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ACM is probably the organization you're looking for. 81
shifts each digit left automatically as a
new digit is entered! The value on the
from MARTIN RESEARCH display is also entered into an internal
CPU register , ready for the next opera-
Here's why the new MIKE 2 and MIKE 3 tion. Simply by pressing the write key,
are the best values in microcomputers to- for example, the user loads 135 into
day! memory.

8008 OR 8080 The MONITOR program also allows the

user to step through memory, one loca-
Martin Research has solved the problem tion at a time (starting anywhere), to
bothering many potential micro users check his programming. Plus, the Swap
.. . . whether to go with the economical Register Option allows use of the inter-
8008 microprocessor, or step up to the rupt capabilities of the microprocessor :
powerful 8080. Our carefully designed the MON ITOR saves internal register
bus structure allows either processor to status upon receipt of an interrupt re-
be used in the same system! quest; when the interrupt routine ends,
the main program continues right where
The MIKE 3 comes with an 8080 CPU it left off.
board, complete with crystal-controlled
system timing. The MIKE 2 is based on We invite the reader to compare the pro-
the 8008. To upgrade from an 8008 to grammability of the MIKE family of
an 8080, the user unplugs the 8008 CPU microcomputers to others on the mar-
board and plugs in the 8080 CPU. Then ket. Notice that some are sold, as basic
he unplugs the 8008 MONITOR PROM, units, without any memory capacity at
and plugs in the 8080 MONITOR all_ This means they simply cannot be
PR OM, so that the system recognizes the programmed, until you purchase a mem-
8080 instruction set. That's about it! ory board as an "accessory." Even then,
adding RAM falls far short of a conve-
If the user has invested in slow memory nient, permanent MONITOR program
chips, compatible with the 8008 but too stored in PROM. Instead, you have to
slow for the 8080 running at full speed, enter your frequently-used subroutines
he will have to make the 8080 wait for by hand, each and every time you turn
memory access-an optional feature on the power on.
our boards. Better still, a 4K RAM board
can be purchased from Martin Research
with fast RAM chips, capable of 8080
speeds, at a cost no more that you might
The MIKE family bus structure has been
expect to pay for much slower devices.
designed to permit easy addition of in-
put and output ports. A hardware inter-
In short, the MIKE 2 user can feel confi -
face to the system generally needs on Iy
dent in developing his 8008 system with
two chips-one strobe decoder, and one
expanded memory and other featu res,
latching device (tor output ports) or
knowing that his MIKE 2 can be up-
three-state driving device (for inputs). A
graded to a MIKE 3-an 8080 system-in
new I/O board can be plugged in any-
the future .
where on the bus; in fact, all the boards
in the micro could be swapped around in
EASE OF PROGRAMMING any position, without affecting opera-
tion. I/O addresses are easy to modify by
Instructions and data are entered simply reconnecting the leads to the strobe de-
by punching the 20-pad keyboard. Infor- coder (full instructions are provided) ;
mation, in convenient octal format , ap- th is is in marked contrast to the clumsy
pears automatically on the seven- input multiplexer approach sometimes
segment display . This is a pleasant con- used.
trast to the cumbersome microcom-
puters which require the user to handle
all information bit-by-bit, with a confus- POWER & HOUSING
ing array of twenty-odd toggle switches
and over th irty red Iigh ts! The micros described to the left are com -
plete except for a cabinet of your own
A powerful MONITOR program is in- design, and a power supply. The basic
cluded with each microcomputer, stored micros require +5V, 1.4 A, and -9V,
permanently in PROM memory . The 100 MA. The 4K RAM board requires
MON ITOR continuously scans the key - 5 V, 1 A. A supply providing these volt-
board, programming the computer as ages, and ±12 V also , will be ready soon.
keys are depressed .
Say the user wishes to enter the number
135 (octal for an 8008 OUTPUT 16 in - A number of useful micro accessories are
struction). He types 1, and the right- scheduled for announcement. In addi-
hand three digits/ read 001. Then he tion, the MIKE 3 and MIKE 2 may be
presses 3, and the digits say 013_ Finally purchased in configurations ranging from
he punches the 5, and the display reads unpopulated cards to complete systems.
135. Notice how the MONITOR program For details, phone , write, or check the
(Continued in column 3. ) reader service card.


8008 ... .. . . . . . .. . .......... . $ 35.00 - - - - Commercial 'Grade-up to 35°C.
8080 .. . .. .. . ... ... . . ... . . . . . 135.00
These units are factory
2102 .... .. . . . .... ... .. . . ... . 3.50
fresh, full spec devices .
2102-2 ..... . .. ... . . . . . . . .. .. 4.50


All units are short-circuit proof, fold back current limited and with
over-voltage crowbar protection .


MD-15 MD-5-1 MD-5-3 MD-5-6

±15 Volt at 200MA +5 Volt at 1 Amp +5 Volt at 3 Amp +5 Volt at 6 Amp
Dual Tracking $24.50 $34.50 $44.50


COMBINATIONS All devices are factory fresh , full spec units.
For the 8008 7400 . . .. . ... . .. .. .. . . . ... . ... . . . .. . . . .. . ... 23
MD-08-+5 volt at 6 amp, -12, -9 at 200 7404 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . ... .. .. . . .. . .25
ma ... .. . .. ... .. . . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . . . . $75 .00 7442 ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . ... 60
Forthe 8080 7447 .... . . . . .. .. .. . . . .... . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. .95
MD-80-+5 volt at6 amp , ±12v at 200 ma ... $75 .00 7448 .. . .. . .... . . . .. .. . . . .... .. . .. .. . .. ..... 95
Forthe Fairchild F-8 7475 .. . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. .60
MD-8-+5 volt at 6 amp, +12 v at 200 ma .. . $65 .00 7490 .. . . . .. ... . . . .. .. . . . ... . . .. . .... . . . .... 60
For the M6800 7493 .. ... .. . . . . ... . . ... .. .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .60
MD-5-+5 voltat6amp . . . . . ... . . . .. . .... $44.50 74125 . . . .. .. . . . .. . ... . . . .. . ... . . . .. . ... .. . .55
74126 ... . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . ..... 55
All units are short circuit proof , fold-b ack c urrent 74192 . .... . . . . .. . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 1.10
limited and with over vo ltage crowbar protection . 74193 . . ... . ... . .... . . .... . .. .. ... . . .. ... . 1.10

All Prices Subject to Change With o ut Notice

s~ost devices s~UARANTEE
Minimum Order $10.00 Ippab le With ' 'PPed Within
Add $1 .00 to Cover Postage and Handling Per fo rm a nc In 2 Weeks 24 ho urs If
dayS o e f e gUaranteed paYment ref~ n ot
Send Check or Money Order (No C.OD .) To: NOTi CE' ec t, ve Pa rts re o n all Units f nded,
th at h ,ThiS War Placed a t Or 3 0
N. J . Residents Add 5% Sales Ta x aVe ranty, no c h
sOCkets f no t b een So ld apPlies Only t a rg e,
Or YO Ur in co m ' ered , YO U a Parts
In g Inspec t ' mUs t use
Ia n tes ts.


BOX 413, EDISON, NJ 08817. (201) 549-2699
~~TI #1
In the Queue SEPTEMBER 1975

RECYCLING USED ICs ................... 20
Hardware - Mikkelsen p. 10


Hardware - Helmers
LIFE Line ................ . ............ 72
Applications - Helmers

Hardware - Chamberlin
Review - Hogenson
SERIAL INTERFACE ............ " " .... 22
Hardware - Lancaster
WRYTE for BYTE ..... ; ................ .44
For Profit - Ryland p.22
Software - Fylstra

What is BYTE? .......................... .4
BYTE magazine is published How BYTE Started .......................9
monthly by Green Publishing,
Inc., Peterborough , New Clubs - Newsletters ..................... .40 p.50
Hampshire 03458.
Subscription rates are $12 for Book Reviews ........................... 84
one year worldwide. Two
years, $22. Three years, $30.
Second class postage
Letters ................................87
app lication pending at
Peterborough, New Hampshi,·e Byter's Digest ........................... 90
03458 and at additional
mailing offices. Phone: Reader's Service ......................... 96
603·924·3873. En tire contents
copyright 1975 by Green
Publishing, Inc., Peterborough,
NH 03458. Address editorial
correspondence to Editor,
BYTE, Box 378, Belmont MA
02178. From inception to
press in seven weeks - surely a
magazine creation record.
Guinness please take notice.

Carl Helmers:

This is the first issue of a the required term, it could all cases - is to come up with
new publication - BYTE - a not have been long before some interesting and e xotic
monthly compendium of some wizard of verbal magic applications.
information for the owners figured out that a group of The technical content of
and users of the new little bits must constitute a BYTE is roughly divided into
microcomputer systems mouth watering byte. the trilogy of hardware,
becoming widely available at With the term's software and applications.
modera te cost. To formal and widespread use in the Each component of the
informal students of computer field due to IBM's trilogy is like a facet of a
computer science, the choice benign influence, the term brilliant gem - the home
of the name BYTE is quite byte has become part of the brew computer applied to
appropriate. For a large I exicon. The fundamental personal uses. The trilogy is
number of applications of sign ificance of a byte as a not confined to home brew
this new technology of unit of information makes computers alone of course.
"It could not have been I n the personal computing
inexpensive compu ters, BYTE an appropriate name
long before some field as in any endeavor there
character string and text, data for the publication. BYTE is
wizard of verbal magic are people who will have
(basic unit, one byte) is an your unit of information on
figured out that a group foremost in their mi nds any
important consideration. the state of the art of small
of little bits must con- one of these three topics to
Bytes are the un its of data computer systems for
stitute a mouth water- the exclusion of the other
manipulated by many of the individual persons, clubs and
ing BYTE." two. For instance some of the
small computer systems classroom groups. Each
designed by readers - or month you will find people I know are interested
assembled usi ng one of a information ranging from in software - and pretty
number of kit products now computer club announce- exclusively software. They'll
on the market. ments to manufacturers' tend to concentrate on
The most common advertisements, from software as much as possible
definition of a byte is that of technical details of hardware and try to get a minim a l
" ... the term byte has a unit of information and software to humorous amount of hardwar e
become part of the lexi- containing 8 bits. This unit of articles and editorial sufficient to experiment with
con." information can at any time opinions. software . A person with a
represent one of 2 8 = 256 primary interest in software
possible things - for instance, The Home Brew Computing will oftentimes be the person
one of the ASCII or EBCDIC Trilogy who purchases a kit computer
character codes, one of the The story of computing is because the kit minimizes the
integers from 0 to 255, a a story composed of several amount of hardware
signed integer from -128 to elements. A good way to look knowledge the person is
+127, etc. The origin of the at the story is as a trilogy of required to have.
For the hardware per-
term "byte" lies in IBM's interre lated themes .. . An example of another
son, "the fun is in the
documentation and kind of person - in terms of
terminology for the HARDWARE isolated characteristics - is
extremely successful System the hardware kind of person.
360 series . The folk tale has it SOFTWARE Here the emphasis of the
that I BM needed a more work with home brew
"personalized" (i.e. unique) APPLICATIONS . .. computing is on putting
term for the old standby of together the hardware,
earlier generation computers, You need the hardware designing the hardware,
the "character". The term before you can progress making things that quote
had to be less tied to a through the first gate of a "work" unquote. A
specific type of data such as system. A virgin computer is "hardware person" in many
character codes - and had to useless so you add some cases may not do much else
take on a generic meaning as software to fill it out. And - but he or she certainly will
"unit of storage". With that the whole point of the accomplish the design goal.
functional specification for exercise - in many but not This is the person who builds

( the first) editorial
up a computer system to the components needed to make improvements and features "A virgin computer is
state where it might even be the application. have been added underneath useless so you add some
able to do a bootstrap off Now, aspects of the trilogy the personalized paint job? software to fill it
tape - then drops the system exist in any particular person The auto nut takes his car out out ... "
and decides to build a better who experiments with the to the local drag strip or
one. The fun here is in the computer systems. A other test track and opens
building, not in the using and common combination is for up the throttle to see what
programmi ng. the application to drive the the engine and drive train will
Then in this description of hardware and software do in terms of speed and
possible ways of approaching choices. Then there is the acceleration (proper spelling:
the home brew hobby there is person who builds the ex hi I a rat ion) . Well, for
the applications person. This hardware first getting computer experimenters
person's attitude is somewhat caught up in the "neatness" there is a logical drag strip in
a synthesis of the other two of a logical construction in every computer an
types . The applications the same way that a instruction set waiting to be Sophisticated fun reo
person is typically interested mathematician goes off the explored. You exercise this qui res soph i sticated
in getting a particular deep end with a neat logical drag strip by seeing thought and hard
program up and running. So a theorem. If you're starting as what you can do in the work ...
Space War freak wou Id spend such a hardware hacker, you invention of neat little (and
a good portion of available may come to the point where not so little) programs to do
time getting the hardware and you say "Hmmm - I've built useless (equivalent of real
software needed to play space the hardware, so now what drag strip) performance tests
war. A LI FE addict would do I do with it?" Here the in artificial circumstances -
spend a fair amount of time applications are following the or really useful tasks
getting the hardware and design of the computer . It's (equivalent to normal
software for the game of the same way with many transportation functions of
LI FE - and fooling around kinds of programming . . . the autos). I haven't yet figured
"Hmmm - I've built
with LI FE patterns. And a software is an exploration of out what the computer
the hardware, so now
person who enjoys other the possi bilities of the equivalent of an air scoop
what do I do with it?"
computer games - using the hardware . As a software hood is - or the equivalent of
game as a goal - spends much hac ker you might turn to the the weird mechanical
time assembling a pure logic of programming - contrivances I often see on
hardware/software system for writing and trying out the derriere of "muscle" cars.
the game. A person interested routines for things ranging You might even be the
in toy robots would have a from augmentations of the type of person who wants to
combined hardware/software ins tru cti on se t to file do a certain programming
problem of coordinating and managers, to games simple technique just for the sake of
controlling movement - this and soph isticated. Or you programming - you say to
home roboteer must design may just fool around with yourself: "OK - I want to "Well, for computer
the mechanical details, design programming with no specific w r i tea B L U R PT RAN experimenters there is a
a control algorithm - and if end in mind in terms of language compiler and code logical drag strip in
sophisticated fun is required, applications, for the sole genera tor, so what hardware every computer - an
must design a pattern purpose of seeing what you instruction set waiting
do I need to do it?" As such a
recognition input device and can do with the machine. person, you would then to be explored ... "
algorithm for interpreting As a home brew computer choose a computer system in
scenes. A model railroader software experi me nter, you'll packaged and/or self-designed
requiring a computer find an emotional kinship form such that it wou Id fit
controlled layout again has with the people who take the compiler writing goal.
this applications model - part in the automotive I n truth many will Find it
computer controlled yard and hobbies. What does a best to seek a sort of
main line switches - and "performance" automobile
faces a choice of possible buff do with the machine -
h a r d war e and soft ware once all the optional

interactive - balanced I n this first issue hardware suggestions regarding required
relationship between the articles include "Deciphering hardware.
three aspects of the computer Mystery Keyboards," an So here in the first issue
trilogy. At any given time, article on recycling used ICs, you find an example of the
almost anyone has some and Don Lancaster's article mixtures of these factors
aspects of all three combined on serial output interfaces. which go into home brew
within his own philosophy of Articles on software i ncl ude a computing. This mixture of
home brew computing. description of the assembler aspects is a gu iding theme of
concept by Dan Fylstra. the current and following
BYTE - the magazine Applications are fou nd in the issues of BYTE - one of the
addresses this mixture that first segment of LI FE Li ne. keyed ito rial goals is to cover
occurs in various people by This application includes a complete range of ideas
providing articles permuti ng informati o n on programm ing spanning this triumvirate of
and combining these areas. techniques as well as concepts.

The Impossible Dream

or, "Wouldn't it be neat to have a c011lPuter all one's
own without being as rich as Croesus?"

The art of home brew conception of a home FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/1 , execute instructions in the
computing has come a long processor. I didn't know BAL a nd a bit of financial aid middl e of the summer of
way in the past few years. To enough at the time eve n to f rom a priv ate fo undation . 1974 - and to quote o ne of
paraphrase the science fiction ask a n intelligent question Along about 1972 when I the subscribers to my self-
author Rob e rt Heinl ein, about its design. Th e thing started reading abou t the LSI published series of artic les: "I
"When it's time to do home was a monstrous 3-level card computers being des igned by learned a lot ... ," just as he
brew computing, people do rack with a heavy wire wrap Intel - the 8008 and 4004 - did. So much for the personal
home brew computing." That back plane and transistor I began to revive that old involvement - I've buil t a
time has come today, with logic with integration to the dream of " hav ing a personal kluge of sorts - the software
the advances in memory and level of modular cards. I computer." Here was a single hacker's first attempt at
pro c e s s 0 r t e c h no logy don't think this friend of IC chip - the 8008 - which hardware - and have learned
inherent in large scale mine ever got his processor would give me a rea l stored quite a bit as a resul t. You -
integr at ion. The present working to any significant program m ac hine at the reader of BYTE - can go
devices are not as good as the extent - but the impress ion reasonable ("reasonable" = that route or use a much
"Thorsen Memory Tubes" in was made : "Wouldn't it be under $1000) cost. After easier route there are
Heinlein's Door Into Summer neat to have a computer all attending an Intel seminar in several manufacturers of kit
- but it's getting almost to one's own without being as 1972, I resolved that I would products advertising in this
the point where a base me nt rich as Croesus?" I fi led away act ually build an 8008 magazine. And you'll find a
tinkerer can put together a the thought of a home brew computer. magazine full of helpful
m anufactu rable robotic computer as an "impossible" The resolution was a long inform ation which I didn't
device and plant the dream at that time - how time being turned into reality have.
economic acorn which will could I affo rd a computer if I - I did not actually begin ... CARL
grow into an industrial oak could barely afford a beat up design and construction until
tree. old Ha llicraft ers 5X-99 January 1974. I took my
My own first exposure to receiver and flea power ham time for numerous
the idea of home brew transmitter? That did not rea sons ... among them
computing was about eight stop me from having fun with being the fact that I had to
years ago when I was computers - it merely caused le ar n something about the *1 got the idea of self-publishing
attending high school in rural a redirection of attention to way hardware works, had to from a pamphlet put out by SOL
New Jersey. A ham (radio the use of computers equip a laboratory of sorts, III Pu blications, Farmington,
amateur variety) friend of financed by agencies other got this bug about Maine - which has since been
than myself . .. for a while. self-publishing the results turned into a book entitled The
mi ne at that time was
Shoestring Publisher's Guide _ .
attempting to get a surplus The while lasted several along the way*, and so full of useful materials on
RCA computer card rack into years as I bootstrapped on ... I finally got an 8008 publishing by individuals and
operation as his own myself th rough college with co m p u ter w h i ch would small organizations.

World's Most Ie Language Sysle_
$995Limit : one per c ustomer.
OHER expires Sl-~ ptel11be r 15. 1975.

Altair 8800 Computer Kit

Your choice of Interface Boards (kit)

Two 4,096 word Memory Boards (kit)
Altair 8K BASIC Language
Altair 8K BASIC language, Thi s language \Vas ch o se n fo r th e elec tri c al 'sig nals frolll t he co m p ute r to audi o to nes. It ca n be
A lt air CO lllpute r l)pra use o f it s ve rsatilit y and powe r an d beca use' used to sto re unlimited a m o unt s of inform at io n co min g o ut o f
it is pasv to USt' (co m es w ith co mpl e te doc ume nt at ion ). A lt ai r tilE' cO lllpute r a nd it ca n be u sed to put information ba c k int o
81< BAS IC has Ill il ny feiltures not nor m il il y fo und in BAS IC la n- th e c ompu tE' r.
gu age in c lud in g an OU T state m ent and co rres po ndin g INPu t
fu nc t io n t hat all ows th e use r to co ntro l low speed d ev ices PRICES:
(m ac hin e co ntro l w i t ho ut assemb ly languilgt'). Leaves 1750 wo rd s AIt.lir Co mputer kit wilh complete assembly in structions $439
in 1)1< m ac hin e for p ro gralllm in g and stor age . Assembted and les ted Allair Computer $621
1,024 Word Memory Board $97 kit and $139 asse mbled
4,096 Word Memory Boa rd $264 kit and $338 assembled
Full Parallel Interface Bo a rd· $92 kit and $114 assembled
Seriallnt e rf'1 ~ e Board (RS232) $119 kit and $138 assembled
Seri.11 Interface Board (TTL or TTY - te le t yp e) $124 kit and $146 asse mbled
NOTE : A ltair BAS IC co m E'S in Audio C.lsse tle Interface Board $128 kit a nd $174 asse mbled
e ith e r p ape r tape or casse tt E' 4K BASIC language (when purchased w ith Allair,
4 ,096 words of memory and Int e rfa ce Board) $60
t ape . Spec ify w he n o rd e rin g. 8K BASIC laQguage (when purchased w ith Allair, two
4 ,096 word m e mory boards and Inte rfa ce Bo ard) $75
COMTE R II $780 kit
Tetetype ASR,33 $1500 (assembted onty)

Input Output Devices, Th e Co mte r II Computer Te rminal h as

a f ull a lp ha-num e ri c keyboard and a hi ghl y-readab le 32-c harac te r
Int erface Board Options. Th e Paril il e l I nterl ace BOilrel is use d di sp lay. It has its own in tern a l m e m ory of 256 c haracte rs a nd
to co nrll~ ct t he A ltair 1)800 to ex te rn a l d ev ices t hat se nd and co mpl ete c urso r co ntro l . A lso has its ow n built-in audi o cassette
rc' ce ive pa rall e l sign als. Many lin e pr inte rs require a Paril ll E' 1 inte rf ace th at a ll ows yo u to co nn ec t th e COMT ER II to any t ape
Inte rface Boa rd . The 1\5232 Seri al Boa rd is use d t o co nn ec t th t, reco rd e r fo'r bo th sto rin g d ata from th e co mpute r and feeding it
A lta ir 1)1)00 to exte rn al d ev ices th at se nd and rece ive RS2 32 se ri a l into th e co mputer. Req uires a n RS232 In terfa ce boa rd .
signa ls. Mos t cO lllputer te rmin als require il ll RS232 Se ri a l Int e rf il c e
Board . 'Th e TT ), Sc' r iil l I nt erl ace BOilrrl is used to co nn ec t th e Th E' St anda rd AS R-33 Te le ty pe p rints 10 characters pe r seco nd .
A ltai r BBOO to il n AS R- lJ o r I< S I~-33 tl' IPlypf' (20 lllilii alll P c urrent It has a bui lt-in pape r tape rea d e r and pun ch . Has sta nda rd 120
loop ) . Th e TTL Seria l Interface Board is for c ust o m in te rf ac in g. d ay Te letype' warra nty, Requires a Seri a l TTY Inte rface boa rd .
TIl<' Audio Ca.<.' elt(' Inll'rlace Boarel is uSl'ci t·o co n nec t th e A lt a ir NOTE: Th e A ltair 8800 ca n be co nn ec ted to any number o f
/W()O to any c asse ttE' t ape reco rde r. I t w orks b y c hanging the inpu t/o utput d ev ices o th e r th an t he o nes li sted above.


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iig~~OOOOGPU oooaGPu~~;gi
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BOX 2355. OAKLAND AIRPORT, CA 94614 w.
~ ......
•••••• •••••
I::::: We were 1st to offer the 8008 to hobbyists over 16 ..:::::1

••.... ....
I::::: months ago; now we're setting the pace again with a::::::
iig~~ powerful new 16 bit microcomputer IC in a 40 pin DIP, ~~gU
•••... db ..··••
I::::: ma e 't~: ~ O ~ O \ ) O @@o::::::

• •••••

• •••••
ig~~~ 1) Reveal the Secret Microcomputer Co.'s true identity ~~gU
I::::: 2) Tell us in 25 words or less why you should re- ::::::
•••••• celve a free chip ::::::
ii~~·~~ If you can convince our iaded iudges, in a torm suit- ~~gU
iig~~ able for use in this family (?) magazine, you win. ~;gii
•..... -a• .,• •.... . .....
...... • • •ellrrrrrrr...(a
r.. •
.... ...
.. ..- ..
... ..-. ..
...... ~
~ ~..

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from the Publisher . ..

Carl T. Helmers Jr.
Judith Havey


Dan Fylstra
Chris Ryl'and
Hal Chamberlin
Don Lancaster
Two series of events came running a good sized small as well . How about a
together and triggered BYTE. business and as the editor and publ ication which would EDITORS
One was the surprising publisher of an electron ics cover all aspects of small John Burnett
response I received from the magazine, I damned well computer systems? Susan G. Philbrick
readers of 73 Magazine should be able to come to As the computer hobby PRODUCTION MANAGER
(amateur radio) every time I grips with the salesmen and newsle tters arrived I looked Lynn Panciera-Fraser
published an article involving pick out a computer system them over. Some were very
computers. Being a curious well done, some pretty ART DEPARTMENT
on some sort of rational basis.
person I decided to learn juvenile. One chap was doing Nancy Estle
But the more I tried to get
a splendid job . .. designing Neal Kandel
more about them, only to information, the more I
find my way blocked by his own hardware ... devel- Peri Mahoney
realized that it was going to
oping software.,. plus Bob Sawyer
formidable obstacles. The be very hard to get.
more I tried to dig into the Between my professional writing and publishing a PRINTING
subject the more I found that need to understand monthly magazine on the Biff Mahoney
there was a need for computers and my amateur subject just about single
information that was not interest in the subject I found handed. This was Carl
Bill Heydolph
being satisfied. myself subscribing to one Helmers and his ECS Journal,
The other event was the newsletter after another which was in its fifth issue, TYPESETTING
success of 73, with more . . . talking at exhaustive hav ing just started in January Barbara Latti
subscriptions and advertising length with computer savvy (this at the time being May) , I Marge McCarthy
calling for some sort of 73 readers ... reading books got together with Carl and
computerization of the . .. and wearing computer explained my idea and
Bill Edwards
drudgery - the billing, record salesmen out. I discovered an suggested that it was time Nancy Cluff
keepi ng, reader 's service, interesting thing - few of the to get a good professional
indexing, and such. I knew hardware chaps could tal k magazine going in the field, MARKETING
what I wanted done and had software - and vice versa. one which would help David Lodge
a good idea of what I had to Further, neither could tal k computer hobbyists get the CIRCULATION
spend to accomplish this, sol much about applications. information they needed and Susan Chandler
started talking to computer There ought to be a which might thus encourage Dorothy Gibson
salesmen ... only to find that magazine covering the whole manufacturers to come out Pearl Lahey
I wasn't eve n able to read thing, thought I. A magazine with more hardware for the
their literature, much less which would help the growing body. INVENTORY CONTROL
have even a vague idea of neophite to grapp Ie with Carl had been building up Marshall Raymond
what they were saying. pro g ram min g I a n- his circulation to ECS DRAFTING
Some deep well of guages ... would permit the gradually, with it being about Bill Morello
obstinacy within me fought beginner to build 300 in May, We figured to go
back and refused to let me microcomputers and all out and run off 1000
throw a dart to pick out the peripherals ... would provide copies of the first issue of
computer system I needed. I a dialog for the more
felt that as a busi nessman sophisticated to commu n icate continued on page 96

Which Microprocessor

National Semiconductor's IMP-8 and IMP-16 computers were originally offered as completely
populated subsystem cards such as the one pictured here.

At ~~ time ~ere are preference . The comparisons programming. Speed will be

three microprocessor chips or made will be based on use of compared on the basis of the
chip sets readily available to the microprocessor as a time " necessary for the
the hobbyist: the 8008, the general purpose computer. machine to compl e te a
8080, and the 1M P-16. The For our purposes a , general non-trivial task. Complexity
first two were pioneered by purpose computer is one will be compared on the basis
I ntel and the last is a National which has read-write memory of ease of understanding
Semicon ductor invention . for the bu Ik of its storage, microprocessor operation as
Chips and/or kits utilizing which is expected to run a well as the sheer number of
by each of the three variety of programs, and for parts required to implement a
microprocessors are available which the end use is the system . Finally, cost will be
HaL ChamberLin
from at least two sources development and execution com pared on the basis of
Box 295 catering to hobbyists as of of programs written by the minimum systems capable of
Cary NC 27511 this writing. This level of user . General purpose assembling programs for
availability and popularity is computers are also expected themselves given the
not even approached by other to be able to control a variety existence of suitable I/O
microprocessors, therefore of input-output equipment. devices.
this discussion is being I nstruction sets will be Before getting into
confined to these three. compared on the basis of comparisons, we will take a
Comparing computers is assembly language brief look at the leading
like comparing people: the
conclusions depend on the
application, the Reprinted from The Computer Hobbyist, Box 295, Cary
circumstances, and personal NC 2757 7.

for You?

The MITS Altair 8800 is one package in which you can purchase an 8080 based system.

features of each save, or address memory . The with direct memory access Comparing computers is
m i c roprocessor. Then the maximum directly capab il ity. Most of the like comparing people;
comparisons will be made in addressable memory is 16k interfacing complexity can be the cone! usions depend
each performance area bytes; in addition, 8 input blamed on over zealous on the application, the
elaborating on individual and 24 output devices may be designers trying to make-do circumstances, and per-
featu res as necessary. directly addressed with a one with an 18 lead pac kage. sonal preference.
byte instruction. CPU speed Pr e s e nt cost to the
The Intel 8008 Processor is modest ranging from 20 e xperi menter ranges from
The 8008 was the first microseconds for a register $40 to $80 with the "dash has been increased to 64k
microprocessor to be operation to 32 microseconds one" version bringing roughly bytes and addressable I/O
introduced and the first to be for a memory operation to 44 50% more. devices have been increased
available to the hobbyist. It microseconds for a jump or to 256 inputs and 256
has an 8 bit instruction and call. A selected chip , the The Intel 8080 Processor outputs at the expense of 2
accumulator length. There are 8008-1, reduces these times The 8080 is Intel's sequel byte I/O instructions.
essentially only two memory to 12 . 5, 20 and 27.5 to the 8008. Basically it has Execution speed has been
addressing modes: immediate, microseconds respectively. A more of everything. The considerably improved also.
and zero displacement single level of interrupt is instruction set contains all of Register operations take 2
indexed. Subroutine and provided but extern a l the 8008 instructions making microseconds, memory
branch addresses are full hardware is necessary for it upward compatible at the operations require about 3.5
length absolute, allowing complete status saving during assembly language level. microseconds, and su brouti ne
branching anywhere with one interrupts. Interfacing the Major additions to the calls consume 8.5
instruction. Subroutine chip to the rest of th e system instruction set include direct m ic roseco n ds. Interrupts
retu rn addresses are saved on is fairly involved and requires load and store of the work the same way as on the
an internal 8 level stack from 20 to 70 TT L pac kages accumulator, double 8008 but everything required
which pu ts a 7 deep depending on the system precision (16 bits) add and for comp lete status savi ng is
restriction on subroutine performance desired. The inc rement for address provided as well as an
nesting. Much of the lower figure will barely calculation, and a pushdown interrupt enable/disable flag .
instruction set power is function while the higher one stack of indefinite length in I nterfac ing an 8080 is
derived from the six includes a console, complete memory thus allowing generally regarded as being
addi tional 8 bit index interrupt system, and unrestricted subroutine simpler than interfacing an
registers which may count, dynamic memory interface nesting. Addressable memory 8008. There is only a slight

fact that 16 bits are to be little 'quirks, distinctions, and
handled rather than 8. The special cases straight when
microprocessor is in the form working with the IMP-16.
of five 24 lead pac kages I nstruction set power is
which for the most part are best on the 1M P-16, followed
The 8080 is Intel's sequel to the 8008. Basically it simply wired in parallel. The by the 8080 with the 8008 a
has more of everything . . . exte nd e d instruction set distant third. Base d on ac tual
resides in a sixth package. experience, it ma y require as
Prese nt cost of the standard few as one half as many
chip set is about $160. The IMP - 1 6 ins t r u c t ion s to
exte nded instruction set chip program a task as 8008
improvement in the minimum LOAD, STORE , JUMP, and is ava il a ble only from instru ctions. The 8080 falls
system, about 15 chips, but a CALL can be indirect
Nation al at this time for $8 0. about midway betwee n the
fUll-bore system may be cut addressed using any of the
extremes. Th e re are many
in half to 35 chips. The 40 addressing modes to get to Comparisons - Instruction reasons why the 1M P-16 is
lead package al lows a separate the address pointe r. Two Sets supe rior. Memory addressi ng
16 bit address bus and 8 bit memory modification instruc- One of the most important is much more flexib le due to
data bus, as well as simplified tions are provided, ISZ p erfor mance areas of a the four addressing modes
timing and control. Present (Increment memory, Skip if microprocessor is the and in d ire c t a d d r essi ng
cost to the hobbyist is about Zero), and DSZ which all ows instruction set. A good capability . An additional
$160. much counti ng and inde x i ng instruction set should be well advantage . is that the
to be done in memor y fre e ing organized so th at it is easy to arithmetic word length is the
The National IMP-16 the registers for arithmetic. le a rn, powerful so that same as the address length.
The IMP-16 is one of the The stack is used for complex routi nes can be Since the return addresses are
older microprocessors and for subrou tine return addresses coded with a small number of put on a stack in all three
a long time the on ly one but can also be used for instructions, memory machines, mUltiple
with a 16 bit wordlength. saving registers and status. A efficient so that complex entrypoint subroutines are
The programmer is supplied uni que feature is the rou tines require only small easy but the IMP-16 also
with four 16 bit accumulators availabili ty of an exte nded amounts of me mory, a nd allows multiple return points
and a 16 word stack. The instruction set chip which time efficie nt so that on ly a (return to CALL+1 on error,
instruction set is typical of provides automatic multiply, CALL +2 otherwise, etc.) with
small number of me mory
many 16 bit minicomputers, divide, double word add and c y c Ie s i s n e c e s s a ry to no additional instructions.
and in many ways resembles subtract, and byte comple te a task. I n a ddition, The 8080 is a big
that of a NOVA. Four general manipulatio n. Th e CPU can performance s h o uld be improvement over the 8008
address modes are provided, address 64k words bu t th is equal ly high o n both beca use registers may be
base page direct, program should be held to 32k if the character oriented tasks a nd saved on the stack when th ey
counter relative, and indexed byte instructions are used. num eric ally oriented tasks. are used by a subroutine and
using either accumulator 2 or The I/O instructions can a lso Instruction set then restored unaltered upon
accumulator 3. In addition, address 64k devices. Another organization is best on the return. This allows
unique feature is that several 8080 close ly followed by the subroutines to be called as
bits of input and output a re 8008 with the IMP-16 being needed without regard to
provided by the somewhat dis o rg a ni ze d . which registers they may
microprocessor itself making Conseq uently, the beginner destroy. Note, however, that
communication with a will fi nd the 8008/8080 the this capability may be added
teletype possible withou t a ny easiest to learn. Expe rience to the 8008 quite simply. The
interface at all. Speed is good has sh own that begi nners dir ect l oad an d store
The IMP-16 is the first
ranging from 4.2 prefer simp le instruction sets instructions of the 8080
of the 16-bit micros . .
microseconds for a register and that they retain a certain reduce the number of lin es of
operation to 7 microseconds "fondness" for their first code in a program.
for a memory operation. A mac hin e long after they have Me mory effic ie ncy of the
multiply takes about 160 graduated into much more instruction set is best on the
microseconds which is still sophisticated endeavors. The IMP-16 but i s closely
considerably faster than a experienced programmer followed by th e 8080. The
software routine would be. however shou ld ex perience 8008 is not as bad as might
The I MP-16 provides two littl e difficulty keeping the be presumed but is definitel y
priority levels of interrupt
and all of the hardware
necessary for complete status
A good instruction set
save/restore. I nterfaci ng is
should be well organ-
conceptually simp le a nd Instruction set organization and memory efficiency
ized . . . are usually conflicting requirements.
requ ires 25 to 50 pac kages
depending on system
sophistication. Part of this
number is due simply to the

Scelbi Computer Consulting
Inc. is one of a number of
companies who take the Intel
8008 computer, package it
into a system design, and
sell the result as a system.
The photograph supplied by
Scelbi with a press release
shows you the result of
assembling their new
"SCELBI·8B" version of the
8008. As a supplier to the
computer enthusiast market
from the start, Scelbi has
done a very credible job
of assembling a true system
product as opposed to a
bare-bones CPU which
merely blinks its lights
after assembly.

