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1. Extreme Archaea inhabit (?) environment

2. Bacteria Prokaryotic
Divides via binary fission

3. Polysaccharides (peptidoglycan) Bacterial cell walls are composed


4. Cocci Spherical, round

5. Bacillus Rod shaped

6. Spiralis Twisted

7. Spirilla Twisted-stiff

8. MMR-VAPSY Vaccines with Live-attenuated mi-

• MMR • Varicella • Adenovirus • Po- croorganisms
lio virus (SABIN) • Small Pox • Yellow

9. Spirochete Twisted-flexible

10. Vibrio Curved rods

11. Pleomorphic No definite shape

12. Single Cocci single

13. Diplococci Cocci by pairs

14. Strepto Cocci chains

15. Tetrads Cocci by 4

16. Sarcinae Cocci by 8

17. Staphylo "grape-like" Cocci cluster

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18. Glycocalyces "sugar cup"
Gelatinous, sticky substance

19. Biofilms Complexes communities of mi-


20. Capsule Firmly attached to the cell surface

Fxn: protection against phagocyto-

21. Slime layer "Slips away", water-soluble, vis-

Fxn: attachment/adherence

22. Bacterial cell envelope "Wrappers"

Surrounds the cell cytoplasm

23. Cell wall Surrounds the cell like a webbed

bag; composed of peptidoglycan

24. Murein Peptidoglycan aka

25. NAG, NAM Alternating sugars

26. Gram positive bacteria Peptidoglycan: thick

Teichoic acid: alcohol + PO4

27. Lipopolysaccharide layer Outer membrane of gram negative

Porins bacteria

28. Lipid A/ endotoxin/ lipid portion Lipopolysaccharide layer aka

29. Fever, hypotension Gram negative bacteria causes

30. Porins Acts as channels

31. Antimicrobial resistance (-) synthesis of protein channels

32. Fimbrae "Porcupine" "spiky hair"

33. Pilin Protein of pili

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34. H antigen Flagella contains

35. Monotrichous Flagellum at one side

36. Lophotrichous Tuft of flagella at one side

37. Peritrichous Flagella covers the entire surface

of the cell

38. Amphitrichous Flagella at both poles of the cell

39. Endotrichous flagella at both ends that spiral

tightly around the cell

40. Cytoplasm Semitransparent, fluid, elastic and


41. Metachromic granules Volutin

42. Factors Plasmids aka

43. F plasmid Produce pili

44. R plasmid Antibiotic resistance

45. V plasmid Virulence -> disease

46. Transposons Jumping genes; ability to move or


47. R factors Contains transposon

48. Endospores Stable resting stages that barely


49. Endospore Endospore staining green

50. Vegetative cell Endospore staining red

51. Bacterial growth

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An increase in the number of cells

52. Generation time The time required for a bacterial

cell to grow and divide

53. Lag phase Adjusting -> new environment

Synthesizing enzymes - nutrients
X division

54. Log phase Logarithmic/ exponential phase

Rapid chromosome replication

55. Stationary phase New cells = dying cells

56. Death phase Aka decline phase

# dying > new

57. Obligate anaerobes Die in the presence of oxygen

58. Obligate aerobes Require oxygen to live

59. Facultative anaerobes Prefer oxygen rich conditions

Absence of oxygen: able to contin-
ue growth

60. Aerotolerant anaerobes Insensitive to the presence of oxy-


61. Aerobic Oxygen conc lower than the air

62. Capnophiles Low in oxygen; rich in carbon diox-


63. Autotrophs Inorganic carbon

64. Heterotrophs Reduced organic molecules

65. Chemotrophs Redox

66. Phototrophs Light

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67. Photoautotrophs Inorganic; light

68. Chemoautotrophs Inorganic; redox

69. Photoheterotrophs Organic; light

70. Chemoheterotrophs Organic; redox

71. Organotrophs Heterotrophs- acquire electrons

from organic molecules

72. Lithotrophs Autotrophs- acquire electrons or

hydrogen atoms from inorganic

73. Enriched media Provides nutrients and environ-

mental conditions that favor the
growth of a particular microbe but
not others

74. Novel nutrients RBC

Albumin egg

75. Selective media Designed to suppress the growth

of unwanted bacteria encourage
the growth of the desired microbes

76. Saboraud dextrose agar Media for fungi

77. Differential medium Chemicals to indicate which

species possess and which lack a
particular biochemical proceed

78. 10% Salt tolerance of staphylococcus

79. Staphylococcus aureus Most virulent staph

80. Staph saprophyticus

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Causative for UTI in young female
sexually active

