Lec 33

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NPTEL – Mechanical Engineering – Continuum Mechanics

Module-4: Balance Laws

Lecture-33: Application of the Principle of
Frame-Indifference to
the First Law of Thermodynamics

Here, we show that the principle of frame-indifference plus the first law of thermodynamics
is equivalent to all other conservation laws (i.e., conservation of mass, linear momentum
and angular momentum). As discussed in Lecture-29, the first law of thermodynamics
states that rate of change of total energy (i.e., the kinetic and internal energy) is equal to
the rate of work done by external forces plus rate of change of heat energy, i.e.,
d Z 1
 Z  Z
ρ e + v · v ∂Ω = (t · v + γ) ∂Γ + ρ (b · v + Qh ) ∂Ω. (1)
dt Ω 2 Γ Ω

• The principle of frame-indifference states that the first law of thermodynamics as-
sumes same form in all frames of reference.

Let density (ρ), internal energy (e), heat flux across the surface (γ), heat supply per unit
mass (Qh ) and traction vector (t) be frame-indifferent. Let b be a body force that follows
transformation rule stated in principle of frame-indifference for linear momentum balance
(see Lecture-32). Then we have the following result.
The result of frame-indifference applied to first law of thermodynamics:
The principle of frame-indifference applied to the first law of thermodynamics implies:

i. there exist Cauchy stress tensor τ (x, t) such that t = τ n,

ii. there exist a heat flux vector q(x, t) such that γ = q · n,

iii. conservation of mass,

iv. conservation of linear momentum,

v. conservation of angular momentum.

Conversely, frame-indifference of conservation of mass, linear momentum and angular

momentum along with the existence of Cauchy stress tensor τ (x, t) imply the frame-
indifference of energy balance.
Proof: Let Ω be a material volume in B and Γ be its boundary. Let ρ∗ (x∗ , t∗ ), t∗ (x∗ , t∗ , n∗ ),
a∗ (x∗ , t∗ ), b∗ (x∗ , t∗ ), e∗ (x∗ , t∗ ), Q∗h (x∗ , t∗ ) and γ ∗ (x∗ , t∗ , n∗ ) be density, traction, acceler-
ation, body force per unit mass, specific internal energy, heat generation per unit mass

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NPTEL – Mechanical Engineering – Continuum Mechanics

and heat flux across normal to the Γ in the frame F ∗ , respectively. Let ρ(x, t), t(x, t, n),
a(x, t), b(x, t), e(x, t), Qh (x, t) and γ(x, t, n) be density, traction, acceleration, body
force per unit mass, specific internal energy, heat generation per unit mass and heat flux
across normal to the Γ in the frame F . We note that γ(x, t, n) is analogous to traction
t(x, t, n).
As mentioned in previous lecture, the Euclidean transformation between the frames
F and F is given by

x∗ = Q(t)x + c(t), (2)

t∗ = t − s,

where s is difference in clocks setting.

The assumption we considered for the density, internal energy, heat flux, heat supply,
traction and body force can be written as

ρ∗ (x∗ , t∗ ) = ρ(x, t), e∗ (x∗ , t∗ ) = e(x, t), γ ∗ (x∗ , t∗ , n∗ ) = γ(x, t, n),

Q∗h (x∗ , t∗ ) = Qh (x, t), t∗ (x∗ , t∗ , n∗ ) = Qt(x, t, n), (a∗ − b∗ ) = Q(a − b).

Let us defined the energy density (total energy per unit volume) of continuum body f
defined by
f =ρ e+ .
Since Ω is a part of deformed configuration B, the balance of energy for Ω observed by
the frame F
d Z Z Z
f ∂Ω = (t · v + γ) ∂Γ + ρ (b · v + Qh ) ∂Ω.
dt Ω Γ Ω
Using first transport theorem, we get
Df Z Z
+ f ∇x · v ∂Ω = (t · v + γ) ∂Γ + ρ (b · v + Qh ) ∂Ω. (3)
Ω Dt Γ Ω

Similarly, the energy balance observed by the frame F ∗ can be written as

Df ∗
Z ! Z Z
+ f ∗ ∇ x∗ · v ∗ ∂Ω = ∗ ∗ ∗
(t · v + γ ) ∂Γ + ρ∗ (b∗ · v ∗ + Q∗h ) ∂Ω.
Ω Dt Γ Ω

where f ∗ = ρ∗ (e∗ + v ∗ · v ∗ /2). Since ρ∗ = ρ, Q∗h = Qh and γ ∗ = γ, ∇x∗ · v ∗ = ∇x · v, we

Df ∗
Z ! Z Z
+ f ∇x · v ∂Ω = (t · v + γ) ∂Γ + ρ (b∗ · v ∗ + Qh ) ∂Ω.
∗ ∗ ∗
Ω Dt Γ Ω

Subtracting Eq. (3) from Eq. (4), we obtain

D ∗ Z  Z
(f − f ) + (f ∗ − f ) ∇x · v ∂Ω = (t∗ · v ∗ − t · v) ∂Γ+ ρ (b∗ · v ∗ − b · v) ∂Ω.
Ω Dt Γ Ω

Since e∗ = e, we have f ∗ − f = ρ(v ∗ · v ∗ − v · v)/2. Substituting f ∗ − f in the above

equation, we get
Z  ∗
v · v∗ − v · v Dρ
+ ρ∇x · v ∂Ω + ρ(a∗ · v ∗ − a · v) ∂Ω

Z 2 Dt Z Ω

= (t∗ · v ∗ − t · v) ∂Γ + ρ (b∗ · v ∗ − b · v) ∂Ω.


