example to
explain how the language becomes challenging or complicated. So he's asking 90 is what percent
greater than the number? So we need to know the percentage change,but calculation of that other
number is the key to get the answer of this question. So how do we get the other number? First of all
he says 30% of 40 that comes out to be 12. The number is 5 times greater than this number. In other
words, the number is 6times this number, so that was the catch in this case.
So once you've gotten the original value 72, you know the final value that is 90, so it's asking the
normal percentage change;
F - I/I×100, that will be 25%. So start reading the questions carefully. If you need to read step by step,
then start forming the questions step by step.

Percent Change (Basics Contd.)

We've discussed that the basic formula for the percentage change is F - I/I×100. Now sometimes the
language of the question will be very clear or obvious, we can understand what's the initial value, we
can calculate what's the final value and we can put the values and have an answer. But sometimes,
the language will not be very clear. So a broader formula you can say is, for percentage change is:
CHANGE/ With regards/respect to what he's asking × 100.
Let's try a question, to understand what I mean by this particular thing. Or how the language is not
very clearly stated. I would like you to read the statement, it says: by what percentage 50 greater than
40? Now at times, we can read the question/statement, understand, form, put the values and have an
answer. Or at times we may have to read the question or the statement twice to understand with
regards to what he's asking. He's asking percentage change with regards to what. So typically if you
read it twice or thrice, you'll understand what has to be in the denominator,but in 1% case if you're
not clear. So what you could do is,in this particular case, he's asking percentage change, we could do,
what is the change happening? He's asking by what percentage 50 greater than 40? So what's the
change he's dealing with: that is 10. If you analyse, if you read the question twice, you'll understand
that 40 has to be the denominator, because he's asking the change with regards to 40. So if in 1%
you're not very clear, remember there are some stones in a question, or are words which will guide to
what has to be the denominator. Typically whatever comes after "than" has to be the denominator.
So if you read the sentence, now 40 is after "than", so 40 would be in the denominator. So it's the
change with regards to what is asked, that is 10/40 ×100. Similarly, when you analyse the second
statement, it says by what percent is 40 less than 50. Again if you read the question twice, you'll
understand the "with regards to what he's asking" or the percentage is asked with regards to 50. So
either you'll have to read it probably twice, if you can read it in one go and understand what has to be
in the denominator, wonderful, awesome. But if it's not clear you could take the hint of the presence
of the word "than". Typically whatever comes after "than" would be in the denominator. So in this
case if you analyse what's the change happening, change is still: 10. But what comes after "than " is 50
× 100: 10/50×100, which in this case would be 20 and in this case, you can calculate it'll be 25. So the
key element what I'm pointing out is the basic formula for the percentage change is F -I/I×100. But at
times, it is not very obvious in a question so a broader concept we're dealing with is: it's
fundamentally the change with regards to what he's asking×100. So typically, if read the question
twice or thrice you'll understand what has to be the denominator if you are in a hurry, and you don't
have the time to read it twice or thrice or after reading twice or thrice it's not clear, so one of the clue
is: the presence of the word "than". So typically whatever comes after"than" can be places on the
denominator and you can get an answer.

Percent Change (Successive)

