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User networks provide valuable

guidance for outage planning

he first 10 to 15 years or so of and no meetings were held in 2001, the goal of revitalizing the group
a gas-turbine (GT) user group’s 2002, and 2003. as a self-funded organization. The
existence usually are focused But as the machines aged, new Frame 6 Users traditionally had been
on resolving outstanding issues problems/information needs emerged, supported by large industrial com-
with the “new” engine model. When rekindling interest in a user network. panies that owned and operated 6B
a proactive group of knowledgeable California-based user Foster Wheeler engines—such as Amoco Chemicals,
owner/operators sits across the table Martinez led the effort, sponsoring a ExxonMobil, BASF, Celanese, etc.
from the OEM’s engineers, divide- meeting in Las Vegas in 2004 with Participants at the 2004 meeting
and-conquer and other avoidance
tactics become ineffective; finding
solutions becomes everyone’s goal. 1. Save the dates: 2008 conference, June 9-12
Issues are identified and priori-

tized, and programs to resolve them he Frame 6 Users Group steering
are planned and implemented. Peri- committee announces that the
odic web-based conferences and face- organization’s 22nd anniversary
to-face meetings are conducted to meeting will be held June 9-12, 2008
keep customers apprised of progress at the South Shore Harbour Hotel &
and one-by-one the deficiencies are Conference Center in League City, Tex.
corrected. The popular resort is located about
If no new issues are identified dur- 25 miles south of Houston’s Hobby
ing the fleet’s first major inspections, Airport.
users generally can assume that the For general information on the user
engine model is truly “fit for duty” group, or for specific information on Flashberg Gillis
and standard O&M practices are upcoming conferences, visit www.
adequate to meet expectations. There Alternatively,
is no compelling reason to meet regu- contact the group’s conference coor-
larly with the OEM except to learn dinator, Wickey Elmo of Goose Creek
about upgrades to boost output, Systems Inc (704-753-5377, wick-
improve performance, reduce emis-, or a
sions, etc. member of the steering committee:
By this time, there’s sure to be a Co-chair Larry Flashberg (larry.flash-
cadre of qualified third-party vendors, senior
to provide inspections, overhauls, plant engineer, Saguaro Power Co.
repairs, maintenance, replacement Co-chair Jeff Gillis (william.j.gillis@ Berry Walker
parts, etc, at more competitive prices, senior staff engi-
than the engine manufacturer. Thus neer, ExxonMobil Chemical Co’s
the primary reason the user group Baytown Plant.
was formed no longer exists. Scott Berry (, plant
A user organization must evolve superintendent, Indiana Municipal
as the engine matures, the steer- Power Agency’s Anderson and
ing committee charged with iden- Richmond Stations.
tifying its new roles. The Frame 6 Brian Walker (,
group offers a good case study in this maintenance supervisor, Foster
regard. It met annually from 1986 Wheeler Martinez Inc.
through 2000, but interest waned Tim Elgin (, Elgin Moots
as early issues with the machine general manager, Pittsfield (Mass) Generating Co LP.
were resolved. Budget cuts adversely Sam Moots (, production manager, Colorado
impacted user support, as well as Energy Management.
participation by GE Energy, Atlanta,
2 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007



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responded positively and a steering 2. “Introduction and Operation clutch—such as its ability to enable a
committee was formed; Larry Flash- of Hydraulic Sequencing Valves GT restart while the unit is rotating
berg and Jeff Gillis were elected for GE Ratchet Gear Applications,” at 500 rpm or less. Then he focused
co-chairmen (Sidebar 1). To ensure conducted by Larry Mitter, VP engi- on how to retrofit an SSS clutch, now
success as a self-funded entity, the neering support services, Young & a standard component on the Frame
group brought Wickey Elmo onboard Franklin Inc, Liverpool, NY, with 6, when an existing jaw clutch no lon-
as conference coordinator. It was help from Andrew Stitler. It would ger satisfies a user’s needs.
a good decision. Annual meetings be difficult to believe that anyone 2. “Exhaust Plenum Replace-
each June typically attract 80 to knows more than Mitter on this sub- ment,” a three-part presentation by
100 owner/operators—about half ject. His resume reveals nearly four David Clarida, GE Energy, Atlanta,
employed by refineries and chemi- decades of relevant experience with and two users. One of the users
cal plants. the OEM’s GT product support group opted for a GE replacement ple-
The mission of the organization is and Y&F. num, the other for one supplied by
to provide members an open forum 3. “GT Control and Protection Sys- Braden Manufacturing LLC, Tulsa,
for dialog and exchange of informa- tems for the GE Frame 6,” conducted Okla. Clarida (,
tion to improve O&M practices relat- by Dave Lucier, Pond and Lucier 678-844-5031) reviewed the three
ed to the Frame 6B series of engines LLC, Clifton Park, NY. Lucier (dave@ generations of Frame 6B plenum
and to interface with the manu-, 518-371-1770), who assemblies offered over the years.
facturer regarding generic issues managed GE’s Field Engineering He focused on the advantages of the
emerging beyond the first, second, Development Center in the late most recent offering which incor-
and third majors. 1970s and early 1980s, provided a porates a floating liner and several
Content of the group’s 2007 meet- primer on fuel and inlet-guide-vane enhancements to the second-genera-
ing at the Windham Riverwalk control loops for the Mark IV and V tion design. The two users reviewed
Jacksonville, June 11-14, proved the control and protection systems. issues each had with the first-gen-
organization’s value to Frame 6 own- Two technology updates to help eration plenum design and their
ers. By show of hands at the open- enable better decision-making at the replacement/retrofit experiences.
ing bell, nearly half of the attendees outage planning stage:
were first-timers. Without this orga- 1. “Combustion Turbine Visual
nization, how would owners train NDE Practices Utilizing State-of-the-
User-only discussions
new hires and introduce them to a Art Borescope Technology,” by Prin- Before digging into details of the for-
network of like-minded plant O&M cipals Rod Shidler and Rick Ginder mal presentations, let’s review what
personnel always available to offer of Florida-based Advanced Turbine was on the minds of users in atten-
guidance, access to critical parts, etc, Support Inc. Shidler (ATSRodShi- dance. Open discussion sessions ded-
in an emergency?, 352-795-7050) and icated to the compressor, combustion
The conference was a classic infor- Ginder reviewed compressor issues system, turbine, engine auxiliaries,
mation resource for outage planning known to exist in the fleet, plus the generator, and instrumentation and
and management, as well as for day- in-situ nondestructive evaluation controls are particularly valuable in
to-day O&M activities. It included (NDE) techniques used to identify this regard.
valuable user-only open discussions problems before they result in collat- Such user-only discussions often
on each major engine component, eral damage. morph into self-help clinics. Del-
plus several presentations by indus- 2. “Gas Turbine Component egates learn first-hand problems
try experts, specifically: Repairs: Why Value Matters,” by encountered by other owner/opera-
Three “training seminars” of par- Doug Nagy, PE, manager of compo- tors who may need help in diagnosis
ticular value to users new nent repairs, Luburdi Tur- and in identifying a viable solution.
to the engine and a good bine Services Inc, Dundas, It’s rare that someone who needs
refresher for the others: Ont, Canada. Nagy (dnagy@ assistance does not get direction—
1. David Brumbaugh,, 905-869-0734), or an outright solution—from the
founder of DRB Indus- discussed the importance of group. Think of it as free consulting
tries LLC, Broken Arrow, factoring repair quality into by the industry’s top experts.
Okla, delivered his popu- vendor selection criteria. Where the issues presented have
lar “Introductory Short He suggested that the small been resolved, others in attendance
Course on Industrial Fil- premium paid for top-quality benefit from knowing what potential
ter Design and Appli- repairs typically offers the problems to look for, and where, upon
cations.” Brumbaugh benefit of lower life-cycle returning to their respective plants.
(dbrumbaugh@drbindus- Brumbaugh costs. Vital to the success of the open dis-, 918-286-7176) Two component upgrades cussions is the participation of “old
and brought along a van’s that users might consider timers” who have valuable experi-
worth of filter and media implementing during their ence to pass on to the “newcomers.”
samples, thereby enabling next outage: Such knowledge transfer is impor-
a live Show ’n Tell type 1. “Starting and Jaw- tant to avoid making past mistakes
of presentation that gave Clutch Design, Installation, over and over again. The Frame 6
attendees an opportunity Operation, and Retrofit,” by steering committee formally rec-
to “feel” what he was talk- Morgan Hendry, president, ognizes the contributions made by
ing about. For details, SSS Clutch Company Inc, veterans with its annual John F D
access www.combinedcy- New Castle, Del. Hendry Peterson Award, named in honor of Hendry (, the first recipient.
html, click “2Q/2007,” click 302-322-8080) began by dis- You don’t have to sit in a discus-
“501D5/D5A Users” on the cover, cussing the advantages in operating sion session for very long before you
scroll to subhead “Have filter, will flexibility offered by the synchro- see the tremendous value of having
travel.” nous self-shifting clutch over the jaw someone like Charlie Zirkelback,
4 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
InletFiltration_Ad_CCJ.qxd 3/2/07 9:09 AM Page 1


