Final Output in Entrepreneurship Busines

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Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is originated from the owners’ name, A for Angela,

L for Leneth, B for Bryan, E for Elbeth, R for Ronin and J for Jean. That’s why we

come up for the word ALBERJ and we add it a word EATS-TIME and that’s why

it is now Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant. The owner and staff of this restaurant

possesess the ability of being a tough one and due to its uniqueness,this

restaurant has really a big chance to become successful.

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is a unique type of Restaurant located at Arca,

Pusok Lapu-Lapu City. By conducting a survey, we observed that the place has a

good location even if it has a lot of competitors on that area but we take it as

challenge. A challenge that we need to survive because it is not that easy to

handle a business. There is always ups and downs on having it, and also to

encounter different types of consumer who will be interested in our




I. Introduction 5

II. Executive Summary 6-10

III. Environmental and Industry Analysis 11

A. Environmental Analysis 12,13

B. Industry Analysis 14-16

IV. Company Description 17

A. Our Company Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives

a. Mission 17

b. Vision 18

c. Goals 19

Objectives 19

B. Our Company Products and Services

a. Products 20-28

C. Business Owners Info 29

D. Nature of Business 30-31

V. Production, Operation and Management Plan

A. Production Plan 33

B. Operation Plan 34

C. Management Plan 35

a. Management Team 36


1. Internal Management Team 37

2. External Management Team 38

3. Human Resource Needs 40-43

b. Personnel Plan 44

1. Employees Benefits 45

2. Employees Incentives 46

3. Wage Increase 47

4. Promotion 48

5. Suspension/Termination 49

VI. Marketing Plan

A. Product 50-51

B. Price 51

C. Place 52

D. People 52

E. Promotion 52

F. Packaging 53

G. Positioning 54

VII. Organizational Plan 55-61

VIII. Financial Plan 62

A. Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income 62-63

B. Projected Statement of Financial Position 64

C. Projected Break-even Analysis 64

IX. Timetable 65-66


X. Appendices 67-84


Filipinos do really love eating, with many different reasons, in order to

relieve stress, family bonding, self-reward or any other type of reasons. This will

really help them in coping up those things and any sort of enjoyment. Foods are

really everywhere, specially now it can be found on streets and malls, and even

in different places here in our country, Philippines. Due to food, many people or

entrepreneurs do construct and build a business that focuses on food because

there are so many people who really love to eat and buy that product.

We, as well as me as one of the owners conducted a research about foods

and also it’s benefit to us, one of it’s certain benefit is that it is one way of building

bonds, relationship and friendship to those who shared it. A delicious type of food

can satisfy a person that’s why the owners create this type of business. As one of

the owners, we conducted this kind of business and sold it to the consumer

because Filipinos do really love to eat foods. Various type of foods, can be

pleasing not just to the consumers stomached but also to the mind or feeling of a

person, foods can relieve stress and negative emotion of a person. Through

giving the desired taste of the people in this business, it will grow and through

various type of foods, this restaurant will be enhanced and improve, and take

many progress in order to succeed. As one of the owners, we will do our best in

order satisfy and give the desired taste from space feeling to the consumers, and

also to attract more consumers.


There are so many people who really loves food, we can see it in different

types of occasion such as marriage, debut, parties, and any types of celebration.

Food will always be there. Treating someone with something such as food can

really build a bond or a good state of relationship. Different foods can help

different types of people who has different tastes of food, that is why the owners

of Alberj’s Eats-Time grab the opportunity to build this kind of business. Different

types of dishes can satisfy different types of consumer, it makes it feel satisfied,

relieved from stress, problems and especially to emotions that has not been


Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant located at Arca, Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City that

gives you the taste from space feeling that comes with an affordable price.

Owned by six (6) persons named Angela Cabasag, Leneth Becira, Elbeth

Nemenzo, Ronin Dente, Bryan Baran and lastly, Jean Rey Binarao. The owners

were once a classmates before during their highschool days, all of them we’re

food lovers and food buddies. They often go to some café’s and any food stores


to relax themselves specially on having a tons of works at school. But when they

went to college, they parted ways but still keeps in touch with each other. Angela,

that is now 32 years old graduated at University of San Jose-Recoletos with

Business Administration that owned an Eat All You Can food stall near their

place. Leneth Becira, graduated at Cebu Normal University that is now a fashion

designer, since day one Leneth really loves to have beautiful clothings and is

really an expert in designing. Bryan Baran, who is working as a waiter before

while having his education is now an owner of a KTV Bar in Lapu-Lapu. Bryan

did not went to college but strives hard to earn a living, because of his hardwork

and perseverance, Bryan earned a lot of money and starts his own business,

together with his cousin Ronin Dente, Ronin is now working with Bryan also,

Ronin graduated at Cebu Technological University with a degree of Bachelor of

Science and Electrical Engineering. In line with that course, Ronin now owns a

“sound system for rent” and also Bryan’s partner in his KTV Bar, while on the

other hand,

Elbeth Nemenzo who is now a professional Teacher in High School,

finished her studies at University of the Visayas Major in English is now one of

the owners of the said Restaurant. Last but not the least is Jean Rey Binarao

founder of the Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant that graduated at University of San

Jose-Recoletos school of Law, that is now a licensed Lawyer. All of them has a

good bond of friendship that’s why after a couple of years, they meet each other


again and suddenly comes up to have their business as a sign of their friendship,

as a food buddies. That is now, Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant.


Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is a 60 seat fine-dining restaurant with a 20

seat lounge. We focus on our New American-Swedish menu with a touch of

Asian influence with a taste from space feeling.

We will be located in the booming, and rapidly expanding, borough of Arca,

Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City.

The area is in need of a warm and friendly place with excellent food. A

place where you always know you will get the best of everything. Alberj’s Eats-

Time Restaurant will feature a cozy dining room. Comfortable furnishings and

decor with soothing warm tones. The place has comfy couches and antique love

seats with a softly lit bar. It will be the perfect place to stop in for a bite to eat, for

a drink or for a small business meeting. For extra comfort and to please a large

group of people we will make up special hors d' oeuvre platters for customers.

The menu will be inspired from different countries' specialties and appeal

to a diverse clientele. You can get the taste of different and unique dishes that

the restaurant had offer. Each dishes has a free 1 serve of rice and chosen iced

tea. Adding value will be an interesting business lunch menu with specialties

every day. The menu of the restaurant will change every 3-4 months but keep the


favorites. Prices will be competitive with other upscale restaurants in the area.

However, it is the strategy of Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant to give a perception

of higher value than its competitors, through its food, service and entertainment.

The restaurant will be open seven days a week. We will offer special theme

nights to attract new customers to Alberj’s. The restaurant will be fine dining in a

cozy atmosphere. Warm colors, fresh flowers, soft music, candles and amazing

specially science based artworks from some of the areas most notable new

artists. This will contribute to a sense of community and give new artists a

chance to show their work for a diverse clientele.

During the busy summer months you can also sit outside on our patio and

we will offer a special summer menu, featuring lighter fare, exotic drinks, as well

as non-alcoholic offerings. The patio and garden setting will be a fun and casual

atmosphere for the summer crowd.

The service will be relaxed, very friendly and correct. We will hire the best

people available, training, motivating and encourage them, and thereby retaining

the friendliest most efficient staff possible. Our management team is comprised

of individuals whose backgrounds consist of experience in food, restaurant and

hotel, catering, management, finance, marketing, art and motion pictures.

