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Influences Byzantium (Constantinople) greatly

increased their commerce, so that by the

II. Geological
end of the 11th century it extended along
Central Italy: Brilliant sunshine Dalmatian, Croatian coasts to those of the
black sea and Western Mediterranean. They
Tuscany possessed great mineral wealth and raised glorious buildings, and brought
an abundance of stone. Various building precious freights from the East, including
materials were used in Rome, including relics from the Holy Land. All the free cities
bricks, volcanic tufa or perperino, travertine such as Mila, Pavia, Verona, and Genoa, vied
stone from Tivoli, and marble from Carrara. with one another in the beauty of their
Much materials were obtained from the public -----buildings, and this spirit of rivalry
ruins of classic building. encourage the most remarkable structural
Characters advances in all Italy.

Pisa sent merchant fleets to the Holy land for South Italy and Sicily: sub-tropical, flat roof
the Easter fair at Jerusalem. The Pisans and other oriental features
captured and defeated the Moslems in wars the mountains of Sicily of South Italy
and this contact with Moslems accounts for supplied calcareous and shelly limestone as
the characteristic Pisan use of striped well as many kinds of marble. South Italy and
marbles. During the period the Popes began Sicily
to exercise influence in Italian politics.
In 827 the Moslems landed Sicily and
the basilican type of church was closely gradually overran the island. The latter part
adhered to during this period; Italians were of the 10th century was their most
slow to adopt a new system of construction properous period, but bloody religious
and preferred to concentrate on beauty and struggles ended in the downfall of he
delicacy of ornamental detail, while the Moslems dynasty
architectural character was governed by
classic traditions. Under Moslem rule even church facades
were ornamented with geometrical
North Italy: extremes of heat and cold patterns, because the Moslem religion
The low-lying plains of Lombardy supplied forebade the representation of the human
clay for making bricks, which, used with figure
marble from the hills, gave a special In consequence of the brilliant climate, while
character to the architecture. arcades are universal, doors, and windows
North Italy are small and unimportant, with 'jambs' in
rectangular recesses or 'orders' filled in with
> In spite of the intervening Alps, the small shafts, crowned with semi-circular
invaders who had occupied the valley of the arches in contrast with the classic architrave
Po Kept up commercial communications
with those on the Rhine by means of the North Italy. It was in Lombardy that the most
Alpine passes. important developments took place. The
principal innovation was the development of
Commerce and art were the special care of the ribbed vault which brought about the
the Venetians. Their close alliance with adoption of many new constructive features.
The churches are basilican in type, but naves strips connected horizontally by small arches
as well as side aisles are vaulted and have springing from corbels. Wheel windows, are
external wooden roofs. Aisles are often two often made of sheets of pierced marble, and
storeys in height, while thick walls between are highly elaborate.
the side chapels act as buttresses to resist
Greater variety in columns and capitals was
the pressure of the vaults.
brought about by changes which resulted
The flat, severe entrance facades stretch from the successive introduction of
across the whole church, thus masking Byzantine. Moslemn and Norman Art of
externally the division of nave and aisles. which the nave arcade columns and the
There is often a central projecting porch, coupled columns in the cloisters at Monreale
with columns standing on the backs of are good ex- amples
crouching beasts and a wheel window above
In South Italy, elaborately modelled bronze
to light nave.
doors are characteristic externally, while
The halt-columns on the side towards the coloured mosaics add to the beauty of the
nave carried up as vaulting shafts, and this interiors of Palermo churches. Colour, in
was the beginning of a system which was spreading masses of geometric design was
destined in the Gothic period to transform the predominant note of internal decoration
the shape of piers. Roughly carved of south Italian and most especially of
grotesques of men and beasts occur, along Sicilian churches, while the bronze pilasters
with vigorous hunting scenes and incidents clearly indicate the influence of classic
of daily life. Crouching beasts support tradition.
columns of projecting porches and of
Examples of South Italy and Sicily
bishop's thrones
Cefalu Cathedral-1131-1240, founded by
Example of North Italian
Count Roger as a royal pantheon, was served
St. Ambrogio. Milan by Augustinian Canons. It is externally the
most distinctly Romanesque church in Sicily,
-founded by the great St. Ambrose in the 4th
and has a basilican nave with groined aisle
century, raised on its present pW1 and partly
vaults, columnar arcades a high transept and
rebuilt with vault and dome in the 12th
a tri-apsidal East end with later ribbed
century. The plan includes the only existing
vaulting over presbytery and south transept.
atrium among Lombard churches, a nathex
The two Western towers of minaret
flanked by towers, vaulted nave and aisles
proportions, enclose a columned porch
With an octagon over the Crossing, triforium
gallery, raised choir over the crypt, and an

*narthex -a long arcaded entrance porch to

a christian basilican In South italy domes
rather than vaults were adopted, but timber
roofs were the rule in Sicily under Moslem
influence and had stalactite ceilings, rich in
design and colour. Lateral walls were
occasionally decorated with flat pilaster

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