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the 2006 award recipient in the cycles, another third in cogen Compressor. First topic of discus-
room. There’s little about rotating applications. sion focused on inlet guide vanes
equipment that he didn’t witness n Fuel. Natural-gas only is most (IGVs). One user reminded the group
first-hand or hear about in 37 years common; about a dozen gas/oil; to watch for IGV rubs on the inner
of service at Union Carbide Corp. one each for oil only, hydrogen, barrel, this to prevent blade crack-
Zirkelback is now in private practice process off-gas. ing. Two others in attendance sug-
(Z-MechTech Inc, zirkelcm@cable- n Emissions control. About one gested the change-out of IGV actua-, 361-552-5252). third of the units have dry low- tors at every hot-gas-path inspection
Likewise, the 2007 recipient, Dr NOx (DLN) combustion systems, or major.
Roointon Pavri, is revered by users another third inject steam, about The successful bellmouth recoating
for his knowledge and technical a dozen inject water. case history presented last year came
leadership. Those who haven’t yet n Units installed. Most sites have up for discussion again. Newcomers
had the pleasure of working along- one Frame 6, about a dozen have were advised that you have to spend
side Pavri know he has to be special: two units, half a dozen have three; time at the repair facility during
When did you ever hear of a user one site has nine machines. critical steps in the process. Surface
group recognizing an OEM employee n Operating hours. Fleet leader has preparation is particularly important
with its highest honor? See Sidebar 2 more than 185,000 hours, three to success. Keep in mind that the
for details. units have passed 175,000, four coating selected determines the spe-
Demographic data. Flashberg and are beyond 150,000, about a half cifics of the surface-prep step. Also,
Gillis polled the users frequently dozen are between 100,000 and that you do not necessarily have to go
during the meeting to get some sense 150,000 hours, a dozen between to white metal to be successful.
of how units represented are oper- 50,000 and 100,000, approximate- Flashberg then reported that one
ated. Quick counts of raised hands ly a half dozen are under 50,000 “regular” at Frame 6 meetings was
certainly is not a scientific method of hours. not in attendance because he was
data gathering, but it is practical in a The OEM’s presenters offered “struggling” through a second major
meeting setting. Here is some of the that there are about 1050 Frame 6s on two engines. However, the dedi-
information collected from the nearly worldwide. Interestingly, the produc- cated user had just e-mailed notes on
70 participants: tion of 7F machines just passed the some findings he thought important
n Majority of units are in base-load 1000 mark and there are about 1100 to the group.
service; about a dozen peakers, 7EAs around the world. Only about Regarding the compressor section,
half that number operate inter- 15% of the Frame 6s are in the US he found damage in one unit caused
mittently. Approximately half of and the majority is equipped with by nuts, bolts, and bits of wire left
the Frame 6s serve in combined DLN-1 combustion systems. lodged between the frame and elbow

2. Peterson Award for 2007 goes to Dr Roointon Pavri

he John F D Peterson Award is presented annu- aerodynamic design of nozzles and buckets and then
ally by the Frame 6 Users Group in recognition of transferred into the product service organization.
extraordinary contributions to the organization and Pavri is considered an icon by many GE customers
to the gas-turbine-based sector of the electric power for his knowledge and technical leadership in resolv-
industry. Peterson, one of the founders of the group, ing complex GT application issues—in particular, those
was with BASF Corp, Geismar, La, before retiring several impacting engine performance and emissions. His work
months ago. spanned all GE frames from the 3 through the 7EA and
Dr Roointon E Pavri, who recently retired from GE earned Pavri a reputation as one of the industry’s top
Energy after 34 years of service, received the 2007 problem-solvers. GE awarded him the coveted Edison
award at the Jacksonville meeting. He remains active Engineering Award in 2004.
in the industry as a consultant (,
In presenting the award to Pavri, Co-chairman Larry
Flashberg said, “Dr Pavri personifies ‘extraordinary con-
tributions’ to this group. Over his long career, Roointon
has imparted valuable information and has provided
technical leadership both in a highly professional and
helpful manner.”
In accepting the award, the gracious Pavri said, “I
learned more from you than you learned from me. This
award means more to me than all the awards I won at
GE.” He added, “You really don’t learn anything about a
machine until you crawl over it.”
Pavri graduated from the University of Cincinnati in
1972 with a doctorate degree in aerospace engineer-
ing. His entire GE career revolved around gas turbines.
Over the years he wrote numerous technical papers and Dr Roointon E Pavri, the 2007 recipient of the Frame 6
received a half-dozen patents. User Group’s John F D Peterson Award for extraordinary
Shortly after graduation, Pavri was hired by the com- contributions both to the organization and the industry as
bustion group at GE’s Schenectady complex to do tur- a whole, is flanked by Co-chairs Jeff Gillis (left) and Larry
bine cooling assessments. Later he contributed to the Flashberg

6 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007

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15005 MINTZ LANE • HOUSTON, TX 77014