adapted to number crunching

tas ks. Microcom pu ters are no
exception. Most micros have
been optimized for character
handling because of expected
high usage in terminals and
the 8008 and the 8080
belong to this class. The
IMP-16 on the other hand is
inferior. I n terms of numbers, and 8080 are as good as they resu lt, time efficiency may much better at numerically
the 8080 may require 10 to are because many of the have little relation to actual
15 percent more memory bits instructions are a single word machine speed but does
and the 8008 20 to 40 (8 bits) long whereas the rep resent the potential speed Most micros have been
percent more. Note that these minimum instruction length with an optimized CPU. Time optimized for character
fi gu res are based on in the IMP-16 is 16 bits. This efficiency can be important handling because of ex-
optimized programs written is somewhat offset by the in multiprocessor systems pected high usage in
by experienced programmers. three word (24 bit) with a shared memory where terminals.
The spread can be much instructions of the 8008 an d more memory cycles
greater with inexperienced 8080 which in most cases increase the probability that
programm ers or hastily would only require 16 bits in a CPU will have to await its oriented tasks and was aimed
written programs. It is also the IMP-16 . A fringe benefit turn. The IMP-16 has a high more toward machine tool
interesting to note that of high memory efficiency is time. efficiency mainly control and industrial
instruction set organization that the shorter programs will because twice as much data is monitoring. Interestingly, use
and memory efficiency are load faster regardless of the fetched in each memory of the extended instruction
usually conflicting require- loading method. cycle. Further improvement set on the IMP-16 greatly
me nts. Th isis because Time efficiency is by far is due to the instruction set improves both character
many of the lesser used the best on the IMP-16 with power, requiring fewer handling and arithmetic
possible operation the 8008 a distant second and instructions to be fetched. capability.
com b i na ti ons have been the 8080 a slightly poorer The 8080 has poorer time
culled from a memory third. On a classic efficiency than the 8008 How About Running System
efficient set in order to minicomputer, a machine mainly because the stack is in Software?
reduce the number of bits cycle was the same as a memory. A subroutine call, One performance area of
required to encode the memory cycle in most cases. for example, requires 5 interest to hobbyists is the
instruction. Implied operands As a result, a time efficient memory cycles, 3 to fetch the suitability of a machine for
are also utilized in order to instruction set meant a faster instructions and two to stack running a BASIC system. The
free up bits for other uses. machine without faster the return address. IMP-16 and the 8080 are
Experienced programmers are hardware. Microcomputers on Historically some about equal in their ability to
able to plan ahead and avoid the other hand may have very minicomputers were better at compile BASIC quickly but
h a vi n g th es e restrictions few of their machine cycles handling character oriented the IMP-16 without the
become restrictive. The 8008 being memory cycles. As a tasks and others were well extended instruction set may

assemblers run on an 8008 memory access. This scheme listings. The hobbyist will
can be as small as 2.5k bytes has the advantage that the have to depend on himself,
for a limited implementation stretch can set to the exact kit manufacturers, and
but 4k bytes is more realistic amount needed . The higher publications for most of his
when providing an easy to use time efficiency of the IMP-16 software in the near future.
assembler. If the hexadecimal instruction set will greatly Ultimately, the level of
notation recommended by reduce the performance software support will be
I ntel is used with the 8080, impact of a slow memory as directly proportional to the
hand assembly is definitely compared to the 8080. popula rity of the
more difficult. The assembler microprocessor.
How Complex is the Interface?
also has a tougher time with
the two operand format and The ranking on interface And Finally ...
other niceties defined for the complexity is 8080 (least), There are a number of
Speed in a hobby com- 8080. The Intel version of the I M P- 1 6, and 8008. The other performance areas that
puter system can be a 8080 assem bier requires 8k comparison is based on are only of minor interest to
two-edged sword. bytes but it should be noted sophisticated general purpose hobbyists. Although there is a
that it provides macro implementations having a large spread in the maximum
capability. Hand coding and complete I/O interrupt memory size, all three
assembling for the IMP-16 is facility, software console machines are likely to have
harder yet due mainly to using ASCII I/O, and a ample addressing capability
relative addressing generali ze d input/output for the hobbyist's memory
memory bus allowing budget. The same may be said
considerations and a wider
simultaneous direct memory relative to addressable I/O
variety of instruction
access without affecting the devices. Power supply
formats. National's version of
the assembler requ ires 4k CPU. The ranking is the same voltages and pow er
execute BASIC twice as fast. whether parts count or consumption are also usually
words and can produce
This is due mainly to the all relocatable object code and conceptual complexity is of minor importance. All of
floating point arithmetic that being considered. The the microprocessors can be
handle ex ternal symbols.
BASIC requires. The differe nce between the 8080 successfully operated from
extended instruction set may Is Speed Useful? and the IMP-16 is primarily standard +15, +5 an d -15
dou ble the speed agai n if a lot Speed in a hobb y due to the wider word of the system supply voltages using
of multiplies and divides are computer system can be a IMP-16 and less confusing simple, . fail-safe, ze ner
done. The 8008 can of cou rse two-edged sword. A high discussion of chip interfacing regulators. Package size and
run BASIC also but compile speed microprocessor requires in the I nte l manual. The 8008 pinout are unlike ly to be
and execution speeds are higher speed in other system is just plain diff icult to factors in hobbyist use .
Ii kely to be one tenth of the components such as memory und ersta nd and interface T his b ri ngs us to a
8080. in order to realize its higher correctly but once that is comparison of overall system
One other property of an speed. An 8008 for example don e, either by the user, a cost. First, the spread in chip
instruction set is the ease can run at full speed with magaz ine, o r a manufacturer, cost is roughly from $50 to
wi th which it may be memori es as slow as 3 the syste m should operate $150, so the spread in system
assembled, either by hand or microseconds access bu t the just as well. cost would be $100 at most.
with an assembler ·program. 8080 will have to wait on Software? An 8008 requires more
In this respect, the 8008 memories slower than 520 Software support is often interfacing circuitry however
comes out on top with the nanoseconds and the I MP-16 a big issue among industrial wh ich reduces the spread
8080 next and the IMP-16 requires 420 nanoseconds. If use r s of microprocessors. somewhat. After enough
last. Use of the m nem on ics the ready line is used on the Unfortun ate ly, the majority memory to do asse mbli es or
and format recommended by 8008 and 8080 to permit the of the software they are run BASIC and a few I/O
the manufacturer is assumed use of slower me mori es, the figh ti ng over is unavailable to devices are added, the $75
in making this comparison. wait will be in increments of the hobbyist because of high difference left may be small
8008 code is easy to hand whole machine cycles which prices. It is not unusual for a compared to the total
assemble because the oc tal is 4 microseconds on the program such as an investment. Nevertheless, an
notation used corresponds to 8008 and 500 nanoseconds assem bler to cost as much as 8008 system will be the least
the various fields in the on the 8080. Thus if a handful of microprocessors. expensive followed by an
instruction word. Assem biers memory is a tad slow, o ne 8008 and 8080 users can look 8080 system closely followed
for 8008 code can also be cycle will be added to each to Scelbi and MITS for some thereafter by an IMP-16.
quite simple because three cycle memory access software at reasonable prices Which microprocessor for
instructions require at most sequence slowing the system even if they did not purchase you? Th e answer still depends
one operan d and very few down an average of 25 their machines from these on the ap plic at ion ,
ins truction formats exist. percent to 30 percent. Th e sources. National has an circumstances, and personal
Further simplification results 1M P-16 does not h ave a ready excellent body of software preference, but hopefully the
from all addresses being line, rather the user stretches for the IMP-16 but the decision can be made with
absolute and all mnemonics one of the clock periods in a package price is $200 for more authority afte r reading
being three characters. 8008 cycle long enough to permit object tapes and source this article.

last Chance ~


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The RGS OOSA Microcomputer Kit

The RGS 008A together with the LED the system. The control panel
microcomputer is a general indicators. A printed circuit and backplane measure 4.8"
purpose machine based on bac kplane board is connected x 6.75". The double-sided
the Intel 8008 CPU chip. The to the back side of the plug-in boards measure 4" x
008A uses a minimum of 1k con trol panel. Once the 6" with 72-pin edge
of random access memory control panel and backplane connectors, and have plated
and a bus type of I/O system are wired together, anything through holes. The CPU with
capable of handling up to 256 plugged into an edge all control circuitry included
pe~ipheral devices. connector on the backplane is is fitted onto only two of
The basic kit consists of 6 automatically connected to these plug-in boards.
printed circuit boards and all
com p 0 nen ts necessary to
build the CPU, 1k of memory,
Microcomputers, microcomputers and more microcom-
the control panel and the
puters! The number of options you have for a homebrew
power supply. Molex pins or
Review soc kets, edge connectors,
backplane, front panel
system IS expanding at a rapid rate - with the corresponding
difficulty in picking and choosing among the options. BYTE
by has an answer to this problem - reviews of kits and equipment
switches and LEDs, and a
James Hogenson power transformer are ii'om various manufacturers and advertisers in the magazine.
Box 295 The idea of a review is to give the user's evaluation of the
included. A cabinet, some
product - and. in the process aid you in the choice of
Halstad MN 56548 hardware, line cord and fuses
equipment for your own homebrew system. Here is BYTE's
are not included. The kit sells
first review of an 8008 product - the ReS 008A microcom-
for $375, making this one of
puter kit (made by ReS Electronics, 3650 Charles St., Suite
the least expensive kits on the
K, Santa Clara CA 95050).
Jam es Hogenson provides this review of the ReS product,
based upon his own experiences assembling and utilizing the
Physical Construction computer. Jim built the kit early this year as part of his high
The control switches are school Science Fair project activities d esigning an oscilloscope
mounted directly on the CRT display. J think you 'Il find Jim 's account to be a useful
control panel PC board, source of information on the ReS product. . .. CARL

Is an RGS OOSA the
computer for your
.,,'0 system?
Here is one
RGS OOSA's owner's

The control panel holds address set on the 8-bit would be for the parallel conversion. The
three 8-bit binary LED switch register into the lower manufacturer to offer a cassette adapter kit includes a
displays. Two of the displays memory address register. cabinet to mount the unit in. parallel interface kit for
indicate the memory address Load H. A momentary The power supply interfacing with the
of the date or instruction switch which loads the included in the kit will computer. Only a cassete
pre se n tly being operated address on the switch register provide enough power to deck with an auxiliary output
upon or executed. The third into the upper memory allow for moderate expansion or earphone plug and an
display shows the contents of address register. (The three of the system_ If necessary, optional remote start/stop
the memory location load switches will operate auxiliary power supplies can plug is required.
indicated by the memory only when the CPU is in the be purchased from the kit An ASCII keyboard is also
address displays. stopped state.) manufacturer. The power available from RGS. This
The two LEDs not used in Interrupt. A momentary supply included in the kit will keyboard and the cassette
the upper memory address switch for entering interrupt produce -5 V at 5 Amps and tape adapter are intended to
are used to indicate the instructions. -12 Vat 1 Amp. The -9 V for interface with the RGS 008A
second and third bytes in a Step. A momentary switch the 8008 is derived from the microcomputer, so adapta-
two and three byte for single stepping through a -12 V. tion would be a problem if
instruction. Two additional program. The run/wait switch The only type of you have some other make of
LEDs indicate the stopped must be set on wait to single peripheral interface presently computer. RGS says that a
and waiting state of the CPU. step a program. offered for the 008A is a serial interface is being
The only switches used on Run/Wait. A toggle switch parallel TTL-compatible developed for use with
the control panel are a which is used to set the CPU interface . The parallel teletype, as well as a TV
common 8-bit binary switch in either a run or a wait state. interface boards are also 4" x typewriter.
register and 6 control During the run state, the CPU 6" boards which may be
switches. The six control operates normally. During the plugged directly into the
switches and their functions wait state, the CPU does backplane if desired. Up to Highlights
are: nothing unless being single 256 interface cards may be The 008A uses fewer
Memory Load . A stepped. used. The parallel interface components, compared to
momentary switch which The 008A is designed to kit sells for $43 .75. other 8008 systems I have
loads the data presently on be panel mounted. The entire A 008A cassette tape seen. The 008A computer
the 8-bit switch register into system is contained on adapter is offered for $100. structure is basically similar
the memory location plug-in boards mounted on The FSK adapter's to other 8008 systems, with
specified by the memory the back of the control panel. data rate is 300 bits per one exception: The input/
address register. The entire unit may then be second. The popular 40-pin output structure is unusual
Load L. A momentary mounted very neatly; UART chip is used for for an 8008 system. Instead
s wi tc h which loads the however, a nice improvement parallel-to-serial and serial-to- of the more common port

system capable of handling its output. This time the double sided PC boards with intention of selling it to
only 8 inpu t and 24 output output strobe line is pulsed. plated through holes. These everyone, the documentation
devices, the 008A uses a bus On an inpu t instruction, the PC boards seem to be of good should be written to be
system capable of handling interface transfers data from quality. The backplane board understood by everyone . This
256 bi-directional data its input to the I/O bus. The and the power supply board, includes people who are not
input/output channels. RGS CPU then transfers the data however, are single sided and experts in hardware or
uses several of the 8008 from the bus to the not quite as gOCld. Extreme software.
chip's I/O channels accumulator. The input cau tion must be used as the Much of the construction
instructions to set up this bus strobe line is also pulsed. foil patterns on these single has to be done by following
I/O System. The bus system has three sided boards will lift with the component placement
There are four input/ big advantages. The obvious very little excessive heat diagrams and circuit
output instructions in the one is the capability applied . diagrams. A diagram of the
008A's "instruction set:" of handling up to 256 Only about half the power foil pattern line-up for double
Select, Control, Input, and devices. The second supply circuitry is included sided boards should have
Output. To select a advantage is that each of the on the power supply PC been included in the 008A
peripheral, the device number 256 channels will perform board. A power transistor· and documentation. For easier
is loaded into the both input and output. The a voltage regulator, both in a reading, component
accumulator and a select third advantage is the ability TO-3 case, must be mounted placement diagrams should be
instruction is executed. This to send control instruction, in a heatsink (supplied in kit) black components on a grey
enables the peripheral device . thus eliminating the need to on a chassis which must be foil pattern di agram rather
If necessary, a control use an adjacent I/O channel provided by the builder. The than black on black.
instruction is available. Upon for device control. power transformer, fuses, The 008A documentation
its execution, the Ready and interrupt line filter capacitors and power provides only a brief
accumulator data is made expansions may also be switch are also mounted on defi nition of each software
available at the output and brought out through the the builder supplied chassis. instruction. No information
the control .strobe line is peripheral interface boards. All of these components must describing the circuit
pulsed. Once the device has be point to point wired. Wire operation of the CPU is
been selected and initialized, must be supplied by the provided. A brief description
data transfer using the input Assembly buil der. of circuit operation is
and output instructions is provided for the parallel
executed as it is in the port Most of the circuitry is
interface kit and cassette
system. completed by soldering the Documentation adapter kit. Only a small
components on the various
Each peripheral interface The manuals and amount of information is
PC boards. Although most of provided on the use and
board is jumper-wired for its instructions provided for the
the PC boards are double operation of the computer.
own device number. When sided, components need only 008A fall short. Anyone
the device number of a planning to write up any A I t hough the 008A
be soldered on one side since
particular unit is selected, all holes are plated through. documentation in the future documentation does include
data transfer between the should take note of this and complete circuit diagrams
unit and the CPU is enabled Edge connectors are use the criticism with IC pinouts, absolutely
until another device number provided for each plug-in constructively. no troubleshooting
is selected. When a control board. These connectors must The assembly instructions information is included .
instruction is executed, the be soldered on the backplane. provided for the 008A ar~ Logic circuit troubleshooting
accumulator data is placed on Some 68 wires must be brief. The au thor of the can be followed on the circuit
the I/O bus. The interface sol dered betwe e n the documentation spent very diagram after you have
transfers the data from the backplane and the control little time on clarifications. checked wiring and
bus to the interface output. panel. The backplane and Someone who has had component placement, but
The control strobe line is control panel are fastened considerable experience in test points and voltages
the n pulsed. An output back to back using spacers on both electronic engineering should be given on the power
instruc tion also causes the long machine screws. and computer science would supply. Test points and
acc u m ulator d<lta to be The control panel, CPU have very few problems with waveforms should be given
placed on the I/O bus . The boards, memory boards, and the 008A. However, if a for devices such as a cassette
interface transfers the data to parallel interface boards are product is made with the tape adapter. Even in the

logic circuitry, a few major I niti al program loading is with program loading and
test points and the through the control panel. s to rage necessary in the
specifications wouldn't hurt Startup is ac hi eved by setti ng development of further
anyo ne. the restart in structi o n on the programs.
This author obtained his 8-bit bin ary switch I'egister
troubl eshooting information and depressi ng the in terr-upt Conclusion
via long distance calls to switch. As in other 8008 A ge nerali ze d stat<:ment
Californi a. The cause of systems, the first 64 words of summ arizi ng the 008A scene
several probl e ms was me mory are divided into 8 wou ld have to be this: The
nar rowed d ow n to about progra m start-up locations. 008A is o ne of the most
thre e fau lty components Any s in g l e-byte eco nomical sys te ms on the
wh ic h RGS cheerfully instru ctio n wi ll be accepted market, offeri ng a nea rl y The 008A is one of the
replaced free of charge. by the CPU at any time when complete kit and software most economical
A n ice addition to th e the int erru pt sw itc h is exc h a n ge program. RGS systems on the market,
owners manual for those who depresse d . Th e refore, if you hoi ds good poten tial for offering a nearly
may assemble a 008A in th e get your computer into a becom ing a health y segment complete kit and
future would be a series of loop with no ex it, set a halt in the growing world of software exchange
test routines to verify all or retu rn instruction a nd avocation al computing. But program ... But there
operations of the computer. depress the interrupt switch there is some work yet to be is some work yet to be
These routines should state to get o u t. done. done .
specifically, step by step, A software exchange In the m ea ntime, if you
what is to be done and th e program is slowly getting are inex perienced in either
results of eac h step. When underway for the 008A. Each e lect ronics or computer
starting up a computer for use r is asked to submit a scie nce, you could run into
the first tim e, it is sometimes pr og r a m to RGS. The difficulti es in assembling a
difficult to determin e progra ms are compil e d as 008A. Th ose of us who
whether a problem is in the they come in, then sent out a l rea d y own a 008A
hardware or the software, to eac h 008A manual hold er. microcomputer should work
especia ll y if you are not As of yet, exc hange has been on building up the software
familiar with the machine in slow. Ray Steve ns, ow ner a nd exc hange program to a poi nt
the first p lace. design e r, ex p ects the of excell e nce. In the interest
exc hange program to pick up of obta ining a revise d,
Software somewhat since the cassette upd ate d, impr oved a nd
The o nl y diffe rence in the t a p e a d apte r , ASCII rew ritten owners manual, let
008A i nstruction set as keyboard, and some software me suggest that a ll 008A
compared to other 8008 for eac h h ave recentl y owners se nd RGS a letter
b ase d systems is the b eco m e ava il a bl e. Th e li sti ng changes a nd
input /o utput instruction ava ilabl e software (sent o ut imp roveme nts they would
form at as mentioned before. to owners of the units) deals like to see.

Sweep the blow torch over the IC's pins-one complete sweep
once or twice a second.

Used The surplus market is
saturated with used printed

ICs circuit boards from early

computer systems which
offer a very inexpensive per
'chip source of ICs. Used
boards typically contain
50·200 ch ips of small scale or
medium scale integration,
usually with many simple two
input gates and four bit data
registers. Common part
numbers include 7400, 7402,
7404, 7408, 74126, 74174,
74175, etc. Through careful
shopping, I have fo und out separately results in bent, conditions during board
boards with large numbers of often broken leads. Devices soldering by heating all pins
multiplexors such as 74151, are avai lab le which will heat simultaneously; removing the
74153, and eve n scratch pad all 14 or 16 pinsofa small IC is a single step.
registers 7489. After IC, but again a long time is
nee ded to melt the solder Equipment Needed
removing chips from the
boards and eliminating any since the total amount of To use this tech nique, you
non-functional units, cost per energy available is limited to will need:
chip is from 3 to 8 cents, a small soldering pencil A torch. Non-oxygenated
resulting in an overall cost of heating element. Most propane and acetylene gas has
about one fourth to one available boards are two sided been used.
tenth of the individual chip and four layer boards aren't Clamps or a vise to hold
cost through other surplus uncommon . Multi-layered the board fairly rigid during
outlets. boards make the required chip removal.
Removing chips from amou nt of energy even A way to grip the chips,
boards offers advantages over higher. depending on how they are
purchasing chips surplus When a board is built, the pac ked next to each other.
which makes them attractive ICs are positioned in place Components, small vise grips,
for reasons other than price. with all other components, a small screw driver and a fi ne
Pri marily, the companies and th e board is soldered by a point awl should be all that
which originally built the three step process. are needed.
boards used top-quality, fully 1. The underside is washed A place where splashed
by spec'ed components. All by hot, bubbling, liquid flux. solder will not be serious.
Carl Mikkelsen chi ps have al ready been 2. The clean board is Some form of eye
35 Brookline St., No.5 tested, and most have already passed over a small fountain protection.
served in equipment. of solder, so that the board
Cambridge MA 02139 Given that you've found a just touches it. WARNING 1
serendipity of well soldered 3. After cooling, the board Using this method involves
chi p s, it's necessary to is immersed in FREON gas to heating PC boards to high
unsolder them without either remove any remaining flux. temperatures. Some boards
burning them or cracking As you can see, the board release Hydrogen Chloride
their cases. Desoldering is su bjected to high (Hel), which becomes
individual leads can be done , temperatures during the hydrochloric acid in your
but usually the chip is made soldering phase, which takes lungs. Do this only in a well
unnecessarily hot by the around 5-10 seconds. ventilated area, and stop to
prolonged application of The blow torch method of allow air to clear if irritation
heat. Also, pulling each lead I C removal duplicates develops.

Grip the Ie a second after removing the flame and rock it away from the board. It should come
free in a couple of seconds.

have removed about 1000 ICs

from surplus boards which
have about 80-100 ICseach .1
tend to break 2% of the chips
I pull by applying too much
force with the pliers. But a
friend has never broken one,
so it clearly is an individual
matter. Of those chips
removed unbroken, we have
tested around 250, and have
never found a bad chip.
As an unrecommended
demonstration of the
ruggedness of ICs, I
accidentally grossly
overheated one, so that when
I gripped it in vise grips, the
WARNING 2 necessary to move the flam e No matter how carefully chip was bent ina cu rve. The
When an IC is pulled from over the pins. One complete and rap idly I've worked, I plastic case must have
a board, the board often sweep should be done once or alway s burn the board at least softened significantly. After
snaps back to its original twice a second. After a once because I have trouble allowing it to cool several
position. This is especia lly second or so, the IC should removing an IC, or my pliers minutes to the point where I
true if it isn't fixed very be gripped, and rocking slip, or for some other reason. could handle it by hand, I
rigidly in place. When the tension away from the board If you consistently burn each plugged it into a circuit,
board fli ps, solder is often applied. It helps to rock the board position, your flame is expecti ng it to have failed
sprayed away from the back IC, especia ll y if comer pins probably too hot. If, totally. It worked, although I
si de of the board. I ru i ned a have been bent over to hoi d how ~ ver, it takes longer than didn't check out its ac
pair of pants by not the IC in pl ace during 5 to 10 seconds to remove an characteristics. Out of general
consid ering this before asse mbly. The IC should very IC, your flame is too cool. paranoiac distrust for a device
started. I, therefore, wear old rapidly become loose, and in A certain amount of care so intensely mistreated, I
clothes and if you don't want anoth er cou pie of seconds is necessary when gri ppi ng discarded it.
solder on the floor, cover it should come free of the the ICs. Too much pressure After removing ICs from
with newspapers. board. may crack them. Too little boards it is usually necessary
Enough warnings . .. When the IC is removed, pressure will let the pliers to clean and straighten the
following is how I pull ICs quickly drop it on th e bench s lip, costing time to pins. Boards with plated
from boards: and move the torch and pliers reposition them and marring through holes often lose their
First I clamp the board to to the IC above the one the cases. plating around the IC lead.
my bench so that I can get removed. Heating the lower When attempting to I have found this method
my vise grips on about half I C pre-warms the board remove the larger ICs such as useful as a means of quickly
the ICs (this is with a 10" x above, making the next 74181s and 74154s, which building a stock of ICs ready
14" board). I adjust the vise removal easier. Also, the come in 24 pin DIPs, I have to use in any project. It is
grips so I can grip a 14 pin IC board position just heated trouble gripp ing them, so I limited mainly by the
without the vise grips locking will cool faster, thereby rem ove them as a two step availability of exotic surplus
and then light the torch. The reducing the amount by process. First, I place an awl chips, but most standard
flame on my Benzo-ma tic which the board will be under the middle of one side, 7400 series TTL is easily
torch with the narrow tip is damaged. say between pins 6 and 7. I available. T he price of 4
about an inch long. As each column of ICs is heat that pin rowand, with cents/chip can't be beat, and
Beginning with the lowest removed, th e next is done. the awl ap plying leverage, the time required - about 10
IC I can reach, I heat it with When all ICs on one half have pullout that row. I then grip to 20 minutes/80 chip board
the torch by sweeping the been removed, reposition the the I C on its thinnest - is rather small.
torch over its pins (you board so the other half is dimension, heat the This technique provides a
obviously h eat the accessible. I've found that the remaining pins, and remove fast, cheap, safe means of
non-component side). half-way point ofte n can be a the Ie. removing chips. I hope it
Especially when using a torch good excuse to let the room So far, by using this proves as effective for you as
with a narrow flame it is ventilate and drink a beer. technique, my friends and I it does for me.
We all know When wire is at a premium reI a tively self-contained .
microcompu ters use parallel you can get by with only one local wires, tape recorders,
data for internal operations. channel if the data is sent in a etc. He also covers the
Computers - mini, micro or time-ordered sequence, one communications aspects of
maxi - are often specified bit at a time. Communicat- serial data .. .radio and
with the "bus data width" as ions and peripheral interfaces telephone network modem
a key parameter. This is the thrive on diets of serial bits hardware.
number of parallel bits which provided the speed is While Don wrote the
participate in operations at relatively low. article from the point of view
one tim e . T y pica 1 of the TV Typewriter
microprocessors now In this article, Don technology which he
available have bus data widths Lancaster provides us with an pioneered, the problems he
of 4,8,12, or 16 bits. If you excerpt from his forthcoming discusses are just as applicable
employ a used minicomputer book, TV Typewriter to the home brew computer
in your system you may Cookbook, to be published context. .. simply read
enjoy a 12,16,18, or 24 or by Howard W. Sams, "computer" every time you
even 32-bit wide bus. When Indianapolis, Indiana. Don see TVT in the text. Don's
shuffling data to or from describes the basics of parallel comments on the serial
memory and peripherals, the to serial conversion and its cassette interface will provide
parallel lines of the bus are inverse, using UART one input to the discussion of
defined simultaneously . and technology to do the various possible recording
you have to run at least as transformation. His article interfaces in the pages of
many physical wires to each this month concerns UARTs BYTE.
interfaced suh>ystem. and serial interfaces which are . .. CARL

Most TV typewriter m u ni cati 0 ns chan nel is Interfaces, such as the

circuits need all their ASCII needed, instead of multiple RS 232-C and the newer
character and command bits signal lines. Another benefit RS422 and GPI B, allowing
simultaneously available in of serial form is that it can be signals to travel relatively
parallel form. This is also true made slow enough to long distances.
of most electronic keyboard communicate over ordinary Cassette Recorders, where
encoders and the phone lines, cassette tapes, we can store and exchange
bidirectional data buses of radio channels, or characters and programs with
many minicomputers and electromechanical teletype properly designed single
Don Lancaster microprocessors. In simple systems. Some of the places channel, speed independent
Box 1112 systems, we can connect all where we'd like to use serial circuitry.
Parker AZ 85344 these parallel sources and transmission are: Radio Transmission, where
loads together as needed only two tones on a single
without any further interface Remote Keyboards, where transmitted frequency are
circuitry. a single pair interconnection often used. This is typical of
Sometimes, it's far more gets used instead of expensive ham RTTY.
useful or convenient to have multiple conductor cable . Modems, or Modulator-
the bits march by one by one Teletypes, where the bits Demodulators that let us
in serial form. While serial have to be converted to e x change data over the
form is much slower, it has signals based on current or no telephone line, either one
one big advantage - only a current in a wire loop . way , or both ways at once.
sin g lew ire 0 r co m- Industry Standard We can call the circuits

that get us from parallel to be supplied to each end of a common Baud rates. The
serial and back again serial synch ronous serial data most popular of these include
interface. Usually, there are system so we can tell when 110, 300, 600 and 1200 bits
two distinct parts to the each word is to start. This per second. 1200 BPS is
interface problem. The first is usually means a separate usually the fastest that can be Serial Uses
to convert from parallel to timing channel or track or handled by the phone
Remote keyboards
serial {or vice versa} at logic some sort of elaborate timing company wi thout fully
level, staying compatible with recovery circuit. Synchronous dedicated lines. Inside Teletypes
CMOS or TIL integrated systems are usually fast and systems, and where special
circuits. This is often done in complex, but they are rarely lines can be provided, faster Cassette recorders
an industry standard single used in most TV Typewriter synchronous standard Baud Modems
integrated circuit called a applications. rates of 2400, 4800 and 9600
UART, short for Universal With asynchronous bits per second may be used.
Asynchronous Receiver transmission, the data words Should the Baud rate
Transmitter. UARTs will are not locked into system change between transmission
simply and cheaply do the timing and can arrive with and reception, such as when
conversion and back again, almost any spacing between two recorders are used, or the
along with providing all the words . To tell the beginning batteries on one recorder age,
necessary housekeeping bits, and end of a word, we have the receiving end of the
control signals, and noise to add some new bit system has to be able to
immunity provisions. groupings, called start and adjust itself to the new
The second portion of our stop bits, to the data . We effective Baud rate if errors
conversion process gets us don't have to provide any are to be avoided.
from logic levels to whatever other locking signal between 110 Baud is very popular
form of signal the serial part the source and destination of for limited speed TV
of the system uses - such as
dc currents for teletypes,
bipolar signals for standard
Fig. 1. Standard serial communications speeds.
in te rfac e, and carefu lIy
selected tones suitable for BAUD DDD PHONE FRAME UPDATE TIME TO LOAD
transmission over a radio 110 BPS Asynchronous YES TWO WAY YES 51.2 SECONDS
channel or a phone line . We'll
300 BPS Asynch ronous NO TWO WAY YES 18.7 SECONDS
be taking a detailed look at
600 BPS Asynchronous NO ONE WAY MAYBE 9.3 SECONDS
most of these techniques
1200 BPS Asynchronous NO ONE WAY NO 4.6 SECONDS
2400 BPS Synchronous NO NO NO 2.3 SECONDS
How Fast? 4800 BPS Synchronous NO NO NO 1.2 SECONDS
There are two basic types 9600 BPS Synchronous NO NO NO 0.6 SECONDS
of serial transmission we can
use, synchronous and
asynchronous. the data. Asynchronous data Typewriter uses. This rate is
In synchronous is commonly used in TVT compatible with the ASR-33
transmission, all the systems. eight bit Teletype code and
characters {called "words"} Both ends of a serial corresponds to a 100 word
are lock e d into system transmission system have to per minute typing rate. While
timing. We know the exact exactly agree on a system this is the fastest that most
time position of each piece of speed, usually called the Baud teletypewriter systems can be
data. If some time is to go by Rate. The Baud rate is simply driven, and is easily handled
without doing anything how many bits per second are by two-way 103 style phone
useful , do-nothing words going to be transmitted, modems, it takes painfully
called nulls are provided. including any start and stop long to fill the screen. Even
Timing signals must somehow bits. Fig. 1 shows us some with a 512 character screen,

The s top bits give the
receiving circuitry a chance to
ALWAYS A ZERO AT LEAST TWO ONES shut itself down and await a

\ /\ (NEXT WORD)
new word .
The receiver can be
electronic in the case of a
UART or electromechanical
in the case of a teletype.

ANY AMOUNT OF Between words, the receiver
~------------------IOOmSEC --------------------~, BETWEEN WORDS just waits. Since the data
transmission is asynchronous,
the receiver has no way of
Fig. 2. 110 Baud, 100 word per minu te code. "0 " is a space or an open line. " 1 " is a mark or a shorted line. knowing ahead of time wh en
a new word is to arrive , so it
has to wait for a new start bit
it takes 51.2 seconds, or can follow immediately or before it can do anything.
almost a minute to load or can be sent any time later. The arrival of this bit
retransmit the screen. Fig. 2 shows us the standard. activates the receiver, which - ·
300 Baud is equal to 30 The original Teletype then goes through a
characters per second or 300 notation still carries over to seq uential procedure that
words per minute. This rate is this code. A Mark is a digital sorts out the bits, puts them
the fastest normally used by a "1 ", a shorted line, or a in parallel form, and outputs
UART Universal two frame update cursor completed connection. A them.
Asynchronous Receiver system. I t is also a rate easily Space is a digital "0", an With a UART, sequenti al
Transmitter handled by a cassette open line or a broken ti me in te rval s of 9.09
recorder, and by many connection. Between words, milliseconds each are
two-way or full duplex the teletype line or digital electronically generated and
modem systems. About 18.6 output is constantly putting the center of each interval
seconds are needed to load or out "1 "s or marks, and is window is tested against the
dump a 512 character screen. thus marking time. One of incoming code to see whether
These frame update and the reasons this was originally a "1" or a "0" is received.
retransmission rates can be done was so that any break in These are accumulated in a
minimized by using a communications is shift register, error tested,
RTTY Radio "virtual" update where one immediately known. and output as a parallel word
Teletype page is viewed while the other There are eleven bits to at the end of the interval. The
is updated, and by creative the code. Each bit is an stop bits are used to reset and
use of carriage return identical 9.09 milliseconds shut off the circuitry.
commands to return after the long for a total code time of With an electromechanical
last character of each Ii ne, 100 milliseconds per word. teletype, the break in line
rather than going on out to Each word begins with a start current caused by the stop bit
the end of the line. bit. The start bit is always a releases a one-turn clutch on
Faster Baud rates usually zero and tells the receiving a mechanical scanning
take more in the way of circuitry that a new character commutator that goes once
TVT = Television circuit design, and are usually is to begin. The start bit is around in 1 00 milliseconds. It
Typewriter limited to one-way modem essential since some ASCII sequentially routes the
transmission, premium words will begin with one or incoming code to a group of
recording techniques, and a more "1 "s and there is no scanning solenoid magnets.
Direct Memory Access type way to tell a marking time These set up the code in
of update in the TV "1" from a "1" bit in an parallel form, and at the end
Typewriter- ASCII character code. of the word, the scanner
The ASCII bits follow in resets and the code is typed
A 110 Baud Standard sequential order, starting with or output on paper tape .
The 110 Baud, 100 word bit Bl or the least significant
per minute code is an bit. After the seven character Tolerances
industry standard for slow bits, an eighth bit is sent I t's extremely important
data exchange . It is either as a "1" or providing a that both the transmitter and
compatible with the Model parity check bit for the rest receiver are clocking bits out
33 and Model 35 Teletype of the word. At least two at the same 9 .09 millisecond
systems, and other stop bits must follow the rate, and that nothing
teleprinters using an 8 level word. The stop bits are "1 "s happens in the channel to
code. The code takes 100 or marks, and any number of speed up or slow down the
milliseconds to send a additional marking I/l"s can bits . There are many possible
character. The next character follow between characters. sources of error. If the bit

positions jitter around or are receiver d e lay is also serial to parallel conversion
differentially delayed to by supposed to be 77.26 and return process. Several
any tone keying, the filtering, milliseconds . If our sampling pin compatible UARTs
or channel response, we get a is narrow enough, we can be appear in Fig. 3. These are
bias error. Bias errors put up to just under half a bit general purpose,
individual bits ahead of or slow or fast and still be able programmable devices that let
behind where they actually to read the parity bit without you select the number of
belong. One source of bias in error. Th is corresponds to a start and stop bits, the word
a two tone modem or cassette time error of 4.53 length, type of parity, and so
system occurs when one tone milliseconds either way, or on to suit your particul ar
is delayed more than the slightly over 5%. system. Dedicated UART-like
other in any filtering circuit. But, this figure leaves no devices are also available for
This is called the group delay room for bias and jitter errors use with specific
distortion problem. and doesn't give the slower microprocessors. The Intel
If the basic transmission e lectromechanical circuits 8201 and the Motorola 6850
and reception rates differ so enough time width to reliably are typical of these.
that the bits can get ahead of respond to the incoming data. The standard UART
or behind where they're As a practical rule, the comes in a 40 pin package,
supposed to be, we have a receiver and transmitter bit and has supply voltages of +5
skew error. Note that bias times must match to well routed to pin #1, -12 to pin
errors apply to individual within plus or minus one #2, and ground to pin #3.
bits, while skew errors are percent. It is absolutely The later versions of these
pro gressive, making each essential to hold th ings this devices are N channel types
sequential bit decision that close for low-error that need no -12 supply, and
much more difficult to detect communications.
without error. We get a skew A 300 Baud asynchronous
error if there is an absolu te timing system is very similar
ti mi ng difference between Fig. 3. Pin compatible UARTS.
to Fig. 2 and uses the same
transmitter and receiver. eleven bit code of equally
Cassette recording systems spaced bits. The only S1883 (American Microsystems)
introduce a potential skew difference is that the per-bit AY·5·1012 (General Instruments)
error if the record and time is 3.33 milliseconds, 2536 (Signetics)
playback rates differ. This corresponding to a 300 Hertz COM2502 (Standard Microsystems)
easily happens with cheaper clock rate. Optionally, only a TMS6012 (Texas Instruments)
units susceptible to speed single stop bit may be used. TR1602 (Western Digital)
variations with battery This rate is cassette and TV
volt age, a nd almost is Typ ewriter compatible a nd
inevitable if the recording is may be used for full duplex
done on one machine and (two way) operation in most that pin is left unconnected.
playback on a second. modem circuits, but it is too The Ge neral Instruments
Recording skew errors are fast for teletype use. AY-5-1 014 is one of these.
correctable if the recordi ng The low number pins
signals are designed to include Using UARTs (1-20) are the receive portion
speed information, and the Parallel to serial of the UART, while the high
receiver is capable of using conversion and back again number pins (21-40) are the
this information to speed up can obviously be done with transmit portion . Except for
or slow down as needed to CMOS or TTL circuits. common word length and
eli min ate this error source. Basically, you parallel load a parity programming, the two
How accurate do we have shift register and serially halves of the circuit are
to be? This is easy to clock out data or serially separate, although they oftep
calculate. Assum e clock in data to a shift are used as a send-receive
temporarily that there are register and then latch its pair.
zero jitter and zero bias errors parallel outputs when the Both the receiver and
in the channel, and that we data is valid. By the time you transmitter portions of the
are using an electronic add all the error testing circuit need a clock. The
receiver that very narrowly circuitry, housekeeping bits, clock frequency is usually
samples for valid data. The synchronization, and so on, sixteen times the Baud rate.
last data bit we are interested the circuits tend to get This high frequency lets the
in is the parity bit. The center specialized and complex. UART do things like sample
of the parity bit is 8Y:1 bits Instead of this route, you the center of each data
removed from the beginning can use an industry standard interval and recheck for valid
of the start bit, a delay of MOS integrated circuit called start signals and similar good
77 .26 milliseconds. The a UART for virtually any things. For instance, a 110

Fig. 4. UART circuit to transmit code of Fig. 2. the number of data words .
The code o( Fig. 2 uses our
ASCII PARALLEL INPUT SEND start bit, seven data bits, one
MSB 6 ~ 4 3 2 LSB parity bit, and one stop bit
JL ... for an eleven unit code. Pin
INPUT ~---+----o SERIAL 39 picks even or odd parity
1760Hz DATA wi th ground giVing odd
I-MARK- parity. An optional reset
4800Hz HIGH
(300BAUD) 40 input is provided on pin 21.
It is normally grounded.
AY-5-IOI2 Bringing it high resets the
UART UART. Without resetting, the
TOP first word transmitted after
VIEW power is first applied can be
The UART transmitter is
+~ -12 double buffered. This means
you can load a new character
as soon as the one already
inside begins its transmission.
Baud circuit needs a clock of skew error that would Two optional outputs are
1760 Hertz, while a 300 Baud normally result from a change provided. Pin 22 tells you
one uses a 4800 Hertz clock in tape speed from time to when it is OK to provide a
and so on. time or machine to machine. new character by going high.
The clock signals can be Fig. 4 shows us the Pin 24 tells you that a
derived from a CMOS or 555 connections for transmission character has been
type of astable oscillator, but of the 11 unit code of Fig. 2. completely sent when it goes
it is far better to digitally The input ASCII code goes high.
derive clock frequencies from on pins 26 through 33, with There are two ways you
TVT system timing or the least significant or b 1 bit can use a UART transmitter,
another stable source. on pin 26. A 16X clock goes either unconditionally or
Remember these clock signals into pin 40, and a KP send handshaking . In the
must be held to well within command goes to pin 23. The u ncon ditional mode, any
one percent and ideally leading edge of this send time a character arrives, it
shouldn't have any command starts transmission, gets sent. This is the simplest,
adjustments. If our TVT has a but the input data must be but you have to make
15,840 horizontal rate, we valid for the entire time the absolutely certain that
can divide this by nine to command is positive. characters don't arrive spaced
exactly get 1760 for a 110 Normally, this is a narrow or grouped too closely
Baud system. With a 15,720 pulse a few milliseconds wide, together. While pairs of
rate, we get 1746.6 Hertz, a derived from a keypressed inputs can be closely spaced
figure a bit low, but still command on a keyboard. much the same way that two
useful and less than one Serial output data appears on key rollover works in a
percent under. pin 25. keyboard, you have to be
The receiver and Pins 34-39 progr(lm the absolutely certain that the
transmitter clock inputs are UA RT for different bit long term average is never
on separate pins. They are lengths and codes. 34 is an exceeded by the word rate of
often tied to a common clock enable that normally remains the UART. This means a 100
source in si mple send-receive high. Pin 35 provides a parity millisecond character spacing
circuits. One important bit if it is grounded and omits for 110 Baud, and around
exception is when a UART is one if it is high. Pin 36 picks one third that for a 300 Baud
used as part of a the number of stop bits. system . In the handshaking
speed-independent cassette Ground gives you one and mode, the UART decides
interface. In this case, the high gives you two. 37 and 38 when it wants to receive a
receiver clock frequency is together decide how many new character, using the pin
derived from the tape during data bits are to be sent, 22 and 24 outputs. Circuits
p I a y b ac k. W h i l e i t i s ranging from 5 to 8 . Both driving the UART are set up
nominally the same as the grounded provide for 5 data to provide characters only
transmitter frequency, its bits, useful for Baudot RTTY when they are asked for
exact value is set by speed transmission. The connection them. For most TVT uses,
information recovered from shown gives us a seven bit unconditional UART
the recorder. Th is can be used data word. Note that if you transmission is simpler and
to eliminate much of the use the parity bit, it adds to easier to use.