Catering will be one of the major part of the business. "Alberj’s Catering"

already has an established clientele and we are growing each and every day. We

feel in today's hectic work schedule customers don't always have time to set up

that birthday party or other event that we all need and want. Now customers can


leave it to pros and get the finest, most memorable party or dinner ever. Even if

we don’t have many years of experience in the catering business, but we know

what an important client wants and needs.The restaurant will have a large

International menu for customers to select from, and we will offer full catering

service providing everything from table settings to the dessert. We anticipate our

total sales allocation to be 85% restaurant sales and 15% catering sales. The

combined cost of sales will be 33% producing a gross profit of 67% on total


Most important to the restaurant is the financial success and we believe

this will be achieved by offering high-quality service and excellent food with an

interesting twist. We have created financial projections based on our experience

and knowledge of the area. With a start-up expenditure of Php385,000 we can

generate Php1,085,465 in sales by the end of year two, and produce good net

profits by the end of year three.




Environmental analysis is a strategic tool. It is a process to identify all the

external and internal elements, which can affect the organization’s performance.

The analysis entails assessing the level of threat or opportunity the factors might

present. These evaluations are later translated into the decision-making process.

The analysis helps align strategies with the firm’s environment. Our business is

facing changes every day. Many new things develop over time and the whole

scenario can alter in only a few seconds. There are some factors that are beyond

control. But, you can control a lot of these things. Businesses are greatly

influenced by their environment. All the situational factors which determine day to

day circumstances impact firms. So, businesses must constantly analyze the

trade environment and the market. In connection, Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

will show its PEST Analysis.

a. Politico-Legal


In building this business, the owners really comply and did what is needed

to make it possible. By doing all the permits needs in order for it to be

established, undergoing into laws to make it firm and all the papers or important

documents needed. Hence, Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant could be used also in

some endorsement specially in political matters. The business is open for any

bookings and settlements in regards to that matters.

b. Economics

Below are the following things that gives a relation to the business and to

its economy.

Consumer Confidence

Consumer confidence is an economic indicator that measures overall

consumer optimism about the state of the economy. Confident consumers tend

to be more willing to spend money than consumers with low confidence, which

means Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurants business are more likely to prosper when

consumer confidence is high. Periods of high consumer confidence can present

opportunities for new businesses to enter the market, while period of low

confidence may force companies to cut costs to maintain profits.


The economy tends to follow a business cycle of economic booms

followed by periods of stagnation or decline. During boom periods, jobs tend to

be plentiful, since companies need workers to keep up with demand. When


unemployment is low, consumer spending tends to be high because most people

have income to spend, which is good for businesses and helps drive growth.

When unemployment is high, consumer spending tends to be low because

unemployed people don't have excess income to spend.

Interest Rates

An interest rate is the amount that a lender charges an individual or

business to borrow money. Some small businesses rely on loans from

banks or other financial institutions as a source of financing. Alberj’s Eats-

Time Restaurant has its 40% that came from the restaurant to make this

business able to happen.By that, higher interest rates result in higher total

business expenses for companies with debt. High interest rates can also

reduce consumer spending, because high rates make it more expensive

for consumers to take out loans to buy things like cars and homes.


Inflation is the rate at which prices in the economy are increasing.

Inflation causes increases in business expenses such as rent, utilities, and

cost of materials used in production. Rising costs are likely to force

businesses to raise prices on their own products and services to keep

pace with inflation and maintain profits. Inflation can reduce the

purchasing power of consumers unless employers increase wages based

on the level of inflation.


c. Socio-Economic

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant has to remain in line with the strict

and stark differences of cultures on where it is located. Also, the

restaurant has to communicate its image to the society so that the people

can associate it with themselves as something that connects it together.

Usually, the social implications are seen in marketing campaigns for

example certain place have religious festivals or any events and

gatherings, so Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant has to keep in line with all

those festivals and events in order to understand the psyche of their

market and how they can cash upon the opportunity.

d. Technological

With the advent of the new age in technology, companies have

completely integrated themselves with all the recent changes that have

taken place. To mention a recent trend that has greatly picked up and

something that almost every business is turning toward is Social Media.

The social media explosion has allowed for increasingly interactive

engagement with the consumers with real time results so Alberj’s Eats-

Time Restaurant has to stay ahead of all the developments that take place

with keeping in view how the people of today utilizes technology for their

benefit and how the restaurant can reach them in order to keep on

increasing business recall and engagement.



An industry analysis must be specific to the industry in which you

are conducting or are planning to conduct business. With the information you

obtain from the analysis, you can devise a long-term strategy to mitigate risks

and take full advantage of growth opportunities. In view with that, the restaurant

must have SWOT Analysis for this industry.

a. Strength

Alberj’sEats-Time Restaurants strength unlike other food industries is it

has a unique character that was well made by the owners, with an affordable and

delicious type of foods to offer. Clean and relaxing environment and with a

pleasing personality staffs.

b. Weaknesses

Since there are a lot competitors where the restaurant is located,so

it serves as the weakness of the said food industry in which there might be times


that costumers will not able to go at Alberj’s Eats-Time and prefers to go into

other food industries, by that, the restaurant will not have a high sales to the days

where there is less customers.

c. Opportunities

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant was not only built for business purposes,

but also to help other people. The restaurant offers a lot of opportunities to those

people who live near the area. If they are in line with the qualifications that the

restaurant are looking for, well, it might be them that we are looking for. To be a

part of the restaurant, and also to its success.


Threats are always there wherever we go, but in business the threats that

will be encountered is really a big thing. Because there are a lot of competitors in

the area and business has always its ups and downs, but there is no need to get

worry about, because the owner and management of Alberj’s Eats-Time

Restaurant is willing to take any risk and also open minded on what lies ahead.




Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is originated from the owners name, A for

Angela, L for Leneth, B for Bryan, E for Elbeth, R for Ronin and J for Jean. That’s

why we come up for the word ALBERJ and we add it a word EATS-TIME and

that’s why it is now Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant. The owner and staff of this

restaurant possesses the ability of being a tough one and due to it’s uniqueness,

this restaurant has really a big chance to become successful.


Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is a unique type of Restaurant located at

Arca, Pusok,Lapu-Lapu City. By conducting a survey, we observed that the place


has a good location even if it has a lot of competitors on that area but we take it

as challenge. A challenge that we need to survive because it is not that easy to

handle a business. There is always ups and downs on having it, and also to

encounter different types of consumer who will be interested in our



Alberj’s Restaurant really produces a satisfying dish for everybody. Most

specially an affordable one that can attract customers. Alberj’s Eats-Time

Restaurant will be having also its catering services for an event such as

birthdays, weddings, graduation and more. Alberj’s Restaurant will be more

competitive from different competitors and will serve the best products to satisfy

each one of the costumers wants and needs.

A. Our Company Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives.

a. Mission

“To provide unique and quality products that suits clientele needs at

reasonable price with excellent customer service from our skilled workers.”

b. Vision

“Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant’s vision is to be the leading restaurant in the

area of where it is located, that is still providing the good quality and affordable

dishes, and excellent service that the customers liked.”

c. Goals


 To be the leading restaurant in our area (Pusok)

 To give our costumer the satisfying and extraordinary type of dish that

comes with an affordable price

 To attract more customers especially to any forms of occasion

 To get the loyalty of our personel specially in doing a good service that

would be helpful in the restaurant.

 Perform desired work in the restaurant and treat customers with a polite


 To be more competitive from our competitors in our respectful area or

location so that this restaurant will be possible to be the leading in the


 To hire a well-trained Cook or Chef that would create unique and delicious

type of dishes that is pocket friendly.

 To perform what it is needed especially in providing good service to


 To give our staffs and personnel a good workplace, treatment, benefits

and salary.

