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HOUSING SCHEME 2014 4 Rreray G 9 srreay 2014 from 1" September to 9" October 2014 ard oH & FE ASI / INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL APPLICATION FORM ote sree as ate a aAeY | Steet ke TE kT a eT ea see Se # a Cw ae TRIN wT | a) gene daggoden ach we | 3) one art antec aon oe Scher ae om fants are td x80 Ba cy ene are ten te Pa wet en eA HA TTR | 1B) Seam atic @ ome 3 fe me dia Higa arden bao We Ferg ae hel 2 Ah gy ier er seb AA A EET wt SS) ont abe orgarte "wr arg eh Pra de ee 2 ea ya fate aegter Se ee) organ Be 2 ante fer antag faa argue Be 1 arb 68 / ee a ee) 1 sity arse rar ear (ea sr & Sartre ea Pee Pee a Re A A te eT "eo art eo woh ah erm Are ah tes AEH Te orb fe ¢ firm Rear 1d 88 Rees ans eT smear eh oe afta F omg te gra EN a TH sara re fv er fe een ae Ae as ch ae oh Rat ies 8 | aye aH rte ek A cH OE aT wT es seer sntees done $c or ee su bee wo Re et om amt aft thd te # Rr ad go ce ste saat 6-4. gum ge we alr sen Wo, fa ad 2 ae ares ake Bev 2 a ce Re Hw aaa & AH ee PH arc sera Wwe akc ad wad we Ke wt eA AA | ft tg ary So aoe SA or ahs re Fr a ke amd ite of eros erg sega a= sears aan Fem Ao 32 Sie aaa safe wane we fae ™ smear er © vey hee Te & ae aT a Stee Cs Ge NH at Ra ee A SRO ph IO mem tamer sree ere ee Sen ar sree #1 ee Te e/a aa ook Har gever alr (©) BRS gee A eer ge hee Soe co. te ter 8 ea ew (0) te wh Sb A nr ke Fo (euaa) marae 1 (6) BR a aC eT were Fv A/T smheres wea a1 ont, fan cork (gente “eA Reg er) fy onder we seen pert ea sd se er eo We ee Seo are ot eoxt Pt ee | SEheoes 8 sonogo/—we set TOON /—eRe werd me Se (aspen oe a eT gee es /o8 ft ta forte 1 a tem re te cof ear ore Fhe EC aS ee ove ou 109 / ner Se OA MEE 9) ea co Strona aaea a Aza wen oh Shoerghy cies wide cao stratcat LCR Syoredchign, se fon deat YA sen coee se eh CT Ta eevee Se w/e ee AT fee yg acoA ag A Le cree ranch? wan mtd moa A the Biswas eqreim ees mew a | (ane Raat SM A ateA Te ATA I CCENERALINSTRUCTIONS. 28) Oniycapi ters shoutioo used 5) Aopleanensnoudbe lec in Dackor lve allen ony, ©) Useoneboxteroneleterhumber 3) Loaveonsboxbionkaterane word. 8). Uirte your rame, apclicton number ard telphone number at the bucket yur demand raftbarter'schegue Tete phtogrphin ho box provide ard signin tho box Below ‘mepnotogeanhandat ne bobom cf appicaton rm 8) Incase of ent apolcaon, paste the Itest photograph ofthe one Sppitantnine bexprouced and signin theta balou he pstogph angatihebotom othe appicaion or, 1h) The application salen be subritted trough a designated Bank as pavarosre 8 srstiric NSTRUGTIONS Virteneme ofthe appicrt 9s gvon in PAN carder (Permanent ‘Rese Nrmbaestad9y hs ncoee Tx Coare) ‘rte tuners ramet agplean'asoven nPANCarSeter Wirteneme cf pouse che applicant nari) Permanoatoceountnumba‘ ef appizart needs obo gon. Give cao tank account tapi. fan appieant hae wthrawn treney fom any cher acourlor mis ocean er company aecount the bark datals f the frst appear! whose name gen The ‘pplcatonTemneedstobe ave, These bark delals wouUbo ates ‘ontho rotund sheqee along wih fa name ane rotund heaua can be ‘Sepestecin ix avourt name ofthe apes: angank aricuars| trac with the banks records, Incase Of application in nt name fetunaehoque woula be issued i the nae of appheant ana Nance Sankosas ofthe applcantneed tbe ger. PrewdolFSC Cocate arabia retndcrocty othe aconurt. 158. Ghe phone number wth STD code. erin rete numba any Hwouldbe inte orestct he applantioghvethese deta thes {hebank contacto appiartincate cf anyraod 98. ire coca for he category to wren the applica’ belongs. case ‘pplicnt is from reserved category. The cede for €ocn elegory hn bee Category code ‘Sheds case sc Setaguios woe st varweows ww Persorswithsaity Po ExServeemen x GoneralGaiogory ca Disabity Clause: A person wih disaiiy shal py i ner own amo tut the appltion may be submites fweugh Nelr tga {uarsian netsreisuradotoaaso nesotnerse 10, Residertl eddies ofthe appleantneedstobe given. 11. Coraepondence adress fr depatch of refund chequeldemand cum ‘lotmentietra be mertonee. 12, (A) In ease of a font apglicaion mertion the nore ofthe jont (6) Menton relation ot appicant wih ne apptcant incase ofany roservedoatoyey 13, (A) Merton tho name othe speus, if both husband and wife apy separiey (©) Metin applcaon no. cf the spouse, bot husband and we snpysoparatay 14, Pease wit the code (ven in annexure") fo tne aly fo whieh Sppieant wort fo Si at protererene and put (3) ees mate Dreterencas note. 15, Wite datas ofthe regsraton money of £1,0,000! or 10,000 (EWS), ac te cave may bo. Doman ératibarkore checuoshous be in vou of ODA HOUSING - payee at DevNew Dan ony. In {vo appcan! haa yc onl appeatonlorm,rogavlon mana Stnpurh€ 150” (ncusive VAT) tensvesthe cost ofermto be entered ironin fom lorgethte completa se applet term 16, Rogisraton menay san abe be dopcoted twough NEFTIRTCSIot Banking through eine appleaen putsbed By cotestng bark However, DobtGredt cards ore nat accepted for poyirent of Regatation money NOTE () Please read be stucters caretuly bebe ting wp Ne ‘pplsaton ern coos ry colimn anatedup papery econ {helabily cfectonasuch appicato wil cebyrestor te Arica. DDA HOUSING SCHEME 2014 sar 1 fe arr ote Reet ear aerer eh "RP ere Bhat aoie'? | 4 easy anne on raaie wa ga ak By mgecrs ea o hererre ae wv Barn macte we ‘or fea Raft Hasire ae v_deeyee seh Sarthe wae | waa Tae ee rare | amen wi iee Ore fey eR ant ot RA Tieahatten cary wot geen ale | Manges cr of Pee, oe Pr re A seer ‘tesa tea vrs ne ae ors sre oe eet oA eA EN. oH HL eH Ee a ae eed Sn re ee NE arate I Wy are my e/a he ae et ‘aire due @ varie en oe we ah Sse segr se Beaded Rarer ax ead @ INT Heme Ce he ee se ade sea Par aE | Me qe cata ar at ace) oar age arte Bw Sta up ark 79 aot get wort ea 8 | us Big Ae Rr ee ere re eh eA ae aut Rd Se / norte wee aes et ‘Bare teen ree Coen AB we 0 NS aera SS feo re oreaé et ‘Exeqen. Goa fom artes ooh ea ead wee Ser eeaty oA wie nf & | stg SEN TCT Serra Sayeeanier a eae | x dswoyee qaero fee arte oa ara arkcat Bae fo ener oot ard ot Tf or Xo Sten or Bet oF are Pete AR es ster 8 we er are 1 ag oO Re Seed eerie te $F el meet 1 di ants @ wre ores aren 3 sree aren aaraiea eat rar sort (Qa) ser ase ate aa eade ede 8 Ray sIder of Vlewe wN aNGT TAT See ahaa se sen oh rake we y - 3 Ser Se Reiaa seek Sirs fy a eee ters ome cs eho el fe som ee he Barina sob # sooo gee eh antes wal aS ance exe doh 3 a ee aaron en ors ee ee 9 Se fe sm snd ery eer enc 1 ache ese std scot s conde 1 Tearteerane fan set sea ee shes seth orto @ er ee Hae 2 sod yan Ne ret rar geo Soh ance gaa ten Ra are she GA Hence So Tek Breese | Gen cae ie & mite ater fara ae {ere/aitow Gast 9 rh Sex ooo Ww 3 oftars ete am eas Gara rar, oe af ea te win feos Barr 2 4 wen or ST Seats Bee Yate wae Hoge AP ry ae ae 8) OR aR oh oh ade gel oA een tm Cae Hoke 7 sen Ba EaPN Meme a ‘SCHEME LL This scheme is caled “DA Housing Sctieme, 2916", cf he Deh Developmentaushonty” This scheme salremain open rom01.08 20141009.10.2014, Detaisoffiatsundes the Szheme are given at annexure’. Inrespactof81! fats of ld ventory the sara uullb restored {o.orgial condton before nanding ovr the possession 10 ne ‘letoe \. _To0fasuncer EWScategory ELIGIBILITY Te appicantmusthoaciszon afi Ul. Haine stould nave attained the Gate ofsubmiting te apptcasn. ML The applicant must not ewn ny éwoling unit (inling residential letyal in flor oar on leas hol o fo ho bonis n Deh New Doh orDhiCantonmen, athe ‘nn name erin the nave cf his/er spouse orn he Shyet nie depandontelatons including urmaiedchiaren IN. Family means spouso and dependantrelations including ‘unmarried children. \V__Bothhusband and we can apply or fats separately subject ‘umentofetgibity condlsens wh the Siplaton atifoot ‘arefound bbe successtulnl ore halla acted fat ‘Vl. Ono person can suomit ane application only either In thor own namoor se 3 Joint applicant ‘Il, Aperson whohassreacybeen alti a plothouseitatby tha [DDAor any ther and owning agency in Deh, respective of ‘822, shal not De elge to apply for anomer fat under Eis Soho IL There sno income citron, except er aplcants apelying or EWS Mets. The oppleant can epply eccordiag to Namher Fequrementand aforcabiy, DX The income of applicants appiying for EWS fats should natexceed?! lath per annum X. The applicant stouls have an account in any bark ane the partcuare mustbe filedin the sppieton form. te assured {har the bank ra folowed KY norms of Resowe Bank of Indainospoctoteuchacceant. Xi. Applicant must nave Permanent Account Number (PAN) 2 of Insome Tex Aet and the Inthe appication form exceptwnen swstiat XII Incase cffontapplcaten under SCIST reservedcatogory. ho jain aplcant should be om witin te Fam a8 defense tesubcause V)above, XI Incase of joint appcalion under war widows, perso with ‘deabilties,ex-sericemen reserved eatagoras, the apatcart hhmsolihersefstouldtallthin re rservedealogeryand the Jair pelican shouldbe for witin the Fay as detPed subsclause (V)above RESERVATIONS ‘The celal ofreservatons underthisschere areas qvenbelow:- 1. 15%of the fat for applicants blongingto Scheduled Castes M7 forappicants belongingto Schodued Tribes 1 adequate number of appicatens are not recevee trom ‘pplcarta talonging lo ST eatogoy, cemarnirg fate shal bo ‘Gsosad of in favcur of appicarts Belonging lo SC category ‘nico vor, IL 1% for war widows and those receiving Iberased pension fromarmedipsramiiary sores IN. 3¥efor persons with eeabity 35 find in Suction 2 of Tho PPorsons wit Disablites (Egual Opportunies, Protecion of Righisand Ful Paricipation) Ad, 1985 \._Votorexservceren, Note: ‘2 In cago nurmbr(s) of fats in respect of reserved et Conestoa factan Le less hen. Sitweuldbe ounced Sermandifitiad Sermare would beroundedefficcne fafa. sranfra ator 2014 ate ear re ar wet we 8 arse A Soche geue ae era ae & alto wt one ae FE ont ander #8 wt 1 ee ah @ sia da Sse ute Rey ates week “sttea 9) €10900/— A estwer ef eo wT | Wee aoe Berta Eemage del 8 eee ara Tal er sik @ 1100000/— #1 Ke A IHL eh eat atten Gemqeet } oraecre ora vhs fre arten ren aren &, 9 38 800000 /— Here ata & | etre RL" eri” et e/g u,b cra tel or ae oe eer 8H oe Ha oR Ae Te Ae OA BVT Ww sage rere & eee ef os 8 AAT Ter agente “a anger Pts ew arr ote aH eh Bhs eer a tor eo a Fee TEA woe aoa eee fe Aer T= A ATA fete bey foetal tem order car ar ey, eT aaa asset a se ETT TAM a eR a PT ‘orem re atier—cer a ee erga, / are a / Re tore oe gras ers a |e ord ate ade gre Hage TA 8 Valera anand ade x A MR 9 ag eh th fog ome tafe feet cre oe we rat oer eves eer ra hte ew, &8 srtereat 9} efiare ex fer oem ae eer Mh frrdee dat antes eer RAT. eh A strea-a ae eee eT | We ates 8 en) & Ra eA OTTER eA ew SA afte grrr Fre fre aera AA cer are aha ca sre aie HX a Para a |e a Ba saree eihoer 24 8 wee sees A ears wh Ra fra | aft tg fea eet ear & or Praler ear ats rafheren fh 2 ore @ at anew ant sea ee We wedeone e fee ae | aetew ara Hees / eke ee fg ahd were ef one ae Sexes mee ce FP eh eo eA, er a nareatt Yo antenna oe dae ty roe ate Gt ee rar 8 sent ve wre & 1a Ha Os ert arte see, Tee Ha UH ee MT caer eer / eh 8 ore oer hetero Fred ern wh wren Reon my ae ee heer ae ee sake) a ang stew Rada ae eee at TR HT Suh € rae RHA we A | ech ot ard artes ne foe eh Pear see apt ate a eee fea eT a A aT coe fear | amet ser wed era Reh eer wt Slee A are 8 21 than & agen seq goa oTaewH wl ele, render os oc eh aieeromT eT adel & grt wean. fey ort ara erent si for fre © ee EaeyeH, wel & fr fra ma ae wat a sO ee oh arene & ep ser fare one (a San soa) ea geet a (0) eran mr a renee. ee ws, TT ATT site srg oreo sh Iam tanacalemagaenaT (ay steer ga OA Ce Sor fren Sue tanta eo 296 ‘8 an ara ene argon Te yee Pa 1. requste number of appcations are not recived from tha ‘bows mentioned fve ealogeris, al remaining fats shal Be Oferedto persons ofgenerl category. HOWTOAPPLY Aoplcat applying only for EIVS fat urdor this echomo shall, hhavetaGeposithereg'sraton money ®10,000", ‘oplcant applying for fats ether than EWS fete urdor bis Scheme. shal have 'o deposit te redistaion money of 51,0000" In eoce an appicantwichoe to apply for =WS as wel a5 otter category the epotcant WwouK nese 10 Cepest Fegjtraton money! 