body following repair/replacement that, like fine wine, some compressor two units and new inner and outer
of the inlet screen during a previ- blades get better with age. floating seals. “Fit up like a glove,”
ous outage. The obvious lesson: A No user volunteered that he had he said.
thorough crawl-through inspection changed out stator blades that Group discussion on the topic
of your machine is necessary after weren’t damaged. Interestingly, ensued after Flashberg delivered the
each overhaul. Look for tools, rags, one reported replacing the rotor at message. A user asked, “When do
and anything else that should not be 109,000 hours (no details given) and you change TPs?” Consensus answer:
there. retaining the existing stator blades. When parts get so deformed or worn
The floor discussion continued Attendees agreed that they had not that it costs more to fix than replace.
with thoughts on fogging and wet observed any age-related changes to TPs with a thermal barrier coating
compression. One user said the fog- stator blades. (TBC) on the inside don’t necessarily
ging nozzles at his plant are located There was a brief exchange on last longer, but they’re easier to fix,
just downstream of the trash screen; compressor-blade coatings that offered one party to the discussion.
system has 15 nozzles. After two focused on their value for perfor- “Picture frames shrink over time, so
years of operation, some erosion is mance enhancement rather than for you have to pay attention to sealing,
evident on the first couple of com- protection against erosion/corrosion. said another.
pressor stages. Combustion system. Not much dis- A black-start question was raised
Regarding wet compression, six cussion on combustion. A couple of just before the turbine discussion
users indicated by show of hands attendees offered their experience in began. An attendee wanted to know
that they had systems installed. Most burning refinery off-gas with meth- how many in the group were so
indicated that they gained about a ane and hydrogen. One said anyone equipped. NERC (North American
megawatt when their system was in contemplating this should check the Electric Reliability Council) regula-
operation. One said his plant, at a olefin content; it tends to foul fuel tions require black-start capable
Southern California coastal location, nozzles. units to be on the organization’s
picked up 2.5 MW. The wet compres- Another reported burning natu- “black start” list.
sion system installed at that facility ral gas “right from the field” that By show of hands, four Frame 6B
is located behind the evap coolers contained 15% CO2. This unit was plants represented at the meeting
and operates 4500 hours annually; equipped with a DLN-1 combustion are capable of black starts. Use of a
up to 25 gpm of water is delivered to system that was meeting expecta- diesel/generator is typical to ensure
the spray nozzles at 1350 psig. tions. Yet another was firing gas this capability. One combined-cycle
A few more comments on the containing 70% hydrogen, but with a unit also has a diesel-powered boiler-
subject: (1) wet compression lowers diffusion burner. There were no prob- feed pump. Another has a GT exhaust
NO x, increases CO; (2) a problem lems to report. bypass damper that it is permitted to
with one system’s plunger pump was A user forced to change from base- operate in a black-start emergency.
noted with the suggestion that oth- load to intermediate-load service Turbine. Flashberg opened the tur-
ers pay close attention to detail on asked the group if the change would bine discussion with a caution from
maintenance to avoid same; (3) pres- adversely impact his DLN-1 combus- the user-group member involved
sure regulators require an annual tion system. One volunteered a “no.” in the second major. It had to do
overhaul to replace springs, O-rings, But that seemed to initiate a flood with machining associated with the
etc, which deteriorate in deminer- of discussion on the performance first-stage nozzle ring assembly and
alized-water service; (4) buildup of impacts of various operating philoso- nozzle support ring. Work on one
moisture in the cups of the lower phies and equipment upgrades. One unit was conducted by a third-party
IGVs is another potential problem snippet: NOx emissions doubled on a services provider; the OEM handled
to watch. unit following replacement of 12-hole the other unit. Fit-up of the indepen-
Shim migrat ion, a cond ition first-stage buckets with 16-hole dent’s work was perfect while rework
familiar to owners of 7EA and 7FA buckets. Engine had to be tuned and was required on the OEM’s effort.
machines, has been identified in the firing temperature decreased Point was not made to knock the
some Frame 6Bs. A user who expe- from 2020F to 1985F to bring emis- OEM but to make others aware that
rienced this at his plant said some sions back into compliance. no matter what a service provider’s
problematic shims were removed, Spurious trips attributed to faulty qualifications, mistakes can occur.
others clipped off to prevent a flow- flame-scanner operation came next. Users should redouble their efforts
path disturbance. For background A user reported that he had installed to check all work done offsite and be
on the subject, access the 1Q/2007 a purge-air line—consisting of 1-in.- sure it meets specifications before
issue at www.combinedcyclejournal. diam tubing and a needle valve— shipment back to the plant—this to
com/archives.html, click “CTOTF” on from the compressor to the scanners save both time and money.
the cover, and scroll to the “The back and that solved the problem. Philosophy on first-stage bucket
end” subhead on p 83. The Frame 6 user working on overhaul and replacement followed.
When to change-out compres- the second major reported in after At least one attendee representing
sor blades is a perennial question. finding cracks at the bases of some a starts-based unit suggested 24,000
A couple of users said their blades secondary fuel nozzles during the hours and replace. A couple of oth-
had operated for more than 125,000 inspection. Weld defects may have ers were of the opinion that operat-
service hours and looked fine. They been the cause, he said, but a formal ing for 24k, refurbishing, operating
asked, “Why change them? What’s analysis had yet to be done. for another 24,000 hours, and then
the fatigue life?” Transition pieces. He then offered a scrapping was a good plan. Another
A rotating machinery consultant positive report on replacement tran- said refurbish as necessary until you
in the room offered that if the blades sition pieces (TPs). His units had the reach 96,000 hours and then scrap.
were going to fail in fatigue, that “old style” TPs and inner and outer Obviously, type of service, fuel,
would occur within 10-million cycles; floating seals; one floating seal had and other factors influence such deci-
otherwise, “they may run forever.” fallen off each unit. Plant purchased sions. But the takeaway from this
From this comment, one could infer upgraded Nimonic 263 TPs for the portion of the discussion was that
8 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007

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CCJournal-October07.indd 1 7/28/07 2:42:32 AM


3. Avoid bucket rubs at slow speed

uring the OEM’s hot-gas-path presentation at the In Fig 3, the bucket’s forward rail appears intact and the
Jacksonville meeting, mention was made of the honeycomb shroud is in good condition. By contrast, Fig 4
need to avoid tip rubs at low speed because they shows that the aft rail is completely worn away; the bucket
are conducive to seal rail loss as well as bucket shroud shroud exhibits material loss as well. Note, too, the dam-
damage. One user brought a series of photographs to illus- age to the honeycomb seal (Fig 5).
trate the points made by the GE representative. The turbine was disassembled to get a closer look at
The photos are of a machine that began commercial the damage and make necessary repairs. Figs 6 and 7
operation in 1989 and had accumulated nearly 150,000 make it easier to see the condition of the forward and aft
fired hours of service over the years. New shroud blocks rails on the second-stage buckets. In Fig 8, pronounced
were installed about a year before the 2007 conference wear of the honeycomb material at the top of the shroud
in June and only had 6300 fired hours on them when the block was caused by the aft shroud rail, normal rubbing of
second-stage wear problem was documented. the honeycomb by the forward rail is at the bottom.
Vibration on startup, recorded at about 7 mils, dropped Wear at slow speed is conducive to deposition of
fairly quickly to about 4. An hour or so later it settled in bucket material on the shroud block (Fig 9). Such work-
at between 0.1 and 0.3 mils. Plant personnel thought the hardened deposits are “welded” to the honeycomb and
problem probably was related to thermal expansion—for chew up the blade shroud. Sometimes molten bucket
example, uneven stretching of tie bolts as they heat up. material travels downstream and is deposited on third-
During the first annual borescope inspection after stage nozzles (Fig 10).
restart with the new shroud blocks, severe bucket shroud Investigators found the casing was out of round by
damage was in evidence (Fig 1). Bucket shroud profile about 0.250 in. Practical solution for this plant was to
should follow the dashed line in the photo. Similar wear replace the honeycomb shroud blocks with solid blocks
on another second-stage bucket shroud is shown in Fig 2 and to open up the clearance between buckets and the
from a different angle. shroud block.

Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4

Fig 5


Forward Aft

Fig 6 Fig 7

Fig 8 Fig 9 Fig 10

10 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007

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users should keep an open mind three-hour session was held the Root cause: Fretting emanating
regarding refurbish/replace decisions morning of Day Two; a tour of the from cracks in a high stress area.
and let metallurgical examination be company’s Jacksonville repair facil- Investigators said failed blades
the determining factor. ity, conducted on the afternoon of were made by a non-OEM supplier.
Someone asked the group for opin- Day Three, was the last event on the A new technical information letter
ions on repair of casing cracks; he program. (TIL) was said to be in preparation
had a couple in the lower combustion- The presentation on performance at the time of the meeting.
chamber casing. Group suggestion enhancements for the Frame 6 GE redesigned the R1 blades
was metal stitching; welding of a described how the company leveraged several years ago; the new blades
ductile-iron casing was not an option. technology from its aircraft engine have been in commercial produc-
But mention was made that stitch- operation and from advanced frames tion since 2003. They feature an
ing, while effective, is a time-inten- to deliver uprates and upgrades of undercut platform that prevents
sive repair process. value to the customer. The Frame fretting. Recommendation was for
Generator. The generator discus- 6 has evolved dramatically since its users to change out blades in the
sion was highlighted by findings from introduction in 1978 with an 1850F first row.
the second major in progress. Inspec- turbine inlet temperature; the lat- n Shim migration. Attendees were
tion revealed oil in one of the genera- est commercial model operates at referred to TIL 1562. Shim migra-
tors. It was traced to plugged lines on 2084F. tion in the Frame 6 is similar to
bearing caps. Suggestion was that Uprating to 2084F requires that experienced by many Frame
after you replace the filters, snake upgraded first-stage nozzles with 7EA and 7FA owners and covered
out the lines. chordal hinge, the latest first-stage previously in the COMBINED
Pressure transmitters were buckets (directionally solidified CYCLE Journal. GE recommend-
installed on bearing return lines dur- advanced alloy, increased cooling), ed that users consider its proce-
ing the outage; signal is transmitted honeycomb seals, etc. dure for permanently attaching
to the DCS. An out-of-spec condition Other key points made: shims to the bases of adjacent sta-
is identified by audible alarm. Reason n High-pressure packing brush seal tor vanes.
this was done: It took several days for cannot be retrofitted into an old The ensuing hot-gas-path presenta-
operators to notice the sheared cou- inner barrel when the latter is tion focused on bucket tip clearances
pling on an evacuator pump. out of round—which is typical. and rotor life management. Attend-
Lube-oil practice, intervals. A couple Machining costs to accommodate ees were advised to avoid rubs at low
of users suggested a poll of the attend- the brush seal are close to the speed because they are conducive to
ees regarding lube-oil replacement cost of a new inner barrel with the seal rail loss as well as bucket shroud
practice and outage intervals. Most brush seal. damage—the latter caused by bucket
users pump out and clean their lube- n Redesigned 17 th -stage stator material deposited into shrouds. Such
oil sumps during a major. Only one did reduces structure sensitivity and damage has occurred on stages 2 and
it more frequently; about a quarter of prevents blade failure. It is sug- 3 (Sidebar 3). Recommendation was
the group less frequently, such as gested for sites with low ambient for owner/operators, or a contractor,
when the additive package is deplet- temperatures and for units with to take detailed clearance measure-
ed. Discussion continued on varnish water or steam injection or with ments on multiple shrouds. Correc-
issues, lube-oil testing, and how best modulating IGVs (for heat-recov- tion may involve casing jacking and
to control oil coolers. One user warned ery applications). redoweling to make it round again.
of a problem in using high-pressure n Tilted control curve allows you to Rotor life management is a subject
water to clean finfan coolers: It blew fire hotter on hot days when you of much debate in the industry today
off the fins on his cooler. need the power (increases the and of tremendous interest to Frame
The group reported by show of maintenance factor) and cooler 6 users because several owners have
hands that most users were conduct- on cooler days when you don’t passed the 175,000-hr mark. Some
ing combustor inspections (CIs) on (decreases the maintenance fac- users believe that the OEMs have
12,000-hr intervals; one was still at tor). Net change in maintenance arbitrarily decided on rotor lifetime
8000 hr, two at 24,000 hr, and one factor is zero. limits and will not be satisfied until
at 30,000. Most popular interval for n Implementation of the Extendor™ comprehensive reports that include
a hot-gas-path (HGP) inspection was “kit” permits extending combus- the manufacturers’ assumptions are
24,000 hours; a couple of users were tion inspection intervals to up to made available. They say the OEMs
doing theirs at 30,000. Regarding 24,000 hours. have told them their decisions have
major inspections, most were work- n Development of the DLN1+, which been made for “safety’s sake.” Such
ing on a 48,000-hr interval, one was is designed for 5-ppm NOx, contin- words, these vocal users continue,
at 60,000. Most interesting was the ues. may very well be a scare tactic and
user who said “infinity.” At his plant, Compressors. One of the OEM’s not really about safety at all.
they lift the lid at 48,000 and look compressor experts addressed two The GE presentation made men-
over the machine but don’t pull the areas of particular concern to Frame tion of a safety TIL (one requir-
rotor. If no problems in evidence, 6 users in his presentation: ing immediate attention) that will
replace the upper casing half and n R1 blade cracking. Fewer than be released later this year; it is
continue operating. a dozen incidences have been expected to suggest lifetime limits. A
reported throughout the fleet— rotor-life limiter of great concern on
OEM highlights all outside the US. Crack starts
below the platform and proceeds
starts-based machines is low-cycle-
fatigue cracking/fracture. Embrittle-
GE Energy brought a solutions team upward. Worst case: the airfoil ment over time may reduce fracture
that included six speakers to review releases. Crack may be visible toughness. Typical lifetime limits
modifications and upgrades of value before liberation occurs; visual mentioned are 200,000 factored
to owner/operators and to address inspections are recommended hours—including turning-gear oper-
specific concerns of attendees. The after every 25 starts. ation—and 5000 starts.
12 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
A “remaining life” evaluation “code” this sector of the industry
involves rotor disassembly and uses to communicate. Lucier says the
inspection. Current thinking is that Redundant acronyms are valuable in that they
an hours-based rotor in good condi- controllers abbreviate the conversation. He calls
tion after 200,000 factored hours of R it the “GE lingo.”
service can be certified by the manu- So, for the controlled variables
facturer for another 50,000 hours. above, TNH is the speed (N) of the
The rotor is rebuilt and returned. high-pressure (H) turbine (T) on two-
There would be no extension for a S shaft machines or the speed of the
starts-based machine—5000 factored only shaft on single-shaft machines.
starts is end of life. Units are revolutions per minute
Controls. Perhaps the most impor- (rpm) or percent of rated speed.
tant topic to users in this portion of Acceleration is in rpm/sec or % speed/
the GE session was support for age- sec. Percent speed extends from 0%
ing control systems. Many owners (0 rpm) to 100% (5100 rpm for the
still have Mark IV and V controls Frame 6). Extending the nomen-
and parts availability and service for clature to a two-shaft turbine, TNL
those systems will never be better would be the speed of the low-pres-
than they are today. Suggestion for 1. Mark IV control panel is char- sure turbine (not applicable to the
users with Mark IVe (enhanced) was acterized by two out of three voting Frame 6).
to upgrade to the VIe; ongoing sup- among redundant controllers ( R, S, T) TTX, the average exhaust tem-
port (repair only) for the IVe will be perature, is in units of degrees Fahr-
available only for five more years. systems was a valuable introductory enheit. The rate of change of exhaust
The Mark V was introduced in course for newcomers to the Frame temperature is deg F/sec. GE some-
1991 and production stopped at the 6 and a good refresher for others. It times uses TTXM; the M stands for
end of 2004. Replacement parts will began by answering these two ques- arithmetic mean—that is, the aver-
be available for seven years beyond tions: age of all active thermocouples in the
that, exchange/repair/replace for What must be controlled on GE gas turbine exhaust.
two more years, and the final time turbines? Answer: turbine shaft speed Air flow is in pounds of air per hour
to buy what’s left in inventory or to and rate of change of speed (shaft (flow is not actually measured). The
exchange/repair/replace up until a acceleration), exhaust temperature variable inlet guide vanes (IGVs) con-
year later. Retrofit options for the V and rate of temperature change, air trol air flow during startup, opera-
are the Ve, VI, or VIe. flow through the main axial-flow tion, and shutdown without actually
A concern of users was noted compressor. measuring and displaying the value.
regarding exhaust and wheel ther- Five minutes into Lucier’s “class” What devices do the controlling?
mocouples. The part material was you realize that you’re not going to Answer: In liquid-fuel operation, it
changed from stainless steel to Inc- pass this “course” unless you learn is a bypass valve (BPV). In gas-fuel
onel; the connector type was changed GE control terminology. For exam- operation, there are two valves piped
as well. Users say the new sheaths ple, Lucier first hits you with TNH. in series: a stop speed/ratio valve
are slightly larger, making them dif- Not even some- (SRV) and a gas control valve (GCV).
ficult to replace. one with a PhD in Finally, the variable IGVs provide
engineering would the air-flow control necessary to pro-

Training: Control, know what that is.

The bottom line:
tect the compressor against surge
and to maintain the desired exhaust-
protection systems Talking about con-
trol systems with
gas temperature during part-load
a knowledgeable Many Frame 6Bs in service, con-
Dave Lucier’s (Pond and Lucier LLC, troubleshooter is tinued Lucier, are equipped with
PAL Engineering) one-hour seminar impossible unless the Mark IV (1982-1989) or Mark V
on GE Energy control and protection you memorize the (1989-2000) control systems. Recall

2, 3. Mark IV operator panel (left) looks like an antique alongside a typical Mark V screen available only a few years later (right)
14 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
DRS is a leader in power technology.
In as little as 12 hours, our compressor
blade modification process prevents
wear and tear that can lead to costly
compressor failures in your power plant.
DRS’ solution helps you increase
up-time and provides a low-cost
alternative to replacing expensive
gas turbine equipment.
Call today for information on how
we can help you complete your
maintenance cycle on time and
on budget.

Working together, we can deliver

tomorrow's technology today.