 To build more branches in order to make this business much bigger and

attract more costumers


B. Our Products and Services

a. Products.



Price: Php299.00

Representing, Alberj’s Eats-Time Bistek or biste, a Spanish loan word derived

from the English words "beef steak” Bistek dish comes with an affordable price

with 1 Cup of rice one glass of chosen iced tea and has a great taste to truly

satisfy your hunger.

Beef Steak Ultra


Price: Php299.00

Try the new Beef Steak Ultra with vegetables, truly beefy and meaty that comes

with an affordable price with 1 cup of rice.

Smoked Beef

Price: 299.00

With the touch of smoke and hot coal into a purely meaty beef is now available at

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant, freshly served that comes with an affordable price

with 1 cup of rice.


Pork Mechado


Pork mechado is a Filipino pork stew. This particular recipe is composed of pork

slices, potato, frozen green peas, and bell peppers. It is a simple dish that can


easily be prepared by anyone but Alberj’s Eats-Time will serve it uniquely just for


Caramelized Pork

Price Php 199.00

The other white meat is just as flavorful and easy to transform into myriad meals

that look like they took a lot more time and effort than they actually did. Our

favorite pork recipes from caramelized chops and slow-braised pork shoulder to

spicy enchiladas—are guaranteed to put pork in your weeknight dinner rotation.

Crispy Pork Cutlets with Fennel Salad

Price: Php199.00


Pounding the meat both tenderizes it and allows for a very quick cook time: a

win-win for weeknight dinner.


Chicken and Vegetable Couscous

Price: Php 199.00

Packed with plenty of nutritious veg, this hearty French chicken dish will warm

you up on a chilly day.

Cheats Chicken Pilaf’ Traybake

Price: Php 219.00


Add a bit of spice to your chicken traybake with cinnamon, cumin and turmeric for

an easy midweek dinner.

Baked Lemon Chicken

Price: Php 219.00

Try our moreish tray bake packed with crisp chicken thighs, creamy lemon sauce

and fragrant rosemary.


Kerala Fish Curry


Try the new taste of Kerala Fish Curry tad and spicy with a signature of dried

tamarind. Now available at Alberj’s Eat’s-Time Restaurant at Php 199.00

Grilled Marinated Sword Fish Steaks

A grilled marinated sword fish steaks hold up well on the grill.

This sword fish steaks are nicely flavored with lemon and olive oil sauce. The

sauce is brush over the fish as it cooks. SO what are you waiting for? Come and

visit Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant for this dish. Prices starts at Php. 199.00

Sheet Pan Lemon Herb Tuna


Try the new bold and flavorful sheet pan tuna steaks with tender, seasoned baby

potatoes. Now serving at Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant in just 30 mins!

Php. 199.00


Southwestern Vegetable Medley

If vegetables looked and tasted this good all the time, no one would have a

problem getting their recommended daily servings! Now serving at Alberj’s Eats-

Time Restaurant at Php189.00

Skinny Broccoli and Mixed Vegetables Stir Fry


This healthy vegetable stir fry is packed with soo much flavor that everyone will

forget how healthy it is and how many veggies they are eating. Now serving at

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant at Php189.00





C. Business Owners Information

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant located at Arca, Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City that

gives you the taste from space feeling that comes with an affordable price.

Owned by six (6) persons named Angela Cabasag, Leneth Becira, Elbeth

Nemenzo, Ronin Dente, Bryan Baran and lastly, Jean Rey Binarao. The owners

were once a classmates before during their high school days, all of them we’re

food lovers and food buddies. They often go to some café’s and any food stores

to relax themselves specially on having a tons of works at school. But when they

went to college, they parted ways but still keeps in touch with each other. Angela,

that is now 32 years old graduated at University of San Jose-Recoletos with

Business Administration that owned an Eat All You Can food stall near their

place. Leneth Becira, graduated at Cebu Normal University that is now a fashion

designer, since day one Leneth really loves to have beautiful clothings and is

really an expert in designing. Bryan Baran, who is working as a waiter before

while having his education is now an owner of a KTV Bar in Lapu-Lapu. Bryan


did not went to college but strives hard to earn a living, because of his hardwork

and perseverance, Bryan earned a lot of money and starts his own business,

together with his cousin Ronin Dente, Ronin is now working with Bryan also,

Ronin graduated at Cebu Technological University with a degree of Bachelor of

Science and Electrical Engineering. In line with that course, Ronin now owns a

“sound system for rent” and also Bryan’s partner in his KTV Bar, while on the

other hand, Elbeth Nemenzo who is now a professional Teacher in High School,

finished her studies at University of the Visayas Major in English is now one of

the owners of the said Restaurant. Last but not the least is Jean Rey Binarao

founder of the Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant that graduated at University of San

Jose-Recoletos school of Law, that is now a licensed Lawyer. All of them has a

good bond of friendship that’s why after a couple of years, they meet each other

again and suddenly comes up to have their business as a sign of their friendship,

as a food buddies. That is now, Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant.

D. Nature of Business

The nature of this business is the way the personnel will treat the

costumers, to provide good quality and affordable products that will really satisfy

them. Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant will offer delicious taste from space dishes

that will truly satisfy the costumers that comes with an affordable price. The

restaurant managements target customers are the people in Pusok, Lapu-Lapu

City in which the restaurant is located, because when they conducted a survey in

the area, people of Pusok really loves to eat food.


The management’s type of organizational structure is corporation, because it is

owned by 6 persons who shares their money and ideas in order to make this

business successful.As part of the business, here are Alberj’s Eats-Time

Restaurants rules and regulation.

Be Polite

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurants staffs and personnel should be always

Polite to the costumers, every time there is a costumer, the staffs should always

greet them in a polite manner, and also, the staffs should always bring their


Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Every industry should maintain its cleanliness and good sanitization.

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is really into cleanliness because the owners are

health conscious and doesn’t want dirty environment that might lead to any

sickness and also it won’t attract costumers if the environment is dirty.

Please come on Time


Time is very important in our lives, Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant really

told their staffs that they should come on time, with at least 15 minutes advance

before the actual time in.


If one of the staffs in the restaurant has 5 days absent with no valid

reason, it will be suspended up to 3 days.

Not wearing of Uniform and No ID – No Entry Policy

Every day, the staffs and personnel should wear their prescribe uniform

and ID’s so that they will look so good in the eyes of customers, the personnel’s

should be well organized and should wear their uniforms neatly.




A. Production Plan

 Business Floor Plan ( See figure No.1 attached on Appendices)

Rock veneer covers the existing columns; refurbished sliding barn doors

are used as the entrance for the private dining rooms. A mixture of turquoise, red

and wood mosaic tiles will be used throughout the space to complete the look. 

The main dining area has the capacity to seat 48, at different table sizes, so the

occasional needed six top can be created. The bar can accommodate 24 with


room to spill over into the lounge area as well. Turquoise has 2 private dining

rooms, both with acoustical privacy from the dining area, located next to the

newly relocated stairs to the loft above, which can be used at a later date. The

manager’s office along with both the men’s and women’s bathrooms are near the

back of the house where 1,000 square feet of space is left open for the designing

of the kitchen.The figure number 1 which is the Business Floor Plan is located at

the Appendices.

B. Operation Plan

Dining Department

 (See Figure No.2 attached on Appendices)

Dining department is where the flow of operation in receiving the customer

happens, first the Security Guard will politely greet the customers that will enter

in the restaurant. Second is the waiter will come over them, greet them and will

look for a vacant seat, afterwards the waiter will give them the menu and after a

few moments, the waiter will get their order and will give it to the cashier, the

cashier will give it to the kitchen staff and will pass it to the chef to cook and

prepare it. After a minutes of waiting, the dish is ready to serve and the waiter will


be called to serve the desired order of the customer, after eating the customer is

obliged to pay his/her bills to the cashier.

