Daliform Group Corporate Image

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Corporate Image

SWITCHBOARD Telephone 0422 2083

Fax 0422 800234

COMMERCIAL SECRETARY OFFICE NORTHERN ITALY Telephone Fax e-mail 0422 208312 0422 800234 info@daliform.com COMMERCIAL SECRETARY OFFICE CENTRAL/SOUTHERN ITALY Telephone Fax e-mail 0422 208316 0422 800234 servizio.clienti@daliform.com FOREIGN COMMERCIAL SECRETARY OFFICE Telephone Fax e-mail 0422 208311 0422 800234 export@daliform.com TECHNICAL SECRETARY OFFICE Telephone Fax 0422 208350 0422 800234

e-mail tecnico@daliform.com

Daliform Group srl was established in 2009 with the goal of inheriting the prestigious and exclusive patrimony of knowledge and skills from Daliform srl of Pordenone, which has been characterised since 1993 by its ability to create advanced construction products in recycled products in order to nally resolve the problem of rising humidity as well as the concentration of Radon gas emerging from the subsurface. This entrepreneurial initiative was initiated in the early 90's due to a law from the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (number 44 dated 23 August 1985) that, for the rst time in Italy, regulated in detail the obligation to use ventilated under-oor cavities due to the strong concentration of Radon gas in the region. In comparison to traditional implementations (low walls and hollow blocks or attic) Daliform srl proposed its own innovative and revolutionary system of IGLU formworks that was met with clamorous success in a short period of time.

Today, Daliform Group, is a leading company in creating and manufacturing plastic products for the construction industry. With its highly qualied team of engineers, the company continues being a breeding ground of widely successful innovations; innovations that have considerably improved construction methods over the past two decades with particular reference to ventilated under-oor cavities (IGLU and ATLANTIS, lightened bidirectional (U-BOOT BETON) and single-direction (U-BAHN BETON) slabs to vehicle accessible lawns (PRATOPRATICO, E.C.O. Pratopratico, Easy Park, Easy Ride). Daliform Group is always in the forefront, ready to enthusiastically take on tomorrow's challenges. Daliform Group's counterpart in the group is TPS (Plastic technologies and moulds), an industrial company with historical tradition and expertise in plastic materials, with specialisation in innovative sectors with high quality standards (automotive, aeronautic, etc).

The industrial group works in compliance with the strictest International Standards in terms of Quality UNI EN ISO 9001, Environment UNI EN ISO 14001, Safety BSI OHSAS 18001 and Social Responsibility SA 8000. Daliform Group products are produced in compliance with the highest quality standards and have numerous product certications and tests: BBA - Technical Approvals for Construction. Technical Construction Certicate issued by the Technical and Test Institute for Constructions Prague (Czech Republic). Technical Construction Certicate issued by the Agency for Quality Control and Innovation in Building (Hungary). Hygienic Certicate issued by the National Institute of Hygiene (Poland) Fire Resistance Certicate REI 180 for U-Boot Beton issued by the CSI institute in Bollate (MI). Certication of a Load Test on an Attic with U-Boot Beton issued by the University of Darmstadt. Acoustic check for the verication of DIN standards. Avis Technique issued by the French institute CSTB. Rupture load tests certied by the University of Padua.

Partner of GBC Italia.

Daliform Group, which is extremely precise with regard to respecting health and environment, rst obtained Environmental Compatibility Certication (CCA) for its products and became a member of the Green Building Council Italia.

Our dream is our work: offering innovative systems and excellent products for the construction industry. We want to help everyone working in construction to do it better, more efciently and more attractively, improving the quality of life.

The love for what we do, our respect for our customers, the valorisation of people, the passion for intense excellence intended as the love for quality, beauty and work done well. Search for growth, that lasts over time and respects the environment and sustainability.

We want to be the point of reference in the construction industry for those who design, distribute and construct. An innovative company that spreads a culture of excellence by offering the best products and best solutions for the environments in which we live, work and enjoy ourselves.

1) Customers (resellers, builders, users, designers, commissioning entities...) 2) Staff 3) Suppliers 4) Community 5) Company structure.

The company's productive centre is concentrated in the Gorgo plant in M.no TV and covers a surface area of 10,000 m2 with 13 modern production lines for the traditional injection moulding and air moulding of thermoplastics, with a variable tonnage between 190 t and 2800 t. The overall control is entrusted to one of the most modern and effective programming, scheduling and monitoring IT systems for the productive and logistic system in order to guarantee timely deliveries on a just in time basis. Our technical staff is highly specialised and our in-house staff is highly educated. Professional training is constantly followed with update courses.

Research & Development

All of the products from the Daliform Group are the result of research, intuition and eld experience. The skill and knowledge of our technical staff, which is constantly committed to searching for innovative ideas and solutions to offer the market has permitted the Daliform Group to develop products that have always successfully anticipated the evolving requirements of the construction market. Continuous research and technological innovation, in combination with the optimisation of the proposed solutions, lead to an appreciated partnership with our customers.

Sales organisation
An additional successful aspect of the Daliform Group is its customer orientation. Our tireless commitment is to satisfy in all ways those who placed their trust in the company, meeting their need in advance, supporting them in their growth and pursuit for success. All of this is possible thanks to a valuable sales team, a sales network consisting of qualied professionals who are experts in the problems and dynamics of the construction industry and able to offer with great reliability quick, effective and economic solutions.

Engineering service
The Daliform Group engineering service is available to our customers (designers, companies, resellers, commissioning entities) for planning, coplanning, feasibility studies, comparative and cost analyses. Dimensioning, issuing of tests and certications. Estimates, calculations and plans for placing our products. On site assistance.

Construction Division
Disposable formwork for ventilated under-oor cavities
Systems for the creation of ventilated, monolithic foundations. (IGLU, ATLANTIS and ATLANTIS 100%)

Disposable formworks for lightened structures in reinforced concrete cast on site

Systems for lightening slabs and rafts in reinforced concrete cast on site, single-direction and bidirectional for large clearances. (U-BAHN BETON and U-BOOT BETON)

Water Division
Disposable formworks for water collection and/or dispersion tanks.
Systems for creating rain water collection tanks, dispersion and greenhouse tanks for recycling water and more in general: the creation of systems that can restore draining properties to the ground that is eliminated by cement, without any visual or environmental impact. (ATLANTIS SYSTEM and ATLANTIS 100%)

Green Division
Grid for vehicle accessible ooring and foundation consolidation.
Products for creating green or gravel surfaces that can be accessed by vehicles. Permanent and/or semipermanent systems for vehicle accessible/pedestrian surfaces with a natural nish. Products for stabilising equestrian foundations. System for containing slopes against erosion. (PRATOPRATICO, E.C.O. Pratopratico, EASY PARK, EASY RIDE)

Environment Division
Composting and air diffusion/deodorising system.
Systems for creating self-bearing perforated oors for the distribution and diffusion of air in composting, waste stabilisation and bioltration systems. (EOLO)

Tel. +39 0422 2083 - Fax +39 0422 800234 info@daliform.com - www.daliform.com Via Serenissima, 30 - 31040 Gorgo al Monticano (TV) - Italy

Partner of GBC Italia.

DG_CI_EN - Rev. 01/03-11

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