Screw-type liquid-fuel pump


4. Screw-type liquid-fuel pump is driven by the turbine 5. Bypass valve position is adjusted by the Speedtronic™
through the accessory gearbox control panel

Speed/ratio valve Control valve

Flow divider


6. Flow-divider speed is proportional to fuel flow (left)

7. Stop speed/ratio valve and control valve, and their
servo valves, are key components in gaseous fuel systems

that the GE presenter for the con- will be in command. Goal is to pro- n Fuel pump (Fig 4) is driven by
trols portion of the OEM session duce power with the least amount of the turbine through the accessory
said these systems were good can- energy possible while always being gearbox.
didates for upgrade/replacement— able to protect the turbine by reduc- n Bypass valve position (Fig 5) is
particularly when applications ing fuel low should an adverse con- adjusted by the Speedtronic™
change or the turbines are moved to dition arise. control panel. Its job is to subtract
new locations. Before digging into liquid-fuel, fuel flow that you don’t want going
Lucier flashed a picture of the gas-fuel, and IGV control principles, to the combustor.
Mark IV control panel on the screen Lucier explained how the MVS logic n Flow-divider (Fig 6) speed is pro-
(Fig 1). The Mark IV was GE’s first worked, discussed TMR circuitry, and portional to fuel flow through the
venture into two-out-of-three voting reviewed temperature and pressure device.
enabled by triple modular redundan- profile diagrams for base-load opera- Nomenclature and components
cy (TMR) design. Note the R (top), S tion. The graphs of temperature and identified, Lucier conducted a short
(middle), and T (bottom) controllers pressure were included on a diagram clinic to show attendees how to cali-
on the door. Comparing the Mark of the engine to give users a visual brate the liquid-fuel flow rate, run-
IV operator panel in Fig 2 with the sense of machine thermodynamics. ning through calculations of flow rate
Mark V screen in Fig 3 illustrates Also of particular value to the first- for light-off, FSNL, and base load.
how rapidly control systems evolved timers were GT startup curves that Gas-fuel control principles. Lucier
in only a few years. plotted speed, exhaust temperature, began this portion of the tutorial
IGV angle, and fuel-stroke reference with a simplified flow diagram that
Control principles (FSR, the signal representing 0 to
100% of the fuel valve stroke) from the
identified the three gas pressures of
importance: P1, the supply pressure,
About half of Lucier’s presenta- starting of engine auxiliaries through measured just ahead of the gas stop
tion focused on control principles. full-speed/no-load (FSNL). speed/ratio valve (SRV); P2, the pres-
He began with an overview on Liquid-fuel control principles. Fuel sure in the fuel line just ahead of the
the subject, the key point being flow is proportional to bypass valve gas control valve (GCV) and down-
the OEM’s minimum-value-select position and fuel pump speed. In stream of the SRV (Fig 7); P3, the
(MVS) philosophy. In simple terms mathematical terms, FFN (flow pressure in the ring manifold serving
that means the control sub-system divider speed) = f (%FSR) × (%TNH). all combustors, is downstream of the
“calling for” the least amount of fuel The following are important to note: GCV. Important to note is that P2
16 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
is the pressure controlled to assure
the correct fuel pressure to the GCV.
Lucier concluded this lesson, as he
did for the liquid-fuel portion, by
showing the users how to calibrate
the speed/ratio valve.
IGV control principles. As mentioned
earlier, the purpose of the IGVs is to
control the flow of air entering the
compressor. Lucier ran through a
couple of control loops to show how Inlet guide vane
the system works and then moved on
to protection systems. IGV operation
and maintenance, including a “how
to” on setting IGV angle, is another
presentation in PAL’s arsenal. IGV actuator
Charlie Pond, Lucier’s partner in
the firm, recently conducted an IGV
clinic at another user-group meet-
ing. Access to that presentation is IGV angle indicator
via the CTOTF’s free Internet Bul-
letin Board Communication Ser-
vice ( After
logging on to the bulletin board,
scroll to the COMBINED CYCLE
8-10. Inlet guide vanes control the flow of air entering the compressor. IGV
Journal Forum for the topic entitled
angle indicator is shown alongside the vane actuator
“PAL’s Guide to Variable Inlet Guide
Vanes.” Alternatively, you can access
the presentation directly at http:// n Low hydraulic pressure. n Troubleshooting. n Generator lock-outs. n Verifying engine cleanliness and the
VIGVPAL.pdf. Lucier next noted that protection absence of foreign materials (tools,
Protection systems. Lucier began by systems are configured as energize to rags, parts, etc) after an outage.
identifying the four primary protec- run, de-energize to trip. He then dis- Proper conduct of timely OEM-
tions and typical settings. They are: cussed GE’s so-called “redundancy by recommended inspections, continued
n Overspeed. Setting on the elec- association” concept. What this means Shidler, requires that technicians
tronic overspeed generally is 110% is that when operating on liquid fuel be familiar with both the specific
TNH; mechanical, 112% TNH. and the stop valve closes, the bypass engine model and with the vendor’s
n High exhaust temperature. Nomi- valve opens to enable full recircu- requirements. For GE machines,
nal setting is around 1000F. lation—thereby diverting fuel that this demands working knowledge of
n Loss of flame. would go to the combustors. For gas any applicable technical information
n Vibration. Limits usually are set fuel, when the stop valve closes, the letters (so-called TILs). He stressed
at about 1 in./sec and 5 mils peak- gas control valve also closes immedi- thorough documentation of findings
to-peak. ately. On a unit trip, IGVs immediate- to ensure correct engineering dispo-
Secondary protections include ly move toward the closed position— sition.
those listed below, and others as this to prevent compressor surge. Baseline inspections are par-
required or as requested by the PAL offers comprehensive O&M ticularly important, Shidler said,
owner/operator: seminars on a regular basis. On- because they document the condition
n Low lube-oil pressure. demand onsite training also is an of the unit as received by the owner
n High lube-oil header tempera- option. Visit for from the manufacturer. Items identi-
ture. details. fied during this inspection normally
are repaired under warranty or are
Technology updates: Borescope covered by the warranty in excess of
the standard one-year provided with
inspection, GT component repairs most new equipment. Documentation
developed during the baseline inspec-
tion also lets users know whether

he presentation by Rod Shi- n Planning for maintenance and out- subsequent damage found during
dler and Rick Ginder (Advanced ages. annual inspections was present since
Turbine Support Inc, ATS) was start up or if a review of operating
of particular value to first-timers procedures is in order.
unfamiliar with the Frame 6B and/ Periodic inspections—annual is
or with the benefits of remote visual typical—allow owner/operators to
inspection using a borescope. Shidler chart unit condition over time and to
opened by reviewing how borescop- identify any damage caused by rubs,
ing can benefit the owner/operator. foreign objects in the gas stream, cor-
Examples included the following: rosion pitting, deposits, cracks, coat-
n Conducting inspections recommend- ing loss, and component wear, move-
ed by the OEM without having to ment, or loss.
remove the upper casing half. General condition assessment of
n Trending of engine condition. Shidler Ginder the 6B would include inspection of
18 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
compressor, combustion system, tur- rotating blades. These are the com- the outage plan.
bine, and possibly the generator. One ponents most susceptible to foreign- An experienced borescope team
focus of the compressor inspection: object damage, erosion/corrosion, etc. has a solid value proposition in
inlet guide vanes and the first-stage Inspection results are factored into troubleshooting. It often can identify
the cause or causes of such things as
(1) high vibration, (2) high (or low)
exhaust-temperature spread, (3) NOx
compliance issues, and (4) unit trips.
Regarding the last, the team
generally can identify damage asso-
ciated with a full-load trip if any
has occurred. Some things past
inspections have revealed include
combustor damage attributed to a
flash-back, rubs or bent blades and/
or vanes resulting from compressor
surge, and rubs and seal and tip dam-
age in the turbine.
Perhaps the most instructive part
11-12. Borescope is not necessary to identify damage associated with inlet of the ATS presentation was the
guide vanes (IGVs). At left, note rubbing on the bellmouth; bent IGV is at right

13-14. Compressor rotor blades exhibit leading-edge ero- 15-16. Compressor rubs and rotor-blade tip damage are
sion, most probably from water or solid particles. First-stage shown at left and right
blade is at left, second-stage blade at right

17-18. Combustion inspection revealed melted crossfire 19-20. Turbine first-stage nozzle cracking is relatively
tube (left) and cracked transition piece (right) easy to identify in these photos