HR Department

 (See Figure No.3 in Appendices)

HR Departments flow of operation will be responsible in recruiting new

employees, to hire new staff. If the restaurant hires for for new staff someone will

post about job vacancy. Submit their resumes or requirements needed and the

candidate will be interviewed if he/she will be suitable for the desired position, if

the candidate was hired, next is he/she will go to induction process. Job

responsibilities will be given, undergo to training session if it is required. After the

training has been started, evaluation happens. Discuss for further restaurant

requirements to become a formal and full company member or employee.

Inventory Department

 (See Figure No.4 attacged on Appendices)

Inventory department is where the flow of operation of stocks in the

restaurant happens, if the restaurant ran of stocks, they need to purchase to the

supplier for the desired supply, after purchasing and the items had received, the

items should be store properly in the storage area, In which the area should be

enough for it to be stored. After storing, the assigned person can now use it,


track or check it after especially if it rans out of stock again, afterwards, the

restaurant will reorder to the supplier for more supplies that is needed.

Accounting Department

 (See Figure No.5 attached on Appendices)

In Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant, the primary tasks of an accountant is to

prepare and examine financial records. They are the ones who will make sure

that records are accurate and taxes area paid properly and on time. Accountants

performs overviews of the financial operations of a business in order to help run

efficiently. Accountants in this restaurants also provides the same services to

individuals , helping them create plans of action to improved financial well-being.

C. Management Plan

Every entrepreneur has its own unique technique in managing its business

in order to be organized, to maintain its cleanliness, safety and any other things

an industry should have. Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant manages the standard of

each personnel’s so that it will be suitable for them to function in the business

properly. There are so many ways on how to manage a business properly, it

should be enhanced so that it will improved, and in order for it to work the

cooperation of the staffs and the leadership of the owner should go together. In

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant, there are a lot of personnel in order to make this

business successful;

A. Management Team


a. Internal Management Team

The OWNER who was there to manage risks and has the highest position

in the industry. The owner who is the one to guide his/her personnel in anything

that they should need to do, enhances their skills and capabilities to perform their

duties well.

ACCOUNTANT, the person who was assigned in financial matters, the

accountant monitors and records the flow of money through a business or

organization.It is the responsibility of the accountant to verify the accuracy of all

money transactions and to make sure that all these transactions are legal and

follow current guidelines.

STORE MANAGER will be responsible for managing employee schedules

and payroll; addressing any issues pertaining to sales figures; addressing

employee firing, hiring, and performance issues; and delegating other

responsibilities to ensure the store operates smoothly and successfully. The

store manager will also often deal with customer complaints, communications

with vendors, the management of loss prevention, and any other issues that may

arise during day to day operations of the store

ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER, is there to help or assist him/her from

its daily work. Especially if the Store Manager is not around, the assistant will

automatically take charge its duties and responsibility.


CHEF on the other hand isn’t only focused on the aspect of food

preparation In this restaurant there are 2 Chefs. Even before the restaurant doors

start to open for business, chefs are already hard at work. For instance, they see

to it that the work area is clean and that all the equipment is ready for use. It’s

very important that the supplies and food ingredients are complete so chefs

inspect that the pantries and refrigerators are well-stocked. If it isn’t or if a

particular supply is running out, they place their orders to their suppliers. When

the orders arrive, they see to it that these are fresh and fit for consumption.Chefs

have to come up with recipes for their customers.

And also, a restaurant wouldn’t be complete if there’s no CASHIER, The

restaurant has 3 Cashiers, they are the ones who are responsible in taking the

money from costumer from what they have ordered. Greet each customer in a

positive manner, enter purchases into cash register to calculate total purchase

price,assist customers in locating specific items, request information or

assistance using a paging system, identify price of merchandise by using

electronic scanners, accept payment by either cash, cheque, credit, debit or

voucher, give correct change due to the customer, issue a receipt, resolve

customer complaints, rectify any price discrepancies, handle refunds, exchanges,

credits or rain checks, count money in cash drawers at the beginning of the shift,

count money at the end of the shift and note any discrepancies. That’s what a

cashier should do.


Next is we have 6 WAITERS, waiters are responsible for serving food to

the costumers, assisting costumers also for what they need and maintaining the

cleanliness of the area after the costumer had taken its order.

Next is the SECURITY GUARD, the one who is responsible to keep the

area secured, in the said restaurant there are 2, Security Guard maintains the

safety and security of the environment for customers and employees by patrolling

and monitoring premises and personnel.

Lastly is the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER, An HR manager is the go-

to person for all employee-related issues. This means HR manager duties will

involve managing activities such as job design, recruitment, employee relations,

performance management, training & development and talent management. The

job of HR manager is important to business success. People are our most

important asset and HR will be the one to ensure to have a happy and productive

workplace where everyone works to realize the established mission and

objectives. Promoting corporate values and shaping a positive culture is a vital

aspect of a complete HR manager job description and specification.

b. External Management Team

Atttorney or Lawyer


Along with legal requirements that Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant had

process there can also be litigations, disputes, etc., that needs preparation in

order to avoid serious consequences and there is one person who is responsible

for that and it is a lawyer. A lawyer is the person that can help you with all of

those and much more by way of their expertise and knowledge on the subject.

For any situation that might have a legal impact on your business, a

lawyer should be consulted immediately. A need for a lawyer for a business like

restaurant arises from the fact that there are hundreds of laws for business that

need to be followed and each industry will have its own particular regulations and

rules. A business owner would, of course, to be unaware of all the laws. Apart

from federal laws, there are laws in your state, city, and county that, at times, can

overlap or even contradict each other. The laws are never constant and are

continuously evolving in small and subtle ways that can cause the restaurant to

suddenly be out of compliance with the law even though your business has not

changed. This is done to accommodate changes and new requirements of the

ever-changing economy and market environment. Keeping track of all these

changes can be a daunting task that business owners cannot handle by

themselves. And beside from that reason in having a lawyer, a lawyer’s role also

is to be there specially if there is a conflict that might happen to the restaurant,

the lawyer will be there to protect it.

External Auditor


Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant also needs someone to make this business

successful, the restaurant needs an external auditor they are an independent

service provider whose impact can provide significant influence on the

organization being audited and its stakeholders. Even though they are not part of

the organization, they play a key role in developing internal control. Auditors can

comment on weaknesses in the accounting records, systems and controls that

they review in the audit. They provide a statistical analysis on the clarity and

effectiveness of the accounting policies put in place by the said restaurant. They

also help management become aware of evidence that may affect future audits.

They can give advice management through recommendations in their audit notes

or discussions. Constructive suggestions can improve the procedures for

documentation more efficient, ethical, or fairly presentable.

c. Human Resource Needs

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant has its own qualifications in hiring someone

to be a part of this business, below are the stated standards that is needed in

order to be a part of this business.


o Must possess a Bachelors Degree/College Degree in any field.

o At least 2 years of working experience in related field.


o Required Skills: Microsoft Office, Preferably 1-4 years experienced

employee specialized secretarial/Executive Personnel.


o Experienced as a Retail Assistant Manager or the same position.

o Expert in recruiting and performance evaluation process

o Familiarity in financial and customer service principle

o With the ability to create and analyze reports, spreadsheets and

sales tactics

o Proficient user of MS Excel in particular

o Good leadership and verbal skill

o Problem solving attitude

o BSc/BA in Business Administration or relevant field; MsC/MA must

be good also in supervision, Quality Management, Results Driven,

Developing Budgets, Foster Teamwork, Handles Pressure, Giving




o Must be good in money and in accounting corporate finances,

Reporting Skills, Attention to Detail, Deadline-oriented persons.