Let's discuss the concept of successive change. Now to understand this concept, first we'll take two
examples see how it works and then get into the formula and further see the application of that
formula. So let's start with an example, let's say you have to buy a branded jacket, and there are three
retailers who are selling that stuff. You want to check the prices of all the three and then let's see how
to buy it from one. Let's say you go to the retailer A, who first gives you a discount of 10% on that
discount twice, further gives you the discount of 20%. Whereas, when you check with retailer B, he
first gives you the discount of 20%, on that discounted price further gives you the discount of 10%.
Whereas, the retailer C directly gives you the discount of 30%. Now remember that this 30 is not a
random number. It is additional both these magnitudes but in one step. So let me elaborate it once
more, repeat
Now let's say to want to buy that stuff and let's say hypothetically price is the only criteria for making
a choice. Now if I ask you from whom would you want to buy the stuff? Now before you make a
decision, let's analyse how do we numerically work on this. Let's say the concept of percentage we are
talking about, whenever we'll have to take a number or something we'll prefer to take it as 100, as it
gets easier with regards to calculations. So let's say the starting price is 100. Now when you're given a
discount of 10%, so if you reduce 10% of 100 that'll be 90. So you'll have to pay 90. So what will be the
20% of 90? How did you calculate 10% of 90 you need to shift one decimal about here, that would be
9. So 20% would be 18. So in that situation it'll turn out to be 72. So let's say the starting price Repeat.
So let's consider the case B. Now when you go to this retailer, he first gives the discount of 20% so we
need to pay after this discount, we need to pay 80. What's the 10% of 80, that's 8; again is you reduce
8 from 80, we'll need to end up buying the in 72. So now in the third scenario, 30 if you reduce from
100, we'll end up paying 70. Now if price was the only criteria, then which would give the most
benefit to us, that is this. In other words, then we would choose to buy from option C if you're want
to save the maximum or you want to spend the minimum, correct? Now the key thing for you to
analyse in this expression is or this example is does it really matter whether it's first 10% discount and
20% after that or first 20 then 10? Now of you notice out here, you'll acknowledge the order of the
discounts does not matter. So in this case also the value is 72 and in this case also the value is 72. So
we'll see in couple of moments why the order does not matter, right now please notice that the order
does not matter. Second thing for us to notice is we started with 100, we end up getting 72. So we
end up actually giving 72, so how much is the reduction? So, you'll analyse that should be 28 or the
final discount is gonna be 28. In this case, it's gonna be 28. And in this case it's going to be 30. So let
me repeat this, we started with 100, repeat. Two things to be noticed; number 1: that is the order
does not matter. The value turns out to be the same. More important thing to notice is we started
100, we end up giving 72, so what's the final discount, the order does not matter, but more important
thing is successive discounts are always less than one collective discount. So the basic idea is
successive discounts repeat. What I mean by that is one discount on that there is another discount.
Logically, if you analyse that it makes sense, because this 20% is a reduction on the reduced price.
Where as this 20 is on the basic price. So this will surely, be less than that. That one scenario. Well,
let's consider the next case. Let me clean up the board, then we'll discuss another case. Okay, so let's
consider the next case now. Now let's say, you've bought 3 flats in different localities. You buy each
flat in the same price. In the locality A, the value first appreciates by 10% that appreciated value
further appreciates by 20%. Whereas in the scenario B, it's first appreciates by 20% but further
appreciates by 10%. In this case, the directly appreciates by 30%. Let's say the value of repeat. Again if
you notice, 30 is not a random number, it's an addition of both the increases in one step. Now let's
say you want to buy this, you want to sell that off, which will give you more financial benefit? Let's
again analyse this step by step. Again, let's the starting price is 100. After 10% increased, if you
