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Recommendation Letter

Dear Sir,
It is my pleasure to recommend Khant Zaw Hein. Starting from the time I have known him for the
first time, he is really an obedient student and so hardworking.
He was a great student and also obedient to the teachers. He is helpful not only to her teachers also to
her friends. So other teachers talk highly of his obedience. He has a lot of interests in technologies and
knowledge. He has also got own creativity. He is also a bright student. Whenever I gave him a confused
question, she was first calm and then tried slowly to find out the answer. And when I made a discussion, he
could give only positive ones and bring the best result. He is also a boy of friendship and he also has a great
communication skill with others. That’s why all his friends close to him say he is really a warm and kind-
hearted friend. As his teacher, I found him punctual, intelligent and respectful. Moreover, when it comes to
school activity like assignments, projects, and group works, he is really active. He can easily absorb the new
lessons and has creativity and critical thinking. In my view, he has great talent.
Without a doubt, I confidently recommend my student, Khant Zaw Hein, to join your community. As
he is a truly dedicated and hardworking student, I know that she will sure be a great student to your
community. Thank for your attention.
Wishing him to be accepted,
U Aung Hein Htet
Private Teacher
Aung Thu Kha Private High School

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