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English for the • Talk about petroleum products

oil industry 1 • Describe storage facilities

• Explain how to operate a fire
Storage extinguisher
• Talk about past incidents
• Request items from the storeroom


Petroleum products
Listening 1 EJEEI Listen to the descriptions of five different oil depots. As you listen,
tick the petroleum products you hear.
1 asphalt 0 7 petrochemicals (feedstock) •
2 diesel fuels • 8 paraffin wax •
3 jet fuel • 9 automotive and industrial lubricants •
4 kerosene • 10 liquefied petroleum gas •
5 gasoline • 11 propane •
6 fuel oils • 12 butane •
Vocabulary 2 Match the words to the pictures.
1 catwalk E
2 tank farm
3 bullet tank
4 underground tank
5 road tanker

3 You have one minute. Close your book. Write down as many petroleum
products as you can. Compare your list with others in the class.

2 7 Storage
Reading Complete the text with the headings in the box.

Plastics Jet fuel Synthetic rubber Petrol

Petroleum products
1 them again and again. This means that you
Also called gasoline, this is a liquid fuel for can recycle them. Water bottles are made
vehicles on land and sea. It ignites easily of thermoplastics.
in engines. It remains liquid at normal • Thermosets: You cannot re-melt
temperatures. thermosets. They are heat-resistant. Engine
parts are sometimes made of thermosets.
This is a liquid fuel for aircraft and rockets. It Synthetic fibres are made from plastics. Nylon
remains liquid at very low temperatures. is one example. Synthetic fibres are often
water-resistant and do not stretch or break
Also called polymers, these are usually light when you pull them. They are used to make
and strong and do not rust. They can be made ropes.
into different shapes. There are two types.
• Thermoplastics: When you heat This is a heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant
thermoplastics, they melt and you can material. Oil and petrol cannot damage it. For
shape them. You can reheat them and melt this reason, it is often used to make fuel hoses.

2 Match the sentences to the pictures.

1 Metal rusts. & 4 This jacket is water-resistant.
2 Rubber stretches. 5 Ice melts at room temperature.
3 Warning: corrosive materials.

• B -

3 Complete the sentences with words from the text above.

1 Fire hoses are made from rubber
2 is used in aircraft.
3 Car fuel is called or
4 is a synthetic fibre.
5 Water bottles are made of
4 Match the products 1-5 with their descriptions a-e.
1 petrol a) cannot be re-melted
2 jet fuel b) corrosion-resistant
3 thermosets c) remains liquid at low temperatures
4 synthetic fibres d) do not stretch when pulled
5 synthetic rubber e) ignites easily
Speaking 5 Practise in pairs. Describe a petroleum product but do not name it. Your
partner has to guess what it is.
A: This product is black. You drive on it. B: Is it a tyre?
A: No. It's in the road. B: Is it asphalt?
A: Yes. Storage 7
Describing storage facilities
Reading 1 Read the text. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false Lis

1 The smallest tank we have is 34,000 gallons. T/t£) largest
2 The longest bullet tank is 18 metres. T/F
3 The pressure in the bullet tanks is lower than in the fuel oil tanks. T/F
4 The nearest rig is 45 kilometres away. T/F

This facility is bigger than our others. In fact, it is tanks is normally around 5 bar. This is much
the biggest facility we have. These tanks are for higher than in the fuel oil tanks. Propane and
kerosene. They are much smaller than the tanks butane are both heavier than air, so leaks can be
we use for the other fuel oils. The largest tank we a problem. The gas does not go away.
have is 34,000 gallons. Here it is on the right. The refinery is not far, only 3 kilometres from
Here you can see the bullet tanks, which we use here. The closest rig is 35 kilometres away. The

for LPG. The longest we have is 18 metres. The furthest is 150 kilometres.
shortest is 6 metres. The pressure in the LPG


Comparing things

W e use an a d j e c t i v e to describe a n o u n . This is a big facility.

W e use a c o m p a r a t i v e to c o m p a r e t w o things. This facility is bigger than our others.

We use a s u p e r l a t i v e to c o m p a r e three or more things. This is the biggest facility we have.

Short adjectives close closer the closest

great greater the greatest

A d j e c t i v e s e n d i n g in -y heavy heavier the heaviest

easy easier the easiest

Long adjectives important more/less important the most/least important

Irregular adjectives good better the best

bad worse the worst
far further the furthest

2 Read the i n f o r m a t i o n about the three storage facilities. T h e n c o m p l e t e

the sentences.

