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Starter Unit

Basic Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Complete the sentences with the present simple 3 Put the words in the correct order to complete
form of the verbs in brackets. the sentences.
1 book / read / a / sometimes
I sometimes read a book .
2 volleyball / never / plays
James never plays volleyball .
3 tired / are / always
You are always tired .
4 school uniform / usually / wear
They usually wear school uniform .
5 letters / never / write
We never write letters .
6 magazines / reads / often
Conor often reads magazines .
1 I go (go) to school every day.
7 on Sunday / never / are / at school
2 Rick doesn′t hang (not hang) out with his
We are never at school on Sunday .
friends at the weekend.
3 My parents take (take) a lot of photos. 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in
4 Sarah studies (study) after school. the box.
5 Liam doesn′t go (not go) for a bike ride on chatting hanging listening making
Sunday mornings. taking waiting wearing
6 You download (download) a lot of songs.
1 We love taking photos.
7 We don′t have (not have) breakfast
in the kitchen. 2 I hate making cakes.
3 Will loves hanging out with his cousins.
2 Complete the present simple questions and
4 They don’t mind waiting for you.
short answers.
5 I hate wearing red clothes.
1 A Do you have (you / have)
breakfast in the kitchen? 6 Chris loves listening to music.

B Yes, I do . 7 Do you like chatting online?

2 A Does your brother like

(your brother / like) football?
5 Circle the correct options.
1 My laptop hasn’t / haven’t got a lot of memory.
B No, he doesn’t .
2 A Have you got / You’ve got a good laptop?
3 A Do Sally and Bethany listen B No, I ’m not / haven’t .
(Sally and Bethany / listen) to music
3 I don’t / haven’t got any money to buy a laptop.
on headphones?
4 The computer shop in the shopping centre
B No, they don’t .
has / have got very cheap laptops.
4 A Does your mum use
5 A Has / Is the shop got laptops for €200?
(your mum / use) a laptop at work?
B No, it has / hasn’t !
B Yes, she does .
6 They hasn’t / haven’t got any good laptops.
5 A Do your friends chat
(your friends / chat) online?
B No, they don’t .

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