acknowledge, you would end up getting 110. What the 10% of this? We shift one decimal, so that'll be
11,so 20% of that, would be 22. So we end up getting 132, right? Let's consider the next case, if it is
increased by 20% so it will become 120. What's the 10% of that? That'll be 12. We end up getting 132.
Whereas in the third scenario, we end up getting 130. Now if you were selling up that stuff, which will
give you more best financial benefit? First of all both will give you the same benefit will give you fetch
you the same price. And these are better than that. So, again the key thing to notice out here is that
does the order matter? Again if you will acknowledge, you would analyse weather it is first increased
by 10% and then by 20 the result is the same is it is increased first by 20% and then by 10. So please
again acknowledge the order does not matter. And in a couple of moments we will see why the order
does not matter. But right now notice that the order does not matter. Second thing that is to be
noticed is we started with 100 we end up getting 132 so what's an increase that we get? That will be
132, in this case again 132 and in this case 130. So first of all the other does not matter and the next
thing to be noted out here is successive increases that is 132 more than 130. Again if you analyse
logically makes sense because this 20 is on the increased price whereas this 20 is on the basic price.
So the successive increases is always more than the one collective increase whereas the successive
decreases are always less, right? So that's the basic idea through this example. Late me discuss the
basic formula regarding this. Let me clean up this board and then we will discuss the formula. Okay,
now before we get into the formula, I would like you to remember three things. Three values which
are pretty common on your test, something increases by 10% then decrease by 10% the net impact is
1% decrease. Something increases by 20% then decreases by 20% the net impact is 4% decrease.
Something increases by 25% then decreases by 20% then it has no impact. Or no effect i would say.
These three are pretty common values of your test so please do remember. But we all acknowledge,
we cannot rely on these three values so we generalize. So the general formula is: something changes
by A% then it changes by B% the net impact given by this much percent change. : A + B = AB/100.
So I repeat, something changes by repeat. If something is increasing will take it as positive, if
something is decreasing will take it as negative. Now this is the general formula and if you logically
analyse we should have the same answer through this formula which we got through this numerical
one which I requested you too remember. Let's see how it works. So increase we'll take it as positive
decrease will take as negative so if you acknowledged this will get canceled with this and this would
turnout to be - 1. Minus signifies the decrease and one signifies the magnitude of that. So we can try
the remaining two and see how it works so the basic formula in something changes by A% and then
by B% the net impact is given by this much percent change. Now if we acknowledge in this formula
you would notice that if I write this as 10 and this is 20 or if I write this as 20 and this as 10, does the
order matter? You would acknowledge that this is the basic formula and it does not matter weather
be right 10 + 20 or 20 + 10 the net impact will absolutely will be the same. That's the reason we
noticed in the previous to examples that we did order does not matter. So in short do remember the
order does not matter. So when the application if you analyse would be in the question above you. So
is you analyse that something increases by X% first followed by the decrease of X% then the result is
equivalent to the first decrease and then increase. So the idea out here is the order does not matter
so something is increased by X% followed by the decrease of X% result is gonna be equivalent to the
first decrease and then increase. It will become handy in the data sufficiency question. So the bottom
line is so far what we are dealing with remember this basic formula if something changes by X%,
remember we are using the word changes because when we generalize it's can increases can
decrease it can be in any order so we are talking about is something is changing by A% then it changes
by B% the net impact is given followed by this much percent change. Something is increasing we take
it as positive, if something is decreasing we take it as negative. Let's see the application of this
formula through a list of questions.