A l Gabar Oil D e p o t Yakunst Tank F a r m Hangdong Terminal

Built 1962 1998 2001

Distance to refinery 3 km 120 k m 27 km

Capacity 33 million litres 32 million litres 5 4 million litres

Number of t a n k s 27 44 60

Al Gabar is older _ (old) than Yakunst.

Al Gabar is _ (old) depot in the table,
Yakunst is (far) from a refinery.
Al Gabar is _ (close) to a refinery than Hangdong.
Hangdong has Oarge) storage capacity.
Hangdong has (great) number of tanks.
Writing 3 Write five more sentences comparing the three facilities.

Speaking 4 Compare your sentences with others in the class.

E Storage

OBJECTIVE: through the following activities, you will be able to:

a) Create the rules underlying the comparative of short adjectives.
b) Create the rules underlying the comparative of long adjectives.
c) Compare two companies.

ACTIVITY 1: look at the different COMPANIES and in pairs find 5 adjectives that best go with each of
them. They can be adjectives that best describe each COMPANY.

Write 5 adjectives that best describe this company Write 5 adjectives that best describe this company

ACTIVITY 2: stand up and write the adjectives you found in the appropriate columns.

ACTIVITY 3: now that you have the adjectives on the board, add a third column with the heading
“Comparing the two companies” and help the instructor to write sentences comparing the two

ACTIVITY 4: look at the sentences on the “Comparing the two companies” column and in pairs
answer these questions.
1. How many syllables do the underlined adjectives that compare the two companies have?
2. What is the name of the adjectives of one syllable?
3. What is the comparative form of adjectives of one syllable?
ACTIVITY 5: into your notebook, write the comparative of the following adjectives:

Short long hot big happy small nice friendly tall good bad far simple fast

Low high expensive experienced beautiful handsome competitive cheap

ACTIVITY 6: look at the list of comparatives of the adjectives you have just written into your notebook
and answer these questions.

1. When can an adjective be considered a short adjective?

2. What is the ending of comparatives of adjectives of one syllable?
3. What happens with adjectives that end en the letter “Y”? How do you form the
4. How do you form the comparative of the adjective “simple”?
5. Why are the comparatives of good, bad and far different? Do you know why?
6. How do you form the comparatives of the adjective “expensive”?
7. How do you form the comparatives of adjectives of more than 2 syllables?
8. What is the grammar structure of comparative sentences?

ACTIVITY 8: There is an error in each sentence. Re-write the sentence correctly:

1. The Atlantic Ocean is not as big the Pacific Ocean.
2. Your hands are dirtyer than mine.
3. Albert Einstein is intelligenter than me.
4. Nobody is rich as the Queen of England.
5. Julia Roberts is more pretty than my grandmother.
6. I am as taller as you.
7. China is bigger India.
8. Is ice heavier that water?

ACTIVITY 9: Put the words in the correct order:

0. than food food is German Italian better. Example: Italian food is better than German food.
1. hotel hotel this the than last cleaner is
2. is Boston city older or Rome which the?
3. not hot Casablanca is as Paris as
4. in tallest world the Mt. Everest mountain is the
5. important are more politics education than?

Activity 10: in pairs, take 2 different machines or tools used for the same purpose in the oil industry
and find out 5 ways in which each machine/tool is different from the other.


Comparison 1: A jack-up rig is MORE VERSATILE THAN A COMPLIANT TOWER because A

JACK-UP RIG can be moved directly over the location to drill or pump oil.
Health and safety: Fire safety
Listening 1 Listen to the description and label the diagram of a fire extinguisher.


high pressure
g a s canister

dry chemical,
carbon dioxide,
or water

2 Correct these sentences.

1 The fire extinguisher contains d r y chemical, carbon dioxide and water, or
2 The safety pin is under the pressure gauge.
3 The nozzle is on the right.
4 The tube is outside the container.
5 The gas canister is above the tube.
3 Complete this sentence.
When you squeeze the handle, ...
4 Look at the chart. Underline the words for parts of a fire extinguisher. Match
them to the labels in the diagram above.



Speaking 5 Practise in pairs. Take turns to explain how to use a fire extinguisher. Use the
words in the box.

pull aim squeeze sweep

Storage 7 55
Incident reports


Past simpl

We use the
Listen to four conversations. Complete the incident report forms. action in th(
Listening 1

Incident 1
Date: 10th January Time: 15:00

Location: Tank number

Description of incident: Fire
Possible c a u s e : Faulty pressure
Action taken: John Smith called the. team Irregular

Incident 2

Date: 14th March Time:.