Fig. 5 shows us the UART Baud rate, applied to pin 17. invert it, and reapply it to the
receiver circuit, again set up In send-receive systems, we strobe reset input pin 18. Fig.
for the code of Fig. 2. The can often tie the receiver and 5 shows us one way to do this
receiver logic has elaborate transmitter clocks together. with a RC network and a
noise elimination provisions, In speed-independent cassette CMOS inverter . Many UART
made possible by the sixteen interface circuits, the receive receiver problems are caused
times higher clock frequency. clock is reconstructed from by failing to reset the strobe
Whenever a start bit is speed information recovered after each character - watch
purportedly received, that bit from the recorder to this particular detail very
is retested later and verified eliminate skew errors. closely.
to prevent a random noise The serial input is routed Several additional outputs
pulse from generating an to pin 20 and converted to are available for use in fancier
unwanted character output. the equivalent seven bit systems. Parity, framing, and
All data bits are narrowly parallel ASCII output on pins overrun errors produce
sampled in the middle of 6 through 12, with the least respective high outputs on
their possible time slots, significant bit on pin 12. pins 13 through 15. These
allowing considerable bias When the output is valid, a can be used to ask for a
and skew distortion to exist strobe on pin 19 goes high as repeat or put in a question
without error. an output. mark to indicate a
"The same pin 34-39 inputs This output strobe must transmission error. All
that programmed the be reset before a new receiver UART outputs are
transmitter's word length and character can be output. If tri-state and may be floated
format identically program we're operating in a in systems where the UART's

Fig. 5. UART circuit to receive code of Fig. 2. Parity, word length, and stop bits set by transmitter
programming, pins 34-39.





+5 -12

MSB 6 5 4 3 2 LSB
1760 Hz (110 BAUD)

the receiver portion of the handshaking mode , the TVT outputs must share a
UART. Although the receiver circu itry accepti ng the common or a bidirectional
and transmitter can be used character sends back an data buss. Making pin 4
in totally different circuits acknowledgement or positive disables the ASCII
and at different baud rates , completion signal that outputs, while making pin 16
they have to operate with a momentarily drives pin 18 positive disables the error
common format, set by these low. If we are using an outputs.
pins . unconditional output mode, Besides its usual use as a
The receiver needs its own you somehow have to delay two way serial to parallel
clock of sixteen times its the pin 19 strobe outptJt, converter, there are other

useful circuit tricks you can figures-letters logic is added Rec eptio n reverses the from the UART is read as a
do with a UART. For to them. We'll note in passing process. A momentary break "1" by the teletype. Be sure
instance, by connecting the that a UART may be used in representing the start bit to observe the line polarities
parallel outputs of the the Baudot code by app lying releases a once-around shown. The transistors can be
receiver back to the pa rallel the code to pins 26-30 with commu ta tor that di str ibu tes almost any medium power,
inputs of the transmitter, you the least significant bit on pin the code breaks to magnets reasonable gain devices. More
can change Baud rates. This is 26, and making pin 35 high which set up a pattern for inform at ion on teletype
handy in speeding up slow and grounding pins 37 and printing when the scan is interface appears in the Intel
data for use on a fast channel, 38. Older UARTs will complete. MCS-8 Users Manual.
and for correcting speed generate two stop bits, while Fig. 6 sh ows us the Similar current-no current
errors on cassette systems. more recent ones (such as the interface for a Model 33 interface loops can be used
If the UART is to accept TR 1602B) will automatically teletype . For optimum use, with older teletype systems .
data from several sources genera te the needed 1 .42 stop the teletype is internally However, some of these
you can either tri-state bits in this mode. pro grammed to a 20 machin es need substantially
combine the sources onto a The second common type milli ampere current loop and high er currents and are
single input buss, or else use of machine is the compu ter full duple x operation. This is notorious as transient and
an input eight pole, double and timesh aring stan da rd done following the teletype's ground noise generators. With
throw selector switch to pick teletype the Teletype maintenance manual. Full these older machines, total
one of two input channels. models 33 a nd 35, duplex operation means that isolation is stro ng ly
This is common in TVT particularly the ASR-33. the keyboard and printer recommended, using small,
service, where the keyboard
forms one channel and the
screen retransmission output
Fig. 6. UART-teletype (ASR-33) interface. Teletype must be internally
buss forms the other. 4502 set to 20 mA loop curren t an d full duplex operation.
hex tri-state drivers or 4019
fou r pole selectors are
suitable CMOS devices to use.
In general, tri-state lines onto + +
a common buss are much
preferable to selectors, but ,..-t--+--+-+--+---tf---...., AS R - 33
few keyboard encoders have OUTPUT
inherent tri-state output, and '-'-t-+~.....;.+-"+~r--.;;....-J TE R M I NA L S
the output buss on the TVT IIOVAC
often has to continously drive loon 470
the display if we want to view '--+---"If\I'r-..Q - 12
the retransmission process. 2N2907 10K
...----"If\I'r--o + 5
Teletype Interface 2N2222
There are two common 4049
types of teletype systems in (CMOS)
use today. The older type is
the five code bit machine, TO TTY -12 TTY TO
typical examples of which are FROM UART UART
the Teletype model 28, the
Creed model 75, and various
Kleinschmidt models. Wh ile
these machines are com-
m erc ially obsolete, they These use a standard eight bit are n't con nected to each high speed reed relays or else
still see usage for ham RTIV ASCII code a nd follow the other. The keyboard can sen d opto-isolator circuits.
and some deaf communi- format of Fig. 2. Th ey are and the printer receive both With a ny teletype system,
cations systems. Their directly compatible with TVT at the same time. the transmit Baud rate of the
reaso nable price availability system coding. _ Th e transmitter interface UART must match the needs
makes them attractive for Either type of system is provides a 20 milliampere of the teletype to within one
home computer hard copy as based on break ing current in curre nt for a mark or a o ne percen t. In th e case of the
well, although the available a dc loop. This curre nt is and an open circuit for a ASR-33, a 110 Baud rate is
character presentation is often either 20 or 60 space or a zero. The receiver needed, resulting in a 16X
extremely limited . These mill i a mperes. Transmission senses a closed contact for a UART clock of 1760 Hert z.
older machines all use the occurs when a mechanicall y mark or a o ne and an open
more or less obsolete Baudot coded commutator generates con tact for a space or a zero. Industrial Interface
code and are not directly an output code by Ex tra inverte rs are added as There are presently quite a
ASCII and TVT compatible, once-around breaking the shown to make the codes few "standard " interfaces
unless conversion ROMs and current as often as needed. correspond so that a " 1 " used to get between

system, it's extremely
important to enable only one
driver at a time. The 75108
and 75109 are typical
Fig. 7. Industrial interfaces for cable interconnections. balanced line drivers and
The General Purpose
(NATIONAL) (NATIONAL) Interface Buss or GPIB uses
1/4 LM 1488 1/4LMI489
TTL compatible levels, but
IN ~--...;..--; :>0--- OUT
combines them with a
~+~~ ;ti 50pF terminated line, high drive
o capability, and receivers with
-J::::l__ _ ..l'--.r- I~I hysteresis for good noise
-;J; 50pF -;J; 400pF immunity. The GPIB is most
1/4LMI489 " /~LMI';e8
often used in parallel form to
interface test and measuring
(a) RS232-C
equipment with computers
and calcu lators. It can also be
used as an effective serial
interface that takes no special
ENA8LE ENABLE power supplies. The 3440 is a
+12mA OUT
quad bus transceiver useful
for GPI B service.
~omA More information on EIA
0 EN
standards are available from
1/2 75109 1/275109 the Electronic Industries
Association, 2001 Eye St.
NW, Washington DC 20006,
(b) RS422 while information on the
GPI B interface is available
from Hewlett Packard, 1501
Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto CA
r----, Cassette Interface
-----+5V I I
I E~~BLE ...!......------....~+-=;.:.:.:.:=-+I~ I E~~BLE Magnetic storage in the
~'--/ I form of tape drive, disc files,
OUT I lOUT and floppy discs have long
L ___ ..J
been a standard and
1/4 MC3440
(MOTOROLA) expensive way of storing bulk
serial data for computer use.
(c) GPIB
An obvious and extremely
low cost substitute for these
would seem to be the
ordinary audio cassette
recorder. Besides providing
bulk storage, the cassette can
commercial modems, commercial modem circuits circuits form a typical replace paper tape and
p ri n te rs, test equipment, and for most large scale interface pair. punched cards, and handle
computers, and anywhere else computer serial interface. The RS422 is a newer EIA programs as well. One big
you need a reasonable signal is bipolar, with a logic standard that uses balanced advantage of cassettes is
distance, noise free interface . "1" being defined as +3 to +9 transmission lines and potentially low cost
Three of the most common volts or more and a logic "0" differential current sensing to duplication and distribution
include the RS232, the being defined as -3 to -9 volts eliminate any common mode and exchange of programs.
RS422, and the General or more. Capacitors on the noise. A current, typically of Cassette recorders present
Purpose Interface Buss or drivers limit risetimes to 30 6 to 12 milliamperes in one several serious design
GPI B. Fig. 7 shows us what's volts per microsecond or less direction, defines a "1 ", problems when used for
involved in the way of signal to minimize ringing and while the reversed current storage of digital data. Even a
levels and interface transient effects. Capacitors defines a "0". The balanced quality machine will vary its
techniques. on the receivers limit the line may be used either single speed by a percent or more,
RS232-C is an old E IA response as needed to reject direction or bidirectional, and the machine to machine
standard that predates IC noise but pass the highest depending on how the variations, particularly on
techniques and is somewhat transmitted Baud rate. The rece iver enables are used. In lower cost units, can far
unwieldy . It is widely used in 1488 and 1489 integrated any bidirectional or party Ii ne exceed the amount of skew

optimum as they have no way adjustments is obviously
Fig. 8 Speed independent cassette standards.
to compensate for recorder desirable, particularly if the
speed variations. Similarly, system can be very tolerant
many of the standard of recorder I evels and
ARK = 1 = 16 CYCLES OF 1760 HZ
computer tape recording settings, and need no exotic
SPACE = 0 = 8 CYCLES OF 880 HZ
techniques may work, but codings, preambles or other
they are based on a different limitations.
300 BAUD (FIG. 2 CODE WITH 300 HZ BIT RATE) type of recording head and We can base such a speed
MARK = 1 = 16 CYCLES OF 4800 HZ system - one that works with variation tolerant or "speed
SPACE = 0 = 8 CYCLES OF 2400 HZ pulses, saturated flux independent" system on a
changes, and sense amp lifers, un i que property of the
600 BAUD (FIG. 2 CODE WITH 600 HZ BIT RATE) rather than one that records UART. For every received
MARK = 1 = 8 CYCLES OF 4800 HZ and plays back sine waves one or zero bit, the UART
SPACE = 0 = 4 CYCLES OF 2400 HZ more or less linearly. needs exactly sixteen receiver
!clock doubling required)
An ideal cassette interface clock pulses . By designing a
would handle any machine standard so that sixteen
and provide for machi ne to cycles of clock are recovered
machin e variations. We'd also from a one recorded on the
distorti on the code of Fig. 2 lik e to supply some tape, and sixteen cycles of
can stand - if the receiver protection against dropouts, c10c k are recovered from a
UA RT is running at a perhaps in the form of zero on the tape, the UART
constant clock rate. Some of integratio n or mUltiple voting will always receive just the
the techn iques used to send on what constitutes a one or exact number of clock pulses
.data over modems and radio a zem. A low cost, simple it needs per one or zero. Tape
channels will work with a system using a single supply speed variations of plu sand
single, quality recorder, but vol tage and a minimum minus 30 percent or more
these circuits are far from n u m b e r 0 f non· c r i tical should be possible.

Fig. 9. Speed independent cassette interface. Values shown for 300 Baud rate. Recorder speed may vary
(a) Record circuit.

4001 LOW= ';'1 TO

(C MOS) HIGH= ';'2 4013 RECORDER


+ 5 o---'III/'v------.


(b) Playback circuit.


" EAR"
0----1 f-'lMr--'---'-~


'---------0 TO


Fig. 8 shows us a set of capacitively coupled to the nothing for each one. The
standards for speed recorder AUX input. leading edges of these outputs
i n d e pen den t cas sette The receiver gets its signal are sensed and shortened to
interface. All three standards from the recorder EAR 25 microseconds, and then
are based on the code and bit output. This signal is high combined with the input 25
timing of Fig. 2. A 110 Baud p ass filtered and doubly microsecond pulses. The
standard records 16 cycles of limited, first by a pair of resu It is 16 clock pulses
1760 Hertz for a one and diodes and then by a CMOS routed to the UART receive
eight cycles of 880 Hertz for op amp. This particular op clock - either sixteen from
a zero. The 300 Baud version, amp lets you run the inputs the data for a one, or eight
which is recommended for at the same voltage as the from the data and eight from
most uses, records 16 cycles "negative" supply. If you use the monostable for a zero.
of 4800 Hertz for a "1" and a standard op amp here, The monostable's output
8 cycles of 2400 Hertz for a you'll need either a negative also goes to a flip flop to
zero. A 600 Baud version can supply or positive input bias. recover the data. We get a
be based on the 300 Baud
s ta n dard by halvi ng the
length and doubling the clock
Fig. 10. Key wavefonns of speed independen t cassette interface.
Fig. 9 shows us the 300
Baud circuitry involved, along
with the key waveforms of --"v~------ -------.,'r''''------O -------...'r
Fig. 10. Even including the +5
$5 to $10 cost of the UART
(usable elsewhere in the TVT 251'SEC PULSES
anyway), the circuit is
extremely simple, non- 1 II " 1 11 11 111 1 1 1 1
critical, and cheap. +5
Fig. 9A shows the record (C) MONOSTABLE OUTPUT
circuit. As usual, a UART
transmit clock of 16 times ~
" I" 1.-_ _ _ _ _ _"_0_'_'_ _ _ _ _ ....J~ II

the Baud rate must be +5

provided. For recorder use, "I" " 0 II

the duty cycle of this clock (E) DELAYED It INTEGRATED DATA

must be stable and nearly -rl-rl"'-1T""'111r"'TI--'I-r1-'-1'--1r-TII--'I-rl"'-1'-1r-I+"'IC--r:+-rl-r+'I -+"I---,=trrl-r+'--I+l"---'+I""T'"I""-I +:

50%. Note that the UART (F) RECOVERED CLOCK
serial data will always change EFFECT OF SPEED VARIATION

synchronously with the

UART clock, after a brief
propagation delay. Clock and
Data from the UART A CMOS gate following the "1" out of the first flip flop
transmitter are sent to a gate op amp improves the rise and whenever 16 cycles of high
and flip flop that divides the fall time. frequency data are received
clock by two if the data is a The gate's output is and a zero whenever 8 cycles
zero and divides by one if the shortened and generates a of low frequency data are
data is a one. This is done by pulse that lasts for 25 received. The second flip flop
resetting the flip flop about microseconds or so, coin- integra tes the output of the
half way through a clock cident with the posillvl:: edge first one to eliminate any
cycle if the data is a "1". We of the transmitter clock. This noise pulses and to take an
get six teen clock frequency trips a negative recovery average of several sequential
cycles with a "1" and eight monostable set to two thirds ones or zeros before
half clock frequency cycles the period of the lower providing an output.
with a "0". Since the inputs frequency clock. If a string of As the tape speeds up or
are sy nchronized, there are "1 "s is received, the slows down, the input square
no transient problems, and all monostable keeps on being waves will also speed up or
cycles are full length. This retriggered and never drops slow down. The monostable's
output is 10: 1 attenuated and its output. If a string of "O"s output can absorb almost a
moderately filtered to round is received, the monostable 33 percent increase (from
the rise and fall times. This drops its output for the final half to 2/3) of the high
prevents excess peaking of one third of each cycle. The frequency clock period, or a
the high frequency net result is that you get a 33 percent decrease (from 1
compensation inside the train of 8 negative going to 2/3) of the low frequency
recorder. The output is pulses out for each zero and clock period without error.

The spacing of alternate zero result with the output volume going from a cassette to a
clock pulses to the UART control about half way up teletype, data can be
will change as the speed and the tone control set to resynchronized by connecting
changes - but the UART maximu m treble boost. the UART parallel receiver
doesn't care a bou t th is so A very important point outputs to the UART parallel
long as the clock pulses don't that's often overlooked is the transmitter inputs. Once
actually overlap. This jitter is tape quality . Bad tape means again, make sure you can't
automatically eliminated by bad data. Use only fine grain overspeed the system.
circuits inside the UART. premium tapes (Radio Shack
Supertape is typical). The key Radio Data Links
You calibrate the system
by inputting a string of "1 "s thing to watch for is whether One of the more common
and noting the pot position the amplitude variation is methods of sendi ng serial
where errors first happen. guaranteed to less than one digital data over a radio
You then input a string of decibel. If the variation isn't channel is to use a two
zeros and note the pot specified - don't use the frequency frequency shift
position where errors first tape. The cost difference keyer method in which one
happen. Then you set the pot between good and cheap tape frequency represe nts a digital
one third of the distance is negligible. You should also one and the other a digital
from the limiting one to the always "certify" your tape zero.
limiting zero settings. This is before you use it by writing a Ham RTTY provides us
a non-critical adjustment. The repetitive and obvious pattern with a typical example. At
sy mmetry control can over the entire tape length the audio baseband, two
optionally be adjusted with a and checking for errors, tones are used, defined as
scope, or else by inputting splices or dropouts. 2125 Hertz for a mark, or
alternate ones and zeros a nd Extra controls to start and one, and 2925 Hertz for a
adjusting for one half the stop the recorder can zero or space. These tones
supply voltage (as read on a optionally be added to make represent the fifth and
meter) at the UART receiver the storage more effic ient. seventh harm o nic of 425
data output. Data should never be entered Hertz.
There is one little detail or removed until the recorder These tones may be
that must be checked. The is up to speed, and the digitally generated the same
positive edge of the UART UART's output lines can be way the modem tones of the
transmit clock must be the gated to prevent garbage from next section are produced, or
Oddly enough, though same edge that, when getting into the system. may be generated by a
the circuit will work received, is tripping the Formatting data by setting it voltage controlled oscillator
with poor quality negative recovery up on the TVT screen and such as a 555,8038 or a 566.
recorders, the tape monostable. If it isn't, you then using a screen read to These frequency shifted tones
quality should be good may get partial pulses instead load the tape will give you are used to frequency
- bad tape means bad of a nice uniform eight pulse dense storage. modulate an rf carrier.
data. train during a zero. Recorders One final detail that may Alternately, the carrier itself
may vary in their internal need watching is to make sure can remain at its normal
circuitry and may provide a the cassette recorder can 't frequency for a mark and can
phase inversion between overspeed the system if you be shifted doWl 850 Hertz
input and output. If you have happen to record on a slow (the difference between 2125
this problem, either use the Q machine and playback on a and 2925) for a zero, with
output of the recorder flip fast one. This could output the audio differences being
flop, or interchange the characters faster than can be picked up by mistuning the
connections on pi ns 2 and 3 accepted by a teletype or a receiver by 2125 Hertz.
of the receiver limiter. Once TVT frame update system. Fig. 11 shows us a typical
set for a given recorder, there The way around this problem receiver demodulator circuit.
should be no further is to set some maxi mu m The carrier is received and
problems along this line. possible character rate that detected by a FM receiver,
While the circuit seems to will let the return characters adjusted to output audio
work with amazingly poor speed up without problems - tones of 2125 and 2925
recorders, best operation is use of a 7.5 Hertz rate on a Hertz. These tones are limited
gotten with a clean, medium 110 Baud system or a 22.5 and routed to two bandpass
to better grade recorder, Hertz rate on a 300 Baud filters, one set to the upper
preferably one that has an system is one example. A and one set to the lower
automatic level control on second potential solution is frequency. Ou tputs are
the input and tone controls to use two separate UARTs - amplitude detected a nd
available, along with an AUX programmi ng the transmi tter compared, resulting in a one
input and an EAR output. for two stop bits and the out for a frequency of 2125
Best operation will normally receiver for only one. When and a zero for 2925. This

output may be routed to a company regulations and systems that are useful over
UART for serial to parallel .interconnect restrictions, ordinary telephone lines,
conversion. Normally a 7.42 needs a physical connection based on the Bell 103, 202
unit code of 60 or 100 words to the phone line, and needs and 400 series systems. You
per minute, using Baudot its own hybrid or means of can rent these from the
encoding, is used for ham separating transmitted and phone company or others,
RTTY. received data. buy them outright from
Any radio carrier system There are several basic modem firms, or design your
must follow the rules and ways to use modems. Simplex own with the guidelines of
regu la tions for the particu lar transmission goes one way this chapter. Most of the
frequencies used. Best only. Simplex with a back com mercial modems use
performance of a frequency channel goes one way only, RS232-C interface standards
s hi fte d keyed system but provides for some low and include such logic and
normally resul ts when the
generated frequencies are
sinewaves and are switched,
transient free, at their zero Fig. 11 . Audio processor for RTTY receiver.
crossings. Receiver filters
should delay both sets of
frequencies identically to 4558 OR OTHER
2125 Hz = MARK· I
prevent ones from getting 2925 Hz = SPACE =0 68K "PREMIUM 741" OP AMPS
ahead of zeros or vice versa, 6 . 8K
and thus creating times when INPUT FROM
neither a one or a zero, or FM RECEIVER
both of them together are
simultaneously present. As
with any serial interface, 10K
input and output code
formats and Baud rates must 10K
closely agree. IMEG
>-~~~~ __~__~~~-.~50K
Modems BIAS
.047 ADJ
Modems, or modulator- -12
demodula tors, are ways to get
tones or tone groups onto the
telephone line and off again
in order to send and receive
digital data. Two common frequency communications, switching functions as
ways of coupling modems to often limited to 4 Baud or au tomatic answer and
the phone line are to use less, in the other direction. hangup, carrier detect, and
small speakers to acoustically This can provide for other housekeeping signals.
couple to a standard handset, handshaking, message The 400 systems are based
or to directly connect to the acknowledgement, etc . .. , on the touch tone ringing
phone line through a suitable but is far too slow to return frequencies and accept
protective network or data data. Half duplex systems can contacts as inputs and are
access arrangement. send or re·ceive data, but not limited in the number of
Acoustical coupling can be simu Itaneously. Either the characters and the Baud rate.
used anywhere on an transmitter is off or in a mark Bau d ra tes of 10 to 20
unmodified telephone, but condition while data is being characters per second are
has problems with frequency received, or the receiver is usually the maximum, and
response, microphonics, and disabled while data is being operation is normally
second harmonic distortion sent. In full duplex systems, simplex, with a separate unit
caused by the carbon data can be sent both ways, needed for transmission and
transmitter. Direct coupling independently, and at the reception.
gi ves better control and same time. The 202 systems are
better performance, bu t has There are at least three half-duplex modems that can
to meet certain telephone basic types of modem run up to 1200 Baud over the

phone line, but cannot and opposite signals into the tenth this value for local
simultaneously communicate receiver wi ndi ngs. This service, and even less on long
in both directions unless a effectively cancels much of distance loops.
special four wire system is the local transmi tter's signal When the phone is
used . into the receiver. The net connected to the line by
The 103 modems are full resu It is to keep transmitter lifting the hookswitch, the
duplex and maybe used at energy from being wasted in line voltage drops to around 6
110 and 300 Baud rates. For its own receiver and volts or so. The traditional
the majority of TVT uses, min Imlzes a "hear yourself" dial signals by breaking this
sidetone that psychologically connection to deliver a group
Fig. 12. Telephone schematic. makes people speak much of mechanically spaced pulses
more quietly. The duplex coil that jump the line voltage
attenuates the transmitted between the open circuit and
signal by four decibels (to phone-off-the-hook values.
60% voltage), the received Touch tone systems replace
signal by two deci bels (to the dial with a low impedance
RECEIVER 80% voltage), and the that sums the tones of the
si detone by seventeen next section (see Fig. 13)
CARBON LINE decibels (to 14% voltage). onto the line for signalling, a
TRANSMITTER T The line is powered by a pair of tones at a time.
48 volt central office battery The ringer is capacitively
supply, and the ac impedance coupled across the line and is
of the line is nominally 600 resonant to some low
Ohms, but varies with frequency in the 20 to 47
distance and quality of Hertz range. Ringing voltage
service. The audio signal is an ac signal of 86 volts
levels at the line terminals are RMS. Selective ringing of a
this series, run at either Baud fractions of a volt. Normally, party line can be done in
rate, is the most practical. the loudest permissible three wire systems with a
Unlike the other serial modem tones are arou nd a ground return by ringing one
interface circuits of this quarter of a volt, measured phone from L1 to ground and
article, proper design of a on the outgoing line. the other one from L2 to
good 103 style modem circuit Received signals are lower ground. In two wire systems,
with reasonable noise still, typically one half to one ringer circuits with different
performance is a major job,
particularly if your circuit has
to operate over the dial up
network for long distances
Fig. 13. Standard touch tone frequencies. Each key simultaneously
and is to reliably generates two tones as shown.
communicate with
commercial modems on the
other end. HERTZ OPTIONAL KEYS ' \ I

1209 1336 1477 ,\633

Phone Characteristics
A simplified schematic of
,....-.............., r-- L_,
a standard 500 telephone set 697 I----<>
is shown in Fig. 12. A carbon 2 3 I I
variable resistance transmitter L_[_J
and a magnetic headphone- ,....- -,
style receiver are connected GHI JKL MNO I I
to the line by way of a 770 r--<>
duplex coil, a normally closed
dial contact, and a pair of
4 6
I I ·

open when unused r- -,

hookswitch con tacts. 852 1----0
The duplex coil makes
sure that outgoing signals
8 9

reach the line and that r- · -,

ingoing signals reach the OPER I I
941 1----0
receiver with a minimum of
interference. This is done by
* o #

hav i n g two tran sm i tter

windings induce nearly equal

resonant frequenc ies can be of this chapter, the code is Additional information on
selectively rung by changing activated directl y by contact touch tone techniques
the frequency of the ring closures. One closure, rath er appears in the March 1963
signal. than a seria l code, is all that is IEEE Transactions on
For direct entry modems, needed to send one of twe lve Applications and IndustlY,
either a protective network or or one of sixteen separate the S ignetics Linear Ie
a data access arrangement pieces of information . Applications Manual, a nd
such as the Bell CBS or CBT
units can be used. These
networks s imul ate the
impedance of the telephone Fig. 14. Full duplex 300 Baud modems.
when ac tivated and prevent (a) Originate modem (unit making call).
any supply voltages from
going onto or coming off of SERIA L
t he power line. Under no DATA
FROM ~ 1070 H z SPACE f- 1500Hz
circu mstances should dc UART 1270 Hz MARK LOWPASS
power be applied to or
removed from the phone
system lin es , o r any LiN E
impedance be placed across
TO ~
1900-2350 Hz I
the line or to grou nd that UART

wou l d degrade norm a l

telep hone services.

400 Style (Touch Tone) (b) Answer modem (unit receiving call).
Modems based on touch DATA
tone signalling frequencies are FROM ~ 2025 Hz SPACE
2225 Hz MARK --- 2500 Hz
usually limited to low data
rates and ofte n to a limited ~ DUPLEXER
number of ava il ab le
characte rs. Touch tone
si gna ll i ng is base d on
simultaneously se ndin g a pair
of carefully chose n tones,
1070 Hz MARK
950 - 1400 Hz

following the code of Fig. 13.

The tone pair must exist
for 40 milliseconds and the Additional tones or tone various issues of the Bell
minimum time between tone comb in atio ns can be added, System Technical Journal.
pairs is 40 milliseconds, with such as in the Bell 401 L or
a resu l t ing ma x im um 402C systems that offe r 99 or 103 Sty le (300 Baud, Full
characte r rate of 12 per 256 c haracters. Duplex) Modems
second. Touch tones are T o u ch tone receptio n "103" style mod ems are
normally ente red at signal consists of three parts. First, often t he best choice for TVT
levels somewhat higher than tile signals need sh arp ly use, as they offer full d u plex,
other voice and modem filtered with bandpass gro up two way, operatio n at 110 or
signals, being aro und three filters whose response is 650 300 Baud rates over the
quarters of a vol t RMS for to 1000 Hertz for the low ordinary phone lin e. Fig. 14
the high frequencies and band a nd 1150 to 1700 Hertz shows us a block diagram of
around half a volt for the low for the hi gh band. Adequate this type of modem.
gro up . Line characteristics prefiltering is abso lute ly The c ircuits are used in
equali ze these amplitudes by essential for most tone pairs. The mod em at the e nd
the ti me they get to detection sc hemes. Ton es are that's doing the callin g is
recogn ition circuits. then detected, using limi te rs called an origi nate modem . It
A touch tone modem and slicers somewhat simi lar sends a 1070 Hertz sine wave
transmitter can simp ly be t he to Fig. 9, using narrow for a space or zero and a
touch tone dial of a remote bandpass f il ters and 1270 He rtz sine wave for a
phone, or it can be a circuit detectors, or using phase lock mark or one, usua ll y at a
to generate two si ne waves of loop tone detectors such as phone leve l of -10 DBM or
proper ampl itud e a nd Signetics 567 tone decoder. around a quarter of a volt
frequency simultaneo usly . Finally , the detected tones RMS. The mod em that's
Unlike other modems, and are combi ned with suitab le doing the receiving is called
much of the serial interface two of e ight digita l logic. an answer modem, and it

second harmonic distortion does not eliminate sidetone
of the carbon mike doesn't coupling. If you build your
rai se its signals to an own duplexer instead, the
intolerable level. Partial same cancellation is only
compensation of this carbon partial because of changing
mike effect can be gotten by telephone line impedances.
summing a sine wave of plus I n addition to getti ng rid
one half the third harmonic of unwanted signals, there's a
with the fundamental. This second severe restriction to
causes some cancellation and the input filter. Both the ones
allows a higher level of and zeros going through the
transmission. Since most filter must be delayed an
modem detectors use only equal amount. Otherwise the
the zero crossing information, ones and zeros will get out of
Fig. 15. Digital "sine wave" modem transmitter is easily filtered as first
it's important to coherently step with each other and
strong harmonics (-20 dB) are the ninth and eleventh. switch between these two cause timing errors.
frequencies , changing only There are two basic ways
when the sine wave goes to go about building this style
through zero. The coherent of modem. An analog modem
lOX FREQUENCY OF operation eliminates "short generates and decodes its
OUTPUT SINEWAVE signals using gated oscillators,
cycles" that will jitter the
received data. RC networks, and phase lock
I nput signals to either loop detectors . A digital
modem must be strongly modem uses all digital logic
filtered to get rid of the other for the frequency generation
4018 channel tones, as well as and detection . Analog
interference from speech, modems should be avoided
RING noise, touch tone coding, and for several reasons. The
COUNTER other signals . The duplex coil transmitters inherently have
in the phone set reduces but I ess stability, need field


~ OUTPUT'I.------- "s IN E WAVE" Fig. 16. Digitally derived modem frequencies.


receives and responds to these (Echo suppressors effectively

two frequencies. I n turn, the convert long distance lines
answer modem transmits a into voice keyed one way
2025 Hertz sine wave for a lines. Two way transmission
space or a zero and a 2225 . on a long line is not possible
Hertz sine wave for a mark or unless these suppressors are
10.700 12.700 20.250 22.250
a one. These, in turn, are defeated.) (+.21%) (-.22%) (+.12%) (+ . 23%)
acceptable to the originate There are several very
modem. important things to consider
These frequencies are when you are designing a TO FIGURE 15
carefully chosen to allow modem. The transmitted
two-way conversation signal mu st be a low
without interaction. The distortion sine wave.
1200 BAUD
answer modem always Particularly, its second ONE WAY
transmits on the high harmonic must be extremely
frequency since a 2025 Hertz low to prevent the originate
note is needed to modem's transmitter
automatically disable echo splattering its own receive
suppressors used on long spectru m with its second
distance phone lines, and to harmonic. When acoustical 13.000 21,000

provide a standard coupling is used, the transmit

recognition signal for level must be held low TO FIGURE 15
automatic dialing equipment. enough that the rather bad

Fig. 17. Modem receive filter. 4558 or 7415 op amps. 950-1400 Hz = normal values = answer filter.
1900-2350 Hz = (parenthetical values) originate filter .




adjustments, and potentially use in your OM modem available in Motorola additional tone ' may need
have a stronger second designs . Fig. 15 is a CMOS applications note AN731, generation to provide for
harmonic, besides needing digital IC sine wave generator; Exar data sheets XR210 and automatic answe ,r ing .
calibration. They are harder it produces a sine wave in XR2207, The Active Filter Commercial units also
to coherently switch at zero response to a lOX digital Cookbook (S a ms), and sometimes provide a back
crossings to eliminate clock input. It is based on Ce r mete k Microelectronics channel of four or five Baud
transients. Analog receivers summing phases of a walking Minimodem data sheets. for acknowledgement.
also must be calibrated and ring or Johnson cou nter and The circuit design
able to accurately resolve a has negligible harmonic 202 Style (1200 Baud, Half techniques for both types of
small frequency difference, output up to the ninth and Duplex) Modems modem are similar. Because
again with adjustment and eleventh, which are both The 202 style modem of the faster Baud rate,
calibration. twenty decibels dOM (1/10 circuits are both faster and control of group delay
At this writing, there is no the amplitude) and easily simpler than the 103 versions distortion in any filtering is
such thing as a modem on a filtered. The output can also and require less in the way of extremely important.
chip. The Motorola MC6860 be used to coherently circuitry. Their big Detection circuitry must not
is one IC that handles synchronize input switching. disadvantage is that most of differentially delay ones with
approximately one fourth of Fig. 16 shows a digital timing them are strictly simplex or respect to zeros. The
the circuitry needed for a sequence that starts with a half duplex devices when Rockwell 10371 Digital
digital 103 modem. Two Exar crystal and produces all four used on the ordinary two Telecommunications Data
chips, the 2207 FSK modem freque ncies needed wire phone line. I nterface handles much of the
generator and the 210 FSK for the Fig. 15 circuit. I t can Simultaneously transmitting non-fil teri ng aspects of th is
demodulator provide around be built with a CMOS 4520 and receiving is ordinarily not type of modem. This IC also
half the circuitry for an and a gate or two. Fig. 17 possible . has a built in UART.
analog system. A premium set shows us some active filters Like the 103, 202 Several additional sources
of four hybrid integrated useful as pre-filters with standards use frequency shift of modem information
circuits from Cermetek controlled group delay keying. Bell standards call for include the Microdata
Electronics is available that distortion. Fig. 18 shows an a 1200 Hertz mark or one Communications Handbook,
does the whole job in their adjustment and calibration and a 2200 Hertz space or Data Modem Evaluation
Minimodem CH1213, 1214, free receiver digital zero, while international Guide by V. V. Villips, and
1252, and 1257 devices. discriminator. standards call for a 1300 various issues of Data
Figs . 15-18 show several More information on 103 Hertz space or zero and a Communications and
techniques that might be of style modem designs are 2100 Hertz mark or one. An Telecommunications.

