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Casser, Joanna-Ilna D.

POEC 40023
BAPE 3-2 August 12, 2023


Anna has recently been hired to work with you in Office of the Mayor. You Anna from
school; she has been in a few classes with you. Although you think Anna has good skills,
she is difficult to work with because of the negative attitude towards everything –her
personal life, her relationship, her job, and her supervisor. In fact, Anna is rarely positive
about anyone.
• Discuss briefly what can you do to overcome your negative feelings?
• What can you do to make working with Anna more productive?
• What does professionalism mean to you?

The Significance of Professionalism in the Workplace

It's important to recognize that there are two forms of intelligentsia: intellectual

intelligence, which encompasses mathematical logic and reasoning abilities often

measured in schools, and emotional intelligence (EQ), which involves managing emotions

and understanding those of the people around us.

In the case of having Anna as an officemate, it's our collective responsibility to

foster a harmonious team environment, and EQ plays a pivotal role in achieving this.

Instead of isolating or dismissing her due to a negative attitude, let's strive to understand

her better and create a safe space for open communication, ensuring we approach this

in a respectful and supportive manner. EQ allows us to empathize with Anna, potentially

uncovering the emotional issues that might influence her behavior. Listening to her and

empathizing can go a long way.

In reality, we can't always expect everyone to align with our intentions or embrace

our goodwill. If Anna chooses not to open up or trust us and even harbors resentment, it's
crucial to respect her boundaries while still maintaining a positive working relationship.

Leveraging our emotional intelligence, we can approach our tasks by discussing our

respective roles, collaborating independently, and then coming together to review our

work. In any situation, let's prioritize constructive criticism and aim to engage in positive

discussions to improve our teamwork and overall work environment. EQ helps us

navigate this challenging terrain with empathy and understanding, ultimately fostering a

more cohesive and productive team.

Initially, my understanding of professionalism was limited to individuals whom I saw

as 'professionals,' particularly those who were working in office environments or held

esteemed occupations. Professionals are commonly recognized as those who engage in

the conduct associated with the principles and standards of professionalism.

Furthermore, in my perspective, the term "professional" is intricately linked to the level of

expertise an individual possesses in performing a specific task. An individual is deemed

to possess professional caliber when they demonstrate the ability to proficiently execute

a complex work, a feat that may provide challenges for others.

Upon engaging in the discourse that transpired over the duration of the course, I

arrived at the realization that my conceptualization of the concept of "professionalism"

diverges significantly from its formal definition. The concept of professionalism extends

beyond the specific occupation one holds, encompassing the manner in which individuals

carry out their duties within their respective roles. The alteration of just one line had a

significant impact on my whole image of professionalism, leading to a substantial

transformation. This finding provides support for the idea that professionalism is not

predominantly determined by the particularities of the job, but rather by the manner in
which an individual approaches the execution of their duties. An individual can be

considered a professional in their relevant sector, regardless of their occupation, as long

as they fulfill their responsibilities according to the specified requirements. The

association between competence, reliability, and knowledge is intrinsic to professionalism

due to their interconnected nature. As a result, individuals who possess these qualities

are capable of demonstrating professionalism in their professional endeavors.

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