D e s c r i p t i o n of i n c i d e n t :
Possible c a u s e :
Action taken:

Incident 3

Date: 2nd August TimP- 20:00

Description of incident:

Possible c a u s e :
Action taken:

Incident 4

Date: 31st October Time:

Description of incident:.

Possible c a u s e :
Action taken:

Speaking 2 Use the incident report forms t o explain the incidents to a partner, but change
some of the information. Your partner has to find the change. Then find a new
partner and repeat.

E Storage
Talking about past incidents
1 Here are some questions from the conversations on page 56. Complete
the words.
1 What happen ?
2 What d you do?
3 What caus it?
4 How d it happen?

Past s i m p l e

We use the p a s t s i m p l e to talk about a c o m p l e t e d / called.

action in the past.
He didn't call.
Did you call?
Regular Present Past s i m p l e Questions Did it w o r k ?
call called Did he forget?
roll rolled Did he use water?
ignite ignited What happened?
provide provided W h a t c a u s e d it?
H o w did it h a p p e n ?
Irregular Present Past s i m p l e
is / are (be) was / were
have had
forget forgot
come came
go went

2 Complete the sentences with the past simple tense of the verbs in brackets. Use
the language box to help you.
1 The problem (be) a faulty pressure gauge.
2 The detection system (not work).
3 The alarm (not go off).
4 I (hear) you (have) a problem.
5 Some fuel (ignite).
6 He (use) water instead of C0 . 2

7 I (turn on) the lights.

8 I (call) the duty electrician.
9 The driver (forget) to put the brakes on.
10 The tanker (roll) into the wall.
Speaking 3 Now make up your own incident and describe it to a partner. They complete the
incident form.

Date: Time:.
D e s c r i p t i o n of i n c i d e n t :

Possible cause:
Action taken:

Storage 7 57
In the storeroom
Listening 1 Listen to five conversations in the storeroom. Complete the table.
Conversation What was asked for?

1 a tool box.

Complete the beginning of each conversation. Then listen again

to check.
Conversation 1
How's it going
OK, thanks.
I'm for my tool box.
Conversation 2
B: Hello again. OK?
A: Erm, this my tool box.
Conversation 3
B: Hi.
C: Hi. I . a screwdriver.
Conversation 4
B Hi, Joe.
D Hi. How's it going?
B Not thanks. You?
D: Not bad. I'm off-shift in an hour. Do you have. . ear
Conversation 5
E: Morning day.
B: Yeah. What I do for you?
E: I need nuts.
Speaking 3 Turn to the audioscript
for track 56 on
page 76. Act out the
conversations with
different partners.
Change how you
speak to make the
conversations more or
less friendly.

Practise in pairs. Have

similar conversations.
Take turns being the

7 Storage
Writing 1 Complete the crossword.
1 Petroleum products that are light, strong
and don't rust (8)
2 A plastic you cannot re-melt (9)
4 Fuel for aircraft (3, 4)
5 A place with lots of storage tanks (4, 4)
6 Another word for man-made (9)

1 Another word for gasoline (6)
3 A vehicle used to transport fuel (4, 6)

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

supply provides used re-melted -is

1 Synthetic rubber Js_ a heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant

2 These tanks are to store asphalt.
3 This facility . storage services for 35 different types of
4 We . automotive and industrial lubricants to customers all
over the country.
5 Thermoplastics can be.
3 Write three sentences about plastics.

4 Use the words in the box to describe an incident.

door smoke fire alarm extinguisher telephone supervisor

5 Complete the report form.

Date:. Time:

D e s c r i p t i o n of i n c i d e n t :

Possible c a u s e : .

Action taken:

Storage 7 59
76 Unit 11

11 Workshop operations

Kick off Listening

1 Look at these two w orkshops. Which one is Workshop responsibilities
1 neat and tidy ? 2 messy? 3 safer? 1 Match each workshop responsibility with an