21. Turbine first-stage bucket coat- 22-23. Inspection of the second-stage nozzle row reveals minor damage to
ing is cracked and degraded the discourager seal located between those nozzles and the first-stage buckets
(left). Trailing-edge cracking on second-stage nozzle is at right
20 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
6B photo collection presented by what does it really mean? Nagy n Power generation is an unregu-
Shidler. Most pictures were taken offered a simplistic, meaningful defi- lated industry. Hence, no industry
remotely so they offered attendees nition: Meets all requirements. “High standards for repairs to land-
a primer both on the types of dam- quality” is a common term, he contin- based engines exist as they do for
age experienced by the fleet and ued, but the modifier “high” is irrel- flight engines. Each vendor, in
on how to “read” borescope photos. evant: The product or service is either effect, has its own standards.
Figs 11-16 are of compressor dam- “quality,” and meets all requirements, n Shop backlog and final negoti-
age, Figs 17 and 18 reflect findings or it is not quality because it does not ated price can adversely impact
during combustor inspections, Figs meet all requirements. vendor decisions regarding the
19-23 show turbine damage, and the Quality typically is controlled use of cost- and/or time-saving
remaining two issues identified with in component repair by the use of methods/procedures that may not
the generator. specifications for materials, repair benefit the GT owner. Similarly,
processes and limits, dimensions, not allowing sufficient lead time
GT component future serviceability, deliv- for repairs before outage dates
repairs: Why ery schedule, and cost. The
primary goal of your spec
encourages poor vendor decisions.
n Depth of knowledge and experi-
value matters should be to ensure that ence can vary widely among alter-
the repair is reliable, with native vendors and over time in a
Doug Nagy’s (Liburdi Tur- minimum risk of service given vendor’s shop. This includes
bine Services Inc, LTS) pre- problems, and that it will both professional (metallurgists,
sentation was particular- behave similar to the origi- engineers, etc) and skilled craft
ly valuable for managers nal new part during the (welders, machinists, etc) posi-
charged with making repair/ next service interval. tions. Personnel turnover is some-
replace decisions on hot-gas- Examples of poor qual- thing every owner should evalu-
path (HGP) components and ity, he continued, include ate in the due diligence process.
with selecting an appropriate shop the following: n Careful review of vendor documen-
when repair is the route selected. It n Welding in inappropriate areas— tation regarding quality assur-
also was an eye-opener for newcom- that is, repair limits are exceed- ance is particularly important. An
ers. The meticulous Nagy indoctri- ed. owner also should conduct a facil-
nated them on the importance of n Welding with an inferior alloy— ity walk-through to confirm that
rigorous due diligence in evaluating for example, one that does not written procedures are indeed
repair shops, of proper coating selec- meet strength and/or hardness part of the shop culture.
tion and application, and of uncom- specs. n Audits to assure that best-avail-
promising quality. n Coating material is inappropriate able technologies are integrated
Many attendees had to return home for preventing oxidation/corrosion into repair processes and that
convinced that formal training in basic under the specified service condi- shop personnel are qualified to
metallurgy, HGP repair technologies, tions. those technologies are at least
and quality control was a prerequisite n Coating application process is out equal in importance to the preced-
for advancement in the plant O&M of spec—for example, coating is ing points.
hierarchy. To that end, a popular too thick or too thin. The penalty a user pays for poor
introductory course on GT compo- n Critical dimensions are not fully quality can be significant if engine
nent metallurgy and refurbishment restored. availability is adversely impacted
is offered periodically by the ASME’s n All defects are not identified and/ when power demand is high. Early
International Gas Turbine Institute, or corrected. removal of repaired parts that did
Atlanta. It typically is co-located with An obvious question: Why does not meet expectations is bad enough,
a major industry meeting, such as the poor quality happen and where should but if the parts fail in service and
society’s annual Turbo-Expo. users focus their attention when eval- there is collateral damage, a machine
“Quality” is a word you hear from uating suppliers and work in progress? could be out of service for weeks.
virtually every salesperson when Nagy offered these comments after Sometimes off-spec repairs may
evaluating a product or service. But cautioning “caveat emptor”: prevent parts from being repaired
again, at the end of the next service
run. This means new parts will have
to be purchased sooner than planned
and component life-cycle cost will
increase. Likewise, a vendor lacking
in knowledge, experience, and the
latest equipment may have a lower
yield of repaired parts than a top
shop. Purchase of new parts to com-
plete a set can increase the cost of the
total project beyond that expected.
Once “quality” is under control,
users should consider component
repair “value” instead of “cost,” said
Nagy. Value, in his view, includes
the following:
n A high yield of repaired parts.
24-25. Generator inspection revealed migration of insulation between end n Repairs that permit future repair-
windings on the exciter end of the generator rotor (left) and dirty end windings ability—multiple service inter-
with torn wrapping material (right) vals—of parts.
COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007 21
27. First-stage
bucket for 7EA
will be rejuvenat-
ed after 92,000
hours of service
with the expecta-
tion of complet-
ing another cycle
and retiring at
around 116,000
confirming the
26. Conventional weld repair of HPT blade shrouds (left) looked like this after value of extend-
13,000 hours of operation; upgraded extended-life repairs (right) remained “like ed-service-life
new” after 24,000 hours repairs
thereby promoting longer life.
n Second- and third-stage repairs,
upgrades that extend component
Nagy then ran through some
“back-of-the-envelope” calculations
for Frame 6B bucket “value” reju-
venation compared to conventional
repairs. Rejuvenation typically rang-
es from 15% to 25% of the price of
new parts. Three repairs would get a
user two full service intervals for—at
most—75% of the cost of replacement
28. Service-exposed material from a directionally solidified first-stage bucket buckets. Keep in mind that the two
(left) must undergo “full-solution” heat treatment (right) to rejuvenate the gam- service intervals also would include
ma-prime phase of the D111 alloy two conventional “strip and recoat”
repairs at 10% to 15% of the “new”
price. Lastly, there is the cost of new-
bucket purchase after one or two
recoat repairs.
The bottom line: The “effective”
cost of achieving 100,000 service
hours with “value” rejuvenations
would be about half the cost of con-
ventional repairs and associated
parts replacement.
Heat treatment, like quality, means
different things to different people
and must be clearly defined in specifi-
29. Nozzles after 48,000 hours of service (left) exhibit areas with large cracks. cations. Nagy said that a convention-
These were repaired with Liburdi’s proprietary high-strength LPM material. After al repair may be heat treated with
92,000 hours, areas where cracks were repaired show little recracking and a “partial solution”—that is, only a
sometimes none. LPM material can be re-repaired to further extend service life fraction of the alloy’s creep strength
is restored. Usually the upper limit
n Operational risk reduction by the cost only about 20% more to repair of such restoration is around 50% of
“resetting” of design safety mar- than those at the left. the original creep strength. Thus
gins. n First-stage bucket rejuvenation partial-solution heat treatments are
n “Upgrade” repairs that make com- and internal coating to promote of questionable benefit and even the
ponents “better than new” by cor- life extension (Fig 27). The 7EA best processes may not recover suf-
recting weaknesses in the original first-stage bucket pictured has ficient strength on a second repair
design. 92,000 hours of service and will to assure problem-free operation
Some examples offered as “value” be repaired for yet another ser- through the next cycle.
repairs are these: vice cycle. After this third cycle, By contrast, a “full-solution” heat
n Shrouded-blade weld repair, an the bucket will have doubled its treatment using a hot isostatic pro-
upgrade that extends component expected service life. Nagy calcu- cess (HIP) fully rejuvenates alloy
life (Fig 26). To illustrate: Conven- lated the cost saving attributed to creep strength. You pay a premium
tional weld repair of shroud edges “value” repairs on buckets for this for this procedure because furnace
for RB211 (Rolls-Royce) high- customer’s four-unit fleet at more time is longer than for a partial treat-
pressure turbine (HPT) blades than $5 million over six years. ment and there is the added HIP cost.
after 13,000 hours of operation n Nozzle repairs using Liburdi’s pat- Metallurgically speaking, proper full-
are at left; upgraded extended-life ented high-strength powder-metal- solution rejuvenation would “reset”
repairs using advanced filler met- lurgy (LPM) repair process results component microstructure to a virtu-
als (right) seem almost new after in repair joints that are stronger ally as-new condition (Fig 28).
24,000 hours. Blades at the right than the original cobalt castings, A significant requirement of reju-
22 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
venation is the shop’s ability to Upper casing
remove the internal coatings to allow No. 3 shaft and
full-solution heat treatment, then to gear assembly No. 3 shaft and gear assembly (inboard)
replace the coatings. Note that inter- (outboard)
nal coatings are sensitive to damage No. 2 shaft
if excessively heat-treated. Nagy
claimed that Liburdi was one of very
few companies in the industry with
long-term success in removing and
reapplying internal coatings. No. 1 shaft
In rare cases, he continued, an
alloy may not respond to heat treat-
ment and components must be Lower
scrapped. This typically is associ-
ated with old alloys manufactured to
marginal quality standards. Users
can avoid such surprises through
proper qualification testing of rep-
resentative alloy samples before and
after heat treatment. Your repair
specifications should be written
around final alloy creep strength and
proper precipitate microstructure
as opposed to simple certification of
times and temperatures. Clutch operating
Regarding internal coatings, Nagy mechanism assembly
had this to say: Use of internal coat-
ings depends on the manufacturer’s Overspeed trip
Starting clutch
capabilities and design require-
ments. Frame 6B first-stage buckets
are coated internally, but second- 30. Jaw clutches were a standard issue on starting and turning gear drives for
stage buckets are not. Originally, GE Energy gas turbines until well into the 1990s
he continued, nozzles were uncoated
to facilitate weld repair. But today
many users are coating R1 nozzles
and the latest nickel-alloy R2 noz-
zles also are coated with a simple
aluminide system (Fig 29). Finally,
Nagy reflected, internal coatings are
expensive; if the designer specified
one, respect its value.