Fig. 18. Digital discriminator needs no adjustmen ts or calibration.

AND 4011

1.15097 CRYSTAL

11...-.______.. 1 C L OC K - - - DATA TO

.r-7 200pF L....::R=E=S=E=T=I=6=5=1=2=10=2=4=_ _ _ _ _ _ --Jo----.J D FLIP FLOP




Send morse code
Control repeater stations
Operate as a calculator
Receive/send/buffer data
between a wide variety
of communication devices
Monitor instruments
Control machines
Sort/compile data
Test other devices
Play games


SCELBI COMPUTER CONSULTING , INC. - The compa ny that p ion eered in producing the small computer for the
individual user with the popular SCE LB I- SH, now brings you the new SCE LBI-SB with increased capability!

Like the former SCELBI-SH, the SCELBI-SB is built around the amaz ing 'S 0 0 S' "CPU-on-a-Chip" which has been
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However, the NEW SCELBI-SB offers extended memory capability at reduced cost! It is directly expandable to
16,3S4 words of RAM / ROM / PROM memory. This increased memory capab ility now means the user has the potential in
a small and compact computer to support compiler type languages, manipulate sizable data bases for business and
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The NEW SCELBI-SB still retains the outstanding features of its predecessor. Decoding logic for S Output and 6
I nput Ports is built into the basic computer. Plug-in capability for I/ O devices is provided on the chassis. A unique,
simple to operate console that utilizes just 11 switches on the front panel makes the SCELBI-SB a pleasure to use.
The NEW SCELBI-SB is backed by a line of low cost SCELBI interfaces which currently include: an interface that
turns an oscilloscope into an alphanumeric display system, low co st keyboard and TTY interfaces, and an interface that
turns a low cost audio tape cassette into a "Mag-Tape" storage and retrieval unit.
Last, but certainly not least, SCELBI has a wide se lectio n of software ready to run on th e NEW SCELBI-SB
including: Editors, Assemblers, calculating programs, I/ O and general utility routines. Additionally, SCELBI produces
publications that can show you how to develop your own custom tailored programs.
The NEW SCELBI - SB is availableNOW . (We have been delivering since June!) It is ava ilable in three forms. Ultra-low
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(* Domestic prices.) (Prices, specifications and availability subject to change without notice)
Literature available for S.A.S.E.

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Virtually all techniques and routines illustrated also applicable to '8080' and similar types of
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The Computer Hobbyist unique method of recording
Box 295 which Hal Chamberlin
Cary NC 27511 described to me in phone
1-919-467-3145 or conversation. The goals of the
1-919-851-7223 evenings or design are retia bili ty and
weekends speed independence, which
are achieved by a pulse
The Computer Hobbyist recording technique. Another
people putout an excellent design pu blished by TCH is a
photo offset newsletter fairly sophisticated visual
prepared with the help of a graphics system (it might be
microcompu ter text editing called a "Cadillac" among
system. A sample of their such systems) which uses a
product - in the form of an highly modified TV and can
article by Hal Chamberlin produce very detailed high
comparing three micros - is resolu tion pictures. TCH also
The increasing interest in reprinted by permission in is planning to supply a series
microcomputers for home this issue of BYTE. Of of kits with PCs and parts for
and fun and games as well as particular interest for the their designs. TCH also is very
practical work has led to a coming arguments and close to having available a
number of information controversies over cassette BASIC package for the 8008
centers the clubs and interface methods is their computer.
newsletters organized by
readers of BYTE to help
promote communications
among practitioners of this
art. For this first issue of
BYTE, I've collected together PEOPLE'S COMPUTER
a "dump" (in English
character text, not
hexadecimal) of my files on
the subject to date .

.. . CARL

People's Computer Company

PO Box 310
Menlo Park CA 94025
Editor: Bob Albrecht

This organization puts out

a newspaper style pu btication
of information, fantasy,
technical designs, etc. It is a
"non profit" operation about
recreational and educational
uses of computers.
Publication is on an irregular
schedule with subscriptions
to 5 issues at $5 to all
comers, $3 to those who

present some evidence of
status as students. The
- -"
magazine is typeset and
assembled with plenty of

graphics in what might be ;-
called a "neo-Whole Earth q,
Catalog" style. The same ~ t : / '."\
organization also runs the
PCC bookstore a t the same
~ 1


Issue number l our Fred Moor e, edllor , 558 Santa Crul Ave .. Menlo Parlt . Ca 94025 June 7, 1975

Homebrew Computer Club

Fred Moore, Editor
558 Santa Cruz Ave.
Menlo Park CA 94025

The Homebrew Computer

Clu b is an organization lo-
cated in Northern California
around Menlo Park. The club
was founded by Fred Moore
with a hand from Gordon
French. A newsletter is
published photo offset on a
mon,thly schedule - although
no price is quoted, a donation
of 50-75¢ per issue would be
a fair recompense for costs
listed in the club treasury
report in issue No . 4 . The
newsletter has included some
excellent design notes by
Terry Lee , covering SART
chips, power supplies, heat
sinking, etc.
Issue No. 4 reports the
res po nsible.- (or the progr ~ mm i ng
start of a San Francisco-
Berkeley chapter, and refers
to another California clu b:
Amateur Computer Society A parts supplier was o n Sonoma County
of New Jersey Is Up and hand and welcomed as a local Minicomputer Club
Running source . Mark Robinson , President
The ACSNJ was tirst The second running of the 1-707-544-2865 (work)
assembled on Friday, June ACSN J was scheduled for 1-707-525-1659 (home)
13 , 1975. Friday, July 18, a t the Union
The feasibility study was County Technical Institute ,
performed by Sal Libes who 1776 Raritan Road , Scotch
has become its Operating Plains, New Jersey.
Manager. The system will run It's good news.
monthly on the second or The Amateur Computer
third Friday of the month. Society of New Jersey Is
Input is in the form of 40 Assembled and Running.
+ enthusiastic hobbyists. Over
50% of the amateurs are George Fischer
hardware and/or software 72 So. Railroad Ave.
Staten Island NY 10305
oriented. There are 10 home
computers running in the
group,S of which are Altairs.
Ou tpu t will be a local The Amateur Computer
newsle tter. The first issue will Society
contain information compiled Stephen B. Gray
from a questionnaire given 260 Noroton Ave.
out at the meeting. Darien CT 06820
Information was processed
randomly. There were some Mr. Gray pu ts out a
minor bugs which had to be newsletter . No fu rth er
worked out; however, those information is available about
assem bled were pleased with The Amateur Computer
the results. Society.

(415) 592·8097

DIGITAL VOLTMETER on a large scale in an article in

the July 1974 issue of the
T hIS i~ 11 J\I, digit, 0·2 VO l I Digital Voltmete r,
with 11 .5% full ~ale accurilCY. II is based
magazine Radio Elec tronics -
around the Silit;:onix LO I IO. LO ll i OVM
chip se t. The vol lmeu.. , uses MAN7 readouts and the result of a large
t. J" high! 10 provide a highly readable dis -
p lay . The unit reQuirllS the to li owings;uPllly response to this product is
VOl laQleS; 12. -12. 5. Tht! ull it comes com·
plete Wl lh all compon~nlS to bUi ld the unit
pictured a t the le h, th3 1 is a complete DVM
Hal Singer's formation of the
leu power ~up plv . Micro-8 User Group with an
$39.95 Per Kit initial orientation to the 8008
as implemented via the
LOGIC PROBE Mark-8. The newsletter is a
The Logic Probe is a unil which is IOf the
self-published off se t
motl ~rt indespensible in trouble sh001ing
logic fa milies: TTL. DTL, ATl, CMOS. 11
Micro-8 User Group publication available at $6 for
derives the power it n~tJ5 10 operatedireclly
011 of the CIrcu it under les l, drawing a scant
Newsletter six issues. Much of the
10 rnA maK. II uses a MAN3 readout 10
ind,cute any of the followiogs taulS bV t he~e Hal Singer, Editor informa tion is origin al as
svmbols: (H I)- l (l OW) - o (P UlSE) - P. Th~
Probe can detect high frequency pulses to Cabrillo Computer Center submitted , although Hal
45 MHz. It can't be used at MOS levels or
circuitdamallt will rcsul \. Cabrillo High School summarizes a lot of the stuff
Lompoc CA 93436 with his te x t editor and
$9.95 Per Kit
1-805-733-3501 printer at the Ca brillo
DIGITAL COUNTER Computer Center. For those
Tim is a <I digIt coullt~r unit wh ich writ The "Mark-8" is one of interested in the history of
COUll! up to 9999 and then Ilr ovide an o~er '
flow pulse. It is ba~ed around the Mou ek
MK5007 digita l COWHer chip. The unit per .
the first widely marketed one branch of the home
for ms th e fo li ow inlllullc t ions: Cou nt Input.
RESET. l atch, Ovedlow. The counter 0l>tlr·
home computer kits - an computer hobby, the back
ates UP to 250 kHl . Th eCQ unte. isa n Idul
unrl tobe used as i h e1lut!ncV counle r. where 8008-oriented design of issues of Micro-8 User Group
theontvextracomponco tsneededwouleJoe
iltimeoall!, divider chain and gate. The UIII I Jonathan Titus (TYCHON , Newsletter record much
requires 5V, and -12V . Th e un it comes
COlllplete as shown 011 Ihe le lt less power
supplv .
Inc., PO Bo x 242 , Blacksburg activity of the early pioneers
V A 24060) . It first appeared of the hobby .
$29.95 Per Kit


Club in The Dallas-Fort
Th" memory tard is for Ihe most IJ.'tI i
unI versal unil Ihat can be used in almosl any Worth Texas Area Staccato Notes
miClocomputer from a HOMEB R EW to an
ALTA IR 8800. It uses an array of 2 102 1 k x
1 slatk random access memories to p loduce Bill Fuller (2377 Dalworth
a 1024 x 8 mem OfV compatIble with most
51anda,d m icrocompu ter svs tems . ..... e pro~lde 157, Grand Prairie , Texas -
eve rything from the super low noise vector
logic card. to fine qualilv 10wprolilesockel5.
1-214-264-0111/1-214- Derek McColl reports in
10 the eighl 2 102's. We even Indude tim ing
d iagrams and tantu lumnbVPl5scapaci tor.
264-9017) organized an phone conversation that he
$69.95 Per Kit informal get together June 29 attended the first meeting of
in a park near Hurst and an as yet unnamed Los
5 VOLT 1 AMP 1'2 L SUPPL Y Bedford, Texas . At that Angeles area computer club.
meeting, 12 people appeared You can reach Derek at 1715
5 V OLT 1 A MP
including th ree Altair Havemeyer, Redondo Beach
This is a nanda rd TTL IlOwer iupplV uSIng
owners , the owner of a CA 90278 to find out about
the well Known LM309 K rellu illor Ie 10
prov ide a solid I AMP o f current at 5 volu. Martin Research Mark 2 and that club .
We try to make thIngs easy for you bV
ploviding eve ryth ing you need in one pack· one home brew purist .
age, includrng Ih e ha rdware for o nlv :
Contact Bill for the latest Was your club or
info on activities on the Lone newsletter omitted ? No claim
$9.95 Per Kit
Star state to date . is made that this listing is
complete. Organizers of clu bs
are invited to send details of
The Digital Groups
their plans for pu blication in
Th He ca~s tie fine quali tv un;U mlde bv a PO Box 6528
German manufacturing f"m wh ich t il 10 the BYTE.
dImensions 01 our DVM and COUN T ER k il
WIt h room enough lefl for power supplV or Denver CO 80206
ballelie~. Excellent 101 man V other flrojeC\5
as well. Dimensions 2" If 3 · 1/8" x 5 ·7/8".
This c l ub provides a New England Computer
newsletter of technical and Kibitzers? (NECK) I'll ac t as
$5.95 Per Case organizational interest which an initial fo ca l point for a
Satisfaction Guaranteed . $5 ,00 Min. Order, U,S . Funds. is reproduced photo offset at Boston area computer club.
Add $1.25 for Postage - Write for FREE 19755 Catalog
California Residents - Add 6% Sales Tax
$6 per year (12 issues) . Also Write BYTE Editorial Offices ,
offered are kits , boards, and Box 378, Belmont MA

p!.lx.! ?!!~~2
PHONE ORDERS - (415) 592-8097
as sembl e d produ cts for
miscellaneous peripherals
designed by members in the
Denver area .
02178, or call me at
1-617-7 2 9- 6 914
. .. CARL
Computer projects need power supplies. Finding the right power
transformer can be a problem. We have one of the largest and
most diversified stocks of power transformers in the country.
Below we list some representative items in our inventory. Our
catalog, free on request lists many more.
36 V. @ 1.0 A. ct, & 6.3 V @ 200 mao 3 Ibs. 69313 3.502/ 6.00
70 V. @ 1.5 A. ct, & 6.3 V @ 500 mao 6 lb. 69314 6.502 / 12.00
90 V . @ 2.0 A. ct, & 6.3 V @ 1.5 A. 8)1, lb. 69315 9 .952/ 19.00
50 V . ~ @ 1.5 A. ct, & 6.3V @500 mao 6 lb. 89316 6.502112.00
26 V.@ 1 .0 A. ct. &6.3 V .@ 500ma. 3 lb. B9318 3.75217 .00
38 v. @ 1.5 A . ct. & 6.0 V.@ 500 mao 2 lb. 89319 6 .952/ 13.00
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65283 70 V . @ 1 . 5 A. ct. & 6.3 V @ 1 .5 A. 7Lb. 69322 6 .752/ 13.0
35 V. @ 6.0 Ct. & 10 V. @ 10.0 A . 6.0 Lb. 69906 8 .95 ea.
64 or 32 V. @ 8.0 A. ct. & 18 V. @ 8.0 A ct. 10 lb. 69905 11.95



ASCII encoded keyboard. In its own enclosure. Originaly used in

SANDERS ASSOCIATES 720 Terminal System. In like new
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STOCK NO.65283 keyboard $35. 00 2/65.00
85169 is a board containing 315 volt high current regulators
with 0.1 % regulation. 2 of the regulators are rated @ 3 Amps.,
MICRO-SWITCH (Honeywell) 8 bit binary coded board. 56 keys, and the other @ 6.0 amps. The current in each regulator may
alpha - meric and computer symbols Built in TTL decoder . New be doubled with the regulation going to 0.5%.AII 3 regulators
in factory cartons. A beautifu I keyboard. are short circuit proof, and 2 have electronic crowbar protect·
STOCK NO . B5199 Microswitch keyboard. $45.00 2/80. 00 ion. 8rand new, in factory boxes. ~
STOCK NO.B5169 $11.95 ea. 2/21.00
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£1otl1 regulators above come withcircuit diagrams.

We have a l arge se lection of KEYTOPS and SW ITCHES. made by
RAYTH EON CO. The key tops come in black. grey and white,
with contrasting legend s. The switches mate with the tops, and are TYPE DESCRIPTION CASE STOCK PRICE
magnetic reed switches. The following combinations are ava ilable :
709 Hi Performance TO-5 64301 .50 5/2 .00
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54 key set, keys & switches black K9288 30.00 747CT Dual 741 TO-5 63111 1.25 5/5.00
54 key set, keys & switches grey K9290 30.00 1458 Dual 741 Mini DIP 63112 1.25 5 /5. 00
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11 Key Numeric set. Keys only 61ack K9283 1.50

11 Key Numeric set, Keys only Grey K9284 1.50


Numeric set,
numeric set,

Num.set, keys &

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Keys only

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1.50 {;)Burroughs
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11 Key Num. set, keys & switches Grey K9294 7.00
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K9297 A 3/.25 _" •.J'.. SCAN display, des-
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Displays all numbers and 9 letters. "0.0. 5/16"x 1/4" Current distributor price is $135.00. LIMITED QUANTITY
Display is .12 ". SPECIAL FOR THIS ISSUE ONLY STOCK NO.5180 with data $49.50 2/90.00
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As an editor of BYTE, I Furth er more, eve n small th at one! Your published idea
gave a tour of the system lore, presented in a can be invaluable to anyone
author-pitfall jungle to several tutori al style or approached working on a similar probl em.
interested people at a receflt from a new angle, can be It's unlikely that your work is
(if imaginary) small systems both original and valuable. so unique that no one else
conference . Below is what Look out to your right! More could benefit from it! There
transp ired. questions?" a re a Iso many personal
"OK, gentlemen, step right " But I can't write advantages. There's the
this way; we're heading into anyway ... " cries another satisfaction of serving others
by the jungle now. Be careful of pitfall victim. in your field, and, not least
Chris Ryland the pitfall directly to your "I warned him! That's one importantly, the money from
left. Any questions about the of the deepest pitfalls around published articles. Getting
25 Fallen St. here. Well, the rest of you your name in print can both
terrain so far?"
Cambridge MA 02138 "Well, I have an idea for probably write much better give a boost to your
an article, but it's not very than you think. It's necessary professional prestige, and can
original ' ... ," says one of the to hav e some humility here - sharpen your writing ability,
tourists, dropping into th e your writing may sound bad a useful tool in any job.
pitfall. to you, but no one expects Finally, writing about your
"Oops! warned him you to win the Pulitzer Prize. idea forces you to understand
about that! Anyway, the rest Even if you don 't write like a it more completely; also, any
of you can benefit from his pro, think of BYTE as a feedback from us or from
mistake: that objection just device for getting good, if other readers of BYTE can
doesn't stand. A new idea rou gh, ideas into print: certainly be helpful.
might seeem old hat to you, submit an article when you've "This brings us nearly to
simply because you thought done your 'technical' best, the edge of the jungle. Since
of it. Or, a variation on an old and if we think it's worth it, it's a lot safer here, you can
idea can certainly be materi al we'll do our 'editorial' best to look back and see where
for print - what scientist get it in to publishable shape we've been. "
dares claim absolute (leaving your sty le intact). "I see! But what can I
originality for his research? This is worth em phasizing - write about . . . ?"
most magazi nes accept only "Darn, I thought had
polished artic les by spotted all the pitfalls! But
professional writers, or else you can learn from his
they force their writers into a mistake, and submit feature
stylistic straightjacket. But (me diu m to long) articles,
we feel that BYTE can do the short articles (tips and
most good, and be enjoyable techniques, for example), or
to read, if we publish good column contributions; at this
ideas in as close to their point, you might even get a
original form as regular column started! As far
professionalism permits. as 'what to write about?', I'll
"Well, we'v e passed quote Carl Helmers' ample
through the most obvious answer to this question: 'I
dangers, so please be more won't prete nd to have a
careful where you walk. formula answer for that
Another question?" one ...
"OK, I agree," says an 'Some suggestions of
ink-sta ined tourist, "my idea general areas come to
is good and I can write fairly mind ...
well. But what good will it " 'Project articles on new
do . .. " Another one vanishes software, h ar dware or
into an obvious pitfall. applications designs for
"I thought you'd all see systems. Projects which you

have completed or have in
progress can be written up for
the use of other subscribers.
Don ' t let that "new"
intimidate you, ei ther - if it's
new to you, and you're
enthusiastic about it, then the
pro jec t is worth se tti ng down
on paper for a try at
publicati o n.
" 'Special interests. Do
your ideas tend to run along a
particular train of thought?
Are you a FORTRAN freak,
a BASIC fundamentalist, an
8008 hacker, a PDP-8 fanatic,
a space war addict, a lover of
LI FE, or what have you?
Submit an alticle or "n" to
BYTE on your special
interest, and it could become fun programs to be written programming are not to be
an important part of the lore using a graphics display or skimped on - especially if
of home brew computing - other peripherals with an you want to teach your
"bytology" for short. interac tive potential. If you frie nd s and associates so you
" 'Surplus equipment. In want so'me ideas, write us, can talk to them again! It
The chances are that
Bosto n, there is a whole and we'll suggest one or two alway s gives me a great
you know a lot about
frate rnity of junk men who or two hundred - or, if you satisfaction to see someone
some aspect of com-
often don't know a thing have your own ideas, but are grasp a pri ncip Ie , discover a
puters - this is your
about the stuff they sell, but puzzled as to how to put connection, and experience
opportunity to write
who sell it at pennies on the them into practice, maybe we the delight of knowledge
and help other readers.
dollar. Often such stuff is can help and the net result atta in ed. With a publish ed
The Pitfall: Waiting
usable in a compu ter system, would be an article in BYTE. article, alt hough you can't
for others to write.
with appropriate knowledge " 'Practical applications. observe this at first hand , the
of ho w to use it. I once Do you also use your byter's feedback in correspondence
picked up a $3000 printer for system in your business? should be evidence enough.
$10 because it didn't look Many readers are busi nessmen " ' Revievvs. Have you bu ilt
like a printer, and was left in doctors , lawy ers, a computer kit? Write an
a heap of junk to rot. Wri te architects, engineers, article reviewing your
up an articl e on how to merchants - who justify their ex peri e nce with the particu lar
convert particula r items of expenses by the practical, as kit. Give the manufactu rer an
surplus equipment to small well as the fun, applications objective treatment - don't
systems use, and you will of their systems. Write an blame him for your mista kes
earn the heartfelt than ks of article on business - but also be fair to readers
all the other byters who can a pplications billing, by pointing out relative
use your idea. Often the inve ntory, mailing lists, profit advantages and disadvantages
cheapest course to a statements, etc. The of the product.. . Did you
computer is an appropriately businessmen in the audience find an interesting book on
surplus " mainframe" saved will surely appreciate it. By computer related objects?
from a scrap dealer or fou nd saving their time and making R e vi e w it for your
at an auction. But, beware - th e ir businesses more compatriots in the field. Such
mis a dv e ntures can also efficient, your article will b oo ks include technical Fame (moderate) and
happen, if you're not careful. help improve the commerce works as well as fiction and Fortune (modest) await
Don't be ashamed of your that m a kes all civilized science fiction a long your contribution to
mista kes, though - capitali ze amenities possible . computer lines. (Th e BYTE .
- on th em by writing up " 'Education. Do you have microcomputer itself is so
your ex peri e nce for BYTE. a flair for writing elementary "science fictiony" th at many
'Games Byters Play. tutorial stuff, with the of my own friends don 't
Fun-type applications make knowledge to back it up ? rea lly believe in 'e m!)
exce lle nt articles. [See the Write an article or series of 'Human interest and
beg inning of a series of articles on the basics. As has crea ti ve writing. Byte rs
articles on the Game of LI FE, bee n pointed out to me in appreciate the human as pec ts
written by Carl, in this issue many letters, the tutorial of computing. After all,
of BYTE .] There are other aspects o f design and computers are designed, built

and used by human beings. eve r feel lost, return to the appears to a user. Good
There is room for- creative abstract and find where to exa mples of its use are the
writing, humorous anecdotes, pick up. Next, the outline. most helpful documentation .
and speculations on the Write down the main section Conclusion: Write the
evolution of technology, headings, choosing them from inevitabl e ending section (as
commentary on computing the list below, or adding any short as possible), with
history, etc. Who will be the that are appropriate. mention of possible further
first to su bmit an articl e on Introduction: FI esh out developments and
the history of Herman you r idea's skeleton, the applications.
Holl erith? abstract, relating the Using the guidelines for
" 'This is by no means an necessary motivation, the outline headings above,
exhaustive list of all the bac kgrou nd, assumptions, jot down the main ideas
possible topics for BYTE and source of ideas for the under each heading. Take the
articles. If you don't see your article. For example, you resu It, shuffle the headings
own idea in this list of might tell how the idea came and ideas until you're
categories, we can always about, what previous BYTE satisfied with its structure
Send your make a category to fit it articles your work is based (note cards with a single item
articles to: into . .. provided you take on, and what kind of per card are helpful here),
the step of getting it down on h a r d war e and soft ware and call this your outl in e.
paper .... I n addition to the systems it requires for Make a permanent
Box 378 operation .
standard articles, we will typewritten version of this
Bel mont MA 02178 print (without charge, of Overall Design: Discuss outline, since it will be your
course) information about and outline the general shape guide in what follows.
club meetings, club of the system being
organizers, and individuals presented. This should be a Write It
willing to help others with "principles of operatio n" To write an artic le is to
their home brew systems, in discussion at a relatively high enter a jungle of a different
order to foster the growth of level (but be practical about nature than the one we
the sma ll scale systems idea.' it), and will usually involve an explored earlier. Without
"Need I say more? And so "overview" of the system actually entering this writing
ends our tour. Now that components, their actions pitfall jungle, I can forewarn
we're back in civili zation, and inte ractions. Visual aids you of the most dangerous
anyone still interested can such as block diagrams and pitfalls.
follow me to the idea bar, flow charts are necessities "Scribophobia:" This
where we'll drink a few hints here. "fear of writing" usually
about wryting for BYTE." Details of Construction: stri kes at the ou tset of the
Whether it be schematics, journey. The solution:
Some How To's of Writing a printed circuit layouts, or working directly from the
Feature Article program listings, the details outline, get a first draft
Here is not the place to are necessa ry. If they are just written, without stopping to
give an "exposition on the too bu Iky, then th is section worry about clumsy language
com pleat article and its shou ld cover the system in or the niceties of grammar.
fashioning." But, if you've more detail than the previous Write without inhibitions, no
deci ded to write a featu r-e section, to whatever level is matter how bad it sounds.
articl e, and if the thought of most helpful. The important thing is to get
Make sure your
wri ting seems to go agai nst Construction and the rough draft written; once
manuscript is:
every bone in your body, Debugging Techniques: The it's done, the rest is easy by
--neatly typed comparison. Prepare diagrams
then the following might m et hod of construction
--double-spaced as you go - they should be
help . You should fee l should be given here, if it is
--one side of paper written and revised as an
completely free to approach not obvious (and don't
--and includes all assume it is!). Any special integral part of the text, not
this task in any way you
drawings, photos, tables techniques or touchy areas as a co ncession to formu la.
want; these ideas are only
and other non-text suggestions. Bu t, they have should be mentioned, as well Straying off the Path: The
materials needed. worked for many people. as methods of system road to the end of the writing
Here.we go ... checkou t (give, for example, pitfall jungle is rather narrow,
diagnostic programs or but you have a good map:
Outline It hardware testing your outline. Straying from it
Get your ideas down on instructions). is asking for- litera ry disaster.
paper. Write a few (2 to 5) Operation Instructions: If The written permanence of
sentences stating the central not given in the overall design the outline (did you take my
idea of your article; this will section, comp lete operating word for it earlier?) should
be your abstract. It shou ld instructions shou ld be listed discourage you from changing
guide the outline - if you here . Pr-esent the system as it it too glibl y.

Stuffiness: Avoid this idea: can he or she do so with (and how you cleared it up), and oversized, if they are
danger at all costs; don't what you've written? Are and so on. If your article reasonably simple - our own
confuse technical excellence· the re any important but contains any kind of technical staff can do the
with highbrow phrases and unstated assumptions? Any "si de-Ii ght" information fin al drawings; include any
g ram mat i c a I I IS tu ff e d confusing diagrams or about possibly confusing special editorial or publishing
shirt"-isms. Although this is a descriptions? Aim to be words or concepts, then you instructions in a conspicuous
matter of style, and would absol utely clear in the should include these place; if there's a glossary, it
normally be considered in technical details of the "tid bytes" as part of your should be distinguished from
la ter dra fts, the fi rs t goes article. glossary. the main body of text in
much easier if you write as some way. For feature
though talking to someone Shorter Articles Send It In! articles, include the abstract
about your idea. Don't avoid There's really no standard Some practicalities about and outline in the submission
humorous touches if that's approach to writing shorter submission of any kind of - these items are costless
your style - they hel p to articles - the possible range article: the text should be since they are a "spin-off"
keep up reader interest. For of such articles is so great typewritten (double-sp aced, from a properly -written
example, cartoons that amuse that it would be difficult to with ample margins) - if you article. Unusually bulky
and instruct are a welcome even hint at th ei r don't type, it's not expensive detailed layouts and listings,
aid. Be intolerant with "construction." Carl's section to have it done ; the poi nt of although not included in the
circumlocutions and useless on article topics should be a insertion for each diagram article, should be submitted,
phr.aseology. It is clear that source of some ideas, but my should be clearly marked; the since they can be made
phrases Ii ke "it is very clear only further advice is this : if illustrations should be clear available separately.
that ... " are redundant and you have an idea that's not of
only drag down the article feature-article length, then
with dead weight. write it in any format you
Jargon: Be careful of the wish, send it in, and we'll try
"in-crowd" approach to and fit it in somewhere.
writing, which uses jargon
Don't Gloss over the Glossary
and cute phrases unknown to
Since BYTE is aimed at THE DEEPE5T
the outsider. On the other PITFALL !!
hand, don't feel obliged to everyone in the small systems
defi ne com mon terms or
standard abbreviations (but
world, from junior high
school experimenters to
see the later section on article industry professionals, a good
glossaries) . feature of any article is a
glossary. Although it
Revise It certai nl y isn !t a strict
Many "How to Write" necessity, a glossary should
authors have recommended contain the definitions of any
the fermentation method of words, phrases, notions and
revision. Put the abbreviations that might be
freshly-typed (or written) unfamiliar to a good part of
rough draft away, and only your intended audience.
come back to it after a few LIFE Line by Carl Helmers,
days. This temporal distance in th is issue, is a good
gives some objectivity duri ng example; since his article is
the next step of revision. This (besides other things) a
Probably the worst pitfall is putting
step will usually involve tutorial on system design, an d off getting started on your article.
several "passes" over the text, is intended for a wiuc: range
Procrastination is the thief of fame
by yourself and hopefu lIy of readers, Carl has included
and fortune, even in the modest
others. Revision involves definitions of software and
amounts offered by BYTE.
looking for spelling, technical hardware terms that might be
and grammatical accuracy, confusirig or "jargon-ish" to
logical sequence of ideas, the reader. Carl's glossary
consistency of notation, and illustrates that definitions
completeness of presentation. needn't be boring or dry -
For example, during revision any sort of information about
you may find several the terms being defined can
out-of-place colloquialisms, a be useful, including
few spelling errors, or an hum 0 r 0 u s de fi nit ion s,
omitted section on a detail of anecdotes about derivations
construction . Try and put or other uses of a term,
yourself in the position of a s to ries of you r previous
reader who wants to use your confusion about some phrase


The Hickok Model 440

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To date I have not seen terms what assemblers do, Most of the assemblers
any detail descriptions of scanning techniques, symbol prese ntl y av ai Iab Ie for
home brew self assembler tables, hashing methods and microcomputers are
systems for microcomputers some of the more advanced cross-assemblers: They run on
such as the 8008, 8080, 6800 "bells and whistles" you big computers or time-shari ng
or PACE. Maybe Dan might employ. Use Dan's systems, and produce output
Fylstra's description of article as a source of ideas on which must be loaded in
assemblers will start a few the organization and features some way into the
readers off in that direction. for your own assembler microcomputer system.
Dan describes in general software designs. . .. CARL Commercial time-sharing
services are expensive, and
the whole point of having a
home computer is to be able
to perform computing chores,
If you have done any work such as program assembly, on
with microcompu ters, you your own system at ultra-low
have doubtless seen programs cost. Since a resident
written in assem bly language. assembler - one which runs
You probably know that on your own micro system -
assembly language programs may be unavailable or very
must be translated into costly, you might be
mac hine language before they interested in writing your
can be execu ted on the own assembler. By doing it
computer. The translation is yourself you can learn a lot
usually performed by another about programming and
program, called an software design as well as the
"assembler." Bec ause specs of your own
assembly language lets you microcomputer, save yourself
write mnemonic (easily the cost of program
remembered) names for development, and produce a
instructions and data, rather customized language suited to
than bin ary codes, programs you r own needs or fanci es.
Dan Fylstra may be written more quickly And who knows? - you
14B and with fewer errors. The might even find that other
550 Memorial Drive assembler does the tedious hobbyists or microcomputer
job of putting together, or users might be will ing to pay
Cambridge assembling, all of the right bit you for a copy of the
MA 02139 patterns to make up the assembler program that you
program in machine language. had so much fun writing.