00,000 The epistation aunt sallbe deposed along wih a snoia Danke’'screqualdemand defo! any bank drown favour of “DDA Housing” payable at DelhNew Det n any of ne Nodal branches cf ho Bake montonedin ener. Duly competed applcaton, in all respects along wih tho equate payment, sould be received by a designated Berk ‘per nemureB before ote of barkng hours af the last ate for submission of applications. DDA shall rot bo Fesponsbieinany manper fr delay feceitot an epotcaton ferany reason whotsoaver beyond the eloaure tera Paymort Dy cheque, mulipe tankers nequermulnple demand aramt wallnotte secoptoé wih the apotcaton form. The paymentin the form of NEFTIRTOSINE Oarkng In case’ ol nine pplication willbe sccepied. Payment throug cedildeDt Caras are nt permitec Application forms wil not be accepted aftr dato of closure. nasa tis found at any stage thatthe sue date of payreninstumantie for the slosure ofthe schema, sue Applcatons woud be suteraily reece ana the appteant would be saayresporsbiofor't ODAWeuldnatentotaln any Suchappicatonn crawotots vi The appicant may give cne or more preferences of hisher choice by wrting” fealiy codes. gien in annexure ‘A. ‘propriate box and put across (K) against the poferences fot exorsed. 1 & presumed that applcant has saen ‘he Feealty belo giving protronce. W any box i left blank or preferences are not elven In prescribed locally codes, form would be coneidored incompleta sna would bo fejected. No prelerence or sector ‘pocket ocr can be fexerezedby ie appleantand no requestor change f sector, poker floor shall be entertained bythe DDA, ‘The. appfeaton ferr should be signed only by tho applcart nimselimerser, who wants to get a fat under tis Eshomo except inthe coed oa parson wih diesbilly who Delng unable to do So apples trough hismher guaran. No Applecart should make any eating, easing oF vewriing the application form. In case a person testes to make changes, £6 aviced to obtain and i up a fresh sppteaton form No. cerdtionl application forme wil b0 considerog. Incomplete appication for shal ve rejected sunmarly without conveying aryreason toe applicant ‘Therewillbeno requirement of submittingany docunentat tha DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED AFTER DRAW OF FLATS (A) FORALL CATEGORIES (i) 80 atesied copy of PAN (Peemenant Accourt Number) except non appcation i ortyfor EWS fa isued by Income ‘Taxdeparmen. (i) Proof oF residence, eg. setatesied caoy of passoon. ‘government iderty card. elcton card, raton card, ving Icense, telephore bi. eiecnary bik wate Bl, Rouse lak Feenipt bank pass book page crying nome end aderess}, (Coe cardornaanar car (i) 80 atested copy of bank pass bookstaiemont of account ‘enened nthe application for rte ast one yar cr Copy ‘ol ccme tax rtun fled forthe financial year 2042.19, 1, fssossment year 2013-18, R'shoud be ensured thal ‘hs DDA HOUSING SCHEME 2014 are ag ew A et a et fad ts oh ‘bet re) errr Po 1 6) ante Pera tert @ wer & eae se | eee, 8 fan at ea. tn (6) ree 490 3 Ra ‘wef (6) & oft oA A fe Sh ae ake eh ‘Wa cen wh fae eT a aeT eM, 0 Ronde seater sR /argehte or A ee APA ere com oh OW alto Oar & fren age ae iy Sod ated aa A ar sero /ere el Bae 0 aR te ae A ea ER Ae A fava, re SetaR err are wet re era aes, oes et arent aren & 01 G2 a rer / eet eal / ee at BT A ve eR = A eS Ye wet ef (o)_ eet gr ean ate aon ra we! & fee ote Ffarera eect wee we 2) ef wee dare on 14 we 40/88 aft oe es ree er or Rr ae teense aor ame fw) agrrer ate A fee me eu sega ea—cer 2) sere a Ree re neUd seg eee 1B) at aon afta, a aA & A SY te ot ero sega faq me Targa 1 8) Geert ar se cer see ve 1 | 2 sneer eof a wore WH Or aT Ra se aS one we BIEN TS ern 8 ke eR eT 1 TEN Re RA Prove eT | rest aR 1 gt ar oor Rena we fi whe, bee. ad Re29 Fn fA, eS eco Ren e.g NT Reiter a Reenec hepa orgin eA TH ea a wet ae genera ae # Ame ETE | ae ore wh ed arden el S/S Se a ae cea go tors enh a Re ake ev arte fanaa a a wa ae OF RR rt / eh Pir & ne, Rem eT Maat Batters rec antcat o yoo fer A seer a ae ae ea A ae ae he A ET axtcat a art fink oe aa ACS ee 6 deer ree eh me wap eae TT eA ot og ere ae eae ae PT ET | eat ProTeh & eh aP s aR F/G eel oreer fee Fra &, cho ore had orice ad itoer a wars d Pee TET | Be er fy 96 Ret en Per em ame ta A Ue ee ote ae ae hh Som MS fem caren gd 3 nd aren gee fe LA sep ee hae ogre ae rar rch eae aot eh NR we re me doe cw ae ProTeT sary aetna Re ont A RE 12 eB ae ATT fogar nte car aet e ogs a ee A ae Cconcamed hank nas followed KYC noes of Raserve Bak of Indainrespactoteuchocceunt (iv) Onnership preat of the prepaty of the residence of tho pplcart. (0) PreofafncomaforEWS Category rom he oficacfconcered ‘Sow'enside. (®) FORRESERVEDCATEGORY In action 10 (A) above. persons applying und any of ho reserved calegoreshevstosubmit~ (i) Anattested copy of the orginal cortificate fom the Distt Magstate/Sut Divisional Magistrate ofthe area concerned Invease the applicant belongs 1 the cesarvad category of scst Ai) An attsted copy of tho orginal crtficate iesued by tho edieal Board of a Gov, Hospital n case the appicant is Spplving. under the record eatogory of persone with ‘abil. An attested. copy of guardianship certcate, \ahororer appeabiabe tached {w) Anatested copy of Discharge Cette tom the competent ‘auton ef Minty of Defence /Armec Foroos meaco cf ox Servcemen, (iv) An attested copy of “Requisite Certiicale® issued by the Ninisty of Datence/armed ForsesiPare Mary Fereas. Cavoapploant cores under reserved catagory of warsncowe \ahen woulcincude noserecelvngiberased enon, (©), FORPOSSESSIONOF FLAT AFTER DRAW OF FLATS. ‘Aoplcartto submit 12. Copyetbank account pass bockibankstatement uy attested by'tho Bank Managor fem which tho altnert money has Deen depestedaiongwinipayment roo. ._Alfidaitas pr protornagvenin annexures-C ard. Undertakings as per poforme gvoninannoxere =. Photograph and thee signatures of self and spouse. i any duly atestodespor proforma giveninemerure 2 dent procfandaddrass reat 1 Sotatentd copy of PAN cad as mentored he pplication (MODE OF ALLOTMENT [Alte eigteapplcarts shalt considered or alloerenttougya ‘Computerized ew basee on random number echnicue. Tae raw shallbe elie provence findepencentonserves RESULTOF ALLOTMENT 1. The sults ofthe draw shal be cepiayecon the rctice board of DOA at Vikas Sadan, O-Bleck, INA. New Delh-23. ‘gaiton the resut sna be dsolayed onthe webste cf DOA With the. oaeeea> http end il alo bo Dublishedinteading national neuspapors. 