Upgrades: Clutches,
exhaust plenums
Piston-rod travel

Company Inc, SSS) is no 31. Air cylinders arranged horizontally provide the power to engage (left) and
ordinary company president. disengage (right) the jaw clutch. Note that total piston travel is only one inch
He still gets his hands dirty and he
remains one of the industry’s most wide by that time. The SSS became
knowledgeable people when it comes standard hardware on the 6B in the
to the firm’s primary product—a latter half of the 1990s.
synchronous self-shifting clutch. The jaw clutch essentially became
Hendry has spent more than three a liability for many owners as the
decades—virtually his entire profes- merchant power business ramped
sional career—designing, manufac- up. Primary reason: Following a unit
turing, installing, and maintaining trip, this type of clutch cannot be re-
SSS clutches, which was quite evi- engaged to restart the GT until the
dent from his presentation before the 32. Jaw clutch, damaged during rotor coasts down to 0 rpm (some-
Frame 6 Users Group. startup, must be replaced thing that may never happen dur-
Hendry was invited to participate ing a windstorm). Thus if a startup
in the organization’s annual meeting First some background: Jaw clutch- were aborted for any reason—loss of
because swapping out jaw clutches es were a standard issue on starting flame, vibration trip, high exhaust
on 6Bs with SSS clutches can con- and turning gear drives for GTs pro- temperature, etc—it would be about
tribute to the bottom lines of many duced by GE Energy until about the 15 minutes before a restart could be
plants by improving their operation- mid 1990s (Figs 30, 31). More than attempted. Such operational inflex-
al flexibility. 7500 had been commissioned world- ibility could get expensive during
COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007 23
33, 34. Exhaust-
plenum compart-
ment temperature
can approach
that of the tur-
bine exhaust
when insulation
becomes inef-
fective or is lost.
Doors for the com-
partment at left
were deformed by
the heat and had
to be removed;
blistering is evident
on those at right

Junction box
for exhaust
Expansion joint leads
To HRSG (protected by
metal cover) Patch
35. Exhaust leaks are most common in first-generation exhaust plenums when insulation pans distort from unit cycling
and general wear and tear. Circle in A identifies location of hole seen clearly in B with plenum maintenance lights turned
off. Exhaust gas streaming through hole “cooked” the junction box for exhaust thermocouple leads mounted on exterior
wall (C). Plate welded to the plenum serves as a patch

periods of peak demand. the sliding half, to ensure proper exhaust plenums on about a dozen
The SSS clutch, by contrast, can be engagement and operation and units because of metal deterioration.
re-engaged once the rotor speed slows to facilitate installation. The SSS Two of these users shared their experi-
to 500 rpm—or about five minutes should be considered as an alter- ences with the group, showing dozens
after a trip at rated speed. Further, native to a replacement in kind, of before/after photos in the process.
engagement is automatic (there is no despite its higher cost, Hendry said, The editors were told that there
servo control system) and the robust because of its operational flexibil- are only two suppliers of replacement
SSS requires minimal maintenance. ity and robustness. It can contribute plenums for the Frame 6B: GE Ener-
Other shortcomings of the jaw positively to the bottom line and save gy Services and Braden Manufactur-
clutch may include the following: on maintenance costs as well. More ing LLC, Tulsa. David Clarida (david.
n Won’t slide on the torque-convert- than 15% of the 6B fleet currently is, 678-687-5194), GE’s
er shaft splines because of wear, equipped with SSS clutches. CHROEM™ product line leader, pre-
dirt, rust, etc. The SSS clutch should be pur- sented on his company’s replacement
n Does not properly engage because chased through GE, Hendry advised, inlet and exhaust systems; Jeff Trost
of wear, or only partially engages so the shaft interfaces can be made (, 918-274-2454),
teeth, thereby damaging the compatible with the specific turbine. Braden’s general manager for global
clutch on startup (Fig 32). The Remainder of the presentation retrofit and aftermarket projects,
clutch also may fail to engage focused on how the SSS clutch works was available at the vendor fair to
when the actuation pistons are (access this information at www.sss- answer questions.
leaking (not holding) or have, programmable altera- It seems relatively easy to know
sheared off because of misalign- tions required for the various gen- when an exhaust plenum must be
ment. Obviously, if the clutch does erations of GE control systems from replaced. A couple of indicators:
not engage, the start is aborted. Mark I through Mark VI, and instal- Peeling paint and warped exhaust-
n Limit switch is grounded (open), or lation details. compartment doors; metal tempera-
has moved out of position because ture of the exhaust-plenum enclosure
of high vibration or clutch hang- How to replace an approaching the exhaust tempera-
ture; load-gear compartment too hot
up, and the GT will not start.
If a jaw clutch is damaged, the
exhaust plenum to go near, let alone go in.
OEM recommends replacing the Five participants in the Jacksonville Industry experience suggests that
entire component, rather than just meeting said they had to replace when the marginally designed first-
24 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
Conference & Exposition
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tion, now in its 16th year, is the original and premier
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place to discuss and resolve steam-plant design, con-
is at
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Engine forums More than just
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Zero Liquid
FT-8 Discharge/
LM6000 Environmental
Frame 5 Preparedness
Frame 7 Generators
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Details at
The Complete Turbine Forum for Users by Users
as they become available
36. Insulation
pan (left) shows
Expansion joint patches to replace
sections damaged
by thermal cycling.
Through-bolts Insulation sucked To
out through cracks HRSG
is replaced before
patch is installed

37. Third-gen-
eration exhaust
plenum is charac-
Diffuser terized by floating
liners (right)

Exhaust frame
39. So-called “hot flanges” are
Diffuser a characteristic of first-generation
Insulation pan exhaust-plenum designs
Floating liner on exhaust plenum floor

