Slab400 2

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Constant Parameter

effective depth of slab. = 27 cm.

fy = 4000 ksc
fc' = 280 ksc

One-way Shear checking

Max shear force ( factored load) = 4.22x40x100 = 16,880.0 kg.
effective depth of slab. = 35.0 cm.
The allowable = ɸ 0.53 𝑓 𝑏𝑑, ( b = 100 cm.) = 23,280.1 kg/m.
Beam shear =< Allow Beam shear ? --> OK
; ø = 0.75

For slab 40 cm

Find bending moment along

(Bot- re-bar) Mx+ Ultimate Moment ( from diagram)-> = 2000.0 kg-m/m
Total depth = 40.0 cm.
b = width of slab = 100.0 cm.
covering = 4.0 cm.
effective depth of slab. = 33.8 cm.
Ru = Mu /( 0.9 x b x d ) = 1.95 ksc
ρ = [ (0.85 x fc' )/fy] x [ 1- (1-2R u/0.85fc') ] = 0.00049
As (temp) =0.0018 b h = 7.20 cm 2 / m
As (min1) =14 b d/ fy = 11.83 cm 2 / m
As (min2) = 0.8fc' b d = 11.31 cm 2 / m

As = ρ Bd = 2.20 cm 2 / m
Use Reinforce DB 12 @ 150 mm
(7.54 cm2 ) O.K!!!

(Top- re-bar) Mx- Find bending moment along

Ultimate Moment ( from diagram)-> = 880.0 kg-m/m
effective depth of slab. = 33.8 cm.
Ru = Mu /( 0.9 x b x d ) = 0.856 ksc
ρ = [ (0.85 x fc' )/fy] x [ 1- (1-2R u/0.85fc') ] = 0.00021
As (temp) =0.0018 b h = 7.2 cm 2 / m
As (min1) =14 b d/ fy = 11.83 cm 2 / m
As (min2) = 0.8fc'0.5 b d = 11.31 cm 2 / m
As = ρ Bd = 0.96 cm / m
Use Reinforce DB 12 @ 150 mm
(7.54 cm2 ) O.K!!!
Find bending moment along
(Bot- re-bar) My+ Ultimate Moment ( from diagram)-> = 14000 kg-m/m
Total depth = 40.0 cm.
b = width of slab = 100.0 cm.
covering = 4.0 cm.
effective depth of slab. = 35.2 cm.
Ru = Mu /( 0.9 x b x d ) = 12.555 ksc
ρ = [ (0.85 x fc' )/fy] x [ 1- (1-2R u/0.85fc') ] = 0.0032
As (temp) =0.0018 b h = 7.2 cm 2 / m
As (min1) =14 b d/ fy = 12.32 cm / m
As (min2) = 0.8fc'0.5 b d = 11.78 cm / m
As = ρ Bd = 15.10 cm / m
Use Reinforce DB 16 @ 200 mm
(10.05 cm2 Added!!
Reinforce ( Extra- rebar) req = 15.1-10.1 = 5.0 cm 2 / m
Use Reinforce ( extra- re bar) DB 16 @ 400 mm
(5.03 cm2 ) O.K!!!

Find bending moment along

Ultimate Moment ( from diagram)-> = 5000 kg-m/m
(Top- re-bar) My- effective depth of slab. = 35.2 cm.
Ru = Mu /( 0.9 x b x d ) = 4.484 ksc
ρ = [ (0.85 x fc' )/fy] x [ 1- (1-2R u/0.85fc') ] = 0.00113
As (temp) =0.0018 b h = 7.2 cm 2 / m
As (min1) =14 b d/ fy = 12.32 cm 2 / m
As (min2) = 0.8fc'0.5 b d = 11.78 cm 2 / m

As = ρ Bd = 5.30 cm 2 / m
Use Reinforce DB 16 @ 200.0 mm
(10.05 cm2 O.K!!!

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