II replacing broken
' e '/ _

~: - 0 -

.; /

. • I

2 In which workshop is it
easy t o lose tools? 1 dealing with money
2 easy to find tools? 2 organizing times and dates
3 easy to work? 3 making broken things work
4 taking care of machines, for example oiling them
3 Read the workshop rules. For each rule, find an 5 organizing people, equipment, and jobs
example in picture a where the rule has been broken.
6 taking out damaged parts and putting in new parts
2 ((,) Listen. Which responsibility (a-f above) are they
Workshop Rules talking about in each conversation?
• Keep the floors tidy and dry. 1 3 5
• Keep the workbenches clean . 2 __ 6 __
• Put tools away when you've finished a job. 3 ((,) Listen again. Check your answers .
• Don 't block the exit.
• When you leave, turn off the lights and all of your equipment.
4 Work in pairs.
1 Name something that you have repaired.
2 Name something that you have replaced.
4 Is your room at home tidy or messy? 3 Name something that you maintain.
Workshop operat ions 77

In this unit
• workshop rules an d respons ibilities
• managing the workshop
• power t oo ls and t he ir funct ions
• saying what's been done
• precis ion meas ure ments
• writi ng a job ca rd

Reading 4 Match the opposit es.

Managing the workshop 1 organized a dirty
2 clean b disorganized
1 What are sm art ways to manage a workshop? 3 clear (instructions) c cluttered
2 Read the text and see if your ideas were mentioned. 4 clear (workbench) d unsafe
5 safe e unclear
3 Find words in the text that mean
5 Choose three words from 4. Write one example sentence
1 able to do a lot of w ork
for each word. Talk about something you know.
2 an area where only one person may work
3 part of a tool that protects workers' fingers , hands, EXAMPLE

eyes, etc. My desk at home is very cluttered.

4 a danger or risk. 6 Tell a partner.

smart workshopmanagement
A workshop manager's day is filled with problems:
broken equipment in difficult locations; expensive
Ten top tips
repairs on small budgets; people working closely • Keep the workbenches clean and clear. A
together using powerful tools and equipment. clean workshop is safer. It makes workers more
There will always be problems, but smart workshop productive.
management can make work easier, quicke r, and safer. • Keep the floors clean and dry.
• Create safety zones around large tools. The
person who is using the tool can be inside the
line. Others must stay outside the line.
• Use good lighting over work areas.
• Always put tools away after using them.
• Use guards on tools. Be sure that workers have
and use personal protection equipment (PPE).
• Give clear work instructions for working sa fely.
Tell workers what to do and how to do it.
• Take care of your workers. Maintain all
machinery and tools. Stop using unsafe
machines or tools.
• Spend time with your workers. Learn how they
work. works differently. Yo u may get
some good Ideas by watch ing .
• Watc~ for possible hazards. Use equ ipment and
materrals that can keep your workers safe.
A clean, organized workshop prevents problems.
78 Unit 11

Power tools and their functions
1 Match each function with a picture.
1 grinding 4 designing
2 cutting 5 turning and shaping
3 welding 6 drilling

2 Work in pairs. Can you match each function above with a power tool or tools in the workshop picture below?
Wor ks hop operations 79

Measure twice, cut once.

Old saying

3 Complete the table.

• Language spot
Tool Function Present Perfect
oxyacetylene equipment welding and cutting metal We use the Present Perfect
t 1 saw cutting wood and metal • to talk about recent actions .
lathe t 2and
A Have youjinished the work on the compressor?
shaping metal
B We've rep/aced the ga skets, but we haven't put the
storage rack s 3 pieces of
new bearings in.
A Has Ahmed phoned?
bench g 4
B No, he hasn't.
drill press d 5

CNC bench d 6and t o talk about our lives.

ma king metal parts A Have you ever used a drill press?
cutting and welding working on cutting and B No, I've never used a drill press. Have you?
b 7
weld ing jobs A Yes, I have.
MIG equipment w 8

» Go to Grammar reference p.122

4 Check your answers with a partner. 1 Use the cues. Make Present Perfect sentences.
S Unscramble the names of 1 you finish welding?
the portable power tools .
2 we do the grinding
1 redgirn
2 lilrd 3 you and Ahmed paint it?
3 was
4 we not paint it

5 they build the base?

6 they not finish base

7 they check the inside?

8 Simon check inside

9 they not repair the valve

2 Tell a partner. Do you have any experience with the

tools in Vocabulary? Which tools have you used?
6 Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering
A Have you ever used a drill press?
B No, I've never used a drill press. Have you?
A Yes, I have.
A What do you do with oxyacetylene equipment?
B We weld and cut metal.
80 Unit 11

tolerance (n) the amount by which the meas urement of a value

ca n vary without causing problems

Speaking Number talk

Saying what's been done Precision measurements
Work in pairs. Student A, go to Student B, read 1 How do you say it? Read the words aloud.
the information below. Imm one millimetre
1 You are responsible for building an oil tank 2mm two millimetres
containment. You will build it in the workshop area l!Jm one micron
then deliver it by truck to the site. Your manager
2!Jm two microns
telephones and asks you some questions. Look at the
pictures. Answer the questions in full sentences. Use O.OOlmm point oh oh one millimetres
the Present Perfect. It is Tuesday. 0.025mm point oh two five millimetres
II build base .I ± plus or minus
2 C(;) Listen and check your answers.
3 Read the information. Answer the questions.