Able to have good time management, General Math Skills.


 Must have the attributes such as speaking wnd writing skills. With

the ability to work under pressure and has good leadership qualities

such as strong work ethics, trustworthy, self-confidence and the

ability to delegate responsibilities.

 Must good in choosing the qualified person to hire.


o Contains good eye to hand coordination.

o Good organizational Skills

o The ability to read and follow recipes in order to have a successful


o Ability to follow good strict health and safety standards.

o Good health and has no breathing complaints.

o Ability to meet strict deadlines.

o Able to maintain neatness and cleanliness appearance.



o Must god in imitating the designs

o Creative and has a good imaginative thinking

o Good hand-eye coordination

o Good in arrangement settings


o Must have PC knowledge and familiarity in keyboard and any

electronic equipment, (cash register, scanners, money counter etc.)

o Must have good communication skills to costumer and able to

check payments.

o Customer satisfaction oriented.

o Sales Skills


o Good personal presentation skills to be friendly, polite and

approachable and open minded when dealing with complaints.

o Flexibility and reliability with a willingness to work weekends and

evenings stamina and efficiency

o Good memory and communication skills.

o Must be at proper age, 18 above.

o Able to work hard as a part if the team.



o Secures the premises and personnel by patrolling properly;


o Surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings specially after going

home. Accessing points and permitting entry.

o Obtains help by sounding alarms.

o Prevents losses and damage by reporting irregularities; informing

violators of policy and procedures; restraining trespassers.

B. Personnel Plan

Each personnel in this industry should deserve right treatment and reward

of their good performance, aside from that for those who wasn’t able to perform

their duties well, deserves a punishment also.

1. Benefits

As part of being a worker one must have a good benefits especially for

their future use. Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant provides their workers an

SSS, PAG-IBIG and HEALTH CARE INSURANCE. The effectiveness of

this said benefit is given after 2 months of being a worker in the said


a. Hospitality Insurance

In Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant, the employees has Hospitality

insurance in case of emergency, especially if someone got sick in their

family or to themselves. For Casual employees, they can only avail 60% of

the Hospitality Insurance given by the company, they can only avail the


100% if they will be hired as a regular and official employee. Speaking of

official employee, in case of emergency they can have the full or 100% of

the insurance that will cover their expenses that is needed to pay.

b. Social Security System (SSI)

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant provides every employees an SSS in

order to provide or assist the employees, together with their families,

protection against old age, sickness, disability, and death. Simply put,

the SSS is also an insurance to the employees. Employees should

need to process their SSS after 6 months of being an employee to the


c. Pag-Ibig Fund

The most popular program benefit of the Pag-IBIG Fund offers assistance

to its members by providing affordable financing for their housing needs. HDMF

accomplishes this by working in partnership with the local Real Estate

Developers and arranging affordable loans to real estate buyers (Pag-IBIG

members). This benefits offered by Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is for long term

regular employees, that is working for a couple of years in the industry. To avail

this benefit, one must be a regular worker first that is been working in the


2. Incentives


Good performance always deserves a reward. Alberj’s Eats-Time

Restaurant gives incentives to those workers who were able to do their

tasks well, for those workers who will be having a perfect attendance

every 30 days will have its incentive that will be added into his/her salary.

a. Php 3,000 Cash

This cash will be given to those employees who will be having a

perfect attendance of atleast 2 month straight.

b. Grocery Items

Grocery items will be given to the employees in this restaurant if

someone has achieved a no violation in a month, if he/she achieved all

the good premises that the restaurant has, he/she will be given a

bundles of joy which is grocery items.

c. Shirts and Souvenirs

Shirts and souvenirs of Alberj’s Eats-Time will be given to the

employees every Christmas season. The management of the

restaurant did not put any qualifications for this since Christmas

season is the season of giving, as a thanksgiving to the employees

who plays a big role in the industry, the management of the restaurant

will give them shirts and any souvenirs.

d. Free Food of the day


In this juncture, the management of the restaurant will give a free

food or meal to those departments who performed their duties well

every month. They will be having a yummy food eating as a reward of

their food performance, care of the owners.

3. Wage Increase,

It is only given to workers specially who has higher position in the

restaurant. Qualifications or bases to have a high wage are the following:

 One must possess a good performance each day; the owners are also

around the restaurant observing their workers in performing their


 Absences, Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is really strict when it comes

to those matters, so if a worker has a good performance especially no

absents, there is a possibility that he/she will be promoted and will be

given high wage.

The higher wage increase would be 10% that will based on their salary


4. Promotion,

If the employee contains good working skills or achieved a good

performance and was able to attain the owners’ basis and challenges

given, one must be promoted, and in line with that, he/she will be having

his/her wage increase after the promotion.


5. Suspension/Termination,

Everybody is not perfect, we can always do lapses but we can handle

everything we do. Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant gives termination and

suspension for those workers who has this following lapses:

 Having the absences of 3 days without a valid reason will be going

to the admins office for a suspension of 3 days no work.

 Being late for 5 times that affects the industry will be having a

suspension for 3 days.

 Not wearing prescribed uniform for 2 times results to a 3 day


 Playing their phone while on the working hours will be given 1 st to

3rd offense, and if one reaches the last one, it will lead to 3 day


 Going to work drunk and wasn’t able to handle its task well will be

suspended for 1 week.

 Being harsh and not pleasant to customers will be suspended for 3

days also.

 And lastly, if one violates or contains all of these, he/she will be

terminated. Just look for another company that will accept your

behaviors. Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant will not cater that kind of

people. It can’t help the company to grow bigger and attract




Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant has its own unique way of selling delicious

dishes to the costumers, and in order to attract more, the restaurant must have

its marketing techniques or strategies in order to create relationships from the



Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant has its best quality food or product in the

whole area of Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City, the owners decided to make their product

unique enough to make it attractive unto their valued customers. Due to its

product, it will help the restaurant to reach its desired vision. The restaurant

creates affordable and satisfying taste of food that costumers will not regret,

while eating together with their families or friends. Nothing is more gratifying than


seeing your loved ones face lighted up when they were able to taste, Alberj’s

Eats-Time dishes that gives the taste from space feeling. In the said restaurant,

cooking is not just only cooking itself, because one of the greatest recipe that

Alberj’s Restaurant possess is the love to the valued customers.


Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant is a budget friendly type of restaurant, it

offers affordable products to customers so that they will have their desired food

satisfaction. The management do focus on its prices but also in serving the

beloved costumers needs and wants. Since the owner also viewed its

environment against the competitors, so in order to be competitive enough, the

management especially the owners come up with an affordable price in which the

costumers were really looking for. The owners loves to see its costumers happily

taking and eating their products because they value each one of them the most.


The environment of Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant that is located at

Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City are quiet good even if there are a lot of competitors at the

area. Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City really had a lot of entrepreneurs, specially at the

area of Save More in which Chowking, Mang Inasal and other food industries are

located, and also there are lots of people most specially those who works at the

Mactan Export Processing Zone Access or (MEPZA).


Since, business is all about taking risks also, the owners decided to took

the area to build this restaurant because they really believe that this restaurant

will bloom even there are a lot of competitors because it is different from other.

The owners will take any challenges the environment will give to their

business because that’s what entrepreneurs are for, to be open minded on what

will happen and to do its best to make everything happen.