Now, it's only fair to warn means "add the 8-bit number
you that writing an assembler found in memory location 48
is a big undertaking - you'll to the A accumulator." This
need a fair amount of time might be written in assembly The assembler does the tedious job of putting
and perhaps some extra RAM language as together, or assembling, all of the right bit patterns to
chip s to accommodate the make up the program in machine language.
fi nish ed product. But such ADDA BETA
obstacles have never stopped where it so happened that,
anyone with your boundless just after the last instruction
enthusiasm. So the only of a program which was 48
question is, how do you go bytes long, the programmer start at location O. He take, and furthermore it
about writing an assembler? had also written indicated this by means of doesn't know (yet) that the
That's the sort of question the mnemonic RMB, for memory location BET A is
that BYTE magazine is "reserve memory byte." supposed to be reserved just
designed to answer, and that's Since this assembly language after the subroutine, since it
what this article is all about. meaning "reserve 1 memory statement doesn't actually hasn't seen the RMB
byte at this point, and call it represent an instruction, but pseudo-op."
What Does an Assembler Do? BETA." instead tells the assembler
To answer this question, These exam pies ill u strate what to do, it is often called a Forward Reference
we have to take a look at the basic functi ons of an "pseudo-op." The assembler Fig. 1 illustrates a problem
some typical machine assembler. In the first case, read the entire program, common to all assemblers and
instructions and how they the instruction's operand was counting up the number of compilers, often called the
might be written in assembly the actu al nu mber to be bytes th at the su brouti ne "forward reference problem."
language. A machine added. (This is often called an would take, and determined There is no neat way out of
instruction usually consists of "immediate operand.") The that the address of the it. In th is case, ~he
a binary code for some
operation, such as addition, Fig. 1. The Forward Reference Problem
and one or more binary
numbers denoting the
"operands" of the operation.
The binary number for an
operand may have either of
two interpretations: It may
denote the binary value of,
say, a number, or the ASCII
code of a character, or it may
denote the binary address of
a memory location which
holds the actual value of the
operand. For example, on the
Motorol a 6800 the bit

1000 1011 0011 0000

~ ~
opcode operand
means "add the number 48 66 RMB 1
(00110000 in binary) to the
A accumulator." This might assembler read the characters memory location called programmer could have
be represented in assembly "ADDA" and substituted the BETA was therefore 48, or reserved the memory location
language as prop e r bin a ry opcode 00110000 in binary. It BETA before the subroutine
10001011, and converted the assembled this address into rather than after it. But
ADDA #48 decimal number 48 to its the instruction. suppose that the subroutine
binary equivalent, 00110000. All well and good. But, had included a "jump" or "go
note how much more In th e secon d case, the bei ng an alert reader, you ask, to" statement:
convenient it is to write instruction's operand was the "Wait a minute! What if the
thi ngs th is way! Ineon trast, address of a memory ADDA instruction is in the
the bit pattern: location. The programmer middle of the subroutine? JMP NEXT
called this memory location When the assembler reads the
1001 1011 0011 0000 BETA and decided to put it ADDA instruction, it doesn't
~ \....J\ "--'" after the instructions of a know how many bytes the
opcode operand subroutine, which was to rest of the subroutine will NEXT ADDA #7

same symbols in the operand Fig. 2. PASS 1 picks up the labels.
fields of instructions.
On the second pass, binary
A two-pass assembler opcodes are substituted for
solves the forward the instruction mnemonics,
reference problem by constants are converted to
reading the program their binary representation,
twice. and programmer defined
names are replaced by their
ac tual memory addresses,
found in the symbol table.
This is illustrated in Fig. 3.
Any name appearing in the
operand field of an
instruction which is not
already in the symbol table
on Pass 2 is undefined in the
program, and will cause an JMP BACK
error message. One other
note: looking up the binary
It is rather impractical to try opcode for an instruction RMB1
to write every program mnemonic is essentially the
without any forward jumps! same process as looking up
There are basically two the address for a programmer
ways to cope with this sequences of characters which · Some assemblers require each
defined name, so the symbol may appear on a line. This element of an assembly
problem. The first is to read table can be used for both
the program once, but to approach frequently leads to language statement to begin
purposes. the type of sca nner known as in a fixed column or
keep sections of the program
It should be pretty clear a "kluge." The computer character position of a Ii ne,
in memory until all forward by now that an assembler
references are resolved. Since scientist, on the other hand, so that the problem of
spends most of its time 1) has nothing but contempt for locating the elements for
RAM costs us mon ey in a
scanning characters, looking this "ill-structured" scanning is greatly simplified.
microcomputer system, we for names, numbers an d
will reject this approach. The approach, and prefers to However, this is a littl e rough
punctuation symbols, and 2) work with regular ex pressions on the assembly langu age
second alternative is to read building and searching the
the program twice; an or right-linear grammars and user, and you will probably
symbol table. If we can find finite autom ata. We will take save yourself time in the long
assembler which adopts this simple and efficient ways of
strategy is called a two-pass a middle course, outlining run by implementi ng a
performing these operations, some progr a mming slightly more complex
assembler. This approach is and avoid getting them
slow, but it's also cheap, and techniques that will help scanner. To permit a more
hopelessly intertwined with make a hand implemented flexible format, one may take
that's what we want! the rest of the program logic,
The first time that such an scanner simpler, smaller and either the "I BM approach,"
we should come out with a faster. in which a statement labe l
assembler reads the program fairly decent assembler. So
(i.e., on the first pass), it The first techn ique, if you must begin in column 1, an
let's now take a look at are designing your own instruction mnemonic must
simply looks at the programming techniques for
instruction mnemonics, assembly language, is to make be preceded by at least one
scanni ng a nd searc hing i t s imp Ie to scan! An blank, and comments are
counts up the number of symbol tables.
locations that each assembly language statement separated from operands by a
usually consists of an bl a nk; or the "DEC
instruction will take, and Scanning Techniques
builds a sym bol table in optional statement label approach," in which
Our assembler's first task
memory which lists all of the (which then represents the statement labels are followed
is to scan the characters
programmer defined names address of the location into by a colon (or other
making up an assembly
for memory locations and which the instruction is punctuation symbol), and
language program, and fi nd
their corresponding addresses. assembled), an instruction comments are preceded by a
things such as instruction
(We need RAM for this, but mnemonic, an operand field, se m icol o n. The "DEC
mnemonics, constants and
not so much as would be and room for comments. approach" is somewhat more
programmer defined names,
r e qui red for the fir st while noticing but generally
approach.) This process is ignoring such things as A typical example would be:
(somewhat fancifully) blanks, punctuation symbols
illustrated in Fig. 2. Notice and comments. The amateur
that the asse mbler picks up programmer's first impulse EVAL LDAA BETA BEGIN FUNCTION
only the statement labels, usually is to plunge in by EVALUATION
ignoring (for the purposes of writing a series of tests and statement instruction operand comments
Pass 1) appearances of the branches to handl e various label mnemonic field

Fig. 3. PASS 2 generates code referencing labels. time it is called. This routine use of a "next token" routine
should return a code for the separates the details of
type of item or to ken just scanning individual characters
scanned (say, 1 for from the problem of deciding
alphameric strings, 2 for digit how to process each element
stri ngs, 3 for a colon, 4 for a of a statement. The sy mbol
com ma, and so on), and a table rou ti nes described
fixed-size descriptor giving below similarly separate the
the address of the first details of identifying
character and the number of particular names and
characters in the string. mnemonics from the other
Fig. 4 illustrates problems of processing. These
descriptors for the statement are "examples of the use of
label, instruction mnemon ic, modularity and hierarchical
and operand of a typical structure to organize the
assembly language statement. sol u ti on of a complex
Descriptors for character problem .
strings are handy for a Enough in the way of
number of purposes. generalizations and
Character string move and philosophy; let's get on with
comparison routines can be an example to see how all this
convenient a nd less constants) generally consist written which take two works. Fig. 5 shows the flow
error-prone for the user, but of variable length character descriptors as arguments. of information from a
is slightly harder to analyze. strings, separated by a Output lines can be character code translation
For instance, one must be variable nu mber of blan ks. constructed from a sequence routine , to a next token
willing to scan a string of Present-day computers, of descriptors, and error routine, to a routine which
alphameric characters however, are more adept at messages can also be handled determines the type of
followed by blanks, waiting handling fixed size objects in this way. By storing the statement from the
for a colon or an al phabetic such as bytes or words. So fixed-size descriptors in the instruction mnemonic using a
character in order to decide the most important technique s y m b 0 I tab Ie a nd t he symbol table lookup
whether the stri ng was a you can use to keep your character strings themselves subroutine. Assembly
statement label or an in - scanner coherent is to write a in another area, you can language for the Intel 8080
struction mnemonic. " next token" routine, which avo id the arb itrary restriction has been used in this
Sometimes a decision as to sca n s off an al phameric on the length of names to six example. Lower case letters
what to do next must be stri ng, a constan t (e.g., a or eight characters found in are translated to upper case,
made on the basis of the type string of digits) or a many assemblers. and the codes for digits (0-9)
of the next (non-blank) punctuation symbol each Even more important, the and letters (A=l 0, B=11, ... ,
character. If several
alternatives are possible , one Fig. 4. Descriptors Identify Text Tokens in a Line of Characters.
would like to use a "jump
table," or an array of branch
addresses indexed by the
character code, instead of a
sequence of character
comparisons. But the ASCII I'en~~ loc
character set allows for 128
different character codes, of
which only about 45 are used
in assembly language • l

statements. Hence, a common 4 4 308 315

• •
technique for complex
scanning problems is to fi rst
translate from ASCII to a
mor e convenient set of
character codes, using a 128
byte character translation
table. The new character
codes can be chosen so as to
facilitate the use of jump
tables at other points.
Th e elements of an
assembly language statement
(names, mnemonics and
Z=3S) are chosen so that
Fig. 5. Typical (8080) Character Translate and Next Token Routines
alphameric and digit strings
can be scanned off using a
single comparison for each
character. Note the use of a
jump table " BRT AB" to
select the appropriate
handling routine for the next
character in the next token
DETERMINATION rou ti ne . Descriptors are
ROUTINE returned to the statement
type determination routine,
and are passed on to the
symbol table lookup routine
which uses them in character
comparisons. The pro blem of
TABLE distinguishing statement
TRANSLATION ROUTINE LOOKUP labels followed by a co lon is
ROUTINE ROUTINE handled easily at this level:
The next token is obtain ed,
and its descriptor is saved; the
next token is obtained, and
its code is tested; if a colon
has been found, the saved
CHARACTER TRANSLATION ROUTINE descriptor is passed to the
symbol table lookup routine,
MVI H,TABLE H .. page holding table
and two more tokens are
LXI 0, LINE DE '" begin of line
MVI C,72 C = length of line obtained to balance things
LOOP: LDAX 0 get next char of Ii ne out before the in structi on
MOV L,A L = character code index mn emonic is processe d.
MOV A,M A = table entry at index
STAX 0 replace char in line Symbol Tables
INX 0 advance to next char
OCR C reduce no. chars remaining The grea tes t conven ien ce
JNZ LOOP loop for all 72 chars that an assem bier provides for
the programmer is the ability
"NEXT TOKEN" ROUTINE to give names to memory
LXI H,BRTAB H .. branch table base location s and to refer to
LDAX 0 get translated char from line
those names from other
RLC times 2 for branch table index
MOV C,A set up 16-bit index 'points in the program. The
MVI B,0 in registers Band C asse mbler determ ines the
DAD B add to branch table base pr o per address of the
PCHL jump to appropriate routine memory loc ation, and fills in
the address wherever the
JMP COLON name is referenced.
JMP COMMA Th e assemb l e r
accomplishes this by building
LETTER: XCHG HL ... begin of alpha string a symbol table on its first
SHLD DESCR + 1 put start addr in descriptor pass . Each entry of the
MVI A,36 max translated code for alphameric symbol table contain s a
MVI C,0 initialize count of chars in string
advance to next character
programmer defined name in
INR C increase character count character string form , and the
CMP M code < max for Alphanumeric bin ary address corresponding
JP SCAN conti nue scan if so to it. In addition, the symbol
LXI H,DESCR HL .. length part of descriptor table may contai n other
MOV M, C put in no . chars in string
character string names, such
as the instruction mn emonics
or assembler pseud o-ops. The
e ntry for an in struction
mn emonic would contain th e
corres ponding binary opcode,
and the entry for a pseudo-op
might contain th e addre ss of
a processing routine in the

Fig. 6. An Array Symbol Table.

assembler itself. For a the order of the alphabet and each section of the table (we while in a program called
computer with several the thickness of the book, can make a small array of the "editor," you might have
different instruction formats, you look at the first character twenty-six starting addresses), many names starting with E.
the entry for an instruction or two of the word, you so to look up a name, we On the other hand, your
mnemonic might also contain make a guess at the look at its first character, go friend Zaborowski might start
a type code indicating the approximate page, open the to th e appropriate section all of his names with Z.
proper format for this book to that page, and begin and search just that secti on Should all of the sections be
instruction, the number of searching from that point. rather than the whole table. of the same size? If not, how
operands expected, and the Let's have the assembler This approach is depicted do you know (at the
interpretation of the do the same sort of thing. We in Fig. 7. beginning of an assembly)
operands as addresses or will divide up the table into This is a good first try, but which sections to make
values . twenty-six sections, one for there are some drawbacks. In larger? If a section becomes
The simplest way of names beginning with each a program called "assembler," filled, we can simply add the
organizing the symbol table letter of the alphabet. We say, you might have a lot of extra names to the next
would be as an array of know the starti ng address of names beginning with A, section of the table; now,
descriptors and address
words, as illustrated in Fig. 6.
Entries are added sequentially
to the array during Pass 1. Fig. 7. An Alphabetically Indexed Symbol Table.
and a sequential search of the 'ALPHA'
whole array is used to find 'ADDA'
the addresses of
programmer defined names
during Pass 2. (Each
descriptor from the table is
passed in turn to a character
comparison routine, along
with the descriptor for an 'CAT'
operand. The comparison
fails immediately if the string 'CALL'
lengths in the descriptors
were unequal.) This type of
organization has the great
virtue of simplicity, and is
probably adequate for a fi rst
version of your own
assembler. As the programs to y
be assembled get longer,
however, the asembler will Z
spend an increasing fraction
of its time searching the
symbol table. A faster way of
searching the table is needed.
Think about how y"ou
would go about such a search,
if you were the assembler.
What do you do when you
open a dictionary or a
telephone book? Knowing

chosen orderi ng, we can "clustering" or groupi ng of another name. Initiali ze a
minimi ze the likelihood that names will be minimi ze d. vari a ble R to 1. To rehash the
a large number of sy mbols An examp le of a hash name:
will ' be placed in a single function which usually gives 1. Set R = R*5 (shift left
section of the table. This good r esults is to add two bits, and add to the
technique, whic h is call ed together all of the bytes of a original number).
"hashing" or "hash character string, ignoring 2. Mask out a ll but the
What happens if we use
addressi ng" for obvious overflow, or e ls e to low-order k+2 bits of R, and
a random assortment of
reasons, is used in most "exclusive or" the bytes save this as the new R.
the names, placing
modern assemb lers a nd together. 3. Shift R right 2 bits and
them haphazardly into
compilers. Similarly, in order to add it to h to get the next
the various sections of
So, instead of using the minimi ze the clu stering of table entry h. If this entry is
the table?
first ch aracter of a name to names which hash to the occupied, rehash the name
select the proper section of same starting address, we can again.
the table, we will use a "re-hash" the names so as to To find a name in the
random assortment of bits, or randomly distribute them table duri ng Pass 2, we si mpl y
an arbitrary function of the around the table. Such a hash and rehas h in exac tly
bit pattern of the entire method is call ed a "random the same way, this time
name, to select a starting rehash." The following comparing each tabl e entry h
point in the table. A function method is easy to imple ment, against the name to be found.
of this sort is called a "hash efficient, a nd works well The remarkable fact about
function". So long as the when the table size is a power this algorithm is that the
function's possible values are of 2, say 2**k (see Morris): number of comp arisons
even ly distributed over the Suppose a name initially needed to find an entry, on
range of addresses for tab le hashes to table entry h, which the average, depends on ly on
entries, the problem of the is a l ready occupied by how full the table is and not
however, if a name to be on how large it is. Even when
looked up on Pass 2 is not the table is 90% f ull, only
found in its original section, Fig. 8. Hashing Symbol Table Descriptors. about 2.56 comparisons will
most of the following section be needed , on the ave rage . In
will have to be searched contrast, for a nearly full
before the name is found. DESCRIPTORS table of 512 entries, the
This phenomenon is called sequential search method
"c I ustering." Your friend o I
described earlier would take
Zaborowski is especially an average of 256
lik e ly to run into this comparisons to find a name,
problem, and even if you or about 100 times as long'
make the Z section large I Random reh as hing is
enough, searching the symbol 3 I illustrated in Fig. 8 . The first
table will take just as long name to hash to table entry
using the new approach as it 4 12, for example, wo uld be
did with the old one.
I stored there, whil e the next
5 name whose hash function
Can we overcome these I
dra wbac ks of the new value was 12 would be
method? Here's where a little
6 I rehashed to table e ntry 13,
lateral thinking will help. We HASH 7 I and the next one wou ld be
are making use of ou r ~
rehashed twice a nd fina ll y
B stored in table entry 3.
knowledge of the orderi ng of ~ I
the a lph abet. Try the We have only described
opposite approac h : , What I one method of hashing here;
happens if we use a random 10 I several other variations are
assortment of the names, possible . The most important
p I ac ing them haphazardly 11 of these is called "hashing
into the various sections of with overflow chaining," in
the tab le? At first this sounds I which all of the names which
a b sur d, but 0 n c loser 13 I hash to the same starting
examination we realize that it address are chained together
soliles the problem.' The 14 on a linked li st. This method,
problem arose because people which is often used on large
are fairly li kely to choose a I comput e rs with dyn amic
set of names which are storage allocation, is less
related in the alp habetic suitab le for microcomputers
orderi ng; by usi ng a random Iy because it requires an extra

address field for each symbol mnemonics a nd be able to define a symbol program with a parameter
table entry. The references at programmer defin ed names to with a constant value, or with SIZE for the size of an array
the end of this article can be in st ruction opcodes and the same value as another might include statements
consulted for a more addresses. Ma ny other s y m bol. For example, a such as
complete discussion of features can be added to an constant representing, say,
hashing. assembly language to mak e it the size of an array, may be ADDA #SIZE-1
Now that you have even mo re conven ient for used at several points in a
becom e acquainted with programming. Some of the program. By using a symbol
some of the basic more useful features of this in place of the constant
programm ing tech niq ues used kind will be considered here. throughout the program, and SPACE EQU 3*SIZE+1
for scanning and searching defining the symbol's
symbol tables, you're about Defining Constants constant value at the which would specify (for
ready to start writi ng your Most assembly langu ages beginning of the program, we SIZE=25) that 24 should be
own assembler! You might have pseudo-ops which direct can make it eas ier to change added to the A accumulator,
want to ac tually try this, the assembler to reserve one the size of the array when and that SPACE should have
using the simplest techniques or more locations containing producing a new version : the constant value 76
outlined in this article: constant values. For exa mple, Only the symbol need be wherever it appears in the
Pe rhaps a fixed-column the Motorol a 6800 asse mbly redefined, and its new value program.
scanner and a seq uentially language has a pseudo-op will be substituted at the It is remarkably easy to
searched symbol tabl e for a FCB, for "form constant appropriate points by the eval ua te expressions of this
first version. Very often, byte." An example of its use normal process of assembly. kind, taking account of
when it comes to actually would be (This is called "parameter- parentheses and the normal
getting a program up and izing" the program.) This precedence of arithmetic
running, the simple-minded FCB 23,$FA feature is not too difficult to operations . An algorithm to
ap proach turns out to be the implement, a nd most perform the evaluation of
one that works best. Once which would reserve two assemblers have a pseudo-op such expressions will be the
you've got a basic assembler bytes containing 00010111 such as subject of an article in a later
working, you can consider (23 in d ec imal) and issue of BYTE; if you are
add ing some of the features 11111010 (FA in SIZE EQU 25 impatient, you can consult
that we'll discuss next. hexadecimal or base sixteen). Mealy or Gries (see the
Sometimes an instruction which allows us to write references).
takes its operand in a
More Assembler Features memory location (rather than Conditional Assembly
Up to th is point, we have as an "immediate" operand), We saw how a program
been concerned with only the but th e operand itself is could be parameterized by
b asic functions of an actually a constant. Inste ad the use of equivalenced
assembler: The conversion of of writing ARRAY RMB SIZE symbols and arithmetic
ex pressions. Sometimes a
ADDA THREE or, in general to use the program can be
symbol SIZE wh erever the parameterized in another
constant 25 cou Id appear. way: Entire sections of the
program can be included or
THREE FCB 3 Expression Eval uation omitted, depending on the
Besides defining constants values of certain parameters.
we would like to be abl e to and constant-valued symbols For example, if the maximum
write in a program, it is frequently value of a certain variable is
Very often, when it useful to be able to combine less than 256, it can be stored
ADDA =3 such elements into arithmetic in a single byte on most
comes to actually
getting a program up expressions whose values can machines; but if the
and have the assembler be computed at assembly maximum value is 256 or
and running, the
aut 0 mat i c a II y I' e serve a time, and to use those values more, two bytes or a word
memory location containing in place of other constants. must be used. Thus we might
approach turns out to
3, and asse mble its address For example, the same wish to write something like
be the one that works
into the instruction. Such an
instruction operand is called a
"literal." On machin es where
some instructions can address .IF MAXV AL LT 256
only a limited range of ARRAY RMB SIZE
memory locations, this .END
feature may be difficult to .IF MAXVAL GE 256
implement. ARRAY RMB 2*SIZE
It is often convenient to

with the intent that, if an which are replaced by make the addresses come out
earlier EQU pseudo-op had parameterized sequences of right." This relocation
defined MAXVAL as, say, assembly language statements information is processed by a
200, the first RMB statement wherever they appear in the loader, which is responsible
would be assembled, while if program. When combined for loading all of the related
MAXV AI- had been defined with features for conditional programs into memory.
as, say, 400, the second RM B assembly, a mac ro facility While both of these topics
would be assembled. provides a powerful tool for are i nteresti ng and very
This feature is not too extending an assembly important, many pages would
difficult to implement, and it language to suit it for a be required to do them
is extre mely usefu I. The particular a pplication . justice a nd this article is
assembler must si mply We have discussed only pretty long already! So we'll
recognize the .IF and .END absolute assemblers: We content ourselves with the
pseudo-ops, evaluate the began by assuming that the topics al ready discussed. By
relations, and skip the program was to be assembled this time, you probably have
intervening text on both sta rting at location 0 (or either decided that writi ng an
passes if the relation is false. some other fixed location). assembler is too much work,
It is easy to imagine (but When the program is going to and have stopped reading this
somewhat more difficult to be loaded into memory along article, or else you have
implement) extensions to this with other, previously found the whole idea very
feature, such as the repetitive assembled programs, intriguing and are looking
assembly of certain program however, we don't know how forward for the last word . So
segments. big the other progra ms are or here it is: Now that you Now that you know
in which order they will be know how to write an how to write an
Macros and Relocation loaded. In this case it is assembler, why not get out assembler, why not get
The most sophisticated necessary to put out and give it a try? You have out and give it a try?
assemblers are comparable to relocation information along nothing to lose but your
compilers in complexity, size with the assembled program, innocence about the
and versatility. Some which says, in effect, "If you complexities of system
assemblers implement a load this program at location software, and perhaps a little
macro facility, which enables m, you should add the of your time.
the programmer to define number m to the following
new instruction mnemonics bytes or words in order to Good luck!


Barron, D. W. Assemblers Mealy, George. "A

and Loaders. American Generalized Assembly System
Elsevier (Computer (Excerpts)," in Saul Rosen
Monograph Series, No.6), (ed.), Programming Systems
New York, 7969. and Languages. McGraw-Hili,
The most complete, New York, 7967.
readily available text on the A classic paper by one of
design of assemblers and the pioneers of language
loaders; also describes tra nsl ators and operating
one-pass assemblers and systems. Presents the idea of
meta-assemblers. descri p tors for character
Gries, David. Compiler strings as well as many other
Co n s t ru c ti on for Digital innovations.
Computers. Wiley, New York, Morris, R. "Sca tter
7977. Storage Techniques," in
A highly recommended Communications of the ACM
text on compiler design : 11: 1 (january 7968), pp.
Covers both the theoretical 38-44.
and practical aspects of the One of the best general
problem. Includes a good surveys of hashing
discussion of hashing and techniques; includes a good,
more sophisticated methods brief description of hashing
of scanning. with overflow chaining.




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Did you ever wonder about the use of surplus keyboards
for use in your system? Here is an article describing one way
to analyze such a keyboard - illustrated by a particular model
which is available through one of BYTE's advertisers. Do you
use a surplus keyboard already? This is one of the most
common and usable of surplus subsystems - I'd like to see a
few reader submitted articles on use of various keyboards
available in surp lus channels. . .. CARL

One of the best sources of interface of a keyboard, and charac ter code prese nte d on
input data for your home is used only as a guide to the the data Ii nes DO to D6. In
brew computer system is the analysis of an actua l addition to the e ncoding
typewriter style keyboard keyboard later on in this function, the keybo ard has
device. A decent keyboard artic le. logic which produces a "flag"
will give you the abi lity to The manual input of the signal to indicate that some
enter parallel character data 8 key board is its most key has been depressed. This
by bits at a time. The typical important feature . It is the flag is eith er a pulse (see
Carl Helmers keyboard input devices wi ll human operator's depression timing diagram example in
Editor, BYTE also include a flag of some of a selected key which Fig. 1) or a level state,
sort to indicate that a key has communicates some depending upon th e
been pressed. It might also information to your system . particular keyboard design
include an "acknowledge" When the key is depressed, it involved. It is often the case
line to be pulsed after the causes the keyboard input (but not required) that the
compu ter had read the data. device's logic to generate an keyboard is designed for
The parallel interface of a encoded binary pattern for interactiv e control by the
typical keyboard is illustrated the key. This encoded binary computer processor. In such
in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 is a typical pattern is typically a n ASCII cas e s, an "acknowledge"

signal must be generated by a keyboard with an "n" key compl ete subsystem ready to possible if an LSI chip with a
the computer and sent back roll over feature to decipher hook up - to a mere array of standard part number is
to the keyboard to reset the multiple key strokes which key switches which must have utilized.
logic of the keyboard input overlap in quick succession. a new set of encoding logic to 3. The most desirable
device . This is all well and good, but make it work. keyboard will be one on
The encoding pattern of is there a less expensive The keyboards you which the PC layout people
the keyboard input device alternative? Th e answer of employ for this purpose must have made notations of nice
depends upon the course is "Yes", and the be selected and analyzed on little comments like "+5V",
manufacturer's design and remainder of th is article an individual basis - there is "-12V", "VCC", "A", "$",
must be determined for a concerns th e techniques no stock formula applicable etc. These are great aids to
surplus keyboard before you involved. to all such keyboards. Several figuring out the operation of
can use it. For many rough guidelin~s will help the devices.
keyboards, the ASCII pattern Using Surplus Keyboards you keep out of too much If you (at a minimum)
of Table I is applicable - The alternative to new trouble: satisfy the first criterion
each key maps into one of equipment is "pre-owned" 1. Always look for a unit above, the keyboard will
the 7-bit patterns listed. equipment, to borrow a term which is in sound physical ultimately be usable,
Unless state d by the dealer, fro m standard used car condition. Get one which has provided it uses actual
you will have to approach the dealers' lexicon. Since the cleanest possible key keyswitches, since you can
analysis of the surplus com pu ters have been in use tops, smoothly working keys, always construct a switch
keyboard without any for anum ber of years there is I ittle sign of "hack" scanner and/or diode matrix
assumptions: it is likely to be a fairly wide selection of modifications to PC circuits, to encode the switches as
ASCII but .. . you could equipment in the "surplus" etc. Verify that the keyboard ASCII binary information.
wind up with a Univac market, as you can find out is a "switch" type - Hall
by reading the advertising effect or capaci tive keyboards Diode Matrix Keyboard
"Fieldata" encoded
keyboard; you could wind up pages of BYTE. An item exist and should be avoided Analysis - An Example
with an IBM EBCDIC which is frequently found in without proper To illustrate what can be
keyboard , etc. Many surplus vendors' offerings is documentation. done with surplus keyboards,
non-standard encoding the keyboard input device. 2. The most desirable the remainder of this article
schemes for alphanumeric Prices for keyboards vary keyboard will be one in concerns the analysis of a
keyboards are derivatives of considerably - frbm $10 for which the encoding logic is particular keyboard input
ASCII . Thus the example in real "junk" to about $40 for readily decipherable. This will device . The keyboard in
this article is chosen with an premium keyboards. The use invariably be the case with question has been advertised
ASCII encoding scheme in you can get out of such a diode matrix keyboards (see recently, and is a fairly
mind. (IBM surplus is rarely surplus board ranges from a text below) - and may be typical diode matrix encoded
in usable form and the
number of EBCDIC
keyboards by non-IBM
manufacturers is an unknown ACKNOWLEDGE +
but assumed small number.)
In Table I, the common
character codes are shown in MANUAL LSB
a typical graphic form as well INPUT DO
as in binary, octal and KEYBOARD 01
hexadeci mal representations. INPUT 02
Now a new keyboard fully 03
encoded for ASCII and/or
EBCDIC is one option you 06
have for implementing a MSB
keyboard input device. For
example, a new commercial FLAG +
keyboard will typically sell in
the $50 to $150 range
depending upon options - a TIMING (TYPICAL>:
keyboard with a standard
typewriter sty le layout and ff
an LSI encoding method. As
a.second example, Southwest
Technical Products Corp.
used to sell a hobby quality
keyboard at about $40 in kit
form. The advantages of new ACKNOWLEDGE
key board s are obvious: you
get the complete description
of the hardware along with
the product and an
interface which will be similar
to the one describe d in Fig. 1.
With the newer LSI encoded Fig. 1. Typical keyboard functions.
boards, you will probably get

The keyboard, with
bottom plate removed and OUTPUT
encoder board out in the TERMINALS
open. The encoder printed
circuit is separated from
its mounting on the BYPASS
bottom plate but is still CAPACITOR
attached by its wiring


722-1 keyboard work - but features to look for in a diode examp Ie, the array is at the
without any original design matrix encoder keyboard are lower right in the photo.
documen tation from the identified in the photo. While the array is regular, the
manufacturer, since it is Keyboard Encoder Pc. actual printed wiring is fairly
keyboard of the 1966·1970 surplus. The first step is to The typical diode matrix random - although it will
vintage. This keyboard is a put on your Sherlock Holmes keyboard will have a printed ultimately condense down
surplus Sanders Associates cap, crank up your deductive circuit board containing a into a set of bit busses.
Model 722-1 subsystem, powers and begin large number (approximately Integrated Circuits. This
which comes enclosed in a disassembl ing the keyboard. 100-200) of computer diodes particular keyboard has a
metal housing with a fairly In order to analyze the and several integrated bunch of integrated circuits
typical Teletype style key circuit, a likely place to start circuits, with individual wires in the left hand portion of
layout. On the right hand side is the bottom cover plate. In running from keyswitches to the encoder board. The photo
of the keyboard is a set of the case of the 722-1, four the PC . Sometimes the illustrates arbitrary reference
special function keys, which screws hold the cover plate to functions of encodi ng and numbers U1 to U12 for the
obviously had some meaning the bottom of the housing. control logic will all be purposes of this article, since
in the original system using Upon opening the cover mounted on the same printed no references were buil t into
the device. plate, the 722-1 will be found circuit as in this example. the printed circuit board .
The keyboard and housing to have a printed circuit Occasionally, the logic will be Pul/up Resistors. In diode
can be used "as is" in your board attached to the pi ate - split up into smaller chunks matrix boards, a set of
system - with the only a thin plastic sheet glued to on separate boards. negative logic "wired or"
necessary modifications bei ng the cover plate prevents Wiring Harness. A busses is used to generate
the substitution of an inadvertent shorting of PC keyboard is easy to figure out each bit of the encoded
interface plug and cable conductors. The PC shou Id be if you can ~et at it "live" binary word. One pullup
which can mate with your removed from the cover plate (under power). In this case, a resistor (typically 1000
own equipment. The example by unscrewing the four nuts wiring harness allows Ohms) is associated with each
of analyzing and figuring out securing it. The result will be c onsi derable room for bus line.
this keyboard can be used as a PC board hangi ng ou t the exl:t!nsion so that the key
back of the housing/keyboard switch matrix and housing I dentifying the Power
a guide to similar work with
other surplus keyboards. assembly by its wiring can be separated from the Requirements
harness. encoder board. One of the most critical
Start at the Beginning The actual process of Diode Matrix. The way to items to be determined in
The object of this project analysis of a keyboard such as tell a diode matrix board is figuring out a keyboard is to
is to determine the details this will probably take you an by the regular array of diodes identify the power
needed to make the Model evening or so. The key found at some point. In this requirements. The best way is

Table I. Binary, Octal
and Hexadecimal ASCII
Codes. This table contains
common symbols for
keyboard characters
and the corresponding
ASCII codes.

Binary Octal . Hex Common "Graphics"* Binary Octal Hex Common " Graphics"*

0000000 000 00 NUL character 1000000 100 40 @ - "at"

0000001 001 01 1000001 101 41 A
0000010 002 02 1000010 102 42 B
0000011 003 03 1000011 103 43 C
0000100 004 04 1000100 104 44 o
0000101 005 05 1000101 105 45 E
0000110 006 06 1000110 106 46 F
0000111 007 07 Bell - Ri ng the Be ll! 1000111 107 47 G
0001000 010 08 1001000 110 48 H
0001001 011 09 1001001 111 49
0001010 012 OA LF - Line Feed 1001010 112 4A
0001011 013 OB 1001011 113 4B K
0001100 014 OC 1001100 114 4C L
0001101 015 00 CR - Carriage Return 1001101 115 40 M
0001110 016 OE 1001110 116 4E N
0001111 017 OF 1001111 117 4F o
0010000 020 10 1010000 120 50 P
0010001 021 11 1010001 121 51 Q
0010010 022 12 1010010 122 52 R
0010011 023 13 1010011 123 53 S
0010100 024 14 1010100 124 54 T
0010101 025 15 1010101 125 55 U
0010110 026 16 1010110 126 56 V
0010111 027 17 1010111 127 57 W
0011000 030 18 1011000 130 58 X
0011001 031 19 1011001 131 59 Y
0011010 032 lA 1011010 132 5A Z
0011011 033 18 ESC - "E scape" 1011011 133 5B ( - Left bracket
0011100 034 lC 1011100 134 5C \ - Reverse slash
0011101 035 10 1011101 135 50 J - Right bracket
0011110 036 1E 1011110 136 5E
0011111 037 1F 1011111 137 5F Underscore
0100000 040 20 SP - Space 1100000 140 60
0100001 041 21 ! - Exclamatio n 1100001 141 61
0100010 042 22 " - Quotes 11 0001 O' 142 62 b
0100011 043 23 # - Number Sign 1100011 143 63 c
0100100 044 24 $ - Doll ar Sign 1100100 144 64 d
0100101 045 25 % - Perce nt 1100101 145 65 e
0100110 046 26 & - Ampersand 1100110 146 66
0100111 047 27 • - Apostrop he 1100111 147 67 g
0101000 050 28 ( - Left Pare n 1101000 150 68 h
0101001 051 29 ) - Right Paren, 1101001 151 69
0101010 052 2A * - Asterisk 1101010 152 6A j
0101011 053 2B + - Plus sign 1101011 153 6B k
0101100 054 2C • - Comma 1101100 154 6C
0101101 055 20 Minus Sign (hyph en) 1001101 155 60 m
0101110 056 2E · - Dec imal (period) 1101110 156 6E n
0101111 057 2F / - Slash 1101111 157 6F o
0110000 060 30 o 1110000 160 70 p
0110001 061 31 1 1110001 161 71 q
0110010 062 32 2 1110010 162 72
0110011 063 33 3 1110011 163 73
0110100 064 34 4 1110100 164 74
0110101 065 35 5 1110101 165 75 u
0110110 066 36 6 1110110 166 76 v
0110111 067 37 7 1110111 167 77 w
0111000 070 38 8 1111000 170 78 x
0111001 071 39 9 1111001 171 79 y
0111010 072 3A : - Colon 1111010 172 7A z
0111011 073 3B ; - Semicolon 1111011 173 78 [ - Le ft brace
0111100 074 3C < - Less than 1111100 174 7C
0111101 075 3D = - Equality 1111101 175 70 } - Right brace
0111110 076 3E > - Greater than 1111110 176 7E
0111111 C77 3F ? - Question Mark 1111111 177 7F DEL - Delete

Diode matrix - this
system of generating
the ASCII code is used of course to get a keyboard which uses standard part connections by traci ng down
in older keyboards. which h as power numb e rs. For keyboards ground to the I/O pin la belled
requirements listed on its which are manufactured by 7 and tracing down power
encoder printed circuit in no the small er companies in the (+5 for DTL) to I/O pin 5.
uncertai n terms. However, computer field, parts are Being a cautious type of
"the best" is often a matte r usu ally sta nd ard items so that person, I then looked for
of lu ck a nd judiciou s choice this method can be some independent
of eq uipme nt in su rplu s emp loyed. One of the main confirmations of this power
circles ... you ca n make do justificatio ns for home brew pinout identification.
with l ess than pelfect computer clubs is t he nice Another m ethod of
documen tation by e mpl oy ing informal arrangement which identifying power and ground
some kn owledge of common provi des for an exc hange of connections is to look for
design practices. Figuring out inform ation of th is type. In color coding on wires. This
power voltages requ ires the the case of the Sanders kind of a confirmation is only
analysis of o ne circuit power keyboard, the two integrated possible for boards
line for each leve l of voltage circuit designs use d were manufactured with ha nd
lab e lled "ST659A" and wiring. If the harness is one
involv ed to co mpl ete ly
"ST680A" . The o nly of the multiconductor ribbon
establish the req uire ments of problem is that no direct cables, color coding is not
the system. reference co uld be found in likely. In the keyboard I
One of the l east literature I had available. analyzed I fo und that the
ambiguous ways to ide ntify However, don't give up with ground terminal of the
power lin es is to look up the an initial failure to find a decoder was routed via a
power pinouts of the reference. What I did after black wire to the connector
integrate d circuit components striking out on these two on the case, and that the +5
used in your keyboard. This numbers was to look for a volt terminal was routed to
method requires a supply of similar number differ ing only the connector via a red wire .
reference books an d a in the a lph abe tical This is consistent with the
keyboard encoder circuit informa tion. I did find industry conventions which
ref erences to two DTL are used for such wiring -
integrated circuits "SP659A" power (positive) is red,
VOM an d "SP680A," an ground (negative) is bl ack.
300m A
expandable 4-input NAND Still another method for

~1. _B_o_~E_RY_D- -J
gate and a qu ad 2-input det er mination of power
+5V NAND gate. Both these gate connections is to exam ine the
MAINS ...,-~---, SUPPLY designs h ave package power polarity of electrolytic
o connections of Pin 8 for capacitors mounted on the
power and Pin 1 for ground. board for local powe r supp ly
Th e gate references gave f i I t e r i n g. Th e s e by pass
Fig. 2. Turn it on and cross your fingers. me a high probability capacitors are often (not
determination of the power always) connected between

Detail of the output pins.
This keyboard is one of
the more desirable types -
it has labeling of many key
features etched along with
the printed wiring.

the positive supply and milliamperes. Remove power When you have found a
ground, with markings of (+) ASAP if the meter movement pin which changes state, the
for the supply side and (-) for is "pinned" on a 300 or 1000 nex t test is to see whether it
the ground side. In the milliampere scale, since that changes the same way for
dis as sembled keyboard indicates either a short circuit every normal key on the
photograph accompanying or incorrect polarity for the key board. If the effects vary
this article, the bypass power. If a reasonable current from key to key, then the
capacitor is labeled. Using (under 300 milliamperes) is line in question is a data line
c lip Ie ads, the bypass drawn, then you can safely - if the tentatively identified
capacitor often provides a trust you r power connecti on "flag" pin pulses or changes
handy way to apply power determination and proceed its level consistently for all
when first testing the board. by removing the meter from keys (with one or two
Mu Itiple power supply the circuit. possible exceptions) then it is
keyboards often occur with probably the flag desired. In
later equip ment, especially Does It Have a Flag? the Sanders surplus board
where MOS encoders are analyzed here, the flag pin
The next thing to look for was found to be I/O
employed. This will is a "flag" indicating that the
complicate the analysis connection terminal 8.
keyboard has been activated The exception possible to
problem - often to the point by a finger and data is
where it might be wise to the "same behavior on every
present. The term "flag"
avoid such boards unless key" statement is evidenced
means a logic line generated
adequately labeled with in the Sanders board - the
in the keyboard encoder
vol tage designations, part flag interconnection terminal
which may be either pulsed is a pulsed output of 2
numbers and other or steady state. This test
comments. microseconds in width for all
requires a method of catching
Turn It On and Cross Your keys except one : the
pu Ises either an "Repeat" key cau ses the fl ag
Fingers? osci 1I0scope with abou t 10 to change its state. The flag is
Now that you think you MHz bandwidth, or one of a normally high in this board,
have the power connections number of logic probes but when repeat is depressed
straight, your next step in available which "flash" when it is held low.
analysis is to apply a little bit a state change occurs. Check
of power to ·the circuit and each of the several I/O
see what happens - using a connection terminals while Where's the Data?
milliammeter. Connect the pressing a key. If the Now, having found a flag
keyboard using the circuit of keyboard is working at all, to indicate when data is
Fig. 2. If the power leads you will find at least one present, the next problem
have been correctly terminal wh ich changes state immediately presents itself -
identified, the current read - with a pulse or a level you now turn to examine the
on the meter should be change as keys are other pins of the
approximately 100 activated . interconnection to the

Fig. 3. The typical encoded bit
line for a diode matrix. IOOOn.

