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A Musical Concert

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Welcome and Announcement Master of Ceremony

Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, Good afternoon.

It is indeed a delight to see you all here. Thank you so much for coming and
for accepting our invitation.

We do hope you are comfortable wherever you are seated.

Before we start our concert, may I kindly remind everyone to please observe
the following:

• Please put your phones on silent mode

• Please be courteous and respectful to those seated around you

• As much as possible, kindly refrain from talking with others during

the performance.

• Let us keep the isles clear in case of emergencies. We discourage

sitting or standing in the aisles.

• Our hall bathroom is located on the left side of the hall at the back.

Thank you so much. Now, let us listen to a violin meditation by the Bass Two
Meditation Bass Two Harmonies

Requesting everyone to please stand for our opening prayer.

Opening Prayer Jummel Rose Rasona

You may now be seated.

(TURN OFF THE LIGHTS, Entrance of Singers)

Opening Montage

In a fast-paced and demanding world, it's so easy to get so caught up with

all the stress and worries.

When we are so engaged in active labor…

When we bear the burdens of others…

When we are so pressed with many cares…

Sometimes, it becomes impossible for us to stop and find time to reflect …

But, amidst the hustles and bustles of the world, it is truly important to
take a pause,

and carefully review the past….

and learn the lessons that God wants us to learn…

Friends, this afternoon, let us all take a pause from our cares,

And reflect, and mamalandong…

Pamalandong sa atong kinabuhi

Pamalandong sa atong mga kadaugan

Pamalandong sa atong mga pagsulay

Pamalandong sa atong mga pangandoy

Welcome to pamalandong.

(Open Lights)

Intro song: Magdiwang, Magpuri

God in our victories…

Let us begin our journey this afternoon sa pagpamalandong sa atong mga



A word that we sometimes think does not suit us.

Victorious? Are we, really?

For some of us, we don't consider ourselves victors…

Sometimes, we feel like we are at the losing end of life…

…beaten by our inadequacy, our lack, our kulang pa man, our kulang pa ko…

In our heart of hearts, we long for validation.

We look for our value, for our worth…

So, we tug at the oars, fight, and work to achieve the approval of others.

But, come to think of it. God has already set our value when He died on the
cross for us.

In fact, the world sinks into insignificance in comparison with the value of
one person.

But we often forget our worth— that we are created in the image of God
and paid for by His blood...

So, next time you are tempted to look down on yourself, remember your

Your soul is precious in the sight of Heaven for Christ has bought you with
His own precious blood.


We have always heard that promises are meant to be broken.

But for most of us, this pain of broken promises goes beyond words.

Because we did not just hear it.

We have felt it.

We have experienced it.

A friend breaking a promise.

Parents not fulfilling their marriage vows.

Unfulfilled promises of love.

Even broken promises to ourselves.

And we are hurt.

And intentionally harden our hearts.

Never trusting again.

Sadly, we carry this sting of broken promises to our relationship with God.

Because someone was not faithful, we feel that God, too, will not fulfill His
promises to us.

Perhaps because we feel too sinful of receiving them… Too unworthy…

Or because we just don't want to trust again.

But, Friend, have hope!

Remember that our audacity to ask the Lord comes not from who we are but
from who He is.

We have a faithful God.

So, put away the suspicion that God's promises are not meant for you
because they are for every believing soul.

None are so sinful that they cannot find strength, purity, and righteousness
in Jesus.

Believe that are victorious because our God is faithful and a keeper of


Have you ever yearned for victory over your bad habits and attitudes?

Have you ever wished you had the power to break free from your besetting

Dear friend,

In our battle against sin, often the problem lies not on whether we know
what is right from wrong…

The truth is, in most circumstances, we already know what is right…

It's just that we don't have the power to do what is right.

But when we commune with God constantly, we can draw strength from

When it becomes our habit to talk with God, the power of the evil one is

…because Satan cannot abide near the person that comes close to God.
Friend, why not spend a portion of your time with God today and experience
that victory in Him?

Song 3: Elijah Rock

(Exit Singers)

Now, let us listen to a cello solo by Andrea Roschelle E. Rom.

Intermission Andrea Roschelle E. Rom

Cello Solo




Probably the hardest time to pamalandong is when we are faced with

daghang pagsulay.

And yet pagsulay is something that is common to all of us, perhaps in

different forms, nevertheless, they hurt the same:

• depression and anxiety

• the loss of someone or something precious
• financial problems
• family issues
Friend, if you have pagsulay karon, it is our prayer that we may find hope
from these testimonies and songs…

(Enter Female Singers)

(PLAY Video ate Precious)

Song 4: You Do Not Walk Alone

(Enter Male Singers)
(Video Blessie)

Song 5: You Raise Me Up

At this juncture, let us listen to an intermission number.

Intermission Sharmaine Pasague

Spoken Poetry

(Video Daniel Lui)

Song 6: Lupa
(Video te Noeme)

Song 7: Thank you for the Valleys

(Exit Singers)
Now, we will be hearing a violin solo from Loughvin Josh O. Campañero

Intermission Loughvin Josh O. Campañero

(Play Video in background) Violin Solo



For our final stop this afternoon, let us pamalandong on our pangandoys.

Every single one in this room has a pangandoy.

Pangandoy nga makahuman…

pangandoy nga makatrabaho…

pangandoy para sa kaugalingon…

ug pangandoy para sa pamilya…

Ikaw, what's your pangandoy?

What is the desire of your heart today?

Because the future is uncertain, our hearts are often filled with anxiety as we
anticipate what's ahead.

We should remember that we have a GOD who listens to our pangandoys.

And however silent and personal our pangandoys are, He knows them and
loves to grant them to us.
When tempted to doubt, we must remember that it is not the capabilities we
now possess or ever will have that will give us success of the future.

It is that which the Lord can do for us.

We need to have far less confidence in what man can do and far more
confidence in what God can do for every believing soul.

God wants us to reach after Him by faith.

He longs to have us expect great things from Him.

And, when we surrender our lives to Him, He will give us the desires of His
heart, according to His will.


Didn't God invite us to take every trial and perplexity to him?

Has He not invited us to come to Him?

Then, let us make the word of God our assurance.

And never allow ourselves to talk in a hopeless, discouraged way.

Nothing wounds the soul like the sharp doubts of unbelief.

When we do, we lost much.

Let us talk and act as if our faith was invincible.

The Lord is rich in resources; He owns the world.

Look heavenward in faith.

Let us not make ourselves miserable over tomorrow's burdens.

And just bravely and cheerfully carry the burdens of today.

We were never asked to live more than a day at a time.

He who gives strength for today will give strength for tomorrow.

Remember that underneath you are the everlasting arms.

“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him.”

He is guiding you into a harbor of gracious experience, and he bids you.

“Be still, and know that I am God.”


Closing Stament Jibe Labenz Nebato

FINALE He Loved Me
CLOSING PRAYER Pastor Joseph Mendez

Once again, thank you for coming everyone. We hope you were refreshed
and blessed by the songs and messages we have heard this afternoon.
Can we kindly invite everyone to join the singers on stage for our group


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