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Taxonomy of angiosperms

Blue Print Part - I 3Q - 3M Part - II 2Q (15,16) - 6M Part -III 1Q (25) - 5M

Part - IV 1Q (32) - 10M Total Marks 24


1. What are the defects of artificial system of classification of plants?

(PTA) (1) Totally unrelated plants are brought together in a single group and those that are closely related plants in different groups. (2) (e.g.) Zingiberaceae of monocot and Anacardiaceae of dicot plant in Monandaria, as they possess only one stamen. (3) No importance was given to either natural or phylogenetic relationships amongst different groups of plants.
2. Define biosystematics.


(1) Biosystematics may be defined as taxonomy of living populations. (2) In the present day classification of plants, species is taken as basic unit and it is the local breeding population. (3) Numerous disciplines of science thus provide innumerable number of data of all the characters of the individual or a species.
3. What is Binomial nomenclature?

(PTA) (S

07, J 10) (1) The system of naming the plants on a scientific basis is known as botanical nomenclature. (2) In binomial nomenclature, every species is given a name of two words. (3) (e.g.) the binomial nomenclature of mango tree is Mangifera indica. (4) Here the first word Mangifera refers to the genus and the second word indica to the species.
4. Write the objectives or aims of classification of plants.

(PTA) (M 07, J

08) (1) The ultimate aim of classification is to arrange plants in an orderly sequence based upon their similarities. (2) The closely related plants are kept within a group and unrelated plants are kept far apart in separate groups. (3) The other aim of classification is to establish phylogenetic relationships among the different groups of plants. (4) The plants that are closely related show more similarities than differences. S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.
P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms 5. What are the aims of biosystematics? (PTA) (1) Camp and Gily 1943, coined the term biosystematics. (2) The aims of biosystematics are as follows. (a) To delimit the naturally occurring biotic community of plant species. (b) To recognise the various groups as separate biosystematic categories such as ecotypes, ecospecies, cenospecies and comparium.
6. How is ICBN evolved?

(PTA) (1) In 1930, the fifth International Botanical Congress was held at Cambridge, England to frame rules and regulations for naming plants. (2) The twelfth meeting was held at Leningrad, USSR in July 1975. (3) Based on the resolutions of this meeting, the current system of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature was adapted from 1978.
7. What is called nomen ambiguum?

(PTA) (S

08) (1) If naming the plant is from a source of error, it is regarded as ambiguous name. (2) It is also called nomen ambiguum. (3) It is completely ignored from use. 8. Define tautonym. Give an example (PTA) (J 06, S 06, M 09, J11) (1) If the generic and specific epithets are the same, it is called tautonym. (2) (e.g.) Sassafras sassafras. (3) Such names are not accepted in the system of nomenclature.
9. Define Herbarium.

(PTA) (1) Herbarium is a collection of pressed, dried plant specimens mounted on specified sheets, identified and arranged in the order of an approved and well known system of classification. (2) It also refers to the institution where dried plant specimens are maintained and studied. (3) (e.g.) Herbarium of Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore. Write precautions to be taken in preserving specimens in herbarium. (PTA) (1) Precautions should be taken against attacks of fungi and insects. (2) It is always better to use chemicals, which can repel the insects from herbarium specimens. (3) All the mounted specimens are sprayed with fungicide like 0.1% solution of Mercuric chloride. (4) To protect these dried specimens from the attack of insects, pesticides such as naphthalene and carbon disulphide can be used.
10. 11.

What is called author citation? Give an example.

(PTA)(J 09, M

10, S 10) S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.

P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms (1) The person who publishes the description of any plant for the first time or giving a new name to a plant is considered as author. (2) The name of plant should bear the authors abbreviated name at the end of specific epithet. This is called author citation. (3) Abbreviations were made for eminent taxonomists. (4) The name Linnaeus was abbreviated to L. or Linn., Robert Brown to R.Br. and Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker to Hook. (e.g.)Malva sylvestris Linn. What is a type specimen? (PTA) (M 06) (1) When new names are given to any plant, then the herbarium preparation of the same specimen with its original description is preserved in any recognized herbarium. (2) This specimen is denoted as type specimen. (3) It is to be preserved on herbarium sheet. (or) (1) When a new name for a species is suggested, it is the rule that plant specimens of the same should necessarily be deposited in a recognized herbarium. (2) These specimens are called type specimens.