This restaurant wouldn’t be possible without people who takes control of it.

The owners of Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant and the staffs will give their very

best to achieve its Mission, Vision, Goal and Objective. The roles and duties that

the owners assigned to their personnel should be done properly and in a good

manner because it’s a good thing that a costumer will like, the good service, and

also to avoid any tragedy. The owners also gave advice to their personnel to

enjoy their duties or what they are doing to avoid pressure. The owners of the

said restaurant treats their people as their family. So that all of them will able to

help each other all the time and will have the coordination, teamwork, hard work

and cooperation to have a good outcome. The owners also teaches their staffs to

have a pleasing personality to the costumers in order to have a good feedback.



Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurants way of promoting their product is through

advertising the business specially in social media form, since we are in this

Information Age were technologies truly revolutionize our lives, by the use of

having a page on a social media app which is Facebook, the restaurant will be

posting its promos, events, foods and any other activities and matters the

restaurant contains. The restaurant will also give brochures or flyers to the

costumers who will go inside the restaurant in order for them to know more about

Alberjs Eats-Time Restaurant.


The process of making the products in the restaurant are safe due to its

cleanliness that the restaurant really gives attention. Especially on each tools and

kitchen utensils and proper attire one must have. The personnel who made the

products specially the Chefs really follows safety precautions in order to avoid

injuries or cuts. The owners also told and advised the makers of the product to

be more delinquent enough to handle the tools used, and when it comes to

distributing the products or dishes to the valued customers, it should be delivered

properly and neatly in order to have the costumers impression and attraction to

the restaurant because of its way of service. In the other hand, for the take out

customers, the restaurant has an eco-friendly paper bag that is used in

packaging for take-out foods, unlike other restaurant who uses plastics, the

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant uses a paper bag in order to help our mother


nature clean and green. Figure No.6 for Paper Bag is attached on



The staffs, employees and personnel of the said restaurant should dress

well according to its position. In interacting with the costumers, the staffs and

personnel should treat them with due respect and polite manner. In attracting

customers, the environment of the restaurant should be eye-catching to those

who enter, the owners of the restaurant really seeks for the best interior designer

in cooperation with one of the owner of this restaurant Ms. Leneth Becira In

serving the food, it is surely neat and has a good plating design in order for the

costumers to be more satisfied and will have much appetite to eat the food




 (See Figure No.7 in Appendices)


Managing risk is one of the owners’ most important functions in doing any

major things to make it successful. In general, the owners’ initial responsibility for

all the risks, s it is the owners decision is to execute the project or not. The owner

has the ultimate responsibility for identifying, analyzing, mitigating, and

controlling project risks. Including acceptance of the project risks, or modification,

or termination of the project----all of which are project management risk activities.

This is true, whether the project execution is managed by the owner or by other


workers it is all under the owners’ supervision. The owner serves as the brain of

the company or industry, it is the owner who has the higher rank and has the

authority to do what would be the best for his/her company.


Secretary serves as the right hand of the boss or owners, it is them who

answers phone calls from someone. Manage daily, weekly, and monthly agenda

and arrange the meetings and any other appointments. Also prepares and

disseminate correspondence, memos and any important forms. To file and

update contact information of employees, customers and suppliers. It is the

secretary who checks the levels of office supplies and place appropriate orders.

The secretary also handles the document expenses and in hand reports, and

lastly, undertake occasional receptionist duties.


The particular duties of a store manager will vary from store to store and from

industry to industry, but in general, a store manager will be responsible for

managing employee schedules and payroll; addressing any issues pertaining to

sales figures; addressing employee firing, hiring, and performance issues; and

delegating other responsibilities to ensure the store operates smoothly and

successfully. The store manager will also often deal with customer complaints,

communications with vendors, the management of loss prevention, and any other

issues that may arise during day to day operations of the store. Most importantly,

the manager adapts to a variety of situations to ensure the safety and satisfaction


of both customers and employees. Depending on the size of the store, the store

manager may be the only person with the keys to the store. This means he or

she is responsible for opening and closing the store every day. A regular opening

and closing routine will be established by the store manager, and such routines

will usually include cleaning the store, stocking shelves, counting register

drawers for accuracy, and ensuring that the store is ready for shoppers.


Accountants have a very important place in the finance and business

industries. They examine the financial records of a business, ensure the

accuracy of those records, and then prepare financial reports to leadership

regarding the company’s profits and losses. They would also ensure taxes are

paid and sent in on time. An accountant is one of the main players in any

business that he or she works for, whether it is a large corporation or a small

business. The accountant monitors and records the flow of money through a

business or organization. It is the responsibility of the accountant to verify the

accuracy of all money transactions and to make sure that all these transactions

are legal and follow current guidelines. It may be that the accountant works for a

company on a contractual basis to do the books or tax returns. They may also

choose to work for private individuals and help them with their financial decisions,

tax returns, or other money-related issues.



The assistant store managers’ role in this business is to assist whenever the

Store Manager has something to do. And able to take charge if the store

manager is not around.


There is no question that kitchens are the domains of chefs. They oversee

the day-to-day food preparation of restaurants and other eating places. As the

boss in the kitchen, they orchestrate the movements of the cooks and other

kitchen staff and handle concerns that customers may have against the quality or

taste of the food being prepared. Contrary to what is commonly believed, the job

of a chef isn’t only focused on the aspect of food preparation. Even before the

restaurant doors start to open for business, chefs are already hard at work. For

instance, they see to it that the work area is clean and that all the equipment is

ready for use. It’s very important that the supplies and food ingredients are

complete so chefs inspect that the pantries and refrigerators are well-stocked. If it

isn’t or if a particular supply is running out, they place their orders to their

suppliers. When the orders arrive, they see to it that these are fresh and fit for

consumption. Chefs have to come up with recipes for their customers.

While they may have their everyday staples, preparing the menu is an on-going

and dynamic process. The food business can be fiercely competitive and they

have to innovate so they can offer customers something new and stay on the

map as far as customers’ palates are concerned.


In the course of the restaurant’s regular operations, chefs see to it that everyone

in the kitchen do their jobs. They ensure that their cooks make the food

according to their instructions and that the serving sizes are uniform. They also

see to it that everyone follows set sanitation and safety standards in the kitchen.

Ensuring that everyone observes safety standards is very important as the

kitchen can be a very dangerous place with all the stoves, knives and other

implements that can cause fire or injure the workers.


A cashier's duties are dependent on their place of employment, but the

following are some typical responsibilities:

 greet each customer in a positive manner

 enter purchases into cash register to calculate total purchase price

 assist customers in locating specific items

 request information or assistance using a paging system

 identify price of merchandise by using electronic scanners


 accept payment by either cash, cheque, credit, debit or voucher

 give correct change due to the customer

 issue a receipt

 resolve customer complaints

 rectify any price discrepancies

 handle refunds, exchanges, credits or rain checks

 count money in cash drawers at the beginning of the shift

 count money at the end of the shift and note any discrepancies

 calculate total payments received during the shift, and reconcile with total sales

 keep register area neat and stocked with necessary supplies

 assist in other areas of store; clean-up, shelf-stocking, keeping merchandise

displayed in an orderly manner


Waitresses, also called table servers, are restaurant or food

service employees whose primary responsibility is to care for and assist

patrons. The job often involves everything from managing seating and ensuring

cleanliness to placing food orders, dealing with customer complaints  and

concerns, and handling payments and billing. Precise duties tend to vary by


establishment, as different restaurants have different rules and

structures. Customer service tends to be at the heart of the job no matter how

though it is.