1 The demand-cur-aletment letters wil be dspatched to the suecoseulaletoes by reystorodiepeod post However, t Saleh respon lie appar each threat ofthe aw. DDA would nol be raspensiia for caiaynon- Fecap of the cemand-cum-alciment eter by applicant Tatloteo ML Aseperate walt ist of aplicans equa 02% of ta as wit ‘iso be deciared in order of pros. Tho wal fst wil be valid ‘ni for 18 mont trom te cae ot ssue of cerand eters to Suecesslu appicants. The registaion morey of walt Isied fegjsvants shall be rafunded along ith unsuccessful registrants. However, before cong for the draw in case he ‘ame tates plane for allotng the surendorodiearcoliod te, alsuch elgbie wattisted Applicants shall be asked to cepest {heregistraton money. 15 days ine shall be given other to oo and only those names shall be incued Who have ‘epested tne regsiraton money oriotne craw. craw wil bo hold only onoo ator 12 months trom the daze of save of omandlettor oe amen’ cf ta surencered fatstothewat lst ropstrantsas per te priory decided intaty Orly those flats which aro surrendered within 12 menthe tom caio of fafa. sranfra ator 2014 free fea ae te a 8 Re ee Rowe ke (eh A). ce aE sep ete ate res te me 13 Ae eh | gary fh chan ah are eetoge aerate Fy Te eel AG eke oA seers we 8 a oer ae cated aft eer eR ETH Tae EAA Om, MET ce a eH La TT em efter ft art 1 worth & rh ahr ew hn EA Sofee at et, arora oprarr al fre aE 1 art aa re eA oe HAA ee FA a BP kee eR A TB a TT fi Rear ome reer ac ar cho ae A RA 6 sie a ctor eh aft aE Boh ta oT ‘af ee ar ae toh ae a ra 8g 0 tat oh ee 8 ae ar a era Pe TET | Wat a as BA cA kee eae earl Pra & ao Sere Gh Ba ow kee ese TS wees at are 7a non a cr Frere 1 PRAT. Se 3 era a ear fg ne ee ates B weet HH ORT xp ten Be 2 ae aa a rer Fe STE | set area Bh ent ea TA 1 Rw ath ag sehen oR agar A ca ise fx gre oe ante 9 onter—es o en BL prTTR seh eet, rat ote wher ae oe ar fre orca arg eh ee oS ed fx cera ret Rm he, har eA TT Bare eft eh aU, oH AMT es TET er Agr atten ahora wt | 8 cer ef ae are och & fry artic wt ae er eT sae we A uate oon de 1a antes ig At cae ber me ae a a8 eA ate ae ee eh a ese ee TT RY | Te HR eS & Recon tee fer eT sefRe arte eel Reeersiter ead wet 8 Reet af amdgw w/a @ amd a ates es ar prert fon ot gerd at aft afte oe) & gta 2 anew at aed de eid ot tat ad SV as xs ae aT tae aye A ec TET | afk wien seen ate a ara ar am aia & a de aerore eh aT RA RAR A ae IG A os Sah 8 Rear ents veh 8 gE TOA ge i MR anew 3 A sere /afa a cen Pon 8, et cafe an teres # ae eer ats eH F/T ‘a ARG a we a aT WRU TE WA PRC ote 19 GR AACN Rt oT A 1 fu o shea oftenftel Sw eh ah cee Ga | emer are / are ara ah A/a Fag / ts ce aT wde stern eae tat 1 eve. sRecoH Be es one PA TA GE ah atic rer eer 1 Ped Ae fe Ge EE FL ha RU ake eee sg wT Tae aren cap afer one eh fro ae | hi a oT ‘air Fea a & ater ec 1 ent, en ear soe engere ae frm aem— w. 1. Issue of domand lters would be included for allorent to \watlsied eyistaris. The walt Iss created jst ensure at the strendred Nats any) ace alloted Yo same rogistants rather ran keeping thom vacant andthe stil be ald only for 18 mortheand, heres itdoeant reat ary ightofthewwat lst registants i they fail to get a at fromthe surrendered ‘ones. suscesstl the cost would be he ost ofthe ato he ‘ata thodemand.oum-alotmentatieris esved, INTEREST ON REGISTRATIONMONEY 1. Noirterest wie pala the draw s het within tree months from the lst date of coture of the schome in case of suecesstulapoicant UL Incase of nsuccesstu appcarts, ao intrest wil be pol, theamourtrefurded win twee mont Fem Be ist St oft cosureotiisscneme. IL Incase egistiaion meneys not lundee wibinthvee months from the sonure of ths scheme, in ease of unsuccessful applcarts, sinpe intrest @ 6% pa. wil be pald on the Fegicivaton menoy for tho period beyond treo ments ater thecosureattnsscheme IN. Applcants ot getng rund within one mont femboing thodtow are adszedto coniaatthenodabranchottne bank \whin appicaionwas deposted. ODA wilnot pay anyinterest In cese of postal delay or appcant not avilable at given ‘addrossorincase ofincomplete arene, REFUND TO UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS 1 DDA wil refund the regstation money Bough the dat branch, as indiested in annaxire 3. ofthe bane wherein ‘he alotiee nad deposited the appcaton form. The concerned Bankonallberespenaibiaforthe aaparenof refine cheat the unsuccessl appicants. The tank shal bear ‘ho responsblyfer ary lesson fis accourt DDAG" te bank wil ‘ot erertain any apletin for roking,lsslmusiation, and ‘on-eneashmentof refund cheque one year after me cosure ofthis scheme. 11 Forgotng rating tho applicant hasto clearly mention hsmher Dank accountrumoer. Incase tie application init name, ‘efurdwllbo mae nthoname ofth feet appieantony ane, therefore oly nisher bank acecunt umber sould be Oven, ‘his aceourt nuriber and bank paricuars wil be pened on cheque, ance applicant thouldcarabily fil thase partulare Intneapoleatontom, Note: In caso the application money has been poi from theaeeountofthefemicompary,ete,oftheapplieat stl for twe purpose of refund, the applicant's bank etalls have to be provided as the same would be printed on refund chequo and in case of mismatch of account ‘number and payee's name, te bank would net clear the instrument. Inordertoavoidsuchasituation itis advised {orecheck nis beforesubmiting te applicationtorm. Ln case applicant has given acess of pleco, were fonty of courier is resirctad, all communicaton ining ‘patch of refund chequelderand eter would on fare of ‘aura be trough proseribed medo only Applicant is adviced to contact nodal oficer ofthe bank as given in annexure B in such cases. DDABarks fy such cases would noi be Fesponsble for delay! non rocept of communication by applcartiaotee. ‘SURRENDERICANCELLATION ‘Acscoassll applicant shal have the option to surrender tha at eto‘ ihe Issue o the possession later. Alomert willbe ‘autsmatcaly concaledincasepaymentsnctmace within he reserbed period. No show cause notice shal be ‘sued for the purpose. In both the cases, amcunt deposted is fefundable witout ary inerect However, cancelaton Chargesas preserbedbetow sta be recovered DDA HOUSING SCHEME 2014 aa) Wree aan awe | _feaietar wma Ba | SowendeSaotaon tor A Prefate Rei Baee Fea. Hace ae win folowngcoyatom | ~EWSFIaS "| Oma et ain /e¢6 eH tow ofiegu of demand 7 rier a oh wd |] arene x we 2 | we RiwRaee ou. | Gone] [tet en ty a cs [orf so Re 2oow. [sone | | [S| “ait ayer oon oan | a] sen Raa as a a + [icy een ee sow. | seooue 12" otstnaetanctaion| e000. | S000 ay a ene / TA EAH a PEL cetera OE — 2m arate a 4 PLM rer le a ade vara | arbre 4 ag eh A aed a oar tere aT Barker ea 4 Rg mg te Reet wack eH aS sare tase / Wena Me wa TA sae fb a aT | a a aye, 2709 we cy mea ean el wie ede 6 ares at : ik gaz; aie a2? 