Write the countries which still follow the Bentham and Hookers classification of plants. (PTA) (1) Bentham and Hookers classification of plants, system is being followed in India, United Kingdom and several other Commonwealth countries. (2) It is also used in a number of herbaria and botanical gardens all over the world.

What are the three classes of phanerogams (or) seeded plants? (PTA) (J 07, S 09) The seeded plants are divided into three classes a) Dicotyledonae b) Gymnospermae c) Monocotyledonae.

Write the families of gymnosperm as in Bentham & Hookers classification of plants. (PTA) Gymnospermae includes three families a) Gnetaceae b) Coniferae c) Cycadaceae.
15. 16.

What is polypetalae?

(1) Plants having flowers with free petals come under polypetalae. The

flowers are with distinct calyx and corolla. It is further divided into three series a) Thalamiflorae, b) Disciflorae c) Calyciflorae.

Write short notes on monochlamydeae.

(PTA) S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.

P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms (1) Plants having flowers with single whorl of perianth are placed under Monochlamydeae. (2) Flowers are incomplete. (3) The sepals and petals are not distinguished and they are called perianth. Tepals are present in two whorls. (4) Sometimes both the wholrs are absent. (5) Monochlamydeae includes 8 series and 36 families. (6) The family Euphorbiaceae is placed in the series Unisexuales.

Briefly mention the systematic position of Laurineae. - Dicotyledonae - Monochlamydeae - Daphnales - Laurineae

(PTA) Class Sub class Series Family


Mention the systematic position of Malvaceae. (PTA) (J-11) Class - Dicotyledone Sub-class - Polypetalae Series - Thalamiflorae Order - Malvales Family - Malvaceae

Write a note on androecium of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.

(PTA) (1) Numerous stamens, monadelphous, filaments are fused to form a staminal tube around the style. (2) Staminal tube is red. (3) Anthers are monothecous, reniform, yellow, transversely attached to the filament, dehisce transversely and extrorse. Describe the gynoecium of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. (PTA) (1) Ovary superior, pentacarpellary and syncarpous. (2) Ovary pentalocular with many ovules per locule on axile placentation. (3) Style simple, long, slender and passes through the staminal tube. (4) Stigma 5, capitate and coloured.

Name any three fibre plants of Malvaceae. (PTA) (S 07) (1) Gossypium barbadense (Egyptian cotton), G. hirsutum (American cotton), G. herbaceum (Cotton) and several other species of Gossypium yield cotton fibres of commercial value. (2) The fibres are obtained from the surface of seeds. (3) Hibiscus cannabinus (Deccan hemp) yields bast fibres which are used for making ropes.

S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.

P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms 23. Mention the binomial of any three medicinal plants of Malvaceae. (PTA) (1) Root and leaves of Abutilon indicum (Thuthi) and Malva sylvestris are used against fever. (2) Roots of Malva sylvestris used for treating whooping cough. (3) Althaea rosea are used for treating dysentery respectively.

Write any three binomials of food plants of Malvaceae.

(PTA) (1) The tender fruit of Abelmoschus esculentus (ladys finger) is used as vegetable. (2) The leaves and sepals of Hibiscus sabdariffa (A kind of pulichai) are used for making pickles, jam and jelly. (3) A delicious chutney is prepared from the leaves and sepals of H. cannabinus (Pulichai keerai) and H. sabdariffa.

Draw the floral diagram & write the floral formula of Hibiscus rosa(PTA) FLORAL DIAGRAM HIBISCUS ROSA-SINENSIS.


NOTE: Use black stick pen for diagram 26. What is epicalyx? It is present in Abutilon indicum? (1) Bracteoles forming a whorl outer to calyx is called epicalyx. (2) (e.g.) Bracteoles 3 in Malva sylvestris, 5 to 8 in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 10 to 12 in Pavonia odorata and absent in Abutilon indicum. What is atropine? (PTA) (1) It is a powerful alkaloid extracted from the root of Atropa belladonna of Solanaceae family. (2) It is used for relieving muscular pain.

Give the systematic position of Solanaceae. (PTA) (M 08) Class - Dicotyledone Sub-class - Gamopetalae Series - Bicarpellatae Order - Polemoniales Family - Solanaceae

S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.

