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Name: Kelso S. Duero Professor: Ms.

Crystal Jane Basa

Grade & Section: BSED 3A 3rd Yr. Date: August 28, 2022

Technology for Teaching and Learning 2


1. Describe Me!
 Code: EN9VC-IIIg-24
 Week: 2
 Grade Level: 9
 Technology to be used: PowerPoint Presentation (projector)
 Learning Outcome: Viewing Comprehension (VC)
Provide critical feedback to the idea presented in the material viewed.
 Activity #1
Instruction: Examine and describe the given editorial cartooning below.

2. Explain Me! (Continuation from Activity # 1 Help Me!)

 Code: EN9WC-IIIg-9
 Week: 2
 Grade Level: 9
 Technology to be used: MS Word (laptop or mobile phone)
 Learning Outcome: Writing and Comprehension (WC)
Compose forms of Literary Writing
 Activity #1 (Continuation)
Instruction: Examine and describe the given editorial cartooning below. Then
write a 1 paragraphed essay (reflection) regarding your understanding of the
given picture. (Note: It must be encoded, follow proper spacing (1.5 space, Arial
Font, 12).

The picture is all about _________________________________


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