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V: Good evening teacher, my name is Valeria Milagros Cabanillas Guzman

N: Good evening teacher, my name is Paz Nicole Periche Campos

T: Good evening teacher, my name is Tamara Perez Rodriguez. In this video we will make the
comparison of old technological devices and their new version.

V: My most used device was my Sony brand laptop, due to its speed and its memory capacity
when using it for my classes. Nico, what was your favorite device?

N: My favorite device has always been the TV, but a few years ago my TV had no applications
where I could watch cartoons. And your Tam?

T: My favorite device has always been a cell phone, as it is more accessible, although before I did
not have the facility to contact other people, there were not many applications like now.

V: I tell you that my LG Computer is more modern than my Sony laptop, as it has a larger screen
and is faster, as it is the latest model. The only disadvantage is that it is not portable like the

N: What I like about my LG TV, is that it brings applications to download, that is, they are Smart TV.
Also when I watch the channels they have better resolution.

T: What I like about the cell phone is that over time it has been modernized, and has replaced
many applications or utilities of everyday life, such as sending documents or tasks, watching live
channels, making virtual meetings or calls, etc.

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