81. S.epidermidis Artificial heart valves

Prosthetic joints
Causes endocarditis

82. Listeria Bacteria with Internalin

83. John Needham Abiogenesis theory

84. Francesco Redi Biogenesis theory

85. Benjamin Martin Germ Theory

86. M. Leprae Bacteria not grown in pure culture

87. Syphilis Hard chancre

88. H. Ducreyi Soft chancre

89. Incubation - Prodrome - Acme - De- Stages of infectious disease

cline - recovery

90. Palawan Malaria endemic in

91. Samar, leyte Schistosomiasis: endemic in

92. Mindoro Filariasis: endemic in

93. Semmelweis Handwashing proponent

94. B. subtilis Bacterial indicator: Oven

95. B.stearothermophilus Bacterial indicator: Autoclave

96. Fungi Resistant to osmotic pressure

97. Halogen - Phenol - Surfactant Chemicals that cause membrance

disruption (HPS)

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98. Alcohol/Aldehydes - Ethylene Oxide - Chemicals that cause Protein de-
Heavy Metals/Halogen - OA - Quater- naturation (AEHeOQ)
nary amines

99. 6 months (except oral vaccines) Live attenuated is not given less
measles vaccine than how many months

100. HiB - Hepa B - DPT Pentavalent Vaccine

101. Rotavirus vaccine (greater than 10 Intussusception

months/1 year)

102. Measles Vaccine at 9 months

103. MMR Vaccine at 12 months

104. Corynebacterium diptheriae Bacteria with inclusion bodies (en-

ergy reserves)

105. Mycoplasma Does not require sterol in cell

membrane and no cell wall

106. Kapsule K-antigen

107. Gram (+) Thin peptidoglycan layer

108. Gram (-) Somatic O antigen

109. Gram (-) With techoic acid

110. Gram (-); this contains enzymes Periplasmic space

111. Corynebacterium diptheriae Pallisade arrangement

112. Transduction Phage mediated gene transfer

113. Conjugation Sex pili mediate gene transfer

114. Transformation Direct DNA gene transfer

115. Yersinia pestis Protoplasmic projections

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116. Shigelle sp. Pseudopods

117. Legionella spp. Coiling phagocytosis

118. Staphylococcus Catalase (+)

119. Staphyloccocus aureus Coagulase (+)

120. Protein A - Teichoic acid - Capsules Antigenic structures of S. aureus


121. S. epidermidis Susceptible to novobiocin

122. S. saprophyticus Resistant to novobiocin

123. S. epidermidis Bacterial endocarditis with artificial

heart valves

124. S. saprophyticus UTI in young women

125. Viridans strep - Streptococcus pneu- Alpha hemolytic streptococci


126. Strep pyogenes - Strep agalactiae Beta hemolytic streptococci

127. Strep. Pyogenes Protein M

128. S. pyogenes Scarlet fever

129. S. pyogenes Rheumatic fever

130. S. agalactiae Sepsis and meningitis in neonates

thru birth canal

131. Group D Strep and Enterococcus Grow in 40% bile

132. S. pneumoniae Lancet shaped diplococci

133. S. pneumoniae Most common cause of CAP

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134. S. pneumoniae Most common cause of otitis me-

135. S. pneumoniae Positive Quellung reaction

136. H. influenzae Most common cause of meningitis

in 5 months - 5 year old

137. H. influenza 2nd most common cause of otitis


138. H. influenzae and parainfluenzae Chocolate agar plate

139. H. aegyptius Koch week's bacillus

140. H. aegyptius Brazillian purpuric fever

141. H. parainfluenzae Bacterial endocarditis after oral


142. Modified bordet gengou agar Culture media: Bordatella

143. Bordatella pertusis Whooping cough

144. Brucella abortus A antigen

145. Brucella mellitensis M antigen

146. Brucellosis Gastric remittant fever

147. Brucellosis Undulating fever

148. Tularemia Rabbit fever/Deerfly fever

149. N. gonorrheae Kidney shaped diplococci

150. N. gonorrheae (with catalase and per- Found in polymorphonuclear cell


151. N. gonorrheae Only piliated bacteria that appears

to be virulent
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152. N. gonorrheae and N. meningitidis IgA protease