34 reset 8 er wT ce ee Sree fbr sr © tere toc ge a 4 2h i a zl 3 te a a4 agar "wah a eo 124 B vse NB Pei {a age On a A ee Pe A A THT pra Pe ar 81 3 eG eH (ORE) TET ‘aftr 8 dE a agate oA oH or oo} wee ah Af) Sry “eh tan, 298 96 ake TET Bt weer 21 oftata act cite ate l-aotee ana 81 Peer otra ae gel aa WaT SHR Sere offre fer ore ae TAHT TCA Surfs tert aafeeh at eta ero FR ah gre ese eon age ae se da a Bin i anéea wa wn ome Adel wr are IRF wm A ore /E aT AON whe ere MA We Po a TS we Ret la A se pray aah eg ae ew aT PORCH AE | 12. 3 ae Flowing docurents are Jo be submited fe refund in cave of Sumendercareslaton 2. Onghal allomentcumaemard later Issues by ODA A respec ofalttee fal. . Preofefressence mage there is change of adcress as give | inthe appleatontorm.. 6 Photocopy of assbook oF bank Managersla_ charge catfeate nease tere s change h barkparicuars fom Dat (venin the appication form. ‘Note: Incase ais cancllecaulomatcaly as stated above, refund lb made afr deduction of sarcelaion charges sted ‘above and no nlerest woul be pld on amount deposted DISPOSAL COST OF THE FLATS. |A) Thetontatve disposal cos ofthe fats oven at annexure ‘The above seat nudes lond promium, cost of consructon and 20% surciarge on andpremium andcost ot cnsirucbon, ost of eoretuston ielucos dopartmonta! sherges ond Interest durng constucton penod. The lang oremum fs oral. revised every yoar on fist Aprl while cost of Consructon is revised ice dufing the year on Tst Api ond et Octeber. The veraton in cos! wihin etegary fs de ‘aration in pith area of the flats, Thre may be some more fats asced or deleted athe discreton of BDA. fe 3008 Chenges, be este tts change occardgy. 1B Formsirtenance of corm are, inrespec of row housing pockets corsucte ater October, 2010 a martenarce fund Fstong cate. Forihs purpose fora period of 30 years, he i and eocticl mainenarce charges have boen odes > the disposal cost "The entre martenance funds eoleced \would be gloced in a campus. as an escrow account ond nee (running & Capital woud be carried out othe rned outa th cerpus. ho und wilbe apportioned to the RNAS regsterea wit DDA and wil be managed by a Commitee nwhich DOAWilbe ropasertedby tho Execute Engineer of the concerned zone. The cil and elecrcat ‘manienares ofall the newly consisted fats ul be exe ‘uteny fom the interest ariting out of the corpus created for ‘anienares ty registered RWA. in casa, there any Shor the concerned RAS, registered wih ODA, wil heve {o bridge the gap veugh corkrbuton fom the ates and [BDA wl rot contrbuto any fund towards rantenaree. The fund becomes operative rom tie date me fst ceran-um- Slotmertiner ved (0) Flateat § Noe) 1.24 of annenura'A’ aro od fats. Boni of ‘opreciaton on constuction cost ras been proviged & he tio of computation of tontaive epoca’ coat of these fate ne ime maintenance har alsonotteen charged Here, (@) Float S. No(s) 25:3 of annexure’ er of now invertor. Flas at S.No. 26, 29 10°34 of annexure 'A a9 noarne Complaton, Tonia cea an pinth arose mentored are on approximate basis. The dsposal cos arapinin area woud be finalized at appropeata stage. of completion and, fh, Semandwould be rasevacceringy (©) In acaltion to the above, alte ie liblo te psy convreion| Chargesatthe treo’ exscwor ft Corweyance Deed. (@) The cost of the flat and charges shal be paid por tho omandcum-atotmertiete andClause 16beon. MODE OF PAYMENT ‘The allotment offlate shall be mado on cash down bs under PD & EWS catogory wo will ave the opt paymenteltheron cash down basis orininstalmente. fafa. sranfra ator 2014 ch, eo ew / aa are ths Bers A pT Sw toe fra ware fo RAT A Tee carn ere Xora Rt oct (@) afta artesi—ast a ara ate ae grea wer w fae See uae onden om 8 weaned rR Se seas Wert wa ag nen 401 ane en ee Ke Seok Te wer ce ore oT Ge w/e Sgt es re gerd ee ea fee Pe weet el hI eee OS Brews walsage out Bes wee wae TT austen seed) eeiney Rees gr Parc foe fon ae @ gt “Sees Pe eee afr de ene Pe 2a erat eee Rev at Pater foe foe ae Behan fo rR / era eh Bo Gee SOE TET Soot nee oer ore o agen ara wien 4 ty #1 aq 4934 ae Pa a i Buu d 24 7a a 1 gen A gr ee ow S/he we ate iene yh wa ceata gr oekare ser arta ob ceerka sage /Preafta ee ae | marae ee a ove oA a Ba ae RE ‘or wn Gf 8, oh GR ue ea TA GA A A A 1“ 45. w. 17 a PERIOD FOR PAYMENT Alotioe is lable to mate te payment as per the demanc-eur ‘allotment eter witin 90 days em he data o ssua cf ho sad {Coter without intrest. Therete, to altos is lobe to dept the amcuntin not move than pat @ months aiong wth ores @ ‘12iGpa.compourded asen 3Tst March. fe payren!induding ‘eters s no mage within 365 days. lucing ites. om ‘he dato of demand let, aletmert oho flat wil be automatically ‘ancated. No stow cause notce/ntmaton wll be given Dy ne [BOA or cancotaton. Ne time extension for paymontbayond ‘ho date azomatc cancelation woulcbe qven inthis crete. ASO norestoration eallowedonce the fate tomate eancalod cue {enon payment. the llotee falls to depost tre demanced ‘Smnunt within 365 dye fom the Gate of ise of eran ctment let, te emcunt deposited wil be reknded without Interest and after docustonofeancostion charges ax mentioned [Note Al aotecs are advised to snare that fl amount inducing Infeest tan, deposited before date ct automatic cancellaton. [METHOD OF PAYMENT OF DEMANDED ANOUNT ‘Tne payment ofthe demanded amount by the suecesstl lato possession, copy of passboohibank statement has te be ‘demand-eum-allment lett vi be missioner Income Tax Department Formaking aymanttrough RTGSINEF T/Onlne mode, bank cn beseiedande-chlancantegenertedty WsiingeDANesie ‘sed on i, ‘CONVEYANCEDEEO 12. To prevent speculate