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NPTEL – Mechanical Engineering – Continuum Mechanics

Rearrangement of terms yields

Z  ∗
v · v∗ − v · v Dρ
+ ρ∇x · v ∂Ω + ρ ((a∗ − b∗ ) · v ∗ − (a − b) · v) ∂Ω

Z 2 Dt Ω

= (t∗ · v ∗ − t · v) ∂Γ. (5)


Existence of Cauchy stress tensor:

Consider the Euclidean transformation, i.e., Eq. (2), where Q(t) and c(t) are arbitrary
rotation tensor and translation vectors. We now choose Q(t) = I and ċ = λû, where λ
is an arbitrary constant and û is an arbitrary constant unit vector. Substituting Q and
ċ in Eq. (2) and differentiating with respect to time, we get

v ∗ = v + ċ, and a∗ = a.

Using the transformation law for the field of body force per unit mass, we have

b∗ = b.

Since traction is frame-indifferent, substituting the above relations in Eq. (5), we get
λ2 Dρ
λv · û + + ρ∇x · v ∂Ω + λρ(a − b) · û ∂Ω = λt · û ∂Γ. (6)
Ω 2 Dt Ω Γ

The argument similar to the Cauchy’s theorem (see Lectures 26 and 27) yields the exis-
tence of Cauchy stress tensor τ (x, t) such that t = τ n.

Existence of heat flux vector:

Substituting the relation between Cauchy stress and traction, i.e., t = τ n in Eq. (3), we
Df Z Z Z
+ f ∇x · v ∂Ω = τ n · v ∂Γ + γ ∂Γ + ρ (b · v + Qh ) ∂Ω.
Ω Dt Γ Γ Ω

Using the relation τ n · v = τ T v · n and divergence theorem, we get

Df Z Z Z
+ f ∇x · v ∂Ω − ρ (b · v + Qh ) ∂Ω − ∇x · (τ T v) ∂Ω = γ ∂Γ.
Ω Dt Ω Ω Γ

Using the similar arguments that were used in Cauchy’s theorem, we get the existence of
heat flux vector q(x, t) such that γ = q · n.
Conservation of mass:
Substituting the relation t = τ n in Eq. (6), we get
λ2 Dρ
λ(v · û) + + ρ∇x · v ∂Ω + λρ(a − b) · û ∂Ω = λτ n · û ∂Γ.
Ω 2 Dt Ω Γ

Using the relation τ n · û = n · τ T û, the divergence theorem and ∇x · (τ T û) = (∇x · τ ) · û,
we can write
λ2 Dρ
Z  Z
λ(v · û) + + ρ∇x · v ∂Ω = λ (∇x · τ + ρ(b − a)) · û ∂Ω. (7)
Ω 2 Dt Ω

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NPTEL – Mechanical Engineering – Continuum Mechanics

Differentiating twice with respect to λ, we get


+ ρ∇x · v ∂Ω = 0.
Ω Dt
Arbitrariness of Ω implies the mass balance in Eulerian description, i.e.,

+ ρ∇x · v = 0. (8)

Conservation of linear momentum:

Substituting the mass balance in Eq. (7), we get
(∇x · τ + ρ(b − a)) · û ∂Ω = 0.

Arbitrariness of Ω and û imply the linear momentum balance:

∇x · τ + ρ(b − a) = 0. (9)

Conservation of angular momentum:

Substituting Eq. (8) in Eq. (5), we get
∗ ∗ ∗
ρ ((a − b ) · v − (a − b) · v) ∂Ω = (t∗ · v ∗ − t · v) ∂Γ. (10)

Using the transformation law between frames, we have (a∗ − b∗ ) = Q(a − b) and t∗ = Qt.
Substituting these relations in above equation, we can write

(ρQ(a − b) · v − ρ(a − b) · v) ∂Ω = (Qt · v ∗ − t · v) ∂Γ.

Using the property of dot product, we get


ρ(a − b) · (Q v − v) ∂Ω = t · (QT v ∗ − v) ∂Γ.

Substituting the relation t = τ n on the right hand side of equation, we obtain


ρ(a − b) · (Q v − v) ∂Ω = τ n · (QT v ∗ − v) ∂Γ.

Using the property of dot product and the divergence theorem, we can write
Z Z  

ρ(a − b) · (Q v − v) ∂Ω = ∇x · τ T (QT v ∗ − v) ∂Ω
Ω ZΩ  
= (∇x · τ ) · (QT v ∗ − v) + τ : ∇x (QT v ∗ − v) ∂Ω.

Substituting Eq. (9), we get

τ : ∇x (QT v ∗ − v) ∂Ω.

Taking time differentiation of Euclidean transformation, we obtain v ∗ = Qv + Q̇x + ċ.

Spatial gradient of resulting relation yields ∇x (QT v ∗ − v) = QT Q̇. Substituting the
relation in above equation, we get
τ : (QT Q̇) ∂Ω.

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It is easy to see that QT Q̇ is skewsymmetric tensor as QT Q = I. Furthermore, the

arbitrariness of Q implies the arbitrariness of QT Q̇. The arbitrariness of Ω and QT Q̇
imply the symmetry of τ (x, t). Clearly, the symmetry of stress tensor is equivalent to the
balance of angular momentum (see Lecture-27). Thus, the first law of thermodynamics
and the principle of frame-indifference imply the conservation of angular momentum.
The converse is equivalent to showing Eq. (5) as it is difference of energy balance in
both frames. We get Eq. (10), by reversing steps in the proof of conservation of angular
momentum with help the relation t = τ n and the linear momentum balance. Finally, the
conservation of mass and Eq. (10) imply Eq. (5). Thus, Converse is proved.


1. C. S. Jog, Foundations and Applications of Mechanics: Continuum Mechanics,

Volume-I, 2007, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Joint initiative of IITs and IISc – Funded by MHRD 5

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