153. N. gonorrheae Post gonococcal urethritis

154. N. gonorrheae Pelvic inflammatory disease

155. N. gonorrheae Arthritis Dermatitis syndrom

156. N. meningitidis Petechiae

157. Chlamydiae spp. With unusual cylindrical projec-


158. Reticulate Metabolically active state of


159. Elementary Infectious stage of Chlamydia

160. Chlamydia trachomatis Lymphogranuloma venereum

161. Chlamydia trachomatis Inclusion conjunctivitis

162. Psitacosis (Bird to human transmis- Lead to non discreet respiratory

sion) syndrom

163. Mycoplasma Most common cause of Atypical


164. Strep. Pneumoniae Most common cause of typical


165. Chlamydia pneumoniae (Human to Taiwan Acute Respiratory Syn-

Human transmission only) drome

166. Somatic O polysacharride - Antigen H Gram (-) bacilli 3 majorg groups of

- Antigen K antigen

167. Gram (-) bacilli Exhibits antigenic phase variation

168. Lactose Fermenters

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E.coli - Klebsiella - Enterobacteria -

169. Salmonella - Yersinia Non-Lactose Fermenters Shigella

170. Yersinia spp. (increase cGMP) Heat stable toxin is associated with

171. Cholera (increase cAMP) Heat labile toxin is associated with

172. Taveller's diarrhea ETEC (Cholera like)

173. Identical to shigellosis EIEC

174. EAEC Persistent infant diarrhea

175. EPEC Infant diarrhea

176. EHEC (with cytotoxic verotoxin) (Shi- Associated with shiga-like toxin
ga-like toxin)

177. EHEC - Shigellosis - V.parahemolyti- Associated with bloody diarrhea

cus - C.jejuni

178. Cholera Rice watery diarrhea

179. Chloramphenicol DOC for typhoid fever

180. Typhoid fever Characteristic rose spots in abdo-

ment and chest area

181. Enterocolitis Most common manifestation of

Salmonella typhimurium infections

182. Klebsiella pneumoniae Friedlander's bacillus

183. ricketssial infections Used in Weil-felix test Proteus

184. V. cholerae Yellow colonies in TBCS

185. V. parahemolyticus Green colonies in TBCS

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186. V. vulnificus Blue colonies in TBCS

187. V. parahemolyticus Gram (-) bacilli from raw fish and


188. V. vulnificus Gram (-) bacilli from oysters

189. V. cholerae Comma shaped bacteria

190. Tetracyclines Drug for V. cholerae

191. Campylobacter Gull wing shaped bacteria

192. Campylobacter jejuni (Ascending Guillain Barre Syndrome


193. Campylobacter - H.pylori Grown in Skirrow's Rose medium

194. H. pylori Spiral shaped bacteria

195. Urease H.pylori contains this enzyme

196. Metronidazole - Bismuth subsalicylate Triple therapy

- Amoxicillin - Tetracycline

197. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Associated with pyocyanin

198. Exotoxin A Major virulence factor of P. aerugi-


199. Endocarditis Most common complication of P.


200. Calymatobacterium granulomatis Donovanosis

201. Yersinia pestis Bubonic plague

202. Y. enterocolitica Heat stable toxin associated

Yersinia sp.

203. Septicimic Plague Black death

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204. Clostridium spp. Swollen sporandium

205. Gardnerella vaginalis Positive clue cells

206. Clostridium perfringens Nagler Reaction

207. C. perfringens Most aggressive clostridium sp.

208. Foul smelling discharges (with gas Most characteristic manifestation

gangrene) of C.perfringens infection

209. Alpha toxin and Lecithinase C Type A C. perfringens is associated

with what toxins

210. GI malignancy Clostridial septicemia is associat-

ed with

211. Clostridium difficile Pseudomembranous colitis

212. Vancomycin and Metronidazole Drug for pseudomembranous coli-


213. Sardonic smile - Opisthotonos - Spas- Tetanus manifestation

tic paralysis

214. Diaphragm muscle paralysis Common cause of death with

Tetanus neonotorum

215. Botulinum toxin Prevents docking of Ach vesicles to


216. Botulinum toxin (contaminated hon- Floppy baby


217. Bacillus cereus From reheated rice

218. Bacillus anthracis and Rickettsia Eschar formation

219. Corynebacterium diptheriae Loeffler's agar with Babes ernst

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220. Corynebacterium diptheriae Club shaped bacteria

221. Corynebacterium diptheriae Gray colonies in blood agar

222. Corynebacterium diptheriae Brown black colonies with halo in


223. Corynebacterium diptheriae - Listeria ELEK test/Immunodiffusion test


224. Diptheria El Garatilo

225. Corynebacterium diptheriae Associated with toxic fragment A

226. Corynebacterium diptheriae Bullneck appearance

227. Listeria monocytogenes Mueller agar - Small round


228. Listeria monocytogenes CAMP test: Block shaped hemoly-


229. GABHS CAMP test: Arrow hemolysis

230. Listeria monocytogenes Neonatal sepsis and meningitis

(street food)

231. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Whale finger or Seal Finger

