Lesson Plan 1

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LESSON PLAN School Name Subject Grade/Semester Meeting Schedules Time Allocation Competency Standard Basic Competency Performance

Indicators No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. : SMK Negeri 1 Rangkasbitung : English : X/1 : 1st : 2 x 30 menit : COMMUNICATING IN ENGLISH AT NOVICE LEVEL :Understanding basic expression used in daily social interactions. :

Indicators Responding to introduction expressions used in a daily life interaction Performing simple introductions in a daily life situation Pronouncing short and long vowels involved in introduction expressions Comprehending passage involving business introductions Writing simple paragraph involving introduction. Showing communicative attitude.

I. TEACHING LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of learning process, students are able to: Knowledge 1. Identify the useful expressions using in the introductions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Skill Respond to introductions expressions Perform simple introductions Compose certain sentences Compose a certain dialog Act out the dialog in front of the class. 1. 2. 3. 4. Attitude Be a polite people Be a familiar people Be a confident people Be a fluent speaker.

II. TEACHING LEARNING MATERIALS 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. A. Introductions Audio Lingual Method (ALM) Grammar Translation Method (GTM) Communicative Method (CM) Community Language Learning Method (CLLM) Opening/Warming up Greetings, praying, checking students attendance, asking students conditions, and telling the teaching-learning objectives. ( 10 minutes ) S, L III.TEACHING LEARNING METHODS


B. No 1. 2. 3. 4.

Main Activities (40 minutes-L, W, S) Teachers activities Describes the useful expressions using in introductions; Pronounces all the expressions; Asks students to pronounce the expressions one by one; Gives a task; a. completing sentences, b. completing dialog, c. make a dialog. Checks students jobs; No 1. 2. 3. 4. Students activities Write down all the introductions expression on their note book; Repeat teachers sound; Pronounces all the expression one by one aloud; Do the task by a group of four;

5. 6. 7.


Reminds the dialog has been done; Acts out their dialog group by group

Asks the students to act out their dialog. 6. Gives score for students performances. Closing/Summing up

C. minutes) L V.

Makes a conclusion of the topic and gives some home works. ( 10

TEACHING LEARNING AIDS/MEDIA AND RESOURCES A. Aids/Media 1. Dialog Sheet. ( available ) 2. Hand outs. ( available) 3. Students Job sheet ( available ) B. Resources 1. English in progress by Drs. Munash Fauzie Anwar dan Eko Masudiono, S.Pd. (Yudistira Dunia Buku Sekolah, Publisher)

VI. ASSESSMENT/SCORING A. Writing Test ( completing sentences or dialogs ) B. Speaking Test ( dialog acting out ) A. No 1. 2. 3. Marking rules: 1. Accuracy = 80 % 2. Clearness = 20 % 3. Total = 100 % Notes is filled with C for Competent (total score 70), or NC for Not Competent (total score < 70). Assessment Form for Writing Test (Completing sentences or dialog) Name Aspects of Assessment Accuracy Clearness Total Notes


Assessment Form for Speaking Test (Dialog Acting Out) Scoring Aspects Accuracy Pron. Into. Express. (20) (20) (20) Competent/ Not Competent

No. 1. 2. 3. Notes:

Students Name

Fluency (40)

Total (100)

A. Fluency: Speaking fluency and choosing words accuracy. 40 [ Very good ] = Fluent and accurate 30 [ Good ] = Not too fluent but accurate in choosing words 20 [ Fair ] = Not fluent but accurate in choosing words 10 [ Poor ] = Not fluent and not accurate in choosing words. B. Accuracy: Pronunciation, Intonation, dan Grammar 20 [ Very good ] = Clear pronunciation, accurate intonation and expression 15 [ Good ] = Pronunciation is not too clear, intonation and expression are not too accurate but meaning is still able to be understood 10 [ Fair ] = Pronunciation is not clear, intonation and expression are not accurate but meaning is still able to be understood 5 [ Poor ] = Pronunciation is not clear, intonation and expression are not accurate so meaning cant be understood. Notes is filled with C for Competent (total score 70), or NC for Not Competent (total score < 70). Rangkasbitung, July 28, 2011 Advisor, Composed by: Practicant ,

Ahmad Yusup, S.Pd. NIP 197306051995031001 Approved by: Head Master,

Rifky Sucipta Soemodilogo

H. Sukatmana, M.Si. NIP 195901111981031010

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