An HR manager is the go-to person for all employee-related issues. This

means HR manager duties will involve managing activities such as job

design, recruitment, employee relations, performance management, training &

development and talent management.

The job of HR manager is important to business success. People are our most

important asset and HR will be the one to ensure to have a happy and productive

workplace where everyone works to realize the established mission and

objectives. Promoting corporate values and shaping a positive culture is a vital

aspect of a complete HR manager job description and specification.


Security Guard maintains the safety and security of the environment for

customers and employees by patrolling and monitoring premises and personnel.


These people plays a big contribution in this business, they are the ones

who are there to help the others in the restaurant especially in assisting in doing

the operation in Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant.



Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

 See data attached on Appendices

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement Of Comprehensive Income

Weekly Report

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant’s weekly projection of Financial Income sum

up with the total sales of P51, 087 that came from the products that it has. With

the total expenses of P40, 800, that came from the salary, taxes, water,


electricity, telephone, licenses and transportation. The total amount of bills will be

deducted to the total sales of the week to get the net income of P10, 287.00

Monthly Report

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurants monthly report of Comprehensive Income

has a total sales of P204, 348 from the different products offered and served to

the customers. While P107, 300 is the total expenses in a month, from the

different things the restaurant needs to pay; Salary, Taxes, Licenses,and

Transportation. The total sales of the restaurant will be deducted by the total

expenses to get the net income of P97,408 of the month.

Annual Report of Comprehensive Income for Year 1

As the time flew, the restaurant gained a total sales about P2, 452,176 in 1

year. From the different products offered by the restaurant. The amount of P1,

287, 600 are the total expenses from different things that the restaurant needs to

pay; Salary, Taxes, Water, Electricity, Telephone, Licences and Transportation.

The amount of sales and expenses were deducted to get the net income of P

1,164,576 in year 1.

Annual Report of Comprehensive Income for Year 2

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurants annual report of Comprehensive Income for

year 2 gained a total sales of P29,426, 112. Came from the different poducts r


the restaurant offered. The total of P15, 451, 112 was sum up by the total

expenses that the restaurant should pay. Deducted to the total sales to get the

net income of P13, 974, 912.

Annual Report of Comprehensive Income for Year 3

As time flew, the restaurant gained a total sales of about P353,113,344 in a

span of 3 years from the different products offered. P185, 414, 400 was the total

expenses from the different things that the restaurant needs to pay. Deducted to

the total sales and get the difference of P 165, 698, 944 as the net income of the


Projected Statement of Financial Position

 Data for Financial Position attached on Appendices

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Financial Position

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurants projected financial position has the

total of P 240,345 of the Current assets on 1 month, and non-current

assets of P675,000 with an over all total assets of P 915,345. This

monthly projection of 1 month in the restaurant will be multiplied by 12 to

get the 3 years projection. Current Liabilities and non-current is included

too, with a total Projected current liabilities P240,345 non-current of

P337,500. With the capital of P437,500 and has the total equity of


P140,345 and get the total projected amount of P 915, 345 that will be

multiplied to project a year total.

Projected Break-Even Analysis

 Formula attached on Appendices

The total projected sales that the restaurant has is P51,087.00 with a
monthly expenses of P 40,800.00 to get the total of P 10, 287.00 and in order to
cover up the expenses that is being paid by the restaurant monthly, The
restaurant should sold at least 5 pcs. Of each products a day. In which the total
sales of P51,087 should be divided by the net income which is P 10,287 is equal
to 5.


Milestone Start End Date Budget PIC

Franchise 3/1/2019 3/3/2019 Php250,000 Angela

Kitchen Equipment 1/1/2019 1/15/2019 Php100,000 Bryan

Purchase and


Set up Bank 1/1/2019 1/2/2019 Php1.5 Million Jean

Account Rey
Small wares 1/1/2019 1/5/2019 Php15,000 Ronin

Product Displays 2/25/200 2/28/2003 Php 25,000 AET

3 Corp
Apply Liquor 1/6/2019 1/9/2019 Php10,000 Bryan

Licence ETC
Corporation Start-up 1/4/2019 1/10/2019 Php7,500 Leneth

Attorney's Fees 2/1/2019 2/26/2019 Php15,000 Jean

Paid Rey
Set-up Insurance & 2/19/201 2/22/2019 $3,000 Angela

Deposits 9
FirstMonth Rent 3/1/2019 3/1/2019 Php20,000 Angela


Install Kitchen 3/2/2019 3/7/2019 Php10,000 Ronin

Food Liquor in 3/9/2019 3/13/2019 Php5,000 Bryan

Food, Drinks Liquor 3/8/2019 3/8/2019 Php14,000 Bryan

Advertising Opening 2/20/201 2/20/2019 Php4,000 Leneth

Crew MGRs at HR 1/10/201 4/15/2019 Php20,000 Jean

9 Rey
Installation 3/1/2019 3/5/2019 Php12,500 Angela

aaSoftware System

Walls Floors Triple 3/6/2019 3/9/2019 Php6,000 Leneth

J Inc.


Opening Night Trial 3/15/201 3/15/2019 Php12,000 All

Run 9
Total Php1,500,774,500.00


Figure 1. Business Floor Plan


Figure No.2 Dining Department Flow of Operaiion

Purchase of Products

Figure No.3 Flow of

Once the products has Operation for HR Department

Once the product is
reached its reorder point, it received, it should be
is time for reorder to stored in the proper and
replenish the supply. suitable storage.

Products should be tracked Once the product is stored,

and checked if it s=is it can now be used to have
enough for the demand of now the outcome.

Figure No.4 Inventory Department Flow of Operation


Prepare and
examine financial

Provides the
Making sure that
same services for records are
individuals, accurate and taxes
heloing to create are paid properly.
plans of action
for improved
financial well- Performs the
being. overview of
operations of a
business in
order to run

Figure No.5 Accounting Department Flow of Operation


Figure No.6 Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant Paper Bags











Figure No.7 Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurants Organizational

 Figure No. 8 Weekly Report of Comprehensive Income

˼Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the Week

Sales (refer to Notes#1) P 51, 087

Less: Expenses

Salary P 26,000

Taxes 2,000

Water 1,500

Electricity 1,800

Telephone 1,000

Licenses 8,000

Transportation 500

Total Expenses P40, 800

 `NET INCOME P 10,287


Notes#1 (Summary of Sales)

Main Dishes

Beef Steak Ultra (P299@5pcs) P 1,495

Smoked Beef (P299@7pcs) 2,093

Pork Mechado (P199@4pcs) 796

Caramelized Pork (P199@4pcs) 796

Crispy Pork Cutlets (P199@4pcs) 796

Chicken &Vegetable Cous (P199@5pcs) 995

Chicken Tilaf Traybake (P219@10pcs) 2,190

Kerala Fish Curry(P199@25pcs) 4,975

Grilled Sword Fish Steaks (P199@15pcs) 2,985

Sheet Pan Lemon Herb Tuna (P199@18pcs) 3,582

Southwestern Vegetable Medley (P189 @15 pcs) 2,835

Skinny Brocolli Stir Fry (P189@22pcs) 4,158

Baked Lemon Chicken (P219@9pcs) 1,971

Total Sales P 29, 667


Mojito (P60@5pcs) P 300

Tequilla Sunrise (P60@10pcs) 600


Bloody Mary (P60@8pcs) 480

Cape Cooder (P60@10pcs) 600

Special Margarita (P60@9pcs) 540

Screwdriver (P60@10pcs) 600

Total Sales: P 3,120


Iced Coffee (P60@10pcs) P 600

Hot Tea (P60@4pcs) 240

Raspberry Iced Tea (P60@4pcs) 240

Freshly brewed Ice Tea (P60@5pcs) 300

Lemonade (P60@6pcs) 360

Juice Drink (P60@ 5pcs) 300

Milk (P60@5pcs) P 300

Hot Chocolate (P60@9pcs) 540

Tutti Fruit (P60@9pcs) 540

Sprint (P60@10pcs) 600

Total Sales: P 4,020


Root Beer Float(P60@15pcs) P 900

Orange Cream Sicle (P60@10pcs) 600


Thick Cold Milkshake (P60@9pcs) 540

Premium Shakes (P60@8pcs) 480

Total Sales: P 2, 520

Wine (60 per glass)