*DTL gates used in surplus KEY \:
"Sanders 720" keyboard; TTL

migh t be used in variations on
this theme, e.g.: 7400 series.

previous key is released . Thus
this keyboard has zero-key
3 10
rollover since all keys must be
4 II released before a new key can
5 12 be recognized.
__-=6-1--7- - 13
Figuring Out the Coding
Fig. 4. Pinouts for the DTL gates
'------!XPANSIO~ in the Sanders keyboard. (Unused Once the problem of
inputs are assumed logic 1 locked up outputs is solved
without external puJJups.) by identifying the
"Acknowledge" signal line,

14 the next problem is to
13 identify the bit Ii nes at the
interconnection interface. To
do this requires the following
procedure (by hand) when

II testing the state of individual
9 bit lin e s ask e y s are
depressed . ..
1 . Short the Acknowledge
line to ground.
decoder and find no change outputs explains the lack of which interface terminal 2. Press a key whose code
whatsoever in levels regardless change seen when first corresponds to the "read" is to be examined.
of the key pressed. Ah! The e xaml nl ng the board ' s command line which resets all 3. Look at the outputs on
frustration! It's enough to outputs for possible data - in the flip flops, a bit more a scope or logic state
drive you to tracing down the order to read (or get ready to circuit tracing is required. indicator (the latter is an
logic of the keyboard, at least read) a key, the R-S flip flops Fig. 5 illustrates the effective LED driven by a gate
for one of the low order data of all diode matrix outputs logic reSUlting from the section).
bits. That's exactly what must be reset. The "read" tracing for" Read" - which it To identify your coding,
happened in analyzing this command line performs this turns out is commanded by a make the following
example of a keyboard. Fig. 3 reset. After resetting, the first negative logic pulse from the reasonableness hypothesis
is the result of that tracing negative going pulse on the computer via interconnection initially:
operation - using the pinouts matrix bit Ii ne into the 659's terminal pin 6. In Fig. 5, the Keys with an identifiable
of Fig. 4 which were obtained expander input sets the flip R-S flip flop (A) is used to sequential order (eg :
from an old (late sixties) data flop, thus debouncing the control the computer alphabetical order) will be
reference for the DTL gates. contact closure. There is one interface . The receipt of an consecutive integer numbers
As can be seen in Fig. 3, bit line · for each possible bit acknowledge command from in any reasonable binary
an R-S flip flop is made out of "raw data" - and some the computer resets that flip coding scheme.
of two NAND gate sections logic is used to superimpose flop potentially allowing a You can identify the low
for each bit-line of the the shift key and control key read, but the NAND gate (8) order bits in ASCII, for
keyboard. This storage of the information as required. inhibits recognition of any instance, if you make this
state of the diode matrix So, in order to find out new keystroke until after the assumption.

Fig. 5. Keyboard "Read" and Acknowledge logic.


"READ" 2




INPUTS L-.---~;--'>+---HH-- BUS


Table II . Terminal several of the least significant
Connections for the Sanders bits first before you can make
surplus keyboard. a conjecture. This conjecture
of orderi ng can be verified for
Terminall.D. the Sanders board being
#5 Power (+5 volts) analyzed by looking at
#6 Acknowledge (-)
# 7 Ground
typical codes (see Table I,
and look, for instance, at the
#8 Flag (-) (pulse unless output for "line feed" using Start
REPEAT key held down) the terminal identifications
listed in Table II).
#9 Bit 0 (+) ASCII LSB
#10 Bit 1 (+) Nowa major input to this
identification process is the
#11 Bit 2 (+) ~~
assumption of ASCII coding
# 13 Bit 4 (+)
- if this assumption gives ...
Wait For Interrupt
"funny" results, you have no ("Flag" = 0)
#14 Bit 5 (+) choice but to use a slightly
#15 Bit 6 (+) different method: take each
key in turn, depress it, and
So, pick two neighboring look at all possible output
keys with identical ASCII bits lines of the encode.
high order bits, and test first Record the results in a table "I11III ~
one then the other (using the similar to Table I, but with
Read Key Input
three steps above) for each the key you find, instead of
potential bit line until you the standard ASCII. You may
find a bit line which find you have inverted data, a
alternates with your key completely non-ASCII code
strokes. Thus, for instance, if set such as EBCDIC, or a
you alternately press @ and A modified ASCII.
on the Sanders board of this "IIIIIJ p
article (acknowledging Now You've Sorted the Bits
- So What's Next? Convert Key Code
between each look) you will to Binary and Octal
fi nd the state of interface When you have figure d out Character Stri ngs
terminal 9 alternating. This the equivalent of 1 able II for
can only be the low order bit your own surplus keyboard ,
of the ASCII code. Now pick the next step is to make a
two keys in alphabetical systematic identification in a
order which are at a change in table similar to Table I. One
bit 1. For example, pick "A" of the best ways to do this is 'II1II ~
and "B". This will result in all to use your compu ter with an
Display or Type
high order bits of the code input port devoted to the
the Strings
remaining identical down to keyboard, and a display or
the ASCII bit 1 line. Examine hard copy device for output.
the termi nals of the encoder A program written to
while alternately looking at A implement the flow chart of
and B until you find the line Fig. 6 can be used to
which changes. selectively examine keys on
This procedure can be the keyboard. The program ~ p
repeated for the third ASCII accepts a key input, unpacks
low order bit (bit 2) by the bits into a binary and Acknowledge
The Key (send pulse)
picking the letters C and D. octal form, then displays the
The bit 2 terminal is found to bits on your output (TV,
be 11 by this test for the character generatoG or
Sanders board. Continuing printer) as a binary and an
once more, test the bit 3 octal number. If you have a
output by looking at G and H printer output (eg: a Teletype
alternately (ignore the or line printer) then you
previously identifi ed pins - should write the symbol on
all high order pins will remain the key nex t to each code
Fig. 6. Keyboard Test Program Flow Chart.
the same). after the code is pri nted. If
By the time termi nal 12 is you only have a display
found tei be ASCII bit 3, a output, then you should note
trend has been established for the code on paper along with
this keyboard - ascending the key symbol. After you
terminal identifications from have completed this bit of
9 are the bits of the ASCII research, your keyboard is
code. I n many cases this will now thoroughly documented
be the order of term inals - so that its input codes can be
but you have to identify interpreted by programs. •
'1 Quality Co,m .. lic Second~
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2.49 ... .
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SCHOOL TIME SPECIAL CT5005 2.qq ... . 1.49

POCKET CALCULATOR KIT MM5738 8 digit multipl ..... d Ii ... func.ion opera lion 2 k.. y m .. mory - lIo •• ing
5 func.ion plu, con"'I1' -
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.ddr .. .. m .. mory wi.h ~
-. in ... rfac .. , wilh I..d wi.h only digil dri .... -
indi.idu.1 r.. call - 8 digit
9 V b.u. op .... 24 pin $3.VS
di'pl.y plu, o ... rllow - " ' . ," ;
boittery wvef - uses st.indard \ I, " 9 DIGIT LED DISPLAY - FNA37
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On multipl .. xed .ub"r.I .. , comm. ca-
necessJiry pilrls in ready to .hod.. compa.abl.. wi.h all 8 digit
.issemble form - instructions caleul •• or chip., 7 ... gm .. n. right hand
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.n" charact .. r, 1'0 4 MA, 1.8 V .yp 2",".
' .. ' • '/"" high $2.V5


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7400 S .14 10% OFF ON ORDERS OVER $100.00
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7403 .16 1024 bil .1.lic RAM 5.55
74% .79
7404 . 19 74100 1.30 LINEAR CIRCUITS 2048 bil U\I era. PROM
1024 bil RAM
7405 .19 74105 .44 ]00 Po, V R.. g (.up.. r 723) TO·5 S .71
7406 .]5 1024 bil RAM 2.69
74107 .40 ]01 Hi perf op amp mDIP .29
7407 .35 2048 bil RAM 5.95
74121 .42 J07 Op AMP (.uper 741) mOIP .26 64 bil ROM TIL 2.48
7408 .18 74122 .45 J08 Micro Pwr Op Amp mDIP .89
7409 .19 Programmabl .. ROM 3.69
74123 .85 309K 5\1 lA r.. gul.lor TO-3 1.35
7410 . 16 256 bil RAM Iri-.I.I .. 5.90
74125 .54 ]10 \I Follow .. r Op Amp mDIP 1.07
7411 .25 74126 .63 311 Hi perf \I Comp mDIP .95
7413 .55 74141 1.04 ]19 Hi Spe .. d Du.1 Comp DIP 1.13
7416 .]5 74145 1.04
7417 .35 741SO .97
N.. g R.. g 5.2, 12, 15
Qu.d Op Amp
7420 .16 74151 .79
7422 .26 74153 .qq
QUild Comp.rillor
Po •. \I r .. g. (5\1,6\1,8\1,
7423 .29 74154 1.25 12\1, 15\1, 18\1,24\1) TO-3 1.69 s001 12 DIG 4 funcl fi. d .. c S3.45
7425 .27 74155 1.07 340T Po •. \I r.. g. (5\1,6\1,8\1, 5002 as 5001 t'U blry pwr 3.95
7426 .26 74156 1.07 12\1,15\1, 18\1 ,24\1) TO-220 1.49 s005 12 DIG 4 funcl w/ m .. m 4.95
7427 .29 74157 .99 370 AGC / Squ .. lch AMPL DIP .71 MM5725 8 DIG 4 funcl & dec 1.98
7430 .20 74158 1.79 372 AF-IF Strip dt'lt"clor DIP 2.93 MM5736 18 pin 6 DIG 4 funcl 4.45
7432 .23 741bO 1.39 373 AM/ FM / SSB Slrip DIP .53 MM5738 8 DIG 5 funcl K & m .. m 5.35
7417 .35 74161 1.25 376 Pos. \I. Rt"g mDIP 2.42 MM5739 9 DIG 4 funcl (blry .ur) 5.35
74]8 .35 74162 IA9 ]80 2~ Audio Amp DIP 1.13 MM531 I 28 pin BCD 6 dig mux 4.45
7440 . 17 74163 1.39 380-8 .6w Audio Amp mDIP 1.52 MM5312 24 pin I pp. BCD 4 dig mux 3.95
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7442 .77 74165 1.59 550 Prt"c V Rf'g DIP .89 MM5314 24 pin 6 dig mux 4.45
7443 .87 74166 IA9 555 Timer mDIP .89 MM5316 40 pin .Iarm 4 dig 5.39
7444 .87 74170 2.30 556A Dual 555 Timer DIP 1.49
7445 ,8Q 74173 1.49 560 Phast' Lockf'd loop DIP 2.48
( 440 .93 74174 1.62 562 Pho1St' lockt"d loop DIP 2.48
Ph.asf' locked Loop
funclion Gt"n
7450 .17 74177 .84 5b7 Tont" Ol'code-r mDIP 2.66 M\ll0B R.. d TO 18 S .22
7451 .17 74180 .qo 709 0pl"rolliondl AMPL DIP .26 MVSO Axial h~dd§ .18
7453 .17 7418'1 2.98 710 Hi Sp.ed \loll Comp DIP .35 M\lS020 Jumbo Vi •. R.. d (R ..d Dom .. ) .22
7454 .17 74182 .79 723 \I Reg DIP .62 Jumbo \Ii •. R.. d (O ... r Dom .. ) .22
74bO .17 74184 2.29 739 Du.1 Hi Perf Op Amp DIP 1.07 ME4 Infra rt'd diU. dome .54
74b4 .35 7-1185 "l.ll) 741 Comp Op Amp mDIP .32 MAN 1 Red 7 ... g .. 270" 2. 19
7465 .]5 7~187 :;.qS 747 Du.1 741 Op Amp DIP .71 MAN2 R.. d .Iph. num .32" 4.3'l
7470 .10 741qo US 748 fr.q Adj 741 mDIP .35 MAN4 Red 7 ... q . . 1qo" 1.95
7471 . 30 7 ·I1Q 1 1.35 1304 fM Mulpl Stt"rt"o Dt>mod DIP 1.07 MANS Gr .... n 7 .eg .. 270" 3.45
7473 .]5 74191 1.25 1307 FM Mulp' Sh."ft·o DE"mod DIP .74 MAN6 .6" high .olid ... q . 4.25
7474 ,J5 74193 1.19 1458 DUdl Comp Op Amp mDIP .62 MAN7 R.. d 7 .eq .. 270" 1. 19
7475 .57 i-' Jli4 1.25 1800 Stt"r('o mulliplt>u" DIP 2.48 MAN8 Vellow 7 ... q .. 270" 3.45
-; 47b .J'J 74195 .89 3'lOO Qu.d Amplifier DIP .35 MAN64 .4" high oolid .eq. 2.95
7483 .7'1 7-11% 1.25 8038 V contr. os, DIP 4.95 MAN66 .1)" high 'ipdCpd seq. 3.75
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INSIDE the Altair COlllpute~

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devices. L --------------------~
Line will take, as an
illustration of the first steps
in the development · of a
complicated system ...
7. The facts of LIFE.
Defining the rules of the
game and its logical
requirements always helps -
after all, I would not want to
confuse it with chess, poker
or space war!
• 2. What do need to

implement LIFE? Once I
know the ru les, my next
problem is to sketch the
hardware and software
requ irements for a reasonable
implementation .
3. Programming. Given the

G ames played with

computer equipment
are applications of value
interactive visual graphics
which can be used much
more generally.
necessary hardware, the
biggest lu mp of effort is the
process of programming the
above and beyond the application. Some parts of
momentary "hack" value of The Starting Point this lump include ...
putting together an I n developing a system, it -Control flow:
interesting program. The always helps to know what Outlining the major
creation of a game is one of you want to do! The ability pieces of the program
the best ways to learn about to pin down a goal for a and their relationships.
the art and technique of programming effort - indeed,
programming with real any effor-t you make - is one'
-Partitioning: A well
hardware and software designed system is
of the most important tools
systems. LI FE Line concerns simple! But how can
of thought you have available
a game - the Game of LI FE, the desired simplicity
(or can develop) in your
originated by Charles Conway personal "bag of tricks ." be reconciled with
and first publicized by Martin "doing a lot." One way
Goa I setti ng does not
Gardner in Scientific is to partition the
necessarily mean a complete
American. The Game of LI FE system into pieces.
and detailed description of
serves as the central theme of Within each piece, a
the result - the feedback
LIFE Line - a well defined further partition
from the process of reaching
application of the type of provi des a set of
the goal can often modify the
hardware and software which details. Goal setting means sub-pieces and so on.
is within the reach of BYTE Each piece of the
the setting of a standard in
readers. The description of your mind - and on paper - program is thus kept at
the LI FE application is the a level of relative
of what you want to
"down to earth" goal of simplicity, yet the
accomplish. This standard is
LIFE Line. However, I have whole syste m adds up
used to evaluate and choose
an ulterior motive as well - to a quite sophisticated
among alternatives in a
by LIFE Line is a very set of functions.
methodical approach to a
Carl Helmers convenient and practical system which meets that -Coding: With the
Editor, BYTE vehicle for teaching ideas standard. application design laid
about program and system out in some detail, the
design which you can apply How to Get From Here to program must be coded
for your own use. Even if you There and debugged for a
never implement a graphics The goal of LI FE Line is a particular computer.
output device and interactive hardware/software system The result could be a
input keyboards, you can which enables the home brew series of octal or
gain knowledge and improve computer builder such as you he xadeci mal numbers
your skills by reading and or me (the "byter") to for your own
reflecting upon the points to automate the game of LI FE computer, or a high
be made in LI FE Line. The using relatively inexpensive level language program
LI FE application also has the equipment. It's appropriate which can be translated
side benefit of illustrating here to give a preliminary by an appropriate
some techniques of road map of the course LIFE compiler.

Fig. 1. Three views of LIFE: (a)
on paper; (b) in memory; (c) on a

A B 0000000000000
• 0000000000010000
. 0000000000000000
A live "cell" is a "1" bit in

A live "cell" is a dot on paper.

A live "cell" is a point of light on
a graphics display.

What Are The Facts of LIFE? can have a value of logical Look again at Fig. l(a} . neighbor squares. For LI FE,
"zero" or logical "one". The "cell" on the graph paper the "state" of the neighbors
The LI FE game treats each grid is a black dot placed in of a grid location is defined as
Ask a biologist the
question "What are the facts location of the grid (its some location. Count the "the number of occupied
of life?" and you will get one "squares") as a place where a number of graph paper neighbors." In the examples
answer; ask a "byter" and "cell" might live. If the place squares which directly of Fig. 1, the "state" of the
you'll get the "real" answer- is empty, a logical "0" value surround the live "cell" grid location with the live cell
an evolution algorithm used will be used in the computer location. There are 8 possible is thus "0" (no neighbori ng
to generate the placement memory; if the place is places which are "nearest cells), and the state of any
and "cell" content of a occupied, the "cell" will be neighbors" to the place held cell location which touches
square gri.d given the previous indicated by a logical "1" by the live cell. Similarly, if the single live cell's location is
state of cells in the grid. The value. The rules- of the LI FE you pick an arbitrary square "1". If I were to fill the
algorithm are defined in on the graph paper, you can entire graph paper or its
inspiration of the game is a
terms of this idea of a "cell" count up its nearest neighbors memory equivalent with live
combination of modern
(logic 1) or "no cell" (logic O) and find 8 of them also. The cells, the state of any grid
biology, the concept of
"cellular automata" in at every point in the universe rules of the LIFE algorithm location in the middle would
of the grid. Fig. 1 (a) concern how to determine be "8".
compu ter science and the
illustrates a single live cell on whether to place a "cell" in a Stated in words, the rules
pure fu n of mathematical
a section of graph paper as I particu lar square of the grid of the LIFE algorithm
abstractions. In making a
might record it when I work for the "next generation", determine the content of
c ompu ter version of the
out the LIFE process by given the present content of each grid location in the
game, the simplest approach
hand. Fig. 1 (b) shows a that square and its 8 nearest "next generation" in terms of
is to think of a group of
similar section of the neighbors. its present content and the
individual "bits" in the
computer memory - with computer memory in which What are the properties of state of its nearest neighbor
your thoughts assigning one bits ("0" mostly, but "1" for a specific grid location of the grid locations. The rules
memory bit to each "square" the cell) stand for the content game? I've already mentioned d i v ide into two grou ps
of the grid. (The hand or lack of content of a square its binary valued nature (it depending upon the present
operated form of the game on the grid. Fig. 1 (c) shows a has a "cell" or it doesn't) and content of the grid location
algorithm uses graph paper third view - the output of a its neighbors. One more whose "next generation"
for the squares in question.) program which puts the property which is crucial to value is to be calculated:
If I have a place in memory
which can store one bit, it
computer memory bits of the
grid onto a graphics display.
the game of LI FE is that of
the "state" of its 8 nearest 1=?
a "glider" for reasons which
will become clear a little bit
later in this article. The glider
Fig. 2. (a) A "glider" generation #n. (b) Examining location "Z" and its pattern of Fig. 2(a) consists
nearest neighbors. (c) What has to change for generation #n+ 1. (d) The
second phase of the glider (generation #n+1).
of the five cells indicated by
black dots, an d their
positions relative to one
empty location for the another. I have also indicated
"next generation." a dotted line in all the
Metaphorically, the illustrations of Figs. 2 and 3
A B three neighboring as a fixed reference point in
"parent" cells have the grid.
decided it is time to The algorithm for evolving
have a child. one generation to the next is
2.2 Emptiness. If the illustrated for one grid
.1 location to be evolved location in Fig. 2(b). The
does not have three LIFE program will examine
..!..~ cells in neighboring each location in the grid one
locations, it will remain by one. This examination is
r empty. used to figure out what the
content of the cell will be in
This is the simplest set of the next generation according
rules for the LI FE algorithm, to the facts of LI FE. Since
c o a version which will allow these facts only require
you to begin ex peri menti ng knowledge of the given grid
with patterns and the location Z and its 8 nearest
I· I evolution of patterns. More neighbor locations, Fig. 2(b)
complicated extensions can depicts a box of 9 squares
o • 1 be made to provide an actual including Z. The rest of the
inter act ive (two people) universe is shown shaded. To
. ~ • .!J • • ..!t
!I competitive game version; an determine what grid-space
o • interesting variation I " once location Z will be like in the
implemented is a LI FE game next generation, the LIFE
wit h " genetics." I n the program first cou nts up the
genetics variation, each grid live cells in all the
location (graph paper square) nearest-neighbor positions.
is represented in the The count is the "state" of Z.
computer as a "character" - I n this case there are 3 live
an 8 bit byte - of memory . cells on the top edge of the
The character in the square is box containing Z. Then, the
the "gene" pattern of that program chooses which rule
cell. Then, when rule 2.1 is to use depending upon
Rule 1. LIVE CELL live into the tomorrow implemented, LIFE with
whether or not location Z has
LOCA nONs. If the location of the next generation. genetics uses a set of genetic
a cell. In this case, Z is empty
to be evolved has a live "cell" 1.3 Overpopulation. If evolution rules to determine
so the "empty location" set
at present ("this generation") the location to be which character will be put in
of rules (numbers 2.1 or 2.2)
then, evolved has a state of 4 the newbor n cell based upon
is used. Since the state of Z is
1.1 Starving for thru 8, there will be no the "genes" of the parents.
3, rule 2.1 applies and a cell
A ffection. If the cell at the location in (This genetic evolution
will be born in location Z for
location to be evolved the next generation. program for LIFE was
the next generation.
has a sta te of 0 or 1, Metaphorically, the cell written for my associates at
Now if I had a true
there will be no cell at has been crowded out Intermetrics, Inc., as a test
"cellular automaton" to
the location in the next by overpopulation on a program to tryout a new
implement . the LIFE
g~nera tion. Metaphori- local basis. compiler's output.)
program, all grid locations
cally, if the cell has Rule 2. EMPTY
How Do You Use The Facts of would be evolved
only one or no nearest LOCA nONS. If the location
Life? "simultaneously" - and very
neighbors it will die out to be evolved has no live
"cell" at present ("this quickly - in the computation
for lack of interaction To illustrate the facts of
of the next generation. In
with other members of generation") then, LIFE, a hand-worked
point of fact, however, I have
its species. 2.1 The Sex Life of examp Ie is a valuable tool of
1.2 Status Quo. If the Cells. If the location to understanding. Consider a
location to be evolved be evolved has a state "typical" pattern of LIFE as
has a state of 2 or 3, of 3, a new cell will be shown in Fig. 2(a) . Fig. 2(a)
the present live cell will "born" in the formerly shows what LI FE addicts call

a computer which can only
handle 8 (or 16) bits ata time
which are stored in words of
memory. For small
microcomputers, these bits
for the LIFE grid will be
stored as "packed" bit strings Generation "n+1" of the grid sufficiently "smart", hundreds of generations.
an.d will be accessed by a of LI FE is illustrated in Fig. reappearing elsewhere on the There are also other forms of
series of subroutines which 2(d), which was obtained by screen due to a "wrap- moving patterns similar to the
will be descri bed in LI FE "executing" the changes around". The reason that the glider.
Line when the time comes. I noted in Fig. 2(c). When the glider gets its name is because
have to sequentially look LIFE program is run, all this of its motion attributes. Note W hat Do Need to
at every bit of the internal is done automatically for now the fourth generation Implement LIFE?
LIFE grid of the program and each point in the grid - ("n+4") in the sequence The fun part of LI FE is to
examine its old nearest resu Iting in a new generation repeats the ori gi nal gli der experiment with patterns of
n e i g h b 0 r sin 0 r d e r to as soon as the computer can pattern, but has moved one cells and observe how the
calculate its new value. I complete all the calculations. unit along a diagonal of the evolution from generation to
emphasize old for the The patterns will be seen to LIFE grid toward the generation changes with
following reason: if I store "evolve" in real time as new right. (The reference line patterns and classes of
the new value of the grid generations are calculated and shows this movement.) It patterns. In the lexicon of
location just evolved back sent to the scope output. One took four generations for the LIFE lovers, there are whole
into that location with no "dot" on the scope displ ay glider pattern to regenerate classes of "gl iders", "space
provision to recall its old corresponds to each live cell its 0 riginal form, which ships", "blocks", the
value, I'll end up with a of the grid pattern. Fig. 3, defines the "period" of this "blinkers", "beehives", the
mixture of old and new data (a), (b) and (cl, continue the pattern. When you get your "PI" and other patterns.
when I look at the next grid pattern evolution illustrated graphics interface up and You'll be able to set up initial
location in the row. That in Fig. 2 for the "glider". In running, you will find configurations of these and
mixture is not part of the Fig. 3(a), changes to numerous other classes of other patterns, and observe
rules and constitutes a generation n+1 are indicated patterns, some of which have the course of evolution using
"faulty" program for with the same notation as was periods which run into the hardware/software system
evolution. It turns out to be used in Fig. 2(c). The
sufficient to remember all the res u I ti n g generation n+2
data in one previous row pattern is shown at the right.
before it was changed in Fig. 3(b) shows the changes
order to calcu late the next from generation n+2 to
row after the change. Similar generation n+3, and 3(c) Fig. 3. (a) Third phase of the glider. (b) Fourth phase of the glider. (c)
problems of keeping track of shows the change going to Back to the first phase, but displaced!
partially updated data often generation n+4.
occur in computer One of the most
programming, to be solved by interesting features of the
the identical technique of LIFE game is the evolution of
temporarily remembering a patterns which "move" across
copy of the un-updated data. a graphics display device .
In Fig. 2(cl, the result of With a fast enough processor,
examining all the grid a gli der such as the one used
locations in the vicinity of in this example will "glide"
the glider of Fig. 2(a) is to the right of the
illustrated. The changes are screen at a breakneck speed,
indicated by three notations going off into limbo at the
for cells: edge - or if the program is

0- this indicates a new cell generated

by rule 2.1
:.: - this indicates an old cell which dies
by ru les 1.1 or 1.3
• - this indicates an old cell which is
retained by rule 1.2

Fig. 4. The LIFE grid display with cursor detail (showing suggested pattern).

• ••
cursor at some
Ix,y) place ••
64 \ ,-/
• •


L / ~ - L--------------
L..-_ _ _
64 .. x .. positions --_--l
--- (x,y) designated
by cursor

concepts of LIFE Line. The

hardware requirements of this
application's first simple form
are three:
1. An input method. The best use of a packed bit
all around input you can get stru ctu re is necessary if the
for your compu ter is an matrix and programs are to
ASCII encoded typewriter fit ina micro computer which
keyboard. This hardware will is inexpensive. But the
be assumed, with 7-bit ASCII packed bit structure requires
codes used in the examples of switch key switch for each bit used a direct link out to a time to access bits (eg: the
programs. If you feel Ii ke of the port, debounced by DEC Scope controlled by a shift/rotate instructions
embellishing the program software. A keyboard which PDP-8 - with a teletype for several times might be used in
with special hardware, a is encoded by a diode matrix input. I have since the access process). I pred ic t
"paddle" with several keys can be used since the diode implemented life programs that the program will be
can be wired in parallel with matrix will give a new code using character-oriented "dreadfully slow" if run on
your main keyboard to (logical sum) based upon terminal output and line an 8008, and perhaps
control the special functions which keys were depressed. pri nters. passably quick if you use a
of the LI F E program. The 2. A processor. The game can The display to be used for 6800 or 8080. ("Passab ly
input keys used to control be implemented on any LIFE Line purposes I'll leave quick" means under 10
the display will require a conventional computer. As a undefined in detail, but with seconds per generation.) A
keyboard which can detect measure of capacity, the following characteristics: used third-generation mini
two simultaneous (or three) however, the simple form will I t should have an X-V (high speed TTL) would be
keys being pressed. A normal assume a 64x64 bit array for selection of coordinates for ideal.
ASCII encoded keyboard the play ing fiel d, and an display elements (L1 FE grid
with an LSI encoding chip available home brew locations), which can be
will not work "as is" in this processor such as an Intel individually controlled. Its User Features
application since pressing two 8080 (i.e.: Altair), Motorola size will be assumed 64x64. No application is complete
keys (other than control or 6800, or National PACE. The without taking into
shift and one other) will be total programming capacity consideration the user of the
resolved into two characters. of your memory should be A Note Regarding Speed system. The interface which
An alternate "paddle" type roughly 4000 8-bit words, or The LI FE algorithm to be controls the system is an
of arrangement is to use a 2000 1 6-bit words; the illustrated in LI FE Line is important section of the
single input port with one playing field will require 512 optimized fairly well for design. There is a temptation
8-bit words, or 256 16-bit speed - a requirement which on the part of individuals
words - and programming will become obvious in the such as you or I to say words
will inc Iud e a set of context of your own system to the effect: "Since I am
subroutines to access if you use a typical making it for me, who the
individual bits. microprocessor. With a fairly heck cares abou t the user
3. A display . My first version large pattern of cells, it may interface." But! Removing
of LIFE was implemented on take as much as a minute or the system from the working
a PDP-6 in FORTRAN at the more to compute the next product realm to the purely
University of Rochester when generation. Trading off personal real m does not
I was a student. That program against speed is memory size eliminate the need to design a
usable system. You have at
least one user to think of -
yourself! In point of fact,
however, I doubt that any
reader who builds a scope or
TV graphics interface will be
able to resist the temptation
to show it off to his or her
family and friends; so, even
for "fu n" systems,
consideration of users is still a Birth - the cursor leaves a path of "cells," illuminated points.
major the design .
The user interface for the
Death - cells in the cursor's path are eliminated.
LI FE program will provide
the following functions to
enable a pattern to be drawn
on the screen and initiated:
1. Cursor. The display
demonstration LI FE program "cells" indicated in the
output should provide a
for one desk top display by illuminated points.
"cursor" which is maintained
programmable CRT terminal: (One key board key is
all the time by a subroutine
its cursor is always present required for this function.)
in the software at a given "X"
and mildly annoying when - The Grim Reaper. By
a nd "Y" position of the the LI FE game is in moving the cursor while
matrix . Fig. 4 illustrates the
operation. indicating a "death"
point matrix of the screen
A basic way to make the function, any cells in the path
(here assumed 64x64) and
cursor disappear from view at o f t h e cur s 0 r wi II be
the cursor pattern. The cursor
certain times is to require eliminated, by turning off the
is a visual feedback through
active control by cursor corresponding display point.
the display to the user of the
display routines when the (One keyboard key is
LIFE program, illustrating
program is in its input mode. required for this function.)
where the program will place
If the LI FE program leaves Motion control is also used
or erase information. Fig. 4
the input mode to go evolve to enter data. By picking a
shows a blow-up of one
some patterns, the cursor will data key and at the same ti me
possible cursor pattern.
die a natural death until the depressing one or two of the
Two additional features active maintenance is cursor direction keys, a
are required for a useful resu med on retu rn to the "trail" will be left. A timing
cursor ou·t put of the program input mode . loop in the input program
for LI FE . These are: will be used to set a
2. Cursor Control. The reasonable motion rate in the
A blinking feature .
whole purpose of the cursor
Suppose you have filled the X (horizontal) and Y
is to provide a means of
screen with a complicated (vertical) directions, so that
feeding back to you - the
pattern drawn with the cursor the data entry will be
user the current grid
controls described below . A performed automatically as
location the LI FE program is long as the keys are
significant number of the
pondering. Movement of the depressed. The motion
screen points are now filled
with dots - and there will be cursor provides the
con trol keys and useful
a strong tendency to confuse opportunity for three types
combinations are illustrated
the cu rsor pattern of Fig. 4 of data entry to the program:
in Fig. 5.
with the actual data pattern - Positioning of the Cursor. 3. Program Control
you have entered. A "blink" By simply moving the cursor Commands. This is the
feature can be built into the under control of the section of the LI FE program
programs which create the keyboard (see below) you can design which is the software
cursor so that you will always direct the LI FE program's analog of the "backplane"
be able to distinguish it by its attention to different parts of data bus concept in a
flashes. the screen. hardware system. LI FE Line
- A blanking feature. For the - Sowi ng Seeds of LI FE. By concerns a modular LI FE
LI FE game, a necessary moving the cursor while program which will be subject
attribute of cursor control is indicating a "birth" function, to many variations and
the ability to blank out the the cursor will leave a trail of improvements.
cursor during the actual
evolution of patterns. I
consider this necessary due to
observation of a

The first demonstration of
LIFE in these pages is just the
The ideas contained in this article are by no means limited bare bones of a LIFE
to control of the graphics display type of device in the LIFE program. When it is fu Ily
context used for this application. The only necessary described you will see the
connection between the LIFE program proper and the display input display routi nes, the
"drawing" and updating functions is in the existence of several e vo I u ti 0 n algorith m, the
subroutines needed to turn on/turn off selected points , and program control mechanism
the ability of the display input ("drawing") routines to ca ll the and little else. The program
LIFE program. One logical extension of the program control con trol mechanism, however,
mechanisms to be included in LIFE Line is to allow the is quite general and will be
invocation (ie: activation, calling, etc.) of other programs and used to integrate addi tional
games which use the display. commands, variations on
When the "drawing" routines are up and mnning, even LIFE, etc. The means of
before you hook up the LIFE algorithm proper , you'~l be able achieving this modularity-is a
to manipulate the contents of the scope under software set of "hooks" which enable
control and draw pictures on the screen. you to add commands
beyond the bare minimum by
coordinating new modules
with the program. The
following is a minimum set of
program control commands
for the first version :
RUN - a key assigned to this
Fig. S. Cursor motion control commands. function will terminate the
The following commands (one key on your keyboard for each) are used to simply move the cursor in one input ("drawing") mode, and
of the grid directions at a rate set by the cursor control software: begin the "run mode."
DRAW - a key assigned to
Typical "Key Tops"
this function will be tested
during the "run" mode to

8 or
CD Move toward top of screen. cause a return to the " draw"
CLEAR - a key assigned to

S or
CD Move toward bottom of screen. this fu nction will be used to
clear the screen in the
"drawing" mode, leaving only

9 or
8 Move left on the screen.
the cursor and a blank screen.
The above features are
only a minimum set of user

Ev or
8 Move right on the screen.

The following combinations can be used to achieve motion in diagonal directions:

controls for LI FE. Addi tional
program control commands
which will prove invaluable
when added include:


Toward Upper Right Corner - PRESS AND 8 ATTHESAMETIME.

commands to write and read
LIFE patterns on cassette
tape or other mass storage

Toward Lower Right Corner - PRESS 8 AND 8 ATTHESAMETIME.

device in your home brew
functional key entries for the

Toward Lower Left Corner - PRESS 8 AND 8 AT THE SAME TIME .

ge n era tion of various
"standard" LI FE patterns
placed at the current cursor

Toward Upper Left Corner - PRESS 8 AND 8 AT THE SAME TIME .