Percent Change (Successive Example 1)

We have worked on a concept that if a quantity is changed by A% then it changes by B% the net
impact is given by this much percent change. And we have discussed if the increase is happening we
will take it as positive and if its a decrease we will take it as negative. Now in this question if you
analyse it the direct application of this formula by the way. It's says in the very first yeah in this case in
2009 to 2010 the number of students has increased by 5% and in the next year it has again increased
by 5%. He's asking what's the net percentage change. So the first time it is increasing by 5% as it's
increased we will take this as positive again the increase is happening we will take this as positive. So
if you just plugin the values, we will have an answer that is it will increase by 10.25%. And as the
result comes out to be positive it means that it has increased is it turns out to be negative it means
that the net decrease is happening. So in this case was the direct application of the formula. And
what's the concept or a formula therefore quantity or a term changes by A% then changes B% , the
net impact is given by this much percent change. If something is increasing we'll take it as positive, if
something is decreasing will take it as negative. Now in this case, the number of students have
increased by 5% during the first year, and then again it has increased by 5%, so you could've started
with 100 and dealt with that but if you apply the formula you have a direct answer that is the net
percentage change over the two years would be 10.25%
Percent Change (Successive Example 2)

Now if you analyse this question it very clearly states in the very first are the solution is evaporated by
8%. And in the second hour it evaporates by 5%. Now if you analyse the second change is happening
on the previous change. So its the application of successive change. Are the concept we will use is of
successive change. The formula we have talked about is if something changes by A% then it changes
by B% the net impact is given by this much percent change. Now if you apply this concept in this
question given at hand so the evaporation is happening, so the quantity of the solution is being
decreased. When there is decrease happening we will take it as negative, so first it is decreasing by
8%,so we will take it as negative. Avoid changing the formula is something is increasing take it as
positive it something is decreasing take it as negative. Then again the solution is further evaporated
that is decrease is happening by 5% so we will take it as negatives. Somnath percentage change is if
you acknowledge would have to be this much. Which is you would simplify it would be - 13 +.4 that
will be - 12.6. so there's a net change or a net decrease of 12.6 in the quantity of the solution. In other
words what is he asking in this question is what percentage of the solution initial quantity is left. Is
there is a decrease of 12.6% it means that the quantity would be left is 87.4%. So again its an
application of this concept. So let me rewrite this concept one more if something changes by A% this
is the basic formula for the percentage change basically. It will be really very handy specifically as we
see in the next question in the data sufficiency questions. So if something changes by A% then
changes by B% the net impact is given by this much percent change. If it is increasing, is the value is
increasing we will take it as positive if the percentage change is negative we will take it as decreasing.
So in this case the solution is is operating so the quantity is decreasing first by 8% taken as negative
then it is further decreasing by 5% we will again take it as negative because the change in the next
second hour is on the change of first hour. So it is the concept of successive changes, right? Thoda net
percentage change is a decrease of 12.6%. So if the quantity is decreasing by 12.6% so what
percentage of the original quantity is left that will be 87.4%.
Exponents (Intro)

A very warm welcome. In this part of the module we will be working on a topic of exponents. Let me
the run through the the structure of the session. First we will cover up the basic concepts and then we
will do a practice set of questions to see the application of these concepts. Let's get started.

Exponents (Basics)

Now when we say an that typically means a x n times. For example when we say a² that typically
means a being multiplied twice. Similarly when we say a³ that typically means a being multiplied three
times. Right? Also remember that there are different notations used to express the same thing. For
example a square root of n when we talk about square root of any number N any of the three
notations can be used. You can either Express it like this or you can also choose to express it like this
or you can also choose to express that like this all mean the same thing that is we are dealing with the
square root of n. Similarly when we talking about the cube root of n, either of these 2 expressions can
be used to denote the same thing right? Also remember a square root of a number cannot be
negative. In other words square root of a number cannot be zero or greater than zero. Also remember
a square of a number also cannot be negative a square of a number has to be zero or greater than
zero. Another words to put it is the lowest possible value of a square of a number has to be zero, in
other words the square of a number has to be zero or greater than zero. Let me take an example out
here, if I say Y = (x - 2)² right? Now if I ask you what's the value of x so that y is minimum? The key
emphasis out here is minimum possible value of a square can be zero, when will this be zero when
X - 2 is equals to zero. In this situation X has to be equal to 2. So the key part what we are referring
out here is a square root of a number or a square of a number cannot be negative it has to be zero or
greater than zero. Also remember if x is not equals to zero or any term raise to power 0 will always be
1. In other words when we say X is not equals to zero, so any number raised to power 0 will always be
equals to 1. In other words you could put it very conveniently that any number raised to power 0 will
always be 1, this term could be positive, negative, integers, fractions. The only limitation on X is that it
cannot be zero. If you want to analyse just for a reasoning, why is this? Now X 0 typically can be written
as x‐¹+¹ which can be written as X¹/ X¹. So if you acknowledge this will always get canceled the answer
is gonna be one. So no matter what is x as far as X is not zero so that's one of the reasons that it
cannot be zero because the denominator zero cannot appear in the denominator. So no matter what
is x this will always get canceled and your answer is gonna be one. So bottom line any term raised to
the power 0 will always be one. The only exception is zero raised to power zero is not defined. Also
remember when the exponent is negative the whole base would come in the denominator. For
example when we talk about for example something like this as far as an exponent is negative like the
whole this is known as the base this is known as the exponent this whole thing will come in the
denominator that is it would turn out to be this, pretty basics but important.

