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S CHOOL (GR.7-12)
CHRIS TIAN JAY D. S ALAZAR Practical Research I for Grade 12 TVLE/ABM/HUMS S

I. OBJECTIVES June 04, 2018 June 05, 2018 June 06, 2018 June 07, 2018 June 08, 2018

A. Content
Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:
The importance of research in daily life, the characteristics, processes, and ethics of research,
quantitative and qualitative research and the kinds of research across fields .
B. Performance
Standards Use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions.
C. Learning
Competencies /  Shares  Describes  Differentiates  Provide  Provide
Objectives research characteristics quantitative examples of examples of
experience , processes, from research in research in
s and and ethics of qualitative areas of areas of
knowledge research research interest (arts, interest
CS_RS11-IIIa-1 CS_RS11-IIIa-3 CS_RS11-IIIa-4 humanities, (arts,
sports, humanities,
 Explains science, sports,
the business, science,
importanc agriculture and business,
e of fisheries, agriculture
research information and fisheries,
in daily and information

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life communication and
CS_RS11-IIIa-2 technology, communicati
and social on
inquiry) technology,
CS_RS11-IIIa-5 and social

II. CONTENT Nature of Inquiry Nature of Inquiry and

and Research: The Research: The Nature of Inquiry and Nature of Inquiry and
Imp or ta nce Of characteristics, Research:Quantitative Research: The kinds of Nature of Inquiry and
Research In Daily Li f e Research: The kinds of
processes, and ethics and Qualitative research across fields

 of research 
 research across

A. References
1. Teacher’s
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from

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Resource (LR)
B. Other learning

A. Reviewing
previous lesson First day of Students are ask to The teacher will
or presenting classes, short get their notebook assign number to
the new lesson
orientation for and other notes each student. The
students. This and call at least 5 teacher will give Checking of Checking of

includes setting students to share different words Assignment. Assignment.

rules and what they’ve then the chosen
regulations etc. learned in the student based from
Students are previous discussion. the given number
expected to will explain the
give/share what word.
they’ve learned
in their Checking of
previous Assignment:
Research - this will lead to
Project. the topic for

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B. Establishing a
purpose for the The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will
lesson show video show video show video group the students group the students
about explaining the introducing and into 4 groups. into 4 groups.
Importance of characteristics, differentiating The teacher will The teacher will
processes and ethics
Research. Qualitative and designate leaders in designate leaders in
of research
Quantitative each group that will each group that
Students are assign and design the
Students are Research will assign and
expected to lesson for his/her design the lesson for
expected to write
write down Students are members. his/her members.
down their
understanding about expected to write
understanding down their
the video.
about the understanding about
video. the video.

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C. Presenting
examples/instan Students will Students will share Students will share The teacher will give The teacher will
ces of the new share their their understanding their understanding instruction to the give instruction to
understanding about the video about the video leader of each group. the leader of each
about the video presentation. presentation. group.
presentation. Teacher will help Differentiate
Teacher will the students to Qualitative from
help the lead their answer Quantitative and
students to to the importance vice versa.
lead their of kinetic molecular
answer to the model of Liquids
Importance of and Solid.
D. Discussing new
concepts and Teacher will Teacher will discuss Teacher will discuss Students will discuss Students will
practicing new introduce to further the further the kinds their task for 15 – discuss their task
skills #1
the students characteristics, of research. 20 minutes. for 15 – 20
the Importance process and ethics Teacher will facilitate minutes.
of Research to of a research. the leaders. Teacher will
our daily life. While Leaders facilitate the
facilitate their leaders.
members. While Leaders
facilitate their
E. Discussing new
Teacher will Students will be

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concepts and
practicing new discuss the given handouts
skills #2 topic leading showing specific
the students to models with
conceptualize example of those
that researching mentioned
plays a vital Qualitative/Quantit
role in once ative Research.
F. Developing
Mastery Students are Students will be Students will Students will Students will
expected make grouped into FOUR: present their present their present their
an essay Group 1: Core of a output. output. output.
explaining their Good Research Question and Answer Question and
experience Group 2: Question and portion with teacher Answer portion
related to Characteristics of Answer portion and students are with teacher and
research. Research with teacher and expected. students are
Group 3: Process of students are expected.
Research expected. Leaders are expected
Group 4: Ethics of to assess their peers Leaders are
Research during the expected to assess
presentation. their peers during
the presentation.
G. Finding
practical Teacher will Students are Students are Teacher will ask the Teacher will ask
applications of show video expected to share expected to relate students to share the students to

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concepts and
skills in daily about the what how how important it is what they’ve share what they’ve
living application of important to consider realized after they realized after they
research in RESEARCH in the quality/quantity present their output present their
different life success of discovery research. – support the video output – support
situations. and invention is of RESEARCH in the the video of
SCIENCE. success of invention RESEARCH in the
and discoveries in success of
SCIENCE . invention and
discoveries in
H. Making
generalization Students are Students are Students are Students are Students are
and expected to expected to share expected to share expected to share expected to share
about the lesson share their their knowledge their knowledge their knowledge their knowledge
knowledge based based from their based from their based from their based from their
from their output posted on output written on output posted on output posted on
output posted the board. a 1 whole sheet of the board. the board.
on the board. paper.
I. Evaluating
learning 1-5 : Multiple Device your own Write QN for Students will be Students will be
Choice process for of Quantitative and given a short test given a short test
Write the best research. QL for Qualitative identifying what kind identifying what
answer that Explanation for 5 if the statement of research is being kind of research is
well describe a points. listed below is mentioned in the being mentioned in
good research 6-10: Identify what qualitative/quantita statement listed. the statement

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6-10: Identify quality of research tive research. listed.
the importance is being mentioned: 1-15
of research characteristics, 1-15
process or ethics.
J. Additional
activities for


A. No. of lear ners

w ho ear ned
8 0% on the
for mative
B. No. of lear ners
w ho r equire
ac tivities for
r emediation

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C. Did the
r emedial lessons
w ork? No. of
lear ners w ho
have c aught up
w ith the lessons
D. No. of
lear ning’s w ho
c ontinue to
r equire
r emediation
E. Which of my
str ategies
w orked w ell?
Why did this
w ork?
F. What
difficulties did I
enc ounter w hich
my pr incipal can
help me solve?
G. What
innovations or
loc alize
materials did I
use w hich I wish

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to shar e w ith
other teachers?



Teacher III


Mr. Christian Jay D. Salazar
Teacher III Noted by:
________________ Jacqueline A. Arias
________________ Officer – in – Charge

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