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Untarget attacks – where a company or a ship system and data are one of many potential targets

Targeted attacks – where a company or a ship system and data are intended target


MALWARE – Malicious software which is designed to access or damage a computer without the
knowledge of the owner

PHISHING – Sending emails to a large number of potential targets asking for particular pieces of sensitive
or confidential information.

WATER HOLING – Establishing a fake website or compromising a genuine website to exploit visitors

SCANNING – Attacking large portions of the internet at random


SOCIAL ENGINEERING – A non-technical technique used by potential cyber attackers to manipulate

insiders individuals into breaking security procedures normally but not exclusively through interaction
via social media

BRUTE FORCE – An attack trying many passwords with the hope eventually guessing correctly.

DENIAL OF SERVICE (DoS) – Prevents legitimate and authorize users from accessing information usually
by flooding a network with data.

SPEAR-PHISHING – Like phising but the individuals targeted with personal email often containing
malicious software or links that automatically download malicious software.

SUBVERTING THE SUPPLY CHAIN – Attacking a company or ship by compromising equipment software or
supporting services being delivered to the company ship.



sources are used to gain information about a company ship or seafarer in preparation for a cyber attack.

DELIVERY – Attackers msy sttempt to access the companys and ship system and data this may be done
from either within the company or ship or remotely trough connectivity with the internet.

BREACH – The extent to which an attacker can breach a companys or ships system will depend on the
significance of the vulnerability found by an attacker and the method chosen to deliver an attack.

PIVOT – Pivoting is the techniques of using an instance already exploited to be able to move and
perform other activities

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