Robert0 Mondawi Cabernet (P60@10pcs) P 600

Robert Mondawin Chardonay (P60@10pcs) 600

Robert Mondawi Merlot (P60@8pcs) 480

Robert Mandawi Zinfandel (P60@9pcs) 540

Beringer White Zifander (P60@9pcs) 540

Total Sales: P 2,760

American Beer

Bud Light (P200@5pcs) P 1,000

Cooks Light (P200@6pcs) 1,200

Laguinitas (P200@5pcs) 1,000

Sam Adams (P200@2pcs) 400

Siera Nevada (P200@8pcs) 1,600

Blue Moon (P200@4pcs) 800

Corona (P200@3pcs) 600

Heineken (P200@12pcs) 2,400

Total Sales: P 9,000

Overall Total Sales: P 51, 087


 Figure No. 9 Monthly Report of Comprehensive Income

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the month ending

Sales P 204,348

Less: Expenses

Salary P 52,000

Taxes 8,000

Water 4,500

Electricity 4,800

Telephone 4,000

Licenses 32,000

Transportation 2,000

Total Expenses (P 107,300)

NET INCOME P 97, 048


Less Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Salary 624,000 7,488,000 89,856,000

Taxes 96,000 1,152,000 13,824,000

Water 54,000 648,000 7,776,000

Electricity 57,600 691,200 8,294,400

Telephone 48,000 576,000 6,912,000

Licenses 384,000 4,608,000 55,296,000

Transportatio 24,000 288,000 3,456,000

 F

igure No. 10 Year 1 Report of Comprehensive Income

˼YEAR 1: Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ending _____

Sales P 2,452,176
Less: Expenses
Salary P 624,000
Taxes 96,000
Water 54,000
Electricity 57,600
Telephone 48,000
Licenses 384,000
Transportation 24,000
Total Expenses (P 1,287,600)
`NET INCOME P 1,164,576


 Figure No. 11 Year 2 Report of Comprehensive Income

Year 2: Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ending _____

Sales P 29,426,112
Less: Expenses
Salary P 7,488,000
Taxes 1,152,000
Water 648,000
Electricity 691,200
Telephone 576,000
Licenses 4,608,000
Transportation 288,000
Total Expenses (P 15,451,200)
`NET INCOME P 13, 974, 912

 Figure No. 13 Year 3 Report of Comprehensive Income

˼YEAR 3: Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ending _____

Sales P 353,113, 344

Less: Expenses
Salary P 89,856,000
Taxes 13,824,000
Water 7,776,000
Electricity 8,294,400
Telephone 6,912,000
Licenses 55,296,000
Transportation 3,456,000
Total Expenses (P 185,414,400)
`NET INCOME P 167,698,944


Figure No. 12 Monthly Projected Statement of Financial Position

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Financial Positions

For the month ending _____


Current Assets: Current Liabilities:

Cash P 204, 345 Accounts Payable P 200,345

Accounts Receivables 8,000 Other Payables 40,000

Supplies 11,000 Total Current Liabilities: P240, 345

Merchandise Inventory 12,000

Prepaid Expenses 5,000 Noncurrent Liabilities

Total Current Assets: P240,345 Loans Payable 300,000

Long term Payable 37,500

Noncurrent Assets: Total Noncurrent Liabilities :


Furnitures & Fixtures P 55,000

Equipment/Machineries 20,000 Total LIABILITIES


Vehicles 150,000 EQUITY:

Land 200,000 CAPITAL 437,500

Building 250,000 TOTAL EQUITY: P140, 345

Total Noncurrent Assets: P675, 000

Total ASSETS P 915,345 Total Liabilities & Equity: P915, 345

Figure No. 14 Year 1 Projected Statement of Financial Position

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Financial Positions

For the Year (1) _____


Current Assets: Current Liabilities:

Cash P 2,452,140 Accounts Payable P 2,404,140

Accounts Receivables 96,000 Other Payable


Supplies 132,000 Total Current Liabilities: 2,884,140

Merchandise Inventory 144,000

Prepaid Expenses 60,000 Noncurrent Liabilities

Total Current Assets: P2,884,140 Loans Payable 3,600,000

Long term Payable 450,000

Noncurrent Assets: Total Noncurrent Liabilities :



Furnitures & Fixtures P 660,000

Equipment/Machineries 240,000 Total LIABILITIES

Vehicles 1,800,000 EQUITY:

Land 2,400,000 CAPITAL 5,250,000

Building 3,000, 000 TOTAL EQUITY: 1,684,140

Total Noncurrent Assets: 8,100,000

Total ASSETS P 10,984,140 Total Liabilities & Equity: P10,984, 140

Figure No. 15 Year 2 Projected Statement of Financial Position

Alberj’s Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Financial Positions

For the Year (2) _____


Current Assets: Current Liabilities:

Cash P 29,425,680 Accounts Payable P 28,849,680

Accounts Receivables 1,152,000 Other Payable 5,760,000

Supplies 1,584,000 Total Current Liabilities: 34,609,680

Merchandise Inventory 1,728,000

Prepaid Expenses 720,000 Noncurrent Liabilities

Total Current Assets: P34,609,680 Loans Payable 43,200,000


Long term Payable 5,400,000

Noncurrent Assets: Total Noncurrent Liabilities :


Furnitures & Fixtures P 7,920,000

Equipment/Machineries 2,880,000 Total LIABILITIES

Vehicles 21,600,000 EQUITY:Land

28, 800,000 CAPITAL 62,400,000

Building 36,000, 000 TOTAL EQUITY: 20,209,680

Total Noncurrent Assets: 97,200,00

Total ASSETS P 131,809, 680 Total Liabilities & Equity: P131,809,680.

Figure No. 16 Year 3 Projected Statement of Financial Position Alberj’s

Eats-Time Restaurant

Projected Statement of Financial Positions

For the Year (3) _____


Current Assets: Current Liabilities:

Cash P 353,108,160 Accounts Payable P346,196,160

Accounts Receivables 1,152,000 Other Payable 69,120,000

Supplies 13,824,000 Total Current Liabilities: 415,316,160

Merchandise Inventory 20,736,000


Prepaid Expenses 8,640,000 Noncurrent Liabilities

Total Current Assets: P415,316,160 Loans Payable 518,400,00

Long term Payable 64,800,00

Noncurrent Assets: Total Noncurrent Liabilities :


Furnitures & Fixtures P 95,040,000

Equipment/Machineries 34,560,000 Total LIABILITIES

Vehicles 259,200,000 EQUITY:

Land 345,600,000 CAPITAL 748,800,000

Building 432,000,000 TOTAL EQUITY: 242,516,160

Total Noncurrent Assets: 1,166,400,000

Total ASSETS P 1,581,716,160 Total Liabilities & Equity: P1,581,716,160

Break-Even Analysis
P 51, 087
P 40,800

DIFFERENCE: = P 10, 287


P10, 287




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