38. Floor liners (floating at left, insulation pan at right) illustrate one difference
between first- and third-generation exhaust-plenum designs

generation exhaust plenums have First-generation exhaust plenums

been in service for about a decade, are well known for their ability to
safety and other considerations keep welders busy. Fig 36 shows sev-
generally dictate replacement. To eral patches in the “insulation pan”
illustrate: The doors on the exhaust- that serves as both the aft wall of the
plenum compartment at one plant plenum and the forward wall of the 40. One improvement of third-gener-
were removed because they warped load-gear compartment. To simplify ation plenums is cold flanges
badly and could no longer be closed explanation, think of an insulation
(Fig 33). Plenum skin temperature pan as a fabricated metal container tion, and then welding in a patch.
was estimated at 800F. Excessive containing insulation that is held One user described the load-gear
heat also had damaged the doors on against the outer shell with through compartment as an enclosed space
the other unit at the site (Fig 34). bolts. Designers intended the pans to formed by the aft exhaust-plenum
The second user presenting illus- grow thermally and seal against each insulation pan described above on
trated other problems resulting from other. First-generation pans typi- one side and the generator shield on
leakage of hot exhaust gas. In Fig cally were 3 to 4 in. deep and stuffed the other. An insulated roof, back
35A, it’s difficult to see the hole in the with mineral wool. wall, and front access door complete
plenum wall (circle) because of main- Normal thermal stresses “worked” the sound-proof room. Such a tight
tenance lighting inside the exhaust the sheet metal and, over time, it space is difficult to maintain at a per-
plenum. Turn off the lights and day- cracked in places where expansion/ sonnel-accessible temperature under
light is clearly visible (Fig 35B). contraction was constrained. Insula- the best conditions, impossible when
Note that the hole is adjacent to tion was sucked through the cracks; insulation is missing from the ple-
the covered expansion joint that con- in this instance it traveled into the num’s aft-wall pan. At this location,
nects the plenum to the heat-recov- HRSG and contributed to plugging of compartment temperature exceeded
ery steam generator (HRSG). Hot gas finned tubes. 250F on occasion. Such high ambi-
coming through that hole “cooked” Thermal breakdown of the binders ent temperatures contributed to var-
the junction box for the exhaust- used in mineral-wool manufacture nish formation on the gearing, which
thermocouple leads mounted on the facilitated aspiration of the insula- reduces the 5100-rpm output of the
outside of the plenum (Fig 35C). A tion. The result was a pan without 6B GT to the 3600 rpm required by
steel plate was welded to the plenum insulation in some areas, thereby the generator.
to plug the hole. creating hot spots that accelerated 6B exhaust system arrangement.
Another experience: All insula- wear and tear. Hot spots in the aft- Some 6B users are relatively unfa-
tion from under the plenum went wall insulation pan caused excessive miliar with their exhaust systems
missing and radiant heat caused temperatures in the load-gear com- because the focus of maintenance
the No. 2 turbine bearing to move. It partment; hot spots in other pans activities is in the money end of
moved just enough to jam the rotor, contributed to high exhaust-plenum the plant (engine and generator);
so operators couldn’t restart the unit skin temperatures. “Normal” pan relatively little time is spent tending
immediately after a trip. They had to maintenance consisted of cutting sheet metal. Same is true for users
wait about a day until the unit cooled out the section metal containing the at some Frame 5 and 7 installations,
down enough to free up the rotor. crack, restuffing the pan with insula- which have similar exhaust systems.
COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007 27
Clarida discussed the OEM’s lat-
est design for the third-generation 65%
6B plenum assembly (Fig 37) and 64%
82% 76%
compared it to earlier generations.
He characterized the first-genera-
tion plenums as those with insula- 68% 49%
tion pans; second generation, float-
ing liners; and the current third 55%
generation as those with both float-
ing liners and additional enhance-
Clarida described floating liners 56% 49%
as individual solid stainless-steel 65% 78%
components supported by stand-offs
welded to the outer shell. Liners 76%
are designed to grow (thermally)
independent of each other and cre-
ate a continuous “floating seal” that 41. Skin-temperature reductions possible by replacing a first-generation
protects the outer shell from the hot exhaust plenum with a third-generation design are dramatic. Percent reductions
gases inside the plenum assembly. at various points on both the aft (left) and forward walls (right) were calculated
Fig 38 (left) shows the floating liner from data gathered for a 2007 project
for the exhaust plenum floor; at right
is the first-generation insulation pan
in the same location.
One of the issues with the origi-
nal pan design was so-called “hot
flanges” (Fig 39). Explanation: Ther-
mal growth of a pan’s exposed sur-
faces does not match that of the outer
perimeter, thereby causing distortion
along that perimeter. Gaps occur
between pans, allowing hot exhaust
gases to contact the outer shell; dis-
tortion and cracking result.
Floating liners have “cold flanges”
(Fig 40), which are characterized by
field-installed wrapped insulation
pillows and liner plates. This design
42. Skin-temperature reduc- 43. Welder does prep work to accom-
creates a continuously “sealed” ther-
tions similar to those reported by modate new exhaust plenum which can
mal insulation barrier conducive to a
the OEM and presented in Fig 41 be installed without removing the diffuser.
cooler interface.
have been confirmed as well by Note ductwork leading to HRSG in back-
Typical skin-temperature reduc-
Braden for its retrofit plenum ground
tions achieved by third-generation
exhaust plenums, compared to those
of the first generation, are dramatic. retrofit plenum (Fig 42) compared to Perhaps a better source for design
GE collected data shown in Fig 41. the OEM’s first-generation design. detail and performance data is “Ret-
Similar skin-temperature reduc- Some of this information can be rofit Solutions for Exhaust Systems:
tions are reported by Braden for its found at Plenums, Wings, Cowls & Expansion

44-45. Lower half of exhaust frame remains in place at left after top half is removed (right) to access bearing and
replace insulation
28 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007
Joints,” which was made available is at the back of the tunnel. Note that
to 6B users attending the vendor an insulation pan surrounds the load
fair in Jacksonville. The publication tunnel to protect it against the high-
attributes a portion of the company’s temperature exhaust gas.
success to a new insulation design. It Managing replacement of the
replaced 3 in. of mineral wool with exhaust plenum can be challeng-
4.5 in. of more efficient ceramic-fiber ing. Careful planning is particularly
insulation compressed to 4 in. A new important if you want things to go
liner design prevents the possibility smoothly, said one of the present-
of aspiration. ing users. Thoroughly interview the
Exhaust section arrangement. Vital competing vendors. Have each visit
to conducting a successful exhaust- the plant for a walk-through inspec-
plenum replacement is knowledge tion to identify any issues that might
of how the equipment impacted is impact project schedule and cost. Ask
arranged. for a plan describing how the project
In Fig 43, with the old exhaust 46. Load tunnel is exposed during will be conducted, special require-
plenum removed, the exhaust dif- major inspection; load gear is pro- ments, etc. Get references and call
fuser is at the left, and the welder is tected by tarp at left them. Don’t repeat the mistakes of
leaning against the exhaust frame. the past; learn from the experiences
A close-up of the lower half of the num to the HRSG. of others.
exhaust frame is in Fig 44 and the The turbine shaft passes through Personnel. Inquire as to the qualifi-
top in Fig 45. Note the “pipe-within- the No. 2 bearing and bolts to the cou- cations of supervisory personnel and
a-pipe” design. The inner cylinder pling on the load gear, which is under verify credentials with references. If
holds the No. 2 turbine bearing in the protective tarp in Fig 46. The two the retrofit manager has never done
place; exhaust gas passes through large pipes in the middle of the photo a similar project, dig into related
the annulus between the inner and provide cooling air to the load tunnel experience. After a background
outer cylinders and flows to the dif- (Fig 47). In that picture, the No. 2 check, if you don’t have complete con-
fuser. Gas exits through the diffuser bearing is hidden by the shaft cou- fidence and trust in the person pro-
and is directed by the exhaust ple- pling. Aft wall of the exhaust plenum posed, do not accept him (or her). It

Insulation pan



Turbine shaft

47. Load tunnel is protected from the high-temperature 48. Skin temperature of replacement plenum is less than
exhaust by insulation pan 250F, more than 500 deg F lower than it was on the one

COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007 29

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probably will be difficult to find craft

labor with specific exhaust-plenum
retrofit experience, so it is imperative

for the supervisor to have it. This
does not mean that you can forget
craft qualifications. Check them, too,
particularly the welders.
Materiel. One presenter said the
Frame 6
new plenum was received in mul-
tiple truck shipments and in many Users Group
pieces—several requiring a crane to
offload. This was inconvenient given
all the other things going on during
a major outage. Message here is to
prepare appropriate laydown space,
expect several deliveries, and sched-
ule crane time.
Both users stressed several times June
the value of knowledgeable supervi-
sion and labor. One said the avail-
ability of suitable craft labor was the
biggest challenge. The two general
foremen assigned to the project were
excellent and once proper labor was
available the retrofit was completed
within a week and there were essen-
tially no follow-up issues.
Results. The user opting for the
non-OEM exhaust-plenum retrofit
said the project went smoothly and
met expectations. Skin temperature
of the replacement plenum now is Be sure to mark your calendar!
less than 250F (Fig 48). The other Check
user reported that there were still
unresolved issues on his project. for more information as it becomes available

30 COMBINED CYCLE JOURNAL, Third Quarter 2007

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