• 1 mm = 1,000 !Jm
• l!Jm = 0.001 mm
• A CNC milling machine has a tolerance of ± 25 !Jm.
II assemble containment .I • The width of a human hair is 100 !Jm.
• The diameter of a pinhead is 1 mm.
• The length of a normal mosquito is 10 mm.

1 What is one hundred microns?

2 What is plus or minus twenty-five microns?
3 What is one millimetre?
4 What is about one centimetre?
5 How much is one micron in millimetres?
6 How much is one millimetre in microns?
4 Match the pictures with the measurements.
3-8 !Jm 5 mm 100 !Jm 10 mm

II put tank in containment X

II weld containment X
2 Now it is Wednesday. You have left another worker
(Student A) in charge ofthe containment project. Call
them. Ask questions using the Present Perfect.
1 do grinding?
2 checked inside the tank?
3 attached the cover?
4 put the tank on the truck?
3 Now tell Student A three things you have done today
and three things you haven't done today.
Li stening scripts 129

Vocabulary B What was the problem? B Yes, the compressor was very noisy.
A There was a faulty level gauge on one of A Did they build the new enclosure?
Exercise 3 the main storage tanks. It's OK now.
1 The employee's name is Pond - That's P B Yes, the maintenance team finished it
for Papa, Oscar, November, Delta. Conversation 3 yesterday.
2 The part number is SF925. That's Sierra A Are you on your way to the warehouse? A Did it work?
Foxtrot nine two five. B Yes, we are. The cable trays were ready B Yes, it worked very well. It really reduced
Go to Building D. That's D for Delta. last Friday. the noise.
4 The web address is That's A Oh, really? Conversation 3
Charlie, Victor, Oscar, dot com. B Yes. It was on the materials report. A When did it start leaking?
B It started leaking two days ago.
Pronunciation Speaking A Did you get the new gasket?
instrument Exercise 1 B No. I waited all day yesterday. The
2 inspect a a cube delivery didn't arrive. But David said it's
3 platform b a cylinder coming today.
4 stand by c a sphere
5 foxtrot Exercise 4 Pronunciation
6 offshore a The tank is cylindrical. happened
7 production b The unit is cuboid. 2 closed
8 electric c The tank is spherical. 3 finished
9 install d The tower is vertical. 4 worked
10 equipment e The arm is horizontal. 5 started
11 volts f The machine is above-ground. 6 waited
12 department g The men are underground.
h The pipe is at a 90-degree angle. Speaking
The boat is on a truck.
P=Pat, A=Adeniyi
Unit 9 P Control Room, Pat speaking.
A Pat, th is is Ade. I'm at the tank farm.
Unit 10 There's an oil spill.
P Where is it, exact ly?
vaporize consume A Between tanks 12 and 14.
vaporization consumption It's my job P OK. Is anyone hurt?
vapour store My name's Ahmed AI-Sabah. I work for A No, there are no injuries.
liquefy storage the Kuwait Oil Company. I'm a safety and
P So what's the situation right now?
liquefaction transport environment officer. I work in AI Ahmadi, in
Kuwait. I work closely with our contractors. A The area's safe. The spill is around 300
liquid transportation litres. It's contained in the bund.
I help them to work safely and reduce
produce pipe environmental problems. I like my work. P OK, Ade, well done. Go out to the road
production pipe Every day, every week, is different. Last and I'll contact emergency services and
product week, I worked on a risk assessment with get a maintenance team there right
the operations and maintenance team. And away.
Numbertalk I visited some construction sites with my
Exercise 2 manager. We talked to some of the workers.
1 nineteen seventy We explained the importance of health, Unit 11
2 two thousand and two safety, and the environment. It's a big
one point five trillion cubic metres responsibility, but everyone works together.
4 two trillion cubic metres We help each other. Listening
Listening Listening
A Have you done the monthly
Conversation 1 Conversation 1 maintenance on the compressor?
A Were you at the meeting yesterday? A When did it happen? B Yes. I've checked the pressure and added
B No, I was too late. Was it interesting? B It happened last night. oil.
A Yes. The new operations manager was A What did you do? A No problems?
there. B We closed the main valve and made it B No problems.
B Was he at Ras Tanura refinery before? safe. 2
A Yes, he was. B Was it a big spill? A They had a leaky water pipe at the
Conversation 2 A Less than a hundred litres. We cleaned it gathering station.
A We're busy! up right away. B And?
B Are you? Why? Conversation 2 A Khaled stopped the leak.
A There was a big problem this morning. A There was a problem with noise. B Good.
130 Listening script s