P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms Write the binomials of any three medicinally useful plants in Solanaceae. (PTA) (J 06, J 08, S 10) (1) Roots of Atropa belladona yield powerful alkaloid atropine. It is used for relieving muscular pain. (2) Leaves and flowers of Datura stramonium are the sources of drug stramonium used to treat asthma and whooping cough. (3) Leaves, flowers, berries of Solanum trilobatum (thoodhuvalai) are used to treat cough. (4) Roots and leaves of Withania somnifera (Amukkara) are used to treat nervous disorder and are diuretic apart from useful tonic.
29. 30.

Describe the gynoecium of members of Solanaceae.

(PTA) (1) Ovary superior, bicarpellary and syncarpous. (2) Ovary bilocular, carpels obliquely placed and ovules on axile placentation. In Datura species, bilocule becomes tetralocular by the formation of false septa. (3) Style simple and undivided. Stigma bifid or capitate. 31. Write the different types of inflorescence found in Solanaceae. Give examples for each. (1) Solitary, axillary cyme (eg. Datura stramonium) (2) Extra axillary scorpioid cyme called rhipidium (fan shaped cyme) as in S. nigrum (3) Helicoid cyme as in S. tuberosum (4) Umbellate cyme as in Withania somnifera. 32. Draw the floral diagram and write the floral formula of Datura metal. DATURA METAL FLORAL DIAGRAM

NOTE: Use black stick pen for diagram Write any three binomials of food plants of Solanaceae. (PTA) (1) Tubers of Solanum tuberosum (potato) are used as common vegetable throughout the world. (2) Tender fruits of S. melongena (brinjal) and ripened fruits of Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) are used as delicious vegetables.

S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.

P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms 34. Name the alkaloids found in tobacco. (PTA) (1) Leaves of Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) contain alkaloids nicotine, nornicotine and anabasine. (2) Nicotine is considered to be the principal alkaloid in commercial tobaccos such as cigarette, bidi, pipes and hukkah as well as chewing and snuffing. (3) It is also used as sedative, antispasmodic and insecticide.

Write the systematic position of Euphorbiaceae. Dicotyledone Monochlamydeae Unisexuales Euphorbiaceae

(PTA) Class Sub-class Series Family


What is cladode? Give an example.

(PTA) (1) In several species of Euphorbia, the stem is modified to perform photosynthesis. (2) This modified stem is called cladode and it resembles cactus. (3) (e.g.) E. tirucalli and E. antiquorum (Sadhurakkalli). What are different types of inflorescence seen in Euphorbiaceae? Give example for each. (PTA) (M 07, M 08) Various types of inflorescence are seen in the members of Euphorbiaceae (1) The characteristics inflorescence of euphorbia is cyathium. (2) In Ricinus communis - panicle (or) compound raceme (3) In Croton sparsiflorus - simple raceme (4) In Acalypha indica - catkin (5) In Phyllanthus amarus - axillary and solitary

Mention the binomials of two rubber plants of Euphorbiaceae. (PTA) (1) Over 98% of total natural rubber produced in the world is obtained from the coagulated latex of Hevea brasiliensis (para rubber) (2) Manihot glaziovii (manicoba rubber).

Describe the inflorescence of Ricinus communis. (PTA) (1) Inflorescence of Ricinus communis is a compound raceme or panicle. (2) It is terminal in position and flowers are unisexual. (3) Male flowers are seen at the base of the inflorescence and female flowers near the apex.

Describe the cyathium inflorescence. (PTA) (1) The characteristic inflorescence of Euphorbia is cyathium.

S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.

P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms (2) It is a collection of unisexual flowers arranged in cymose manner on a condensed axis and enclosed within a cup-shaped involucre. (3) Each cyathium has a single central female flower surrounded by two to many male flowers. (4) Each male flower is represented by a single stamen. They are arranged in centrifugal manner.

What is polygamous? Give an example.

(PTA) (1) If staminate flowers (Male flowers), pistillate flowers (Female flowers) and bisexual flowers are present in the same plant, it is called as polygamous. (2) (e.g.) In Musa, the male flowers lie within the upper bract, the female flowers within the lower bracts and the bisexual flowers within the middle bracts. 42. What is monocorpic perennial? Give an example. (1) If a plant produces flowers and fruits only once during its life time, it is called as a monocarpic perennial. (2) E.g. Musa paradisiacal

Write the systematic position of Musaceae. - Monocotyledone - Epigynae - Musaceae Explain the gynoecium of Musa paradisiaca.