Next month, LI FE Line
will enter into the realm of
software design to describe
Remember that all eight of these possibilities can be used to "sow the seeds" or erase data if the the LI FE program software in
appropriate data key is pressed simultaneously. more detail.

LIFE Line Glossary.
Communication o f meaning requires definition of ter ms. The foll owing is a listing of selected term s used
in LIF E Line with shor t explanations. TIle terms whi c h are marked " L" are primarily significant only in the
LIFE application - all o thers are fairly gen eral terms .

"Active Control" - in th e LIFE example, a desired "Cursor" - a mark on a di sp lay scree n used to
require ment for the cursor is that it di sa pp ear identify a part icular place. This interpretation is an
automa tica lly if no t co ntinually refreshed. This ca n electro ni c ada pta tion of the standard de finiti on in
be accomplished in software by instituting a Webster.
"garbage swee per" for the screen which clea rs the
screen memor y periodi ca ll y and updates from the "Evolution" - patterns in the game of LI FE
latest non-c urs or so urces of dat a. Normally, the change from genera ti o n to genera tion acc ording to
cursor control/display subroutine would be called the rules. The sequ en ce of such changes can lo ose ly
after the screen is upd ated - but if the cursor b e called the e volu tion of the pa ttern.(L)
control rou tine is not called, the cursor will be "Feedback" - in the contex t of system devel o p-
absent a fter garbage sweeping. Th e cursor is thu s ment , feedback is the use of observed system
said to requir e "active co ntrol" because it mu st be beh avio r to m odify and improve the des igT1 of the
ex plicitly posted on the screen following the system.
garbage sweeping operation if it is to appea r at all.
"Functional Specification" - a functional specifi·
catio n o f a sys tem is on e wlu c h describ es "what"
"Algorithm" - this term has a form al math e· the syste m mu st do, more or less ind ependent of
matical origin as the generalized methodology for any tec hnology whi c h is req uired to make the
arriving at so me result . [n the computer science "what" work. It is easy to co me lip with loose
area, it retains this definition: an algorithm is the functional specifi cation s - the hard part is to
most general processing required to achieve some refi ne the spec ificat io n and pin it down to so me-
result. " Algorithm" is a term which includes the thing whic h is " do-a bl e" in a give n co ntext of
term "program" in the following sense : a program technology. I have a fun ctional specifi cat io n in my
is an algorithm (general) as written and coded for a mind, for instance, of a useful inte rplanetary travel
specific system. me th od - but whether or no t [ ever see such a
"Application" - an application is a specifi c sys te m syste m depe nds upo n adva nces in physics,
desigT1ed to accomplish some goal. [n the co mputer engineeri ng and eco no mi c understanding. BYTE
systems area, applications are generally composed ofte n co ncerns it self wi th functional specific atio ns
of hardware and software components which mu st of mu ch more " do-able" systems whi ch rea ders ca n
"play together" to accomplish the desired func· and will impleme n t o n home co mputers.
tions . The LIFE Line's target - a working game of "Generation" - this term in the LIrE context
LIFE - is an example of an application. means the present " state" of aU the locations in
"Backplane Bus" - the hardware co ncept of a set the "Uluverse of the grid" at so me point in
o f wired connections between identical terminals tim e.(L)
o f multiple sockets. [n mo dular sys tems, the "Implement" - teclmical j argo n verb for the
co mmon wiring makes each socket identi ca l to creatio n o f a sys te m or element of a system. A
every other socket. Hardware modules can then be hardware designer mi ght implement a controller or
inserted without regard to position in the cabinet a CPU; a so ftware programmer implements a
containing the equipment. syste m of progra ms ; a sys tems des igner implements
"Cellular Automata" - conventional computers a hardware/software combination whi ch achieves a
employ a serial or sequential method of processing. desire d functional en d.
One instruction, then the next, is executed in a "Indexing" - the techniqu e of referencing data in
time-<lrdered sequence. The "cellular au toma ta" collection of similar items by means of numeri cal
concept is one way of visualizing large and compli- "indices." In the LI FE Line exa mple , the collec-
cated parallel co mputing elements . Hypotheti cally, tion is that of the 64 x64 array of bits in the
the LIFE game could be played by such a cellular computer representation of "grid space." Ind exing
computer, one which ca lculates each matri x by row and by column is used to pick a parti cular
element simultaneously . In the present state of bit within tlus array when the program requires the
computer technology, tlus is not possible, so you data .
have to settle for a simula tion of th e parallel
computation's re sult , using a se ri ally exec uting " Intera c t " - when a syste m " interacts" with
program.(L) "so met hing/pe rso n" it is operating under an
algor ithm which all o ws co nditional be hav ior
"Coding" - the process of transla ting a functional dep end ent up o n data. The data is obta ined from
specification of a program or routine into a ~e t of the "so mething/ perso n" and may in fact be
machine readable elements for ac tual use in a influ en ce d by pre vio us intera ct ions as well as new
computer. Coding can mean writing FORTRAN inputs. In many comp uter contexts "interact" has
state ments , writing PL/I statements , writing the ad ditional implication of "quick" response in
assembly language statements, or ... if you have "real time." Thus when you think of an
no compiler, coding is the writing of machine "interactive" terminal or ga me, you think of a
codes directly onto a sheet of paper using tables of co m pute r pro grammed so that it keeps up with the
op codes, an eraser and p atience. inputs from th e huma n o perator.

"Lexicon" - the list of buzzwords in any given
field. This glossary is a subset of a lexicon coup led
INTEL 1 K 2102 RAM with explanations. In compiler and language
design, " lexical analysis" is a derivative of this term
Factory prime, tested units .. Factory selected for concerned with language keywords and their rela-
much faster speed than units sold by others. 650 tion to a gram mar.
NS. These are static memories that are TTL Un", "n+ 1", IIn +2". . . - when it is useful to
compatible and operate off + 5 VDC. The real specify a sequence of things, where no particular
workhorse of solid state memories because they number is intended, a "relative" notation of the
are so easy to use. Perfect for memories because sequence is useful. "n" is some arbitrary number;
"n+ I" is one number greater than an arbitrary
they are so easy to use. Perfect for TV typewriters,
number, and so on. When I say "genera tion n+ I"
mini-computers, etc. With specs. of LIFE, I mean the next generation after
$3.95 ea. or Sfor $30 genera tion "n" where "n" is arbitrary .

SIGNETICS 1K P-ROM A suitable LI F£ display peripheral is an oscilloscope

82S129. 256 x 4. Bipolar, much faster than MOS graphics interface such as the Digital Graphic Display
devices. 50NS. Tri-state outputs. TTL compatible. Oscilloscope Interface designed by james Hogenson and
Field programmable, and features on chip address printed in the May 7975 issue of ECS Magazine, the
decoding. Perfect for microprogramming appli- predecessor to BYTE. The graphics interface article will be
cations. 16 pin DIP. With spec. $2.95 ea. expanded and published in BYTE No.2, October 7975. Until
supplies are exhausted, back issues of May £C5 (and earlier
articles) can be ordered at $2 each. Orders and inquiries
8T97B regarding £C5 back issues should be sent to M. P. Publishing,
By Signetics. Box 378, Belmont MA 02778.
Tri-State Hex Buffer
MOS and TIL Interface to Tri-State Logic.
"Partitioning" - the technique of " divide and
Special $1.49 conquer." Rather than view a complicated system
as a monolithic blob of "function," an extremely
DO YOl) NEED A LARGE COMMON ANODE useful design method is to parti tion the sys tem
READOUT AT A FANTASTIC PRICE? into little "bloblets" of function which are easy to
understa nd. Hardware designers of CPUs thus think
S.D. presents the MAN-64 by Monsanto - 40 inch of MSI ch ips as sub-elements in partitioning;
character. All LED construction - not reflective hardware- systems designers think of CPUs and
bar type, fits 14 pin 01 P. Brand new and factory periphera ls and memories as sub-elements of parti-
prime. Left D.P. tioning, and software designers consider divisions
$1.59 ea. 6 for $7.50 of complicated programs and program libraries as
their su b-elements.

MOTOROLA POWER DARLINGTON - $1.99 "State" - the present condition of some system,
MJ3001 - NPN - 80 Volts - 10 Amps - HFE 6000 or elements of the system. This term a pplies to any
system which has "memory" to distinguish one
typo To-3 Case. Ideal for power supplies, etc. possible "state" from another. The term applies
We include a free 723 regulator w/schematic for equally well to small sub-elements of a system such
power supply with purchase of the MJ3001. You as the bits of a memory: in the LIFE Line context,
get the two key parts for a DC supply for only the "state" of a single grid location is a number
from 0 to 8 counting how many "neighbor cells"
$1.99. Regular catalog price for the MJ3001 is are present.
"System" - the most general of all genera l purpose
LARGE SIZE LED LAMPS terms. A system is a collection of component
elements (technological, hardware, software,
Similar to MV5024. Prime factory tested units. We human-interface) selected to play together accord-
include plastic mounting clips which are very hard ing to some design or purpose. A system is a
to come by. human-invented way of doing things.
Special 4 for $1
"Undefined in Detail" - I know what is needed,
can specify its interface, but am not at present
48 HOUR SERVICE supplying the detail design. This is a useful attitude
You deserve, and will get prompt shipment. On since it allows for "plug compatible" designs
orders not shipped in 48 HRS' a 20% cash refund differing widely in their internal principles of
operation. A similar expression would be to call
will be sent. We do not sell junk. Money back the subsystem in question (the graphic display
guarantee on every item. WE PAY POST AG E. mentioned in tlus LIFE Line example) a "black
Orders under $10 add 75t handling. No C.O.D. box" and leave it at that. (Software always seems
Texas Res. add 5% tax. to reference hardware in this way, a nd hardware
does the same fo r software.) A synonym for the
attitude is the mathematician's way of saying "in
principle there exists a solution!" without telling

S. D. SALES CO. you what it is.

"Universe of the Grid" - this is the set of all

P. O. BOX 28810 DAWS, TEXAS 75228 possible places in whi ch a LIFE cell cou ld be
placed. These places are called "grid 10cations".(L)

MITS Altair Computer Report II

MITS Announces Lower Memory Prices!

O n lu ly 1, 1975, MilS lo wered th e price of th e A lta ir lK Stat ic Th e lK Stat ic Memory Ca rd co ntain s 1024 bytes of m emory
Memory Card (88-1MCS ). Th e k it p rice was d ropped f ro m $176 w ith a maximum access t ime of 850 nan oseco nd s.
t o ju st $97 w hile th e assemb led p rice was dropped f ro m $209 Now read y for production is the new Altair 2K Static Memory
to $139. Card (88-2MCS) w ith 2048 by tes of memory. Li ke t he 'IK Sta ti c
Thi s p ri ce redu c tion was mad e po ss ib le by a reduct io n in th e Memory thi s new ca rd co ntains memory protec t fea tu res and
p ri ce o f th e A ltair l K 8101 memory c hip s. prov isio ns f o r d isab lin g t he rea dy.
Al so affect ed was the pri ce o f 88-MM 256 b yte (wo rd ) m em ory It has a m ax imum access t i me o f 850 nanoseco nd s and is
modul es. Th e $53 k it price was lowe red to ju st $1 -1 and th e $61 engineered w ith t he fi nes t co mpo nents ava il abl e. It is in expen-
assembled pri ce to $26. sive ly p ri ced at $145 kit and $195 asse mbl ed .


Altair BASIC-Not Just All air Co mput er kit with comp le te assembly in struction s- ____________ __ $439
Asse mble d a nd tested All ai r Co mputer ________ ____________ _ _____ __ $621
1,024 By te Stati c Memory Card __ ___ ________ ___ $97 kit a nd $139 asse mbl ed

Anybody's BASIC 2,048 Byte Stati c Memory Ca rcL __ _ ______ __ ___ $145 kit and $195 assembled
4,096 Byte Dyn a mic Memory Ca rd __ _________ __ $264 kit and $338 assem bled
Full Parallel Int e rface Card ____________________ $92 kit and $114 assembled
Se rial Inte rfa ce Ca rd RS2 32) __________________ $11 9 kit a nd $138 assembled
Altair BASIC is an easy-to-use programm i ng language t hat ca n Seria l Int e rf ace Ca rd (TTL or Te le ty pe) ________ __ $124 kit and $146 asse mbl ed
COMTE R 11* _____ _____ _ ______ __ ___ ______ __ $780 kit and $920 asse mbled
so lve applicat ions prob lems in bus in ess, sc ience and educat io n .
You w ill find that w ith o nl y a few hours of usin g BAS IC th at
*The Co rnier II Comput e r Terminal has a full alpha-numeric ke yboa rd and a
you ca n already wr ite p rograms w it h an ease th at few other co m- highl y re,1dable 32-c harac ter display. It h as its own internal m e mory of 256
puter languages ca n matc h . characte rs and co mpl ete curso r co ntrol. Also h as its own built-in audio casse tle
A ltair BAS IC doesn't co m p ro mi se power for simpli c it y. Whi le inte rf ace that a llows yo u to co nnect th e Co rni er II to an y tape reco rder for
both sto rin g dat a from th e CO rnlJuter a nd feeding it into th e computer. Requ ires
it is one o f th e si mpl est co mp uter languages in ex iste nce, it is
a n RS232 Interf ace Card.
also a ve ry powerf ul language. .
A LTA IR BAS IC co me s in three ve rsions. Th e fir st o f t hese is a Allair 4K BASI L _______ ___ ___ ____________ __ _ ___ __ ___ ___ ____ __ $350
4K BAS IC de sign ed to run in an A ltair wit h as little as 4, 000 wo rds Purchasers of an Alt a ir 8800, 4K of Allair Me mor y, a nd Altair Serial I/O or
Audio-Ca sse tt e 1/ 0 __ ___ ___ ____ _ ___ ___ ___ __________ ____ O NLY $60
of memo ry. Thi s powe rful BAS IC langu age has 6 functions (RND , Allair 8K BASIL _____________ ____ __ __ ___ __ _ __ _______ ___ ___ ___ $500
SQR, SII\J, ABS, INT. and SGN) in add iti o n to 15 statements ( IF. Purchasers o f an Altair 8800, 8K of Altair Memory, and Altair Se ri a l I/ O or
THEN , GOSUB , RETURN , FOR , NEXT, READ , INPUT. EN D, DATA Audio·Casse tt e 1/ 0 _________ __ _________ __ __________ ____ ONLY $75
Allair EXTENDED BASIL ____ __ ____________ __ _________ ___ ____ __ $750
GOTO, LET. DIM , REM , RE STORE , PRINT, STOP) and 4 commands Purc hase rs of a n Altair 8800, 12K of Altair Memory, a nd Altair Serial I/O or
( LI ST. RUN, CLEAR , SC RATCH ). Audio·Casse tte 1/0 _________ _ ____ ______ __ __________ ___ ONLY $150
All ai r PACKAGE ONE (asse mble r, text editor, sys tem monitor)
Th e seco nd A LTA IR BAS IC opt io n is th e 8K BAS IC d es igned Purc h ase rs o f a n Altair 6800, 8K of Altair Me mory, an d Altair I/O ONLY $30
to run in an A ltair w ith as lit t le as 8,000 wo rd s of mem o ry. Th is
N OTE : When o rd eri ng software, spec if y p ape r l ape or cassette tape.
BAS IC language is th e sa me as the 4K BASIC on ly wit h 8 addi-
tion al function s (COS, LOG , EXP, TAN, ATN, INP, FR E, POS) and Warranty: 90 d ays on parts for kit s and 90 days on parts a nd labor fo r asse mbled
4 additional statements (ON. GOTO , ON COSUB, OUT, units. Pri ces, spec ifi ca tion s, an d de livery subiec t to ch ange.
DEF ) and 1 additional command (C ONT ). Thi s BAS IC h as a multi -
tud e of advanced STR INC fun cti o ns and it ca n be used to co ntro l
low speed d ev ices- features not normally found in man y BASIC MAil THIS COUPON TODAY!
lan guages.
D Enclosed is c hec k for $
Th e thi rd ALTA IR BAS IC is the EXTENDED BAS IC ve rsio n
d esigned to run o n an Altair wi th as littl e as 12,000 words o f
o Ba nkAm eric(J rd '# _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 or Master Charge # _ _ _ _ __

memory. It is th e sa me as th e 8K BA SIC w ith t he add iti o n o f D Altair 11800 0 Kit 0 Assemb led D Opti o ns
Includ e $8 for postage & handling (list o n separa te sheet)
. PR INT US ING, D ISK I/ O, and doub le prec ision (13 d igit ac curacy)
add, suh stra c t, multipl y and div id e. DAltai r Use rs Gro up Assoc iate DSoftwa re Docum e ntati o n
D Please se nd free literatu re
Alt air BASIC is only th e beginning. M ITS is c urrent ly engaged NAME _ ______________________________________________
in an ex tensive softwa re deve lop ment p rogra m . Other software ADDRESS _____________________________________________
now ava il ab le in c lu d es an Asse mbl er, Sys t em Mon ito r, and Tex t
Editor. CITY STATE & Z IP ___________
A lta ir so ftware co m es w ith co mpl ete docum ent ation . MITS/ 6328 linn N.E .. Alb uquerque, NM 81'108 505/265-7553 o r 262-195 1

One Month Specials

Th e Altair Use rs Group is quite poss ibl y t he largest co m p uter
hobbyist orga ni za tion in th e Wo rld . It is both a m eans of co mmuni-
ca t ion amo ng A lt air Use rs and a met hod of bui lding a co mprehen-
sive li bra ry of A lt air programs. A ll A lt air 8800 owners are ent itl ed
. to a free , o ne yea r membersh ip in th is gro u p.
For one mo nth o nl y, yo u ca n become an Assoc iate lv\embe r for
one yea r at a red uced rate of $10 (regularl y $30). A m o ng ot her
benefits yo u w ill rece ive a subscr ipt io n to th e m o nth ly pub li ca t io n.
Computer Not es, w hi c h co ntai ns comp lete upd ate informat io n o n
A ltair hardware and software de ve lop m ents, p rog rammin g t ips,
genera l co mputer arti c les and ot her useful i nfo rm ati o n . "Creative Electronics"
Now ava il ab le is t he Alt air Software Docum entalion Book I w hi c h
co ntains techni ca l d ata on th e A ltai r Asse mbl er, Text Ed itor. Sys tem
Mo nitor and BAS IC language softwa re. Thi s d oc um en tati o n is free
to pu rchase rs o f A lta ir BAS IC. For one m onth onl y, it is be in g
offered fo r on ly $7.50 (reg ul arl y $10). MITS /6328 linn N.E., Albuquerque , NM 87108505/265-7553 or 262·1 95 1
Offers good until Sep tember 30, 1975.
SN7 400N
SN 7401N
SN1405 N
7400N TTL
SN145 1N
SN74 54N
SN14 73N
SN7474 N
SN74 151N
SN14 15]N
SN74 154f"l
SN14 155N
SN14 156N
SN74 157N
SN74 161 N
SN74 163N
1.2 1
' 0 11111 Lalches
' On Board Oscillatol
4 Each - Man7 Oisplavs
. ;. 10000 Co untel
· Completewl th Board


0·2 Voll. Auto Polarit y 3J.1 digits (MAN7)
m C..TTL
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Did you know•••
• That all our modules are 100% compatible w ith the A ltair 8800 VDM -l Video Display Module
computer, NO modifications necessary! Thi s module is the first rea l computer terminal display in kit
• Th at our 4KRA Static Read l Write Memory modu le doesn't have form. Und er software control the VDM-l displays sixteen 64
to lose it 's data w hen you pull the plug! character lin es to any standard video monitor . Characters are
• T hat our 3P+S Inpu tlOutput module w ill fu ll y interface two TV produced in a 7x9 dot matrix, with a full 128 character set, upper
T ypewriters w ith keyboards and a modem or te letype at the and lower case plus control characters. D ata is accessed by the
sa me time ! VDM as a block from any 1 K segment within the 65K address
• Th at we make the most powerfu l alphanumeric Video Di splay range of the 8800 computer. Multiple cursors are completely
module anywhere ! contro ll ed by softwa re and the display can begin anywhere on the
.That our software is FREE, or close to it! screen (this is great for many video games). When the last line is
• Th at all our modules are truly high quality, computer grade, but fil led the display scrolls up a l ine. Powerfu l ed iting capabilities are
that our prices are the lo west in the industry! provided w ith the FREE software package included in every
• Th at we have already shipped hundreds of modules on time, and VDM-l kit. Available in September '75.
we w ill continue to deliver w h at we promi se , FAST!

Our A sse mb ler, Te xt Editor and System Executive is being

CHECK THE SPECS: shipped now. This software package gives yo u very pow erfu l
4KRA Static R eadIWrite Memory A sse mbly Language capability in the A ltair 8800. The Executive
Th is 4096 word STAT IC memory pro vides faster, more rel iab le and Editor allow yo u to ca ll programs by name (including
and less ex pensi ve operation than any current ly avai lab le dy namic BASIC) and then add, d elete, change, or li st programs by l ine
m emory syste m . The 4K RA permit s A lt air 8800 ope ratio n at number. Th e Assembler provides a formatted symbol ic mnemonic
abso lute top speed continuously. A ll RAM' s (Random Access l isting as wel l as octal or binary object code from Assemb ly
M emorie s) used in the 4KRA are 9 1 L02A' s by Advanced Micro L angu age programs written using th e Editor. The Assemb ler also
Devices, the best commercia l memo ry IC on the mark et today. gives valu ab le error messages to help in debugging those inevitable
9 1 L02A's require typically 1/3 th e power of standard 2 102 or erro rs. Th e Assembler, Editor, Executiv e Package No.1 w ill be
8101 type RAM's and each one is manufactured to military ava ilabl e in read on ly memory along with an expanded Executi ve
spec ification MI L STD-883 for ext rem ely high reliabilit y. Th ese and a powerfu l Interpretive Simulator by October or November
memories can be operat ed f rom a battery backup supp ly in case of 1975 .
of power failure w ith ve ry low standby powe r consumption. (Ask We are wo rking on two BAS IC L ang uage packages w hich shou ld
for our technical bu ll etin TB -l0l on power down operation.) I n be ready by October . One will be a basic BASIC needing about
short we have done everyt hing we co uld to make the best 4K 8K of m emory as a minimum and the other w ill be an Extend ed
memory module in the computer fie ld, and because we buy in vers ion w ith additiona l stri ng manipu lation, matrix operations
large quantity, we can mak e it for a very reasonab le price. and doub le precision arithm etic capab ili ties requiring about 12K.
Available now. Both these packages will be avail able in Read Onl y Memory for a
reaso nabl e price.
2KRO Erasa ble Reprogram mable Read Only Memory Module
With this module the Altair 8800 can use 1702A or 5203 type PRICE LIST
Er asab le Reprogrammable ROM' s. Th e 2 K RO acce pts up to eight Item Kit A ssemb led Deliv ery
of these IC' s for a capacity of 2048 eight bit words. Once 2K RO EPROM module 5 50. $ 75. 2 weeks ARO
programm ed this module wi ll hold its data ind efinitely whether
or not power is on. Thi s featur e is ex tr emely useful wh8n 3P+S 110 module 125. 165. 3 weeks ARO
developing software . All necessa ry bus interfacing logic and 4KRA-2 RAM module
regulated supp lies are provided but NOT the EPROM IC' s. Bot h w /2048 8-bit wo rds 135. 185. 2 weeks ARO
1702A and 5203 PROM's are avai lab le fr om o th er advertisers in
4KRA-4 w /4096 8-bit
this magazine for we ll und er 525. A vai lab le now .
words of RAM 215 . 280. 2 weeks ARO
3P+S I nputlOutput Modul e RAM only, AMD 91L02A
Just one 3P+S card w ill fu lfill th e Input l Output needs of most 500n sec low powe r 8 /540 2 wee ks ARO
8800 users . There are two 8-bit parall el input and output por ts MB-l Moth er Board 35. 2 weeks ARO
with f u ll handshaking logic. Th ere is also a se ri al 110 using a
UART w ith both teletype current loop and EIA RS -232 standard V DM · l V id eo Displ ay modu le 160. 225. Sept. 29, '75
int erfaces provided. The se ri al data rate can be se t und er so ftwar e th en 3 weeks ARC
co ntrol between 35 and 9600 Baud. You can use your old mod el Send for our FRE E flyer for more complete speci ficat io ns and
19 TTYI Th is module gives you al l the electro nics you need to for pricing on additional it ems.
interface most peripheral devices with the Altair 8800, it's rea ll y
th e mo st use ful and versati le 110 we've see n for any computer. TERMS: A ll items postpaid if full payment accompanies order .
Available now. COD ord ers must include 25% deposit. Master Charge glad ly
acce pted, but please send us an order wi th your signature on it.
MB -l Mother Board DISCOUNTS : Orders over $375 may subtract 5%; orders over
Don' t worry any more about w iring hundreds of w ire s in your S600 may subtrac t 10%.
Altair to ex pand the mainframe. Ou r si ngl e piece 1/ 8-inch thick ,

rugged mother board can be install ed as one s;ngle rep lace ment
for eith er three or four 88EC Expander cards, so yo u do n't have
to rep lace you r already in stalled 88EC card if you don't wa nt to.
Th e M B-1 has very heavy power and ground busses and comes
wit h a piece of f lat ribbon cab le fo r connection to the fr o nt panel Berkeley,Ca.94710 (415) 549-0857
board of the 8800. Available now.
Memory Dumps
Until somebody invents a direct link between human brains, the
only way to find out about methods and techniques is to read someone
else's "memory dump " ... books, magazines and other sources.
Associate Editor Dan Fylstra has provided us with three reviews of
The Elements of books which will prove useful in your home brew computer work.
Programming Style by Brian These memory dumps are not in hexa decimal or octal - and are
W. Kernighan and P. j. definitely "readable. "
Plauger. McGraw-Hili, New __ _ CARL
York, 7974. $3.95.

This book is required

reading for anyone who is and the principles will be of Designing Logic Systems
seriously interested in writing interest even to assembly Using State Machines by
good programs. Even the best language programmers. Christopher R. Clare.
programmers (and especially There are chapters on McGraw-Hili, New York,
the most clever ones) can writi ng computational 7973. $9.50.
profit from reading this book . expressions, control
The authors take all their structure, input/output and This is an advanced text
examples of dubious data verification, common on logic design which will be
programming practices from bl u nders, efficiency - and of interest to a nyone
textbooks intended to teach instrumentation , and embarking on the design of
programming! Those of us documentation. Each chapter large-scale logic systems. A
who h a ve le ar ned takes a series of example number of important and
programming from such progra ms, criticizes them, valuable ideas are presented
textbooks will find many of rewrites them with here, apparently for the first
the points made here useful improvements, and then time. The methods were
as well as amusing. extracts some general developed by Tom Osborne
The intent of the book is principles of good at Hewlett-P ackar d
to teach programming style, programming practice from Laboratori es and were used in
or the principles of writing the examples. The principles the design of the HP
well-structured, readable are su m mari zed as a seri es of calculators. The main features
programs that work (in all short aphorisms which are of the boo k are the
cases) and are efficient. The listed together at the end of introduction of "Algorithmic
approach is pragmatic and the book. Examples are State Machines" (ASMs) to
down-to-earth, and can be "Don't patch bad code - describe logic systems, and a
applied to everyday rewrite it," "Test programs at comprehensive discussion of
programming problems. All their boundary values," and logic synthesis using
BOOK of the examples are in "Make sure comments and Read-Only Memories
Fortran or PL/I, and can be code agree." (ROMs).
REVIEIV read and understood by The more programming An ASM is something of a
anyone familiar with either- experience you have, the cross between a flowchart
language. The elements of more you will appreciate this and a finite state machine (it
style, as the authors point boo k. Buy a copy for looks Ii ke a flowchart , but
out, are applicable regardless yourself, read it, and keep it has boxes denoti ng states,
of the la nguage being used, around for reference! - d.h.f. with assignments for state

variables}. ASMs turn out to in which a hierarchy of
be very convenient and machines is built up such that
intuitive for describing each state of a "higher level"
complex logic functions, machine can be described by
especially in the initial stages the ASM chart of a lower
of design. level machine.
The chapter on Other features of the book
ROM-centered design is are a complete discussion of
probably the most interesting Karnaugh maps, including
part of the book. It discusses techniques for constructing
a number of techniques for maps for fu nctions of more
getting the most out of a than four variables, and a
ROM, and trading off ROM brief treatment of logic
space and external decoding system simulation and
logic. The material presented performance evaluation.
here is difficult to find This book is suitable only
elsewhere, and as the price of for those with some previous
LSI chips continues to drop, background and experience in
the use of ROMs is becoming logic design. The book is very
increasingly attractive. well organized, but it is
Two other sections of the tersely written and requires
book are also noteworthy. the reader to thi nk and to
The introduction discusses study the examples. The
the nature of an algorithm - comments on software linked
a concept often machines and computer
misunderstood by logic structures, especially those on
designers - and the value of Turing machines, should not
modularity and functional be taken too seriously. The
division. The chapter on reader who patiently studies
"L inked S tate Machines" this book will profit greatly
in trod u ces th e val uable from the time spent with it.
notion of interpretive linking, -d.h.f.

TT L Cookbook by Don book includes many pointers, selectors and ROMs. Other
Lancaster. Howard W. Sams cau tions and "words of chapters cover gates and
& Co., Indianapolis, 7974. wisdom" for the timer circuits, J K and D-type
$8.95. experi menter. tlipflops, counters, and shift
The book consists of eight registers and rate multipliers.
This book should be in the chapters, one of which The book does not discuss
hands of every hobbyist who provides a list of short traditional design techniques
e xperiments with digital descrip tions of the most such as Karnaugh maps and
integrated circuits. I t is also commonly used TTL ICs, and state machines. The author
recommended for those who another which outli nes a ar-gues, with some
prefer to work with number of interesting justification, that these
"higher-leve l" microcomputer projects for the hobbyist. techniques do not often lead
system elements, since Many amateurs will find to circuits with a minimal
microcomputer applications the first chapter, "Some number of IC packages and
often require at least a little Basics of TTL," especially therefore the lowest cost.
"random logic" in hardware . valuable. It discusses practical Instead the book lives up to
The book contains a wealth matters such as power supply the promise of its title by
of p rac tical information, spi ke decoupling, current providing a tasteful selection
ranging from circuit requirements, monitoring of "recipe" circuits -- tried
breadboarding techniques and circuit states, toolS, "bad" and true ideas - which the
power supplies to and "burned-out" ICs, and experi menter can put into
sophisticated design methods much more. The chapter on practice. Perhaps Don
us in g shift registers and logic IS notable for its Lancaster will follow up this
binary rate multipliers . explanations of positive and very useful book with
Besides providing a good deal negative logic, tri-state and another one for "gourmet"
of useful information, the open-collector logic, and data experimenters. -d.h.f.

~ 7-s1e:_~~~ ~:;out l!ak Trimmer 25K Trimmer
Three digits with rig ht-hand decimal EACH $.20 10 FOR $1.50
Plugs into DIP sockets -12 turn trimpots which plug
Similar to (LITRONIX) DL337 into a DIP socket
- 5K and 200K Rectifiers
Magnified digit approximately .1"
Cathode for each digit _ ~ II x ~ II

-4 1eads spaced .3" x .2"

Segme nt s are parallel fo r multiple
operation Each $1 . 00 10 for $8.95 ~ VS647 2A 600V $1.10
5-10 MA per segment MR810 Rectifier 50V 1A $ . 10
EACH $1.75 4 (12 DIGITS) $6.00) 1000 MHz Counter
11C05 Fairchild 1GHz Divide By Four Special 811: Hex Inverter
RCA Numitron ~_ -oc " 1000 "" 'Om"," TTL DIP Hex Inverter; pin interchangeable with SN
7404. Parts are brand new and branded Sig ne tics
-,-,-x.'1 -AC
- Vo l dr
tageDC compensated
coup l ed

EACH .. .... . ..... $ 5 . 00

5 FOR $20.00 ••
-TTL or EC L power s uppl y
-50 ohm drive output
and marked "811."
EACH .1 6
DATA 10 FOR I. 50
DR2010 -Lead compatible wi th Plessy SP6 13
SHEET 100 FOR 14.00
-True and comp l ement ECL outp uts SUPPLIED 1000 FOR 110.00
-14 pin DIP
MOS MEMORY 2102-2 -Data and app l ication notes
Each $49 . 95
1024 Bit Fully Decoded Static MOS EACH $ . 15
Random Access Memory
-.~ LED's IN4007 IKV PRY
SALE 10 for $1 00
MV50 Red Emitting
10-4 MA @ 2V
$ .20
10 FOR $1.25~----------------------------------------------------i
cJ ~:~"- r-'--;b> 7-Segment, 0-9 pl us le tters. MAN 4
i ii ·S Right-hand decimal point. Sna ps in 14-
MV5024 Red TO-I8
Hi gh Dome
$ .35
10 FOR $2.95 Ci t:::- S
pin DIP socket or Molex . IC voltage re -
C( ; qu i rements. Ide a 1 for desk or pocket
C. ;:- ca lculators!

