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INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL action, the manager will select the

ECONOMICS one that will maximize the profit of

the firm.
DEFINITION OF MANAGERIAL 3. Explore the alternatives - Decision
ECONOMICS makers cannot hope to identify and
- Managerial economics is economics evaluate all possible options. Still,
applied in decision making. It is that one would hope that attractive
branch of economics which links options would not be overlooked for,
abstract theory with managerial and not mistakenly dismissed.
practice. 4. Predict the consequences
5. Make a choice
● Economics is a science concerned 6. Perform sensitivity analysis - It is
with the problem of allocating scarce important to understand and be able
resources with competing ends. to explain to others the “why” of your
● Managerial economics may also be decision. Sensitivity analysis
taken as economics applied to considers how an optimal decision is
problems of choice of alternatives affected if key economic factors or
and allocation of scarce resources conditions vary.
by the firms; is goal oriented and
aims at maximum achievement of SCOPE OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS
Mcnair and Meriam - “Managerial Positive Economics
economics is the use of economic modes of - Descriptive in character; describes
thoughts to analyze business situations.” economic activities as they are.
- According to Prof. Lionel Robbins,
Spencer - Managerial economics is the economics is a positive science and
integration of economic theory with believed that economists should be
business practice for the purpose of ‘neutral’ between ‘ends’ and he
facilitating decision-making and cannot pronounce on the validity or
forward-planning by the management.” ultimate judgments of value.

Bringham and Pappas - “Managerial Normative Economics

economics is the application of economic - Passes judgments of value in the
theory and the methodology to business context of the firm. Managerial
administration and practice.” economics is mainly normative in
1. Define the problem Area of Study
2. Determine the objective - In most
private-sector decisions, profit is the Demand analysis and forecasting
principal objective of the firm and the - Accurate estimation of demand by
usual barometer of its performance. analyzing the forces acting on
Thus, among alternative courses of demand of the product; attempts at
finding out the forces of determining of managerial economics and
sales. operations research.
- Forecasting sales and manipulating
demand Profit: The central concept in managerial
Cost and production analysis
- Production analysis deals with the Modern firms pursue multiple objectives
physical terms of the product, while such as welfare, obligations to society and
cost analysis deals with monetary consumers, etc. However, profit
terms. maximization receives top priority, if not sole
- Cost analysis is concerned with cost objective.
concepts, cost-output relations,
economies of scale, production Optimization - Aims at optimizing a given
function and cost control. objective. It offers numerical solutions to the
problem of making optimum choices and is
Pricing decisions, policies and practices basic to managerial economics in
- The core of managerial economics. decision-making.
- The success or failure of a firm
mainly depends on accurate price RELATIONSHIP OF MANAGERIAL
decisions to effectively compete in ECONOMICS WITH OTHER DISCIPLINES
the market.
- Price determination under different As using the logic of economics,
market conditions, pricing methods mathematics and statistics to provide
and police product line pricing and effective ways of thinking about business
price forecasting. decision problems.

Profit management Macroeconomics

- Profit planning like break-even - Managerial economics draws from
analysis is studied under this micro and macro economics so that
category. it can apply these principles to solve
the day-to-day problems faced by
Capital management businessmen.
- The most troublesome problem for - National income, social accounting,
the management of business managerial efficiency of capital,
involving high-level decisions. multiplier, business cycles, fiscal
- Deals with planning and control of policies, etc.
capital expenditure.
- Cost of capital, rate of return, and Mathematics
selection of project etc. - Businessmen deal with various
concepts which are measurable. The
Linear programming and theory of games use of mathematical logic provides
- Part of managerial economics as clarity of concepts and gives a
there is a trend towards integration systematic framework within which
quantitative relationships may be EXPLICIT COSTS - the actual out-of-pocket
analyzed. expenditures of the firm to hire labor, borrow
capital, rent land and buildings, and
Statistics purchase raw materials.
- Businessmen deal mainly with
concepts that are quantifiable like ECONOMIC PROFIT - Total revenue minus
demand, price, cost of operation etc. the explicit and implicit costs of production.
- Statistical methods provide a sound
base for decision making and help IMPLICIT COSTS - the money value of the
the businessmen achieve the inputs owned and used by the firm in its
objective without much difficulty. own production processes.

Accounting OPPORTUNITY COST - Implicit value of a

- Accounting information is one of the resource in its best alternative use.
primary sources of data required for
managerial decisions. Function of Profit
- Profit is a signal that guides the
HOW IS MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS allocation of society’s resources.
USEFUL? - High profits are a signal that buyers
want more of what the industry
1. Evaluating choice alternatives processes, and vice versa.
2. Making the best decision
- Firms exist because the economies - Disequilibrium and abnormal profits
they generate in production and observed following unanticipated
distribution confer great benefits to changes in demand or cost
entrepreneurs, workers, and conditions.
resource owners. - Unanticipated shocks produce
- Primary goal is to maximize the positive or negative economic profits
wealth or value of the firm. for some firms.
- A firm may seek to maximize profits
subject to limitation on the B. MONOPOLY PROFIT THEORY
availability of essential inputs and - Above-normal profits caused by
legal constraints. barriers to entry that limit
VALUE OF THE FIRM - Some firms earn above-normal
- Present value of all expected future profits because they are sheltered
profits. from competition by high barriers to
BUSINESS PROFIT - Total revenue minus - Economies of scale, high capital
the explicit or accounting costs of requirements, patents or import
production. protection enable some firms to build
monopoly positions.
COMPENSATORY PROFIT THEORIES efforts of business in directions that
- Above-normal profits arise following
successful inventions or
- Profits that are due to innovations
are susceptible to onslaught of
competition from new and
established competitions.
- Innovation = high profit/demand

- Above-normal rates of return
rewards firms for extraordinary
success in meeting customer needs
and maintaining efficient operations.
- Also recognizes economic profit as
an important reward to the
entrepreneurial function of owners
and managers.


- Firms survive by public consent to
serve social needs. If social welfare
could be precisely measured,
business firms might be expected to
operate in a manner that maximizes
some index of social being.
- Maximization of social welfare
requires answering the following
important questions: What
combination of goods and services
should be produced?; how should
goods and services be produced
and distributed?
- If firms conspire with one another in
setting prices, they may be able to
restrict output, obtain excessive
profits, and reduce social welfare.


- An important consideration
inducement used to channel the

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