applications and to encure thet only (Genuine persors apply as per demand-eum-actmere ater a Successh alltee including on altos under tho EWS ond PD category making payment on cash down bass, upon payment of 90% ofthe coatof te dot and complain of ether formaltiessubmssion of ocuments, execute an Agreomant te'Soll wih DDA in tho prososbod formal which shal bo Fegjsered wit the Sub-Registar as per law whereupon he poteosseon alte la sallbohardod ovorta such slots. i Aletioe shal net be entitle to transferor otherwise part with tho postossion of the whele of any part of tho flat without ‘execution of Conveyance Deed. n the evert of savivanster boing mage without execution of Corvoyanco Deed. such Salefransier shall rot be recognized by the Authority and Slotmart of euch fats willbe consoled ard poeeoesionwilbo resumes. & AConveyance Dsec in the prescribed format ranstorrng tho tietome fat shal be executeg nfavourottne ongnalatcte, tach shal be registred withthe Sub Rogetrr as por, ‘non reset of a request fromthe orginal totes. afer a porled of £ (Fvo) yoore from the dato of handing over Possession subject paymentot te Dalence 10% costct ne Aataiongwith interest as porpotey andthe conversion charges ‘and allchot duos. proved the gna atotoe has notin ony ‘nner tla arslerd o aenad the whole or any pat of the fat by ay agrooment of whatsoever nature and pared with possession theroct . Inthe evento! te death of ne original alot during te said paved of § (fue) years, the. Conveyance, Daed shat bo ‘xecated in favour of te egal he's oe orginal alotee as por poteylgideines of BDAInospect of mutation bulin cae {f deai of original alte ater the sad pared ot 8 (ve) years the Canvoyance Deedshallbe execute in avout ct he fegalherso/ the orignalaotte sperle POSSESSION OF FLATS | Theslltens state entitles t take deivery ofpossassion| only afer hoishe has completed al the formalies, paid al ‘ues and tnisredexecutedall ne documents as requrec thodomardaum slexmenslotor endae per slave 16 above. |i Ifthe aloitee dons not take possession ofthe fat within 3 months from the date of issue of possession eter, he she DDA HOUSING SCHEME 2014 re are tre a oo sw Pe Pete ze Prd ed Forres gon! a ee went ett | wat freer) ea Rena wre Mag, oatea ey 2500/— itor, cand, vee wd feereste arte By © 200/— wen Wang. / oe we wa Rte By F 1500/— ote ‘We / FSH TA. VITA BY B 1000/— were 21 4. ae gon eer ner Ba Ske ee: ee omen) remaeT Syed HE eT went er are aE Fo sr ee. ea ee 2 Ee 26 HEH to Pe Roe eto Ha aR sere oy srerenhh Fe Ree oe erm & 1 aPeT gee eye wea ta ayer eer we ees i th He a RS seat al & der 4 ane oe @ on 08 81 Rah ew Btn wet eta tet. 9 RE Fp wr ee eta 8 Psi ee Pe ee frozen ke et te area ek see B few acted wa ce fea eer & crrdal fee @ sent oe & fae PEt 8 1 wer at we) @ xe Pe Heese core ear arya n€T PN ee cart acm aa hte coat Rt Re aR HE eg Fr fae te wg, Pref eed ore ee cre ners or Ae ‘vara & bere, Frere er eke ee Te, Se ‘ea area aes eM ers) FEM wy eae A so ity Foren ee, eo eR Te eR de ev ara eat ‘eas errr Fa, w URI, vata Ste a em, tare ere oF val er Ree Rat PAP EE A, Ra ee eg Ra oe aT ‘aah ref 8 fee efter heer a oe a Feat fer Fw wae Tr at wee WU TEORT er ra a ae are ef ra er xy 2 Pn get ‘Brae Se he feta eae. 8 ea seo aT sf ae ef eh rae ees ab TA eu | da sore ca ee / eek ats Rete Re TET TIER ras er en He ce A ee ae eee Lag re are see rer ie oer he es eh “eed roe taney feta aye Perera ea aT ree nr nen re eae ee TEE A REE ‘gorehy, uta ote afte one {de am em ra sera ake fey om ste ga 1 see 3 Rh are fe al Roar at we | ae sae por af oe-fnftr we seeT ge Fe 1 AoA oe TaN ‘gor dame flora snr ae GAA ag Reals 7a we brewer ae et 20, RESPONSIBILTY FOR THE NAINTENANCE OF COMMON carseat oe ora dara anit & creer wr seat Sake ree arte vee Tre A GT TEA A TT] 2 ae ears cee ae eo ee tee aE reneara © vette @ Re afb cege ea / eee ols Saere ae in wep Orca ode ge 7 a 2 : 30 cal & fae aruda & Rie weed won OTIS eT S fog ema ara @ Regt area rad FA eT 22 (a) Baqpee fare | ea—eerr evar geal a Pur a. afk ara a see ger Rear a ds 2A weg ng al ogre sot i & ee oT TAT ama we TC wT a shale tablote pay watch and wartcharpesathe prescribed fetes beyond a period of 3 menihs from the date of 'ssue of Possassonilteruptoamaxtrumperiodof oreyear rm he Sate of seve of possession lito A present watch 8 ward ‘charges are 226001 parmonty io: HIG at, 22000 permonts for MiG tats and expandable houses, € 1800 LIGione bed ‘om fate ané 21000" for Janta EWIS. li. If the ptysical possession is sill not taken over then tho ‘alotmert shall be automatically cancaled. No show cause faten shal be sarvad balore sareainion Howaver fh fexcoptenal cases he physical possession can be chen Beyond 12 mothe and up te 24 months on payment of sald Charges in adaion to prescribed restoraio/cencelaton charges __prouided por pormisson of DDA\e obtained. ny amount depested towards the cost of the fat shal De felurdbie wihoutiterect 9 ouch cae of cancelaton ater ‘Sedicionotpenates, 1. The propery is being offered on “as is where f basis” The [ODA wil ot entertain any request for adione 0 ltoraone OF any “complains whatsoever, regarding “property ‘roumatancos oxcapta defindin para 190! te Reguaaions Feterted tc above of about cost of fas. ts desion, quay of ‘aterialused, werkmenshiperany othe defect. Note: Late submission of documents shallbe regularized fon “necessary” charges. as prescibed for doy In Submission of decumonts.. But. no. extension for ‘makingthe payment wilbe alowedinany circumstances. MORTGAGEIAVAILING LOAN ‘The aletise can avail housing loan by merigaging the Mat 10 folowing instutions without prot approval othe DOA. Howerer an intinaten regaring netutionouhich tae bacnmergaged must Desentto concemedDy. biretor(Houshng) DDA- J. Government oi; Sate Goverment: i. Union entry Adminstration: Iv Puc. Sector ‘Undertakings! Autonomous bodies v: Naoraized tanks. vi. Lfe Inurance Comporaion of India: vil General Insurance Corporation of India, vil Housing DDereloprent nance Corporation; be. Cooperatve Danks: x.NICD; Xi NON; wi. All Joint Soctor compariee,irospocive of sho orcertage of share roldng: xi. Universi of Deh xix Al ‘xganizaton, private or puble, which recoive the approvalo! Govt nai, Site