0;-=::. EACH $1. 20 10 OR MORE $1. 00 EACH

CD4001 .45 CD4023 $ .45
CD4002 . 45 74C20 .65
CD4011 .45 74C160 3.25
CD4012 . 45


.-~ . t , I
( I I I I " I I

High Quality PCB

Mounting IC Sockets 7400 . 20 74H51
. 25
74HOO .30
8-PIN, 14-Pin, 16- Pin and 24-Pin PCB 7401 .20 7454 .20
mounting ONLY--no wire wrap sockets. 74L54 NE555 Precision timer ... ...... ... . .. ....... .9 0
74HOI . 25 . 25
74L55 NE560 Phase lock loop DiP ...... ...... . ..... 2.95
7402 .25 .25
a - Pin ............. $ .22 7460 NE561 Phase lo ck l oop DiP ......... . . . .... .. 3.00
7403 .25 .16
74L71 .25 NE565 Phase l ock loop .. . ..... .. . . .. . .. 2.95
7404 .25 NE566
14-Pin ........ $ .26 7472 . 40 Function generator TO-5 ... . . . ... . . ... 3.50
74H04 .30 NE567 Tone decoder TO-5 . .... .... . . .. . . .. .. . 3. 50
7405 . 30 74L72 .60
16-Pin ........ $ .30 7473 .35 709 Popul ar Op Amp DiP .... . .. .. .. ...... .. . 40
7406 .40 710 Voltage comparator DiP .... . .. . ... .... .60
7408 .30 74L73 .75
24-Pin . . .. .... $ .75 7474 . 45 711 Dual comparator DiP . . .. . . .... . .... . .. .45
74H08 .30 723 Precis i on voltage regulator DIP ...... 1.00
7410 .2 0 74H74 .75
40-Pin ... . ...... $1.25 7475 .80 741 Op amp TO-5/MINI DiP. .. . ......... . ... .45
7413 .75
7417 .40 7476 .5 5
;'1.11 Ie's arc; new and fu ll y tested . Leads
74L78 .70 748 Op Amp TO-S .... . ..... .. ..... ...... . . . . BiJ
ar e plated with gold or solder . Orders 7420 .20 CA3018 2 Isolated transistors and a Darling-
for .$ 5 . 00 or morc will be shipped prepaid 74L20 .30 7480 .5 0
I\dd ~ .j5 for handling and postage for 7483 .70 ton-connected transistor pair .. ... . 1 .00
smaller orders; resIdents of California
74H20 .30
add sales tax. Ie orders are shipped 74H22 .30 7489 3 . 00
7490 1.00 CA3045 5 NPN transistor array . .. .. ... . . . .. .. 1.00
wlUlln 2 workdays--kits ar e shi pped with- 7430 .20 LMIO O Pos iti ve DC regulator TO-5 ... .. .. . ... 1.00
in 10 days of recelpt of order. S10 . 00 74H30 .3 0 7492 . 65
minimum on C.O . D. 's.
7493 1. 00 LMI05 Voltage regu l ator ..... ..... ........ .. 1.25
74L30 . 30 LM302 Op Amp voltage follower TO-5 ..... . ... I. 25
Mail Orders to: Ph o n e 7440 .20 7495 .65
P.O. Box 41727 74L95 1. 00 LM308 Op Amp TO-5 ................... .. ..... 2.00
74H40 .30
Sac ramento, CA (916) 334-2161 74107 . 35 LM309H 5V 200 MA power supply TO-5 . . ....... . 1.00
7442 1. 00
95841 74145 1. 25
LM309K 5V IA power supply module TO-3 ... .. .. 1.00
7447 1. 50
BRBYLOn 7450 . 20
74H50 . 30
1. 00
1. 50
LM3I1 Comparator Mi ni .... . .. .. .. . . ....... .
LM370 AGC amplifier .. . . . . . .. . . ........ . ....
LM 380 2-Watt Audio Amp .......... ... ..... .. .
1 .75
ELECTROniCS 7451 .20 74 195 .65
LMI595 4-Quadrant multiplier .. ....•.. .. • .... 1.70
Mon ey buck guarantee MC1536T Op Amp .............. .. .... . . . . ..... . 1 .35
on all goods: 7400 Series DIP
r-~~~~::::::~~~~~~~~~~~",:",~::~=' in just that. For any help or program exchange
~ ( -- '\ -'j:;
information BYTE may like
. -f!l-l:'-"~'\\'i~~; ~; along these lines, feel free to
frequencies for computer-
hams to get toge ther upon;
,. ~ -,,~,~ i;; :. i or ' contact us. ASCII R TTY communica-
~ ..,.'~.'u~.U·....i.~J1~~ · . 'i'

';~ \ I would also like BYTE to Ii a n s wit h in tell i ge n t

'.l ·~~~i ~ .~ cover all areas of computers. transmitter/receiver rigs to
~.\ ,,~, .. ~ Software: We should have a send messages along with
I I . ' .. - ... : . +. ~

l~~=~~_~~~PI/;~/L ~ ~:~~:g~f a:~~~a:~b~:~bf::~

error correcting codes.
.. . CARL
'J Hardware: The more
common computers that are
in the hands of hobbyists THE DEADLY
should receive consideration GRAPEVINE
[all DEC computers STRIKES AGAIN
(including the new BYTE people:

LETTERS micro-processors and

micro-computers such as
PDP-8A and LSI-II), the
Please find enclosed my
personal check for $10 to
cover a first year subscription
8080 family, Altair, etc J. to BYTE.
Periph era l: Terminals - what I would abo like to make a
are the best ones for the few comments regarding your
lowest cost such as apparent " 'computer freak'
Decwritter II , floppy discs, only" editorial policy.
tape Dectape, paper, Amateur radio today is
cassette. one of the highest technology
A TALE OF Gregory D. Campbell avocations to be organized
TWO HOBBIES Montebello CA worldwide. It is perhaps the
Enclosed is $ 10 to cover hobby with the most political
my charter subscription to Thank yo u for your clout as well.
BYTE. I read about the thoughts, Greg. We'll be Fraternal attitudes have
magazine in yesterday's issue trying hard to fill th e bill for traditionally led to
of HR Report. I think that it the home brew computer area cooperative technology
is a great idea! [t fills a need and its in terface to amateur development in amateur
that has been created by the radio - this new field of radio. The possibilities of
recent boom in the computer computers in the home is time-sharing VHF-UHF
hobby area. go ing to be big. We're in the repeaters, packet-switched
I am a h am radio operator sam e stage r ela tiv e to worldwide traffic/data
"Amateur radio is . a
( W B 6 A S R ) and very computing that communication networks, or
natural for the
interested in in terfacing this transportation was at the tum even the digitai uses of the
computer hobbyist."
hobby with computers. Since of th e present century - OSCAR satellites seem
BYTE is going to be thousands of experimenters logically to preclude
published by 73 it will be a working on the applications exclusion of ama teur radio
perfect magazine for those and engineering of products from BYTE.
who share my interest in which can eventually be mass Encourage hams to
these two hobbies. I hope to produced . .. just as no one become hackers, and hackers
see many articles relating to cou ld imagine th e eventual to get their licenses. The
this subject. First off I would i mpa ct of automotiv e whole is too much greater
like to see BYTE Magazine technology, the next half than the sum of its parts to
lead the fight with the FCC centl)' in small computer divide them at birth.
to allow ASCII to be used in applications should be just as While I am on my
amateur radio along with (or interesting. soapbox, there are some
instead of) baudot. This is a Why, in only that single thoughts about what I would
basic step that has to be area of amateur radio like to see from BYTE. How
achieved in order to easily interfaces, the applica tions about contests between
interface the two. are wide and varied: digital various game programs (bet
Amateur radio is a natural remote control stations, the my checker program can beat
for the computer hobbyist. I repeater networks you your checker program .. . )?
can see a network of mention, digital station logs, Standardization on a global
compu ters tied together by automated ham rigs, packet (meta) language for the
repeaters. The group I am switching communications descriptions of programs and
affiliated with (AMT, nets which will expand upon algorithms? For fun it might
W6AMT, Box 1, Montebello the old amat e ur radio be nice to have a
CA 90640) is very interested telegram network concept, mathematical games column

(like Scientific American but of the circuit which until could remember from a
hobby oriented). Also, a recently has been my course three years ago about
punched tape service for the complaint with PE, RE, etc. logic design (which
dissemination of programs I remember back in '63 incidentally took as a hobby
and other data would be when I worked for the now interest to learn how those
popular. As the only (big) defunct Electronics infernal machines
publication in the field Illustra ted magazine that the functioned). Looking
(hmmm ... ) hope that policy was tenth grade level backward I'm kinda glad it
there is made some form of and under $10, and how can didn't function properly
guidelines for the storage, we sq ueeze the articles when first plugged in.
format and medium of between the ads. Otherwise, I would never
information. You could have Anyway, maybe in the have learned what certain
"BYTE my ass" T shirts, near future, I can get circuits are doing, why they
"BYTE by BYTE" something together to submit are doing it, and how they are
programming aids and to BYTE. Right now I'm doing it. Now back to that
booklets, pocket guides for trying to figure out why my damn EXAM/DEP NEXT
innumera ble things. You have EXAM/DEP NEXT won't circuit.
really stumbled onto a whole work right on Altair. I had a Bill Fuller
new hobby at its birth hell of a lot of bugs in the Grand Prairie TX
(adolescence?) . unit until I got rid of the PS: Just got my copy of PCC
This letter has really tired Molex Soldercons. An aside, a May issue. Seems that others
me out. Thanks for BYTE. technique for plated thru have had problems with the
George Henry Flammer III holes filled with solder: EXAM/DEP NEXT mono
Stanford CA Drilling out is not necessary, m/v in Altair. Anyway, with
which ruins the hole plating all my self-inflicted problems
PS: was supposed to and requires soldering on with the unit and some of
mention here something both sides of the board. After theirs, I'm not disappointed
about a "life" membership or removing the Soldercon pins, in the unit considering the
subscription. So I will. I used round toothpicks . price of the 8080 chip was
which I pushed thru the hole $360 at the time I went
A m I going to hang myself while holding the iron to the Altair; with their new price
ina grapevine? This is soldered side. and the 8080 at $175 now , I
probably the first magazine Philosophically, computer might not go it. But as Baba
ever to get editorial criticism ho b byists must be nu ts or Ram Dass says, "Do it now."
"Looking backward I'm have a lot of guts , if I'm any
before a single issue is
kinda glad it didn't indication. Here I buy a
printed! (I'll qualify that: it's
function properly when sophisticated piece of Thanks, Bill. Sounds like
my first magazine ... j The
fi rst plugged in. equipment only knowing you have all the prerequisites
points are well taken.
Otherwise, I would vaguely how logic works, needed for the home brew
Examine the first issue and
never have learned what you'll find a breadth of wi th a 40-hr course in computer hobby - curiosity
certain circuits are articles ranging from games to FORTRAN, a YOM and an and initiative. The VOM and
doing, why they are hardware - and we even have ill-adjusted 15-year scope; scope certainly help, as well
doing it, and how they a $99 introductory special on yet, I plunge head-long into a as the course in FOR TRAN.
are doing it." vast unknown. But the really important
"Life Time Subscription . .. "
Which brings up another prerequisite is the desire to
.. . CARL
want in future articles or at know how co mputing
least my preference. I seem to machin ery and logic work.
NUTS AND GUTS The art of computing is what
prefer seeing timing diagrams
Happy to hear about along with circuit BYTE is all about
BYTE being initiated. If it is descriptions. At least this is transla ted in to a personal use
in the tradition of 73, you what I found out when I context. This art has come a
got one perennial analyzed my basic Altair to long way since Napier's
subscription. Since I'm not a de-bug it . The Altair manual Bones, Babbage's e ngines, and
ham buff, I only occasionally assumes "it'll work" right off Boole's formal logic . . . and
look at an issue of 73, but am or "if not, give us a call." So, it will go a long way in the
impressed with their content my resort was to take each future as well - through
and format. They haven't circuit function and write ex tensions of pr ese nt
been afraid to provide articles myself a description about it technology and new ways of
that cost more than 15 bucks with logic equations, timing solving problems.
and have a detailed discussion diagrams and everything I ... CARL

five new Continental SpeCialties Corp. offers
a total line of breadboard test devices
... everything from inexpensive kits

breadboard testers to high-power professional units and

logic monitors too. Each high quality,
compact unit comes with a guarantee
of complete satisfaction or your

from money back within 10 days. Here are

but five of the "hottest" items we make .....

Power for the

A complete mini-
with built-in breadboard budget
kit with fuJI Ie capacity
regulated Add $1.S0
short-proof The PB-100 is a low cost, big 10 Ie capacity
power supplies! breadboard kit, complete down to the last nut, bolt
and screw. Includes 2 QT-35S Sockets; 1 QT-35B
Ready-to-use . Just plug in and start Bus Strip; 2 5-way binding posts; 4 rubber feet;
building! 2 extra floating 5-way binding screws and easy assembly instructions. 4.50"
posts for external signals (PB-203 on ly). Completely
(114.3mm) wide x 6.00" (152.4mm) long x 1.35"
se lf-contained with power switch, ind icator lamp and power
fuse. 24 14-pin DIP capacity. All metal construction ...
(34.3mm) high. Order your PB-100 kit! Start building
no chipping or cracking as with plastic cases . Two-tone and testing now!
quality case makes both PB-203 and PB-203A aesthetically,
as well as technically attractive.

PB-203 PB-203A
• 3 aT -59S Sockets • 3 OT -59S Sockets
• 4 aT-59B Bus St rips • 4 OT-S9B Bus Strips
• 1 aT-47B Bus Strip • 1 OT-47B Bus Strip Trace signals or troubleshoot
• Fuse • Power Switch • Fuse • Power Swit c h fast. Inject signals or wire
• Power-On Light • Power- On Light
• 9.75"L x 6.6" W x 3. 25" H • 9.7S" L x 6.6" W x 3 .2S" H unused circuits into exist ing
• Wei ght: 5 Ibs. • Weight : Sibs. boards. Flexible plastic web"
• 5V, 1 AMP regul ated power • SV , 1 AMP re gulated power construction eliminates
supply supply (same as PB-203) springs and pivots. Plus, th e
• + lSV , Y2 AMP regulated narrow throat is perfect for
power supply
• -lSV , Y2 AMP regulated
high density pc boards.
power supply Order now!
PC·14 14·pln Proto·Cllp: $4.50 ea.

Add $2.50 shipping / handling
Add $2.S0 shipping / handling
PC·16 16·pln Proto· Cllp:
Add $1.00 shipping
and handling


Output Voltage SV ± Vv. Output Voltage lSV, internally
Ripple & Noise @ Y2 AMP adjustabl e
10 millivolts Ripple & Noise @ Y. AMP,
Load Regulation Better than 1 % 10 millivolts
Load Regulation Better than 1 %

Specialties Corp.
brings ICs to life
faster than a scope ...
safer than a
Add $2.S0 sh ipping/handling
Self-contained, pocket size. No
adjustments o r calibrations needed .
Puts life into digital designs. Just
clip to any DIP IC up to 16 pins.
Simultaneously displays static and
dynamic logic states of DTL, TTL,
HTL or CMOS on 16 large high Intensity LEDs. Watch
signals work through counters , sh ift registers , timers,
adders, flip flops , decoders, entire systems. Con centrate on
signal flow and input! output truth tables . Forget probe
grounds, pin counting or sync polarity . Precision plastic
guides and flexible plastic web " insure positive connections.
Versatile . Fast. Accurate. Indispensable . Order yours today!
Byter's Digest
A Quick Kluge for Fastening A Note For Altair 8800 Users Electronic News (j une 9,
Wire Wrap Sockets to 1975) reports in an article by
Perforated Board: A cop y of an advertisi ng Paul Plansky the
sheet was sent to me by announcement of a 12-bit
Gordon French of Menlo PDP-8 compatible CMOS
/ WIRE WRAP PINS Park, California, describing a processor chip to be
set of 8800-compatible produced by Intersil. This
VECTOR~'P" interface and memory cards. sounds Ii ke a great idea for

PATTERN OR The advertising sheet for the home brew computer
~'VALENT Processor Technology Co., market - but not for a while.

o 0 0
2465 Fourth Street, Berkeley The "hardware starter kit" is
CA 94710, mentions the reported to cost $3050 for a
SOCKET following items: set of three boards.
1. 4k Memory Board Kit with The boards include a
optional 1 k ($85), 2k ($125) memory board with 4k
o 0 0
SOCKET HAS "u" OF or 4k ($ 225) variations. words, a · CPU board with
BUS WIRE SOLDER IN 2. PROM Card Kit for Intel TTY interface, and a control
PLACE AS RETAINER 1702A or National 5203 panel board. The pri mary
ultra-violet erasable PROM's, advantage outside of PDP-8
If you want to wrap up a Using retainers to anchor wire comes with address decode software compatibility is the
quick project, it is often wrap sockets. but not PROM's (you'll need CMOS nature of the product
handy to use perforated a programmer and PROM - the entire computer (all
board (eg: Vector "P" chips) at $45. three boards) is quoted at a 2
pattern VECTORBOARD) to wire (e.g. about 14 to 1 8 3. I/O Board Kit providing mW requirement. (How this
mount wire wrap sockets. I gauge.) The result is a strong both parallel and serial number is compatible with a
have used many methods for mechanical placement. When interfaces to the "real TTY current loop output is
attaching boards - rivets, you solder on the retainer, world." A UART is used for not clear - but it is
b 0 Its, e pox y g I u e -, use solder sparingly and the serial interface optionally reasonable for the CMOS part
cyanoacrylic glue, etc. One employ a soldering iron with under program control, with alone.) This computer is not
method which I dreamed up a narrow tip - of about 25 selectable baud rates, choice yet in a position where it can
the other day to solve the Watt capacity. Try to keep of four EIA plus TTY and be used by the home brew
mounting problem for a small the solder as low on the pin TTL serial interfaces ($125) . computer market - but the
test jig may prove useful to as possible . When you wrap idea of a PDP-8 (or PDP-11)
you at some point. Simply the circuit begin the first level The ad sheet said delivery compatible home brew
put the socket through the of wraps higher up on the begins June 1. If you're machine is quite attractive
perforated board, then solder pins with retainers, to avoid interested, I suggest you write due to the large amount of
each corner pin with a "U" the solder near the fastening. these people to find out "public domain" software
shaped retainer made of bus CARL further details. available for these machines.

:::1111111111 """"" """"'I~

James Fry's The holes at the edge of
Prototyping Board the board allow for a dditional
input and output connections
plus the mounting of the
E iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i
James Fry, PO Box 6585, Molex pin a nd socket
§ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 §
.- ---------------- ...
Toledo OH 43612, sends combinations nee ded to

along the layout of a general extend the stack of TVT-l
a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0lIIIO
purpose proto typing board boa rds by a n additional
designed to mate with the
connectors of the original
layer. Jim will provide
cop ies of th is board u nd rill ed
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 §
TVT-1 TV Typewriter design
of Don Lancaster. Jim has
used h is board in the process
for $6 postpaid , or you can
take the idea and layout
your own version for contact
E .!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~!!!.IJI5
of modifying the design to
mate with his 8008 system.
and h o me ===1111111111 1111111111 1111111 :==
• We've got a bunch of these fantastic video display terminals . .. and we 've got a
little problem. We promised Sanders Associates that we would sell them as scrap. A
couple of wires disconnected makes them scrap, right? These VDTs should be great for
SSTV, for a CW/RTTY keyer terminal, an oscilloscope, weather satellite monitor, or
even a computer terminal (which they were). We've tested some of these and they
seem to be near-perfect. You aren't likely to find a VDT system like this for less than
ten times the price . .. so order several right away while we've got 'em.


encoded keyboard used with the SANDER'S
ASSOCIATES 720 System Terminal. Plugs in to the ITEM F : ENCLOSURE AND BEZEL FOR 12"CRT -
froni of the chassis moun ling base. Ma kes a very Tllis is the frosting o n Ihe cake. All components A

profe§ional Video Readout Terminal combinatio n. IlIl'u E fit perfectly insi de th is enclosure. It is

.~ c~"• ' ~'
'- ' "_ \." '0



. ~.
These keybo ards are in like n ew condition, have
interconnection data etched on the Ie-Diode
matrix PC board. They can be readily Llsed for any
hinged and can be lift ed fo/' easy access to the
electronics. 11 will really dmss up any project
Measuresapprox. 22"Lx 18"W x 20"Ha n d weighs
ASCII encoded requirement. Similar key boards, approx. 10 I&s. Made of steel with alJandsome blue
when available, sell for almo.-;! IWO rimes th e very crackle finish. Ge t 'em wllil e they last, for -
low SUNTRONIX price of - $119.95. PPD 5 11 .95 (incl. bezel) FOB.


12" big·screen CRT. Tube can be mounted either ITEM C: FOUR PC BOARDS CHOCK·FULL OF
vertically or horizontally by rotating front plate 90 GOOD IES - Two D/A con veners,' one IC-lo aded
degrees. Comes with base, on-o(f sw. a nd in. tensity logic board, and one multipurpose board. \'Ie have
control, foul' con trols for ven. and honz. Has fl O schematic dara for th ese boards at present. We
plen ty of room for most any electronics needed for
your pet project. All subassemblies orrered will
will supply any data we obtain '0
purcllasers <1.<; we
gel il. Of course when we finally figure OUI what
perfeclly fit in spaces provided. Wily try to cuI the these boards are good for, the price will cllange
metal yourself? This chassis will let you con · accordingly. Take tile g<lmble now and we71
centrate on tile electronics ins/Cad of rile melal· provide any data we get free of charge. Buy all four
work!! Order n ow for onl y - 5 14.95 FOB, le~ boards or just one - $ 1.50 ca. (our choice) or aJl
CRT. fOllr for $5.00. PPD

j T i. //
·1 I ! E I T T/i/lli'lf

jil il/til
Subassemblies - Good for a conservat ive 150\'1
complementary DC coupled output. Freq. resp.
beyond 2.0 MHz. Paris alone worth ma n y times
the low, low price of - $6.95 ca., or bot11 for
$10.95 PPD

This is a real super CRT High Voltage Power bnlte used to supply all low vOHages needed by the
supply, providing all voltages needed for any CRT. original 720 CRT Terminal. Input , 117VAC, out·
Outputs 10- 14KV DC, plus 49 0 Vdc, minus 150 puts: plus 16.0 VDC@ 10.OA;minus 16 .0 VDC@
Vdc. Needs inputs of plus 5.0 VDC, p lus 16.0 VDC 10.0A ; plus 5.0VDC @ more than 2.0A, all
and a drive signal of approx 8.4 kHz @ 1.0 vrms or regulat ed. Mounts on til e rear of th e Basic Chassis
more. All inputs/outpu ts via p lug/jack cables an d (It em B) Weighs approx 45 Ibs and will be shipped
even has a socket/cable assy for the CRT. A very with interconnection data for only - $ 19.95 FOB.
fine buy at only - 5 14.95 (incl. data) FOB

PACKAGE DEAL - For the really seriou s ex p erimenter we'll make a very special offer - you can
buy all of the s u b-assemblies listed abo ve plus a good 12 " CR T , a muffin fan for cooling. We 'll
supply ins tructions fo r interconnection for all suba ssemblies so that you can, within minutes after
receiving this once-in-a-lifetime deal, put an X-Y display on th e CRT. We 'lJ also include a list of
possible applications for those with sh ort im aginations ! Don 't miss out on this real money-saving
bu y; the individual prices for the sub-assemblies add up to $ 127.70. You can buy the entire
package for a very low package price of - $ 79.95 FOB .

On all postpaid orders, please ADD $1.50 to cover handling costs. Orders 1.- . -. . - ~-~. . '
shipped same day in most cases. , , '


603·434 , 4644
t Dl}) PJ) 111

Byter's Digest
The Inventors of the Prepunched Perforated Board Have Done it Again.

Company's n ew Model drawal forces are unchanged

3662A-6 board, the "W" cut by the new tech niq ue.
consists of a sl ight inwardly The Vector Model
tapering chamfer across the 3662A-6 board illustrated has
face of the card edge which 22/44 edge contacts with
allows th e board to be 0.156 in. spacing. Contacts
inserted with a gradually are two-oz . copper, nickel
increasing force instead of the plated and gold flashed for
conventional high peak long life and low co ntact
pressures. In addition, the resistance. I ndividual contacts
two outside ground terminals are numbered for easy
engage first and disengage last identification. The 4.5 in. by
to protect circuits if the 6.5 in. by 0.0625 in. board
board is inserted or removed uses a new blue-colored
with the power on. F R4-type epoxy laminate
According to the press w hi ch meets 0 r exceeds
Edge connector configuration on Vector 3662A-6 Plugbord release this technique will be MI L-P-13939-E GF .
reduces insertion forces by 2-1/2 lbs. used on all new Plugbords Prepunched 0.042 in. dia.
manufactured by Vector. holes are spaced on 0.1 in .
Vector cites tests on 22/44 centers. The top su rface of
edge connectors with the board has markers for the
termin als on 0.1 in. centers number one pin of 14-pin
which indicate that average 01 Ps across the field and
The Vector El ectronic Co., insertion force with the "W" component placement indices
Inc ., a nnounces a new variant cut is 9 Ibs. compared to 11 around the board's periphery .
on a traditional th eme - the I bs . with a conventional The reverse side h as a two-oz.
idea of a printed circuit edge s tr a i ght configuration. copper grou nd plane with
connector with a lower Av e rage force on 15/30 solder coating.
insertion force du e to a connectors with 0 .156 in. The boards are priced at
unique design . centers drops from 13 Ibs. to $7.55 in unit qu a ntities with
Special W-shap ed cut on 6.5 Ib s. Similarly , average volu me discou nts available.
the printe d circuit board edge insertion force on 22/44 Delivery is from factory
connector reduces insertion connectors with 0.156 in. stock.
forces by two to eight spacing is reduced from 16.5 Vector Electronic Co .,
pounds, depending on the Ibs. to 14 Ibs., while the Inc ., 12460 Gladstone Ave.,
type of receptacle and the pressure on 36/72 connectors Sylmar CA 91342.
number of contacts. First with 0.10 in. spacing declines 1 - 213-365-9661 ; TWX
used on Vector Electronic from 31 Ibs. to 23 Ibs. With- 910-496-1 539.

THE BIT BUCKET is the National, with a subscription solicitation of members in

name of a new publication tab of $15 per annum, for the COMPUTE (Club of
now available from National purpose of exchanging info Microprocessor Programmers,
Semiconductor Corporation on the products National Users and Technical Experts),
(mailing address: manufactures: IMPs of all descriptions of an assembler
COMPUTE/470, Natio nal kinds and the new PACE and listings of the library of
Semiconductor Corporation, 16-bit micro. The info I got complimentary packages of
2900 Semiconductor Drive, (in Volume One, Number software. If your home brew
Santa Clara CA 95051) . The One) i ncl udes sem i nar system idea is growing
Bit Bucket is a user schedules, plugs for products aPACE, you might find this
"newsletter" supported by of members of the club, a publication useful ... CARL

From Raytheon Corp. and we were told they were made for the
FAA in air traffic control computers. Appear to be unused
condition. Switches are magnetic reed relay. Ascii encoded with PC
board mounted under the switch board. Sorry to say but have no
data with these at this time.
Ship wgt. 6lbs............ #SP-139 $30.00

A nice purchase from Honeywell of these unused
keyboards with reed relay, magnetic switching. No
encoder with these and they can be used in a variety
of ways ... Morse code generator, TV print out,
terminal keyboard for computer work, etc. If you
want an all purpose keyboard in new condition, this
is it. Only about a hundred left. The price is deserving
of a second look as it's a give-away.
Ship wgt. 5lbs............ #SP-165 $20.00

From one of Americas largest manufacturers of keyboards. ASCII
encoder mounted beneath board using ICs Picture shown is typical
keyboard. There seems to be no end to customers wanting
keyboards and we are lucky enough to keep coming up with more.
These are clean and with all key tops in place.
Ship wgt 6lbs............ #SP-122 $35.00

A bargain in computer keyboards with encoder board attached. The
low price is due to the fact that a few key tops may be missing. So if
you can improvise, you acquire a bargain keyboard. We will furnish
missing key tops though they may not have the correct letter, but
you can stick any letter you want with tape. At $10 you can hardly
Ship wgt. 6lbs............ #SP-123 $10.00

This keyboard with encoder (Holarith) mounted in dust proof
enclosure has been one of our best movers no doubt due to its
handsome desk top appearance. The encoder board is easily removed
for re-working and the case is gray plastic. We have sold over a
thousand of these to date and were sold out. But along came a
supplier with several hundred more and we are back in business.
Same price as we sold them for the last two years, no upgrading of
Ship wgt. 61b............ # SP-124 $35.00


Please add shipping cost on above. Genuine "Ma Bell" belt clip
radio receiver beeper. Picks up
specific radio signals in 35
MESHNA PO Bx 62 E. lynn Mass. 01904 MHz area, encoded by internal
reed encoder. Seems to be a
"natural" for construction
jobs , in-plant calling. An inter-
esting experimental gadget.
Self contained antenna, adjust-
FREE CA TALOG able coding by shifting wires
on coding module .
#SP-125 $5.00 each, 6/$25.00


The SPHERE 1 computer system was

2)buss lines are "hlgh·drive" buffered to
run many more peripherals.
3)the system buss Is driven over flat-
Ba sic Language
designed to provide an uncompromising
computer system at minimal cost .
cables which means no mother-board is
required for expansion and the system
may be configured with space utilization FREE! !
The BASIC package includes t

Keyword ...
4)the CPU has been provided with 1 K of following utility commands : APPEN
Programmable Read-Only memory . This CATALOG, DELETE, GET, KIL
memory can contain a complete process LENGTH, LIBRARY, LIST, NAM

~~ System'"
control program for many applications . RENUMBER, RUN, SAVE, A,..
When initially delivered, it contains the SCRATCH.
P'DS system which is described later. The operators are: =, less th a
greater than , less or equal, greater
equal, not equal, AND, OR, NOT, MA
The keyword to our design 15 tne MIN. The statements are : CHAIN, CO
world "SYSTEM" . Every phase of the MON, DATA, Dim, EN
design has been influenced by the FOR . .. NEXT, GO TO, TO ... 0
"SYSTEM" philosophy. To justify the
system title , a "COMPUTER" must
perform an application acceptably. Re-
Peripherals ... LET , NEXT, PRINT, PRINT USIN
cently the cost of peripherals and soft- functions are DEF, ABS, EXP, IN
ware have substantially exceeded the
cost of the computer, but without them,
a computer cannot perform much of
anything acceptably .
Floppy Disks, Line LOG, RND, SQR, SIN, TAN ATN, LE
SGN , TAB . Matrix operations are : 00
With the onset of
micro·processor, real design innovations
have been possible, but without the
system philosophy , a micro-processor
Printers, Paper processing statements are: OPEN, KI L
string p r ocessing i s su pported .

Tape, Terminals ...

can only reduce the processor cost. This package will run in a 20
Peripherals, memory, and software system with about 8 K for user progra rr
continue to be expensive. An 8K subset of our BASIC is availab
The SPHERE 1 computer is uniquely with 4K available for user programs. I'
cost effective because it utilizes real In order to insure a full offering of Sphere software is a part of tl
design innovations to reduce the amount high quality peripherals from the onset, "SYSTEM" price, and is available
of circuitry required throughout the we have selected manufacturers who "SYSTEM" users for a minimal copyi,
system. The SPHERE add -on memory already have peripherals which interface fee.
board will support 4, 8, 12, or 16K of to our product. This philosophy has The FLOPPY DISK OPERATIN
dynamic random access memory (instead allowed us , in the case of our disk, to SYSTEM (FDOS) is supplied on ;
of four 4K memory boards and a mother select already running software (namely systems purchased with a disk un
board). Our power supply has been a disk operating system) which we may FDOS is an extended PROGRA
placed in a separate chassis to eliminate a offer to ou r users immediately . Other DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM . It provid
common source of heat. This allows the peripherals that are available with our for named files, an extended editor,
system to run cooler and eliminates the system include a low cost line printer full assembler, and debugging systel
need for an expensive fan. The system and a paper tape reader/perforator. This system includes a comprehensi
uses a standard TV for a 512 character These devices are interfaced to the 300 page programming manual.
display. The use of the TV and other system via a single interface module
common components has reduced the which also serves as a programmable
cost and allowed more machine
versatility. Further cost reductions have
been achieved by replacing the front
digital Input/Output port.
The Keyboard module includes
tactile feed keyswitches , 2 key roll-over
encoding, a numeric keypad and a star
System Concept
console (lights and switches) with the
cursor editing keypad . The SPHERE
TV terminal and a program in Read Only
Memory (ROM) that performs the same
function, only better.
system also supports the lowest cost
terminals available today .
a Commitment
The software supplied to make
Sphere System a useful "SYSTEM"

The Processor. •• attractive; however, the real contribut i

that SPHERE offers
commitment . The SPHERE "SYSTE

concept demonstrates only the surf;


A One Card PDS.... of the real technological advances t l

are possible when true design innovat i
is combined w i th foresight a

Control System unparalleled state-of-the-art technology .

SPHERE "SYSTEM" concept is t l

The Program Development System

The CPU card is packaged to provide (PDS) includes an EDITOR, and
all of the basic functions required by a ASSEMBLER, and a debugging package . OEM 'S CHECK WITH US ...
useful system. It contains a Motorola It also includes CRT display and aUdio WE'VE GOT COMPLETE ONE BO A
M6800 micro-processor which is the cassette software drivers, plus a cassette CONTROL SYSTEMS FROM UN C
most advanced micro-processor on the loader and dumper. Although most
market today. The CPU Module also in- $6 00
computer processing occurs at the
cludes 4K words of random access mem- character (8 BIT) level, it is sometimes AMBITIOUS TYPES CHEC K WITH US
ory which is the "minimum" required to desirable to use 16 bit arithmetic so we WE ' VE GOT COMPLETE SYSTE
perform useful functions. Sixteen lines have provided an extended instruction STARTING AT $65 0. (KITS)
of digital I/O have been provided as on set in the PDS system. The extended
option on this board. This allows the instructions include 16 bit multiply,
Bank Americard and MasterCha rge accepted.
module to act as a stand·alone "system" divide, add, subtract , etc . The
in many instances . Further innovations
have been added to enhance it's
"system" capability. They are :
l)a Real-Time clock with INTERUPT
capability at 31, 62, 125, 250, & 500
instructions include input/output and
binary (16 bit) to ASC11 to binary
conversion. PDS is entirely contained in
the read-only memory of the CPU
module. It rounds out the "SYSTEM"
96 E. 5th South, Bountiful, Utah 84(
HZ. concept of our smallest systems.
• 4K WORDS of read / write memory

I i









How BYTE started start .. . are you going to let
. from page 9
them make all the money?
Speaking of MITS et ai, it
service BYTE - make it a 24 pager.
After talking the idea over
didn't take me long to get
one of the Altair 8800s to see
To get further information on the products advertised in this wit h a c 0 up I e of the what I could do with it. I'm
issue of BYTE merely tear, rip, or snip out this advertiser index manufacturers in the field it afraid I didn't make it very
fill out the data at the bottom of the page, mark the appropriat~
was obvious that we had been far into the instruction book.
boxes, and send the works to BYTE, Peterborough NH 03458.
Readers get extra Brownie Points for sending for information thinking too small. Okay, I've got some more memory
since this encourages advertisers to keep using BYTE - which in let's make it 5000 copies. The coming for it as well as their
turn brings you a bigger BYTE. first announcement of the extended basic program and
project was made in Hotline, some I/O interfaces to hook
ADVERTISER INDEX an amateur radio newsletter onto a teletype or a VDT. I
0 ACM CII with a very small circulation. do have a VDT unit up and
0 AP Products CIII The reaction was immediate: wo r king ... the Southwest
subscriptions began to come Technical job which we got in
0 Babylon 86
in at a good clip. kit form and which was
0 Delta 43 As mailing lists came in assembled over a weekend on
0 Godbout 8, 60, 61 from manufacturers and as a card table, with a good deal
the word spread, the first of the work being done by
0 Hickok 48, 49
my 12 year old daughter.
issue print run was upped to
0 James 42,82 10,000 then And, believe it or not, the
0 Marti n Research 25,000 .. . 35,000 ... and unit works! We all agree th at
finally 50,000 copies! As it was a lot of fun to assemble
0 Meshna 93
promises of ads came in there and we're glad we went the
0 Micro Digital 2 kit route ... we wouldn't
was a scramble to get enough
0 MITS CIV, 7, 71,81 articles to keep up with the have missed the fun. SWTPC
0 Processor Technology 83 ads. Ads are certainly of sure did a fantastic job of
interest, but we didn't want getting that kit designed and
0 RGS 59
to publish an all advertising produced.
0 S. D. Sales 80
magazi ne. Well, that's how BYTE got
0 Seel bi 38, 39 No apologies are needed started. Now it's up to
0 Sol id State 89 for the articles in this first you ... you can guide the
issu e between Carl's magazine with your
0 Sphere 94, 95
contacts and mine we got advice . . . with your
0 Suntronix 91 things started. It would hav/:) articles . .. and with your
0 Wahl 70 been a lot easier if our support in getting more
original idea of a 1000 copy subscribers. We'll do all we
24 page magazine (with can to make the magaz ine
maybe 30% ads) had come accurate, have plenty of
To help the editors with a profile of the readers - what type of interesting ads, look nice and
about. On the other hand,
work do you do? come out on time. None of
here is a great opportunity
for all of you readers to get this is easy, of course, but
Have you a microprocessor running yet? and which, if
busy at your typewriter and we're in one of the nicest
pass along your particu lar areas in the cou ntry - in
Messages for the editor: area of expertise. the need southern New Hampshire -
for good articles is working in a 220 year old
gre at ... material for the colonial mansion - and we
rank beginners as well as the h ave an efficient system
Reader's Service sophisticated computer where everything except
BYTE SEPTEMBER 1975 designers . . . hard- printing and mailing of the
Green Publishing Inc. BYTE acquired via ware ... software . .. surplus magazine is done under the
Peterborough NH 03458 one roof. If you happen to
o Subscription co n ve rsions ... applications.
o Newsstand As we build a body of find yourself wandering
Please print or type.
o Stolen hobbyists, the market for around a bit northwest of
reasonably priced equip ment Boston, why please drop in
Name will be almost inexhaust- and say hello. We're very
ible . . . microprocessors, friendly and the atmosphere
Address video display units, is unbelievably re-
key boards, tape gear, discs; laxed ... except near press
teletypes . . . endless list. time.
City State Zip
MITS, RGS, Scelbi and
Coupon expires in 60 days . .. Southwest T ech have a good . .. WAYNE GREEN

, 96
NEW ... from A P Products

OBSOLETES ordinary breadboards - for fast,
solderless, plug-in circuit building and testing

priced from
less than

On all models, , ,
simply plug in your
special 20 % off components and inter-
introductory offer

connect with ordinary 22-ga,
solid wire, No special patch cords
requ ired, All models will accept all
DIP's, TO-5's and discrete components with leads up to ,032"
value ASSEMBLE-IT-YOURSELF KIT diameter. Multiple buses can easily be linked for power and
Now you can enjoy the pleasure and convenience of checking
out your circuits on an ACE from A P Products at this special ground distribution, reset and clock li nes, shift command, etc,
low price! Just plug in and power up . . . no solderin g required!
Incorporates the famous A P multi-tie-point plug-in f eature ACE 200-K .. ,728 tie points, holds up to 8 16-pin DIP's,
throughout for optimum circuit design flexibility. two buses, two 5-way binding posts, kit form, , .$18.95
ACE 208 ... 872 tie points, holds up to 8 16-pin DIP's,

ORDER TODA Y AND SA VE 0 CAS H : c heck or M .O. enclosed 8 buses, two 5-way binding posts, assembled, , ,$28.95
No. Model Tot al D CHA RGE : Mas ter Charge ACE 201-K ... 1032 tie poihts, holds up to 12 14-pin DIP 's,
ACE' s No. Price
o CHA RGE : BankA mericard ~ o Sen d
FREE ca talog two buses, two 5-way binding posts, kit form, . .$24.95
Acct. No. ACE 212. , .1224 tie points, holds up to 12 14-pin DIP's,
Expiration date
8 buses, two 5-way binding posts, assembled. , . $34,95
Total cost of ACE 's Master Charge Interbank No. :
ACE 218 ... 1760 tie-points, holds up to 18 14-pin DIP's,
Residenls of California ten buses, two 5-way binding posts, assembled. $46.95
and Ohio add sales tax 4 NUMBERS OVER YOUR NAME
ACE 227 .. ,2712 tie points, holds up to 27 14-pin DIP's,
Postag e and S hipping 1 50 28 buses, four 5-way binding posts, assembled, ,$59.95
ORDER TOTAL $ ACE 236. , . 3648 tie points, holds up to 36 14-pin DIP's,

Send order 10.


CiTV-y- - - - - -- -
36 buses, four 5-way binding posts, assembled, ,$79,95
Anod ized aluminum bases lalso serve as ground plane); aceta l copolymer
Box llO· G, 72 Co rwin Dr. dielectric; non-corrosive nickel / silver tie-point termina ls; rubber bench feet.
Paines vill e, Ohi o 44077 STATE
A P PRODUCTS INC,. Box 110-G • Painesville, OH 440n

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