(PTA) Class Series Family


(PTA) (1) Ovary inferior, tricarpellary, syncarpous, trilocular, numerous ovules on axile placentation. (2) The style is simple and filiform. (3) The stigma is three lobed. Draw the floral diagram of bisexual flower of Musa paradisiaca and write floral formula. (PTA) (S-06) MUSA PARADISIACA FLORAL DIAGRAM

NOTE: Use black stick pen for diagram S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.
P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms 46. What is pseudostem? How is it formed in Musa paradisiaca? (1) The real stem is underground called rhizome. (2) The apparent, unbranched, errect and areal pseudostem is formed by the long, stiff and sheathy leaf bases which are rolled around one another to form an aerial pseudostem. (3) The central axis that is concealed at the bottom of the pseudostem is called shaft. (4) (e.g.) Musa paradisiaca

List out the economic importance of Musa paradisiaca.

(PTA) (1) The fruit of Musa paradisiaca are edible. (2) The tender green bananas, the shaft and the flowers are cooked and eaten as vegetable. (3) Leaves are commonly used as plates on festive occasions. (4) The sap obtained from sheathy leaf bases is the antidote for cobra bite. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS Define Plant taxonomy (or) Systematic botany. (PTA) (1) Taxonomy is concerned with the laws governing the classification of plants. (2) The term taxonomy includes two Greek words taxis arrangement and nomos laws. (3) Plant taxonomy is otherwise known as systematic botany. (4) Classification, identification, description and naming the plants are the bases of plant taxonomy.

What is sexual system of classification (or) artificial system of classification? (PTA) (1) It was based on one or at most only a few superficial characters. (2) In 1753, Carolus Linnaeus of Sweden published his book Species Plantarum wherein he described 7,300 species. (3) He divided the plants into 24 classes based on number, union, length and certain other characters of stamens. (4) Hence, this system is also known as sexual system of classification. (5) In those days, it was an important over other systems of classification.

50. What are the defects of artificial system of classification of plants? (1) The main defect of this system is that totally unrelated plants are brought together in a single group and those that are closely related plants are placed in widely separated groups. (2) (e.g.) plants belonging to Zingiberaceae of Monocotyledons and that of Anacardiaceae of Dicotyledons had been placed in one group called Monandria, as these possess only one stamen. (3) Another defect of this system was that no importance was given to either natural or phylogenetic relationships among different groups of plants. 51. What is natural system of classification? S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.
P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms (1) In natural system of classification, plants are classified based on their natural affinities. (2) More number of characters is taken into consideration in this system. (3) It is mainly based on all the informations that were available during the time of direct observation of plants. (4) The most important natural system of classification of seed plants was proposed by two British botanists George Bentham and Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. 52. Define phylogenetic system. (1) Phylogenetic system is based on evolutionary sequence as well as genetic relationships among different groups of plants. (2) In addition to this, it employs as many taxonomic characters as possible. (3) Charles Darwins concept of Origin of Species had given enough stimulus for the creation of phylogenetic system of classification. (4) Adolf Engler (1844-1930) and Karl Prantl (1849-1893) of Germany published a phylogenetic system in their monograph on Die Naturlichen Pflanzen Familien. 53. What are the uses (or) of biosystematics? (1) To arrive at any controversial problems that may arise during their phylogenetic classification based on their evolution of species under study. (2) Biosystematic study in the contemporary and modern taxonomy plays a vital role in separating and solving some of the problems that may develop in the identification of plants at the level of species. What are polynomials? (PTA) (1) Before the middle of the eighteenth century, the names of plants were commonly polynomials i.e. they were composed of several words in series constituting more or less the description of the plant. (2) (e.g) Caryophyllum, The name given was Caryophyllum saxatilis folis gramineus umbellatis corymbis meaning Caryophyllum growing on rocks, having grass like leaves with umbellate corymbose inflorescence.

Mention the important national and international herbaria. (1) Herbarium is a source of knowledge about the flora of a region or a locality or a country. (2) It is a data store in which the information on plants are available. (3) The type specimens help in the correct identification of plants. It provides materials for taxonomic and anatomical studies. (4) Typical pollen characters have been well emphasized in taxonomy. (5) Morphological characters of the pollen remain unaltered even after storage upto nearly 200 years. (6) It is very much useful in the study of cytology, structure of DNA, numerical taxonomy, chaemotaxonomy, etc. (7) It acts as a reservoir of gene pool studies.