Gort forthe purtosec general morgage permission tnd ae recognized by RBL as Housing Finarce Company: xe. A Finance Instutons extending loans o individuals tr house bling, they are leaing companies with good marker staring fané repute say wih a capial base of 85 cores or $0.3 All Finale istttions Banks tich are cortrotedby RBLO the Govt, ol nda roepoctve a the porcontage of Gat shareholding x ‘Al pubic companies with a capta base of crores oroviced they have a schemes for granting HEA fo their employoss. and the ‘mortgage srequrediter grantor such advances, e.3. HUDCO. MISUSE, ADDITIONS ANDALTERATIONS, ETC. ‘The fat chal bo used ony forresidontia purpose and cannotbo put to.anyomeruse. The aotee shal rot be ented to sup ave ne ‘eed for al such cases would also include the folowng Specie cause which would be included in the leer of lctment itself and the aitee should by way’ ef afidaut Specialy agre tthe same being pat of the conveyance Sea before the possession of the Mat i dalvered to ‘he alate. THEPROPOSED CLAUSE WOULD BEAS FOLLOWS “Tet IMeatiotiervendee specticaly agrees that he shalnotpart ‘nn posseesion oth whole o ny part othe ato ary time porto the expo! 18 yearsrom te date of actual delivery of possession threat bythe vendor toto altea/ondee and ‘at tid extort, the tie nthe prope shal be deomed f Contiwe o vest the vendor tis father specticay agreed {hat n case the allotee! vandee vant terme ofthe presont conyance deed. the entre conveyance deed shal bo Seemedito be vad and in that eventually. te vendor shllbo ® w o o Incase the allotelvendos das prior tothe expiry ofthe sted petiedo! 15 years, isherlegalrepresontatves and eis shall be bound ahora the stated conto, ul shalbeenttac occupy te saat (Wi) The concession shall be appfcabo to porsore who como) within ne meaning of asabity as detec nite Pessors wit Dicabitos (Equl Opportunio,Protsction of Feghs and Full Paricioaton)Act, 196 arddulycettiog by aNecical Board (i) The permissible benefit under this clause wil be given fonly'to those applicants. whe have boon allotted the “7 DDA (@|> HOUSING SCHEME 2014 gd 1 ae ede ener Sn ans ae S08 ar) ee fh a ee A Marg ot af et ve Pear ore ite 4 at gt art Brecrer a8 ate ARAN Fe ced Roel et swe fica ate | 23, aeuernra art 28) Pee Rea stra, ena eS we a er Rane Fe ae em zee et fran! 9) Peas oer a sefredet ot wert aue ert 2 stan den) RAW, o) URRURT BSA aM del / wh de ob erea dere eT 9) Reta oinfa onto ya feePre, tn gi oreo oh Pa. (ort err ret Frey) RPE, 180 Prien ct eel & serene 1) Pea, arta err ose Fer) RA 088 aeRO 78 te eg eT eR I TE ghar ot ar Pf te sa ee oA weer eae A a, ad ser were A CENCE sere sd, shen ore 8, wh er eH ae Fe Hea 4 Pte ia are are see ree ee swt rt / eigen oh are eer rer Rear aT <2) th ae here BA Rae ar Per ee fred ene A Raa en ae ee we oR ee Brae anh € RS ke HH ae OH, SIE i | Waimea | a2sess 20 | aro Naren 26 we 408.00 37.38 21 | rs fae Kayan Var | 16_| 7ss0.09980 | _a20n.0s000, ‘Yeianigcit / Wo ert eT LIG/ONE BED ROOM 28 [gee Trex 25-A Dwerka Secor 238 =| a Zo50 | Soadi0mas | W77bw1006 43 | fish free «ss RonniSonor 4635 @ wars | 33290388 | 500m1925 fo [marsh 24 onmoac ance “| a ica | S3a0ieanas | a7oeIoN 3 eg se trp nar a m0 3200 2031 22 | So aree 40 Reh Secor =| 30 | ssani04050 | 20790021.3 “ote JANTA 33 [otord (qu ont wien) HA eee ORTRaiSeca] = | GT I EO 1036 # say, wi EWS. 34 [rec a Te Shvaj Mag, New Dar T= T 70 [2540 | Sao prc 8) pezes (ee)orend ta 200s ahi m4 | Aaanendstageotcorpiten 4 Fanreee sara een ren orevis xs Pie ofparng wibeSargedexra cnactaloass. i DDA @) HOUSING SCHEME 2014 See w 2 We to a sPou, A Hd, yo oe wn, Ra we Ad ferns 3 Mega Hew 4102, Sanjay Gandhi Tranepert Nagar, Scopo Tower (Laxmi Nager}, kKnasra No-85, Nain Bawana Road, Shahbad Daulatpur, 1235. St Ram Nagar GT Road, Snahcara, 499-Saini Var, Shakur Bast, N- (00, Shalimar Bagh, Shastri Nagar, Debi, Subz! Mand, Ghanta Ghar, 71'Ram Vihar Opp. Surajal Vikar, Shahdara, 6-258, Rajv Gandhi Road, Swaroop Nagar, 381-Zoor Bagh, Tri Nagar, Shop No-&S & 10, ‘Way Nagar, 3608, al No.8, Vishwas Nagar, 5, Vivek Var, Prase- 2,N-13, South Extension Part -, Chhatarpur Road, Fatehp Ber 73, GreeterKalleah, grou Complos, Maidan Garhi, Noe Eos Chemo, “JP Extension I1K-59, Lajpag Nagar, Shop No.1, Man Marie, Lodhi Colony, 3. Commercial Complex. Ashram Chowk, O-80, MaWviva Nagar, 4-16, ODA Stop Comples, Defence Colony, 6-6, Hauz Khas, Hino. 186, Vil Mochi, Meti Bagh, NSIC Complex, Oknla Ine. Estate, Sector Markat, RIK. Puram. J Block CSC, Sarita Vihar, 1-2 Communiy Cente, Sheikh Sarai Pot No.5, Lecal Shopping Geatre, Block, C Block Janpath, Shop No. 187, SarojiniNagar Market, reer Paik, Gulmoher Enclave, Gurgaon : NGF Plaza, MG Road, Fountain Chowk Gurgaon, Sador Bazar, Gurgaon, Soc, Huda Market, Sharu Complex, Mahraul, (Gurgaon, Snop No. 14, The Peach Tre. $6 Phase- UY, Old Del Road, Gurgaon, JMO Pace Square, Sector-15 Part2, Panipat: GT Rove, Kanal :GT Read, Sonepat :5,HSIOC Compiex, Kun, Kurukshetra Pipl Read, Ratgal Dist Noida: Mata Mandir Road Dist. sham Singh Nagar Kashiour, Secox- 27 Naya Bans, Faridabad : Natura Road. Balabgarn, Rly Road, Faridabad, Local Shopping Complex, Faridabad, SCO 61, Secor 31, Faridabad ie Fcor, NIT Rohtak: Opp. Myra Restaurant! Lines, -Sosto4,BHELCompiox240001 Jaipur : PNB House, 2Nohru Place, Rejesthan : Menu arg, Alwar, 1159, Gata! Area, Bhiwad), Mandi al Bano, Bharatout ‘Agra : Dayalbagh, Agra, Lucknow 11 Vivek Knanc Gort! Magar, Moradabad : PNB House Ram Garga Via, Phase I, Muzaffamager : Shiv Chowk Muzaferogar Ciy Meerut : Abu Lane, Ghaziabad Mohan Nagar Dist, Ghaziabad *43,AmbadiarMarg, Ghaziabad + Road, Ghazabad °C-12 Secor-13 Vasundhara Hardnar: Bulandshanar :PNS House. Yavuna Puram, NearRTOOHCe, Chancigarh : PNB House, Sector 17- Sec.228, 3, Se0-22 B, SCO 1118-18, Dehradun :PeltanBazer(Astely Hal) State Banko Indie BRANCHES Det: 234, Cova Ashram, GT Roed, Shandara, Ara) Mand ‘Shandara, F325, Krishna Nagar,Opp. Police St Nea Jee! Gandhi Nagar, C61 Anand Vina, 49, Mangal azar Laxmi Nagar,PotNe., Bet 8, hoping Conte, MayurVihar,7, Local Shaping Centro B Bios, Dilshad Garden. 