Unit 7 Reading For Pleasure Theme - Learners Read Non-Fiction Books in Kazakh, English, Russian Languages 6grade

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Lesson Plan 21

Theme of the lesson:.

Unit:7 Reading for Pleasure
Teacher’s name:
Grade: 6 Number present: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian
Learning objectives(s) that develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
this lesson is contributing to: writing understand independently specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: determine the meaning of the given text
and define items
Most learners will be able to: define the characteristics of the each
paragraph correctly
Some learners will be able to: analyze the differences of the topics
Assessment criteria -match the descriptions to the pictures correctly
-read the text accurately
Value links Ss will respect each other during the lesson without interrupting each
other while somebody expressing thoughts or opinions.
Cross curricular links Literature
ICT skills PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard
Previous learning Ss know the formulation of the adjective and name of the stories.
Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources
Beginning Organization moment : Ss read the quotation and Feedback : Whiteboard
of the lesson 1.Greeting. discuss the meaning of To motivate
Warming-up 2. Organization moment. the quotation and define and interest Ss
5 мин. Teacher says Ss pay the adjective. Teacher
attention to the sentence. chooses the
The wise, handsome owl The aim: improve the method “The
had orange eyes. grammar literacy and Praise”.
Can you find me an usage of grammar
adjective? correctly.
The wise and handsome Efficiency: learn to
are adjectives telling us define the correct and
more about noun owl. incorrect items.
The orange is an adjective
telling us more about noun
Pre- What do we call a person Ss answer the questions Descriptor: Excel 6.
learning who … and define the people -read the Workbook.
Individual 1) Does bad things to characteristics. sentences Page 52 Ex. 1
work. other people? Aim: employ the -define b.
5 min. 2)Is kind and helps other grammar materials characteristics PPP-3
“Reading” people? correctly to construct 1 point.
3)Is not afraid to do the sentences. Feedback
right thing even when Efficiency: ensure the with the
it is dangerous? grammar rules to learn method: “The
4)Always tell the truth? usage in sentences and Praise”.
5)Always wants more? everyday conversation. “You are
Choose from the list: Differentiation: right”
caring, greedy, brave, evil, Teacher for less able Ss “Great!”
honest. explain the sentences “Good”.
Less able Ss read the
sentences, more able Ss
define and say to the
Middle of Match the descriptions to Ss read the descriptions Descriptor; Excel 6.
the lesson the pictures. Which of the and match with pictures. -read the Student’s
Individual characters in the pictures descriptions book.
work. are heroes/heroines and Aim: understand the -match with Page 77 Ex. 1
“Vocabulary which are villains? description and learn to pictures. c.
description” 1) Forced to work as a define descriptions. 1 point. PPP-4
8 min servant in her own house Efficiency: improve “The Praise”.
by her evil stepmother, thinking skills and “You are
will this beautiful, kind practice the predicting of right”
girl finally get a chance topical words. “Great!”
of happiness? Differentiation: This “Good”.
2) Growing up on the task differentiated by the
streets with no money, outcomes of the Ss. More
this poor, brave and kind able Ss finish their work
young man’s life before the time limit.
changes when he helps
the wicked and greedy
advisor of the king to
find a lamp. How will
this lamp change his
3) After escaping from
miserable workhouse,
this young, honest and
caring boy lives in the
streets with other
children. The cruel man
he meets will make his
life even more difficult.
Individual Look at the adjectives in Ss read the adjectives in Feedback: Excel 6.
work. bold. Which of the the bold and check the “Thumbs up, Student’s
“Concept adjectives are positive? translation using thumbs book.
checking” Negative? Check in your dictionary. down” Page 77 Ex. 2
dictionary. Aim:  remember the After correct
8 min. meaning of the topical translation
word’, description teacher shows
correctly. thumbs up, if
Efficiency: improve there are some
vocabulary and mistakes
memorize the spelling of thumbs down
new words. with
Individual Label the pictures. Use Ss looking at the picture Feedback Workbook
work. these words: scarecrow content label the words. with the Excel,6.
“Listening” Forest Aim: develop critical method: “The page 52
4 min Axe thinking skills and learn Praise”. Ex. 2
Brick to be attentive. “You are
Field Efficiency: add new right” PPP-5
Teacher allows Ss to use words to the vocabulary “Great!”
dictionary to improve speaking “Good”.
Individual Match the adjectives to Ss listen and fill the gaps Feedback Workbook
work. opposites. through listening the with the Excel,6.
“Matching” 1) Real a. near conversation. method: “The page 51
4 min 2) Beautiful b. safe Aim: develop writing Praise”. Ex. 3 a.
3) Far c. ugly skills and use the topical “You are
4) Dangerous d. quiet words to reflect the right” PPP-6
5) Loud e. fake lesson. “Great!”
Efficiency: practice to “Good”.
write postcard and know
the structure.
End of the Use the words from the Ss complete the Feedback: Whiteboard
lesson. first column in Ex 3 a. to sentences with the “Two stars, a Workbook
complete the sentences. appropriate adjectives. wish” Excel,6.
1.They must be careful Aim: reflect the Well done, page 52
Individual because the journey is very knowledge at the end of you complete Ex. 3 b
work: ……… the lesson and analyze the sentences
2 min. 2. It was a ………….day; the adjective. correctly and
it was warm and sunny. Efficiency: revise the can use PPP-7
3. My house is very … lesson to build correct adjective,
away from the city. thoughts. practice the
4. Gulnaz’s brother is very spelling of
…; he’s always shouting. adjective
5. At first, Assel thought again.
the scarecrow was a ….
Additional information
DIFFERENTIATION – how do ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to Health and
you plan to give more support? check learners’ learning? safety rules
How do you plan to challenge the
more able learners?
During the lesson some tasks Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher Provide some
differentiated by outcomes of the summary provides support for progress and physical
students and by their abilities. achievement, and challenge to thinking and exercises for
All learners point the basic setting future objectives. learners
information of personal learning During the activity teacher after each right
objectives. answer gives feedback with the method: During
Most learners elaborate the most the activity teacher after each right answer gives
specific information on curricular feedback with the method: “The Praise”.
topics “You are right”
Some learners determine the “Great!”
correct answers of the basic “Good”.
questions clearly “Two stars, a wish”
Well done, you predict the lesson, but can’t
define, try to think deeply.
Tree of success
Green apple - I totally understand
Yellow apple - I understand the lesson but I
need some helps
Red apple- I don't understand
Were the lesson objectives/learning
objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation
work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class orachievements/difficulties of individuals that
will inform my next lesson?

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