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Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Table of Contents Fahrenheit 451 Essay .............................................................................................................4 Introduction............................................................................................................................5 Support paragraph..................................................................................................................6 Second support.......................................................................................................................7 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................8

Outline I. Introduction II. Body sentence III. Second body sentence IV. Conclusion

Yazed Ayesh Dr. Heil Fahrenheit 451 August 10, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 Essay Imagine a small-scale Utopia, where there is no struggle between social classes or large violence, in one messed-up place, like a confident rose surrounded by its abrasive thorns. This was somewhat achieved in the book Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury. The novel takes place in the futuristic U.S. where a dramatic social change took place. The main character Montag, who believes it is pleasure to burn, and lives with hi unloving wife, Mildred, discovers the truth about a forgotten knowledge: Books. Despite the dilemmas, anxiety, and pressures he faces, the book infers that the world has been restored back to where people are defined by their worldviews and knowledge. Even though Fahrenheit 451 seems gloomy, the oppressive and tyrannical government was able to create peace amongst he civil body by technology, education, and effective communication between the people and the government.
student 8/11/11 11:34 AM Comment: Why is the book called Fahrenheit 451?

The main and rather obvious way the government uses to impose peace and stability in the society was technology and people. The book portrays the success of the mysterious government in suppressing clashes of minorities and other people groups by fail-proof mechanical hound(s) with the ability to remember up to 10,000 scents. This technology was used to track down scholars or other intellectuals that may be capable in inciting a rebellion

against the government. Also, the government instilled fear into people by threatening the use of these mindless, mechanical juggernauts to hunt down and kill those who oppose them. Additionally, the staunch citizens, such as Mildred and her friends Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Phelps, take part in calling the ...Happiness Boys, the Dixie Duo... to incinerate the most feared weapon: the Book. For instance, we can see this take place when the old lady was reported by her own neighbor when she was discovered with the books. As soon as she was reported, the Firemen came in no time, and burned everything with the lady; this shows how significant and effective the government and their workers are to the society. With the help of advanced technology, righteous yet vegetated citizens, and most importantly the firemen, the government are able to prevent friction between different knowledge and thus creating peace and stability.
student 8/11/11 11:33 AM Comment: Who are the Dixie Duo?

People say the ignorance is bliss, and it may be true to the society in this book when people are educated with twisted facts during their young stages. Captain Beatty, Montags firefighting leader, says that, School is shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages, dropped... It is obvious that by not allowing the nurturing of young students minds of reasoning and knowledge, the government are able to manipulate the people from the young, so that they will be weapon-less when it comes to challenging their authority. Furthermore, when the people become adults, they would not be able to create friction between clashing views or racial discrimination because it has always been the books and other information sources that fuel us with thoughts and minds to express ones opinions. Moreover to the governments manipulation of people, they have also made books where they teach nothing, nothing, figments of imagination ... and create conflicting theories. Today, the books and expression of beliefs may just be hindrance to childrens fun and arguments of different view, they became

abominations and radioactive materials to the people in the novel. Because of the perpetuated disregard of knowledge and books by the ongoing generations, the people lead pointless, boring, and limited lives where their hardest annoyance is not being able to afford a fourth wall-T.V.

Last reason why the government seems to be successful was because of their effective communication. Little mosquito-delicate dancing hum in the air, the electrical pair of wasps play significant part in the communication. Not only did these modern-day iPod-like technologies, called sea-shells, kept people preoccupied, but also kept them from having idle time to reason and philosophize. Therefore, those music-players help prevent conflicting opinions rise and create disturbances between clashing beliefs. Everyone in every house in every street, open door or window and look for the fugitive on the count of 10...- this demonstrates how huge, wall-sized televisions are in effect of catching criminals or fugitives. The government conveys news relating to criminal matters directly through the sea-shells and the monstrous T.V.s. It would be very ignorant and somewhat stupid if a person decides to an enemy of the society or arson, in Montags case, because his or her name and information would be known by almost everyone within a second.

Even though Fahrenheit 451 overall portrays a alien planet, this book points out how Montag and other characters in the book lives in a riot-free, discrimination-free society or in other words, utopia. Whether it was by burning houses or rarely people, releasing vicious, mindless mechanical hounds, or simply brainwashing people from their young stages or adult stages through T.V.s and other programs, the society in the novel does not seem hectic as some modern countries with the revolution in the middle east. Furthermore, in the United States of the

novel, such pointless yet tranquil lifestyles of the people are established because of the sly, opaque government they have. Overall, Fahrenheit 451, depicts a society where the government plays an important role in fulfilling Thomas Moores ideal world, utopia, and even though the society may look like a watermelon, it is what is inside that really counts.

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