101/A Near Mayur Opp Asn Day Boarding, Pratap Nagar, 9 Rajghani Enclave, Nrman Bhavan, Maulana Azad Marg, N Blok, 1 P State, C-90, Malviya Negay, Ind Floor, 6-37/68, Connaught Place ‘tfborPodium Block, Chansloe Bulking, Jampath, C 300A, & “7 DDA @)|D HOUSING SCHEME 2014 ee, wm no aon ec fb wT, eke ro Ge, a, fo a, eae sere fa Gall rf, eadha fer we, Sz, wb, eve de nde, Aaa TRA, WI-3, Frag ouere Reve, ae vial eee 16, eee rege ol Bel, tm rt eT ag 1970, Pee Exrey eft, orewnh, zm et ee Ke eee, ee ate Sere, ver sie ade Sa arath, sie- geet tet Reto Seer aE me Sree, 87 era a Sede ere Sat Sg te a, aha ee Ee Pan oan are jes efor, af we, af wa, ata ar, wre srmg, 4, Sheer zee ofan, wb Te, G26, MI =A, usm Ree, wed Me, GIs Slew aT A E77 Pras gt fae 77, re wea ang, ta aie a. A, tga on, wa ‘rab yoo) ag Eee ee TEN a YEA Eine seam ER. 12/56 20 ay TeN Oe, Soe wT citar el cen dc eter oT Bee TS Ga Rees Ge ra soe Pb dh ay, Se2 TH es wee @ ein uM ee eee de ate ga, tebe ete we Ries et Po, 98 36/7 eels ore FRA, Wee 23, GICwT, 2/20, eee7, IMM, di-4/7, fis és, fe ros, fal, Roren, anger) waht te, fra Sevte Toe, Auge srs See 2/1 meer He Pa wRiPA, ca-ee Rom rr, Cate, ofeheg®, Mot, qe, Hr tee a, Rar A, aay ¢ 99, avifire Reva Pay, ae, Pera eas, YOU Rect wie-— ta wifey, kan EK gw, Yea me aia RUG, A IH, ie #3 wRIAE ex, EE MEK A ade, aay ae, vara RA, Re, 38, el ee ghey, Sa a, sting, Yee Rel efter afte de tex, guia at, emis, ees te SATE, 4 ‘orc aie 4, er Fer, x 9-2 Get, Pee fers PR, cata ds, yori, o/s Pe a he 1 we GPA, eH PR, pera, Sa HM, PSHia, EMTS ERS HN GPE TT be, 2 et Ww, at, Yaa, UN a9, ger er TS, ‘rae se, ne, Ts 20,202 208 Mater TE, eT F-2. AT, Wwtstag Barat, SMTA Heer v4, EMA, 90, KT ate ‘wet, SRG Oe Weeks Hema, Mas ATA AY A coe, WEarar, 2/6 mYRI Ls, Hea Lato, WERHATS, CEA 106 seee—16, OMEGA, dts ts, aU woe weet: aeezs, Rec then ge Te, AEST, ERT Pe nears, ne 53, Are , he, dren, GaAs, arTT, setts, near fs vain, weradz: wg fore. eRan, fev. sam Rie TE SER, em Rie rr, 4a He, eI eeaTA, ‘rarer = doer are, ard aid es — oR. Aa are eT, 23-8, HG, GEAR, MTR Be, Mh GN MUR a A ‘Shopping Comples Defence Colony, Parliament House Anex, Sansad Marg, Rail Bhawan. Rafi Narg, Parliament Mouse, 23, Himalaya House, KGMarg, S.C. Buldng Janpeth, 120, Sekot,C-18, Canal Marko Lajpat Nagaril, 513, Near Uphar Ciera, Green Park Ext. 16 Comunity Cento Zamnuspur G Ka, 108, Semman Bazar. Jangpur, 19/9 Near Desn Bardhu Cotege, Kalki E-228, Near National Heart Insitute, East of Kalas Fly Over Markel Defence Colony, i10-Asian Games Vilago Crpls, Shahpur Jat, Avsal Charbor-', Reg Road Bhikaj Cama Place. C-6, Panchsheol Enclave. J8 Tito Marg. Masia Moth, CGO Complex Loch) Estate, Near Jawaharlal Nonna ‘Staskun Lodhi Road, Ds Walen, Karo! Bagh, Kamla Nagar Irdustial Aa, Meti Nagar, 4-225, New Rajinder Naga, 304, Ganga ‘Nas, Chandni Chow, 26 & Pusa Road, Hotel Akshay Palace, E 1/7 Near eto Pilar 177, East Patel Nagar, Back ot +1 P Peto Pump. Friends Colony, M52, 59 Mathura Road, Ishwar Nagar, Swahar Lal University Campus, €104 Naraina Vihar, 12/56, DadhGandhs Gusta Road, Ajmal Khan Road Karol Bagh, Nort Block Central Secretariat, ‘roxce West Conmane Subroe Park, Delhi Gantt, G73, Anand [Nkota, Met! Bagh, M2, South Ext. Partil, 1 ist Foor, 8 Bloc, Parliament Steet, Sioto Dark of india, 1 Parliament Stroet, 10, CChamam Singh Part Naar Kibi Palace, G83 to G-86187, Verchrnan Pus Gi, See 23, Dwarka, E-2/28, Sec-7, Rehinl, B-/7 Prince Road, Model Town-t, PO, Rithala, ISBT Kashmiree Gate, Near Metcalf House, Behind Old Sectt, 1a Market Nrankari Colon, 4A, Viay Nagar, A-Slock Jahangirpuri, PO-Pooth Khurd, Pooth ‘hurd, Man Railay Road, Narela Mand. Narela, A 30, po Visnat Cinema, Wiest, Vishal Enciave, Nagarwest, 50, InderpuriWest, Sager Tower , Dist Cente Janakpur West, A 236 Moora Bagh, Ci.23, Indust! Aroa, Gt Kamal Read, 65/1 New Rohtae Road, Central, Naigath Road Market. Rajour Garon, Shop No 25- 2.Main Market Subhash Nagar, G-S Vikaspunl, Tes Hazan Court CCompiex, Nort Campus, Delhi Unversity, Sector - | Block- VI, RK Puram, lime Campue Aneari Nagar, Pict No. 3,18,16,109, Uttam Nagar. Apra Pars, Sector, Dwarka,Palam Colony. Dah Margit Sakrawat, Dai, Keshav Puram, Del Block A Local Shopping, Paschim Vihar, D-DockCental Market, Preshant Vinar, Deepak Plaza, Flot No.3, Communiy Conte, Saracwat Vihar, an Nkok, Shakur Bast, Jawala Heel Vilage Dah, 39, Neri Wes! Avenue, PunjabiBtagh, Nanglol WestDelh Haryana: Untech Trade Cente, Sushant Lok, Gurgaon, M G Road, Gurgaon, 4, New Colony urgaon, 964, Udyog Vihar, UY Pho Dundanare,Gurgaon, Shiva) Nogar hance Rose,Gurgaon, GIF Unt No-GF 18 SPC Palam Vinar, Gurgaon, DLF Phase-ll, Gurgaon, OIF {Guo Encave, Quab Plaza Merkel, CIF Prase-|, Gurgaon, SCO No- [03Hude Shopping Complex Secor 58, Gurgaon, Shop 20% 202,208, 8 Block Markt South Ciy-2, Gurgaon, SCO 35 Soctor 31, Gurgaon, So> 14 Gurgaon, 19Housing Board. Colony. tharsa Rose Sector. 15,Gurgzon, Chawala Colony, Matra Colony, saliabncarn Faridabad, 126 Mathura Road, Sarai Khwaja, Faridabad, SCO 105 ‘00-6, Faridabad, GurNandRehiak Reed, Senepet tar Pradesh: Sostor26, Dst Gatum Buh Nor, Noll, Nawyug Narkot. Ghaziabad. Meonst Roorkee Road Meerut Cartt. Meerut, Chhipiola, MG-Road, Agra, Falway Rad, Mathura, Man Branch ‘Aligarh, Uttarakhand: Ranipur Dist Haridwar, Distt Ushaen Singh Nagar, Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar, 4, Convent Rosd Dehradun, Haidwan, Rajasthan : Arya Nagar Alwar High Cert Campus- Jodhpur, Mae, Branch dapat, 23C, Macuiben, Udalpur, Bikaner Cant. PO & fafa. sranfra ator 2014 re, age, sire mre, fete a, sae, ATE, HATER 3 Mes we eguame, MT, Br, Mere Ree tere eos ARCH Be, Agate aw $a Reef = Ree ae, rhs arreye, aR TR, weAA Ae, ae erat, caret wart eet oor, eatin, AE, age ren Ma, ere, Fr ee Pn PRT, ge Te ene frag, ae Hes, TUR, TUM ae, er ke, woke A fee atarh weicag, ee Sar, ATF Ge, TSN, BTA A, vide, ena re, ae, AGIA, ee es, eas Ast Prorat, setter ae, oresayy, Aeeas ¢ AGEL TEN GRETA, ‘serra, Ae, ee, TTS a ; 7 i a i ‘state ta: eng Reo se 20-9 10 kee ton am st a a, ae sa Mee, ETL, RAAT, He 7 HH TE ‘erat ee 6 a, a8 GE ee BH HAA, a dee Sa saz, 1970/1 sifregt Geary OTTO, Ss Biot ara ne dior, wi 11 mows che Mohs, teeter bas whe he, oe 3.100 site-£ etna tre n, G52 9a £9, mr ve, afte ‘co/a mrarg® ees fen Bat, «

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