Note: Write any 3 points for 3 Marks and 5 points for 5 Marks S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.
P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms Write any 3 merits & demerits of Bentham and Hookers classification. (PTA) (M 09, J10) Merits (1) Bentham and Hookers classification is the most natural system, based on actual examination of specimens. (2) The description of plants is quite accurate and reliable. (3) As it is easy to follow, it is used as a key for the identification of plants in Kew herbarium and several other herbaria of the world. Demerits (1) The placement of Gymnospermae in between dicotyledonae and monocotyledonae is an error. (2) Several important floral characters have been neglected in this system. (3) Advanced family Orchidaceae has been considered as primitive among monocotyledons and it is placed in the beginning of the system.

Write any 3 points comparing the androecium of Malvaceae and Solanaceae. (PTA) (M 10) Androecium of Malvaceae: Numerous stamens, filaments are fused to form a staminal tube around the style and monadelphous. The staminal tube is fused with the petals at their bases. Anthers are monothecous, reniform, transversely attached to filaments and transversely dehiscent. Androecium of Solanaceae: Stamens 5, epipetalous, alternate with the petals, usually not equal in length and filaments are inserted in the middle or basal region of corolla tube and basifixed. Anthers dithecous, introrse, usually basifixed or dorsifixed, dehiscing longitudinally or through apical pores (eg. S.nigrum). In Schizanthus pinnatus, two stamens are fertile and three stamens are reduced to staminodes.

58. What is rhipidium? (1) It is one of the types of inflorescence found in Solanaceae. (2) It is extra axillary scorpioid cyme called rhipidium (fan shaped cyme) (3) (e.g.) Solanum nigrum 59. What is stramonium? (1) Stramonium is a drug obtained from the leaves and flowers of Datura stramonium of Solanaceae. (2) It used to treat asthma and whooping cough. 13. What is atropine? (1) Roots of Atropa belladona yield powerful alkaloid atropine. (2) It is used for relieving muscular pain. 60. Draw the ovary of Solanum nigrum. T.S.OVARY OF SOLANUM NIGRUM (PTA)(S 08)

S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.

P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms

NOTE: Use black stick pen for diagram 61. What is Pistillode? (1) Rudimentary ovary is called pistillode. (2) It cannot produce fertile ovary. (3) It is present in the male flowers of Euphorbiaceae. 62. What is regma? (1) The fruit in Ricinus communis is called regma. (2) It is covered by spinous outgrowth. (3) The fruit split into three, one seeded cocci. 63. Draw the floral diagram of male and write the floral formula of Ricinus communis. FLORAL DIAGRAM OF MALE FLOWER OF RICINUS COMMUNIS

NOTE: Use black stick pen for diagram Draw the floral diagram of female and write the floral formula of Ricinus communis. (M 06) FLORAL DIAGRAM OF FEMALE FLOWER OF RICINUS COMMUNIS

NOTE: Use black stick pen for diagram 65. Mention the food plants of Euphorbiaceae. (1) The tuberous root of Manihot esculenta (tapioca) is rich in starch and forms valuable food stuff. S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.
P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms (2) The fleshy fruits of Phyllanthus emblica (Gooseberry) are rich in vitamin C. (3) The fruit is edible and pickled. 66. Describe the androceium of Musaceae. (1) Basically stamens 6, in two whorls of 3 each, arranged opposite to the tepals. (2) In Musa only 5 stamens are fertile and the inner posterior stamen is either absent or represented by a staminode. (3) In Ravenala, all the 6 stamens are fertile. (4) Anthers are dithecous and they dehisce by vertical slits. (5) The filament is filiform and rudimentary ovary or pistillode is often present in the male flower. 67. What are spathes? (1) In Musa the flowers are protected by large, brightly coloured, spirally arranged, boat shaped bracts called spathes. (2) When the flowers open the spathes roll back and finally fall off. Explain the structure of androecium of Musa paradisiaca. (J 07) (1) Stamens 6, in two whorls of 3 each, arranged opposite to the tepals. (2) Only 5 stamens are fertile and the inner posterior stamen is either absent or represented by a staminode. (3) Anthers are dithecous and they dehisce by vertical slits. (4) The filament is filiform and rudimentary ovary or pistillode is often present in the male flower.