Also remember now let's discuss the core concepts of exponents, this was pretty much basics. Let's
discuss the core concepts. The core concepts is if we are multiplying two expressions, let's say we are
multiplying two expressions in which the basics are same, the exponents will get added. please do
remember, when we are multiplying two expressions out here for example x a is being multiplied by xb
and the bases are same, the powers will get added. Also remember, if it's an expression like this that's
the whole stuff raised to power something else, these two will get multiplied these are the two
fundamental core concepts of exponents so I repeat this, both concepts repeated.
Also remember the key critical path that these are different please notice that these are different now
what does this fundamentally means this (-2)² means ( -2 )(-2) which will be 4 but remember this
means -1× 2² which is going to be -4. So what important for us to is to notice what is he really asking
for example out here it was (-2)², so in this case when we simplify it will be -2 × -2 which will turn out
to be 4. But in this case when you simplify, it'll be -1× 2² that will be -4.
Now let me clean up the place to discuss the reasoning why is it so. Okay, so far when we have solved
an algebraic expressions we have worked on the concept of BODMAS in most likelihood. Now which is
a if you expand this be means brackets of division multiplication addition and subtraction.
But in your dream add you will have to follow a slightly different thing which is PEMDAS, P stands for
parentheses, E stands for exponents, M stands for multiplication, D stands for division, A stands for
addition and S stands for subtraction. Now if you analyse in both the parts you would realize that
these are exactly the same and brackets or parentheses are synonyms. Right? And also notice that
these are opposite but the key thing for you to notice out here is that exponents would be solved
exponents appear before multiplication so the way we simplify this expression is we first simplify the
exponent and then we will get into the multiplication and hence the answer is different right also
remember one more thing I would suggest you you these are different in short the key emphasis I
want to make is let me first fall discuss off why is it different. This means x³ × x³ .
This square is regards to the whole stuff when the bases are equal in this case two expressions are
being multiplied as already discussed the bases are equal the powers will get added or you could have
directly multiplied, and gotten in this step.
Where as this 2 is only with regards to 3 and in this case it will be X⁹.
Two fundamentally two concepts are these.
These are the two conceptual parts but you need to be careful about these two aspect that this is
different from this and this is different from this the whole Emphasis is that brackets play and very
important role so so be conscious about these differences and remember this Basic concept let's see
the applications of all these ideas through the list of questions.

Exponents (Example 1)

Now in this question and expression is given to us that is A = 4 - (b + 3)². And the question is asking
what's the value of B so that A is maximum?
If you acknowledge or notice in this expression, the expression is A is equal to 4 - something when
would A be maximum when the term which is being subtracted from 4 is minimum and we know a
square of any term has to be zero or greater than zero or in other words you can say that the lowest
possible value of a square term is zero. In this expression, for this to be minimum, the minimum
possible value or in other words for A to be maximum this has to be minimum. For this to be
minimum the possible value is zero. It cannot be negative. Now when would this be zero, when b + 3
is equal to zero in that case this would be -3. That's an option B. So the concept out here is, if we
repeat this, the square of any term cannot be negative. It has to be zero or greater than zero. Now we
are given A is equals to 4 - something, A would be maximum and the third term or an expression
which is being subtracted from 4 is minimum, the minimum possible value of this is zero in this
situation, it would turn out to be -3.

Exponents (Example 2)

Now if you analyze this question an expression of given to us that is y³+x² = 90, and what is he asking?
He is asking the largest possible value of y or the greatest possibility of y would lie in which of the
following options? Right? So let's take a step back and evaluate the basic concept in this question.
When we say the sum of the 2 terms is constant, the basic concept is the sum of the 2 terms is
constant, when would one of them be minimum? The one would be minimum if other is the
maximum. Similarly when would one be maximum if the other term is the minimum. Now it's not, this
concept is not restricted to only 2 terms, it could any number of terms.
Constant concept Repeated
So in this expression if you notice, sum of the 2 expressions = 90, when would this term be maximum,
when this term be minimum? And we know that the minimum possible value for a square number has
to be 0, it cannot be negative. We know a square of an expression would be greater or equal to 0. So
in that situation y³ would be maximum if this is minimum. If minimum possible value this can have is
0. In that situation y³ would be 90. Now then it's a pure calculation I would say we do a 4³ = 64 and 5³
is 125. As you can acknowledge 90 lies between 64 and 125 so in other words y would lie between 4
and 5, among the options given any value between 4 and 5 lies between the option B that is between
3 and 5. So in this case the answer is going to be option B. The concept is the sum of the terms is
constant, one would be maximum if the other is minimum. So in this case y 3 would be maximum if this
is minimum and the minimum possible value for square number is 0 and in that situation y 3 would
turn out to be 90 and typically y has to be four point something, we don't need to really get into the
decimal what exactly is the value because the options are such it clearly lies between 3 and 5 and
that's an answer as the option B.

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