232. Nocardia asteroides Acid fast actinomycetes

233. Actinomadura madurae False mycetoma "Madura Foo"

234. Pneumonia like Nocardiosis is manifested as

235. Listeria monocytogenes Umbrella motility

236. Bejel Endemic syphilis

237. Yaws T. pallidum spp pertenue

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238. Pinta T. carateum (hypopigmented ar-


239. T. pallidum Causes a granulomatous re-


240. T. pallidum (Secondary syphilis) Condylomata lata

241. Hard chancre Primary syphilis

242. HPV Condylomata acuminata

243. Congenital syphilis Hutchinson's teetch

244. B. burgdorferi Erythema chronicum migrans

245. B. recurrentis Relapsing fever

246. B. recurrentis Tick fever

247. B. recurrentis Famine fever

248. VDRL and Rapid plasma reagin Screening test for non-treponemal

249. Fluorescent treponemal antibody ab- Screening test for treponemal dis-
sorption - Microhemagglutination ease

250. Leptospira interrogans Most readily culturable spirochete

251. Lepstospirosis (Icteric phase) Weil's syndrome

252. Carbol fuchsin - H20 - Alcohol - Meth- Acid fast staing (process)
ylene blue

253. Mycolic acid - Sulfatides - Trehalose M. tuberculosis virulence factors


254. Trehalose dimycolate (prevent chemo- Cord factor

taxis, fusion, digestion)
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255. Sulfatides Prevent phagosom lysosome fu-


256. Mycolic acid Resist phagocyte digestion

257. M. tuberculosis Caseation necrosis

258. M. tuberculosis Associated with GHON complex

259. M. tuberculosis (extrapulmonary) Pott's disease

260. Cachexia (with M.tb) Wasting disease

261. Lowenstein-Jansen Medium Culture media: M tuberculosis

262. M. tuberculosis Mantoux skin test

263. M. leprae Hansen's disease

264. M. leprae (tuberculoid type) - Pau- Positive for lepromin


265. M. leprae (non tuberculoid type) - Negative for lepromin


266. M. avium Most common bacterial oppor-

tunistic infection in AIDS patient

267. Legionella pneumophila Buffered charcoal yeast extract

agar with alpha ketoglutarate

268. Legionella pneumophila Pontiac Fever

269. Mycoplasma pneumoniae Smallest prokaryote capable of

self replication

270. Mycoplasma pneumoniae Beef heart - horse serum - nucleic


271. Mycoplasma pneumoniae Fried egg appearance

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272. Mycoplasma pneumoniae Cause cessation of cilliary move-


273. Body louse Vector of B. recurrentis

274. Ricketssia typhi (vector: flea) Endemic typhus

275. Ricketssia prowazeki (vector: Louse) Epidemic typhus

276. Ricketssia prowazeki Brill-zinsser disease

277. R. tsutsugamushi (Mite vector) Scrub typhus

278. Coxiella burnetti Q-fever

279. R. akari Ricketssial pox

280. R. ricketsii Rocky mountain spotted fever

281. Ehrlichia and Chlamydia Obligate intracellular parasite

282. Ehrilichia (vector: ticks) Morulae

283. • Rabies • Influenza • Polio (SALK) • Vaccines with Killed microorgan-

Pertussis • Hepa A isms (RIPPHa)

284. Amoeba Metronidazole is used for


285. Sporotrichosis Rose gardener's disease

286. Chromomycosis Copper pennies

287. Rhinosporidiosis Polyploid masses

288. Blastomycosis Gil christ's disease

North American blastomycosis

289. Paracoccidiodomycosis
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Mariner's Wheel
South American blastomycosis

290. Coccidiodes imitis San Joaquin valley fever

291. Histoplasma capsulatum var. duboisii African histoplasmosis

292. Candidiasis Germ tube test

293. Cryptococcus; pigeon droppings; Di- European blastomycosis

agnosis: India ink

294. PiCoTCaFlaRe Positive Sense RNA Virus

1. Picornaviridae
2. Coronaviridae
3. Togaviridae
4. Caliciviridae
5. Flaviviridae
6. Retroviridae Reoviridae

295. Par FABOR Negative Sense RNA Virus

1. Paramyxoviridae
2. Filoviridae
3. Arenaviridae
4. Bunyaviridae
5. Orthomyxoviridae
6. Rhabdoviridae

296. Herpes Virus 3 Varicella Zoster Virus

297. Herpes Virus 4 Eptein Barr Virus

298. Herpes Virus 5 Cytomegalovirus

299. Herpes Virus 6/7 Roseolovirus

300. Herpes Virus 8 Kaposi's Sarcoma

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