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Having listened to today´s radio program about a discussion whether which courses should be
included in secondary schools ‘curricula, I will put forward the two main ideas and outline the
advantages of them.

First of all, it goes without saying that a computer course should be included in the school
‘curricula. Nowadays, most of the applications for jobs require to have knowledge about the basic
stuff of computer programming. According to a recent studio, in the future most of the things will
involve using technology for everything. Nevertheless, scientists who have indulged about the
development of the technology, are saying that one of the consequences of spending a certain
amount of time in front of a screen will bring detriments such as losing the sight. Therefore, they
suggest spending between one or two hours a day.

On the other hand, regarding Ancient Greek and Latin courses, it can be argued that they play an
important role in today´s society. Learning these two languages will be useful not only to learn
about the culture of ancient societies, but it will open a whole load of skills. For instance, many of
the scientists who studied the Greek culture, have discovered many secrets about them just by
reading the ancient documents that were not damaged.

Having stated these arguments above, it can be concluded that the course that should be included
is the computer course. The main advantage is that it will help you in the future with everything.



The principal aim of this report is to explain and describe the effects the shopping center might
have on the local environment and the community. I will present the results about the positive
and negative aspects of the shopping center. And finally, I will make some suggestions about


During my visit to the shopping center, the place spread a sense of joy and fellowship. A lot of
people were there, and it seems that they were having a good time. And this really positive to our
community in order to strengthen our relations with the people. What´s more, many of them did
not know each other, even though they were neighbors.


According to a recent studio that has been done by some local scientists, the shopping center was
built in area where many of the wildlife were living. This has provoked that animals are emigrating
to the city. And, given the awful conditions that exists in the city, many of them are dying.
Moreover, the shopping center has been producing a whole load of rubbish and it is polluting the
environment more and more.

In the lights of what have been stated above I suggest that the government should apply some
kind of regulation to the shopping center in order to reduce the amount of rubbish they are
producing. Another important thing is that the government and, organizations involved with the
wildlife, should find a home to the animals which cannot go elsewhere.

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