69. Mention the food plants of Musaceae. (1) The fruits of Musa paradisiaca (Banana) are edible. (2) The tender green bananas, the shaft and the flowers are cooked and eaten as vegetable. (3) The leaves are commonly used as plates on festive occassions. (4) The sap obtained from the sheathy leaf bases is considered to be an antidote for cobra bite. (5) The small fruits obtained from Musa chinensis (Dwarf banana) are sweet and edible. 70. Difference between Musa and Ravenala. S.No. Character Musa paradisiaca Ravenala madagascarienis 1 Habit Herb tree 2 Stem Aerial pseudostem Aerial and woody 3 Leaf Phyllotaxy is spiral Phyllotaxy is distichous 4 Inflorescence Branched spadix Compound cyme 5 Androecium 5 Stamens are fertile and All 6 stamens are fertile 1 stamen is staminode 6 Fruit Berry Capsule a Note: Write any 3 points for 3 Marks and 5 points for 5 Marks 71. What is Abaca cloth or Manila hemp? S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.
P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms (1) The fiber obtained from the sheathy leaf bases of Musa textiles (Manila hemp) are woven into cloth called Abaca cloth. (2) This plant is also known as Manila hemp. (3) It is extensively grown in Philippines. Write the binomial of a) Tapioca b) Castor. (S 09) (1) Manihot esculenta (tapioca) -The tuberous root of Manihot esculenta (tapioca) is rich in starch and forms valuable food stuff. (2) Ricinus communis (Castor) - Castor oil extracted from the seeds of Ricinus communis (Castor) is used as lubricant, vegetable oil and purgative


1. Write any five salient features of ICBN.

(M-09,M-11) (PTA)

2. Bring out the significance of herbarium. M-06,J-06,M-07,J-08,O-09,M-10,O-10) (PTA) 3. Define biosystematics. Briefly write a note on it. 4. What are the types of classification of plants? Add note on each type. (PTA) 5. Bring out the merits of Bentham and Hookers classification of plants. (J-07) (PTA)
6. Give a detailed account on economic importance of Malvaceae.

(M-08,J-09) (PTA) 7. Give an account of the economic importance of the family Solanaceae.
8. Describe the male flower of Ricinus communis. 9. Describe the female flower of Ricinus communis. 10. Write a brief account on different types of inflorescences of



(PTA) Write a detailed account on the economic importance of Euphorbiaceae.

(J-10) (PTA) 12. Write the differences between Musa paradisiaca and Ravenala madagascariensis. (PTA) 13. Describe structure of androecium & gynoecium of Musa paradisiaca. (PTA) 14. Write the economic importance of members of Musaceae. (J11) ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.
P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

Taxonomy of angiosperms Write short notes on the methods in the study of biosystematics. (PTA) 16. Write short notes on binomial nomenclature. (PTA) 17. Mention any five important National and International Herbaria and the total number of specimens preserved in them. (PTA) 18. What are the demerits of Bentham and Hookers classification? (PTA) 19. Give an account of phylogenetic system of classification. (O06) 20. Discuss the outline of Bentham and Hookers classification of plants.

(O-07,S-08) PART IV (10 MARKS QUESTIONS) Book Questions

1. Discuss the outline of Bentham and hookers classification of plants (or) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Explain Bentham and Hookers classification. (M-08) (PTA) Describe Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in botanical terms. (M-06) (PTA) List out characteristic features of members of Malvaceae. (PTA) Describe Datura metal in botanical terms. (J-06,O-06,S-08,J-09, O-09,M-10,J-10) (PTA) Write the general characteristic features of Solanaceae. (PTA) Describe Ricinus communis in botanical terms. (O-07,M-11) (PTA) Give an account of general characteristic features of Euphorbiaceae. (PTA) Describe Musa paradisiaca in technical terms. (J-06,M-07,J-07, M-10,O-10) (PTA) Write the general characteristic features of Musaceae. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS a) Bring out the merits of Bentham & Hookers classification of plants.(J11) b) Bring out the significance of herbarium. (J-11)



S.Thiyagarajan. M.Sc., B.Ed.

P.G. Asst. in Biology Ph: 9994492741

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