3 Exercise 6 Listening
A What have you done about the lights in 1
F=Frank, E=Eric, C=Carl, B=Bill
the car park? A The wires are corroded. F OK. Eric, what have you got?
B The switch was broken. We've taken out B I'll clean them.
the old switch and put in a new one. E Right. The front office phoned. Their
2 photocopier is jammed.
4 A The tank is damaged. There's a big dent F Carl, will you look at that, please?
A Are you busy today? in it. C Sure. I'll check it out this morning. I
B We've got a team meeting at eight o'clock. B I don't think we can repair that. I'll write may need to call the manufacturer's
At ten o'clock, we start work on pipeline 29. a report. technician.
A What time do you finish? 3 F Fine. What else, Eric?
B Nine o'clock tonight. A It's not working. E There's a problem with the generator
B What's wrong? that the welding team is using. The
A We need two men at well 36 tomorrow. A It's frozen. The system is down. engine is making a funny noise.
They need welding gear. We also need B OK. I'll re-start the system. F Bill, can you take care of that?
two men here at the workshop. B Sure. I'll do it this afternoon.
B OK. Aziz and Stas can go to 36. Iqbal F Thanks, Bill. What are you doing this
A Have you fixed it?
should stay at the workshop. morning?
B No. It's jammed.
A Iqbal and . B I'm reinstalling that pump.
A I'll get the manual.
B Iqbal and Halim. F Oh, have you finished the repairs?
6 B Yes. We finished yesterday.
A I can't remove the bolt.
A Have you finished the budget? F Great. What else, Eric?
B Why not?
B Yes. E Let's see. It's time for the routine
A It's rusted.
A Does it look OK? maintenance on the compressor.
B I'll get the angle grinder.
B Yes. We 've spent $20,000 on new F OK, fine . Bill and Carl are busy, so I'll do
workshop equipment this year. Next 6
that this morning myself. And J'll check
year, we can spend $25,000. A Ah, here's the problem. Look at the gear. yesterday evening's reports. Oh, and the
It's worn. new lights for the loading area arrived
Number talk B Yes, I see. yesterday, Carl.
one millimetre A I'll replace it. C Oh, good. J'll install those this afternoon.
two millimetres 7 F OK. I'll give you a hand. Eric, what about
one micron A See this belt? you?
two microns B Yes. E I'll be at my desk all day!
point oh oh one millimetres A It's loose. So it's noisy.
point oh two five millimetres B I'll tighten it.
plus or minus 8 Unit 13
A What's the problem?
B It's this cap. It's leaking.
A Is it oil? Listening
Unit 12 B Yes, it is. Welcome to Oakton refinery. This refinery
A I'll check it. turns crude oil into products like kerosene,
Vocabulary petrol. and petrodiesel. Before we begin our
Pronunciation tour today, I'll explain the organization of
Exercise 1 the refinery.
Exercise 1
A How's it going with that pump? 1 This is the jetty. Tankers bring crude oil
1 Turn the cap.
B Fine. We found the problem. 2 Repair the rip. to the refinery. They unload the crude oil
A What was wrong with it? 3 Pull the tab. here.
B The bearing was frozen. 2 The crude oil travels along these pipes
Exercise 4
A Have you replaced it? into the tanks.
1 belt
This area is called the tank fa rm. The
B Not yet. But we've ordered a new one. It'll 2 bolt
crude oil is stored in these tanks until it is
be here tomorrow. And we've replaced 3 computer
refined. Some of them are 80 metres high.
the hose. 4 copier
There are over 200 steps to the top.
A Why did you do that? 5 cap
4 This is the main refinery. This is where
B It was split. 6 broken
the oil is refined in the distillation towers.
A Oh, OK. So when will it be ready? 7 repair
These pi pes take the products out of the
8 problem
B We 'll get the bearing tomorrow morning. refinery. Some of the pipes take kerosene
We 'll reinstall the pump tomorrow to the airport.

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